Zhiryakov Stepan Mikhailovich Federation Council. Stepan Zhiryakov. How the senator will be remembered by Transbaikal residents. Zhamsuev and Zhiryakov appealed to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation regarding the use of the road fund

CHITA, September 21. /TASS/. The current member of the Federation Council from the legislative branch of the Trans-Baikal Territory Stepan Zhiryakov, who had previously refused the mandate of a deputy of the new convocation of the Legislative Assembly of the region and the possibility of re-election to the Federation Council, explained his action by moving to a new place of work. He told reporters about this on Friday.

"I made this decision in connection with the transition to a new place of work. I received this offer several months ago, during this entire period I thought about it. My experience gained in various leadership positions, including in the Federation Council, as well as knowledge in the field of environmental management turned out to be in demand, so they offered me a new position. In the end, I agreed,” said Zhiryakov, without specifying what work in progress speech.

He added that he participated in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory at the request of his colleagues and friends from the Aginsky Buryat district, from which he was eventually elected as a deputy. Zhiryakov lost his mandate to the deputy director of the Mogoituy Mezhraibaza company, Chingis Balzhinimaev, who followed him on the United Russia party list in the Mogoituy single-mandate electoral district.

Earlier, a source in the leadership of the Trans-Baikal Territory told TASS that the secretary of the regional branch of United Russia, vice-speaker of the previous Legislative Assembly, Sergei Mikhailov, could become the new senator. Elections for a member of the Federation Council will be held at the next meeting of the new Legislative Assembly, which will be held on September 27-28.

Stepan Zhiryakov was born in 1948 in the village of Pervomaisky, Chita region. After graduating from the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute in 1972, he worked at the Transbaikal Mining and Processing Plant. From 1996 to 2004 there was general director enterprises "Zabaikalzoloto" and "Darasunzoloto", the Chita representative office of the company "Darasunsky Mine". In 2004, he headed the Chita representative office management company"Russdragmet".

From 2010 to 2013, Zhiryakov headed the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory. In 2013" United Russia" proposed him as a candidate for membership of the Federation Council from the legislative branch of the Trans-Baikal Territory, 42 deputies out of 46 deputies present voted for Zhiryakov. In the Federation Council, Zhiryakov became deputy chairman of the committee on agrarian and food policy and environmental management.

New convocation of the Legislative Assembly of Transbaikalia

The elections of the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory were held on September 9, on a single voting day. Representatives of eight parties competed for 50 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Transbaikalia. Deputies were elected for five years according to a proportional-majority system: 25 people - according to party lists, 25 - in single-mandate constituencies.

As a result of the vote, United Russia received 21 seats in parliament instead of the previous 36. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party increased their representation from four to 14 and 10 people, respectively. "A Just Russia" received three mandates. For the first time, one representative each from the Party of Business and the Party of Pensioners of Russia entered the regional parliament.


Born on March 2, 1948 in the village of Pervomaisky, Shilkinsky district, Chita region. Labor activity started in 1966 at the Transbaikal Mining and Processing Plant as a mechanic.

After graduating from the metallurgical faculty of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute in 1972, he continued to work at the plant, first as an engineer in the instrumentation and automation department, then from 1974 at the processing plant - shift foreman, head of the dehydration department, and head of the main building.

In 1981, he was elected chairman of the joint trade union committee No. 112 of the Trans-Baikal Mining and Processing Plant. In 1983, he again graduated in absentia from the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mining and processing engineer.

In May 1986, he was appointed director of the Altagachansky mining department of ZabGOK in the village of Zolotorechensk, Olovyannisky district. In 1994, he was invited to work at Zabaikalzoloto OJSC as chief engineer, and from November 1996 to November 2000 he worked as general director. In November 2000, according to restructuring program of OJSC Zabaikalzoloto, transferred to work at the Darasunzoloto Mining and Processing Plant LLC, also as general director, and in January 2002, as director of the Chita representative office of Darasunsky Mine LLC.

In January 2004, he was appointed director of the Chita representative office. management organization Russdragmet LLC of the British-Canadian company Highland Gold Mining.

He was elected as a deputy of the village Soviets, the Chita Regional Council of People's Deputies, the Chita regional Duma IV convocation. Awarded with badges: “Miner’s Glory” of three degrees, “Honorary Miner”, “For Diligence for the Benefit of the Region”, medal “For Services to the Chita Region”. Awarded the title “Honored Worker of the Mining Industry of the Chita Region”. Corresponding Member Russian Academy mining sciences, full member (academician) of the International Academy of Environmental Safety (MANEB). Member of the presidium of the political council of the Transbaikal regional branch of the All-Russian political party"United Russia".

On June 10, 2010, being the only candidate, he was almost unanimously elected chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Trans-Baikal Territory, replacing at will Anatoly Romanov.

Since 2013 - Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

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In fact, few Transbaikal residents know that there are no senators or Senate in modern Russia does not exist. In the USA and dozens of other countries such a body state power there is, in Tsarist Russia, however, with slightly different powers, he was also. But not now. These concepts were thrown into our socio-political life by journalists and political scientists for their own convenience - so, not a senator, but a member of the Federation Council. There is no division Federal Assembly– parliament Russian Federation– into the “upper” and “lower” chambers. But who, besides a handful of lawyers and law school professors, is interested in such subtleties? Who knows what kind of body the Federation Council is, what its powers are and what all these “senators” do? Political observer of the site Sergei Kuibyshev - about senatorship in Russia and how Transbaikal residents will remember Stepan Zhiryakov.

The Federation Council has existed in our country since 1993. It was that year, on December 12, that elections of deputies to the State Duma and deputies of the Federation Council took place. Yes, then, for the first and only time so far, deputies (not yet members) of the Federation Council were elected by popular vote, two people from each subject of the Russian Federation. As expected, two deputies were elected from the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In the early 90s of the last century, they were, as they say, in plain sight, and felt like real history makers - the head of the Transbaikal region was elected railway Alexander Dovlyallo and Chief Editor"Narodnaya Gazeta", the famous democrat Viktor Kurochkin, the chairman of the district Council of People's Deputies Bolot Ayushiev and chief physician Mogoituy territorial medical association Namdak Zhambalov. Now these names are hidden deep, deep in the annals of Russian parliamentarism and the Trans-Baikal Territory, but what they were doing within the walls of the building at the Moscow address: Bolshaya Dmitrovka, building 26, is not so easy and quick to get to the bottom of. Researchers will have to try hard here!

In 1996 - 2000, members of the Federation Council were no longer elected; they were ex-officio governors and chairmen of legislative assemblies Russian regions. Some of the Transbaikal “senators” of that time are still in business today, for example, current member of the Federation Council Bair Zhamsuev. Transbaikal residents also remember Ravil Geniatulin and, I want to believe, Vitaly Vishnyakov and Dasha Dugarov.

Since 2001, this chamber of the Russian Parliament has included two representatives from each region - one each from the executive and legislative bodies of state power. The Chita region was represented by Vladimir Melnikov, Vitaly Vishnyakov and Konstantin Surkov, Aginsky Buryatsky autonomous region- Vladimir Shoishilzhapov, Khamzat Gutseriev, Sergey Bekov and Bato-Zhargal Zhambalnimbuev. By the way, Gutseriev and Bekov are known a hundred times better in Ingushetia than in our region. And the new subject of the Russian Federation - the Trans-Baikal Territory - was represented until the fall of 2013 by the same Surkov and Zhambalnimbuev, and now by Zhamsuev and Zhiryakov.

Stepan Zhiryakov, as is known, will very soon cease to exercise the powers of a member of the Federation Council from Legislative Assembly Transbaikal region. Yes, he was elected to the regional parliament of the third convocation and could well qualify for re-election to the Russian parliament (only a deputy of the Legislative Assembly and no one else can be elected from the Legislative Assembly to the Federation Council!). But, within five days, he did not submit to the regional election commission a document confirming his resignation as a member of the Federation Council. And the regional election law does not allow him to be both there and there.

Serious passions are currently boiling around the “senator” seat, although few ordinary voters know what the Federation Council does and whether it is needed at all. Some people call this body the “chamber of regions” and consider it a real guarantor of the country’s political stability. The “senators” themselves, considering the projects federal laws, coming from the State Duma, believe that they are the ones who take into account the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from economic and social points of view. There are opinions according to which the Federation Council has become a sinecure for former governors, ministers and other necessary people who cannot be offended and simply sent into political oblivion. And someone, like the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, proposes to leave only State Duma, and the Federation Council should be abolished. Such a wide range of opinions, however, it concerns everything in our lives - from football and the export of timber to China to the announcement of anti-sanctions and the introduction of the death penalty.

And yet, what will remain in the memory of fellow countrymen about the activities of Federation Council member Stepan Zhiryakov?

It is worth noting that it is practically impossible for Russian United Russia parliamentarians (and not only them) to be independent political units and take even a step away from the general line of the party. Considering this circumstance, there is no need to expect any revolutionary and overly large-scale reforms and new federal laws from the “senators”. Zhiryakov could be seen at equestrian competitions and film festivals. He has unveiled plaques and spoken at numerous industry meetings. By the way, not a single politician, not even the head of state, can do without these matters. However, there were specific cases.

One of important topics Stepan Zhiryakov’s work included participation in the development of regulations to regulate the activities of individuals in the field of precious metals mining - this is very important for the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Let us remind you that today illegal gold mining is carried out in the Baleysky, Kyrinsky, Shelopuginsky, Krasnochikoysky, Tungochensky districts of the region, jade - in the Kalarsky district, semi-precious stones - in the Borzinsky district.

Zhiryakov also did a lot (and he spoke about this in detail in an interview with our portal in July 2018) to speed up the process of providing subsidies for the implementation of investment project on the construction of mine No. 6 in the city of Krasnokamensk.

Let us recall that back in 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin, decided to financial security investment project “Development of the Argunskoye and Zherlovoye deposits. The construction of mine No. 6 in PJSC PIMCU is necessary in order to maintain domestic production of natural uranium and preserve the single-industry town of Krasnokamensk in the Trans-Baikal Territory. We can express special gratitude to Stepan Mikhailovich for his efforts in this direction.

Another important point, in our opinion, is assistance in approving at the federal level the List of activities aimed at the socio-economic development of Transbaikalia. The document contains only 36 points. In particular, it is planned to build and reconstruct infrastructure facilities in the power grid complex, housing and communal services, transport, healthcare, culture and border infrastructure.

For the implementation of all these projects in Transbaikalia until 2025, it is planned to attract about 42.7 billion rubles, including 27.5 billion from extra-budgetary sources, in particular, investor funds, 14.6 billion from federal budget, 573.3 million rubles - funds from the regional budget.

Stepan Zhiryakov regularly received voters, helped sick children, and represented the interests of the Trans-Baikal Territory in federal authorities. I tried to explain to the media what and where he was doing. He came to television and did not shy away from communicating with journalists.

There are no unambiguous criteria for assessing what kind of parliamentarian he was, and there cannot be any, because an ordinary voter cannot give a complete and objective assessment. And we have such voters - the majority, who are guided by momentary emotions.

I will say one thing unequivocally and firmly: both to the members of the Federation Council and ordinary people we must learn democracy, make political life lively and active. Then the names of politicians will remain not only in the Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia, but also in people's memory.


photo from the website of the Federation Council.

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