Famous people born on April 17

You are practical and imaginative, ambitious, optimistic and ready for action. You have an inherent drive to constantly move, but in your pursuit of success you may have to overcome your tendency to be restless and change direction frequently.

You were born on April 17th, your zodiac sign is Aries. Thanks to your insight, you are able to make good decisions. This promotes luck and protects you from financial losses.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

However, to take advantage of this divine gift, you must pay close attention to your moral standards, work hard and develop a responsible approach to business.

You are able to cope with difficult situations and resolve problems quickly. Your determination and energy can overcome any obstacles, but remember: after the goal is achieved, you need to stop and rest well.

Practical dexterity, strong intuition and the ability to concentrate on work are just some of your many talents. Your passion for work may have traits of pedantry.

However, a sense of duty and self-control should not turn you into an overly busy and dry person.

You are efficient and practical, have an open and direct nature, but you need to overcome your tendency to be harsh and stubborn.

From the age of three, the most important thing in life for you remains reliability. Around the age of 33, there will be a change in emphasis: your interests will become broader, you will begin to pay attention to knowledge, communication with people and study.

Personal qualities of those born on April 17

One half of your nature wants life to be stable, reliable and predictable, while the other half seeks to avoid boredom and seeks activity and variety.

Be careful not to stop there, even if your position brings you contentment and peace: your prospects often lie outside the usual work and home routine.

If the desire for intense experiences and new impressions is suppressed, you will begin to experience seemingly causeless anxiety and irritation. This may make you want to escape reality.

Being an active person, those born on April 17 believe that experience teaches much better than theory. You also have emotional sensitivity and keen intuition that points you in the right direction.

Instead of rushing around looking for the right path, listen to this inner voice and your life will become smoother.

Work and vocation of those born on April 17

Your birthday opens up excellent prospects for you in commercial and entrepreneurial activities. With an innate practicality, you love systematicity and order, so drawing up a plan for how you will carry out your projects is vital for you.

In business, you are ideally suited for dealing with other people's money, for export and import transactions, banking, law, doing business abroad and initiating new projects.

You also have agility and a sense of form. You are ambitious and gifted with the talent of negotiation, and therefore are able to conclude profitable deals and make a profit on the money you invest.

Aries born on April 17 is interested in facts and figures and may achieve material success or eminence as a specialist or scientist. On the other hand, you may want to travel and discover the unknown - or explore your impressionable creative side in music or another form of art.

Love and partnership born on April 17

Warm and friendly, you attract people with your natural charm. Thanks to your strong feelings, you are capable of great love. However, if your emotions are not expressed positively, you may become moody and angry.

If you hold back too much or feel frustrated, your anxiety and impatience often come to the surface.

Being active and having new experiences can help you achieve emotional comfort. Your relationships with partners may be uneven at times, but you usually strive for peace and only have difficulty breaking contact.

Because of your dynamic nature and strong feelings, you are able to remain true to your beliefs in any environment and gain the affection and admiration you expect.

An ideal partner for those born on April 17

You will quickly find a loved one among those born on one of the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 7, 11, 22, 24; February 5, 9, 20; March 3, 17, 18, 31; April 1, 5, 16, 29; May 3, 14, 27, 29; June 1, 12, 25, 27; July 10, 23, 25; August 8, 10, 21, 23, 31; September 6, 19, 21, 29; October 4, 17, 19, 27, 30; November 2, 15, 17, 25, 28; December 13, 15, 23, 26.
  • Favorable contacts : January 8, 14, 19; February 6, 12, 17; March 4, 10, 15; April 2, 8, 13; May 6, 11; June 4, 9; July 2, 7; 5th of August; September 3; October 1, 29; November 27; December 25, 29.
  • Soulmate : January 9; February 7; March 5; April 3; 1st of May; October 30; November 28; December 26.
  • Fatal attraction : 20, 21, 22 October.
  • Troubled relationships : January 9, 18, 20; February 7, 16, 18; March 5, 14, 16; April 3, 12, 14; May 1, 10, 12; June 8, 10; July 6, 8, 29; August 4, 6, 27; September 2, 4, 25; October 2, 23; November 21; December 19th.

The zodiac sign of those born on April 17 is Aries. These are practical, ambitious, self-confident, honest people. They have clear plans for the future, which they follow despite all obstacles. They are not afraid of failure. Defeats inspire them to develop themselves, move forward and make them stronger and more resilient. Their main enemy on the path to success is haste. They may make mistakes due to inattention and impatience.

These are energetic, cheerful personalities. They love travel and adventure.

Most of the birthday people of this day are kind, sympathetic people. They help those in need and protect the weak. They have many loyal friends and acquaintances. However, among them there are also narcissistic, self-centered natures. They are focused only on themselves. They feel a need for attention and recognition from others. If they remain in the shadows, they feel oppressed and confused.

Characteristics of women born on April 17

These are active, spiritual, charming and charismatic personalities. They are interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. They strive to explore their inner world and discover hidden talents.

Such women love luxury, entertainment and want to surround themselves with material goods. They spend money thoughtlessly, indulge their whims and do not deny themselves anything. They love to receive expensive gifts.

Characteristics of men born on April 17

These are purposeful, hardworking and energetic individuals. They are ready to sacrifice their principles and social rules in order to achieve their goals. They are advised to avoid illegal actions, otherwise they will result in additional troubles for them in the future.

Such men are endowed with a spirit of competition and passion. They cannot imagine their life without struggle and the race for championship. They are endowed with leadership qualities, therefore they strive for organizational activities and control over current events.

Love horoscope

In personal relationships, those born on this day are not inclined to show romanticism and daydreaming. Behind their external rudeness and callousness hide sensitive and passionate natures that need support and care from their significant other. They avoid short-term romances and love affairs. They look closely at their partners and strive to discern in them the qualities that they want to see in their future life partner.

Such women and men honor family traditions and customs and want to implement them in their marriage. In marital relationships, they value care and comfort. In order for family life to develop harmoniously, the horoscope advises these people to work on their shortcomings, suppress their temper and harshness.


Aries born on April 17 go well with representatives of the following zodiac signs: Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio. They have low compatibility with Capricorns and Virgos.

The most suitable partner for those born on April 17

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 6, 19, 24, 26, 28
February: 5, 6, 7, 10, 19
March: 9, 21, 25, 26
April: 4, 8, 10, 13, 27, 29
May: 12, 14, 18, 19, 26, 30
June: 7, 10, 23
July: 11, 15, 18, 23, 26
August: 7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28
September: 4, 11, 28
October: 1, 16, 28
November: 2, 9, 11, 18, 30
December: 8, 10, 11, 13, 23, 25

Business horoscope

Birthday people of this day conscientiously fulfill their duties. They strive to maintain order and consistency in their work process. Make excellent staff members and managers. They prefer activities that involve mental work.

An analytical mind and the ability to competently conduct financial transactions allow these people to achieve success in banking and entrepreneurship. The love of freedom and the desire for self-expression help to achieve fame in creative fields: music, design, film industry, fine arts.

Health horoscope

Aries born on April 17th are endowed with good physical health. They adhere to a healthy lifestyle and strive to maintain youth and beauty. The horoscope advises them to avoid stress, which causes cravings for excesses in alcohol and food. You should beware of overeating, consuming excessive amounts of fat, meat and spicy foods, as they lead to excess weight gain. Don't hold back your emotions and accumulate grievances. Communication with friends and family will help get rid of nervous tension. Yoga, swimming, horseback riding and hiking in the fresh air will also help you relax.

Pay attention to communicating with others

You are focused on yourself, striving to satisfy personal needs and interests. This leads to selfishness. Pay more attention to communicating with others, be sensitive to their requests. This will help you develop your humanity and kindness.

Learn not only to receive, but also to give

You love receiving luxurious gifts and do not spare money on entertainment. You need to fight consumerism. Learn not only to receive, but also to give. Charity and helping those in need will bring you self-satisfaction and inner harmony.

Eliminate dependence on the approval of others

It is important for you to experience the attention and approval of others. Without them, you become vulnerable. Rely on the support of like-minded people and friends - they will give you strength and self-confidence.

SIGN: 28° Aries


CHARACTER. They skillfully use their abilities and are always in search of adventure. Lively and energetic, they love to be the center of attention and do not tolerate being ignored. Theology or philosophy is often studied; being sufficiently educated people, they find themselves carried away by grandiose ideas. Sometimes, in order to achieve their goals, they are ready to sacrifice other people and go over other people’s heads easily, without being tormented by remorse. They have their own moral principles and cannot tolerate violence. They take life too seriously, so they need to learn to laugh more often.
LOVE. They are extremely demanding and scrupulous when it comes to choosing the person with whom they will have to spend the rest of their lives. Their restlessness and exactingness lead to the fact that they face old age alone. Their partner must have great patience in order to endure the egocentrism and excessive confidence of those born on April 17 and not become dependent on them.
CAREER. They successfully combine developed intuition with a good dose of cunning, which allows them to easily solve even the most complex problems. Often the methods they resort to differ significantly from the traditional moral principles of society, but those born on this day firmly adhere to their principles and do not yield to them in anything.


Name of the figure: Star.
Image of the figure: a naked girl pours the water of life from two jugs. Her naked body is evidence that she has no secrets from those who manage to drink from her source.
There are stars in the sky. The picture breathes peace.
Symbol: He whose intentions are pure will be accepted by heaven.
Meanings: fulfillment, prosperity, hope, purity, simplicity, tenderness, sincerity.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Mercury in the sign of Gemini; HEALTH: general well-being; PROFESSIONS: florist, poet, architect, astrologer.

SATURN (7+1=8): Represents the rational force that helps to evaluate circumstances, even if somewhat expansively and optimistically. Symbolizes death as rebirth.


NUMBER 1: symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. Symbol of success and fame.
NUMBER 7: Moves away from material things to fully devote oneself to the soul and meditation. The desire to be in solitude in order to get to know yourself and the world around you.
HEALTH. Fluid retention in the body, migraine.
PROFESSIONS. Explorer, traveler, actor.
ADVANTAGES. Determination, perseverance, perseverance.
FLAWS. Uncompromising, unsociable, fickle.

Each of us is individual in his own way, and what makes him unique is, first of all, his character. Character traits directly depend on the name that was given at birth and on the date when he was born. The zodiac sign, year of birth and even the number have many secrets and affect the inner world of people. It's hard to believe, but even some events in life happen only because you were born on a particular day.

general characteristics

People born on April 17th unstoppable on the way to their goal. Nothing and no one can contain their energy and pressure. They are absolutely confident in their abilities and have great ambitions. If such an individual has set a goal for himself, then there is no obstacle that could stop him. Even if you tie him hand and foot, he will crawl to his destination, and if he is defeated, he will very quickly forget about it, get up and move on.

People born on April 17 should learn to control themselves. You should not get carried away with alcohol or drugs, and the food you eat should also be controlled. Bad habits can appear if such a person feels lonely. In this way he will try to heal mental wounds. In order for their mental state to be normal, such people need to surround themselves with true friends and find a soul mate who can always listen and support. To relax, you can try yoga.

People born on April 17 are adventurers, they are always confident in themselves and their abilities. They find it difficult to tolerate lack of attention to their personality. Some may even become confused if they see that no one is paying attention to them at all. These people know their worth very well and are ready to lead others. They are certainly respected in society. At first glance, these are modest and taciturn guys, but even in their calmness, inner strength is clearly visible.

Zodiac sign

On the seventeenth of April, representatives of the fire element - Aries - are born. They are under the protection of Mars. These are the same courageous and warlike guys as their “mentor”.

Aries are self-confident people. They never give up, even if failures follow them for a long time. Aries is confident in his abilities and will definitely achieve his intended goal, no matter what the cost. Many people forget about their dreams at the first failure, but this is not the case for Aries. Another failure will only give him strength, and he will achieve what he wants with even greater zeal.

Such people are interested in large organizations. They are often interested in religion and even philosophy. Aries cannot stand braggarts and try in every possible way to put them in their place. And also people who abuse their official position. Aries will try to besiege such people by any means.

If Aries, born on April 17, grew up in a remote village, and his family was poor, then having achieved a high position, he will never forget about his small homeland. He considers his main strengths to be his sharp mind and resourcefulness. In addition, Aries will always be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation, and his natural intuition and ability to cheat will help him in this. These people do not always act according to moral laws. But sooner or later such things remind us of themselves.

Aries man

  1. Competitiveness.
  2. Ambition.
  3. Passion.
  4. Invulnerability.

An Aries man cannot sit in one place. He always strives forward, is constantly in motion. An atmosphere of bright emotions, excitement, all kinds of victories and dynamics is created around him and his woman. He feels comfortable only when he can compete with someone, fight for first place. Throughout his life he will fight for his beloved woman. He will find competitors and destroy them one by one.

Aries woman

  1. Self-sufficiency.
  2. Independence.
  3. Nobility.

The Aries woman is an optimist. She is incredibly generous and spends a lot of money on all sorts of unnecessary things. In relationships, this woman puts emotions first, and only then material wealth. Of course, many will say that this is imprudent, but for her, feelings are more important, and only then expensive gifts and financial well-being.

When communicating with such a woman, be prepared to hear the whole truth about yourself. Because most often she says what she thinks and is absolutely not worried about offending anyone. And really, is it possible to be offended by the truth?

Aries character

On April 17, people with enormous willpower and unusually persistent character are born. They strive to control everything that happens around them, and these are the makings of a good boss. Few people have the same tenacity that they have. There are no obstacles in the world that could hold back Aries on the path to his goal. They always know what they need to do and how to act, without asking advice from others. And their composure allows them to maintain composure in the most unpredictable situations.

What sets Aries apart from other people is his temper.. He can be infuriated by a little thing that any other sign would not even notice. And when they are angry, Aries are scary. Their anger is uncontrollable emotions and anger that immediately falls on the one who dares to disturb their peace. In anger, this person is unable to control himself and often it even comes to a fight. Similar things happen in childhood. Already in kindergarten, he refuses to listen to anyone and follow other people's instructions. And with age this does not go away, but, on the contrary, gets worse.

A distinctive feature of these people is that they want to constantly be in the spotlight. But, in addition to looking at their achievements, people should also praise in every possible way all the actions of Aries. If the fire sign does not receive approval, this can even lead to deep depression. Despite the external strength and strength of character, inside Aries is a very vulnerable nature.

Aries do not like to brag themselves and do not allow others to do so. They try to stop any attempts in every possible way. Since these people are strong, they strive to maintain an appropriate environment around themselves. There is healthy selfishness in their character. Aries is always ready to help, but only if there is a benefit for him. Aries will help people just like that only in very rare cases. By helping others, Aries earns respect from superiors or other people, and also receives certain benefits.

Love horoscope

In general, Aries are quite romantic in nature, but those born on April 17 try to hide it in every possible way. Outwardly, such people seem distant and incapable of loving someone, but in fact they are very sensual and passionate people. For these qualities to fully reveal themselves, Aries needs to forget about work and focus on relationships with people.

Gemini and Sagittarius are considered ideal partners who are just as energetic and impulsive. Relationships will also develop well with independent Aquarius, as well as Pisces. But in alliance with the latter, a fiery person needs to be more careful, since Pisces are very vulnerable people.

It is better to avoid an alliance with Leo. The struggle for power in this couple will never stop. Representatives of the earthly element will seem too boring to Aries and their relationships will be the same.

Work and career

True leaders are born on April 17th. These people constantly need attention. If they see that no one is looking at them or admiring their activities, then such things lead them to confusion, they are lost and do not know how to correct the situation. But Aries do not overestimate themselves. They are truly very talented and confident people. They can achieve a lot in this life and are able to lead other people.

If in childhood, a person born on April 17 needed something, then in adulthood he will try in every possible way to fill the gaps. Aries will not always act according to moral laws to achieve what they want. In these moments, it is important to remember that these things can come back.

Aries Health

What comes first is that those born on April 17 are not able to control themselves. This is why addiction to tobacco, alcohol or drugs occurs. Aries also often suffer from excess weight because they cannot deny themselves food. They especially like to eat up all sorts of breakups, failures at work, or quarrels with friends.

To normalize the physical and mental state of Aries, who was born on this day, it is enough to find a favorite job and start a family. To relax, you can take a yoga class or meditate. Various trips give a great boost of vital energy.

  1. Learn to manage your emotions, and during attacks of anger, try to control your expressions at least a little.
  2. Don't try to control everything and everyone. In work, relationships, friendships, give others the opportunity to express themselves.
  3. Don't look for profit in everything you do. Sometimes doing kind things for the benefit of another person brings much more pleasure.

Attention, TODAY only!

Astropsychoanalyst Solomon Soloviev talks about the strength, determination, adventurism and leadership of those born on April 17 in his author’s column.

“Full Metal Jacket” is the Russian translation of the title of the legendary film about American soldiers fighting in Vietnam. A bullet with such a solid shell, coated with a layer of copper or steel, always better retains its original shape, is protected from deformation and has increased penetrating ability. This is the artistic image of “a bullet flying right at the target” that comes to mind when it comes to Aries born on April 17th.

All Aries born today are filled with awareness of their own strength. And this is combined with the spirit of adventure and leadership habits. They are definitely among those who expect to be heard. People whose birthday is April 17 know what they are worth. Therefore, they expect well-deserved respect from others and a willingness to follow them to the ends of the earth. Today people have come into our world with specific goals in life. And their goals are filled with meaning and awareness of how to achieve them.

The American entrepreneur, banker and financier born today has always had such specific goals (). It was to him that the American financial industry owed the creation of the banking house J.P. Morgan & Co. in 1893. In alliance with banks dependent on it in Philadelphia, Paris and London, this banking house was the largest financial company in the world. Morgan Bank controlled the construction of railroads, participated in the creation of the largest steel company US Steel, the electrical engineering company General Electric, and financed passenger transportation in the Atlantic.

In 1907, John Morgan averted a major banking crisis by gathering a pool of private investors to end a banking panic. In critical situations, their full metal shell is especially useful for Aries born today.

At first meeting, those born on April 17 may come across as quiet and inconspicuous. But even through external modesty, deep strength emerges. For some of them, awareness of their own potential comes over time. And this is often facilitated by some cardinal event in their life.

Such an event in the life of the English physiologist born today occurred in 1902, when he discovered the secretin-peptide hormone involved in the activity of the pancreas.

It is to the conclusions and formulations of this remarkable scientist that the term “hormone” itself belongs, which he coined using the ancient Greek “I excite.” Today, modern medicine uses more than 100 types of hormones for analysis and observation.

Those born today despise braggarts and always try to put down those who abuse their power or official position. Those born on April 17, who came from poor backgrounds, even having soared to the pinnacle of fame, never forget about their roots. Above all, they value willpower and a sharp, calculating mind. They have enough dexterity and cunning to get out of the most seemingly hopeless situations.

The American actress born today is beautiful in her integrity. Jennifer Garner(). A girl from Houston from a simple family of a teacher and chemical engineer set herself a specific goal - to become an actress - and became one.

And Jennifer started in the New York theater with earnings of $150, working as an understudy for leading actresses. Then there were episodic roles on television and many other minor roles. And finally, in 2001, the drama series “Alias” was released, which turned out to be so successful that five seasons were filmed. But after the first season, the beautiful Aries Jennifer Garner received a Golden Globe in the category “Best Actress in a Drama Series” for her performance in the series.

By the end of the season, Garner's fee was $150 thousand per episode, which was an absolute record for TV series at that time. In 2005, Garner was listed as number 70 on Forbes magazine's list of the 100 Most Influential Celebrities. During the 2006 Academy Awards, Garner tripped while walking on stage to accept the award for Best Sound Effects. She didn't fall, but she lost her balance and then jokingly commented, "I do all my own stunts."

People whose birthday is April 17 may have a deep interest in philosophy or religion, since strong ideas tend to attract strong personalities. They may also seek alliances with strong-willed individuals or powerful organizations.

David Beckham is without a doubt a strong-willed man. After all, it was with him that the marriage partner who is celebrating her birthday today has been concluded for almost 20 years now. Victoria Beckham(). Did little Victoria Adams set her goal in life to become the wife of one of the richest football players in the world, or was her goal to become the “chic spice” of the legendary Spice Girls? The formula of heaven can only guess about this. But today Victoria Beckham continues her solo career, writes songs, acts in films and is a fashion designer. And everything she does, she does at the highest level, while still managing to be a mother of four children and a loving wife.

By the way, both she and her husband David have identical tattoos on their bodies in the form of a biblical quote from the Song of Songs: “I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me.”

Get a temporary tattoo depicting a dragon, dye your hair blue-black, pierce your ears in several places, pierce your nose and eyebrows, and bleach your face with paint. For what purpose did all this need to be done, you ask? Born today, on the day of a conscious goal, the actress had her own reasons for this. She needed to create a punk, gothic style for her character. She won the casting to play the lead role in the film "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." And she won against such Hollywood stars as Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett Johansson.

And Rooney Mara played this role perfectly, turning on the full potential of her Formula of Heaven. This complex role of a bisexual closeted girl brought Rooney nominations for such significant awards as the Golden Globe and Oscar.

By the way, Rooney’s personal life is a closed topic for everyone; she never talks about it in interviews. The actress is also a rare guest at social events. She is always protected from the world by her full metal shell.

The legendary musician born today is always focused and closed from the world. It is called "the bass guitar of Russian rock." During his long musical career, the purposeful Aries performed as a bass guitarist in almost all popular rock bands. He started with Viktor Tsoi in the group "Kino", played in the groups "Jungle", "Alice" and "Popular Mechanics".

After the tragic death of the leader of the Kino group, Viktor Tsoi, Tikhomirov, together with the remaining musicians of the group, piece by piece restored the rough demo recordings of Tsoi's voice. After which I processed it all and put on new arrangements. This is how millions of fans of the group heard the last “Black Album” of the legendary group.

Over the past 30 years, Igor Tikhomirov has been collaborating as a bass guitarist and sound engineer with the legendary group "DDT", and is also the organizer and inspirer of the rock club "Polygon".

Hitting a baseball with a bat is a great art, and hitting a ball with a strong and powerful blow is a great skill. When people ask me what sports are best for impulsive and impetuous representatives of the sign of Aries, I answer: squash and baseball. It is in these two sports that you need maximum concentration and impulse in the strike, which, when performed perfectly, is subject to only Aries.