Damp bugs in the bathroom. How to get rid of strange insects in the bathroom. To remove woodlice, you need

The main reasons are as follows:

  • High humidity;
  • Unsanitary conditions;
  • Good soil for reproduction.

The bathroom is always wet, so increased humidity is not surprising. But unsanitary conditions should be excluded. Such insects feed on mold, food debris and even wet paper, which is why they live in the bathroom. They can live behind washing machine, in the seams between tiles, in sewer and ceiling boxes, as well as in the joints between walls and plumbing. Many insects can settle in a damp room.

Spiders in the bathroom

Most spiders live on outdoors, but some representatives like to live in houses. Usually these inhabitants are recognized by the presence of cobwebs. Spiders love to hang out in corners. Small haymaking spiders (body length no more than 10 mm) and domestic gray and black spiders (up to 18 mm in length) live in human dwellings. If there are quite a lot of them, this indicates favorable living conditions. That is, the spiders found uninterruptible source nutrition. They can eat small midges.

Also, such residents could be brought by the person himself from the street (on clothes). Spiders love warmth, so they can move from other rooms to the bathroom. These creatures may not attract attention for a long time, as they hide under the bathroom, in the ventilation, between the seams.

Mosquitoes in the bathroom

The appearance of mosquitoes in the bathroom is not the worst problem. They do not live there permanently, but only relax. This phenomenon is characteristic only of the most untidy owners and dirty rooms where basins of water have been standing for weeks. In this case, mosquitoes reproduce with high speed. Suitable for this purpose are water and dark places. At night, these insects will live in the bathroom, and during the day they will go out to hunt for the blood of the apartment owners. It seems that mosquitoes are not dangerous (only after the bite everything itches), but they can carry dangerous diseases. Therefore, withdrawal is strictly necessary.

Midges in the bathroom

These insects appear even under the slightest unsanitary conditions (a little garbage in the corner or a puddle of water that does not dry for a long time). They enter the apartment through windows and doors. If there is a flower garden, trees or garbage bins under the windows, then the midge will happily fly into the house and find the most cozy place- bathroom.

Clogged drain pipes can also cause insects to breed. It is not recommended to wash food or dishes in the bathroom. The slightest particle of food stuck in the pipe will cause midges to multiply. Such insects are attracted by the smell of rotting, so it is not recommended to keep various plants in the bathroom. Regular watering and high humidity causes damage to roots and soil.

Centipedes (centipedes) in the bath

Not only do centipedes look scary, but they can also cause skin allergies. Centipedes are the most common inhabitants of damp areas. Just the sight of this terrifying insect with many legs gives you goosebumps. Poor compliance with the microclimate and sanitary rules leads to the proliferation of millipedes/centipedes.

They feed on spiders, flies, ants, moths, cockroaches, bedbugs and mosquitoes. Centipedes seem to be useful by killing other pests, but they can leave bites on human skin. The bite site begins to itch, like after a mosquito, and turns red.

Woodlice in the bathroom

Woodlice are small gray insects with legs on the sides of the body. They love to live in bathrooms due to high humidity and dampness. Woodlice enter the room through holes in the walls, through the water supply from neighbors or through the sewer.

Thanks to their thickened body, woodlice are able to survive even in the narrowest crevices and under the bark. They are completely safe for humans. Woodlice do not bite and do not spread infections, so their appearance signals a lot of dampness. This may be due to poor ventilation and ventilation of the room.

Silverfish (sugar) in the bathroom

Sugar silverfish are the most harmless insects that love dampness. That's why they choose the bathroom as their habitat. Silverfish feed on mold, food debris, wet paper and rotten rags. If you constantly monitor the cleanliness of the bathroom and do not wash food there, then these insects simply will not be able to survive there.

In appearance, silverfish have an oblong body, several antennae in the back of the body and protruding antennae in the front. They do not grow more than 1 cm. Typically, silverfish are light gray or dark in color. Sugar silverfish - light color. But sometimes you can find insects that are completely discolored, which indicates a recent molt. Silverfish do not reproduce in large numbers, so removing them will be easy. These insects do not cause any harm to human beings.

How to get rid of sugarfish, woodlice, mosquitoes, spiders, centipedes and other insects in the bathroom?

The use that immediately comes to mind is chemicals, but first you need to get rid of the source of the insects. To do this you need:

  • Constantly ventilate the bathroom and monitor the ventilation level;
  • Do not leave puddles on the floor, try to wipe off any remaining water in the bathroom immediately after washing;
  • Do not wash fruits and vegetables in the bathroom. Pieces of food may get stuck in drain pipe and this will serve as a source of food for insects;
  • Place all wet rags and linen to dry on the balcony or more spacious room so as not to create additional humidity;
  • Fix all plumbing fixtures so that there are no leaks.

Many people use woodlice and other insects to kill quicklime. It is poured into a container and left in the bathroom for at least 2-3 days. Some people pour water over the lime. At the same time, the door closes tightly and all the cracks are plugged. During this time, use of the premises is strictly prohibited. After the lapse of three days All that remains is to sweep up and throw away the dead insects. You should also thoroughly ventilate the room. This, of course, will cause some inconvenience, especially if the bathroom is combined, but it will help get rid of all the insects.

Successful chemical products for controlling and removing insects in the home and, in particular, in the toilet and bathroom include: Raid, Combat, GET – chlorpyrifos, habitual dichlorvos etc., which are not difficult to find on store shelves.

After weeding, it is necessary to keep the bathroom clean at all times to prevent future insect infestations. If you follow the rules, wood lice, silverfish and centipedes will no longer appear. Although almost all of them are harmless to humans, you still don’t want to go into the bathtub and run out of it in fear. Spiders may take some time to appear as they come from other rooms. And other insects move into bathrooms out of great love for dampness and humid climate. Therefore, there will be no smudges, wet rags and puddles, and there will be no insects!

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Worms in the bathtub or home horror movies

The problem of unexpected “tenants” in an apartment, all kinds of cockroaches, is as old as the hills and is mostly taken for granted. The cause of insects is not always unsanitary living conditions. Often, sewer/ventilation systems and unprotected window and door openings allow unwanted insects to enter the secluded corners of a human home.

Silent occupation

A bathroom is a specific room with increased level humidity, being in the dark most of the day. Such conditions are ideal for small crawling and running animals, for which everyone often creates favorable conditions with their own hands.

If you Google it, you will be surprised to learn that crustaceans and even animals may also be scurrying around under your feet! Let's look at the most typical bathroom troublemakers:

  • silverfish are primarily wingless insects from the bristletail order;
  • woodlice - class higher crayfish order of isopods;
  • nods - invertebrates from the order Centipedes;
  • centipedes are arthropods considered to be the closest relatives of insects;
  • mosquitoes are insects from the order Diptera;
  • Tubifex - class zonalis, subclass oligochaetes.


Small white worms in the bathroom, at first glance, turn out to be elegant insects up close - sugar silverfish up to 2 cm long, with a characteristic teardrop-shaped body and three tail processes. Not being predators by nature, they can cause significant damage to wallpaper, linen, and books (think about it, fans of newspaper racks in the bathroom).

It also feeds on mold and fungi that grow only in humid environment Therefore, the appearance of sugar silverfish should alert you. The insect does not hibernate, but diligently reproduces, laying about 70 eggs in June-July.

The habit of hiding in the natural environment under stones, sticks, and in the leaves of a sugar bowl is also retained in the bathroom, cleverly being buried:

  • in crevices;
  • under peeling paint;
  • under the bathtub, basins;
  • in caked underwear.

Preferring darkness, silverfish rush in different directions as soon as the light turns on. bright light. However, on glazed tiles their speed decreases sharply, and if they get into a puddle or even a drop of water, they stop altogether.


Living in natural conditions, mostly underground, it appears by chance in the fallen leaves in the bathroom. Thanks to their smooth body, they look like worms in the bathroom, although specimens up to several centimeters in length make them look like snakes.

The body of the centipede is covered with a chitinous layer, which does not prevent it from curling up smartly in case of danger. The “worms” move quite slowly, you can simply pick them up with your hand and take them outside, especially since they process plant residues well.

Woodlice and mosquitoes

These creatures, as a rule, appear by chance - woodlice, usually rise from the basement or passages and quickly leave if the humidity is low. If these crustaceans stubbornly refuse to leave, most likely a pipe is leaking somewhere, creating favorable conditions for their residence.

Woodlice look like miniature armadillos - they curl up into a tight ball when touched; they are gray on top (juveniles are light-colored) and have a whitish belly. May cause harm:

  • indoor plants;
  • to humans, because they are carriers of fungal pathogens, depriving.

Mosquitoes fly into the bathroom, mainly if there is stagnant water in some container or there is no mosquito protection on the windows. They cannot reproduce here because the larvae must develop in stagnant water.


What is capable of inspiring horror is this fast-moving (40 cm/sec), silent arthropod, appearing out of nowhere and smoothly “flowing around” obstacles. The abundance of long legs and the longest mustaches are frightening, which can be confused with the same long hind legs - just pull and push.

If you remain neutral, the centipede can thoroughly clean your apartment and destroy:

  • fleas;
  • cockroaches;
  • spiders and so on.

European scolopendra species are not poisonous, although the bite (if it is strong enough to bite through the skin) will be akin to a wasp sting. If the very thought of such a neighbor is unpleasant to you, you can, of course, use a slipper, or else you can catch it in a jar and take it out of the house.

Real worm

The real little worms in the bathroom are tubifex worms, also from the category of random visitors and can appear in the bathroom, the water for which is pumped from a pond. The tubifex looks like a thin thread of dark pink color and is familiar in everyday life as food for fish.

In ponds, worms accumulate in huge colonies in polluted places, in silt, so the chance of getting into the water supply system is one in a thousand. If a worm appears in the sink, it can be fed to aquarium fish or washed off quietly.

Find the good in the bad

Since you have to coexist (temporarily, of course!) with boogers, you are still lucky, because these creatures:

  • not aggressive;
  • not poisonous;
  • in some cases it is beneficial (flycatchers, remember?);
  • does not form large colonies;
  • signals that your bathtub needs a major “technical inspection”.

Where does the attack come from?

There are basically two objective reasons for the appearance of “tenants”:

  • various types of communications - woodlice, millipedes, etc. migrate with impunity through ventilation shafts;
  • interruptions in the operation of filtration systems, e.g. tap water There may be small black worms in the bathroom - mosquito larvae.

We create the remaining prerequisites ourselves in pursuit of glamorous design or due to banal laziness, they can be:

  • warm water pipes hidden in boxes under the casing; but small-timers will always find a micro-crack to squeeze through to visit you;
  • condensation flowing into nooks and crannies under the bathtub that are difficult to reach;

  • damp rugs on the floor near the bathroom/toilet;
  • dust;
  • clogged;
  • storage area for rags under the bathroom.

Measures to “clean up” the territory

Constantly scrub the bathroom until the last minute square millimeter difficult, but it is possible to apply basic preventive measures. Instructions for keeping dry are as follows:

  • reduce humidity - eliminate leaking taps, ensure good ventilation;
  • cover the ventilation holes with fine mesh;
  • seal cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings;
  • use floor mats made of special materials - rubber, silicone, fiber polymers, bamboo;
  • do not create deposits of dirty laundry;
  • wipe surfaces weekly with chlorine-containing preparations;
  • After general cleaning, thoroughly dry the room using a fan or household dehumidifier.

By using replaceable absorbent tablets/granules, you will save electricity. One tablet weighing 450 g is enough for a year.


After eliminating the causes of dampness, insecticides will become powerful means of exterminating pests in the bathroom.:

  • Raid;
  • Battalion commander

A guaranteed result is obtained by professional disinfestation of the premises performed special services, no matter what its price.

Several types of processing are used:

  • cold fog;
  • barrier protection;
  • hot fog;
  • complex.


Having once experienced the shock of meeting an incomprehensible bug-worm in the bathroom, which should not be there in principle, the attitude towards cleaning this room changes radically. For some reason, small animals/insects inspire superstitious fear, probably because of their ability to suddenly disappear and hide in unexpected places. After the “reclamation” of the bathroom, the only person who can wander in there is an innocent spider – a symbol of wisdom and creativity.

More information about some of the inhabitants of the bathroom can be found in the video in this article.

The bathroom is considered the cleanest and most sterile in the house, so appearing in it harmful insects always causes panic and anxiety. No one is immune from pests, since beetles are just as likely to appear in unsanitary conditions as in clean, dry bathrooms. To get rid of uninvited guests, you should determine the type of bugs and use special insecticides against them.

What bugs appear in the bathroom?

A variety of bugs can appear in the bathroom, but the most common among them are:

  • woodlice– are translucent insects with an oval-shaped body and 7 pairs of legs. They move quickly and do not pose much harm to humans, but they can damage interior items, since mold and peculiar deposits appear in places where woodlice accumulate;
  • silverfish- can have a gray or black color, this is a small insect of an oblong shape, on the head it has branches in the form of antennae, similar processes (but smaller) on the tail. It moves very quickly and can crawl along vertical surfaces with ease. The danger of silverfish (or, as it is also called, earwigs) is that it can get into a person’s ears, which can cause damage to the eardrum and other deformations of the hearing organs;
  • sugar silverfish – most often occurs in kitchens, as it feeds on cereals and bulk foods, but sometimes appears in bathrooms. Unlike ordinary silverfish, the sugar one has a color white, slightly different in size, and chooses dry areas of the room for its settlement;
  • black bugs– small insects, round in shape, choose dark, dry places for their settlements. These can be flour mites, they feed on grout, tooth powder and some types of dry chemicals. The danger of such insects is that they bite quite painfully, and through their bites they can transmit all kinds of viral infections.

Of course, other types of insects can also settle in the bathroom, for example, ants, cockroaches, midges; all of them should be gotten rid of as soon as possible, because a long stay of pests in a living space will lead to damage. environmental conditions rooms, the appearance of dangerous bacteria and damage to the interior.

How to prevent bugs from appearing in the bathroom?

It is not possible to protect your room 100% from insect infestation unless you regularly carry out preventive measures by specialized services. However, by putting into practice the basic tips presented below, you can significantly reduce the risk of nasty bugs and other insects in your bathroom.

  • First of all, monitor the sanitary condition of the premises , do not allow dirt and debris, puddles and soap deposits to accumulate on the walls and floor.
  • Secondly, promptly repair leaking pipes and ensure the tightness of plumbing fittings , since leaking liquid and dampness in the room attracts numerous bugs.
  • Third, provide protection for ventilation grilles and window vents to prevent small insects from entering from outside.
  • Fourthly, spend regularly general cleaning bathroom (at least once a month) using modern chemistry, as an alternative to cleaning products can be used for cleaning regular soda or vinegar solution.

How to deal with infested bugs in the bathroom?

If a whole colony of small bugs has appeared in your bathroom, you should take measures to destroy the insects as soon as possible. Moreover, you can use any available methods for this, starting with harmless folk recipes and ending with modern chemicals.

  • Be sure to conduct quality wet cleaning using active chemical compositions, for example, Domestos gel or powder. If you are a follower natural remedies, you can choose a soda solution or add ½ cup of regular food vinegar to the water for washing the floor.
  • It is important to create uncomfortable living conditions for insects, since most beetles that live in the bathroom love dampness, try to prevent moisture and condensation from accumulating on the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. Use heated towel rails, fireplaces or fans to dry surfaces.
  • Periodically treat remote areas of the room and secluded corners with special insecticidal compounds in the form of aerosols, gels or powders. The main thing is to make sure that children and pets do not try toxic substances.

As preventive measures To combat beetles in the bathroom, you can offer several folk recipes:

  • room cooling – the method is suitable for the winter season. Leave the doors and windows in the bathroom and hallway open for 1-2 hours, during which time the frosty air will destroy all living microorganisms and fill the room with freshness. Upon returning, you should warm up the room a little and wipe the walls and floor to prevent condensation from forming on the walls;
  • wet cleaning with vinegar allows you not only to eliminate all germs and infection, but also reliably repels insects from the bathroom that cannot stand the smell of this product;
  • flavors with lavender, cedar, cloves and other herbs and plants serve as an excellent repeller for a wide variety of insects, so dry bunches of herbs or cotton swabs soaked in essential oils, can be used as a protection against bugs.

If no measures help, the surest way to destroy insects in your bathroom is to contact specialists who will carry out all the work quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee.

The bathroom is often home to a variety of insects. This unpleasant phenomenon is associated with high humidity in room. The resulting condensation or small drips can attract small animals. Most of them are harmless to humans, but some can carry various infections.

Insect control

It is pointless to fight them if the causes of their occurrence are not eliminated first. These little arthropods love dampness, and the first step is to prevent it from occurring.

To do this, you need to provide good ventilation in the bathroom, check the taps and joints for leaks. It is also recommended to seal the joint between the bathtub and the wall.

IN apartment buildings First of all, the first floors begin to suffer from insects. This is due to the accumulated moisture in basements; they are a kind of breeding ground for arthropods. They enter the room through all sorts of cracks and crevices in the flooring.

You need to try to seal these cracks and pour poison under the bathtub. Suitable for this boric acid. These insects feed on dirt and organic particles. That is why you need to be especially careful about the cleanliness of the bathroom and bathroom. Having tasted this fungicide, insects will immediately begin to die.

Boric acid is a cheap and reliable solution for controlling small insects in the bathroom. And among the most available funds, you can highlight wormwood and tansy. These herbs are good at repelling woodlice, silverfish, cockroaches, and other arthropod insects.

The absence of cracks in the floor does not guarantee the absence of insects; their occurrence may be due to poor ventilation. They can easily crawl over it from their neighbors, so everything ventilation ducts you need to cover it with a protective net and place repellent sections inside them.

What insects live in the house

Silverfish is small insect up to 1 cm in size, the color is dark, and after molting it is light. The shape of the body is elongated, there are two long antennae in the front, and three on the tail.

If there are white insects in the bathroom that fit the description, then these are them. There is no need to be afraid of them, they are completely harmless. They feed on mold, various dirt under rugs, and even toilet paper.

Silverfish are not carriers of infections and do not reproduce in large numbers. Therefore, they are found in single copies. Destroyed with a firecracker or rolled up newspaper.

Well, if suddenly, for some reason, there are a lot of small, silvery insects in the bathroom, then buying simple dichlorvos will solve the problem.

Woodlice naturally appear where there is water. By these insects you can even judge whether there is a leak in the room. In length, like silverfish, they can reach 1 cm; sensing danger, they curl up into a ball. The color is gray, sometimes white.

They belong to small, land crustaceans. Outer side covered with a thin chitinous cover. It is worth noting dry room they are not attracted. They are not carriers of infections or dirt. They are also harmless and cannot bite. Insecticides will help remove these insects.

Centipedes can be a nuisance. They were given this name for their elongated, long body, with many small legs. They look gray, and if you touch them, they curl up into a spiral.

But you should not pick them up, because when they sense danger, they secrete bad smell. They will never start in the bathroom if it is clean and dry.

Very often cockroaches can settle in an apartment. Although they cannot bite, they sometimes become carriers of various intestinal infections and diseases. They multiply very quickly, and it is not easy to remove them from the apartment.

Fighting cockroaches

Many products have been developed that need to be used to treat cracks and all places where they accumulate. Those specimens that come to hand can be killed with an ordinary firecracker.

Places where cockroaches were especially common should be washed with laundry soap. Where they were killed or found dead, they need to be treated with bleach.

To prevent cockroaches from appearing in your home, you need to do general cleaning more often. Do not leave leftover food in the trash can and take out the trash regularly. The entire house needs frequent disinfection, not just the bathroom.

Photo of insects in the bathroom

Agree, it’s an unpleasant situation: you went into the bathroom, turned on the light, and unpleasant-looking insects began to scatter from under your feet, hiding in safe places. Most likely these are silverfish that crawl out to hunt at night. Are you wondering where they came from? But, in principle, it is not so important how they got into the apartment. The main thing is to know how to get rid of them. Silverfish do not harm humans, but they are not worth breeding either.

Types of silverfish: what “enemy” you have to deal with

Silverfish in an apartment is the result of unsanitary conditions

Appearance of “lovers” of humid climates

The insect's body length can reach 1.9 cm, it is flat, tapering from head to tail. The silverfish got its name from the silvery scales with which it is covered. From the head, two whiskers are directed forward, three similar tails are directed behind, there are no wings. The eyes are compounded, with color vision that perceives ultraviolet light.

The common silverfish, or as it is also called, the sugar fish, moves very quickly along the floor, ceiling, can run into a narrow crack, hide in a hole, and all this with the help of three pairs of legs with tenacious claws. Such organs of movement make it difficult to fight insects, since seeing does not mean catching, and they hide perfectly.

If you look closely, you can catch the resemblance to a fish fry, for which the British call it silverfish. Scientists have counted almost 600 species of silverfish in nature, 10 of which live in Russia. But only two apartments are besieged by silverfish and house thermobia.

Places of deployment and diet

Knowing the “habits” of insects makes it easier to find and destroy them. Most of all, they like to hide in damp places, where they can profit from something. They eat quite a varied diet. Paper, wallpaper, books, bulk products (flour, pasta, cereals), animal feed, cotton and silk items are used. The most unpleasant thing is that the lack of food does not frighten them; in favorable conditions for life, they can live for about a year without food at all, and with good nutrition live for five years.

Determining whether there is a silverfish in an apartment or not is sometimes difficult, since the insect prefers a nocturnal lifestyle. First of all, where you can find - places with moist air, condensate, water. These are bathrooms, toilets, shower boxes, and other places that are often closed during renovation, creating an aesthetic appearance - sewer pipes and pipes cold water, located in hard to reach places, for example, under the bathtub.

Important! Silverfish insects that come into your home are not carriers of diseases, they do not bite, but you must fight them!

How to deal with silverfish


It is very important to observe basic rules of room hygiene, and to begin fighting as soon as single individuals are discovered.

  • Silverfish will not settle in the bathroom if the room is constantly ventilated and ventilated, and any puddles that form on the floor are wiped off immediately.
  • Old pipes become covered with condensation, and with poor ventilation, puddles form - an excellent place for insects to gather.
  • Get rid of old papers and waste paper.

Advice. Library owners! From time to time, thoroughly ventilate the room and monitor its microclimate, avoiding an increase in humidity.

  • Caulk any cracks where insects may gather.
  • If mold appears, remove it immediately.
  • Store bulk food products in hermetically sealed jars, boxes, and containers.

Folk remedies


Preventative measures did not help scare away insects from your home, but they still made their way in? Let's look at how to remove silverfish using traditional methods.

Common and accessible traps are:

  • Liter jar with outside wrap it with adhesive tape and put a few pieces of bread inside. The insect will easily get into the jar, but will not be able to get out along the slippery walls. Set the trap overnight in the place where silverfish are spotted.
  • Twist (crumple) a newspaper or other paper, moisten it with water (lightly so as not to get wet) and leave it overnight. Insects will immediately settle there, as they love moisture and darkness. In the morning, take the paper outside, away from the house and burn it.
  • Traps that can be purchased in stores are effective. These are Velcro, which are thin cardboard with an adhesive surface. They do not give a second chance to stuck insects. Trapper Insect Trap and Trapper Max Glue Traps are laid out in places where silverfish accumulate and the “fillability” is periodically checked.

Homemade herbs and compounds

A clean, dry bath is an unpleasant environment for silverfish.


In addition to traps, other methods of combating silverfish are used. Insects cannot tolerate strong odors, such as bay leaves, cinnamon or pepper. They do not live in rooms with such odors.

Soap based balls

Once a silverfish has taken up residence in the toilet, it will quickly leave it; wash the toilet with this product. For 1 glass of soda - 2 tablespoons of grated laundry soap(72%), ¾ cup hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops lavender or citrus oil. Make small balls from this mixture and wash the toilet, spreading it over the inner surface twice a week. Thanks to this aromatic product, the toilet will have a pleasant smell, and insects will run away.


Lavender and citrus oils can be used in other ways. Add a few drops to water and wash or spray the resulting solution in areas where silverfish accumulate. As the aromas of the oil fade, repeat the procedure.

In addition to oily mixtures of lavender and citrus fruits, they are used in their natural form. After grating the zest of a lemon or orange, scatter it in places where the insect is likely to live. Lavender branches will also repel the pest.


Fears low temperatures Not only the adult individual, but the silverfish larva also dies in the cold. Therefore, if in winter it is possible to “freeze” the room, do this procedure.

What chemicals are more effective against silverfish?

Today on the insecticide market, there are a large number of drugs to combat silverfish. They are presented in different forms, but it is better to use it in combination, as recommended by sanitary doctors.

  • The bulk Demon Wp product containing cypermethrin is effective against many insects, including silverfish.
  • Quite conflicting reviews about Safer Brand powder. The active substance is kieselguhr (dialomite). The way it affects insects is that the powder, made from rock, has sharp edges of grains of sand. When they enter an insect's body, they literally “cut” it from the inside. The product is safe for people and pets, but direct contact should still be avoided. In the evening, sprinkle powder along baseboards or other habitats, and carefully remove in the morning (along with dead insects).
  • Boric acid is effective against silverfish, but is dangerous for people and animals, so when using it, safety precautions must be observed.
  • An aerosol against silverfish with the active substance – pyrethrin, is a ready-made poison against insects. It must be used carefully, avoiding places where food products are located, children and pets. Spray on baseboards, in cracks, on water and sewer pipes and other places where insects accumulate.

To avoid having to fight silverfish, it is better to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment. An elementary preventative “remedy” - cleanliness in the room, will help its inhabitants not to “share” their home with the pest.