Winter garden on the roof of the house. Unusual roof garden Plants in a winter garden on the glazed roof of a house

Everyone has an inherent desire to develop, plants reach for the sun, people improve their knowledge and skills, and even buildings and structures do not stand aside. One of such directions for the development of a private house can be called the installation of a winter garden in a room attached to the main building.

However, if you are a thrifty owner and are not inclined to allocate useful space for a winter garden, but would like to equip it, you can offer a non-standard solution - in the form of a superstructure over the house and further turning it into a full-fledged garden for winter use. The idea can be implemented not only on the roof or attic of a house, but also on the roof of a garage or summer kitchen.

A tempting idea? Let's evaluate its advantages.

Advantages of a winter garden on the roof

  • the difference in weight between the house and the garden is leveled out, resulting in different loads on the foundation;
  • provides the opportunity to admire the stars without the glare of electric lamps;
  • eliminates the need to take into account the cardinal direction. The required lighting/darkening is created by adjusting curtains, film, etc.;
  • there is no question of ventilation - the garden, open on all sides, is easily ventilated even in calm weather;
  • appears at the house distinguishing feature, distinguishing it from other buildings and giving its appearance individuality.

Are you sure? Then we’ll study the features of creating a winter garden on the roof of a house, in the attic or on the roof of a garage with our own hands.

What you need to consider before building a winter garden:

  • the ability to arrange the necessary communications;
  • foundation strength. As follows from GOSTs, the foundation must withstand constant (weight of walls, ceilings, roof) and variable load (furniture, residents). The type and characteristics of the foundation can be viewed in the design documentation. If it is filled to excess and the house does not sag, this indicates that it is durable;
  • the weight of the future structure and units of service systems (constant load), the approximate weight of soil, plants and people (variable load);

If your foundation can withstand such a calculated load, you can safely begin work.

Construction of a winter garden on the roof of a house or above a garage

Stage 1 – foundation installation

In this case, this step is eliminated. But a new one appears, cleaning up the future construction site, i.e. roofs from roofing material and anything that will interfere with the construction process.

Stage 2 - assembly of the winter garden frame

The frame can be made from a metal corner or a wooden beam. But it is better to use an aluminum profile or pipe. The main advantage of aluminum profiles and pipes is their low weight, no need for maintenance, and the ability to paint them in any color.

It is better to carry out all work on assembling the frame on the ground. The process of manufacturing a frame structure includes several stages:

Cutting a metal profile (pipe) into pieces of the required length.

Assembly of blanks. You can use hardware as fasteners or make a welding seam. The latter is more reliable, but requires the use of a special apparatus. The seam must be cleaned and treated with a primer. Connecting the sections of the winter garden frame to each other. At this stage, the lower elements of the sections should include everything that is necessary for further installation of the frame on the roof of the house - holes for fasteners, welded corners for fastening, etc. Each section of the structure must be primed and painted.

Technical aspects of a winter garden above the house


The roof must have an outward slope of at least 30°. This slope will ensure rapid water drainage, snow sliding, and also allows you to better “catch” the sun’s rays. It is advisable to equip the roof with an anti-icing system so that the weight of the snow does not cause its deformation.


Doors, or rather their presence and quantity, depend on your project. Most often, the entrance to the winter garden on the roof of the house is from inside the room. Therefore, it is more important here to think over the stairs and railings. If the entrance will be from the street, it is preferable to use sliding door systems.


Their number should be sufficient to ensure constant air circulation. In general, the area recommended for windows and/or doors should be at least a quarter of the entire glazed surface. Take care of reliable hinges for windows and mosquito nets.

Stage 3 - glazing of the winter garden

Another difference between a winter garden on the roof and one attached to a house or free-standing is that the covering (glazing) material must also be attached to the ground. You can use scaffolding - but this is an additional expense.

Glass or polycarbonate is most often used for glazing.

Advantages of glass

  • constant degree of transparency (the glass does not become cloudier during its use), resistance to mechanical damage (in particular, scratching).

Advantages of polycarbonate

  • lightness, the ability to replace a separate sheet with your own hands, relatively low cost, good heat and sound insulation properties.

It is important that the selected material is covered with a film that reflects ultraviolet rays. Of course, they will not affect the growth of plants in any way, but a long stay in the garden will make it uncomfortable.

At the same time, for the roof and walls it is enough to use double-glazed windows with tempered glass. The presence of an energy-saving coating will reduce the cost of heating the garden (greenhouse).

Important. The entire garden structure must be sealed to prevent heat loss and drafts. The first will negatively affect your budget, the second will negatively affect plant growth.

Stage 4 - installation of the winter garden structure on the roof

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Utilities for the winter garden (greenhouse) on the roof

Like any other winter garden, a roof garden needs various systems, which will make it more comfortable for plants and users.

Winter garden lighting

For plants to grow, the light they receive through the transparent material of the roof and walls is sufficient. However, for some species it is necessary to create additional lighting. The ideal option would be to use phytolamps, which allow plants to develop in conditions close to natural.

Winter garden ventilation

In our case, the problem with ventilation is simplified, since it is sufficient natural ventilation, which is provided by the required number of opening structural elements (window windows, transoms).

Cooling the winter garden

An air conditioner installed on the ceiling will ensure a comfortable temperature for residents. It is important to pay attention here to ensure that cold air flows do not fall on the plants.

Shading the winter garden

Excess sunlight is just as harmful to plants as too little. As protection, you can offer internal shading - film on windows, blinds, roller blinds, roller blinds, etc. Please note that external shading, so practical in extensions, loses its advantages here.

Heating the winter garden

The unique thing about heating a rooftop winter garden is that it receives a significant amount of heat from the sun. This means that it only needs to be heated between November and March. When choosing a heating system - central or portable, you need to take into account the climate, the size and shape of the winter garden frame, as well as the type of material used for glazing. Install heating devices It is also necessary to take into account the specifics of the roof garden. That is, there is no need to install heating radiators; it is better to install water heating in the floor, connected to the central water supply, or install a heated floor. The installation process is shown in the photo. These are the general principles detailed instructions are attached to each “warm floor” system.

  • Warm floor under tiles, laminate flooring or linoleum.

  • The floor is warm under natural floorboards.

If you plan to use portable heaters, it is advisable to place them in the middle of the room, since the walls can accumulate heat.

Another feature of roof heating is an anti-icing system. It consists of a cable laid along the rafters and along the perimeter of the roof.

Drainage of water from the roof of the winter garden

In attached winter gardens, water flows out through the drainage system. Here it is necessary to equip a drainage system that will receive rain or melt water and remove it from the structure.

Watering the winter garden

Drip irrigation is used to water the plants in the winter garden on the roof of the building, but most often there are not very many plants there, so an ordinary watering can is held in high esteem.

Humidification of the winter garden

If the garden area is large, you can make a small lake (pond, swimming pool). As the room heats up, the water will evaporate and create a humid environment. If the area is small, you can limit yourself to installing a fountain or use a mechanism that works as a solar collector. To make it, you need to take a metal cylinder, paint it black, fill it with water and place it in the most illuminated place. By using flexible tube a hydraulic mechanism must be attached to the cylinder to open the hatch. This mechanism, in turn, will be attached to the flap (transom) in the glass roof. Heating up along with the room, the water in the cylinder will expand and the hydraulics will open the window sash. As the water cools, it will close the door.

Arrangement of a winter garden on the roof

Of course, in this aspect it is difficult to follow any advice, since everyone has their own vision of an ideal and beautiful winter garden. But still consider the following recommendations:

  • zoning. Conventionally, in each garden there are four zones - a recreation area, an area intended for plants, a passage area and the location of communications, etc.;
  • plant species. Different types plants require different conditions for normal height. This must be taken into account when choosing and combining them. In addition, there are heat-loving plantings, and there are frost-resistant ones. If you do not plan to maintain a constant temperature in the winter garden, give preference to the latter. It can be noted that there is one more requirement for plants: they must be quite hardy and unpretentious in care. This way you can enjoy your garden with minimal maintenance;
  • planting. Start your garden landscaping with tall plants. They are planted first, and medium-sized plants are already behind them. In addition, those that “scoop” moisture from the air should be placed closer to the source of humidification - an installation or fountain, while heat-loving ones should be placed closer to the heating. Also, heat-loving plants should be placed on the south side of the garden. Those who need a lot of sun are from the east. For those who love coolness and shade, it is better to plant them in the northern and western parts, respectively;
  • flowering period. To ensure that there are always flowering plants in the garden, you need to try to combine them so that they bloom in turn;
  • arrangement of a recreation area. If the winter garden is planned to be used as a relaxation room or office, then the location of the table, chairs or armchairs should be determined.


We hope that by using our tips you will be able to create a winter garden on the roof of a residential building or above a garage with your own hands and realize your dream of an ideal garden.

Designing a garden on the roof of a house is becoming quite popular among both city dwellers and rural residents. This is not only an attractive way of landscaping, but also an additional place to relax. We will look further at the advantages, varieties and technology of arranging a garden on the roof of a house.

Garden on the roof of a house - advantages and features

The only disadvantage of building a roof garden is that it is almost impossible to arrange it yourself - you need to contact specialists who are involved in landscape design, architects and builders.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the positive qualities of building a garden on the roof of a house:

1. Building a rooftop garden improves the environment. In large cities, which consist of a large number of multi-story buildings, there are very few trees and green plants. A rooftop garden is an excellent solution that will save space and at the same time purify the air and prevent the greenhouse effect.

2. Increasing sound insulation and thermal insulation - installing a roof garden reduces noise production indoors and regulates the passage of heat. A house with a garden on the roof will be warm in winter and cold in summer. Therefore, the installation costs of air conditioners and heaters are significantly reduced.

3. When a garden or lawn is installed on the roof, its service life increases by several years, because plants and ground cover provide reliable protection from the influence of moisture and adverse weather conditions. If provided proper care behind the garden, then such a roof will last more than eighteen years.

4. Constructing a rooftop garden not only saves space, but also compensates for developments. The roof garden area is almost the same as the area of ​​the house, so the construction of the garden compensates for the area on which the house is built.

5. In big cities - which do not have good drainage systems, a roof garden is a lifesaver during heavy rains, as it retains a certain amount of water. This way, flooding can be prevented.

6. The roof garden is an additional place to relax. The furniture installed in it will allow you to have picnics here or just relax while reading a book.

7. A house with a garden on its surface not only pleases the eye, but also attracts the attention of everyone around.

8. Roof garden, a great place to spend free time. It is very attractive, so here you can just enjoy nature and breathe fresh air, healing the body.

Main views of a roof garden

Depending on the type of roof landscaping, roof gardens are:

  • extensive;
  • intense.

The first option involves constructing a garden on lightweight types of soil, with a thickness of 50 to 150 mm. This method is the easiest to protect the roof from the influence external factors and in creating an autonomous ecosystem. With this type of landscaping, it is recommended to use only plants that do not require special care and frequent watering. The extensive type of garden landscaping presupposes the presence of a continuous cover, in which only evergreen plants are present. There are no recreation areas in this type of garden. The scope of use of the extensive landscaping method extends to small houses, gazebos, outbuildings or garages. This method is convenient and easy to install. The total mass of soil with plants does not exceed twenty kilograms per 1 m², so the base does not require additional fixation. Another type of extensive gardening is the installation of ordinary tubs in which plants are planted. They are installed on flat roof when spring comes, and are removed in the fall. This option involves the arrangement of a recreation area, but has a rather low attractiveness compared to a real garden.

The second option for building a roof garden is intensive. It assumes the presence of a real garden, with a recreation area, walking paths, and it is possible to build a gazebo, fountain, waterfall or a real reservoir. In this case, it requires very solid foundation, which can withstand a ground cover of about 150-200 cm in height. This type of roof garden design is more suitable for multi-storey buildings, hotels, shops and other large facilities.

In relation to the type of roof on which the garden is planned to be located, it can be:

  • flat,
  • pitched.

The second type implies the possibility of constructing a garden only in an extensive version, while the first allows the use of any type of garden, depending on the strength characteristics of the building.

Roof garden photo:

Tips and safety precautions for building a rooftop garden

The maximum slope of the roof on which the garden is planned to be installed is thirty degrees. If the roof slope is greater, the soil will begin to crumble under the influence of moisture and rain.

A flat roof must be able to withstand maximum loads. Ordinary soil, the layer of which is 10 cm, installed per square meter of roof area, weighs 200 kg, and in addition to soil, you will also need trees, accessories and people in the garden. To reduce the load, it is recommended to use special lightweight drainage systems.

In winter, snow will linger on the roof surface, so the load will become more than 600 kg. Landscape design consultants recommend installing heavy objects on the load-bearing part of the building, thus reducing the load.

You should also take care to strengthen vertical structures and protect them from strong winds. The perimeter of the roof must be edged with a special parapet, which will protect people in the garden. Don’t forget to take care of designing a special, and most importantly, convenient entrance to the garden.

Technological process of constructing a roof garden and its features

Creating a rooftop garden should be taken very seriously. It assumes the presence of a large number of layers, none of which is recommended to be missed.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the stages of developing a roof garden and their features:

1. The supporting structure of the roof acts as the first and main layer. If the garden is installed on a flat roof, then it will be a reinforced concrete slab, otherwise it is necessary to provide a continuous sheathing. If there are roofing materials in the form of slate or tiles, take care to remove them, as they are not required during the construction of the garden. On a flat roof, the reinforced concrete slab should be installed in such a way as to provide a slight slope, a maximum of two degrees, to allow water to drain away in case of rain. To do this, you must first prepare a cement mortar and apply it to the slab in the form of a screed, the required slope.

2. The next layer involves installing waterproofing. You should be very careful about the arrangement of this layer, since if a leak occurs, you will need to remove the entire structure to repair it. The best option for carrying out waterproofing work is the use of bitumen-polymer materials of a guided roll type. The first layer is fastened mechanically, and the second layer is first guided, and then all seams are soldered. The extreme sections must be bent to a height that exceeds the thickness of the insulating layer.

3. Thermal insulation material is used as the third layer. In this design, it is appropriate to use polyurethane or polystyrene foam boards. You should avoid small seams between the plates, and also use glue for their more reliable installation.

4. A layer of protection against penetration of the root system involves installing a root-protective membrane that will prevent roots from entering garden plants into previous layers of thermal and waterproofing. Some experts in the construction industry recommend not installing this layer if big trees there are none in the garden. But landscape designers insist on arranging any garden with the presence of this layer. This function is performed by a gasket made of polymers; it is characterized by elasticity, the presence of special cells that retain moisture and steel-coated films.

5. The fifth layer is geotextile. This material is sold in rolls and is installed on the surface with a large overlap.

6. Next, it is necessary to install a drainage system; its thickness varies from 50 to 100 mm. The main function of this layer is to remove excess moisture and supply water to plants at the time they need it. Standard option is the use of perlite coke, crushed pumice or expanded clay gravel. If such materials are not available, it is possible to use ordinary clay or gravel, but note that such a structure will be heavier. To improve water flow, it is recommended to install perforated pipes.

8. Well, the last thing is the layer of soil in which the plants will grow. Usually, a special soil is installed on the roof, which is filled with sand, perlite, expanded clay, peat, clay and slate rocks. The thickness of this layer ranges from 50 mm to 500 mm. It is prohibited to use ordinary black soil or other soil without additives in the roof garden, as the structure will be very heavy, which will affect both the general condition of the building and will lead to the garden sliding down.

When the preparatory work for creating a garden is completed, you should select the plants and begin planting them. The roof is a place where there is a lot of wind and sun, so the plants must be appropriate.

Avoid choosing plants that have extensive root systems. It is better to choose arrow-shaped plants or climbing species.

The only difference between creating a garden on a pitched roof and a straight roof is that a drainage layer is optional for a pitched roof. Since the water already flows down the slope. Perimeter pitched roof needs to be further strengthened to prevent soil sliding.

The main difference between a rooftop winter garden and a regular garden is the presence of a veranda or room in which the plants are located. The winter garden is a transparent structure that has vertical and pitched surfaces.

The basis of the winter garden is a structure of beams, trusses or columns, which are made of wood, metal or aluminum.

Depending on its location, a winter garden can be:

  • attached to the house;
  • free-standing;
  • built on the roof.

The shape of the garden also depends on the preferences of its owner. Winter garden designs are various types, forms, but their construction necessarily requires support in the form of a parapet or foundation. They have an autonomous heating and ventilation system, are characterized by the presence of lighting and devices responsible for controlling humidity.

The installation location of the winter garden is also important; let’s consider the main options for its installation:

  • northern winter garden - does not catch the sun well, which means it requires plants that do not like sunlight; such a room can serve as a creative workshop or workplace;
  • southern winter garden on the roof - this option is also not the most optimal for placing plants in the garden, since in the warm season heat will accumulate in the room, which will contribute to overheating of the plants, although the presence of a proper ventilation and darkening system will eliminate these problems, especially that a winter garden installed on the south side will save energy on heating the room;
  • the western winter garden will retain the heat that has accumulated; to prevent the sun from entering the room, install blinds or hang curtains in it;
  • An eastern winter garden is the most acceptable option for growing plants, since there is absolutely no risk of overheating, the air in such a room is heated evenly, so in the morning the sun's rays will enter the room, and in the evening it will become cool in it.

Landscaping a roof garden

The process of selecting a plant for a roof garden is quite complex and time-consuming. All plants will thrive in sunny and windy conditions. They should be unpretentious and also be combined with each other.

The soil layer freezes very quickly in winter, as it is thin, so plants must be frost-resistant.

Therefore, we highlight several requirements that are mandatory for plants for a roof garden:

  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • wind resistance;
  • resistance to radiation and dry weather.

There are not so many plants recommended for planting on the roof, about 60 species. These are some types of sedum, herbaceous or ground cover plants. Among the trees, you should focus on their dwarf species: deciduous shrubs or conifers. Choose those types of plants that do well in the climate in which the garden is located. Because exotic species very expensive and do not always take root in extreme garden conditions. The composition of the soil for each landscape area should differ from each other, depending on the type of plants that are planted on it. Provide moderate watering of the plants, since with abundant humidity, water will get into the layers of insulation.

Under the right conditions, plants on the roof grow faster than on the ground. Because the sun's rays are too bright, they germinate earlier in the spring, and their leaves are brighter and more colorful in the fall.

Roof gardens attract a large number of birds, so you can feel at one with nature here. There is another option for installing a mini-greenhouse in the garden, since the sun is close, vegetables, fruits or flowers will ripen much faster in such a greenhouse.

For garden landscaping, it is recommended to use plants that have an extensive root system. To plant large plants, you need to create a special box, niche or flower bed. If climatic conditions cold enough, take care of constructing a plant heating system.

If the appropriate conditions exist, then a fountain, waterfall or pool will fit perfectly on the roof. Then it will bring even more joy to its inhabitants.

Used for intensive landscaping fewer species plants than with extensive. It is recommended to plant plants that have a fibrous root system. For the winter, such plants are covered with heat-insulating material. To decorate your roof and add variety to its appearance, use potted plants.

Few people have the opportunity to have their own garden these days. However, adopting the experience of European countries, you can make your dream come true by building a garden right on the roof.

For Europeans, such useful roof decoration has long been commonplace. The most interesting thing is that the state is concerned about the creation of elegant roofs, which financially rewards those who plant green roofs of private houses, as well as public and even industrial buildings. The trend of “green” roofs is also observed in sports complexes; restaurants, theaters, office premises and even banks are increasingly being decorated with roof gardens.

With some effort and following our advice, over time, your life can become brighter bright colors and positive emotions. In addition, you will get a new interesting hobby and feel like a real designer. A winter garden on the roof is a pleasure to have such a place where you can relax yourself or invite friends. In such an atmosphere you can gather your thoughts and reflect, without being distracted by household noise. Having properly set up a garden, you can spend time in your oasis not only in warm weather, but also in winter, when you can only dream of greenery.


  • Of course, the appearance of the building changes, which makes it more pleasant in appearance.
  • Thanks to plants it becomes cleaner air, because only they have the ability to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
  • A winter garden located on the roof allows you to reduce the cost of heating the upper floor of the building. Additional waterproofing, as well as a layer of soil, enhance the thermal insulation of the roof.
  • You can also save on electricity spent on air conditioning during the hot summer season. Thanks to the garden, the temperature of the rooms located below can be reduced by 3-4 degrees. Thus, the roof receives additional protection from overheating, since the garden will create a completely different microclimate.
  • The roof garden provides additional noise insulation for residents of the upper floors.
  • Roof maintenance and repair costs are reduced.
  • The garden will provide additional protection for the roof and extend its service life. Plants protect the roof from harmful sun rays and destructive ultraviolet radiation.

Technological solution to the issue

The winter garden on your roof is designed to delight you for many years. For this to happen, the following technical recommendations must be followed even during the laying process. When planning the construction of an additional room for this purpose, you should take into account that you will be dealing with an engineering structure. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate everything, plan it, and only then proceed directly to construction.

The material for the frame of the future roof garden can be PVC; aluminum or steel are also suitable. It is very rare to find structures made of wood. If you want to adapt the room for a swimming pool or set up a greenhouse, then steel structures are the most suitable, since they are not susceptible to high humidity.

Next, you need to choose the right type of glazing. The main requirement here is excellent light transmission. Mainly for such purposes, reinforced, tempered, laminated and solar control glass and double-glazed windows, float glass, roofing cellular polycarbonates and colored stained glass are used. Since glazing will occupy about 80% of the usable area of ​​the room, the glass must also have excellent thermal insulation properties and retain incoming heat. At the same time, they must protect the garden from overheating.

We should talk about a transparent roof separately, because it must be so strong that it can withstand strong gusts of wind and snow, mechanical impacts from branches and hail. Considering all these factors, tempered glass or triplex is suitable for a winter garden on the roof. An analogue can be roofing polycarbonate, both cellular and monolithic. It scatters sunlight better, and is sometimes several times stronger than glass. Cellular polycarbonate, in addition, contains special air chambers that provide excellent thermal insulation. This material bends and glues well, it is also convenient to cut and drill. It weighs less than glass.


  1. It is important to provide reliable waterproofing of the roof. As a rule, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid.
  2. It is necessary to consider safety measures related to the movement of people on the roof.
  3. It is important to distribute the load on any surface, taking into account the fact that the load-bearing capacity is greater around the perimeter of the building. Therefore, when drawing up a plan for the future garden, it is necessary to think in advance where the plants will be located, where there will be a comfortable place to rest, paths and everything else. It is important to place heavy massive tubs with plants closer to the edge. The equipment needed to care for the garden will also be located there.
  4. In order to make the living space of the garden convenient and comfortable, it is better to use lightweight structures and materials. Decorative items that echo the interior of the rooms will also be appropriate.
  5. It is important to take care of the irrigation and drainage system and carefully consider their design. Since gardens require periodic watering, a system for draining excess water and retaining the necessary moisture for the successful growth and life of plants must be developed accordingly.
  6. A root protection film is always placed at the bottom of floor containers, and a good drainage layer is placed on top of it.
  7. It is also necessary to think about creating conditions that will not allow the roots of large plants to grow excessively, as this is quite natural for them.
  8. Watering plants must be properly thought out. For example, regular nozzles can supply water to the lawn, but for containers it is better to install drip irrigation in advance.
  9. Don't forget, at night the garden must be properly lit, so electricity must be installed.
  10. When arranging a garden on the roof, it is important to understand that conditions are created for plants similar to those in the mountains, where they will be exposed to high radiation, frequent sharp daily temperature changes, wind, low air and soil humidity, and are also located in a fairly thin layer of soil. Therefore, plants need good drainage and drainage, protective screens and grilles will come in handy.


Plants usually do well in large containers. For roof landscaping, it is advisable to select crops that will not create problems at all. It is better to plant plants in special containers or make your own floor containers.

The best plants to choose from are bladderworts, various types of spirea and turf, which with regular care will quickly turn into luxurious bushes.

As for conifers, you can consider various junipers, thujas, mountain pine and cushion spruce. For a New Year tree, you can choose a slow-growing variety, or you can choose a regular one - then only for a haircut.

You can complement the garden vertically with maiden grapes - a popular and unpretentious companion to the walls. Interesting compositions can be created by using and combining a variety of shapes, colors and textures of plants.

Do not forget to also take into account the strength of the wind, because at the top it is three times stronger than at the bottom. It is better not to grow very large plants on roofs. It is advisable to replace them with low-growing plants or plants with a curved trunk shape. You need to know which plants need sun more, and which prefer shade or partial shade. All these factors directly affect the distribution of plants in the winter garden.

Cardinal directions

When planning the installation of a winter garden, you need to pay attention to how it will be oriented in relation to the cardinal directions. It will depend on the location functional purpose. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of locating a roof garden relative to the cardinal directions:

  • If the room is located on the north side, then solar energy will accumulate in insufficient quantities for many plants. Conclusion - growing plants in such a garden will not be advisable. With a well-thought-out heating and thermal insulation system, such a room would still be better suited for a creative workshop or any other place for work.
  • In the case where the winter garden faces the south with glazed walls, this is also not always beneficial for the plants. Excessive excess of sun is equally harmful to greenery, as is its lack. In this case, you can avoid overheating by providing increased ventilation and artificially darkening the room so that the plants feel comfortable. During the cold season, this arrangement will allow the owners to save on heating.
  • A winter garden facing west will help retain accumulated heat. It is better to protect yourself from direct sunlight using blinds or roller shutters.
  • Finally, the most comfortable for any plants is a garden located to the east. With this arrangement, the plants will not overheat, since the sun will hit them only before lunch, and by the evening it will become cool and fresh. In this case, it will be possible to do even without ventilation.

Constructive ideas

Roof gardening is often complemented by the installation of canopies, pergolas and awnings.
If space allows, you can install a barbecue, beautifully decorate the area, pave paths, arrange a small pond, or even place a fountain.
The winter garden on the roof can be used as a patio or courtyard. All in your hands!

The content of the article

Green roofs with real gardens are no longer a novelty abroad. Moreover, the governments of some countries encourage the creation of green spaces on the roofs of all buildings, both industrial, public and private, without exception, and even financially stimulate this innovation. Large cities have long suffered from an unfavorable environmental situation, suffocating from a lack of oxygen, and roof gardens can solve these problems to some extent.

Types of gardens

Greening of flat roofs and roofs with a slight slope is divided into extensive and intensive. A roof garden will be perceived as intensive landscaping, as it involves people, large plants, and equipment for recreation and watering.

Extensive garden– this, nevertheless, is not a garden in the general sense of the word. Such roof landscaping involves the construction of lawns or flower beds with a small layer of soil and a minimum of pedestrian areas. As a rule, plants that do not require special care and can withstand heat and cold are planted in such gardens. Such a garden is not intended as a place for relaxation or entertainment, although it is less expensive than an intensive one.

Benefits of sky gardens

The high cost of land in cities with high building density does not encourage the construction of many parks and public gardens. Therefore, the question of additional greening of cities in the context of a deteriorating environmental situation arises. A rooftop garden can:

  • purifies the air by absorbing carbon dioxide by plants and releasing oxygen;
  • give buildings and structures a beautiful aesthetic appearance;
  • save energy consumption for operating air conditioners in the summer;
  • reduces the cost of heating upper floors in winter;
  • increases service life
  • reduces roof repair and maintenance costs;
  • provide additional sound insulation to residents of the upper floors.

Energy savings on air conditioning are due to the fact that roof gardens create their own microclimate, protecting the roof of the building from overheating. As a result, the temperature in the rooms on the upper floors decreases by 3-4 degrees. And if there are enough roof gardens, this can even reduce the air temperature in a given area of ​​the city.

garden arrangement option

In the same way, in winter, the cost of heating the upper floors is reduced, since the soil layer and enhanced waterproofing all provide additional thermal insulation to the roof. These same factors serve for longer service life of the roof, protecting it from exposure to ultraviolet rays and preventing the waterproofing carpet from freezing in winter.

Features of arranging a winter garden

Making a winter garden on the roof is not an easy task, but it is possible. First of all, you need to know what loads the existing roof can withstand. And if a winter garden is supposed to be built when the house is just being built, then measures must be taken to strengthen the ceiling, foundation and walls. A roof garden, in addition to strengthening the load-bearing capacity of the house’s structures, requires the installation of enhanced waterproofing and a drainage system, since the plants need to be watered and excess water must be removed. In addition, you need to use materials that will not allow the root system of plants to grow into the heat - waterproofing layer, thereby destroying them.

When installing a roof garden, if it is under open air, it is necessary to take care of the safety of people in the garden. For this purpose, a concrete parapet with a height of at least 1.2 m is installed.

A winter garden involves keeping growing plants on the roof of the house all year round. Therefore, they need protection from the cold in winter period and maximum sunlight. For this purpose, translucent structures are arranged, which, in addition to sunlight, should ensure the preservation of heat in the winter garden. The design of the clear cover includes a frame, usually made of aluminum, with the inclusion of wood, due to its light weight and resistance to corrosion, as well as a transparent and durable material.

winter garden - a fairy tale in the house

The choice of materials for glazing a winter garden depends on the functions performed by this room. If you need a certain microclimate for exotic plants, the materials will be the same; if the winter garden serves simply as a place to relax and does not require high temperature and humidity, you can limit yourself to simpler materials.

Most often nowadays, monolithic ones are used for arranging winter gardens. Its strength exceeds the strength of glass several times, and the presence in cellular polycarbonate air chambers, serves as good thermal insulation. Polycarbonate lends itself perfectly to bending, cutting, gluing, and drilling. It weighs less than glass, and its light transmittance is slightly inferior to glass.

Location of garden components

Any one has a greater load-bearing capacity around the perimeter of the building. Based on this, before arranging a roof garden, you need to have an idea of ​​how the plants will be located on the roof, pedestrian paths, places of rest for people, vegetation. Large plants or heavy tubs are placed closer to the edge of the roof. The same applies to various equipment for garden maintenance and people's recreation.

It should also be taken into account that the wind force at a height is three times greater than at the bottom, so it is best not to grow large trees on roofs. They can be replaced with short ones or with a curved trunk shape. You also need to consider which plants grow well in the sun, and which prefer shade or partial shade, and place them on the roof in accordance with these requirements. Plants moved to the roof find themselves in conditions close to mountainous ones:

  • high solar radiation;
  • strong wind;
  • sudden temperature changes even within a day;
  • thin layer of soil;
  • low soil and ambient air humidity.

All these factors create a reason for the installation of a good drainage system and drainage system and the construction of protective screens and gratings.

Garden roof design

The installation of a roof garden provides a slightly different approach to the system of thermal and waterproofing of the roof structure. The roof of the house is usually made of reinforced concrete slabs, on which a cement-sand screed is laid with a slope towards the drainage funnels. Next, a layer of waterproofing and a vapor barrier film are laid, designed to protect the heat-insulating material from the penetration of condensate from the ceiling. In places adjacent to walls, parapets, the vapor barrier is raised to a height exceeding the insulation layer, the seams between the film sheets are sealed.

1. Purpose of the winter garden

2. Types of winter gardens for rooftop equipment

3. Using the roof space for different purposes

4. Features of the geographical location of the roof garden

Owners of private houses and cottages often think about original versions arrangement roofing structures, for example, creating a roof garden. Every year, free areas in cities for green spaces are becoming less and less, which significantly affects the well-being of their residents. To solve these problems, many began to build such unusual structures, especially since a winter garden on the roof of a house is a very exciting activity. It will not only be a decorative feature of the building, but will also benefit its owner.

Greening the roof will not only create a cozy corner for having a good time and getting positive emotions on any evening or weekend, but will also allow you to improve your health in an artificially created natural oasis. Thanks to this device, the roof will be reliably protected from dust and exhaust gases, and its level of sound insulation will improve.

In megacities, roofs have long been used in similar purposes, as evidenced by the large number of cafes, restaurants, children's complexes and sports clubs, which can be seen above public, office or administrative buildings.

Before you start building a roof garden, you should take care of some nuances that will be reflected in the building design:

Types of winter gardens for rooftop equipment

Depending on the features of the arrangement, a winter garden on the roof can be intensive or extensive.

  1. The purpose of an intensive garden is reduced to active recreation and entertainment for people. For convenience, such an area should be equipped with paths, lawns, trees, flower beds and shrubs, as shown in the photo.
  2. Extensive gardens are set up only for growing greenery, so they will cost less than the first option, and their installation is not particularly difficult. However, such a corner is not suitable for a pleasant pastime due to the lack of necessary conditions.

The construction of a winter garden is an additional house extension with transparent walls and a roof. There are many options for arranging such a structure on roofs, attics, and balconies. You can build a garden not only in an apartment or private house, but also above office buildings, restaurants, banks, sports complexes and theaters.

Using roof space for different purposes

The opinion of a winter garden as a flower garden is a misconception, because as such there may not be any vegetation in it, but instead of it any room may appear, for example, a gym or sports hall, a cafe, a swimming pool, a relaxation room.

It is important to remember that a house with a winter garden on the roof is, first of all, an engineering structure, the construction of which requires careful calculations and planning.

As a rule, PVC, aluminum or steel are selected for the frame of the structure, less often - wood. The choice of material depends both on the preferences of the owner and the purpose of the future room. If it is a greenhouse or a swimming pool, you will need steel structure, resistant to high humidity.

For glazing the frame, light-transmitting strong sheets of reinforced, solar control, tempered and laminated glass are used. More modern options are the use of double-glazed windows, float glass, roofing cellular polycarbonate and colored stained glass. Since about 80% of the entire area is glazed, it is recommended to select energy-saving glass, then you will get a kind of roof terrace. The material not only ensures the preservation of heat inside the room, but also protects it from overheating (read also: “Glass roof of a house and its features”).

Transparent roofing also has a number of its own features. The structure must withstand high levels of snow and wind loads, and be resistant to mechanical damage from precipitation and tree branches, so the best option would be to use tempered glass or triplex. Polycarbonate roofing is allowed, but it has less strength, while the ability to diffuse light is much higher than that of the listed coatings.

Winter garden on the roof of the house, interesting video:

Features of the geographical placement of a roof garden

When installing a winter garden, special attention is paid to which direction it will face, since each of them is characterized by different specifics. Let's consider the characteristics of each part of the world affecting the development of a roof garden.

The choice of garden design option remains with the owner of the building, and its service life depends only on the quality of the selected materials and the installation performed.

In this article we will look at making a greenhouse from PVC pipes. Due to the fact that when making a greenhouse you do not need any complex tools, assembling this structure is similar to assembling a LEGO set.

The greenhouse can be installed either permanently (using cellular polycarbonate) or only for a season (using greenhouse film), after which it can be easily dismantled and put away until the next season. The main advantage of a greenhouse made of PVC pipes is that it is absolutely not subject to rotting processes (which cannot be said about its wooden counterparts).

Materials for making a greenhouse

To make your own greenhouse you will need the following materials:

PVC pipe 3500mm – 2 pcs.;

PVC pipe 3600mm – 2 pcs.;

PVC pipe 5800mm – 5 pcs.;

PVC pipe 900mm – 4 pcs.;

PVC pipe 1900mm – 4 pcs.;

PVC pipe 680mm – 10 pcs.;

100mm pipe for hinges – 10 pcs.;

Film clips – 100-130 pcs.;

PVC tee for pipe – 30 pcs.;

PVC corner tee for pipe – 4 pcs.;

PVC corner transition 90 degrees under the pipe – 8 pcs.;

300mm wooden or metal stakes – 10 pcs.;

20mm self-tapping screws – 100-130 pcs.;

PVC glue;

All PVC pipes must be one inch in diameter.

Where to start making a greenhouse?

First of all, you will need to level the surface of the land plot, which you have chosen to install the greenhouse. Then you need to take the stakes and drive them to a depth of 25 cm from the sides of the greenhouse. This is necessary so that the arcs from the pipe do not unbend. Then start assembling the base.

It is advisable to modify the tees, that is, sharpen them so that the pipe can pass through them. In our case, all tees will be fixed using self-tapping screws. Thus, the greenhouse structure will be collapsible.

However, the tees can be left unchanged, but the pipe will need to be cut into smaller pieces. And, in addition, all tees will have to be glued on for greater strength (especially in the center of the arches). In this case, the greenhouse design will not be collapsible.

Installation of arches and connections

After this, you need to install the arches, as well as the connections between them.

Then we will begin making windows and doors for the greenhouse. They are assembled from existing parts.

The hinges are made from two ten-centimeter sections of PVC pipes. The segments are glued together, and the resulting hinge is fixed to the frame with a screw.

Latches for windows and doors can also be made from a piece of pipe, but with a diameter of 1 - 1.4 inches, by first cutting out ¼ of the piece along the circumference of the pipe and smoothing the edges.

Like latches, film clips can be made from pipe.

To fix the film more tightly, you will need to use pieces of 1-inch pipe.

Covering the frame with greenhouse film

The final stage in creating a greenhouse is covering the structure frame with greenhouse film. To prevent the film from sagging later, it should be laid in warm weather. The film is fixed with homemade clamps around the perimeter of the structure.

Winter garden on the roof

The film that is sagging in some places can be tightened thanks to the clamps. The disadvantages of greenhouse film include its fragility and low level of thermal insulation.

If you want to build a stationary greenhouse, then it is recommended to use cellular polycarbonate. This material is quite durable - it will serve you for more than 12 years without any problems.

It is necessary to lay polycarbonate in such a way that its honeycombs are perpendicular to the ground. This is required so that moisture that gets inside the material can drain freely. Otherwise, during frosts, water will destroy the polycarbonate. Cellular polycarbonate is fixed to the arches using self-tapping screws and thermal washers.

It will take you a maximum of two weekends to create such a greenhouse. You can additionally make racks for seedlings from PVC pipes.

Greenhouse space as part of an individual home

In addition to functional and physical factors, architectural and construction-technical solutions for greenhouses for individual houses largely depend on the type of building, for example, its size, number of floors, time of construction, etc. To choose from effective solution The features and nature of the environment also have a significant impact - the shape and roughness of the terrain, surrounding buildings, shading.

Such greenhouses give residential buildings an individual character, but by their design they must be subordinated to the main architectural solution building.

The alternative solutions presented here reflect typical cases. However, there are other solutions, the choice of which is determined by specific circumstances.

Architecturally, the greenhouse is a natural continuation of the building’s shape; it must be built taking into account its building materials And color shades. When connecting a greenhouse to an existing individual house, the external design often causes difficulties and you have to resort to the help of a specialist (architect). The greenhouse should not become a random addition, but a harmonious part individual house.

Rice. 28. An example of a design solution for a greenhouse in an individual house.

Rice. 29. Extension of a greenhouse at an old individual house.

Greenhouses in multi-storey buildings

Living in multi-storey buildings, especially in new suburban neighborhoods, turned out to be unfavorable for residents and caused their dissatisfaction. This is due to both the shortcomings of the development area and the layout of the apartments, and the lack of comfort. Apartments are often cramped; adjacent outdoor spaces, if they exist at all, are often small in size and insufficiently protected from the winds. Children's playgrounds often do not meet the usual requirements. As a rule, there are completely no functional premises for young people and premises for hobby classes for adults.

The construction of multi-storey buildings ensured the efficient use of land plots.

Almost always this happened due to deterioration natural conditions and a decline in housing quality. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents living in multi-storey buildings feel like temporary residents and dream of moving to small individual houses somewhere nearby. They associate living in small individual houses with achieving independence, well-being in family and personal life, the opportunity to make efforts to improve living conditions, obtaining an individual courtyard, ensuring safety, etc. For many, such hopes remain pipe dreams, but they indicate that innovation is required in new buildings, especially in those areas of Finland where over half a million people live, i.e. about 30% of the country's population.

The construction of greenhouses in multi-storey buildings should help improve living conditions in neighborhoods. This gives residents additional living space and gives residents the opportunity to do what they love.

Greenhouses in new multi-storey buildings

Many people believe that greenhouses can only be created in rural areas, and in urban areas this only applies to small houses. However, it is not. Greenhouses can also be installed in apartments in multi-storey buildings, where they form an individual or collective outdoor area where you can engage in plant growing or spend free time. Below are some recommendations for implementing this idea.

The greenhouse must be placed on sunny side houses where insolation is provided mainly from February to November. It is advisable to increase the area of ​​the greenhouse to a size larger than that of conventional balconies. An area of ​​10-20 m² should be considered suitable so that you can place a table and chairs, as well as provide space for growing plants. When the living space is located at ground level, the greenhouse can be arranged somewhat recessed into the residential building.

When designing greenhouses, it is necessary to clarify how the angles of incidence of sunlight on vertical and horizontal planes change, as well as with the change of day and night and seasons. In summer, when the sun is high in the sky, it is necessary to provide shading and provide a sufficient number of ventilation hatches for air change, both in the greenhouse and in living rooms.

Most often, the greenhouse is a one-story room 2-3 m deep. In some typical multi-story buildings with apartments on two levels, the height of the greenhouse can be quite large. In one of good decisions a narrower balcony is located along the wall adjacent to the bedroom or bathhouse (on the top floor) and provides the desired shading in summer. The greenhouse functions as a solar energy storage device and helps heat the apartment by providing free solar heat and reducing heat loss. On a sunny day, when the apartment quickly overheats (in Finnish conditions this only happens in the summer), the greenhouse effectively functions as a cooler for the apartment. If, in addition to ventilation vents, ventilation openings are placed in the upper part of the greenhouse to provide communication with the cool side of the house (northwest - north-northeast), then you can create air currents, in which the heated air coming out carries cooler air with it.

One of the interesting solutions for equipping a greenhouse in a multi-story building is to place it on the roof of such a building. In this way, not only is it possible to get closer to nature, but also to receive sunlight in densely built-up neighborhoods, as well as in residential buildings with unfavorable orientation. This solution is quite applicable to old houses.

In a greenhouse, you can engage in both individual plant growing in separate areas and collective plant growing over relatively large areas. Children can play in such a room all year round, especially in the cold season and in rainy weather. If breakable glass in such rooms is replaced with unbreakable glass made of organic glass, at least in the most dangerous places, then such a greenhouse becomes safe and suitable for multi-purpose use.

The air temperature in the greenhouse is always higher than the outside air temperature. This feature can be used, for example, when installing a ventilation system that supplies air preheated in the greenhouse to the living areas, instead of directly supplying cold outside air. Thus, significant energy savings are achieved in a multi-storey building, where more than half of the heat is often lost through ventilation devices.

Greenhouses in old multi-storey buildings

To create greenhouses in old multi-story buildings, you only need a transparent coating made of ordinary or organic glass (for example, acrylic or polycarbonate), installed in place of the light opening of the loggia. By sealing hermetically sealed parts and joints, such as handrails and side walls, this prevents drafts and provides a small, protected and lighted room. The possibilities for using such a room are much better and its service life is 2-3 times longer than a regular balcony. In such greenhouses you can grow seedlings and decorative flowers in jars and pots, as far as the size of the balcony allows. True, in many multi-storey buildings built in past years, the balconies are very cramped, especially in depth.

Creating a glass-enclosed outdoor space like this doesn’t require a lot of expense—you can build it yourself. In an existing premises you only need to equip protective covering made of transparent material and provide sufficiently intense ventilation. One of the advantages of such a glassed room is that mosquitoes remain outside on a summer evening. Protective nets are installed in front of ventilation openings, which most often remain open in the summer.

Many block multi-storey buildings do not have apartments in ground floor. On this floor you can equip a large greenhouse room, where residents can grow various plants together or distribute plots among themselves. Lightweight transparent greenhouse structures are sensitive to impact from stones, balls, objects falling from above, etc.

How to arrange a winter garden on the roof of a house

etc., so cases of hooliganism are possible here.

However, such an opportunity exists wherever conditions for reasonable leisure for young people have not been created.

In addition to the functional advantages, using greenhouses can significantly improve the appearance of a microdistrict with multi-storey buildings. Often, block multi-storey buildings built in the last 15 years are very monotonous and lack individuality. Placing greenhouses in them with window frames, protrusions and plants, if done well, can significantly improve the appearance of buildings and breathe life into drab, dull houses.

Greenhouse at an individual house

The design of the house provides for the possibility of connecting a greenhouse to it, which can be realized through direct delivery or construction at a later stage on a do-it-yourself basis.

Connecting a greenhouse with an individual house and its construction. Usually the greenhouse is placed on south side individual house in such a way that behind it there is a kitchen, recreation room or multi-purpose room, with which the greenhouse is best combined in its functional characteristics. The greenhouse can be rectangular in shape or follow the bevels of the house walls at an angle of 45°. The authors chose the option with a rectangular greenhouse shape as the simplest and most typical.

Used as a structural material for the house frame wooden structures, since wood is easy to process and is suitable for construction on the “do-it-yourself” principle or on the principle of collective subbotniks. At the same time, they take into account that unified systems of modular measures have been adopted in the construction industry, and ready-made ones are available in the sales markets building construction, such as windows and doors.

Construction of the foundation. Corner piles and linear trestles In Finland, it is generally necessary to obtain permission to build a greenhouse attached to residential building. At the same time, government representatives mark the corner points of the greenhouse directly on the site by driving piles. On the stilts they mark the height of the floor above ground level. In cases where the owner himself carries out such marking of corner points, the countdown should begin from the outer wall of the building. To do this, it is necessary to install the board at approximately an angle of 90 ° relative to the basement of the building. Then they drive piles in these places and check their locations, making sure that the tangents a and a are equal to each other.

After this, it is necessary to build "line trestles", on which the outer lines from the basement of the house should be marked, for example by driving two pegs, which can then be connected using ropes.

Concrete base (foundation). If the soil has an average bearing capacity (≥0.5 kgf/cm²) and is homogeneous in composition, then it is possible to build a foundation by pouring concrete supports. Then these supports are buried to a depth of approximately 30 cm with a width of about 30 cm. After this, the bottom of the hole under the support is leveled by adding sand or crushed stone. If the rock comes out close to the ground surface, then you should dig a hole for support up to the rock and then thoroughly clean the surface of the base rock.

After this, it is necessary to construct the formwork for the foundation shoe from boards. Here you can use the ground as a form, but the formwork for the upper part of the support must be made of boards so that the horizontal ribs of the concrete support are even, and with their help you can get a clean upper surface of the support by leveling it with a board. In this case, we must not forget about the connecting ropes and fastening steel parts.

Winter garden - a superstructure over the house, a greenhouse on the roof

It is also necessary to ensure that the boards in the formwork will not move when pouring concrete. Once again, you should check the dimensions and height mark so that they exactly match the given ones, after which you need to fill the form with concrete. The latter is pre-ordered at the nearest concrete plant.

Simple pile foundation. During construction on soft ground It may be necessary to use piles. The most reliable method is to use a concrete pile for driving or burying.

Both methods involve the use of expensive, heavy equipment that can damage the yard and which cannot always be transported to the construction site. Therefore, here we will consider two simple and cheap ways to build a foundation. However, it is recommended to consult with a specialist before starting work.

It is recommended to use steel rails or similar profiles or sleepers with special impregnation under pressure as piles. Advantage steel profiles is that they can be driven into the ground more freely. It is necessary to use long enough piles in order to reach depths below the permafrost boundary or to reach soil with a higher bearing capacity.

Driving piles is a rather labor-intensive process, since you have to stand on a special stand. Sometimes, when driving, piles hit the stone, and therefore the process stops or the direction of the pile's immersion changes. Therefore, it is recommended when designing the base part to ensure that there is sufficient margin in the lateral direction for driving in those types of soils where there is a fairly thick layer of clay and there is no dense load-bearing soil; in particular, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of correcting (regulating) the pile in the vertical direction (flagpole principle ).

Foundation on concrete slabs. Another, more reliable, but also more expensive way of constructing a foundation in soil with unsatisfactory bearing capacity is the so-called method of constructing a foundation on concrete slabs. It consists of manufacturing a relatively thick reinforced concrete slab (for example, 200 mm thick), with the help of which the load can be distributed over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse.

In unfavorable (loose) soil, it may be necessary to replace its mass. The mass of soil under the greenhouse is completely shifted to another place and is replaced, for example, with crushed stone or, even better, “leka” type gravel; As a result, a layer of “new” soil is obtained, which has good thermal insulation and is anti-freeze.

Another method involves laying styrax sheets (for example, 10 cm thick) on a layer of crushed stone and making a reinforced concrete slab by pouring concrete onto the styrax sheets.

The choice of foundation construction method is sometimes difficult, for example for clay soils and especially for soils that vary with depth (for example, consisting partly of rock and partly of alumina). In these cases, it is recommended to seek help from an experienced builder or engineer. Mistakes made during the construction of the foundation often lead to damage, which in some cases cannot be corrected.

Construction of the basement. The plinth part can be erected on the foundation shoe in the following three ways:

  • by pouring concrete when inside rigid heat-insulating sheets are used (in this case, it is necessary to install lifting steel hooks and binding wires in appropriate places);
  • by laying cast blocks with Leka gravel, which have high load-bearing capacity and good thermal insulation properties. If such a wall made of cast concrete blocks turns out to be high, then it is necessary to use reinforcement to strengthen the wall (ground pressure);
  • by using wood products with special pressure impregnation and then insulating them, for example using styrax sheets and covering them with minorite sheets and high-strength sheets.

The same methods are also suitable for the construction of pile foundations.

The choice of method depends on the skill of the performers, building materials, type of soil, method of constructing the foundation, as well as on the type of basement of the residential building.

The plinth covered with minorite sheets and the concrete plinth can be left without painting or treatment if the work is done cleanly and the gray color is suitable for the customer. It is recommended to cover the basement part, built by laying cast concrete blocks or, for example, lime-sand bricks, with a layer of plaster and paint. When choosing paint, you need to make sure that it adheres firmly to the surface of the basement of the greenhouse and will not peel off (a problem associated with the influence of humidity).

Construction of the frame. In the greenhouse version considered here, a wooden frame is chosen. Both horizontal and vertical frame structures can be made from standard lumber with a sawn or planed surface, since the greenhouse has a low height and short spans.

If the greenhouse is two-story and has spans of more than 5 m (for example, when the roof of a house is converted into a greenhouse), then glued beams can be used in vertical and horizontal, as well as through (lattice) structures. In addition, combined beams with nailed and glued joints (for example, the “Mason” type) can also be successfully used.

When choosing frame connections, you should remember that the greenhouse can be very high humidity, therefore it is necessary to take measures to ensure that wooden and especially glued structures can withstand this humidity.

Problems related to moisture, maintenance requirements and strength factors have led to the replacement of lumber with lightweight metals. However, for built-in greenhouses in individual houses, timber is a completely suitable construction material, and the authors recommend their use.

When constructing the frame of a greenhouse room, metal profiles can also be used. However, the use of metal structures requires highly qualified builders and the use of special tools. The use of steel is especially undesirable due to its susceptibility to corrosion.

Timber and its processing. Pressure-impregnated timber is a reliable and durable structural material, but it differs high cost and have a greenish tint, which can give structures an unpleasant appearance. The authors of this book recommend using pressure-impregnated timber if the surface of the wood can be darkened or coated with paint. Teknos Maali also offers white protective paint "Herba", which protects wood from the formation of fungi and mold and can also be used as protective agent from corrosion.

If it is necessary to preserve the natural color and texture of wood on the surface of wooden structures, then non-deciduous timber with a protective impregnation with linseed oil should be used. True, recently other methods of pressure impregnation have also been found that do not change the natural color of the wood. It should be noted that the greenish tint of wood after impregnation with a saline solution fades over time.

The use of pressure-impregnated timber is safe for growing plants, despite the fact that the wood is impregnated with toxic substances. The only place where extreme care should be taken is the base on which the plants are grown. Plant roots should not come into contact with pressure treated timber.

In vertical structures (pillars and ceilings) you can use battens and thick boards with a standard size of 50 × 100 or 50 × 125 mm. After planing, their dimensions are reduced to 45 × 95 and 45 × 120 mm, respectively. For beam roof structures, you can choose a hipped beam with standard sizes from 50 × 150 to 50 × 200 mm, depending on the length of the spans and distances.

The authors recommend making a list of the necessary timber, which should include data on their standard sizes and processing methods, as well as the dimensions of the timber for their individual use and their total quantity. It is necessary to clarify in advance the question of the possibility of purchasing timber, since different suppliers have various warehouse stocks. It is also recommended to contact timber trading companies and agree with them not only on the cost of timber, but also on the following specific issues:

  • range and quality of timber (RT 216.01);
  • thickness and width of sawn (planed) materials (RT 210. 51/210.61);
  • possible length of materials;
  • pressure impregnation data;
  • degree of humidity (dryness);
  • quantity of materials in linear meters, possible losses during sawing and general losses (10-20%);
  • method of transportation and delivery times.

This guarantees a smooth and cost-effective supply of the most suitable timber products on time.

Construction of the frame. First, roofing material or a strip of butyl rubber is laid on the leveled upper plane of the base.

In this case, you should make sure that the moisture rising from below along the body of the plinth (capillary action) does not reach the timber.

After this, you need to mark places for possible fastening bolts or other fittings on horizontal wooden spans, drill the necessary holes in them and treat the surfaces with an anti-rot agent if pressure-impregnated timber is not available. Then the finished wooden structures are installed on the surface of the plinth. In this case, it is necessary to check the main dimensions again and then mark the locations of the vertical posts (battens) on the horizontal spans. Next, the horizontal spans are securely fastened to the base and their horizontal position is checked using a spirit level or plumb line.

After completing the fine alignment work, you can cut the vertical battens to established sizes and process their junctions. Sawing battens and processing joints is easier to do from the ground than from standing on scaffolding or ladder rungs. When pre-cutting these structures to the finished size, the entire work will have to be redone if deviations from the established dimensions are found at the joints (residential building, basement). Therefore, many carpenters attach vertical posts to horizontal spans, first by driving skew nails, and then bring these posts into a vertical position by nailing sloping boards on both sides of the posts. Then they check the dimensions, mark the places where the structures will be cut, and, making sure that all the dimensions of the structures exactly correspond to the required ones, cut them.

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I want to build a greenhouse in the attic (without windows).

Forum / Other buildings / I want to build a greenhouse in the attic (without windows).

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Winter garden on the roof of a private house

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I want to build a greenhouse in the attic (without windows). There is heat, light - housekeepers, water too. I will listen to all opinions!

For greenhouses, light is one of the important factors, so housekeepers are not suitable, you need to install HPS + ventilation is needed.

Your idea is not only irrational, but also not economically profitable. Why grow something in conditions that are unsuitable or require material and technical resources? What exactly are you going to grow in the attic?

I support you - the idea is absurd and not economically profitable. Any living organism needs sunlight and nothing can replace it. If you are going to make a greenhouse in the attic, then instead of a roof, insert windows with glass and make sure they open.

I think it is better to use agricultural lamps for illumination.
But if you illuminate it around the clock, the plants will not have enough carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis: CO2 + UV light = O2. Make it day and night for your plants.
Artificial lighting is great, but natural light is better. Don’t skimp and install at least skylights.

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But if you are passing through us, you can still:

The need arose to purchase a greenhouse, but which form of construction is preferable: an arched, gable greenhouse with a “house” roof, or with sloping walls?

What is better: an arched greenhouse, pitched, or maybe a “Dutch” type - with sloping walls?

And you need to start answering the question not with the shape, but with what the greenhouse covering will be - polycarbonate or glass.

The fact is that glass greenhouses are more expensive and reliable and impose certain installation requirements:

  • need for a foundation
  • careful alignment of all planes

If the site is uneven, then it is quite difficult to lay a strong, reliable foundation. And the slightest distortion in the design of the greenhouse will lead to its failure.

If there are no problems with installing the foundation and leveling, consider the shapes of the greenhouses.

Lean greenhouse

This is a variant of an extension greenhouse, when one of the walls is replaced by the wall of a house, cottage or any other building. The width of a lean-to greenhouse can be from 2.5 to 3 m, and the length is absolutely any.

Shelter material - any: polycarbonate, glass or greenhouse film.

DIY winter garden in a private house

Frame: metal or wood.


Lean greenhouse - perfect option winter garden or greenhouse, when there is an internal passage to the building.

The lean-to form has advantages in economical use of space on the site, as well as glass and load-bearing structures. If such a greenhouse is used for year-round growing of plants, then it becomes necessary to connect it to the general heating system of the house. This will require certain costs, but is completely worth it.


It should be taken into account that a lean-to greenhouse can be attached to any side of the building. But if north side very shaded, even additional lighting of the greenhouse will not solve the problem, and may worsen it - the wall will remain too wet.

Another drawback is that there will be significantly less light in the greenhouse than in a free-standing greenhouse. However, conducting electricity is not difficult and additional lighting can always be arranged.

Gable greenhouse

Traditional form separately standing greenhouses. In the classic version, all walls are at right angles to the ground. The angle of inclination of the roof (popularly called a house) is in the optimal range of about 30-40 degrees and depends on the lighting conditions and climate characteristics in the region - the snowier the winters, the greater the angle of inclination.


A gable greenhouse is convenient in that you can set it to any ridge height. The height of the roof depends on the width of the building itself, which is very variable - from 2 to 5 m.

A gable greenhouse can be made of polycarbonate and without a foundation.

In a gable greenhouse it is easy to install vents directly in the roof.

It is good to grow tall varieties of vegetables in a greenhouse with a house. And in comparison with an arched greenhouse with equal dimensions (width, length), a gable greenhouse is taller and has a larger volume of air (it heats and cools more evenly).


If the greenhouse is wide and covered with glass, then the structure will be reliable only if it stands on a level foundation.

A greenhouse on a foundation is a permanent structure that lasts for many years (the warranty on such greenhouses is about 30 years).

You cannot move it at will to another place in the garden, so if you suddenly decide to redevelop the site, you will have to “dance” away from the greenhouse.

If the greenhouse is glass, then there are many joints in the structure, and this adversely affects the ability to retain heat. This deficiency must be compensated for by using rubber gaskets in the frames.

If the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate, then the installation will require more material consumption compared to an arched one.

Another serious note experienced gardeners- for gable greenhouses, it is advisable to use polycarbonate with a thickness of at least 6 mm, since the load on it is greater than in arched ones (where traditionally 4 mm are used).

Greenhouse with slanted walls (Dutch type)

This is a type of pitched roof, but it has its own characteristics - this form requires more reliable support, since the roof rests not on vertical, but on inclined walls. The height of a Dutch greenhouse is less than that of a classic gable greenhouse, and although there is more space for beds, the ventilation is worse.

Arched greenhouses

Arched greenhouses are made on a structure made of arcs (a reinforced version of double arcs - luxury greenhouses). The greenhouse can be covered with polycarbonate or film (150 microns thick). The maximum height usually does not exceed 2 m, any length.


An arched greenhouse is easier to assemble than a “house” greenhouse. The design allows you to use polycarbonate more economically - the sheet is applied as a continuous sheet, there are fewer seams.

It is not necessary to place the greenhouse on a permanent foundation (concrete or logs).

The greenhouse is easy to install; you can do everything yourself. Affordable price factory design.

The greenhouse can be easily disassembled to replace the covering material or move it to another location.

The greenhouse can be extended in length if necessary.

An arched polycarbonate greenhouse is stronger under snow loads than regular glass because the material is bent and stressed.


A classic arched greenhouse is usually lower than a house greenhouse; if the planned height is more than 2 m, then strengthening of the frame is required.

An arched polycarbonate greenhouse is stronger against snow sagging than house greenhouses, but significantly loses in the fight against strong winds.

In addition, after warming, the snow becomes wet and can stick even to a convex surface.

For statistics: over one weekend, when a storm warning was announced, 27 greenhouses in our gardening community were destroyed: 8 arched greenhouses and 1 greenhouse with a house. Some arched ones were significantly dented or the polycarbonate was torn off.

In an arched greenhouse, it is more convenient to make vents only at the ends or doors, but not on the roof.

Arched or house

By and large, the choice of a greenhouse is a matter of taste; visually, some people like it with a house, others with an arch. But the gardener is more concerned about the issue of reliability, and this depends on how much you are willing to invest Money to the greenhouse.

It is important what material the structure is made of, how correctly its rigidity, profile and coating thickness are taken into account. Pay attention to the number of transverse elements of the frame, the distance between the arches or posts, the presence of additional ties or reinforcement of the arches.

In a greenhouse with a house, pay attention to the angle of the slope; if it is not sharp enough, the snow will not slide off.

Covering material of the greenhouse: regular glass or tempered glass - this is not a significant difference; replacing the glass in the frame is not difficult. But the thermoplastic covering material needs to be chosen more carefully; very often polypropylene is sold under the guise of polycarbonate. It is cheaper than polycarbonate by an average of 15-20%, but this is where its advantages end: the strength is 10 times less than that of PC, and at temperatures below minus 25 the material cracks. In order not to be deceived in expectations and not to overpay, ask for a certificate. You also need to make sure that the powder coating on the metal frame is weather-resistant.

Video on choosing a greenhouse shape

Remember that any modification can be made reliably and efficiently, as well as spoiled by wasting money on high-quality material. The slogan that says that factory-made greenhouses are of better quality is nothing more than advertising.

Don’t skimp on a reinforced frame and a good foundation, don’t forget the proverb “Expensive is cute, cheap is rotten!”

Victor Sivukhin