"Cherche la femme", or Who is this mysterious stranger? How to translate Cherche la femme from French

In the section on the question of how to translate Cherche la femme asked by the author Nikolaev the best answer is Translated from French it is "Look for a woman"
Cherche la femme
Look for a woman, ladies and gentlemen,
when trouble comes to you.
All because of a woman there is strife,
all because of the women.
And if your career collapses,
and the main "bridge" was burned to the ground,
that means in this dirty business
The lady took part.
Please note, lords and messires,
fate is insidious, even evil.
And woe is it if they come to your apartment
a strange woman entered.
Look for a woman, my lords,
search a woman, ..

Answer from Lisa Mmm[guru]
La femme... ice cream. . xD

Answer from Abandon[guru]

Answer from Flush[guru]
Cherchez la femme (Cherche la femme) is a French expression that literally means “look for a woman.” In the sense that when a person behaves unusually or the motivation for his actions is unclear, the reason may be his attempt to hide an illicit affair with a woman, or to impress or ingratiate himself with a woman. That is, according to the speaker of this phrase, the cause of the event, disaster, crime is a woman.
The expression became popular thanks to the 1854 novel “The Mohicans of Paris” by Alexandre Dumas the Father, where the phrase “Cherchez la femme, pardieu!” Cherchez la femme!” is a saying of a Parisian police official. The phrase is repeated several times in the novel.
In 1864, Dumas wrote a play of the same name based on the novel, which contains the following phrase: “Il y a une femme dans toutes les affaires; aussitôt qu’on me fait un rapport, je dis: “Cherchez la femme!” (In every case there is a woman; as soon as they bring me a report, I say, “Look for the woman!”).
Dumas used an expression that was actually used by the famous French police official Gabriel de Sartine (1729-1801). De Sartine, in turn, paraphrased the thought of the Roman poet Juvenal: his satire says that “there is hardly a lawsuit in which the cause of the quarrel would not be a woman.”
The expression was widely known in Russia in the 19th century, where even its local variants were born.

Cherchez la femme - (Cherche la femme) is a French expression that literally means “look for a woman.” In French this is... Their proverb. Yes, you’ve heard it more than once: “Cherche la femme,” but in our opinion, “Look for a woman.” The French phrase c’est la vie, or selyavi (ce la vie) in Russian transcription, translates as “such is life.”

There is a theory - all the evil in the world comes from women. Translation from French - “This is life”, literally. But in our Russian language it is customary to use, and this is exactly how we pronounce this phrase - “Such is life.” I would just like to add that in Russian colloquial language these words, and specifically in French pronunciation, are usually used as a symbol of something that happened contrary to plans or desires.

In this case, the speaker hints that there were amorous affairs involved. The popular expression came to Russia thanks to the novel “The Mohicans of Paris” by Alexandre Dumas the Father, who subsequently wrote a play with the same name based on this work.

What does “cherche la femme” mean and where did this popular expression come from?

It is generally accepted that Sartine gleaned this wisdom from the works of Juvenal. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Ceasing to be an object of their manipulation is a solvable task that requires basic care when communicating with these neighbors on the planet.

How did they learn about “Cherche la femme” in Russia?

Dumas used an expression that was actually used by the famous French police official Gabriel de Sartine (1729-1801). He turned his bandaged head towards us and whispered three words that we all know well and, thank God, don’t mean anything like that, but they accurately convey the person’s mood. So, Kirill was furious! I am reproducing it exactly, because Lyokha was not lazy and copied letter by letter into his notebook: “Cherchez la femme.”

And it was such a funny movie, from French life. I just don't have time to laugh now. I was timid at school, shy in terms of women. When the boys boasted about their victories, I was embarrassed and left, not listening.

There are a sea of ​​women in the city, but I decided to myself that since I have such power behind me, then I don’t need just anyone, but only the very best! And sometimes you wouldn’t talk to some Pompadour for two minutes; you wouldn’t even have time to ask her name before they’d take you aside. When his soul softened and the hospital room rolled into the past, Lyokha suddenly opened a notebook with that same French proverb: “Cherchez la femme.”

See what “Look for a woman” is in other dictionaries:

And he pulls out a small book: “French proverbs and sayings.” LOOK FOR A WOMAN IN EVERY MISCELLANEOUS... They understand life, “get to the root,” as K. Prutkov bequeathed to us. And to be honest, not all women read French in the original. Apparently Lech was annoying them with something else. I had to make my own way in life. And I made my way - from a modest Cinderella to an aristocrat.

Not interested. Book for waste paper. I understand the taste and color, but I was bored reading this book. I really wanted a silly, perhaps brainless, but fun read, but it turned out...

Did Monsieur Jacqual have a prototype?

I hope the next books will be more enjoyable. All the answers are absolutely correct and it probably no longer makes sense to talk about what exactly these French words mean. This phrase has become a bit worn out lately; it is used at every convenient or inconvenient occasion. They have taken root quite firmly in our vocabulary.

This catchphrase is usually used to explain a strange male behavior or an overly complicated story. Accordingly, by finding this woman, you will solve the crime.” In the 6th satire of the ancient Roman poet there is the following line: “There is hardly any litigation in which the cause of the quarrel would not be a woman.”

This information is not subject to disclosure to third parties, except in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 12. These Rules may be changed by the Publication unilaterally without special notice to the User. This expression is used (often in French: “Cherchez la femme”) when they want to say that a woman is the culprit of some event, disaster, or crime.

We had a hard time with foreign languages ​​at school, but now...

At the end of January, I thundered down the icy steps onto the sidewalk, and from there straight to the nearest hospital. But I must say, Lyokha visited me almost every day, we chatted, as usual, on a variety of topics, and Kirill was involuntarily present, but he was silent and did not interfere...

So he joined the army. And here is this eagle! And he spun so much about the terrible power of the famous French spell that I, a fool, gave up...

Word for word, and I’m on sick leave! I don’t know how it is with the French, but with us their damn conspiracies don’t work at all. A week later I checked out, said goodbye to our unlucky Casanova, and Lyokha took me home. And there everything is already ready: herring, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes...

It turns out that they are not such fools, the French! I liked this story, and especially the fact that the man is ironic about men’s weaknesses. This is cool. When I have time, I’ll read more, I’m sure you won’t object.

In these literary works (in the novel in Part III, Chapters 10 and 1, in the play in action. They are simply different, but they never, I emphasize, never do things in your interests (except for the only with the exception of the mother).

Where did the popular expression come from? “Cherche la femme” translated from French (cherchez la femme) literally means “look for a woman.”

When is this famous phrase used? Usually this is how they try to explain the strange actions of men that defy conventional logic. They also use the idiom “Cherche la femme” if they are trying to explain a very complicated story. But in this case, the person openly says that in this situation there were clearly some love affairs. What do most people do when they hear this phrase? That's right, they grin.

How did a stable expression appear in Russia?

The catchphrase became famous in Russia thanks to a French novel. It is called "The Mohicans of Paris", written by Later, based on the novel, the French author also created a play with the same name. Dumas Sr. repeats “Cherche la femme” several times in two works. Monsieur Jacqual had this favorite saying. This policeman from the French capital is completely sure that a good part of the offenses committed by a representative of the stronger half of humanity can be explained by the fact that he wants to impress a beautiful lady. And this statement is not without logic!

In the 19th century in Russia, this catchphrase acquired Russian analogues. African Pigasov from Ivan Turgenev's novel "Rudin" often says: "What's her name?" This is exactly how he reacts to the news of some incident in which a girl is clearly involved.

Monsieur Jacqual had a prototype

This is not a hero invented by Dumas Sr. In reality, such a policeman existed. In 1759, Gabriel de Sartine, a policeman from Paris, gave his colleagues sound advice that lives on for centuries. Its essence is this: if the police cannot solve a crime immediately, without delay, then you should definitely think that a woman is involved in this case. It may be the cause of a crime. Or maybe it just has something to do with him. But once the woman is found, the crime will be solved.

Why is the lady the culprit of all troubles?

Many researchers are inclined to believe that Sartine was not the original source of the catchphrase.

Even Juvenal, a poet from Ancient Rome, said that there is hardly any litigation in which the cause of the quarrel would not be a woman.

The statement that the fairer sex is to blame for all troubles has actually become an axiom. A woman can anger the gods in no time. And also put even the most faithful friends at odds. And if a woman appears on a ship, then this circumstance will definitely not lead to good. That’s why “Cherche la femme” is everywhere!

Shelkov Yuri

Cherche la femme

... I marveled again

The fury with which men

And women humanity divided

B. Akhmadulina

Queen of clubs


Cherchez la femme

Anecdote with a beard

Ballad of the Knight of the White Line

The woman is unpredictable...


Youth wanders

Everything is with her

From a kindergarten perspective

I'm feeling feverish

What is our life?!

Love has its own laws

Swan song

I will not leave you

March philosophy

The soul sings!


I don't wear filters...

Twist in the rain

May memory

I invite you

To my favorite commentator

Queen of clubs

I'm haunted by evil fate

tortured by destructive passion,

although he made a vow more than once.

And here I go all-in again,

captivated by the suit of clubs.

Everything came back like a boomerang -

I'm burning in hell, swimming in happiness.

Having bet everything on the queen of clubs,

I don’t see winning in the finals,

but you won’t warm yourself if you rot.

And the musketeer's badge of honor

captivates in a card frenzy.

You are the bright light, you are the abyss of darkness,

you are God, you are a drop of curare.

I drink you without seeing the bottom

quenching my thirst.

I want to drink my fate to the fullest.

When my last sip,

captivating with insidious loyalty,

suddenly a poisonous amber slides,

I will swallow, blessing.


I stand in front of the image

And I pick my conscience.

I'm mired in sins, can't be in heaven,

In hell I have to atone for sinfulness.

So what have I done in my life?

Why do I have God's disfavor?

Didn't steal, didn't drink or smoke

And he passed the tests “for lice.”

Ah, I remembered: karma is not pure.

A reproach to me in this world

The Sixth Commandment of Christ

And the fifth point in my questionnaire.

I would be glad to atone for my sins,

But the punishment will be unnecessary:

Dad is to blame for the fad,

Well, for the commandment - the Almighty.

After all, it was HE who created HER,

I cut off a rib from Adam.

Since then the man has been suffering,

Since their life is sins and drama.

Cherchez la femme

Life has taken a turn for the stress!

Outside there is chaos, inside there is bedlam.

French friend from Odessa

He gave advice: - Cherchez la femme.

Come on, come on! - I don’t see the end.

People are at the base, the deputy is sick.

In the strained ringing of nerves I hear:

Since there is no urine, cherchez la femme.

Sadat slapped in Egypt

And in Poland everything is bursting at the seams.

I wish I could get into the wilderness and see the house on the edge!

Turn off the lights, cherchez la femme.

The advice is good - I would like to rush to the dear ones!

Bliss! But where should we go?

In a row of Kalash rifles with a cloth snout.

And is there any good in cherchez la femme?

But be a man worse than a gorilla,

To hell with Quasimode in half,

Drawn by unknown forces

Put him there - cherchez la femme.

And everyone finds consolation

In the arms of gentle, cunning ladies.

After victory comes defeat

And again into battle - cherchez la femme!


I received an assignment from the literary club -

write a couple of stanzas about erotica.

Well, at least they told me in advance.

I’ll get ready, I don’t care about her.

I modestly posted the question to Wikipedia.

Got a clear answer

about our recent tragedy:

there is no sex and no erotica.

Neighbor Nyusha enlightened me here.

No, a little bit - an introduction to the discipline.

I understand a little what they eat it with,

and it gave me inspiration.

Yes, I’ll tell you: - Erotica is painting,

not some withered landscape.

Well, in short, emotions poured out

and there was immediate excitement.

The neighbor showed all the buttons,

to improve qualifications.

I looked on the Internet and... Opochki!!!

Nyusha rescued me from prostration.

You will see such eroticism there!

There you get such a mood,

that although, I repeat, I don’t care at all,

Don't go online without a neighbor!

Anecdote with a beard

I'll give you dangerous charm.

Men in bondage to beautiful dreams

Busty people love busty people too,

like praying mantises to be slaughtered.

Beware of toothy women!

"Dentistry". Confused

I read below: “Gynecologist”.

My path to solving it was not long.

The deep meaning of combination

Even a fool can understand.

Having measured all the beauty of depth,

merging bodies in ecstasy,

men convinced themselves

that there is no more terrible beast in the world -

“immodest treasure” with teeth.

Ballad of a Knight White line

The white line is Ariadne's thread,

the path indicating the beam of the lighthouse.

The grueling path to heaven and hell,

to a goal that is so far away!

The path is difficult. Magnet, python's look.

The victim is driven by Beelzebub's passion.

The lamb is missing. The voluptuousness of a moan

and plunging into the gaping mouth.

The knight's path is marked with a white line.

The goal is noble - a coral grotto,

where the heavenly meeting is prepared,

where unearthly bliss lives.

The road to this goal may not be easy.

In the black thickets the gaze is helpless.

It seems that everything is lost, hopeless!

Vanilla aroma leads to the goal.

Brought it out. But a new test awaits -

the narrow canyon squeezed the path in a vice.

There is no hearing or smell here.

The clouds gathered, black and low.

But Providence will not leave him

a bright ray of a guiding star,

so that the knight knows the happiness of a moment,

to make your dream song come true.

Full of hope, nobility, desires

the knight strives - where to swim, and where to wade.

The path for a lover is not distance,

if the reward is a coral grotto.

AND The woman is unpredictable...

The woman is unpredictable

like a rottweiler:

then asks for affection, rubs against your leg,

it's like the wind has changed

and it's better not to touch it.

Scanning the eye with an icy squint,

looking for a place where it’s more painful.

It will pierce like lamb


will trample

like the equestrian patrician of the plebeian.

Spin it, spin it,

like a Möbius line,

and he will twist it so that you are wrong again.

where will Phobos land?

can't predict

what will throw a woman’s temper away.


Lonely and majestic

Building the world stubbornly,

Having learned about the similarity,

God blinded Adam.

Search a woman

This expression is used (often in French: “Cherchez la femme”) when they want to say that a woman is the culprit of some event, disaster, or crime. It became famous thanks to the novel “The Mohicans of Paris” by Alexandre Dumas the Father (1802-1870), which he converted into a drama of the same name (1864). These words in “The Mohicans of Paris” (in the novel, part III, chapters 10 and 11, in the play, part 2, episode 16) are a favorite saying of a Parisian police official. Dumas used an expression that was actually used by the famous French police official Gabriel de Sartine (1729-1801).

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “Look for a woman” is in other dictionaries:

    Search a woman

    - (Cherche la femme) is a French expression that literally means “look for a woman.” In the sense that when a person behaves unusually or the motivation for his actions is unclear, the reason may be his attempt to hide an illegal affair with a woman, ... ... Wikipedia

    Wed. No matter what kind of misfortune they talked about in front of him, he always asked with concentrated ferocity: “What is her name?”, that is, the woman from whom that misfortune occurred, because, in his belief, every misfortune is caused by a woman... ...

    - (où est la femme?)… See Look for a woman! ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See Look for a woman. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Other films with the same or similar title: see Look for a Woman. Look for a woman... Wikipedia

    Wed. No matter what misfortune they talked about in front of him, he always asked with concentrated ferocity: What’s her name? , i.e. the woman from whom that misfortune occurred, because, according to his assurance, every misfortune is caused by a woman, only... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Book Joking. The culprit of every event is a woman. /i> Also used without translation: cherchez la femme (From the novel by A. Dumas father “The Mohicans of Paris”, 1864). BMS 1998, 184 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    search a woman- often jokes. the culprit of every event is the woman. The expression is often used in Russian literature and in French: cherchez la femme. It became famous thanks to A. Dumas’s father’s novel “The Mohicans of Paris” and the drama of the same name, where it... ... Phraseology Guide

    Cherche la femme- wing. sl. Look for the woman (Cherchez la femme) This expression is used (often in French: “Cherchez la femme”) when they want to say that the culprit of any event, disaster, or crime is a woman. It became winged thanks to... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky


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