Soundproofing material for floors. Do-it-yourself soundproofing of the floor in an apartment - methods and technology for carrying out the work. "Floating floor" exists in three varieties

If they do, it means that the floor in the apartment needs soundproofing, which can be done in different ways. We invite you to get acquainted with existing modern materials and methods of their installation for sound insulation various reasons.

Read in the article

Modern materials for soundproofing floors in an apartment: main types and their features

Modern materials help ensure high-quality sound insulation of the floor in the apartment. We invite you to get acquainted with the main types offered by manufacturers and their features.

Soundproofing membranes

Being quite thin, the soundproofing membrane is durable and heavy. It consists of polymers, fibers and binders. The advantages of soundproofing membranes include:

  • easy cutting;
  • elasticity and flexibility, simplifying the process of installation work;
  • the presence of a self-adhesive base;
  • good ;
  • the possibility of using various bases for sound insulation, including prefabricated, dry and floating screeds;
  • long service life.

Among the shortcomings it should be noted high cost and the inability to use as a soundproofing material for uneven subfloors.

Attention! Before laying the soundproofing membrane, the base must be leveled.

Rolled version of soundproofing material

Among the rolled soundproofing materials for flooring, the most common are mineral, basalt and glass wool. Although they have certain differences, they have common advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • small mass;
  • possibility of use for various bases;
  • antistatic.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • the need to lay a layer with a thickness of at least 10 cm;
  • higher thermal insulation properties rather than sound insulation characteristics;
  • requirements for installation work that do not allow the appearance of creases, due to which the wool may lose its performance characteristics;
  • deformation and shrinkage under the influence of operational load;
  • increased requirements for .

Plate material

Installation of flooring and installation of skirting boards

Laying of the finishing coating should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Skirting boards must be attached either to the wall or to the floor. Simultaneous fixation is unacceptable, since the fastener will become a sound bridge and deteriorate the quality of work.

How much do soundproofing materials for floors cost - price review

There is a wide range of soundproofing materials on the market. The Texound 70 sound insulation deserves attention, the price of which is much higher than its analogues. It has a width of 1.22 m and a length of 5 m. It has a sound insulation coefficient of 25 dB. Having a small thickness, it provides the necessary sound insulation, as evidenced by reviews of this material.

More details on Otzovik:

Soundproofing Tecsound

  • "Shumanet BM" with an effective level of sound absorption;
  • "ThermoSoundIsol Light", three-layer material;
  • "Zvukoizol M", two-layer roll sound insulator.
  • Share in the comments which soundproofing you preferred and why.

    Sound insulation is in great demand among residents of high-rise buildings and one-story houses with several apartments. The reason for the popularity of soundproofing systems is that the partitions between apartments are small in thickness, as well as the tight articulation of all parts of the building, which contributes to excellent sound conduction throughout the building. This is why floor sound insulation is so popular today.

    It should be emphasized that for reliable protection To protect against unwanted sounds, soundproofing materials for the floor (linings, dampers) must be of impressive thickness. In turn, thin elements cannot provide complete sound insulation. To increase the thickness of soundproofing materials, additional space is needed, which can be obtained by combining sound protection with insulation.

    The highest quality insulating material contains several options for noise damping: using felt pads, empty sections, etc. However, when choosing a method, it should be taken into account that the surface will be under quite high pressure, and therefore the material used must have high strength, or be located in a certain way way (see photo).

    Types of insulation and its organization

    First you need to understand that there are two most well-known methods for making sound insulation:

    1. Throughout the entire area, under the final coating, a special material is placed that is capable of damping sound waves;
    2. Flooring materials for sound insulation are installed in combination with a special design that allows noise to be distributed in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of resonant vibrations with other parts of the building.

    Types and principles of manufacturing materials for sound insulation

    When it is necessary to choose a floor covering, sound insulation and its quality play a very important role.

    Soundproofing floor coverings are created taking into account the following features:

    • Professionals often do not advise using homogeneous or thin materials. The reason for this is the fact that high-quality insulating materials are created from fairly dense components attached to a soft and porous base. The material, which has high strength, is capable of blocking most sound vibrations, acting as a so-called “shield,” while the porous surface protects against residual sound waves and other various noises.
    • Soundproofing materials for the floor must have several layers that complement the advantages and compensate for the disadvantages of each other.
    • In addition, it must be said about the existence of insulators capable of absorbing sound vibrations using their special shape (for example, similar to honeycombs or small tubercles). For these purposes, it is often customary to use forms designed for storing eggs.
    • Particular attention should be paid to various types of insulation, because their composition provides excellent sound insulation, and as a result of some modification they can become very effective. Thus, insulation is often capable of performing the functions of a gasket that neutralizes various types of noise.

    It should be noted that combined options, which offer the integrated use of a variety of materials, ensure the achievement of the most reliable result. This is precisely the reason for the frequent need to combine insulation with sound insulation. In addition, special complex soundproofing materials offered by leading companies can be used.

    The material from which the floor in the building is made also has great importance when choosing insulation. For example, if the floors are wooden, then it will be sufficient to use standard insulation and insulation with minimum thickness(more details: " "). Cement floors, on the other hand, require more attention as well as some technical skill. There are also various options for creating so-called “floating” floors.

    Construction ideas

    • If there is a need to provide good protection from various sounds on a concrete surface, a soundproofing floor covering can be combined with the creation of floating floors.
    • The meaning of such a construction solution is to create a coating that is not connected to the surface of the floor and walls. Thus, the resulting sound vibrations will be neutralized before they are transferred to other objects.
    • The method of producing such floors is quite simple. You just need to place a waterproofing film on the floor, overlaid with soundproofing material that has a small thickness. Read also: "".
    • Then you need to install the insulation. It is important to know here that floor sound insulation, as well as additional necessary materials, cannot be attached to the surface, while the distance from the finished layer to the walls must include free space, organized using pads.
    • Sometimes experts install a special so-called damper tape on the walls, which helps both organize excess free space and is a kind of compensator that neutralizes waves directed to the sides.
    • The upper surface of the insulation must be covered with a film that performs a waterproofing function.
    • Absolutely any material can be laid on top of this film, the cost of which allows it to be used as a final coating. Meanwhile, professionals prefer to screed the floor using cement, and contact with the plane of the walls should be completely eliminated (read also: " ").
    • The final floor covering is installed in the same way. At the same time, in places close to the baseboards you need to be very careful, because this material is installed at a distance of 2-3mm above the plane.
    • Taking these aspects into account, it is necessary to fix the skirting boards, and then place a backing under the free space that appears.

    It should be noted that this method of installing floors with a high degree of waterproofing is the best due to the fact that it includes more than one method of protection from unwanted sounds.

    We also note that a material such as balsa wood perfectly absorbs noise, therefore the final coating made from it can both decorate the interior of the room and provide reliable sound insulation. Quite often, soundproofing the floor in an apartment under laminate is done with a cork underlay.

    1. Each product is equipped with a special operating manual or instruction, which indicates both the properties of the material and describes the installation sequence. It is necessary to follow these instructions as different soundproofers require specific installation.
    2. During the formation of the waterproofing layer, you need to ensure that it is airtight, since this property greatly affects its effectiveness.
    3. Sometimes it is better to buy complex material at a higher price than to make several layers yourself from improvised materials.
    4. There are a number of ways to create so-called floating floors, therefore it is necessary to start by studying them, and then make a choice depending on the materials used and the characteristics of the operating conditions.
    5. If it seems to you that there is no noise at all, this does not mean that it is actually absent. It is possible that the hearing simply adjusted to certain sound waves.
    6. When setting the volume of certain sounds, you need to use a specially made instrument.

    So, there are several methods for establishing sound insulation, which differ depending on the degree of protection, that is, you need to choose one or another option very carefully.

    We can also conclude that no ideal material, providing sound insulation with a 100% guarantee, and at the same time having a small thickness. The level of noise protection will directly depend on the size of the layer of insulating material.

    Sound insulation problem modern apartments is acute, since insufficient attention is paid to this issue during the construction of an apartment building. In addition, modern technologies and soundproofing materials will increase the cost of housing under construction. Therefore, soundproofing measures fall on the shoulders of the owner. What kind of floor sound insulation is there? What materials are most effective? Read in this article.

    Soundproofing materials are used to prevent the spread of noise through the enclosing structures to the lower and upper floors. The structure of the floor, especially wooden, rigidly fixed to the enclosing structures, tightly adjacent to pipelines and ceilings, contributes to the spread of noise along concrete structures, which creates uncomfortable living conditions in rooms located below and above.

    Sound insulation of the floor structure is carried out using special materials and through the use of special technologies for creating multi-layer floor structures. Among the materials, the most common are roll, slab products and soundproofing membranes.

    The use of any soundproofing materials must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the method and conditions of their installation. This will maximize the protection of the room from penetrating noise from the outside and its spread inside the building.

    The concepts of noise insulation and sound insulation have differences, since the nature of the occurrence of noise and sound is different, therefore the measures to combat them are somewhat different.

    Soundproofing measures provide protection from vibrations of an acoustic and air (structural) nature. There are several types of vibrations:

    1. Acoustic vibrations are formed when sound waves are reflected from the ceiling and walls. This includes a person's voice. Music, dog barking.
    2. When opening and closing doors and moving around the room, air vibrations occur.
    3. Vibrations propagating through cracks in the subfloor, sockets, ventilation shafts and pipes are called sound vibrations.

    Soundproofing measures provide for counteracting shock vibrations that are formed as a result of mechanical impacts on any surface - drilling, hammering, falling heavy objects.

    In connection with the above, we can conclude that with the help of reflective materials it is possible to effective fight with sounds, and sound insulation is carried out using materials with an absorbing effect. Combination is most often used protective materials to ensure quality protection.

    When choosing the type of insulating material, the following nuances should be taken into account:

    1. First you need to take into account the material from which the house is built. Depending on its technological properties (thickness, porosity, density), it is, to one degree or another, capable of providing a sound and noise insulation effect.
    2. Compared to wooden floors, concrete floors are better able to provide insulating protection. The concrete floor has a large thickness, which is enough to maximum neutralize acoustic and shock vibrations.
    3. If the house is brick, then its owners are lucky, since solid material is characterized by high density, which is enough to muffle sounds and noise without additional insulation.
    4. Poor sound and noise insulation is typical for panel houses, where sounds and structural noise penetrate through thin ceilings and gaps between structural elements.
    5. Monolithic frame houses facilitate the free propagation of impact noise due to their solid structure.
    6. The height of the ceiling matters. A high room is characterized by good acoustics and noise from the first floor rises up, and drums, on the contrary, down. Based on the height of the room, choose the thickness of the insulating material. With a standard ceiling height of 2.7 m and above, the thickness of the soundproofing material is from 10 to 20 cm - this is the optimal value that will not affect the visual reduction in height. You should be more careful when choosing the thickness of the material in a room with a lower height.

    Note! Extraneous noise and sounds spread not only through the floor structure, so screed does not always help with solving the issue.

    IN apartment building it is necessary to strive not only to increase personal comfort by protecting yourself from noise and sounds coming from neighboring apartments, but also to minimize the spread of noise from your apartment.

    Making a soundproofing layer

    The role of sound insulation is as follows:

    1. In reducing noise levels.
    2. Using insulating material, the base is leveled, which ensures high-quality installation and durability of the finishing floor covering.
    3. To increase sound insulation in rooms, one of the types of screed is traditionally used - dry, semi-dry or wet, which are suitable for installing a “warm floor” system.
    4. Good sound absorption in a room indicates its compliance with SNiP, which automatically makes the cost of housing higher.

    Warm floors are a serious cost item during renovation, so it is important to accurately calculate how much and what materials will be needed. To ease your labor costs, we have prepared a guide that tells you how to calculate a heated floor - water or electric. Online calculators included. And in the article you will find a complete list of everything that may be needed during installation.

    What do SNiPs say?

    About SNiP ( building codes and rules) is mentioned regularly when we're talking about about the construction of comfortable and safe housing, where the presence of high-quality sound insulation is one of the main conditions.

    This important document for builders normalizes acceptable noise levels for residential premises. The following important points regarding apartments can be highlighted:

    1. The permissible noise level is one at which the residents of the apartment do not experience disturbance and which does not physically affect the human body and its functional systems, including auditory ones. This indicator is acceptable throughout the day.
    2. Extremely permissible level noise is one that can be produced in the so-called work time(until 10 p.m.), this includes noise from renovation work.
    3. Impact and airborne noise based on SNiP is divided into two categories, and during the day it varies in parameters from 39 to 49 dB, and at night - from 30 to 35 dB.

    Note! The cry of a child and the cry of an adult range from 70 to 75 dB, and with the help of high-quality overlap it is possible to achieve insulation from 50 to 55 dB. In this case, with the help of additional sound insulation, you can block another 20 to 30 dB.

    Insulation requirements are integrally related to the requirements for floors between floors, which are as follows:

    1. To prevent sounds from spreading through structural elements, the screed is performed using a floating method - without rigid adhesion to the base and walls around the perimeter of the room.
    2. Along the perimeter of the room, the concrete or wooden floor structure should be separated from the walls at a distance of 10–20 mm. The resulting gap is filled with a material that practically does not transmit sound waves.
    3. When installing a plinth around the perimeter of a room, it is fixed either to the base or to the wall, but not to both elements at the same time, otherwise it will become a sound conductor between the floor and the wall.
    4. When pouring screed wet method Be sure to provide waterproofing of the base.
    5. When laying slab insulating materials, avoid the formation of joints. The slabs are laid as closely as possible to each other.
    6. If it is not possible to install a sound system between the base and the finishing coating insulating material, then it is recommended to use linoleum or carpet that has a foam base.

    Features of materials for absorbing and reflecting sounds

    As mentioned earlier, there are two types of materials - sound absorbing and sound reflecting. The numerical characteristic (Rw) indicates the ability of the material to reflect sound waves to one degree or another.

    Modern SNiP determine the value of Rw in a multi-storey building within 52 dB. Building materials that meet these requirements include hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs with a thickness of 22 cm and vibropressed slabs with a thickness of 16 cm. In most cases, the picture is observed when slab floors have a thickness of no more than 14 cm with an Rw value of no higher than 50 dB. This is not enough to ensure comfortable conditions in residential premises.

    It is worth considering that noise travels freely through the cracks between the floor slabs.

    If we talk about impact noise, then it is impossible to cope with it by choosing the right thickness of the ceiling - additional measures will be needed (carpet or linoleum with a foam base or laminate on a backing).

    Rating of materials for sound insulation

    Photo Name Rating Price
    Soundproofing boards

    ⭐ 99 / 100

    Mineral wool ⭐ 92 / 100

    ⭐ 94 / 100

    Backfill sound insulation ⭐ 96 / 100

    ⭐ 98 / 100
    Membranes for sound insulation

    Membranes for sound insulation ⭐ 98 / 100

    Soundproofing boards

    This type of soundproofing materials has earned particular popularity due to the simplicity and ease of installation of products, their transportation and storage.

    Heat and sound insulation boards "Izoplat"

    Soundproofing materials "MaxForte"

    When laying screeds using a floating method, modern soundproofing materials, one of which is the MaxForte brand products. There are several varieties of this material, which differ in their properties and installation method. It is worth noting that “MaxForte” is produced not only in the form of slabs, but also in rolls.

    Table. Products "MaxForte"

    Product name of the brand "MaxForte"Material advantagesLaying technology


    Reduces impact noise level (27 dB). Imported plasticizers in the material ensure its resistance to tearing and cracking during installation.

    Due to its waterproof properties, this material can be used to create a waterproofing layer. It has the highest sound insulation class (“A”).

    The material is recommended for use when laying dry screed and under laminate. When laying rolled material, its soft side is positioned towards the base. The edges of the material must be placed on the walls (excess is cut off upon completion of work). To fix the joints of the canvases, liquid rubber “Hydrostop” from “MaxForte” is used.

    Reduces impact (34 dB) and airborne (10 dB) noise levels. This rolled material is moisture-resistant and rot-resistant. Has a high sound absorption class (“A”).Laying is carried out in the manner described above with laying the canvases overlapping by 5 cm and processing the joints liquid rubber. A construction film is placed on top of the covering to protect the soundproofing layer from the liquid screed.

    Optimally selected material density ensures the durability and strength of the screed.

    A damper layer is installed around the perimeter of the room using a special tape. When laying the slabs, they try to position them as closely as possible to each other. Construction film is laid on top.


    Mineral wool

    You can simultaneously provide high-quality sound insulation and insulate the room using stone wool, slag wool and glass wool. These materials differ in thickness, density, which determines the thermal conductivity of the material and resistance to loads, and in the form of release - slabs or rolls. The material is also moisture and heat resistant.

    • the material is universal in use;
    • does not burn, does not support or spread fire.
    • The material is hygroscopic, so it is protected on both sides with a layer of waterproofing.

    Table. Varieties mineral wool


    It is a heat-resistant material and can easily withstand extremely high temperatures. The fibers that form the basis of the material are obtained by melting rock.

    Available in rolls and in the form of slabs, it is a type of stone wool. It has excellent noise and heat insulation properties. It is environmentally friendly, since it does not contain a binder (formaldehyde). The slabs are high-density, so they do not require lathing during installation.

    This variety has an affordable price, but installation is complicated by the special structure of the fiber, which does not allow direct contact with the skin and requires mandatory use special gloves and masks, since when the material is laid, thin, hard fibers rise into the air, posing a threat to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. The density of glass wool is less, so you must first make a lath. Most often this material is used in non-residential premises at external insulation or soundproofing.

    Not suitable for areas with high humidity and for external insulation where the material would not be adequately protected. The high hygroscopicity of the material significantly affects the reduction of its service life. This material is not recommended for residential premises.

    basalt wool

    The soundproofing properties of a material are determined by its porosity; it is desirable that it be at least 80%. Aerated concrete blocks and wood fiber slabs have these properties.

    Not every material can be used to soundproof an apartment - you need to take into account the height and area of ​​the room. For example, wooden sheathing affects the reduction in height, since it has a thickness of at least 5 cm; if we add to this the thickness of the plywood flooring and finishing material, the height of the room will decrease significantly. In low rooms, choose materials with a high noise absorption coefficient, but with a small thickness.


    Soundproofing work using mineral wool is carried out in two ways, with or without lathing.

    Table. Laying on lathing

    First you need to prepare the base - remove debris and dust from the surface using a vacuum cleaner.
    If necessary concrete base repair, seal gaps and cracks, level the surface using self-leveling compounds. Let them dry completely.
    The concrete slab is covered with a layer of foamed polyethylene. The joints are sealed with tape.
    The logs are mounted in such a way that the distance between them is several millimeters less than the width slab material– this will allow you to lay it as tightly as possible.
    The thickness of the beam must correspond to the thickness of the sound insulation slab.
    Then slab material is laid between the joists.
    The displacement of the slabs of the lower and upper layers should be 10 - 15 cm.
    Lay a layer of vapor barrier with an overlap of 10 - 15 cm.
    After this, the plywood flooring is installed, fixing the sheets with self-tapping screws to the joists. You can use OSB boards.
    When gaps form between the sheets of plywood, they are puttied with a special wood putty.
    The finishing material is mounted on top. To improve sound insulation qualities, use a cork backing.

    Table. Laying without lathing

    As in the previously described method, the base is prepared and a layer of foamed polyethylene is laid, the joints of the sheets are secured with tape. The canvases are laid overlapping and placed on the walls to a height equal to the thickness of the soundproofing cake.
    Along the perimeter of the room, strips cut from 15 cm high mineral wool slabs are placed along the walls. You can use a special damper tape.
    Plywood sheets are laid as tightly as possible to the mineral wool spacers or damper tape installed around the perimeter.
    At the next stage, slabs of soundproofing material are tightly laid, pressing it as much as possible against the damping layer around the perimeter of the room.
    Another layer of plywood is mounted on top, fixing it through the mineral wool to the base.
    The protruding damper layer is trimmed to the level of the plywood flooring. The joints between the plywood sheets are sealed with putty and the finishing material is laid.

    Soundproofing material made from cork is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and safety, therefore it is widely used in residential premises, especially in bedrooms and children's rooms.

    When working with them, you must be careful, since the plates are not resistant to tensile loads and have fragile edges.

    Cork panels have excellent sound insulation properties. The material is presented in the form of a substrate of varying thickness, which is laid under the finishing coating or as an independent floor covering - cork laminate.

    Cork reflects external noise and absorbs internal noise, which is especially important when laying laminate flooring.

    A cork covering 2 cm thick has soundproofing properties equivalent to a concrete slab 10 cm thick or a wall made of pine timber 5 cm thick. The noise level from the street and from neighboring rooms, when using cork 2 cm thick, will be 2 times lower. To increase the sound insulation effect due to different densities of materials, a sound cushion is installed, where one of the layers is made of cork.

    If we talk about decorative cork covering, then it has excellent noise and heat insulation properties with a small thickness, is an environmentally friendly and safe material that can participate in the formation of a healthy microclimate in a living space, thanks to its “breathable” structure. When used together with a cork backing, the insulation effect improves several times.

    Effective operation of the cork substrate and finishing coating is possible if the installation technology is followed.

    cork backing

    Installation technology

    Laying the final coating with the substrate is included in a single set of measures, so the process of laying them can be considered at the same time.

    Table. Installation technology

    The base surface is prepared using the traditional method - cleaned of dirt, repaired, leveled. There should not be even small debris under the cork backing, since the material is fragile and can tear if rubbed even against a piece of chalk.
    A prerequisite when laying a cork underlay is a waterproofing layer underneath made of foamed polyethylene or other insulating material with similar properties. The film is laid overlapping, the joints are taped. The edges are placed on the walls around the perimeter of the room to a height of at least 5-7 cm.
    Lay a cork backing. When laying rolled material, it is given time to rest in its unfolded form.
    A plywood flooring is mounted on top, which is fixed to the base through the laid layers.
    At the final stage, a substrate is laid on the formed rigid base, then cork laminate or tiles.

    Backfill sound insulation

    One of the available soundproofing materials is expanded clay.

    To his positive qualities the following can be attributed:

    The disadvantages include the labor-intensive installation process and the effect on reducing the height of the room - usually a layer thickness of at least 10 cm is required with a material fraction of 10 to 20 mm.

    Soundproofing "Texound"

    Texound is a modern soundproofing material that has recently appeared on the Russian construction market, but has already won many fans thanks to its unique performance characteristics. With a thickness of 3.7 mm, it exceeds the level of sound absorption of many common materials.

    To ensure maximum sound insulation in a room, Texound can also be mounted on walls and ceilings - its insignificant thickness does not affect the reduction in the volume of the room.

    Excellent noise protection is due to the high density of the material. However, it is worth understanding that as a result of its high density, the material has also acquired a large weight (7 kg per 1 m²), thus placing a significant load on the structure.

    Among the positive qualities of the material, the following can be noted:

    1. "Texound" has elasticity and flexibility. If necessary, it can be pulled out.
    2. The material is easy to install and does not require special skills or tools.
    3. The material is resistant to temperature changes.
    4. Texound is moisture resistant and does not rot or mold.
    5. It is a low-flammable, self-extinguishing material.
    6. Suitable for installation on any base.
    7. Has a long (unlimited) service life.
    8. Excellent absorption of airborne sound vibrations.

    The only drawback is the need to use Texound in conjunction with any insulation material laid on a concrete base.

    Soundproofing "Texound"

    Laying technology

    High-quality and effective sound insulation of a room is possible if you follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the soundproofing material. When laying Texound, it is important to properly prepare the base. To do this, you will need to use any sheet or roll insulation in the form of thin polyethylene foam, plasterboard, plastic or plywood. If the ceiling height is sufficient, thicker material, such as mineral wool, can be used for sound insulation.

    Lay the material directly on a clean and level base. You can use a layer of waterproofing. When using elastic material, it is fixed with an adhesive solution. Despite the fact that polyethylene has the least effect on changes in room height, best choice"Texound" is plasterboard that levels the floor and has soundproofing properties.

    Table. Standard installation process for Texound sound insulation

    The material sheets are laid with the felt side facing the base with an overlap of 5 cm.
    The joints are taped.
    Along the perimeter of the room, the material is placed on the walls by 10 cm.
    Lay the reinforcing mesh and pour a 50mm thick screed.
    Excess material is cut off.
    The joints between the floor and walls are sealed with non-hardening sealant.
    The plinth is attached to one of the surfaces - to the floor or to the wall.

    Any finishing material can be laid on a plasterboard or plywood base.

    Note! To improve the soundproofing qualities of the floor, a multilayer structure made of materials with different densities is used.

    When choosing sound insulation, consider:

    1. Operating conditions of the premises.
    2. The height of the room.
    3. Availability of sound insulator and its cost.
    4. Easy installation.
    5. Method and ease of transportation to the site.

    Methods for soundproofing a room

    The simplest way to increase the soundproofing qualities of a floor structure is to making the right choice finishing material.

    The most common option is to use a substrate for the final coating with soundproofing properties in the form of foamed polyethylene, rolled cork or any other cellular or porous soft material. When choosing such a material, attention is paid to the main criterion - the sound absorption coefficient. The higher the value, the better sound insulation. This value is assessed on a scale from 0 to 1. If the value is 0, then the sound is reflected, if 1, then it is completely absorbed.

    Structural and impact noise is best neutralized by installing concrete screed using the floating method, when the floor covering and screed do not have a rigid connection with the floor slab and walls. In this case, all sound waves are damped by the substrate.

    Choosing sound insulation depending on the type of base

    When choosing a soundproofing material, you should take into account not only the type of finishing coating, but also the base on which it is mounted. Soundproofing technology different types the grounds are different.

    Sound insulation of a floating floor structure

    One of the most popular designs to create effective sound insulation in room. Firstly, it consists of several layers, and secondly, it does not have a rigid connection with the base and walls, as noted earlier. Therefore, sound transmission between floors does not occur.

    Screeding using semi-dry and wet methods

    When pouring a traditional (wet) screed, polystyrene foam or mineral wool is used as a soundproofing material. The material is laid on a layer of polyethylene, which also covers the sound insulator on top. If the base is wooden, then the polyethylene waterproofing layer is replaced with a vapor-permeable membrane.

    The floating screed consists of the following main elements:

    1. Soundproofing base in the form of a membrane, cork, plywood, mineral wool, polyurethane foam.
    2. , forming and closing the gap around the perimeter of the room.
    3. Leveling mortar, in the manufacture of which cement and sand are used. Gypsum, reinforcing.
    4. Waterproofing that protects the sound insulator from the effects of wet solution.
    5. Reinforcing mesh, which ensures the strength of the screed with a thickness above 4 cm.
    6. The substrate laid under the finishing decorative layer.

    Among the disadvantages of a floating screed, one can note its weight, which puts a significant load on the base and affects the reduction in the height of the room. However, this type of base is used everywhere, including in the manufacture of underfloor heating systems.

    Note! The main advantage of a screed made by the floating method is the ability to create a dense, thick protective layer that can absorb up to 30 dB.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    1. Long stage of drying and strengthening of the screed (28 days).
    2. Large weight of the structure.
    3. Labor-intensive process.
    4. Difficult dismantling.

    Table. Technology for creating semi-dry floating screeds

    Debris is removed from the surface of the base and, if necessary, leveled by adding sand or finely crushed insulation.
    Soundproofing material is laid. If the screed is performed on the ground floor, then insulation with soundproofing properties is used. Rolled material or panels at the joints are sealed using tape.
    The soundproofing layer is covered with plastic film on top, with the panels placed on the wall to form some semblance of a trough.
    Beacons are being installed.
    Dry cement-sand mixture they fall asleep between the beacons to half their height, trample them down and put reinforcing mesh on top.
    Add the remaining mixture and level with the rule.
    Using a plaster float, the surface of the screed is grouted, pouring water from a watering can onto it. At this stage, the beacons are dismantled, and the resulting holes are sealed and leveled using a solution.
    The screed under the film is maturing. For 3 days it is shed with water.
    After 28 - 30 days, the screed is checked using a rule for evenness and, if necessary, sanded. In case of significant differences or to obtain a perfectly smooth base, self-leveling self-leveling mixtures are used.

    Don't know how beacons are installed? Read about this in the article. We tell you how to determine the floor level, prepare it for installing beacons, what types of beacon mounting exist and what is their difference, and how to install it.

    Dry screed device

    This method is characterized by simplicity and a short period of time required to produce the screed.

    Main layers of screed:

    1. Floor slab or wooden interfloor structure.
    2. A vapor barrier in the form of a thin film that protects against condensation.
    3. Damper tape around the perimeter of the room to eliminate the pressure of the screed on the enclosing structures and the formation of sound bridges;
    4. Dry backfill as a sound insulator for the formation of a noise-absorbing pillow has a thickness of 5 to 15 cm.
    5. Extruded polystyrene, gypsum fiber boards or other durable sheet material, laid in 2 layers to form a flat base for the final coating.
    6. A waterproofing layer in the form of a PVC film to protect sheet flooring and hydrophobic backfill from moisture.
    7. Finish coating.

    Due to the formation of a multi-layer protective layer using materials of different densities, the floor surface can adequately withstand impact and airborne noise. On top of the backfill, a flooring of gypsum fiber boards is laid in two layers, with the second layer being laid with a shift. The height of the room when using the dry screed method does not suffer significantly, since the thickness of the screed is from 30 to 40 mm.

    The main advantage of dry screed is that its installation occurs quickly and is not associated with the formation of contamination, as with other types, as well as its quick readiness - the finishing coating can be laid on the same day.

    Soundproofing backfill in the form of perlite, expanded clay or vermiculite is poured over the ceiling, and a flat flooring is mounted on top. At the same time, a damping layer is also provided around the perimeter of the room.

    Note! Dry screed can be made using roll and sheet varieties as a soundproofing material.

    The advantages of dry screed include the following:

    1. Low cost of materials.
    2. A quick installation process that does not require special skills or tools.
    3. Low weight of the structure, which does not affect the ceiling.
    4. You can take a break while laying the screed.
    5. Can be used even on very uneven surfaces.
    6. High-quality sound insulation due to porous layers and the presence of air layers.
    7. Easy dismantling.

    Disadvantages include a high probability of shrinkage if the backfill layer is not dense enough and the vulnerability of materials to moisture.

    Note! It is important to use dry screed as a soundproofing element in private houses with wooden floors.

    Laying technology

    Table. The process of laying dry screed

    The base is prepared according to the standard scenario - cleaned of debris and dust, repaired, leveled.
    Mark the room, determining the highest point of the base and the height of the screed. Beacons are installed from a metal profile.
    Lay waterproofing that will protect against moisture coming from the concrete base, especially if there is soil or an unheated subfloor underneath it. Polyethylene (80 microns and above) can be used as a waterproofing material for concrete bases or paper impregnated with bitumen for wooden floors. The canvases are laid with an overlap of at least 20 cm, and the joints are glued with tape. The material is placed on the walls, forming a kind of trough.
    At the next stage, a damper layer is formed around the perimeter of the room using a special tape. Its thickness is 10 mm, and its height is slightly higher than the height of the screed. Subsequently, the protruding excess will be hidden by the baseboard.
    The backfill is placed between the beacons, focusing on them to form a flat surface. During the process of filling expanded clay, the material is periodically compacted.
    After removing the beacons, the surface is finally leveled.
    A rigid flooring made of gypsum fiber boards is laid on top of the backfill. They are equipped with protruding elements around the perimeter, onto which glue is applied. Self-tapping screws are used for additional fixation.

    The flooring consists of two layers of slabs, with the top layer being laid so that the joints with the first layer do not coincide.

    Self-leveling floor device

    The self-leveling floor itself does not have soundproofing properties, but it can effectively enhance the sound insulation in a room when combined with cork, plasterboard, mineral wool, polyurethane foam and other similar materials as the first layer. The pouring technology involves the formation of a multi-layer cake - this is the main difference between a self-leveling floor with sound insulation and a traditional screed.

    Table. Manufacturing of self-leveling floor

    A vapor barrier layer is laid overlapping on the prepared base, with the material placed on the walls.
    A damper tape is laid around the perimeter of the room.
    Lay sheet or slab insulation. It is important to prevent the formation of gaps between the slabs, so it is recommended to treat the joints with acoustic sealant.
    Lay a waterproofing layer with gluing the joints.
    Pour the self-leveling mixture in 2 layers.

    The advantage of working with self-leveling mixtures is that they spread under the influence of gravitational forces and form an ideal horizontal plane. The resulting coating can be finished or used for laying any decorative material. At the same time, the thickness of the self-leveling floor is insignificant and does not have a significant effect on reducing the height of the room.

    The disadvantage is the high cost of bulk formulations.

    We talked about all the advantages and disadvantages, types, composition and process of pouring self-leveling floors in the article. Detailed step-by-step process instructions, useful videos and expert advice included.

    Type of sound insulation depending on the finishing coating

    When choosing a soundproofing material, not only the type of base is taken into account, but also operational properties finishing coating.


    Laminate has a wood fiber base and requires a perfectly flat base, and this material also perfectly transmits air and impact noise. Therefore, when laying it, the main condition is the presence of a soundproofing substrate. Laying occurs using the floating method with a damper layer installed around the perimeter of the room.

    Table. Popular types of laminate underlay

    Illustration and nameDescriptionAverage cost as of December 2018, rubles

    The material contains wood fibers coniferous species. The thickness of the soundproofing slabs is 8 - 10 mm, which allows us to speak about noise absorption from 17 to 19 dB.790

    It is a waterproofing material with a soundproofing effect. Reduces noise up to 8 dB.750

    The base contains extruded polystyrene foam. Sheet materials have a thickness of 2.5 and 5 mm, roll view– 3 mm. Has a waterproofing effect. Reduces noise from 5 to 15 dB.100

    Excellent suppression of high-frequency sound. Reduces noise from 10 to 35 dB. It is characterized by moisture resistance, low thermal conductivity, durability, and easy installation.130

    Natural, moisture-resistant material that can dampen noise from 3 to 18 dB. Combines excellent sound and heat insulation properties.2200


    Most common soundproofing materials can be used together with linoleum. The only requirement for them is resistance to mechanical loads and high strength. One of them is “Zvukoizol” - the material has excellent moisture resistance, strength and low thickness.

    Ceramic tile

    Ceramic tiles transmit vibration noise. Among modern materials for sound insulation, it is possible to use Texaund, Vibroflor and other membranes (“Shumanet”, “Shumstop”, “Vibrostop”). All these materials are used as an element of a multilayer structure with a leveling screed.

    Video - Soundproofing the floor in an apartment

    Video - Methods for creating high-quality sound insulation of a floor structure

    The problem of noise in apartments of multi-storey buildings has probably existed since the day they appeared. The excess of irritating sounds is especially noticeable in panel buildings. The fact is that reinforced concrete wall slabs, as well as floor slabs, do not have any significant soundproofing qualities. In addition, they themselves become conductors of impact noise due to the reinforcing metal elements located inside the slabs, as well as air voids.

    Therefore, many apartment owners are trying to find ways to protect their homes from external “sound aggression”. But this task is not as simple as it might seem initially. For example, the flooring from the neighbors below must be done in a comprehensive manner. That is, the installation of the insulating material is carried out not only on its surface, but also on the walls, or at least on their lower part.

    Features of noise in a high-rise building

    To choose the right sound insulation option, you need to consider some nuances:

    • Noises can be airborne or impact. The nature of their distribution varies, and this also affects the way to combat them.
    • The slab covering the floors has two “owners” - it is the ceiling for the lower apartment and the floor for the upper apartment. Accordingly, impact and airborne noise are transmitted through the ceiling in both directions.

    • Void reinforced concrete slabs floors with a thickness of 220 mm, manufactured in industrial conditions, must reduce external airborne noise to 52 dB, with acceptable standards at 60 dB. The decrease in the sound insulation qualities of floor slabs is explained by wear and tear of structures, redevelopment of premises or illiterate implementation major repairs, the formation of gaps at the joints of the plates.
    • Isolation from air noise in both old and new houses, it can decrease due to poorly sealed openings between the floors by the builders, intended for the passage of communication risers.

    It is much more difficult to isolate an apartment from impact noise than from airborne noise. And this is due not only to concrete floors unable to suppress it completely, but also with the following points:

    • Interfloor ceilings are rigidly connected to wall slabs or brickwork. Therefore, they become conductors for the propagation of impact noise over all surfaces of the building.
    • The metal reinforcing frame located inside the slabs also conducts impact sounds well.
    • Ceramic tiles, as well as porcelain tiles laid on floor slabs, increase the noise level to 74 dB, instead of the required 60 dB.

    This diagram shows the transmission of airborne and impact noise through the building structures of an apartment building.

    Airborne noise(item 1), the source of which is in no way connected with building structures. This could be a loud TV or stereo, loud conversations or screams, children crying, etc. Such noise can also spread through partitions, which become a kind of membrane that transmits sound vibrations.

    Impact noises associated with impacts on building structures. These are steps, running, jumping, falling objects, knocking with a hammer or other tools when carrying out repairs or other work. Impact noise can spread directly (item 2), that is, by the same creation of sound waves through vibrations of partitions, or indirectly through the building structures themselves. Moreover, their distribution can occur not only in adjacent rooms (position 3), but also in separate ones, and over a very significant distance (position 4).

    Structural noise - arising from vibration effects during operation of equipment installed in the house technological equipment(pos. 5). These could be elevator drives, centralized ventilation, pumping equipment, etc. The ways of their distribution can also be direct or indirect. Such noises can also building structures spread over very long distances.

    Our article is about floor soundproofing. And here we see several ways of creating barriers against the spread of airborne and impact noise.

    • Laying soundproofing materials under a floating screed that is not connected to either the floor slab or wall structures.
    • Construction of the floor on joists with a soundproofing layer laid between them.
    • Arrangement of dry floating screed.

    Commonly used soundproofing materials

    Nowadays, you can find on sale various types of soundproofing materials made using different bases. Therefore, they may have different levels of capabilities.

    Name of soundproofing materialManufacturing formNoise reduction level (air/impact), dBMaterial rating
    "Rock Wool Acoustic Butts"slabs60/38 9.5
    "Tecsound"rolls, slabs60/28 9.4
    "ThermoSoundIsol Light"mats60/28 9.3
    "Zvukoizol"roll28/23 9.2
    "Shumanet ECO"slabs35 9
    "ZIPS"sandwich panels11÷138.5

    "RockWool Acoustic Butts"

    Perhaps the most popular among users are the “Acoustic Butts” slabs from the RockWool company, which has been developing and producing materials based on basalt fiber for thermal and sound insulation for more than seventy years.

    TO positive qualities “RockWool Acoustic Butts” include the following material parameters:

    • High level of sound insulation, which will depend on the thickness of the mats. To insulate floors on joists, it is worth using slabs with a thickness of at least 80÷100 mm.
    • Low thermal conductivity and almost zero flammability.
    • Biological stability - the material does not rot and does not become a breeding ground for microflora.
    • Moisture resistance and vapor permeability.
    • Durability in use.
    • Easy to install.
    • The material is certified according to EU and Russian standards.

    TO shortcomings This material can be attributed to its rather high cost. In addition, there is a very high probability of running into a fake. Therefore, it is recommended to buy this material in specialized stores, where it is possible to document the originality of the product.


    "Tecsound" was developed by technologists of the Spanish company "Texsa". There it began to be produced in industrial scale. The raw material for this sound insulator is the mineral aragonite, large deposit which is located in this country. Environmentally friendly polymers act as binders for the mineral component.

    Today, several types of Tecsound are produced, which include other components. Finished materials differ in structure and purpose:

    Appearance of the materialShort description
    "Tecsound FT" - slabs consisting of porous felt and a composite membrane.
    They are designed to insulate walls, ceilings and roofs from airborne noise.
    “Tecsound 2FT” and “Tecsound 2FT-80” are slabs and sheets in rolls, consisting of two layers of felt and a composite polymer layer between them.
    Used to insulate walls, ceilings and floors.
    "Tecsound FT-55 AL" - felt boards with synthetic and aluminum coating.
    The material can be used for internal insulation of any surfaces.
    "Tecsound FT-75" - slabs consisting of felt and a thick composite-mineral layer covered with a polymer membrane.
    The material is used for any internal surfaces.
    "Tecsound S" is a self-adhesive version of the insulating material.
    It is used for sound and vibration insulation and effectively dampens the propagation of low-frequency vibrations.
    "Tecsound SY 100" is an elastic roll material with high strength. The insulator is made of mineral composite material, coated with a polymer and aluminum layer, and has a self-adhesive base.
    The material is used to protect against sound and vibration insulation of any surfaces.
    "Tecsound 70" is a mineral soundproofing membrane that can provide the required level of silence in a living space.
    The material is fixed to the walls and ceiling, and is also laid on floors under screeds or floors on joists.

    Despite the appearance various options This material, the original insulator, made on a composite mineral basis, is most popular among consumers.

    Advantages "Tecsound" can be considered the following:

    • A high level of sound absorption, that is, the material protects the room from both airborne and impact noise.
    • Elasticity of the material, maintained at temperatures down to -20 degrees.
    • The small thickness of the canvas allows you to save as much as possible the useful volume of the insulated room.
    • The versatility of Tecsound - it can be attached to all surfaces.
    • Resistant to moisture and biological damage.
    • This is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain toxic components.
    • The insulator is a low-flammable, self-extinguishing material.
    • Tecsound is certified according to EU and Russian standards.

    To the disadvantages Such sound insulation includes the following points:

    • Very significant weight of the canvas. To cope with the installation of such covering on the ceiling and walls, you will definitely need an assistant.
    • The material cannot be called publicly available in terms of cost.
    • Sound insulation will definitely require covering with decorative material.

    "ThermoSoundIsol Light"

    "ThermoZvukoIzol Light" is a multifunctional and universal insulating material that has a high level of noise absorption. The mats have a size of 10000x1500x10 mm and are made of fiberglass canvas, which is laid in several layers pressed together. Fiberglass is sealed into a protective shell made of non-woven material - spunbond.

    “ThermoZvukoIzol Light” can be used for laying on floors under “wet” concrete and dry screed, under floors on joists. Can be used above suspended ceilings, or attached to walls for further cladding.

    TO merits This soundproofing material has the following qualities:

    • High level of noise absorption.
    • Ecological cleanliness. The material does not contain formaldehyde and phenols, which are often used as a binder in other insulators.
    • Low thermal conductivity allows the material to be used not only as noise protection, but also for thermal insulation of surfaces.
    • The elasticity of the material increases the ease of working with it.
    • The material is not susceptible to decomposition and is durable.
    • From a fire safety standpoint, it is classified as self-extinguishing with moderate smoke production.

    TO shortcomings This sound insulator includes the following:

    • The considerable weight of the material makes the work somewhat more difficult.
    • Quite a high cost.
    • High hygroscopicity. What limits use in high humidity conditions?


    This is a roll bitumen-polymer membrane-type sound insulation. By the way, it also has thermal insulation and waterproofing properties. The material is used to insulate floors, including when installing a “warm floor” system, ceilings and walls. There are no restrictions on the level of room humidity.

    TO merits This material includes the following qualities:

    • Good protection against airborne and impact noise.
    • Resistance to moisture and biological damage.
    • Long service life.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Resistance to low and high temperatures(operational range - from -40 to +80 degrees).
    • The material is low flammable.
    • Quite affordable price.

    Flaws "Soundproof":

    • Quite a hefty weight.
    • Installation is carried out only by adhesive method.
    • Not available in all regions of the Russian Federation.
    • The proper insulation effect can be achieved by using “Zvukoizol” in combination with other materials that have sound-proofing qualities.

    "Shumanet ECO"

    “Shumanet ECO” are glass staple fiber slabs designed for sound insulation of walls, ceilings, and floors on joists.

    TO merits This material includes the following characteristics:

    • High level of sound absorption of impact and airborne noise.
    • Resistance to biological damage.
    • Long service life.
    • Vapor permeability.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Completely non-flammable.
    • Environmentally friendly material. In the production of ECO boards, staple fiberglass is used, and acrylic resins are used as a binder.
    • Easy to install.
    • Quite affordable price.
    • The material is certified in the Russian Federation.

    Schumanet also has certain flaws :

    • Additional installation work is required to use these mats. They must fit between the guides frame structure or between lags.
    • Installation of the material can only be done at positive temperatures.
    • It is important to observe storage conditions - dry and dark rooms. If these requirements are violated, the quality of the material is significantly reduced.

    ZIPS panels

    "ZIPS" are multilayer panels produced by Acoustic Group. They have been produced since the 90s of the last century. The composition of the slabs may vary depending on the purpose of the products.

    For example, for flooring, gypsum-fiber tongue-and-groove sheets are used as a base in slabs, and plasterboard for walls and ceilings. A layer of basalt or fiberglass wool is fixed to the base.

    TO positive qualities This material includes the following:

    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Long service life.
    • Resistance to biological damage.
    • The design is very convenient for installation.
    • No gaps between separate elements flooring due to interlocking lamellas.

    Flaws insulating material are expressed as follows:

    • Content of phenol-formaldehyde resins in mineral wool layers.
    • Judging by the reviews, the level of sound insulation still leaves much to be desired.
    • When installing slabs on walls, they can even resonate under the influence of external and internal low-frequency noise.

    SoundGuard plates

    These soundproofing panels differ from other analogues in the materials of manufacture and the method of performing installation work. The structure of the slabs includes the following materials:

    - drywall;

    — quartz filler;

    - a layer of interwoven cellulose fibers.

    From positive characteristics These products can be distinguished:

    • Good sound insulation parameters.
    • The slabs belong to the moderate flammability group.
    • Contains absolutely no toxic substances.
    • Used for insulating floor and wall structures.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Possible different ways installation - frame, glue or fastening to the wall using mushroom dowels.
    • Compliance with safety standards established in the Russian Federation.

    TO cons The material has the following characteristic features:

    • Low moisture resistance, so the boards can only be used in dry rooms.
    • High price.
    • The need to process the edge after cutting the slab. The cut is protected using masking tape.
    • Panels may resonate when exposed to low frequency noise. Therefore, they are recommended to be used in combination with other sound insulators.

    Popular materials in general outline reviewed. Now it’s worth understanding how they are used in practice.

    Effective sound insulation against noise coming from below

    Before choosing a soundproofing material and a scheme for its application, you need to decide what noise you want to protect your apartment or specific room from. It is not difficult to solve the problem of airborne noise - voices, barking of a neighbor's dog, low volume music. It is more difficult to drown out shock sounds - low frequencies of music, the sound of footsteps, falling or moving objects, the work of construction tools, etc.

    Impact noise is transmitted throughout all building structures. And you can fully protect a room from them only by completely isolating it, from the floor to

    "Floating" screed

    A suitable solution for soundproofing a floor would be a “floating” screed. However, when choosing this option, it is necessary to take into account that the floors will rise by 100÷150 mm.

    IN multi-storey buildings you can find an interfloor ceiling, which is a reinforced concrete structure, or a boardwalk on wooden beams. The second option is found only in houses of old buildings. Soundproofing methods concrete slab and wooden floors vary. But the general thing will be that you will have to dismantle the old covering and install a soundproofing structure.

    The transmission of impact sounds is transmitted through all structural elements, since they are in close contact with each other. The “floating” screed is not connected to the walls of the room, and is also separated from the slab interfloor covering soundproofing material.

    A “floating” screed can be either a “wet” screed. In the first case, the backfill material itself is an excellent sound insulator. In the second option, the main role is played by a layer capable of absorbing noise vibrations.

    Thus, the “floating” screed completely interrupts the “broadcast” of impact noise coming from the lower apartment, since it is a vibration-decoupled structure. If it is necessary to create complete silence in the room, then soundproofing material should be fixed to the walls and ceiling, even if the apartment is on the top floor.

    The “floating” screed consists of several layers and looks like this:

    1. Leveled surface for further decorative floor covering.
    2. “Floating” screed with a thickness of 50 millimeters or more.
    3. Soundproofing material. it is also laid along the line where the screed meets the wall
    4. Floor slab.

    This is the general design of a floating floor design. But depending on the materials chosen, other elements may be included.

    When starting the process of creating such a soundproofing structure, the first step is to clear the base. To do this, the following actions are carried out:

    • The decorative floor covering is removed.
    • If the floor is wooden and built on joists, you will have to dismantle the boardwalk and joists.
    • If the base is concrete, then it must be checked for horizontalness and for the presence of cracks and potholes. These defects can be conductors of sounds from the lower apartment.
    • If the base has numerous flaws, it will have to be repaired. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

    • If the concrete base is smooth and strong, but has small cracks, they need to be widened and filled with a sealant designed for vibration isolation.

    • Next, it is necessary to check the junction line between the wall and the floor, as well as the channels through which heating pipes and other pipes pass engineering Communication. Cracks may form in these areas or even leave through holes through which sound from the lower floor can freely penetrate into the room. It is necessary to check the corners of the room with special care, since most often the joints there are sealed with the least quality. Cracks and holes are also expanded and filled with vibration sealant.
    • If the base is wooden, then all joints and cracks between the boards must also be well sealed. Sheets of plywood are laid on top of the repaired base. A vibration tape should be immediately laid between the plywood sheets and the wall, which will not only separate the sheets from the wall, creating a technological gap, but will also absorb sound vibrations.

    • Technological gaps between plywood sheets, which should be 3÷5 mm, are also filled with vibration sealant.
    • After the base has been repaired, it must be cleaned of dust using a vacuum cleaner. Then it must be primed with a penetrating compound to prevent moisture from penetrating from below. You can additionally cover it with a layer of polyethylene film 150÷200 microns thick.

    Now you can move on to creating a “floating” screed. This can be done like this:

    IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
    If sound insulation will be carried out using mineral wool slabs, for example, “Shumanet ECO” or “RockWool Acoustic Butts”, then first mats cut into strips are installed along the walls along the entire perimeter of the room. Their height should be 150÷200 mm greater than the thickness of the future screed.
    Then the slabs themselves are laid tightly on the surface of the base, pressing the standing pieces of material against the wall.
    The result should be a coating without any cracks, with a very tight fit of the mats to each other. The elasticity and springy qualities of mineral wool make it possible to achieve this.
    Instead of mineral wool, you can use two materials laid one on top of the other for sound insulation.
    First, “ThermoZvukoIzol Light” is laid, extending onto the walls by 100÷150 mm.
    And then Tecsound is laid across the canvases of the first layer, also extending onto the walls.
    Canvases of both one and the other material are laid end-to-end.
    The seams between them are sealed with moisture-resistant reinforced construction tape.
    The next step is to cover the soundproofing layer with a thick polyethylene film, which should extend onto the walls 100÷150 mm above the installed frame of slab strips.
    Adjacent film sheets are overlapped by 150÷200 mm and glued together with moisture-resistant tape.
    This coating should be sealed over the entire area of ​​the screed being installed.
    A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the film on the supplies.
    Then, if necessary (and this is most often the case), a beacon system is installed.
    The next step is preparing and pouring the solution.
    It can be made independently, according to the “classical” scheme, or mixed from ready-made dry ingredients. building mixtures, which is certainly more convenient.
    Filling and leveling work is usually carried out from the far corner with a gradual direction towards the exit from the room.
    Leveling of the poured solution is carried out using the rule according to the installed beacons.
    If self-leveling mixtures are used, then the distribution technology may differ.
    But you can read about this separately on the pages of our portal - there are plenty of articles about pouring any type of screed there.
    If you plan to lay a dry screed instead of a regular concrete screed, it can also be poured onto soundproofing material, or directly onto the base covered with plastic film.
    Stationary beacons are not used with this approach. When leveling the mixture, temporary guides are installed according to the level. These can be galvanized profiles for drywall or even flat bars.
    The leveling of the dry mixture, consisting of fine expanded clay, which itself is a good sound insulator, is carried out divided into zones.
    After leveling a certain area, the guides - beacons are removed.
    On top of the leveled areas of the dry mixture, floor elements are immediately laid - gypsum fiber boards with special connecting lamellas.
    The slabs must also be separated from the wall by a layer of elastic material so as not to absorb vibration and shock vibrations from them.
    The boards are first glued together polymer glue(usually PVA is used), which is applied to their locking slats.
    Then they are twisted with self-tapping screws along the lines of the locks. The screw caps are recessed into the surface of the plates by approximately 0.5÷1.0 mm.

    The thickness of both one and the other type of screed must be at least 50 mm.

    If a “floating” concrete screed is installed, then after it dries, you can install a decorative floor covering, as on a regular concrete floor. Here it is necessary to clarify that the concrete screed will finally be ready for use in 28–30 days.

    When installing a dry screed, the floor covering is laid on top of the laid and fastened slabs. The advantage of this option is that the next day after installation is completed, you can begin laying the decorative coating.

    If a hard version is chosen as a floor covering (for example, solid board, laminate, parquet or), then it should also be separated from the wall by a soundproofing layer. An underlay must be laid on the screed or on the laid slabs under these floor coverings.

    “ThermoZvukoIzol Light” or “Tecsound” can be used both in combination and separately.

    Due to their elasticity, these materials can be pulled up to walls by 120÷150 mm. This creates a kind of edges. The flooring, which extends onto the walls, forms a sealed “container” for subsequent pouring or backfilling of the screed.

    Further work can be carried out according to the above scheme. Or an additional soundproofing layer may be included in the design. For example, on top of a thin sheet material, which perfectly dampens vibration vibrations, impact noise and low-frequency sound noise, the same mineral wool can be laid. Well, then all this is closed with the selected screed option.

    Video: Soundproofing a floor using a PS membrane and then pouring a “floating” screed.

    Soundproofing the floor with Tecsound

    If the ceilings are low and therefore do not allow raising the floors by 50÷70 mm, then only Tecsound can be used for sound insulation. Its installation under hard flooring is carried out in the following order:

    • A foamed polyethylene backing 3÷5 mm thick is laid on a well-cleaned screed. Instead of polyethylene, polyester acoustic felt can be used, which will significantly enhance the sound insulation effect.

    It should be noted that polyethylene foam sheets, compared to felt, have a lower ability to become a barrier to impact noise. However, polyethylene will make an excellent substrate to separate the Tecsound from the concrete base.

    • Tecsound sheets are laid end-to-end on the substrate. There should not be even a minimal gap between them, as it can become a “bridge” for sound penetration. When choosing this material for sound insulation, you must take into account that its weight is 1900 kg/m³ - this means that 1 m², having a thickness of 3.7 mm, weighs 7 kg - a lot.. Such sound insulation can reduce the level of impact noise by 50 dB .

    • Rigid decorative coverings, such as laminate or , are laid directly on Tecsound. In this combination it serves as a good underlay for flooring. Without, of course, losing its excellent soundproofing qualities

    Sound insulation of the floor with a structure on joists

    Another option for soundproofing a room is to install the floor structure on joists. However, you need to know that in such options there are some differences between simply thermal insulation and sound insulation. Although, in essence, a soundproofing system is also an effective insulating layer.

    In order for the effectiveness of noise insulation to be maximum, you will need a vibration-proofing tape, which will separate the entire structure from the base.

    Floors on joists for sound insulation can be installed on either a concrete or wooden base.

    The installation work of such a structure takes place in the following order:

    IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
    The first step is surface preparation.
    This process is similar to the option when creating a screed: - checking the base for cracks at the joints of the floor and walls, as well as through holes around utilities.
    If any are found, cracks and holes must be sealed with vibration-proof sealant.
    Next, markings are carried out in order to align the logs in a horizontal plane at the required height.
    This process is best done using laser level, although if you don’t have it, you can get by with water with no less accuracy.
    To ensure that the structure is not connected to the base and walls, when arranging soundproofing for the floor, it is best to choose the frame option.
    To do this, first a frame is mounted around the perimeter of the room from timber. It is set along a line defined on the wall when marking.
    The width of the timber for assembling the frame must correspond not only to the height of the line marked on the wall, but also to the thickness of the selected soundproofing layer.
    Experts recommend installing mats in frame cells in two layers, say 50 mm each.
    If the height of the ceiling of the room does not allow raising the floors to a significant height, then it is permissible to use two different materials in combination. For example, before laying the frame, lay 10 mm thick Tecsound on the base, and between the joists - one layer of mineral wool material of the required thickness, so that it completely, very tightly fills the space between the base and the future coating.
    The frame beam is not secured to the base or walls. That is, the structure should not come into contact with the surfaces of the building.
    The distance between the frame beam and the wall should be 80÷100 mm, since noise insulation material will be installed between them.
    To prevent direct contact of the frame with the surface of the base, a vibration-proofing tape or other sound-proofing material of suitable thickness is secured to each beam on its lower side using staples.
    Strips of Tecsound or acoustic felt may also work.
    The next step is to mark the frame frame for installing joists. They should be located at a distance of 590 from each other in the light (you can simply choose an interaxial pitch of 600 mm).
    This distance will correspond to the width of the mineral wool insulation mats, which should fit tightly and spacelessly between the frame elements.
    The logs can be fixed to the frame using powerful metal corners or in a half-wood groove manner.
    The next step is to lay wide strips of soundproofing material between the wall and the frame beam.
    They can be cut from mineral wool mats.
    After this, the slabs of soundproofing material are placed tightly between the joists.
    Next, it is recommended to cover the soundproofing layer with a vapor-permeable waterproofing membrane.
    This material will not allow mineral wool fibers to penetrate into the room, will allow water vapor to escape freely from below, but will not allow you to get wet if water is accidentally spilled on the floor.
    Some masters refuse this layer, considering it optional. However, it is provided by proven technology.
    The next step is to lay plywood sheets on the frame structure.
    The coating can be laid in one or two layers. In total, its thickness should reach 16÷20 mm.
    A vibration-proofing tape must be laid between the plywood layer and the wall. It will not only separate the coating from the wall, but will also keep the coating intact as the temperature rises, while becoming a compensation gasket when the material expands.
    Between sheets of plywood it is also necessary to maintain gaps of 3÷5 mm wide.
    The sheets are fixed to the joists and frame frame using self-tapping screws, screwed in in increments of 200÷250 mm.
    Each row of plywood is laid with a shift in the joining lines. If two layers of plywood are installed, then the joints of the sheets of the top layer should not coincide with the joints of the lower one.
    It is recommended to fill the joining gaps with vibration sealant.

    A decorative floor covering can be laid on top of the fixed plywood flooring - it can be laminate, linoleum, parquet board or carpet.

    * * * * * * *

    When isolating a room from noisy lower neighbors, you must remember that the main thing in this process, after choosing suitable material, is the complete separation of the created structure from the main walls and ceilings. However, as mentioned above, in order to achieve the truly expected silence in the room, you will have to work not only with the floor, but also with the walls and ceiling.

    Owners of standard panel buildings often experience inconvenience due to the increased degree of sound permeability in the apartment. At the same time, the source of noise is not always neighbors from the upper floors, since a lot of inconvenience can be caused by people who live in neighboring apartments or even on the lower floors. This is due to the fact that the soundproofing of the floor screed panel houses is arranged at a low level, and the problem must be solved.

    There are many materials and methods for soundproofing a home, but the choice depends on the type of finish used for the floor. For each material - ceramic floor tiles, laminate, linoleum, concrete screed or subfloor on joists, there is a different technology for laying a soundproofing floor layer.

    For each individual case, an individual selection of the appropriate sound insulator is made.

    Floor soundproofing material

    For high-quality soundproofing of floors, you need to select the appropriate soundproofing material for a particular case. Soundproofing materials come in the following types:

    • Membranes for sound insulation made on the basis of aragonite. If the membrane has a thickness of 3.7 millimeters, it will provide noise protection of up to 28 MB.
    • Soft wood fiber boards with a thickness of 25 millimeters, which are used for concrete screed. They provide noise protection up to 21 dB.
    • For a floating floor, a slab made from crushed wood of various coniferous species is used. This material has a thickness of 5-7 millimeters, while it is capable of suppressing noise up to 21 dB.
    • A rolled version of soundproofing material that provides sound insulation for laminate flooring, solid board, parquet. There are also special varieties for concrete screed. The degree of noise suppression reaches 23 dB. For example, the material “Shumanet” for concrete screed, which is produced in rolls.
    • The slab material “Shumanet” is used for various types of floor coverings and has the ability to protect against noise up to 39 dB.
    • ISOVER material, produced in the form of a slab based on mineral wool. They are used for subfloors on joists. The level of its sound insulation ability reaches up to 39 dB.
    • Mineral wool is considered a very convenient and good material for sound insulation, however, when working with it, it is necessary to take into account its tendency to absorb moisture. Therefore, before installing such a sound insulator, a waterproofing device is required.
    • Expanded polystyrene is an environmentally friendly and moisture-resistant material. Its installation is easy, since it has a porous structure, and it can be used, if necessary, to insulate any type of room.
    • Expanded polystyrene foam is considered the best option, since it is quite light in weight and has good flexibility, therefore, when using it, there is no need for additional waterproofing.

    All of the above materials are good for use, their only difference is in their ability to withstand loads, and also in the fact that not all types of soundproofing materials can be laid under a cement screed.

    Soundproofing in a house can be done in different ways, but in any case, paramount importance is given to the floor, which allows most of the noise to pass through. This is due to many reasons, but the choice of sound insulator should be made in accordance with the design features of the floors and the floor materials used for its finishing.

    Noise protection for floors on joists can be achieved by installing hard or soft slab material. At the same time, the installation technique is quite simple, since the material must be installed between the joists as tightly as possible. Cellulose insulation or expanded clay is poured between the joists, and then the surface is leveled and compacted. Soundproofing floors using soft materials is also quite easy. In this case, slab or roll soundproofing materials are simply laid between the joists in the available space, so as not to leave any gaps. Rigid materials are used less often, since their installation is relatively more difficult. The material must be pre-cut so that cavities and gaps do not form.

    Soundproofing of floors for floating screeds is carried out using modern materials such as vibration stack, shumane, noise stop and others. Each product has its own installation features:

    • The “shumanet” material is simply spread out, observing the overlaps. The material around the perimeter should overlap the walls slightly to cover the height of the screed. Typically, such an overlap on the wall is about 6 centimeters. After work, all excess can be easily cut off. The joints must be glued using special construction tape.
    • Soundproofing a floor using a noise stopper is done a little differently. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen specially provided cushioning material around the perimeter of the walls, and then lay a layer of sound insulation. The joints must be glued with tape, and a plastic film should be laid on top, which should overlap the walls so that a couple of centimeters from it protrude from under the screed. When the concrete dries, excess material is cut off.
    • The vibration stack material is mounted end-to-end. In this case, it is necessary to lay special tapes around the perimeter of the walls. After completing the work, polyethylene film is laid on the floor.

    Based on the complexity of the work performed and the essence of its execution, this method of sound insulation can be divided into three types:

    • dry screed;
    • concrete method of sound insulation;
    • prefabricated soundproofing method.

    Regardless of how sound insulation is performed, the main component is mineral wool. The work consists of performing the following actions:

    1. Before work, the base is properly cleaned, all depressions and bulges are leveled, and then all dirt is swept away.
    2. Bitumen mastic is applied to the dried surface to provide a layer of waterproofing.
    3. Further along the contour of the entire room, the height is outlined. Having chosen a starting point using a water level, place marks in each corner of the room.
    4. Then you need to lay soundproofing material on the base, for example polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

      It is important to pay attention to the fact that if mineral wool is used, a layer of vapor barrier must be laid on the surface before laying it. The resulting joints are glued using construction tape.

    5. Next, the sound insulation layer must be covered with polyethylene film, and a reinforcement mesh must be laid on top of it.
    6. The final stage is to pour the concrete mixture. To prepare the mixture, use M300 grade cement.
    7. When the concrete has hardened, any finishing finish can be laid on the surface.

    Such sound insulation does not imply the use of cement mortar. In this case, a prefabricated structure is laid on a leveled surface, into which dry material is poured for sound insulation, for example, perlite or expanded clay. This is the least expensive and most economical option.

    Soundproofing technique using dry backfill

    1. Similar to the first option, the surface is first thoroughly prepared.
    2. Next, use a laser level to mark the height of the bedding. If you don't have a laser level, you can use a water level.
    3. Then you should fix the edge tape. Foamed polyethylene can be used as it.

      It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that since the bedding for sound insulation has a fine-grained fraction, it is characterized low level moisture resistance, then it is recommended to cover the entire working area with polyethylene film before backfilling. When laying, you need to ensure that there is a slight overlap at the joints. These places must be taped with tape.

    4. At the next stage, backfilling is carried out, and backfilling is carried out strictly until the marked level is reached.
    5. The finishing layer is the installation of gypsum fiber boards, glued together using special glue.

    This option is not very expensive and does not cost much for the home owner in terms of the work performed. When soundproofing the floor, which is performed using this method, do not use concrete mixture, and the finishing is done by laying chipboard or plywood in two layers.

    The work consists of the following points:

    1. As with the above soundproofing methods, carefully prepare the surface by cleaning and leveling it.
    2. At the next stage, soundproofing material is laid. It is recommended to use cork backing or polystyrene foam as the material.
      Please note that the soundproofing material for all three options must be laid, taking into account that its edges will protrude slightly above the final finishing coating. After finishing the work, they are trimmed, hiding the remaining edges under the baseboard.
    3. The next step is to lay the plywood. It is better to secure it using special fasteners.
    4. Afterwards the plywood is painted and impregnated with varnish compounds. When they are dry, you can begin laying the topcoat.

    Laying sound insulation under a cement screed

    This soundproofing option can be carried out using three methods:

    • traditional method using a mixture of concrete and sand with the addition of polystyrene or expanded clay;
    • on a floating basis;
    • with separating layers.

    The most reliable option is the floating screed. When performing work, no connections are formed between the finishing coating and the insulation layers, which play the role of acoustic bridges that transmit noise through the building structure.

    Sound insulation device for linoleum or laminate

    Laminate is a demanding material, which itself already transmits noise, especially when dropped or impacted. Therefore, sound insulation is simply a must for laminate floors. The technique of laying laminate flooring involves the use of a special underlay that simultaneously performs several functions:

    • plays the role of insulation;
    • extends the service life of the laminate;
    • provides a high degree of sound insulation for laminate floors;
    • correct distribution of all loads both on the laminate and on the entire base;
    • Exception during operation - the formation of a squeak.

    As a rule, the special substrates used for laminates are roll materials, rolled out on the surface, or cork slabs, which after installation are glued using construction tape.

    The technique for laying the underlay for soundproofing laminate is as follows:

    1. the material is laid on the prepared base; if it is in rolls, then it is cut out;
    2. laying is done end-to-end, and after laying the seams are taped;
    3. The way in which the materials are attached depends on their type and the type of laminate coating itself.

    Linoleum is quite thin flooring material, in addition, most often it is sold without an additional felt layer. In this case, soundproofing is far from a luxury, but a necessity. For these purposes, a special substrate is suitable, which comes in the form of a “vibrostack” panel. It is laid end-to-end on the surface of the base base. The joints are glued using construction tape, which will be quite sufficient. The use of such material under linoleum makes it possible to reduce noise levels. To perform sound insulation in dry rooms with medium loads, for example, in a bedroom or in a children's room, it is permissible to use IPSOLAT material - a special substrate, which is sometimes sold together with the coating. In addition to sound insulation, this material simultaneously protects the floor covering itself, thereby extending the service life of linoleum.

    Soundproofing device under ceramic tiles

    In the case of laying ceramic tiles, the soundproofing material is mounted directly on the concrete screed or on the self-leveling floor. In this case, the specialist is recommended to use fiberglass, basalt mineral wool, having a thickness of 2-3 centimeters. In addition to a comfortable microclimate in the house, such insulation also serves as sound insulation with noise protection up to 39 dB.

    During installation, use only reliable material, withstanding mechanical loads. A special feature of the screed when laying such material is that ceramic tiles can only be laid on a hard and even base. The presence of dips on the surface is not allowed here, otherwise ceramic tile will crack.

    • Even with a strong desire, it will not be possible to achieve absolute sound insulation, since modern materials do not provide such an opportunity, even if they are laid in several layers; on the contrary, this will reduce the height of the room, but will slightly improve sound insulation. Therefore, soundproofing material should not be laid in multiple layers.
    • If there are any communications in the room where it is planned to soundproof the floor, they must be insulated using elastic material.
    • When installing a floating floor, after the finishing coating has been laid, you can attach the skirting boards to only one base, wall or floor, otherwise it will cause the formation of shock vibrations.
    • When purchasing a material, taking into account its specifics, you should ask the sellers to provide a document confirming that all necessary checks have been carried out to ensure its suitability for use in a residential area.
    • Before laying sound insulation on the floor, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​​​the room where the work will be carried out in order to avoid additional waste of time during which you will have to purchase additional substrate.
    • When choosing a substrate, you need to focus on the quality of the base, as well as the type of future floor covering. If there is a discrepancy in the parameters, this may result in a low efficiency of the insulation layer. Thus, all work carried out will become ineffective.
    • The key to successful work will be uniform and calm work, as well as the help of additional labor.


    Soundproofing a floor with your own hands is considered quite a responsible undertaking. The choice of one or another method and material for sound insulation depends on the preferences of the owners of the house or room. This is done in accordance with experience, material capabilities, and the desired result. In any case, it is important to follow the sequence of work and the appropriate technology.