Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is an ideal material instead of tiles. Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom Moisture-resistant liquid wallpaper

Make quality modern renovation your apartment with original design It's pretty simple these days. The market for construction and finishing materials offers a huge selection of finishes for modern interiors. Liquid wallpaper is not the last place in this segment. This material is not new, and has been used for finishing for a long time. living rooms, office and utility rooms. But this material is rarely used for bathroom renovations.

Liquid wallpaper is a mixture consisting of cotton or cellulose fibers, acrylic or silk, as well as an adhesive composition. Manufacturers can add wood shavings, glitter, and other various additives to the composition, which increase adhesion to the surface and also create the original texture of the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper has a number of advantages that allow you to repair almost any living space with help:

  • Easy to apply, creating a uniform surface;
  • Have a wide color scheme and texture, which allows you to decorate the bathroom in any style;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Durable;
  • Protect from moisture, dust, and mold in the room;
  • Retain heat well;
  • Create additional sound insulation;
  • Easy to care for - wash with a little water;
  • If damaged, it is easy to restore, without complete replacement coverings.

Using additional tools (for example, special rollers), you can get a variety of textures.

Important: in order for liquid wallpaper to last longer, the bathroom should be ventilated more often if it is not equipped with an exhaust hood.

All these advantages of liquid wallpaper undoubtedly attract people. But there are also disadvantages that you should also pay attention to when using this material for finishing a bathroom: high price material, require careful preparation of the application surface, high cost.

Which liquid wallpaper to choose for use in the bathroom

The main criterion that you should pay attention to when choosing liquid wallpaper is moisture resistance. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging in rooms with what humidity a particular type of liquid wallpaper can be used. Liquid wallpaper is usually sold dry in plastic containers or bags. Before application, the dry mixture is mixed with warm water.

After drying, such wallpaper has the appearance of textured decorative plaster.

Tools you will need to work with liquid wallpaper:

  • Spatulas: metal, acrylic, plastic, plexiglass (for adjustments during the drying process);
  • Trowel(a special spatula for leveling wallpaper, use rectangular trowels, as well as triangular and oval trowels for hard-to-reach areas) and a grater;
  • Rollers– can be used for application, as well as to add texture or pattern;
  • Pistol hopper, spray– these tools are used, as a rule, by professionals.

But to receive best result, next to the bathtub, sink or shower, should be combined with tiles, mosaics and other standard bathroom materials. Or, in places where liquid wallpaper often comes into contact with water, you need to additionally coat the dried surface of the walls with water-repellent varnish.

Liquid wallpaper for the bath: how to glue

Liquid wallpaper is applied in several stages.

We offer step-by-step instructions:

  1. Surface preparation. Before gluing, you need to evaluate the composition and condition of the walls: in old houses the composition of the walls may be unknown, so there is a high probability of streaks appearing on the surface of the wallpaper. Old plaster, painting, whitewash must be removed, because... When applying wallpaper, all this can peel off, which means ruining the new wallpaper.
  2. The cleaned surface is plastered and primed twice.
  3. Important: the surface should be as smooth as possible, because... differences and unevenness after the wallpaper has dried will be very noticeable.
  4. Apply an antifungal compound and let the walls dry.
  5. Prepare the mixture: to obtain a homogeneous mass, the mixture is combined with warm (not lower than 30 o C) water and mixed thoroughly. To get started, the mixture must sit for 12 hours in a tightly closed container. As a result, you should get a plastic mass, similar to a very thick dough.
  6. Apply the wallpaper: using a spatula or trowel, distribute the liquid wallpaper in a circular motion. You need to move from the center to the corners. An hour and a half after application, you need to “go through” the spatula again, leveling the surface;

After gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary to dry the surface for 72 hours.

The best liquid wallpaper in the bathroom: reviews of manufacturers

According to customer reviews, when choosing liquid wallpaper, you should pay attention to some manufacturers.

  1. Senideco– made in France. Liquid silk wallpaper available in a wide range of colors.
  2. Cotex(Ave. France) - cotton wallpaper, which comes in the form of sets for self-cooking, which allows you to choose the color consistency yourself.
  3. Silkcoat– Turkish wallpaper, good quality and low cost.

Plaster – from Russian manufacturer. They have excellent quality, similar in characteristics to those of French manufacturers, and are easy to apply. Moreover, their cost is much lower.

Thus, based on your own needs, material capabilities and imagination, with the help of liquid wallpaper you can create a unique and inimitable interior in the bathroom.

Design of liquid wallpaper in the bathroom (interior photo)

When decorating bathroom walls, everyone usually uses tiles. Practical, beautiful and you can choose tiles to suit any budget. However, recently, more and more often, they use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom. Those who encounter these finishing materials for the first time often ask “Is it even possible to apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom?” The question is logical and the answer is simple - yes you can. The only condition is that if you apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, you need to cover it with protective acrylic varnish, which will create a layer that protects the liquid wallpaper in the bathroom from moisture.

They are chosen for several reasons. When applying liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, you don’t have to worry about small irregularities on the wall, the material completely hides them. Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom gives the surface an unusual look appearance, they do not have seams - this has a positive effect on both the appearance and durability of the material. The material also has excellent heat and noise insulation. Liquid wallpaper Slik Plaster is an eco-friendly material that also provides unlimited scope for creativity. With the help of liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, you can create either a single-color surface or combine several colors. Moreover, when applying liquid wallpaper to the bathroom, you can create unique designs; many recreate all kinds of fish or come up with images on the theme of ships and navigation.

How to apply liquid wallpaper to the bathroom?

And now, let's talk in more detail about how to apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom. First, you need to prepare the surface. Details about preparation various types surfaces you can read in this article. After the surface has been prepared and primed with special “Vodostop” primer, you can proceed directly to applying liquid wallpaper to the bathroom. If you decide to cover the entire surface with one tone (without a combination of colors and patterns), apply liquid wallpaper as described in the instructions, there is nothing complicated about it; for convenience, you can watch a video about applying liquid wallpaper. If you decide to combine several colors or have some kind of image in mind, again, there is nothing complicated about it, but there are several techniques and nuances that are described in detail in this article. After the liquid wallpaper in the bathroom has dried, it must be coated with protective acrylic varnish., to protect the surface from moisture. How could you be sure - there is nothing complicated about applying liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, you can apply liquid wallpaper in the bathroom yourself, unlike covering the walls with tiles, when the qualifications of a tiler-finisher are required for high-quality application.

No matter how good traditional finishing materials are, a person always wants to bring something new into the house, not like everyone else. If you are concerned about creating unique interior, liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is exactly what you need! Despite the popularity moisture-resistant wallpaper, experts rarely rely on their strength and durability. But when making the right choice material, all the shortcomings evaporate and only the advantages remain.

Liquid wallpaper: pros and cons

It’s worth noting right away that finishing with material takes time and patience. But you will be rewarded with the result and forget about all the torment when you see the beauty of your walls! The decoration is so relevant that it can be used not only to decorate the bathroom, but also any other room in the house.

Important! The composition of liquid wallpaper is enriched with natural antistatic components. The coating is indicated for rooms in homes where there are people with allergies and upper respiratory tract diseases.

As for ease of application, the elasticity of the composition does not require serious installation skills. In fact, liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is a dry bulk mixture that must be diluted with water or another composition. After this, the cladding is applied using a spatula and leveled to your liking. But after drying, you will see that this material has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, does not absorb odor at all and can become a magnificent backdrop for any interior.

Another one most important characteristic finishing – resistance to fading and fading. Even if you don’t like a piece, you just need to remove it and apply the composition again, without worrying about the alignment of the seams or the harmony of the lines - this material allows any designer fantasies. So, the advantages:

  • Strength, durability;
  • Eco-friendly, hypoallergenic;
  • Elasticity, ease of application;
  • Resistance to fading, sound and heat resistance;
  • No seams, easy to maintain;
  • Moisture resistance, wide range of colors.

Advice! Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is universal finishing material. They are great for wall cladding in the kitchen, living room, hallway or bedroom. It is important to choose a shade and you can create real miracles.

Material composition

Textured decorative plaster- this is what the cladding looks like in its final version. There are a great variety of installation methods; even a person without any skill will quickly figure out how to work with a spatula and liquid wallpaper. The material is sold in plastic bags of various packaging and looks like dry powder different color. Main composition: cellulose, cotton, dyes and adhesive.

Depending on the manufacturer, not only an antistatic agent, but also mica, crumbs can be added to the composition of dry plaster tree bark, flavored additives of artificial origin or dried seaweed powder. Without in any way affecting the quality of the finish, the ingredients give the material an individual shade, smell or pleasant texture.

When choosing tiles or liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, pay attention to the cost. You will like the average price level of wallpaper finishing. And considering great amount The advantages of the product, the simplicity of the application technology, which can be seen in the video below, you will not have to suffer for long with the selection of lining for the bathroom.

All quality characteristics classify the material as ideal for wall cladding. Finishing a bathroom with liquid wallpaper has much better thermal insulation properties than tiles and soundproofing characteristics than cork panels. Decorating a room can be a lot of fun if the end result is as beautiful as the photos presented to you. Try it! Liquid wallpaper is a chance to become the designer of your home.

Liquid wallpaper for the bathroom is not so rarely used. After all, they have almost everything the necessary characteristics for rooms with high humidity.

Today we will tell you whether it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper in the bathroom and how to do it correctly. After all, not just the appearance, but also the durability of the coating will depend on the implementation of the application technology. Also in the video and photos you can see the main points of this work.

Briefly about liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom may not suit all owners. Before choosing this material, you need to clearly know what you will get in the end and only after that make the final choice.


  • The composition of this material includes fibers, which act as an additional substance in the wood processing industry and also various other fibers.
  • To define the finishing style, various dyes and decorating additions are added there, for example granules or other additives that create the surface structure.
  • The material also contains CMC super glue, which was previously usually used for gluing simple narrow roll wallpaper, but its composition has been changed and it acts as a reliable binder.
  • The composition can be applied with a simple trowel, an unusual grater or a spatula. Also, sometimes craftsmen use stamps in their work, with which you can make almost any design and give the desired structure to the surface.
  • The main advantage of this type of wallpaper is the ability to create almost any pattern, it is even possible to make three-dimensional figures.
  • The disadvantages include the price of the material, it is quite high.