Signs and symbols of love according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui love symbols

There are certain colors to enhance love zones. The best for activating the zone of love and marriage are red, pink, ocher and all shades of brown. It is best to surround yourself with objects that have a square and triangular shape.

Other positive points for love and marriage:

1. Direction for talismans: southwest.
2. for love and marriage: earth.
3. Feeding (auxiliary) element: fire.
4. Sector number (trigram): 2.

Talismans can be quite different, for example - crystals, candles and red vases (yellow and orange vases are also suitable), figurines of the fairy moon, a mystical knot, images of mountains, birds in pairs. Paired items such as two candlesticks, a pair of pillows, two crystal or jade eggs, symbols of double luck.

Traditional talismans include paired products. They perfectly activate love relationships. Very often in the houses of our grandmothers, who knew nothing about Feng Shui, we came across porcelain figurines depicting two figures - a man and a woman, two swans, a pair of doves.

Traditional love talisman. - goddess of love and fertility, happiness. She brings blessings into the house for all its inhabitants. This element can be in the form of a figurine or simply as a drawing applied to certain objects. As a rule, figurines in the form of a fairy moon are less common even in specialized stores, but they can be found and purchased.

Pair of birds

A talisman such as a pair of birds is very often used to strengthen the love zone. For example, a figurine depicting a figure speaks of devoted love. Doves are a symbol of high relationships. and cranes are also considered paired talismans. They are seen as a symbol of a happy and long marriage. They say that fidelity and undying love accompany those who keep such talismanic figures in their home.

The mystical knot or symbol of double luck is most suitable for the love zone. These talismans should be placed in the southwestern side of the home. They are also placed under the mattress, thus invoking romantic luck.


If there are vases made of crystal or ceramics in the love zone, then positive energy will definitely enter the house. Luck will never leave him. The most ideal shape of a vase is for the neck to be narrow and the base as wide as possible. This makes it possible to capture and store positive energy in your home. Vases can be lightly filled with gemstones, which also attract prosperity into the home.


Well-known flowers, peonies, have active “yang” energy. Therefore, peonies are considered the most common symbol of love. If there are peonies in the love zone (southwest of the apartment or house), then it is quite possible to return the former passion to a love relationship. However, these flowers can only be used by young couples who do not yet have children. The fact is that if the spouses have been married for more than 3 years, or children are already growing up in the family, then peonies are a sign of separation and adultery. For such couples, the love zone should include asters, lilacs, roses and, naturally, orchids. Flowers can be either real or depicted on vases, paintings, bed linen, etc.

Stones in the love zone

In order for such concepts as the strength and stability of marital relationships to be present in family life, it is recommended to place stones in the love zone that awaken the energy of the Earth. From stones such as hematite (pictured above), jade, crystal, rose quartz, red jasper, you can create a light composition and decorate it with a red ribbon, this will help fill your home with the powerful positive energy of the Earth.

Stones processed to the round shape of an egg or ball have a very good effect. It's good if these are semi-precious stones. But if there are none, then you can use the usual ones. Gray pebbles with a lighter stripe are most effective. It should be remembered that stones in the love zone are laid out in pairs, just like vases,


Many people consider love to be a kind of chemistry that arises in the souls of those who are in love. Others believe that love is an inexplicable, strange and mysterious phenomenon that defies logic. As a result, both of them turn out to be right.

Love has no explanation, but there are symbols in the world that are used to explain these feelings. Among them are the following:

A pair of doves or swans;
Red roses;
Intertwined rings;
Sakura branch, etc.

You can tell more about each of these symbols.

Symbols of love and family

Representatives of flora as symbols of love.

Flowers have always been considered amazing creatures from the world of flora.

In each nationality, love is symbolized by its own flower:

In China - peony;
In India - a branch of jasmine;
In Iran - branches of an olive or apple tree.

The following types of seedlings are especially often chosen by newlyweds:

Rowan and viburnum;
Oak and hawthorn;
Pine and spruce.

Birds as a symbol of love.

It is clear why swans were chosen as a symbol of love. These are beautiful, huge birds that choose a partner once in their life and remain faithful to him until death. They even die together. If one of the family dies, the second soars up and throws itself like a stone to the ground. He breaks down because he cannot imagine his existence without a partner. In addition, a pair of swans are reverent spouses who are always nearby, they tenderly care for each other, and pay special attention to their offspring.

A popular symbol all over the world is doves. Their love for their partner also knows no bounds. They mate for life, and remain faithful to their partner even after his death.

These birds represent platonic, pure love between young partners.

Another representative of birds that are a symbol of love is the mythical creature - the phoenix. In the mythology of different peoples, it is called differently, but everywhere it symbolizes happiness, glory, immortality and the infinity of love. The legend says that one day a bird born from the Sun flew to Earth. She was so beautiful that the stars dimmed from her radiance and greeted her arrival with a friendly round dance. In those places where this fabulous bird appeared, wars stopped and strife subsided. Love, friendship and mutual understanding were born anew in people's hearts. With light and warmth, this fabulous creature melted the ice that arose in the hearts of people.

The heart is a symbol of love that came to us from ancient times.

Since ancient times, the red heart has been considered a symbol of love relationships. Where does this symbolism come from? The heart is the main human organ that gives life. It knows how to “freeze” and “beat furiously” in moments of special experiences. If, his brain fails, and “he thinks with his heart.” In addition, the human cardiovascular system is a vicious circle that symbolizes the infinity of love. Other symbols of love are often complemented by a heart symbol to complete the picture. For example, in the gracefully intertwined necks of white swans one can discern the image of a heart.

Wedding rings as a symbol of eternal love.

The true meaning given to comes from the understanding of the word infinity. The shape of a circle implies an endless flow of time, the continuous flow of which no one can stop. Likewise, the love of two people connecting their hearts with wedding rings is endless and unshakable, like time. By exchanging wedding rings, the newlyweds swear fidelity to each other. This attribute of mutual love on the ring finger will always remind them of ardent youthful love.

Symbols of love according to Feng Shui.

Every home has its own symbols of love. They are considered the main ones in the teachings of Feng Shui. They carry associative information about the time the owners of the house fell in love, the development and formation of their marital relationships, living together and relationships with family and friends. These may be the following items:

Figurines and photographs;
Figures in the form of hearts or swans, doves, etc.

In China, the bird that is considered a symbol of love is the mandarin duck. These charming, unforgettable birds also mate for life. According to legend, the Chinese ruler, about to part with his wife, walked along the shore of a beautiful pond. His attention was attracted by two mandarin ducks, who gently cleaned each other’s feathers, wrapped their necks around their partner and quacked peacefully. Looking at the birds, the man remembered the caresses that he and his wife gave each other in their youth, their hot nights and passionate kisses. The couple's relationship was saved, and the ducks remained a symbol of love and fidelity.

Buy a couple of ducks and place them in the southwest of any room. It is advisable that this be a matrimonial bedroom.

The Chinese begin to invite love into the house from the bedroom. As a rule, this is the place where the loving energy of the spouses is focused. So that nothing prevents it from flowing and multiplying freely, put things in order in this room. Free her from all unnecessary things, leave only those that are necessary. Divide the entire space into female and male halves. For example, a wardrobe should have the same amount of space for women's and men's clothes. Place your books and CDs and men separately on the shelves. Don't keep photos or things that remind you of past relationships.

Why do people use symbols of love?

And sounds can say a lot about your love. However, how can you do this if you don’t see the person, don’t have the opportunity to touch him and feel the warmth of his body? This is why symbols of love exist. So that your loved one does not forget you even in a long separation, give him a heart-shaped pillow. Long, lonely nights apart will be brightened up for him by this symbol of your love. Falling asleep and waking up next to a piece of your heart, he will know that you love him and are waiting for him.

How to tell the whole world about your love? Shout at every corner or post notices? The newlyweds found easier ways. They attach rings to the roof of the wedding car and surround themselves with white doves and hearts.

The most important symbol of love for a married couple is children. What can better say about the love between parents than happy and healthy toddlers? They personify the atmosphere that reigns in the family, the relationship between elders and happiness. The symbol of a happy event in the family - the birth of a child - is the stork. Many times we have seen the image of this bird, which carries a diaper in its beak for moms and dads, in which a happy baby is wrapped. At the same time, the bird is depicted against the background of a blue cloudless sky and bright sun.

What could be more beautiful than children playing peacefully in a sandbox or a baby in a stroller? This is a symbol of real, true love. This is the culmination of the relationship between a man and a woman.

By the way, in the teachings of Feng Shui, the place of the stork is taken by goldfish. The Chinese revere these slow and beautiful animals as wise patrons of the family hearth and mentors in the knowledge of happiness. For them, fish symbolize comfort, the measured flow of family life, love relationships between spouses, and the birth of children.

14 March 2014, 17:32

Flows of Qi energy permeate everything around us and by arranging the furniture in the house, its windows and doors in a certain way, arranging the bedroom, living room and other rooms in the right place, you can harmonize your life and relationships with other people. This is what the Taoist teaching of Feng Shui believes.

According to Chinese geomancy, a person’s destiny is shaped by 3 energy flows:

  • “heavenly happiness” received at birth;
  • what a person creates himself - actions, merits, etc.;
  • flows of earthly energy, “earthly happiness”, which affect all aspects of life.

By correctly placing certain objects and furniture in the house, you can streamline the flow of earthly energy and allow it to positively influence the presence of a loved one in your life.

Where to start attracting love?

The bedroom is usually considered the place of love, so you need to start attracting love by putting things in order in this room.

All unnecessary items should be moved to other rooms and only the essentials should be left.

Open space will allow energy to flow freely.

The next step is that Feng Shui teachings advise creating a balance of feminine and masculine energy. To do this, you need to make room for the things of your prospective partner: hang a few empty hangers in the wardrobe, empty drawers for his linen in the chest of drawers, leave room for his books or CDs.

Try choosing matching items and figurines for the bedroom. If you have been in a relationship with someone before, throw away and forget everything that reminds you of a past and lost love. For you, everything is just beginning now.

In order to project energy, people traditionally use various talismans and amulets, symbolizing the desires they want to satisfy.

What does love symbolize according to Feng Shui?

As a love symbol, you can use those objects that evoke clear associations with the feeling of falling in love, marital relationships, and family life. These can be figurines and photographs depicting a couple in love, figurines of swans or cooing doves.

Traditionally, Feng Shui uses the image of a pair of mandarin ducks as a symbol of love and marital fidelity. These birds mate for life and remain alone if they lose their partner.

According to an ancient legend, a Chinese feudal lord was about to separate from his wife. Walking along the shore of the pond, he saw two tangerines who were tenderly caring for each other and lovingly cleaning their partner’s feathers. The feudal lord remembered the caresses that he and his wife once bestowed on each other and feelings flared up with renewed vigor in his heart. His marriage was saved, and the ducks remained in the memory of the people as...

Place a couple of ducks in the southwest of the bedroom. The effectiveness of the symbol will increase if you plant them near water or indoor plants.

Placed in the southwestern sector of an apartment or room, a rose quartz figurine according to Feng Shui is designed to preserve the family hearth. Of course, the figure must be a pair.

Rose quartz jewelry awakens love in the heart of the person who wears it. Thus, quartz gives its owner the ability to project love outward, attracting the reciprocal love of another person.

A powerful talisman of love and marital relationships in the Feng Shui arsenal is considered a sign of double luck, which is designed to create harmony in a couple. Traditionally, in China, a pair of characters representing the word "luck" is considered a guarantee of well-being in those aspects of life that need improvement. But he alone will not be able to attract the ideal partner. This symbol only increases the chances of meeting a person who will intend to enter into a serious relationship with someone who uses the double luck sign.

To attract love in Feng Shui, the hieroglyph is placed in the southwestern sector of the home; in the bedroom you can embroider it on pillows. For those who are married and would like to strengthen and renew feelings, you can place the image under the mattress on the marital bed.

A self-made talisman with the image of a sign of double luck will be charged with the energy of the person who made it. Working for its creator, it will be more effective than purchased ready-made.

Another symbol of love according to Feng Shui that you can make yourself is a magic knot. The interweaving of a red silk cord will enhance the effect of any other talisman. This knot in itself is not a love symbol, representing only the idea of ​​continuity. For a love talisman, a magic knot will serve as a symbol of long, endless love. A knot knitted according to the pattern can be attached to a painting or photograph with mandarin ducks or a couple in love, or tied to the base of the figurine.

Like many centuries ago, amulets continue to have a positive effect on the psychophysical state of their owners. Only symbols that you activate yourself can help solve problems that arise in life and attract love. To do this, when making a symbol of love according to Feng Shui, you need to clearly imagine what you plan to get from it in the end: love, marriage, etc. If the talisman is purchased ready-made, you need to sit down and relax, holding the talisman in your hands. Then imagine your desire for love, clearly determine what exactly the owner of the talisman wants to receive, and mentally place your desire in this object.

Those who want to improve relationships or attract new love are recommended to study the signs and symbols of love according to Feng Shui. When these objects are correctly positioned, they will become a powerful magnet to attract good luck, wealth, prosperity, love and happiness into the home.

Attracting love with feng shui

Before you start using the ancient Chinese technique, you need to understand yourself, make sure that you are ready for a new serious relationship, want to settle down and start a family. Feng Shui does not consider one-night stands. Otherwise, instead of a romantic relationship, you will have sexual problems.

If you feel like a self-sufficient person, you understand that relationships are not needed for enjoying each other, but for joint development, then you can begin to create a space of love.

As you understand, the space of love should not be dirty, so first of all, clean and remove all objects that interfere with the creation of romance. Get rid of old things that are associated with your ex-love. So, if you keep letters from your former partners, some memorable souvenirs, photographs together, jewelry - all of them need to be thrown away. Otherwise, they will become an obstacle and create a negative background in the love zone.

Good bedroom Feng Shui is equally important to attract love. If you sleep on a single bed, urgently change it to a wide double bed to show that you are waiting for your person in this life. It is advisable to place the bed so that it is not near the wall itself and can be approached from both sides. Then the Chi energy will have more ways to fill you with its beneficial power, which means the Feng Shui symbols will work more productively.

Using an easy formula, determine your Gua number and the directions that are favorable for you. You should sleep with the headboard in the direction of Yan-nian Love, which helps create a happy personal life.

Place something on the nightstand next to the bed that your partner might like or be interested in. If you are a woman, let it be a couple of men's magazines. You can also hang some attribute of men's clothing in a prominent place as a symbol.

Symbols and signs of love in Feng Shui

Use meaningful paired love symbols that mean something to you. After all, if you personally do not associate a pair of swans with love, then it would be better to put a pair of hearts that evoke such an association.

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui is a pair of mandarin ducks, which help to get married successfully and create a family where love and fidelity will reign. It is these birds that have become a sign of love in China, because they find a mate once and for life, and if they lose a partner, they often do not find another. Ducks bring a couple to singles, and add stability and happiness to married ones.

Rose quartz is another popular symbol that brings good luck in love. It helps you find your life partner, harmonize your current relationships and adds romance to your life. This stone also helps develop self-love, which is the foundation of all relationships.

Peonies are the national symbol of China. For many centuries, these flowers have been used to attract love and create romance in relationships.

Double Happiness Symbol - This Chinese sign symbolizes eternal happiness and is widely used in the practice of Feng Shui. For those who want to meet their soul mate, a double symbol will help to meet the right partner; for a married couple, this element will add mutual understanding, improve the physical and emotional aspects of love.

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Speech functions in the Upper Paleolithic saw the flowering of primitive art, the origins of which go back to a much earlier era. The earliest signs of primitive art are related in origin to the signs of the ancient sign language, of which they were a fixation.

Primitive art was an extremely specific type of sign system, closest to pictographic writing. But (unlike later writing) its signs are associated not with audible speech, but with sign language. What is extraordinary is that, starting from the most ancient monuments of art of the Upper Paleolithic, it undoubtedly reflects the very asymmetry (in particular, the right and left hands), which already plays such a significant role in the physiological structure of man in this era.

In Upper Paleolithic rock art, the hand sign most often depicts the left hand rather than the right. In the caves of Gargas and Castillo, there are 159 left hand prints (i.e., about 0.9 of all cases) and 23 right hands. The same feature is characteristic of later North American Indian pictographic images: for 108 left hand prints (which is almost 0.8 of all cases) in six places in North America, there are 30 right hand prints. An almost exclusive predominance of left-hand prints is also characteristic of cave semi-pictographic images in Australia.

Primitive art for many thousands of years has been distinguished by its amazing constancy of themes and symbolism. All symbols are grouped around several paired (binary) opposites.

The main paired opposition in primitive art was the opposition between the masculine and feminine principles, which is associated with the peculiarities of the social organization and economic activity of primitive man. The French anthropologist Leroy-Gourhan established that the sign of the left hand in primitive art is one of the ways to symbolically designate the feminine principle. It follows from this that the system of paired opposites that underlay primitive art already corresponded to the principle of organization of binary (dualistic) mythologies that are characteristic of all early stages of the development of human thought. The main feature of the earliest mythologies is precisely their dualistic character. This was revealed back in 1941 in the classic study of the remarkable ethnographer A. M. Zolotarev, whose conclusions were confirmed by numerous studies in recent years.

A feature of the overwhelming majority of these mythologies and ritual systems is that in them the left side is correlated with the feminine principle, and the right side with the masculine principle. The recent discovery that the tendency to occupy the left seat in a room characterizes a statistically predominant number of women in modern society has led to the question that this tendency may be a consequence of a genetic predisposition. The Russian folk lament of the bride on the first day of matchmaking says:

Already, the peasant sex, stand on your right hand,
Female gender stand on your left hand.

Evidence from East Slavic folklore, according to which a woman was buried to the left of a man, is consistent with archaeological data on Slavic pair burials. But the roots of these ideas go back to even deeper antiquity.

Back in the 1930s, the famous anthropologist Leakey discovered ancient burials in the Elmenteina cave in Kenya that followed the same pattern: male skeletons in burials lay on the right side, female skeletons on the left. In these and other (even earlier) burials, the antiquity of the connection of the left side with the feminine principle is certified by archeology.

The contrast between left and right in Paleolithic art was also associated with differences in colors. This is best discovered in the caves of Lascaux. In the Great Gallery of these caves, the heads of the animals depicted in the left group are painted red, and in the right group - black. In Castillo, the women's signs are red and the men's sign is black. In the drawings in the Lascaux caves, the contrast between red and black colors is also associated with the difference in the images of horses and bison, which themselves were probably symbols of gender (Fig. 28).

It should be emphasized that the contrast between red (which, judging by the finds of ocher, very early - even before Mousterian - acquired symbolic meaning in the funeral rites of human ancestors) and black is universal. It differs sharply from those color features that are essential for the visual perception of great apes. Therefore, the appearance of ocher (already among the Neanderthals) can be considered one of the most reliable archaeological evidence of the final “humanization”. It is curious that the Neanderthals (in the Shanidar cave mentioned above) also noted the first use of flowers - “bouquets” in funeral rites, which anticipates a custom that has survived to our time.

Systems of binary opposites, including distinctions between masculine and feminine, left and right, red (or white) and black, and corresponding pairs of animals (for example, horse and bison, etc.), among primitive peoples in the most archaic cases are associated with the dual division of the tribe into two exogamous halves, between which only marriages are possible (prohibited between members of the same half). This division, obviously, is initially inherent in all human societies, since the prohibition of incest - incestuous marriages between close relatives - is certainly universal, although the very concept of close kinship is understood differently by different peoples.