Wintering of flowering pelargoniums growing in open ground. How to preserve ivy-leaved pelargonium in winter Preparing pelargonium for winter in an apartment

Geranium or pelargonium is native to southern Africa. The genus contains almost 300 species. IN room conditions The most commonly grown pelargoniums are zonal, royal, Angels, ivy-leaved, fragrant and tomentose (mint), and in the garden - Balkan (large rhizomatous), marsh, lush, etc.

Since this is a southern plant, many gardeners are concerned with questions: what to do with geranium in winter and whether it blooms at this time. Let's look at this in more detail in our article.

  • lighting- V winter period geranium will grow well only in good lighting, so it should be placed on southern windowsills or additional artificial lighting(at a distance of 8-10cm from the top). In such conditions it can even bloom;
  • temperature regime– optimally for geraniums indoors should be +18-20°C during the day, and +12-13°C at night. Do not allow drafts, overcooling of the root system and dry air from radiators;
  • watering– it is recommended to water a little every two weeks early in the morning so that the soil has time to dry out by evening
  • feeding– applied once a month, diluting the usual dose of fertilizer with water in a ratio of 1:4.

In mid-autumn, it is recommended to thoroughly prune the geranium bush, leaving half the height of the entire plant. This is necessary for good air exchange inside the plant, will allow the bottom row of geranium leaves to receive enough light and will reduce the likelihood of fungal infections occurring during wintering.

In winter, you just need to monitor the condition of the cuts: if they turn black, the shoots need to be shortened further.

Geraniums grown at home can be replanted at almost any time of the year (except winter). They only require mandatory replanting for the winter period. garden geraniums, so they cannot tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

If you follow the rules for caring for geraniums in winter, you will save your time growing a new bush in the spring.

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It can often be observed that pelargoniums (geraniums) are considered as annual plants, leaving them to die in flower beds when temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius. Although pelargoniums are not frost-hardy, they can overwinter quite easily, even if you do not have a heated greenhouse. Many gardeners like to preserve their pelargoniums (geraniums) from year to year. This provides plants for the home during the winter and reduces the cost of purchasing new plants. next spring. Just a few simple steps, and your geraniums can last for many years.

Rooted cuttings can be stored from mid-September on a windowsill in a well-lit and cool room. With enough light, geranium cuttings will develop into well-branched, strong plants. Water sparingly until January, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Start feeding in January, as the plants begin to grow, use liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days. Pinch back shoots in February to encourage plant branching. Transplant rooted cuttings into pots bigger size in April or earlier if space permits.

Old plants can be kept in boxes if they are dug up before the first frost and planted in John Innes No1 soil mix (John Innes No1 - a special soil mix made according to the traditional John Innes recipe from sterilized loam, peat and sand with added nutrients. The peat included in the soil mixture improves air access to the roots, distributes moisture more evenly, and reduces the need for frequent watering, facilitates the passage of water when watering when the soil is dry).

Prune plants to 10cm (4in) in November, removing all leaves. Keep plants in boxes in a bright, cool but frost-free location, such as a cold greenhouse, well-lit garage, or unheated room. Very little water is needed before the plants begin to grow in the spring. Transplant the plants into pots in April.

Part 13 - Storing pelargoniums (geraniums) in winter

Winter quarters for pelargoniums

With the onset of autumn, we ask ourselves the question: what to do with the balcony flowers that delighted us with their lush and lush blooms throughout the summer? Basically, these are non-winter-hardy plants that need to be protected from cold and frost. Geranium, or more correctly pelargonium, belongs to the same plants, decorating our gardens and balconies all summer long with its simple and double flowers, collected in lush inflorescences. If you properly care for the plant, it will bloom profusely for many more years without any problems.

Many gardeners love balcony pelargonium for its bright colors of flowers and lush flowering. Caring for her does not cause any trouble. For proper care You still need to know a few rules, including the rules for overwintering. It would be reasonable to take the flowers into the house, but this is not the best way out, because after some time of staying in an apartment with central heating the plants take on a miserable appearance, so it is advisable to move them to a winter apartment.

Pelargonium should not overwinter like this

In late autumn there comes a time when pelargonium needs to create conditions for hibernation. By this time, almost all the flowers in the inflorescences had faded, and many of the leaves had acquired an autumn orange, slightly brownish color. The main thing is to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, which can result in rotting of the roots and branches.

In any case, balcony pelargonium needs to create conditions for overwintering and move it to a safe place as soon as the first night frosts occur or when at night average temperature air will approach the freezing point of water, despite the fact that the flowers and leaves of the plant still have fresh and cheerful look, and there are still new buds. As a rule, pelargonium tolerates light frosts without problems for several days, but not longer. Therefore it is better to send favorite plant for wintering a few days earlier, rather than having to kill the diseased plant next season.

To overwinter, take the geranium bushes out of the container or pot and cut them by 1/3 - 1/2, leaving 17 - 20 cm. Then shake off excess soil from the roots so that the thin roots remain covered with soil.

When pruning bushes, you should pay attention to the fact that all green leaves or flowers with buds are removed, as they will dry out the roots and the soil remaining on them, which in the worst case can lead to disease and pest damage to the plants.

It is best to store your favorite pelargonium in the basement, garage, garden house or in any other cool room protected from frost. The most important thing is that the room is cool and protects the plant from direct sun rays. Otherwise, pelargonium will give new shoots early and simply wither away due to lack of water.

It would be good to pack the roots of the plant with a lump of earth in plastic bags. They must receive air, but at the same time be protected from drying out completely. During this period, it is not necessary to water pelargonium, since the bags retain moisture well, and in a suspended “upside down” position it will be easier for the plant to provide itself with moisture. If you hang a geranium upside down and leave it alone throughout the winter, then nothing will prevent the lush growth of new shoots in the spring and abundant, colorful flowering in the summer.

There are many other ways to overwinter geraniums. So, for example, you can leave plants to overwinter in balcony containers. In this case, they will need to be watered occasionally, for example, every two weeks, since open soil in a container dries out faster than when packed in a bag. In addition, in the spring it will be necessary to replace upper layer land and without transplanting the plant itself.

Pelargonium in balcony box shortly before moving to a winter apartment

First of all, we cut off all the tops of the shoots along with new, young leaves, flowers and buds.

After almost all the tops have been removed

One pelargonium bush is already without leaves.

Top view of pelargonium bushes. On the left - without leaves, on the right - only without tops.

Almost all the leaves on the pelargonium bushes have been removed.

To overwinter the pelargonium, all its stems were trimmed and dead ones were removed..

Pelargonium is ready for overwintering

Carefully remove the pelargonium bushes from the container

Plants must be carefully separated from each other.

The bush is without excess soil and is ready for overwintering.

Large bush immediately after separation from other bushes.

Root system without excess soil, except for thin roots V

The first bush is already packed

Hang the packaged pelargonium upside down in the basement

All plants are prepared for winter; all that remains is to move them to a bright and cool room.

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In the cold season, geranium begins a dormant period, when it takes a break from its abundant and almost year-round flowering, and all the necessary conditions for this must be provided.

During this period, the plant slows down its growth and stops blooming - it minimizes the expenditure of resources in order to gain strength for new flowering and the resumption of intensive development.

And the course of the entire growing season of the geranium will depend on whether the flower is placed in a cool place.

Preparing for winter: pruning

Preparation for the dormant period begins in the fall, and the most important thing to do is to prune the geranium. This will subsequently have great value for how it will bloom. No pruning, even if everything is followed necessary conditions described below, such lush and beautiful flowers will not appear on the plant.

Procedure for pruning geraniums:

  1. At the end of September, absolutely all flower stalks are cut off, regardless of whether they have faded or are still actively doing so. This is done to help geraniums preserve their reserves of resources for the winter.
  2. All leaves that have already turned yellow and withered or have just begun to do so are plucked off or cut off. Experienced gardeners recommend pinching them off rather than cutting them with scissors. In the second case, mere protruding roots remain.
  3. For dense flowering in September, geranium is pruned so that the beginning of the branches remains, or just above (3–5 cm) the node. The upper cut part can be rooted as a cutting.

You need to prune the plant until it loses its beautiful and lush appearance. appearance. If the plant is young, then it is only, and do this according to the following rules:

  1. Pinching of young plants begins when their height reaches 5–6 cm.
  2. After the geranium grows another 5 cm, pinching is done again.
  3. To achieve a spherical shape, you can pinch it 3 times in a similar pattern.

Knowing how to properly handle geraniums during their dormant period, you don’t have to worry about the fact that they won’t bloom in the summer. And absolutely everyone can provide these conditions for this, regardless of their floriculture skills.

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Initial temperature changes are not dangerous for pelargoniums. The first, as a rule, small frosts are not dangerous for pelargoniums, so when they occur, you should not move all the containers indoors in a panic. Only morning temperatures below -3°C begin to damage the flowers and sensitive growing tips, causing these parts of the pelargoniums to appear withered.

Symptoms disappear during the day as the temperature rises. And this is precisely the ideal time to move pelargoniums indoors where they will spend the winter. This moment, as a rule, falls at the turn of October and November. If pelargoniums grew outside, you need to dig them up along with a fairly large root ball. The geranium dug in this way is transplanted into pots with a diameter of about 20-25 cm. The pots are filled with drainage.

Instead of pots, you can have one large box with drainage at the bottom if you have enough space for it. Geraniums are planted in such a box at intervals of about 25 cm. After placing the pelargonium in a pot or box, everything is covered with earth, which can contain soil from the garden, flower soil, and even sand. Geraniums that have been growing all summer in a container on a balcony or terrace are simply moved indoors.

If you want to help geraniums overwinter, you need to make a preliminary selection of plants intended for wintering. Severely sick plants or too weak ones are not suitable for wintering. Strong and strong people winter better healthy plants, because then you have the greatest chance that the pelargonium will bloom again in a year, and the cuttings from it will be raised equally healthy and strong.

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Pelargonium cannot be stored for longer than two years. Old plants should be thrown away as they lose their decorative value. Plants bloom best in the first year after rooting. To overwinter geraniums, you need to choose healthy plants that bloomed profusely and grew lushly.

Pruning pelargoniums

Remember that when transferring pelargonium to wintering, it is necessary to prune each plant. For this it is necessary sharp knife trim the shoots above the node so that they are 15-20 cm in length. All dried leaves remaining on the plant after pruning should be removed. Geranium overwinters in the same way as zonal pelargoniums.


Geraniums prepared for overwintering must be placed in as bright and cool a place as possible. This could be, for example, unheated winter Garden or a greenhouse, each place will be fine, the main thing is that the temperature there does not fall below 0°C. If on a short time the temperature drops to -2 or -3°C, nothing will happen. Best temperature for storing pelargoniums in winter is from 5 to 10°C.


The room for overwintering pelargoniums should be as well lit as possible. Therefore, you should not keep pelargonium in a dark garage or basement without windows, even if the appropriate temperature reigns there. Is the stairwell suitable for wintering pelargoniums? If someone lives in a block, they can keep this plant in a bright and unheated stairwell (temperature cannot be higher than 10°C).


In winter, geraniums are watered occasionally. You can even let the soil dry out a bit. If some of the leaves dry out, then nothing bad will happen. The main thing is that the stems do not dry out, because they are the most important part of pelargoniums. The shoots should be juicy and elastic. Properly overwintered pelargonium is watered only 3-4 times throughout the winter.

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When the day becomes noticeably longer, that is, in mid-January, it is necessary to raise the room temperature by 3-4°C and start watering the plant more. Add multiple fertilizer to the water in an amount of about 2 ml per 1 liter of water (according to the instructions indicated on the fertilizer package). All these procedures awaken the plant to grow.

New roots begin to grow from dormant buds on the shoots. In a few weeks, the new roots will be large enough, and in early March it will be possible to cut 3-4 node cuttings of pelargoniums from them. The method of wintering pelargoniums described in the article applies primarily to flowerbed pelargoniums.

Wintering large-flowered pelargoniums

Large-flowered geraniums should not undergo a pronounced dormant period, like zonal pelargoniums and can be stored at longer temperatures. high temperature. In order for them to bloom again in the spring, they must be stored in a well-lit room with a temperature of 12-14°C, but no more! In such conditions they will grow all the time. It takes them 2 months to create new flower buds.

When you notice the first buds you need to raise the temperature to 18°C. Thanks to these winter conditions, geranium will bloom in April. If for some reason you cannot provide the plant with the above conditions, you need to overwinter the geranium in the same way as the previous zonal pelargonium. Then the plant will remain dormant. This will not harm them, they will just bloom a little later.

How to care for geraniums in autumn and winter? Pelargonium or geranium is a plant known to many gardeners. It has excellent external characteristics And easy care. Some summer residents even grow pelargonium on their summer cottage, where it serves as a real decoration of the entire garden area. However, the plant cannot tolerate severe frosts and cold drafts, so it is recommended to bring the flower indoors in the summer. The topic of this article is caring for geraniums in autumn and winter at home. From it you will learn what actions need to be taken to preserve the plant until the new season. Geranium is not too demanding to care for and can easily grow in almost any room. Her main feature– a specific smell of leaves that not everyone likes. But it only appears when the leaf is subjected to physical influence. How to care for a plant in autumn and winter? You just need to follow our advice. Watering. If the geranium previously grew under open air , then it probably received a large amount of water due to the constant summer heat. Having brought it into the house, you should slightly change the frequency of watering, since the root system may not be able to withstand it and die. How can you tell if a flower has enough water? You will see this by external signs: the presence of mold, black stem and limp flowers - all this appears as a result improper watering . Autumn and winter watering is minimal, but regular. It is important to monitor the soil and not allow it to dry out excessively. You will see this by external signs: the presence of mold, black stems and limp flowers - all this appears as a result of improper watering. Autumn and winter watering is minimal, but regular. It is important to monitor the soil and not allow it to dry out excessively. Lighting. Geranium is a light-loving flower, so in winter you should not place it in the farthest corner. The best place– a temperature that will not fall below +12 degrees. But usually it doesn’t reach such indicators. If your house is not warm enough, then there is a high probability that the flower will freeze and lose all its foliage. Humidity. The only thing that geranium does not pay attention to is humidity. Even if the room is too humid or too dry, the plant will continue to bloom as usual. The main thing without which a flower cannot exist is regularity, high-quality watering . Spraying and Summer shower It is advisable to cancel. Fertilizer, nutrition. As for feeding, I would like to immediately make a reservation - geranium does not tolerate fresh fertilizer in the form of manure, droppings or compost, so you should not flood the entire area with it. But the plant is not indifferent to mineral fertilizers such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Such fertilizers can be purchased at all specialized stores. If the room is too hot, it is not recommended to add food, as this can cause great stress for the flower. Be sure to water the plant before fertilizing - this will protect root system from a burn. If your geranium grows over the fall and winter, it needs to be replanted. New pot should not be too large so that the roots and the size of the container are approximately the same. Be sure to put a small amount on the bottom drainage system, which will protect the plant from excessive humidity. So, now you know everything about caring for geraniums in autumn and winter at home. We hope that our tips will be useful to you.

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A few decades ago, geranium was extremely popular. Pelargonium, also called geranium, could be found both in the collections of aristocrats and on the windowsills of ordinary people. However, over time, humanity has lost interest in this wonderful plant. Today we can safely say that geranium is again regaining its former success and is in demand. This is not surprising, because this flower can boast of a lot of advantages. Geranium can be considered in two variations: as. indoor plant And How garden flower geranium successfully takes its rightful place.

Pelargonium has great potential in medicine and has healing properties. Note that this plant terrifies many indoor pests. If you place the flower on the windowsill with other flowers, you are guaranteed protection from aphids.

Geranium: plant care at home

Even an inexperienced and novice gardener can care for geraniums, since this flower is completely unpretentious and does not require special treatment. The likelihood that geranium will not take root at home is extremely low, almost zero.


Ordinary room temperature considered optimal for the flower. In the cold season, the most acceptable temperature for a flower is from +10 to +15 degrees, so it is better to place the plant on a windowsill or in one of the coolest rooms.

As for lighting, the principle is this: the more light, the better. You can even allow some direct sunlight. As a result of the lack of light, the flower will have small leaves and will not please you with an abundance of blooms.

Air humidity

Geranium does not need any humid air. You should also not spray the flower - it will even harm the plant. If the geranium is standing, for example, on a windowsill, next to other flowers, try to avoid getting water on its leaves when spraying.


The flower must be watered regularly and abundantly. Remember: geranium does not tolerate water stagnating in a flowerpot or pot, so you just need to keep the soil moist and also provide good drainage.

Feeding and fertilizers

It is very important to know that geranium does not tolerate fresh organic fertilizers! In principle, a flower requires standard feeding during periods of flowering and growth. Fertilizers can be used for flowering plants about twice a month.


At home, geranium practically does not need replanting. An exception may be some cases if, for example, the roots of the plant have grown, and there is not enough space in the pot, or the plant has been carelessly flooded with water.

Whether planting or replanting, remember that the flower does not accept spacious pots, but good drainage will be very helpful. The plant is quite suitable for replanting. garden soil or universal soil mixture. The following recipe is considered particularly comfortable conditions for the plant:

  • 8 parts turf soil
  • 2 parts humus
  • 1 part sand

Geranium reproduces one of the most simple ways- cuttings. This method virtually eliminates failure. There is a second method of propagation - by seeds, which will give you a more compact plant with abundant flowering. However, propagation by seeds is a much more troublesome process.

Geraniums are propagated by seeds only experienced flower growers. When propagating by cuttings, usually in late summer or early autumn, cuttings are taken from the mother plant. The cutting should be taken from the top of the shoot and it should have about 4-5 leaves. After which it can be placed in any container with water and wait until the roots appear. Next, you can plant the cuttings in a pot of soil.

Problems and diseases

Quite often, geranium leaves turn yellow. Many novice gardeners confuse this with a disease, accepting this fact with horror. But there is no need to worry - this is a common occurrence for geraniums. Thus, the flower sheds unnecessary old leaves. Almost always, the leaves turn yellow and die if the hernai is moved from the street to the room. It’s another matter if the plant is affected by rust. This is where you should panic and immediately start treating the flower.

In general, if the plant is not over-watered, then there will be no problems with geranium, but in return it will delight you with its beautiful flowers for a long time.

How to grow indoor geranium (video)