The meaning of the name Zlata. Interpretation of the name. Zlata's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar - meaning and characteristics What is the full name of Zlata

The rare and euphonious name Zlata has several versions of its origin. Its predominant distribution in the Muslim environment of countries of Eastern Europe makes us remember the ancient Greek “Chris”, literally translated meaning “golden” or “golden”. Quite often, girls and women named Zlata can be found in the European part of Russia, which is explained by its consonance with the ancient Slavic word “gold”. Some scholars believe that the name Zlata came from Jewish culture, since in Yiddish there is an analogue that sounds like Zlote. There is also a more ancient Hebrew version of Gold, that is, “golden”.

Variants of the name Zlata exist mostly in Slavic languages. For example, in the Czech Republic girls are called Zlatuše, and in Serbia – Zlatija. However, there are women with a similar name in other regions of the world. So, in English it sounds like Zleta, in Chinese - Zalata, in Korean - Jellata, in Japan - Dzurata, and in Arab countries - Zulatana.

Among women with rare name Not much gold famous personalities, which is primarily explained by its limited distribution. However, you can still find many popular people. The most famous are the Soviet artist Zlata Byzova, the Russian pianist Zlata Chochieva, the Russian opera diva Zlata Bulycheva, the Ukrainian singer Zlata Ognevich and the Moldovan composer Zlata Tkach.

If you want to call Zlata a diminutive option, then you can choose from a variety of abbreviations: Lata, Latti, Latka, Zlatka, Zlatushka, Zlatochka, Latushka, Latochka, Zlatonka.

Name days and patron saints

For a girl named Zlata, there are not several versions when choosing a patron saint. They all find the intercession of Saint Zlata (Chrysa) of Moglenskaya. This simple woman was born and raised in a poor Bulgarian family, which continued to adhere to the Christian religion during the times of Turkish rule and the rule of Islam.

The girl was distinguished by her amazing beauty, strong character and unshakable faith in Christ, but had the misfortune of awakening a sinful passion in a wealthy Turkish merchant. That for a long time tirelessly, but to no avail, sought her favor. Zlata could not give up her religion for the sake of marriage with a Muslim, no matter how much they persuaded her to do so with honeyed words, rich promises and terrible threats. In the end, the unlucky admirer kidnapped the girl, but was unable to break her resistance even with the help of torture and put her to a terrible execution.

For her steadfastness and fidelity to Christianity, on October 13, 1912, the Great Martyr Zlata was canonized. In the Catholic world, the saint is remembered on October 13 and 18, while Orthodox Christians living according to the Gregorian calendar should celebrate her name day on October 26 or 31.

Characteristics of the name

As in any person, a woman named Zlata contains both positive and negative traits character. However, she learns very early to recognize her strengths and weaknesses, to control them, developing positive inclinations and suppressing bad inclinations.

  • Latties are attracted to people by their ease of communication and the ability to truly enjoy any entertainment.
  • Girls named Lata stand out from their peers with their innate grace and charm, attractive appearance and excellent taste. Her sense of proportion never betrays her, both in clothes and in makeup.
  • Zlata is endowed with healthy ambition and a serious attitude towards life. She prefers to plan her life for years in advance and always systematically achieves her goals.
  • In addition, fortune is always on Zlatka’s side, even in a situation where a fiasco seems inevitable. Always at the last moment miraculously Circumstances arise that allow her to get out of the most complicated troubles without loss.

Recipe for the occasion::

Despite the many attractive features, the name Zlata has many pitfalls for its owner.

  • Her insatiable curiosity often becomes the reason for an unfavorable turn in fate.
  • Selfishness and vanity encourage you to do things only for your own benefit, which does not always meet with favorable feedback from colleagues, family and friends.
  • Special demands on living conditions, as well as the words and actions of others, forces Zlata to behave not very correctly despite her innate delicacy. At the same time, she does not always believe that the same inflated criteria should be observed by herself.
  • Latti is characterized by harmful indecision, and therefore, after much hesitation, strong emotions can sometimes prevail over common sense. And then the result is so sad that it makes you think about the presence of evil fate.

The character of women named Zlata largely depends on what time of year they were born.

  • The basis of the character of the winter birthday girl is the constant desire for action. She is simply not able to sit with her hands folded for a long time, passively thinking about plans for the future and the transience of life. Unsatisfied ambition and inflated ambitions require immediately using all the opportunities presented to achieve a cherished goal, be it personal happiness or career. Like all Zlatas, the winter hypostasis is sociable and emotional, but she is used to restraining her impulses. Of the large number of acquaintances, only a few can consider themselves to be Latti’s true friends, since she is very selective about those whom she includes in her inner circle. Among the many admirers of Zlata's feminine charm and mysterious charm, no one receives the honor of becoming the object of her sincere affection.
  • Spring Zlata creates the complete impression of an insensitive and calculating woman. At the same time, few people realize that under this icy mask lies a raging flame of all kinds of passions. Outwardly cold and reserved, Latti is captivated by romantic ideas about the world in general, and about men in particular. That is why her personal life often does not work out. Happy relationships with the opposite sex and a prosperous marriage are possible only if Zlata finds the strength to part with illusions in time and accept men as they are, with all their advantages and disadvantages. Changes in worldview will also benefit career aspirations, allowing Latti to take a place in her chosen profession worthy of her talents and knowledge.
  • Zlata, who was born in the summer, is simply unable to hide her emotionality and outlook on life. Such unfeigned sincerity usually endears her to others, but sometimes causes various problems. Excessive openness and indecision do not allow summer Zlata to feel happy, making her too vulnerable to everyday rudeness. If the summer birthday girl manages to change her view of the world and learns to find positivity even in everyday routine, then her relationship with the world and people will immediately change for the better.
  • Autumn Latti is a real creative person, sensitive and overly emotional. Sincere impulses, easy character and excellent sense of humor attract a lot of friends and fans to her, but often serve as a reason serious problems. After all, common sense always comes last for autumn Zlata when making certain decisions. Despite her sociability and sociability, this expressive nature is often visited by sadness and a feeling of loneliness, which have a destructive effect on her personality. It is simply contraindicated for Zlata to be sad and feel abandoned, as this very quickly leads to prolonged depression.


From an early age, little Zlata pleases her parents with her intelligence and curiosity. She readily and very easily acquires new knowledge, masters unfamiliar skills, and therefore studies at school easily, but only in those subjects that awaken her interest. Latti hates boredom and routine, and her lack of perseverance and excessive emotionality do not allow her to succeed in tedious activities.

In her interactions with friends and classmates, she is distinguished by her desire for justice and amazing loyalty to her friends. However, any manifestation of lies and betrayal is perceived very painfully by the girl, forever excluding the “criminal” from her circle of friends.

Since childhood, Zlata has been distinguished by a calm and flexible character. She does not like to get into arguments and start conflicts, always keeping her opinion to herself and not imposing it on others. At the same time, little Latti moves towards her chosen goal with amazing tenacity, sometimes turning into “donkey” stubbornness.

A polite, kind and sensible girl easily wins the affection of both adults and peers, but in any company she prefers to remain somewhat aloof. She retains this quality throughout her life, from time to time retreating into the world of her fantasies. However, the penchant for dreams does not prevent Zlata from a young age from quite soberly assessing her prospects for the future, and then successfully realizing them.


Most often, Zlata’s character type is choleric, and therefore any routine can lead her to mental disorders and depression. The rest of this woman’s health can only be envied. From an early age, colds and injuries are unknown to her, and her love of sports allows her to keep herself in good shape until old age. Over time, nature still takes its toll, and therefore in her old age Zlata often suffers from digestive problems and nervous system disorders.


Zlata combines external charm and internal attractiveness in the most harmonious way. By nature she is feminine and graceful, and constant care for her appearance, coupled with excellent taste, makes Latti incredibly attractive to the opposite sex. A good-looking appearance is harmoniously complemented by pleasant manners, ease of communication, an excellent sense of humor and rich erudition. All this not only turns a girl into a desired sexual object, but also makes her a true friend and an interesting conversationalist.

Despite numerous fans in sexual relations Zlata enters late and is extremely reluctant, preferring to be friends rather than sleep with men. This is explained by her amazing indifference to the intimate side of life. The girl does not find any special meaning or pleasure in sex, and therefore does not require frills and lengthy foreplay. Such coldness often becomes an obstacle to continuing a relationship if the partner is not ready to constantly show patience and ingenuity in love games. However, the minor development of the plot does not at all upset Zlata, who is rather indifferent to her coldness in sex.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Young Zlata easily changes admirers and does not strive for marriage at all. She lives easily and serenely, without thinking about the prospects of her novels. After all, her attractive appearance and personal charm provide her with the appearance of more and more new admirers with matrimonial intentions, and her thirst for freedom and independence does not allow herself to be constrained by serious and long-term relationships.

However, over time, priorities change, and the matured Latti begins to think about building a family nest. She approaches the search for her one and only very thoroughly, placing very high demands on the candidate for her hand and heart, both moral and intellectual, and financial order. But the one who satisfies all the criteria and wins the love of the beauty will be rewarded with the immense devotion of his chosen one. After all, Zlata simply dissolves in marriage, completely devoting her life to her husband, but only if he responds to her with the same devotion and fidelity.

Latti is an excellent mother and housewife. She quickly and skillfully builds a family nest, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house. Zlata's dislike for scandals and quarrels turns any everyday troubles into insignificant trifles that cannot destroy peace and harmony in the family.

The most suitable spouses for Zlata will be applicants with the names: Dmitry, Sergey, Andrey, Alexey, Alexander, Maxim, Vladimir, Denis, Roman, Vitaly, Igor, Vyacheslav. It is very undesirable to connect your life with Evgeniy, Artyom and Nikolai.

Business and career

Zlata's ability to perform several tasks at once makes her an indispensable worker in any chosen field. She is proactive and independent, is not afraid to take responsibility and gets along well with people, if necessary she can speak eloquently in public, she is distinguished by high responsibility for the results of her work and enviable diplomatic talents. All these qualities help Latti easily climb the career ladder and achieve high performance.

However, if she decides that her duties have turned into a boring routine, she will immediately change her field of activity, especially since Zlata’s innate talents allow her to easily achieve success in a wide variety of professions, from a journalist and TV presenter to a flight attendant and translator.

Oddly enough, the material component does not play the main role for the practical Latti. In the foreground for her there is always moral satisfaction from the work done, pleasure from the process and a successful result. Zlata is always confident in her abilities and is able to bring the most unpromising project to a successful conclusion, for which she is valued by her management, respected by her subordinates and loved by her colleagues.

Talismans for Zlata

  • Patron planet – Uranus, Jupiter.
  • Element – ​​Water.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • The most successful time of year is autumn.
  • The most successful day of the week is Monday.
  • Lucky color - red, purple. Red will add self-confidence to the indecisive Zlata, and purple will emphasize sensitivity and fine mental organization.
  • Totem animal – elephant, electric stingray. The elephant symbolizes the wisdom and favor of fortune, attracts good luck in love and the material sphere, and guarantees a happy marriage. The electric stingray emphasizes Zlata’s openness and friendliness, while simultaneously signifying the carefreeness and independence of her character.
  • Totem plant – mimosa, basil. Tender mimosa is the embodiment of Zlata’s vulnerability and sensitivity, while basil attracts love and energy to her, protects her from evil forces and accidents.
  • Talisman stone – diamond, rock crystal. Diamond symbolizes purity and innocence, but at the same time it also means power and fortitude. It helps to pacify earthly passions and at the same time gives insight, helping to harmonize the surrounding space for overly emotional individuals. Rock crystal makes the life of its owner more calm and balanced, attracting loyalty and constancy to her. Its presence promotes concentration and the emergence of a new perspective on familiar things.


Aries– spends his life in pursuit of material wealth, often forgetting about moral principles. Her assertive and domineering character allows her to achieve success in business, but leads to the fact that on the path to prosperity she is left behind by deceived and humiliated people, many of whom turn into enemies. Sensuality and enviable temperament make Zlata-Aries not only a passionate lover, but also an incredible owner who will not tolerate betrayal.

Taurus– in any circumstances strives for a calm and measured existence. She loves to work hard and purposefully in a comfortable rhythm, and any force majeure circumstances that pleasantly enliven the lives of most people turn into a real disaster for Golden Taurus. This woman tries in every way conflict situation maintain neutrality, remaining closed and unapproachable. Winning her love is not easy, but whoever Latti gives her heart to can be sure of her boundless devotion.

Twins– are distinguished by their irrepressible love of life and the desire to always remain in the very center of events. Excess communication, which tires other people, becomes a vital necessity for Gemini Gold, in the absence of which she immediately becomes despondent. The only one significant drawback This active and energetic person can be considered a lack of vector in the application of forces. She fails to complete a single task, wasting time and energy on secondary goals. Frivolity and amorousness lead to the fact that numerous novels never develop into a marriage.

Cancer- this sign, like all Zlatas, is distinguished by external attractiveness, special charm and charm that attracts the opposite sex. However, soon the happy admirer notices that behind the beautiful “wrapper” there is a closed and rather unpleasant personality. In her, a gloomy view of the world and a tendency to conflict is surprisingly combined with hyperprotection over her chosen one. Not every man can find a common language with such a difficult person, and therefore there are many lonely women among the Golden Cancers.

a lion– stands out for its honesty and excessive straightforwardness, which does not always have a good effect on communication with friends and colleagues. Zlata-Lev's criticism has a particularly negative impact on her professional activities. In addition, passionately loving, caring and responsive in the family, Latti expects the same attitude from her loved ones, and if they do not live up to expectations, she always takes revenge in an insidious and sophisticated way.

Virgo– always wise and reasonable, practical and rational. She does not allow emotions to take precedence over reason, and therefore, with a certain determination and hard work, she always achieves excellent success in the professional field. However, excessive dedication to work leaves no room for personal life, which often leads the Golden Virgin to complete loneliness.

Scales– kind and sympathetic, look at life with optimism and even some frivolity. Such character traits make Gold-Libra a charming and attractive person, but they cause her a lot of trouble. Windy Zlata often falls in love, but is unable to focus her attention on a specific chosen one. Anyone who decides to take her as his wife will have to make a lot of effort to pacify this reckless and carefree nature.

Scorpion- eccentric and self-confident to the point of absurdity. Such Zlata simply cannot exist without the constant attention of others, without their admiration and admiration. Everything in her life should be perfect and luxurious: work, home, wardrobe, men. It is quite logical that the weak string of her character, which is so easy for an experienced manipulator to play, is the love of flattery and compliments. This is how a man truly in love can achieve the favor of Zlata-Scorpio. However, before deciding to take such a step, you should think more than once. After all, as a life partner, Latti is completely unbearable.

Sagittarius– irresistibly attracts the opposite sex with its temperament and unpredictability. But the eccentricity and restlessness of nature in large doses very quickly turn from advantages into disadvantages, making the life of the chosen one of Zlata-Sagittarius a real test of feelings. True, she is so passionate and spontaneous, so open to love and ready for any madness for the sake of her soulmate, that she is involuntarily forgiven for somewhat excessive everyday activity.

Capricorn– the embodiment of common sense, worldly wisdom and professional prudence. She doesn't make a single decision without thinking it through. Feelings and emotions have no power over the cold mind of Zlata-Capricorn. It was these traits that earned her universal respect both in the family and at work. After all, it is Latti who is made the final authority when accepting complex solution, it is to her that people turn to for support, advice and understanding. Her feeling for her chosen one is always deep and reliable, and the marriage is stable and prosperous.

Aquarius– has an attractive appearance and personal charm, and therefore easily wins the much-needed love and admiration of others. However, few know that behind the spectacular façade hides a petty and fickle nature. Gold-Aquarius is comfortable only in his own separate little world, where they do not penetrate from external environment envy and ignorance, gossip and jealousy. She will be happy only with the man who agrees to always play “second fiddle” in marriage, modestly remaining in the shadow of his wife.

Fish– differ in particular detachment from real world, what makes such Zlata vulnerable and suspicious of everyone external manifestations. Latti Fish hides from reality in an imaginary world, gradually turning into a “black sheep.” Her professional activities do not allow her to completely renounce the society of her own kind. Numerous fans almost never get a chance for reciprocity, but if among them there is a man who inspires Zlata with trust and a sense of security, then she will certainly be happy with him.

Zlata is rare and beautiful name. It gives its owner a sense of uniqueness and self-worth. Such a girl is unpredictable and active. She cannot imagine her life without adventures and amazing incidents filled with vivid emotions.

Origin of the name

The most common version about the origin of the name Zlata is ancient Greek. Researchers see its roots in the word “chrysa”, which means “gold”, “gold”. It is also associated with the Hebrew name Golda (“golden”).

It is believed that the name was most widespread among Ashkenazi Jews. Most often, girls were called Zlata in the following countries:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Belarus;
  • Lithuania;
  • Ukraine.
The name Zlata has several versions of origin, but everyone associates it with the word “golden”

Forms of the name Zlata

Short name forms:

  • Lata;
  • Latty;
  • patch;
  • Zlatka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Latushka;
  • Zlatochka;
  • Zlatushka;
  • Zlatonka;
  • Latochka.

When writing poems about a girl named Zlata, you can use the following rhymes: rich, loss, retribution, sonata, girls, etc.

Photo gallery: name forms

Zlata - full form of the name Lata - short form of the name Zlata
Zlatochka - an affectionate version of addressing Zlata

The church form of the name is Zlata (Chris).

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is ZLATA.

Table: variations of this name in different languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Zlata:

  • Antonovna;
  • Georgievna;
  • Igorevna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Olegovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Zlata can use the following nicknames:

  • zolotaya;
  • z_l_a_t_a;
  • zlata_gold.

Patron saints of Zlata, name day dates

The patron saint of girls with this name is Zlata Moglenskaya. She lived in Bulgaria, was raised in a poor but religious family. At that time the country was under Turkish yoke. A rich Turk fell in love with the beauty, but the chaste Christian woman did not reciprocate his feelings and did not intend to renounce her religion for the sake of Islam.

The Turk kidnapped Zlata and tried to break her faith. The girl was also persuaded by his relatives, the wives from the harem. When the rich man realized that exhortations and sweet words would not work, he ordered the beauty to be cruelly tortured. She was still unshakable. She was eventually executed.

Zlata Moglenska - patron saint of girls named Zlata

Girls with this name celebrate their birthday on the days of veneration of the Great Martyr Zlata Moglenskaya: October 26 and 31.

On October 26, people celebrated Zlata the Onuchnitsa. On this day, they went to the bathhouse and poured healing infusions of herbs onto the stones. It was believed that such a ritual improved health, and the person who performed it would be able to survive the harsh winter months without illness.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • graceful;
  • always strives for a high position in society;
  • very sociable;
  • the girl is incredibly lucky, even if the situation seems hopeless, new opportunities suddenly open up that allow her to resolve any problem with honor.

Negative qualities:

  • immense curiosity adversely affects Zlata’s fate;
  • a girl will never help a person without personal gain from it; most of her actions are guided by selfishness and vanity;
  • demanding of others, but at the same time can allow herself various liberties, refusing to take responsibility for the consequences;
  • often succumbs to emotions, and common sense fades into the background.

Zlatochka in childhood

Zlata is growing up as a smart, sympathetic, fair and inquisitive girl. She can be very stubborn. When it comes to her interests, she is ready to defend her opinion to the end. Zlatochka is a kind and faithful friend who does not forgive lies and betrayal. In society, the baby is flexible, polite and quite reasonable, so she easily wins the favor of her peers and adults. Despite her seriousness, the girl often indulges in daydreams. But all her plans are well thought out and quite realistic.

Little Zlata is a kind and faithful friend

Little Zlata is calm and easy to educate, so parents and their daughter do not have any problems. This is an absolutely non-conflict girl, she does not like to get into arguments, and in case of disagreements with her peers, she prefers to keep her opinion to herself. Many people think the baby is too secretive. But this is not entirely true, the girl simply prefers to remain unnoticed in the company.

Zlatochka is a capable student, but in order to succeed in acquiring new knowledge, she lacks attentiveness and perseverance. The girl is not attracted to routine work. But if the baby develops an interest in a subject, she studies it with particular enthusiasm.

Zlata the teenager

In her youth, Zlata is responsive and sociable. She often invites her friends over, although she rarely visits herself. She treats new acquaintances with extreme caution; only people whose loyalty has been tested by time fall into her circle. The girl takes the betrayal very hard.

Zlata prefers to spend time in narrow circle loved ones

During adolescence, the owner of this name becomes more serious and prudent. She carefully thinks through her actions; she does not tend to make spontaneous decisions. In business he is guided by common sense and does not take risks unless absolutely necessary. In communication she is sweet and polite, this attracts a girl Special attention those around you.

Zlata is sincere and sympathetic. She does not strive for recognition and does not particularly talk about her merits. This young lady is purposeful and pragmatic, but her modesty and low self-esteem prevent her from achieving her desired goals.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Boris Khigir, Zlata is sociable and good-natured. He prefers to relax in nature with his closest friends. Does not like noisy gatherings and large crowds of people. This woman is insanely picky and strives for perfection in everything. The owner of this name carefully plans her purchases and does not allow unnecessary expenses. It is unacceptable for her to borrow even in a hopeless situation.

Zlata is very frugal and does not allow herself unnecessary expenses and debts.

When communicating with people, such a girl is polite and courteous, avoiding topics that could hurt the feelings of her interlocutor. Zlata is sincere, she is able to sincerely rejoice in the successes of other people. Does not like new acquaintances, prefers to spend time with reliable friends. Very inquisitive. Has the ability to decipher dreams. Also, the owner of this name is not confident in her strengths and capabilities, so she often does not take on much responsibility.

Talents and hobbies

Zlata has an analytical mind and an excellent memory. She is able to quickly absorb information and skillfully use it in practice. She is very talented, has a developed imagination, this helps to achieve great success in her career.

The owner of this name loves to travel and study the culture of different countries. Whenever possible, Zlata goes on a journey in search of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Zlata loves to discover new places, cities and countries

Zlata's career and business

Zlata is a wonderful worker, one of her strong qualities is that she can perform several tasks simultaneously and bring them to completion. This is an independent woman, she is used to always counting only on own strength. She does not shift her responsibilities to others; such a girl is sure that no one will cope with the task better than herself. She is a born speaker and can easily win people over. Her prudence and responsibility help her rapidly climb the career ladder.

Zlata is a born speaker, she easily controls the opinions of others

The owner of this name can easily change her type of activity if she finds her work boring or unpromising. She is able to quickly adapt to changes and never regrets her choice. For Zlata, her financial situation is not as important as the opportunity to improve and enjoy the work done. She can become successful in the following professions:

  • journalist;
  • TV presenter;
  • translator;
  • stewardess;
  • guide.

This is a very successful person, she is respected by both managers and subordinates. She is responsible, ambitious and diplomatic. Zlata is confident in her strengths and capabilities, she is ready to take on the most hopeless project and, with a lot of effort, achieve success.


Since childhood, Zlata has had excellent health. In adulthood, the girl tries to be in good athletic shape. She should beware of diseases of the digestive system. Possible disturbances in the nervous system. Due to routine and monotonous activities, the owner of such a name may become despondent.

Zlata in love and marriage

Representatives of the stronger sex are partial to Zlata. This charming and graceful woman is able to charm any man at first sight. She is beautifully built, leads healthy image life. She has a good understanding of fashion and skillfully emphasizes her prominent parts with the help of clothes. At a young age, Zlata has little interest in romantic dates or having a loved one. She is flighty and freedom-loving; if her relationship with another guy doesn’t work out, she doesn’t worry too much about it and eventually finds a worthy replacement.

In adulthood, the bearer of this name changes her views, she becomes more reasonable, carefully chooses her life partner, with whom she plans to create a happy family. She usually falls in love only once in her life, but so sincerely and selflessly that no one will ever doubt the authenticity of her feelings. True, winning the affection of this proud girl is not an easy task, since when choosing, she is guided not only by feelings, but also by common sense.

Zlata falls in love sincerely and selflessly, but winning her favor is not easy

Zlata can sometimes experience indifference and a certain coldness towards those around her, often this repels men from her. Intimate relationships are far from the most important thing in such a girl’s life; spiritual closeness is more important for her. By experiencing it, the owner of this name allows herself to relax and succumb to feelings.

Such a woman gets married quite late, when she has already thoroughly enjoyed travel and adventure. When choosing a husband, Zlata pays attention not to the financial situation of the chosen one, but to his life beliefs and moral principles. Often her marriage is strong and durable. In family relationships, the owner of this name values ​​the understanding, support and devotion of her spouse most of all. If the chosen one is able to meet her principles, she becomes a caring and loving wife.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameFeatures of relationships
AlexanderIn the family relationship of Zlata and Alexander, the girl is the leader. A man does not pretend to be the head of the family. The only strict part of the agreement between the partners is the preservation of Sasha’s personal space. His chosen one completely trusts her beloved and is not jealous of him.
DmitriyThe couple of Zlata and Dmitry is strong and stable, they understand each other literally. Partners make joint plans and achieve their desired goals. They have a harmonious relationship, as everyone shows care and sincere feelings.
SergeyThis is a wonderful tandem of two loving hearts. The partners are similar in many ways; they have the same interests and beliefs. They enjoy spending time together. Zlata and Sergey travel a lot, their lives are full of various emotions and unforgettable impressions. The devotion and love of both makes their marriage only stronger.
AndreyBoth partners value care, mutual understanding and devotion to each other. They are similar in many ways and have common interests. The relationship between Zlata and Andrey is devoid of outbursts of emotion and passion, but this does not at all prevent them from building strong and happy relationships.
AlexeiPartners look closely at each other for a long time before legitimizing the relationship. They are ambitious and want to create a strong and happy family. Realizing that everyone is ready to put up with the shortcomings of their other half, Alexey and Zlata build close-knit family relationships based on loyalty, love and mutual understanding.
EugeneEvgenia is attracted to Zlata by her grace, femininity and a certain mystery. But over the years, the girl begins to get bored with routine and everyday life. Since the man is used to going with the flow and does not want to change anything in his life, quarrels and disagreements do not subside in their couple. Ultimately, conflicts can lead to divorce.
The relationship of this couple is based on love, loyalty and mutual understanding. They are energetic and freedom-loving people. They do not have a routine life; partners often travel together and invite friends to visit. Every day they spend together is different from the previous one. Despite their independence, Maxim and Zlata are able to create a harmonious union.
VladimirThis is a bright and passionate union. Harmony of love, mutual understanding and trust reigns in relationships. Perhaps their couple is not particularly stable, emotional swings often occur, but if the partners do not limit each other’s freedom, their marriage can be strong and durable.
DenisPartners often agree on opinions; they share each other’s interests. Zlata and Denis are accustomed to a varied and eventful life and are not afraid of change. Together they are able to overcome any difficulties, and over the years their union will only become stronger.
ArtyomThis couple has a very low probability of creating a strong and happy family, since the partners have completely different interests and moral principles. Artyom is an exemplary family man; he devotes himself entirely to his family. Zlata strives for success, works and communicates hard, loves to travel. Often such an alliance breaks up.
NovelZlata and Roman are caring and attentive. They are strong-willed and ambitious people. Partners always solve family problems together in a quiet, peaceful environment. They carefully think through all the details of family life. Both are important to their financial situation, the presence of common preferences and the desire for self-improvement. Marriages are often strong and long-lasting, since Roman and Zlata completely trust each other.
VitalyThe relationship between Zlata and Vitaly is full of love, care and mutual understanding. Partners almost never have disagreements; they easily find compromises, solving all problems peacefully. Everyone feels in their place, and in general their couple is very stable. But sometimes they lack new experiences. Due to routine and monotonous life, feelings may fade.
NikolayThe willful and demanding Zlata cannot come to terms with the imperfections in the character of her chosen one. Because of this, quarrels and disagreements do not subside in the couple. Often such relationships are very unstable; they can collapse in an instant.
IgorZlata and Igor develop favorable and harmonious relationships, their hearts tirelessly repeat about immeasurable love and tenderness. If a man begins to listen more to the opinion of his chosen one, they will have every chance of a happy family life.
VyacheslavIn this union, partners are not only passionate lovers for each other, but also excellent business partners. Zlata's creativity and resourcefulness will bring brightness and novelty to the relationship.

The fate of their relationship may depend on the name of the companion chosen by Zlata

Significant years of life

Important and fateful events occur in such significant years of Zlata:

Table: name matches

StoneDiamondA symbol of chastity, purity, good spirits, grace. In Buddhism, it is believed that this mineral is able to clarify the mind and cleanse it of negative thoughts. Diamond helps curb physical attraction and promotes spiritual development. It helps those with a hot temper to find peace and tranquility.
ColorVioletSuch people are insightful and know how to understand the essence of things. They never put their interests above others. They are capable of falling in love sincerely and selflessly; often in relationships they are guided only by feelings.
Number8 Luck accompanies them in everything. With effort, such people can achieve a high position in society, influence and prosperity. Strong-willed and purposeful, at the same time generous and good-natured, they are able to help and support those in need.
PlanetJupiterThey are very optimistic and approach life with extraordinary ease. Whatever business they undertake, success will certainly await them. They have a unique ability to attract good luck.
ElementWaterCreative, sociable and talented. Always trust your gut instinct. Occasionally they can be hot-tempered, jealous and irritable.
AnimalElephantA symbol of endurance, power, perseverance and mercy. In China, it represents wisdom, caution and prosperity. For Indians, it symbolizes a clear mind, majesty and nobility.
Zodiac signAquariusClosed and touchy people. In society they prefer to stay aloof. They rarely let you get close to them; they are afraid of disappointment and betrayal. They despise deceit and hypocrisy. Homebodies, they love comfort and a cozy environment.
PlantMimosaIn Ancient Egypt, mimosa symbolized rebirth and reincarnation. IN modern world the flower represents tenderness, sensuality, shyness. Mimosa can have a relaxing effect, relieve tension, and give peace and tranquility.
MetalGoldA symbol of impeccability, wealth and success in all areas of life.
Auspicious dayWednesday

The meaning of each letter of the name

3 - seek to protect themselves from outside world, sometimes when difficulties arise, they “bury their head in the sand.” They have excellent intuition and a rich imagination.

L - subtly perceive beauty, have the talent of an artist or performer.

A - leaders, very active and active people. They strive to achieve physical and psychological comfort.

T - sensitivity, creativity. Their desires and plans do not always coincide with their capabilities.

The letter L is hidden in the name Zlata, which allows a person to subtly perceive beauty and have the talent of an artist or performer.

When was Zlata born?

Winter Zlata is an energetic and proactive person; it is difficult for her to sit idle. Any work literally burns in her hands. He never loses hope, never gives up his positions. Even in an extremely difficult situation, such a girl shows patience, and her perseverance always pays off. Despite her openness and sociability, Zlata, born in winter, has few friends. She prefers to devote herself not to friendly gatherings, but to her own hobbies and self-development.

Spring Zlata is a gentle, mysterious and meek nature. At first glance, she may seem like an unapproachable and indifferent person with whom it is not easy to find a common language. This is a very romantic woman, she dreams of extraterrestrial love. But her images from book novels do not correspond to reality, so the owner of this name remains alone for a long time, not wanting to show leniency towards the character imperfections of her next chosen one.

Summer Zlata is a good-natured and sympathetic woman. But this is not enough to feel all the joys and pleasures of life. Due to shyness and lack of self-confidence, it is difficult for such a girl to adapt to changes, but everyday life depresses her and can even lead to depression. If Zlata, born in one of the summer months, believes in herself, then she may well become an independent and successful person.

Autumn Zlata is energetic and hot-tempered. In business, she is able to succumb to emotions and only then talk about the consequences. This is an elegant and charming girl. She is able to easily win people over. She is good-natured and sociable, she has many friends and acquaintances. Zlata, born in autumn, is able to inspire and motivate. Reveals his true feelings only to a select few. Tends to become despondent and often be in a depressed state.

Table: name horoscope

AriesA willful, power-hungry and fickle woman, accustomed to a luxurious life, she is able to work hard so as not to deny herself anything. But with the desire to succeed, Zlata-Aries completely forgets about moral values, she does not care at all about the opinions of others.
TaurusResponsibility, determination and common sense help Golden Taurus achieve success. In her life, such a girl prefers stability; she has difficulty adapting to changes. In communication he tries to avoid conflicts. If the interlocutor’s beliefs are firm and principled, she will prefer not to voice her opinion.
TwinsAn energetic and sociable woman, she always strives to be aware of everything. Cannot be alone for long periods of time. Zlata-Gemini acutely feels the lack of communication and attention. Unreliable in business, she easily forgets about her promises.
CancerThe grace and attractiveness of Zlata-Cancer do not go unnoticed by the stronger sex. The girl charms men with her grace and beauty. But she is often very demanding and principled, which often pushes away potential life partners.
a lionBecause of her honesty and directness, Zlata-Leo often finds herself in various unpleasant situations, since not everyone is ready to hear the whole truth about themselves. This good-natured and not envious woman is able to sympathize and sincerely rejoice in the achievements of others. True, only if people are ready to show the same attitude towards her.
VirgoPrudent, pragmatic and prudent, Zlata-Virgo strives for independence, always counting only on her own strengths and capabilities. She does not believe in fate, believing that with aspirations and efforts you can achieve anything. Often this is a patient and purposeful woman, able to overcome any obstacles on the way to her desired goal.
ScalesThe good-natured and open-minded Zlata-Libra takes life lightly, does not bother herself with thoughts about her future, and lives one day at a time. The girl's optimism helps her cope with failures. She is always confident in herself and never loses hope for the best.
ScorpionThe ambitious and capricious Zlata-Scorpio wants to achieve recognition in society. She strives for perfection both at home and in her professional activities. She loves attention; through hypocrisy and flattery you can win her favor.
SagittariusThe mystery and energy of Zlata-Sagittarius attracts representatives of the stronger sex. But even in a relationship, this woman does not strive for stability. Routine life depresses her, and it is often difficult for such a lady to create a happy and strong family.
CapricornA responsible and balanced Zlata-Capricorn is capable of doing good deeds without receiving any benefit from her actions. Always carefully plans his actions. In emergency situations, she is able to maintain prudence and make decisions as quickly as possible. Such a girl is valued by those around her for her serious and strong-willed disposition.
AquariusThe eccentric and wayward Zlata-Aquarius wants to achieve recognition in society. She is ready to do anything to stand out from the crowd. This charming woman has an attractive appearance and resourcefulness, and is able to win people over.
FishA very gentle, vulnerable and dreamy nature, Zlata-Pisces prefers to be in the world of her dreams. Because of this, the girl has difficulties in communication. But lack of attention and loneliness do not depress her at all. Such a young lady plunges headlong into work and her hobbies, pushing aside personal life to the background.

Famous Zlata women

Famous women with this name:

  • Zlata Ognevich - Ukrainian singer;
  • Zlata Chochieva - Russian pianist;
  • Zlata Byzova - Soviet artist;
  • Zlata Tkach - Moldovan composer;
  • Zlata Bulycheva is a Russian opera singer.

Photo gallery: famous Zlaty

Zlata Bulycheva - Russian opera singer Zlata Ognevich - Ukrainian singer Zlata Tkach - Moldovan composer Zlata Chochieva - Russian pianist

Zlata is an energetic, eccentric person prone to adventurism. The owner of this name is alien to a monotonous routine life. She craves new experiences and bright, unforgettable moments. At the same time, such a girl is vulnerable and tender. Many of the difficulties that she has to face in life are simply beyond her. She is open and selfless, but she doesn’t understand people well, so many take advantage of her trust for selfish purposes.

Zlata is charming, lovely, inquisitive. Makes every effort to please others. Such a woman loves to be the center of attention and is capable of many sacrifices in order to achieve her goal. Zlata is favored by the stars and easily gets out of even the most difficult situations. Despite all this, he often makes impossible promises.

Origin of the name Zlata

This name appeared during the Middle Ages, among Ashkenazi Jews and is an analogue of the ancient name Golda (“gold” from Yiddish) and was common in Lithuania, Belarus and Poland. In territories inhabited by Jews (Ukraine, Romania, Poland), the Zlote variant was in use.

There is a version that the Slavic version of the name came from Ancient Greece. Yes, it came from Greek name Chrysa (gold).

According to Wikipedia, the Orthodox calendar mentions a great martyr with the same name - Chrysa (Zlata) Moglenskaya. The girl was born into a poor family, but grew up very beautiful. One day, the conquering Turks decided to marry her to a young Turk. But Zlata refused to accept the Muslim faith. Then her enemies brought her to death. She died in severe pain, but remained faithful Orthodox faith. The village residents buried her with honors and later canonized her. In memory of this saint, Zlata’s name day is celebrated on October 26, as well as her name day on October 31. Full name - Zlata.

In folklore there is a fairy-tale character - Goldilocks. The name Zlatotsveta was common among the Slavs. Related male names:

  • Zlatan, Zlatamir, Zlatoyar;
  • Zlatko, Zlatozar, Zlatosvet;
  • Goldilocks, Zlatan.

Some of them are still found in everyday life among Czechs, Serbs, Bulgarians, and Croats.

Main features- activity, freedom and intelligence. IN difficult situations The ability to restrain yourself saves you. It happens that aggression manifests itself when arguing with someone. And if necessary, he skillfully turns into a tactful diplomat. Easily changes the situation. Having chosen his own business, he steadily and rigorously achieves the best for himself. Zlata has a keen sense of people who are hiding something or lying.

Zlata: the meaning of a name for a girl

The name is very suitable for girls, who were born in November (Scorpio). If the parents chose this name for her, then no difficulties will arise in raising the child. The girl is growing up very obedient, smart and friendly. Unlike other children, he does not know how to lie and be cunning, and is not a hooligan at all. Little Zlata amazes adults with her prudence, seriousness and concentration. Loves to communicate and talk about the events that happened during the day.

Likes to visit additional classes or mugs. In the class, the girl is an excellent organizer; she will be happy not only to organize school events, but also to participate in them.

Thanks to her openness, sociability and friendliness, she has many friends, some of whom she will be friends with for the rest of her life.

Zlata: the meaning of the name for a woman

Character changes with age. There is an interest in everything mysterious and unusual. Her childish independence and organization are often replaced by fear of difficulties. For the Zlata woman, the understanding and support of loved ones is important.

Her character is unpredictable. Sitting in one place is not her thing; Zlata is prone to adventures and adventures. Purposeful and does not tolerate boredom. Curiosity never lets her lose heart.

Despite his openness, he prefers to tell the truth tactfully and as punctually as possible. No, he won’t intentionally offend. If her friends moved into adulthood with her, she will support them in every possible way.

Responsible and often valuable employee at work. All complex and difficult tasks will be entrusted only to her. She is not a careerist in life, it is important for her that the work is interesting.

The woman is very emotional and categorical, and therefore intolerant of the shortcomings of others. Often shows intemperance towards others. He can easily exchange a calm and prosperous life for a brighter and more interesting one. She is not interested in routine and monotony.

Positive and negative traits

Like all names, Zlata is fraught with not only positive, but also negative character traits.

Woman Zlata attractive, has a special charm and a desire to please others. She always wants to be in the thick of things, so that people will pay attention and admire her. These desires give her the desire and ability to achieve in spite of everything, without relying on anyone. Independence is the best thing about her.

Another feature- luck, fate is favorable to her. When it seems that it is difficult to overcome no matter how difficult the moments are, then fortune begins to smile on her. New opportunities open up that Zlata did not even suspect about.

Negative aspects of the name

This includes her desire to achieve the sometimes unattainable. And often resorting to different, sometimes contradictory, methods.

Zlata is not stingy with her promises However, he does not strive to fulfill them if he does not see any benefit for himself. Sometimes her selfishness openly manifests itself in relation to others. But at the same time, Zlata will never remain indifferent to the plight of others.

Her mood is changeable, and therefore her behavior is also unstable.

Zlata: the secret of the name

Fate and mystery are complex and difficult. Nevertheless, the fate of the name is being actively studied today, paying a lot of attention to it. . As for the name Zlata, then everything is much simpler here.

A happy fate awaits those women who bear the name Zlata. Her whole life will be filled bright colors, adventures and travel. A man whom he truly loves will play a significant role in Zlata’s life.

There is no rush to get married, since it may turn out that real love will come much later. Scientists say that she should not listen to the advice and opinions of other people.

Fate prepared the birth of one or two children (usually boys). With the advent of a child in the family, her character changes to a softer and more pliable one. The woman becomes sentimental, sensitive and attentive.

For her hard work, Zlata will be rewarded with a decent pay. And here fortune will smile again. A business will be successful if the main partner is a close or trusted person.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents should understand that their decision will largely determine the character of their child. Some behavioral characteristics will also influence the girl’s fate. Therefore, the choice of name must be taken responsibly. We need to consider a few of the most optimal options. The name Zlata is rare and beautiful. What character traits does it endow its owner with? The meaning of the name for a girl Zlata will be discussed further.

general description

The name Zlata is beautiful and unusual. It will be interesting for parents to know the origin and meaning for the girl. It is believed that it originally appeared in Serbian culture. This South Slavic name literally means “golden” or “gold”. It is also worth saying that this name appeared in the everyday life of residents of the CIS countries quite recently.

In addition, not many parents decide to name their daughter that. It ranks 41-43 in the popularity ranking. For every 1000 newborns, only 5-7 girls are called it. However, this is not only a beautiful name. It has strong energy and a characteristic aura.

For this reason, parents are advised to take a closer look at the name Zlata. The meaning of the name and its origin are quite unusual. It originally appeared in Serbia or Bulgaria, as researchers believe. But at the same time, it is also an Orthodox name, which is found in the Saints. The guardian angel and patron of the name is the Great Martyr Zlata Moglenskaya. Name days are celebrated twice a year: October 13 (26) and October 18 (31). It corresponds to three zodiac signs: Scorpio, Aquarius and Capricorn.

Considering the features of the name Zlata, the meaning and origin of the name, it is worth saying that it appeared in the Middle Ages. But it was preceded by an even more ancient name, Golda. Translated from Yiddish, “golde” means “gold.” The name Zlote was common among Jews who lived in Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Among the Slavic names there are such variants of names as Zlatovlaska, Zlatotsveta. There are also male close versions of this name: Zlatoslav, Zlatan, Zlatoyar. Zlata is also called by diminutive noun forms: Zlatochka, Zlatka, Zlatushka, Zlatunya.


The meaning of the Orthodox name Zlata for a girl should be considered in more detail. This name helps to achieve success in large-scale undertakings and affairs. It portends financial well-being. This girl completes one endeavor and then immediately moves on to another. She can make even an abandoned business profitable.

However, to succeed in commercial activities, a girl with this name needs to learn how to correctly distribute responsibilities between subordinates in order to concentrate her attention on solving the most important, global issues.

Considering the meaning of the name Zlata and the fate for the girl, it is worth noting her strong character. She is demanding both of herself and of those around her. She knows how to manage and carries people along with her. The girl always moves forward and achieves her goals. She carefully chooses people for her surroundings. They must have good income and a high position in society.

Seriousness is the main trait of her character even in childhood. At the same time, this girl has absolutely no guile or lies. She says what she thinks and is not prone to tricks and adventures. She always has her own opinion, worldview. This character remains with Zlata for the rest of her life.

It is also worth noting several more character traits when considering the meaning of the name Zlata for a girl. According to the church calendar, all name day dates fall in October. And such a girl has a special character. She loves company, but at the same time she does not like to talk much. She takes a rather contemplative position. This girl has many friends, she loves to go hiking and on picnics. But at the same time she is distinguished by disgust. Therefore, Zlata can refuse a treat while visiting.

A girl with this name does not borrow money, even if she desperately needs it. At the same time, she is tactful in communication, and can even work as a diplomat. She will not offend another person and will not praise herself (even if she has really bright achievements) in order to humiliate someone.

Considering reviews about the meaning of the name Zlata for a girl, one can note both positive and negative statements. They determine the character of that person. Any name has its positive and negative features.

The advantages that this name gives to a girl’s character include special charm and charm. She is endowed with a sophisticated, luxurious charm that does not go unnoticed by others. Zlata strives to gain recognition in society, tries to please people. She sees herself in the frame of universal admiration and adoration.

Another advantage of the name is its luck. Zlata's endeavors are always successful. Fate favors her. Even if she finds herself in an extremely difficult situation from which there is no way out, doors will open before her where previously there were only walls.

In addition, this girl is hardworking and has good taste. She is purposeful and always brings what she starts to its logical conclusion. And sometimes she does a really colossal job. One can only envy her energy and willpower. Circumstances have no power over her. Nothing can break her.

Zlata's full name does not have commonly used abbreviations. The girl is usually called by her full name. This explains the integrity of her character, consistency.

Reviews of negative features

But this name also has negative features. According to reviews, these include insatiable curiosity. Zlata needs to know everything about everyone. She can also make promises but not keep them. If she doesn't feel there is a benefit for herself, she won't do anything.

Zlata also sometimes shows selfishness. She is very demanding of those around her. She is less demanding of herself. But this girl will not remain indifferent to the fate of others.

Sometimes her behavior is determined by her momentary mood. Main value Zlata's life is full of variety, which is also not always good.


The meaning of the name Zlata and the character of the girl who received it at birth is worth considering in more detail. The baby will have an extraordinary character from childhood. She has a difficult character, which parents will feel at every stage of their daughter’s growing up.

Even at the most tender age, this girl will have adult character traits. The main ones are attentiveness, curiosity and sociability. She is a caring girl who is also blessed with the gift of eloquence. She expresses her thoughts well, communicating at the proper level even with adults.

The baby who has full name Zlata has prudence. This trait is usually absent in early age in most children. The girl will not play pranks, play around or become hysterical. This is a non-capricious child who thinks about his every action. Therefore, Zlata almost never gets into trouble. Parents trust her, since their daughter has such important quality as a responsibility.

The disadvantage of this girl is her excessive prudence and arrogance. She may seem arrogant. However, when communicating with others, Zlata almost never shows these character traits. Only parents know about them. Zlata does not want to be known as an unpleasant person among her peers or adults. The opinion of society is very important to her.

As throughout her life, Zlata will be demanding of those people who surround her. Her potential friends will especially feel this. It’s as if the girl is holding a casting, choosing friends worthy of herself. Therefore, as a child she had few friends.

But the girl obeys her parents and imitates them, especially her mother. She is an example for Zlata. The baby tries to please her.

When studying the characteristics of the name Zlata, you should pay attention to adolescence. During this period, the girl seems even more mature, responsible and reasonable. The girl becomes calculating and principled. But at the same time, she is kind to others, fair and hardworking. If closed, uncommunicative people are around her, she will avoid them. But at the same time, she will never hurt anyone.

Zlata in adolescence is good-natured, honest and respectable. She follows moral standards, not allowing herself to behave inappropriately. She knows how to communicate, expresses her thoughts well and can even lead people. The girl sets goals for herself, towards which she systematically moves forward. If necessary, she will show determination. This is a responsible, obligatory person.

Growing Zlata has no unnecessary things to do. Everything in her life makes sense, allowing her to achieve her goals. She acts like an adult. Parents can trust the girl. She does not need their control, since she herself is capable of receiving right decisions. This is a hard worker who will not waste time on empty entertainment. Zlata will not contact bad company. She is busy all the time, moving towards her dream, completing important tasks. She does not like calmness and aimless pastime.


If the parents chose the name Zlata for the girl, they did right choice. It endows its owner with a lot of positive qualities. As an adult, the girl's character becomes softer. She loses some of the seriousness that was inherent in her as a teenager. But at the same time, some conflicting qualities appear in her character.

She has a lot of positive qualities, but there are also disadvantages. This is a friendly person, but at the same time quite prudent in choosing friends. Zlata is open to communication, but she herself does not like to talk much. She is friendly and principled, hardworking and mysterious. She has femininity and a special charm, but at the same time she shows real masculine acumen in business. She will not miss her benefit, making the project not just profitable, but truly competitive.

Her character flaw is her fear of betrayal. That's why she's so demanding of them. The girl is extremely picky in her connections. Each person next to her plays a certain role in her performance. She directs all her strength to achieve her goal, and expects the same from her associates.

Zlata's friends can only be those people whom she has never doubted before. The girl is distinguished by her devotion. She will never let down the people she has chosen as her friends. Also, if necessary, the girl will come to the rescue, help not only with advice, but also with deeds.

What does the name Zlata mean for a girl? Growing up, she is able to become an example for many, including in family life. This is an exemplary wife who will be devoted to her husband. She will generously give her husband everything she has. He will be surrounded by care and attention. But Zlata will not agree to get married early. She is afraid of losing her freedom, which she values. Also, all gentlemen will have some disadvantages. The demanding Zlata will also not like this.

The girl is looking for a partner who would fully meet all her requirements. Having found such a person, Zlata will become a devoted friend and an ideal wife for him. She will help him and will not reproach him over trifles. One can only envy her chosen one. Living with such a girl is really good. But for all the benefits that Zlata will give her husband, she will demand that he give up his freedom. She herself will sacrifice it for the sake of her beloved. Zlata expects the same from her husband.

Zlata’s also disadvantage is her desire for leadership in the family. Not every man will like this. A girl, having once received power, quickly gets used to it. Not only will she not give up her position, but she may gradually begin to become impudent. She will begin to demand more and more from her husband and will begin to set rules. Zlata expects unquestioning submission and obedience.

Girls with this name have good compatibility with men whose names are David, Victor, Albert, Igor, Demyan. Zlata can build a strong marriage with Leonid, Oleg, Elisha, Maximilian.


The meaning of the name Zlata for a girl is also worth considering in terms of its influence on a career. The girl is always dissatisfied with her achievements. She strives for more. Zlata can do the most different types activities. But at the same time, she always completes the work she has started, and only after that she takes on new project.

What does the name Zlata mean for a girl? She won't work in government agency. Her element is entrepreneurship. Being engaged in private business, Zlata will succeed significantly. She can also achieve success in show business. Zlata knows how to look for sponsors and investors for her business. Influential people will be interested in her projects. She gets the money at the cost of certain sacrifices.


Zlata's character also depends on the time of year when the girl was born. If she was born in the spring, the girl will be romantic, kind, but she protects herself by appearing indifferent. Can be very disappointed in people. She is looking for eternal love.

Summer Golds are sincere, but at the same time hot-tempered. Such girls do not have self-confidence. Presents himself positive person achieves success in his career.

If a girl was born in winter, she will be an activist at her core. She strives for change, has ambition, has great ambitions.

Autumn Golds are overly impetuous and impulsive. People are drawn to such a girl because she is a cheerful, positive and sociable girl. She may be sad in her heart, but she doesn’t show it to others.

Her life was written by the Monk Nicodemus the Svyatogorets in 1799 from the words of Proto-Abbot Timothy, who witnessed her martyrdom confession of Christ.

So, according to this description, we know that Zlata lived in the village of Slatina in a very poor Christian family. In addition to her, three more girls grew up in the family.

Zlata was very beautiful as a girl, and this attracted the attention of one Turk. A Muslim kidnapped a young girl and tried to force her to renounce Christ by accepting his faith. Zlata flatly refused. Local women tried to convince her. But the saint did not deviate from her goal, then they ordered her to be severely beaten, belts were cut out of her skin, and her face was burned.

In the same village lived the proto-abbot of one of the Athonite monasteries, Timothy, whom Zlata asked to pray for her. After all the torture, the Turks hung her on a pear and competed with each other, cutting her body with sabers.

So the saint gave up her soul into the hands of the Lord. After all the abuse, her fellow villagers buried her. In 1912 she was canonized.