Green tea: a storehouse of nutrients. Who is green tea contraindicated for? Green tea: benefits and harms

Why is green tea harmful?

How is this drink harmful? In fact, drinking green tea may cause some side effects. These are cardiac arrhythmia, foggy thoughts, slow thinking. These factors can occur with excessive consumption of the drink. Great amount A drink drunk immediately can cause tremor of the fingers, weakening of the body, and problems sleeping.

In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, green tea is strictly contraindicated at high temperatures. Elderly people, as well as pregnant women, are not recommended to get too carried away with green teas. It should be remembered that everything is good in moderation.

In China, tea is never drunk during meals. It is able to slow down the digestion process. To prevent this from happening, you need to wait a couple of hours after a hearty lunch, and then enjoy aromatic tea.

Drinking too much is not recommended. Because according to a study conducted in America, regular consumption of a hot drink will negatively affect the condition of the esophagus and stomach. A large amount of a healthy drink that contains the substance polyphenol leads to its accumulation in the body, and this is harmful to internal organs. This amount can lead to problems with the liver and kidneys.

It is very dangerous to drink yesterday's tea. Green tea brewed the day before becomes a harmful mixture filled with microorganisms, losing all its invaluable properties. You need to brew tea only before drinking tea.

It is harmful to constantly use tea bags. There is no benefit to them. There is no particular harm either, but why use tea dust and tea production waste for brewing? Preference should be given to high-quality teas, the best green tea- large leaf, grown and produced in China.

Green tea: combination with alcohol

Alcohol (in any form) is very dangerous on its own, but in combination with green tea it can cause irreparable harm to health. Drinking alcohol with tea, before or after drinking it, puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, heart, and nervous system. If a person already has problems with these organs, the load becomes deadly.

Some people recommend drinking a cup of tea to combat a morning hangover. This is dangerous, although the external effect of relief occurs, it is followed by very unpleasant consequences. The stimulating effect of green tea, combined with residual alcohol contained in the body, can lead to neurosis and heart attack.

The claim that green tea removes toxins produced by alcohol from the body is erroneous. On the contrary, they begin to form with redoubled force. The diuretic effect of tea and alcohol leads to dehydration of the body, aggression, nervous excitement, and decreased vitality appear. And frequent consumption of alcohol along with green tea accelerates the aging process of the skin and destroys internal organs.

Green tea: effect on blood pressure

Tea has an active effect on arterial pressure. A lot is said and written about this. Some claim that green tea helps lower blood pressure, while others say the opposite. Who to believe? What does tea do to blood pressure? After all, it’s enough, how can it reduce blood pressure?

In fact, the truth is in the golden mean. Tea regulates blood pressure. It has the amazing property of slightly gently lowering high blood pressure and slightly increasing low blood pressure. It all depends on individual characteristics body. You should observe how the body reacts to green tea. If your blood pressure drops too much after a cup of tea, it is better to refuse it, especially if you are hypotensive. If after a cup of a good drink the back of your head hurts, there is no need to experiment; it is better not to drink this drink in the future, or make it weak. It is better not to drink tea in large quantities for people with hypertension and hypotension.

Green tea and the gastrointestinal tract

The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is very sensitive to various drinks and foods. Green tea may have a negative effect on them if a person has chronic health problems:

  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer.

In case of high acidity, it is recommended to limit the consumption of tea; it can be consumed in the form of one cup per day. For ulcers, it is completely contraindicated. This is explained by the fact that green tea contains theophylline, a substance that prevents phosphoric acid from reducing gastric secretion. As a result, acidity only increases, it does not allow the resulting ulcers to heal, pain appears, and the disease worsens.

It is not recommended to drink green tea on an empty stomach. Entering the body, it irritates the gastric mucosa, causing the release of gastric juice, causing nausea. Constantly drinking tea on an empty stomach can trigger the development of gastritis.

Green tea is rich in organic acids: malic, succinic, oxalic, citric. They stimulate the production of bile. This is helpful in most cases, but the buildup of bile can cause diarrhea. There are people who are particularly sensitive to caffeinated drinks, so you should drink green tea and monitor your reaction, and if diarrhea occurs, stop drinking the drink.

Green tea can irritate the stomach and cause saliva to thin. To reduce it, you can drink it with milk.

Green tea and diabetes

Those who suffer from diabetes and like to abuse tea need to be more attentive to their body. According to scientists, if a person drinks green tea daily for more than a month, blood sugar decreases. But one-time or periodic consumption of the drink can increase sugar levels, increase the risk of developing the disease, and in sick people reduce sensitivity to insulin.

Harm of green tea for men

Studies conducted by Brazilian scientists have shown that the active substances in tea reduce testosterone levels. This can negatively affect men's health, seminal fluid production, and reproductive function.

Green tea and pregnancy

Green tea prevents the breakdown of folic acid, which is very important for the development of the unborn baby’s brain. This is explained by the fact that tea contains a substance called gallatepigallocatechin.

The caffeine contained in tea is beneficial, but not for pregnant women. Accumulated in a woman’s body, it can lead to the birth of a baby with reduced weight or premature birth. Caffeine causes heart palpitations and puts too much strain on the kidneys.

Green tea consumption standards

Of course, green tea is beneficial, but it doesn’t cause side effects, did not cause any harm? British scientists, after research, state that up to six cups of green tea per day is a safe amount. Of these, 3-4 cups are beneficial, and the fifth cup will not bring any benefit, but will not cause harm either.

If you have chronic diseases, you should not take risks; it is better to reduce the amount of green tea to 2-3 cups per day. During the period of exacerbation of diseases - up to 1-2. If you notice unpleasant consequences or discomfort in the diseased organ, stop drinking tea.

Harm from the wrong drink

You can get “wrong” tea if you purchase low-quality tea or brew good tea incorrectly. Green tea is very sensitive to water temperature. Boiling water can lead to the loss of all the beneficial substances in the tea leaves. Boiling water also makes the drink less tasty and bitter. Optimal temperature- 85-90°.

You need to brew as much tea as will be drunk at one time. After a couple of hours, the brewed drink will lose its properties, turning into a regular infusion to quench thirst, and after 12 hours the tea leaves begin to produce toxic harmful substances, they accumulate in the body and cause harm.


Diets and healthy eating 20.10.2017

Dear readers, today I want to talk to you about green tea. These days it has become very popular, even coffee and black tea lovers are increasingly turning their attention to this drink. And this is completely justified, because in addition to taste and aroma, it gives us health, improves vitality, and improves our mood. In addition, green tea acts very gently, harmlessly, improving general state our body.

Even in ancient times, Mongols, Buryats, Tibetans, and Uyghurs knew the benefits of green tea, they drank it for centuries and still drink it. He helped them survive in the cold winters and escape the heat in the summer. Today this invigorating drink is drunk in all countries of the world. In Russia it became popular relatively recently. If we associate black tea with a samovar, home comfort, and pies, then many do not consider green tea to be tea at all; when first taken, it seems bitter and lacks taste.

Many years ago this amazing tea different varieties It was brought to me from China, since then I start my day with a cup of this invigorating drink, I find it extremely tasty and even the taste of the usual tea faded in front of its green counterpart. To appreciate the taste of the drink, you need to buy a good quality product from a trusted manufacturer and, most importantly, you need to be able to brew it correctly. Today we will look at the benefits and harms of green tea and all the subtleties of its preparation.

Composition and calorie content of green tea

Many may have a question - how many calories are in green tea? The calorie content of green tea without sugar is so low that it can be considered zero; it does not contain fat, protein or carbohydrates. So what is green tea and how does it differ from black tea? Let's figure it out.

Green and black tea. What are the differences?

Green and black tea are differently fermented leaves of the same plant. Fermentation is a complex, labor-intensive process of processing tea leaves, which results in a particular color, aroma and taste. To obtain the necessary qualities, the fermentation process of tea leaves is suspended after a certain time, which allows you to preserve green color and fresh aroma. This drink retains the maximum amount of nutrients, for which it is valued all over the world.


Green tea contains amino acids, catechins, and other flavonoids and glycosides that are essential for our body. plant origin, tannin, chlorophyll and other beneficial substances. Green tea saturates us with vitamins C, E, A, F, U, K, P, as well as the most important B vitamins. The drink is also rich in mineral salts, including potassium, fluorine, zinc and others. In total, more than a hundred different substances and compounds were found in these green leaves.

About caffeine

A reasonable question is: is there caffeine in green tea? It contains several alkaloids, including caffeine. Although, for the sake of clarity, it must be said that the caffeine contained in tea differs in its effects from the caffeine that is rich in coffee. Tea contains a type of caffeine, theine, which has a much milder effect, but its effect is longer lasting. Therefore, green tea invigorates us more than coffee, and there are much fewer negative side effects. The caffeine content in green tea depends on where the tea bush grows, on weather conditions, depending on the time of collection, so it is always different for different varieties and varies from 60 mg to 85 mg per cup of tea.

Properties of green tea

Green tea has many beneficial and medicinal properties, but the most important thing for you and me in this drink is its ability to slow down the aging of the body and resist the development of oncological processes in it. What are the benefits of green tea? Let's consider its other properties:

  • It is an excellent tonic;
  • Smoothes out the negative impact of computers and TV on our body;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Helps remove waste and toxins from our body;
  • Destroys excess calories, promotes weight loss;
  • Has a beneficial effect on sexual function;
  • Prevents fatty liver;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • Improves stress and depression;
  • Has a mild diuretic effect;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • Stops the development of caries;
  • Has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Improves the body's thermoregulation.

Green tea is not just a tonic drink, as many of us believe, it is a healing remedy that will help improve well-being and prevent many health problems. Green tea is beneficial for women and men, and there are very few restrictions on its intake.

Green tea - benefits and harm to the body

As you can see, the benefits of green tea are obvious; if you drink it regularly, but within reasonable limits, there should be no harm. Green tea can only be harmful to the human body if you drink too much of it, but we’ll talk about that at the end of the article.

For the heart and blood vessels

The tea drink is good for the heart and blood vessels, as it contains potassium, ascorbic acid, rutin and other flavonoids that affect the vascular wall and the functioning of the heart muscle. It is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. Particularly useful for capillaries and other small vessels, it improves peripheral circulation. But under no circumstances should you overuse it; 1 – 2 cups of tea during the day is enough. If you drink it in unlimited quantities, you can provoke arrhythmia and blood pressure failure.

For the skeletal system

Vitamin K in the tea drink is involved in the proper absorption of calcium in the body and its interaction with vitamin D, without which, as you know, calcium is practically not absorbed. By drinking the drink regularly, we strengthen our bones, teeth, and nails.

For the liver and pancreas

Green tea contains biologically active substances that help cleanse the liver, help remove toxins from the body, prevent stone formation and improve the enzymatic function of the pancreas. It can be drunk for pancreatitis, for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, but not more than 1 - 2 cups.

For the nervous system and mental activity

In addition to its invigorating effect, the tea drink has a positive effect on brain activity; it is very useful for people with mental work. Reduces the impact of stressful situations, prevents the development of depression. But in large quantities it can cause overexcitation and sleep disturbance.
I suggest watching a video about the benefits of green tea.

Green tea. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of green tea for women include the presence of substances necessary for the female body. These are vitamins A and E, catechins and other flavonoids, thanks to which the drink serves as a prevention of breast cancer. Green tea is useful for women during menopause, it improves their general condition and affects the health of the genitourinary area.

Green tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can pregnant women have green tea? The benefits of this drink for women during pregnancy are often questioned, and for good reason. Although you can drink green tea during pregnancy, you should not get too carried away with it. Tea contains caffeine and can overstimulate the nervous system. You also need to know that the substances contained in tea reduce the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, as well as iron. For this reason, you should not drink tea with food.

All this applies to nursing mothers. Green tea at breastfeeding is not prohibited, but one cup of weakly brewed tea in the morning is enough to get only benefits from the drink. The drink will become even more useful if you add milk or a little honey to it if you are not allergic to it.

For youth and beauty

The presence of a large amount of antioxidants in green tea has benefits in maintaining youthful skin and the whole body. It contains a number of these substances, essential for our health, which continuously fight free radicals that lead to aging of the body.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea promotes the oxidation of fats and prevents their absorption by the body, reduces appetite, so it is recommended to everyone who strives to achieve ideal weight. Nowadays, various diets for weight loss are very popular, including the green tea diet. I am an opponent of all kinds of diets; I believe that all foods are good for the body, but within reasonable limits.

There is no need to drink liters of tea and replace water with it to lose weight; this may not be safe for your health. It is enough to drink two to three cups of green tea a day, but without sugar and provided that moderation in food is a priority.

The benefits and harms of green tea for men

What are the benefits of green tea for men? The drink is very useful for the stronger half of humanity, as it maintains the level of male sex hormones. Tea is one of the strong natural antioxidants, which suggests its undoubted benefits in the prevention of adenoma and prostate cancer. The drink promotes recruitment and retention at the proper level muscle mass, improves physical condition, endurance, gives strength to muscles.

Is green tea good for children?

Green tea can only be given to children at the age of three; it should not be brewed strongly and only in the first half of the day. Children do not like the taste of tea, so many parents give their children green tea with honey, but here you also need to take into account the age of the child and his reaction to honey.

You should not give your child green tea at night, as it is a stimulant and can lead to sleep disturbances and anxiety.

It is best to brew for small children; it will calm the tummy and help the baby sleep soundly.

How to drink green tea correctly

Dear readers, there are articles on the blog about how to brew and how to drink green tea, where you can find detailed information on these issues.

But in short, when brewing green tea you need to follow a few simple rules to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

  • The teapot needs to be warmed up before brewing.
  • Do not use boiling water for brewing; the water temperature should be about 90 degrees.
  • For a cup of water you need to take a teaspoon of tea leaves.
  • Pour a small amount of tea leaves hot water and after a few seconds drain this water. After this, finally brew the tea. This is what tea experts do in China, Morocco, and Japan. By doing this we reduce the amount of caffeine in the drink and disinfect the tea leaves.
  • Do not brew the drink for too long, 1-2 minutes is enough, after which you can brew the leaves twice more, each time increasing the brewing time by a minute.
  • Store tea in a glass or ceramic dishes with a ground-in lid, since it is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture, which will negatively affect its quality.

Very often questions arise about green tea, since conflicting opinions can be found both in the press and on the Internet. Here are the main ones:

Does green tea invigorate or calm?

Very weak, repeatedly brewed tea is practically devoid of caffeine, so it may have a calming effect. But a full-fledged, properly brewed drink invigorates, as it contains caffeine.

Does green tea weaken or strengthen?

This question is also often asked by people. But the fact is that green tea does not act so uniformly, it has neither a laxative nor a constipating effect, but will be useful for both diarrhea and constipation, since the substances included in its composition regulate digestion.

Is it possible to drink green tea every day?

There can be only one answer here - the drink can be drunk every day in the absence of contraindications, but no more than 2 cups.

Harm of green tea and contraindications

All of the above applies only to moderate consumption of good green tea; only in this case can we talk about its benefits. If you drink it too often and too much, you can get harm instead of benefit.

Green tea imparts wisdom, has a healing effect on humans, strengthens male potency and quenches thirst.

Few people know that the Tea plant has a second name: Camellia sinensis. This beautiful literary flower is directly related to one of the most popular drinks in the world.

For brewing a drink, this plant was first grown in China since the time of Emperor Shen Nung. And only in modern history The International Tea Day holiday appeared, which has been celebrated on December 15 since 2005.

Green tea lovers know well that its difference from black, red and white lies in the conditions of collection and technological features production. Differences in processing allow us to activate the beneficial microelements of the tea leaf in different compositions and to varying degrees; it is known that it contains tannins, flavonoids, theanines, caffeine, various minerals, strong antioxidants such as polyphenols and other beneficial substances and vitamins. There is an apt comparison of green tea to a chemical laboratory in which some reagents have not yet been deciphered. Little of, chemical composition The quality of tea changes under the influence of many factors during growth, during processing, and during preparation. Transformations are constantly taking place, which is why there are no trifles in choosing and brewing tea; every detail makes sense if it is important to achieve the desired result.

The effect of green tea on human health.

Due to the complexity of its composition, the tea leaf and its effect on the human body continues to be studied by modern scientists. Many scientific and popular works have been written about its benefits; we present a general list of conclusions that are confirmed by medical sources.

  1. Green tea is an antidepressant.
    Is a kind of stabilizer nervous system, has calming and restorative qualities. To relax, you should brew light, weak tea.
  2. Strong green tea is a kind of natural energy drink.
    Caffeine and tannin, which are contained in tea leaves, tone up, have an invigorating effect on a person, and increase productivity.
  3. Green tea reduces cholesterol in the human body.
    Prevents the formation of fatty thickenings on the walls of blood vessels, which ensures proper blood circulation and supply of nutrition to all cells. Minimizes cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Green tea is an excellent preventive remedy for hypertension.
    The weak drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. The effect will be sustainable with regular moderate use.
  5. Green tea is a means for weight loss.
    Speeds up metabolism, reduces fat oxidation activity, which helps reduce weight. In addition, it is very useful when playing sports, activates muscle function, and helps reduce cellulite. Removes toxic substances from the body.
  6. The effect of green tea on blood pressure.
    Separately, we propose to dwell on how green tea affects a person’s blood pressure. As we already stated in the previous section: the influence is ambiguous. The result will depend on, let’s say, the dose of tea brewed, so you need to pay special attention to the doctor’s recommendations regarding the regimen and amount of green tea consumption for hypertensive and hypotensive patients. People with normal blood pressure should also not abuse the artificial control of their physical and nervous activity.

    So, green tea increases blood pressure due to its high caffeine content, the effect of which is softened by tannin, so the stimulating effect is more beneficial than that of coffee, for example.

    Green tea lowers blood pressure if it is not brewed strong.

    It has been proven that green tea initially increases blood pressure and then lowers it, thus normalizing a person’s condition.

  7. The effect of green tea on the liver.
    Among all the benefits of the drink, one can also name the beneficial effects of green tea on the liver. Conflicting opinions are being expressed. For acute illnesses in which the liver or kidneys become vulnerable, green tea should be taken only after consulting a doctor. The cause of complications may be polyphenols, antioxidants, which, along with undeniable benefits for the body, also have their own negative sides, in excess lead to dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, which do not have time to process them and remove them from the body.

    For a healthy person, in moderate quantities, the drink has a protective effect on the liver, prevents pathological changes in the structure of the organ, controls the production of collagen and its accumulation in liver cells.

    As with many things, the main condition for the benefits of green tea is moderation in its use.

Are there any contraindications to drinking green tea?

We do not have the right to exclude contraindications from this list despite all the positive aspects of drinking green tea.

  • Although green tea in moderation normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, it should not be abused by patients with peptic ulcers or gastritis.
  • Frequent tea drinking is not recommended for patients with rheumatism or arthritis, since green tea leads to the formation of urea in the human body, which is deposited in the form of salts in the joints. Citrus fruits are excellent at removing urea from the blood.
  • The downside of strongly brewed green tea is that it puts too much strain on the heart. In addition, constant stimulation of the nervous system can result in insomnia.

Green tea for men's health

Ignorance gives rise to many false beliefs and statements. One of them, regarding green tea, is that drinking this drink has a negative effect on men's health.

In fact, green tea has a positive effect on male potency. And this fact is explained by the fact that the brewed infusion contains a large number of microelement zinc, which in turn is necessary for activating the male hormone testosterone.

So drink green tea with pleasure!

It was known for its healing properties more than 4000 years ago. This tea comes from the same tea leaves as other types of tea, which differ in the way they are processed. Green tea is not fermented, which allows it to retain maximum nutrients. This type of tea has rich history, shrouded in legends.

Green tea: what legends and history talk about

The story goes back to distant China. Tea began to be cultivated there even before our era. The Classic Book of Plants of the Divine Husbandman, written more than 2,500 years ago, tells the story of the Yellow Emperor as a healer. Research on various plants led him to poisoning. Leaves brewed in a vessel helped him remove toxins and avoid death.

Another legend tells about Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan teachings. During his nine-year sitting meditation in the Shaolin Temple, he tore out his eyelids, which closed against his will, and wonderful tea bushes grew from them. Green tea leaves have since been used by monks to combat sleep.

In China, tea began to be used as medicine. There were special officials responsible for the storage of tea and its consumption in the emperor's palace. Tea could also be used to treat simple people, tea bushes grew in many provinces.

During the Tang Dynasty, it began to be used as a drink, and tea drinking became a kind of philosophy. Tea trees began to be grown in Buddhist temples, and important visitors to the temples were treated to a tasty drink. Lu Yu created the famous tea ceremony by researching tea. He wrote about the culture of drinking the drink in The Canon of Tea.

Features of green tea production

The technological chain of green tea production is designed in such a way that all beneficial substances are preserved in an active state. After picking, the tea leaves are left to outdoors for wilting. The leaves become wilted and soft, after which they are dried with hot air. This drying prevents the leaves from oxidizing. Tea leaves are twisted, the process is carried out different ways, which allows you to obtain varieties of green tea with a unique appearance.

Tea leaves can have different appearances:

  • Strongly twisted along the transverse axis. This type of tea is called pearl tea in China. The tea is marked with the Gunpowder symbol, which means gunpowder. It actually resembles balls or peculiar scales.
  • Loosely twisted. The tea leaves of this tea are practically not twisted, the tea looks like whole leaf tea.
  • Strongly twisted along the longitudinal axis. The tea looks like twisted spiral sticks. A striking example of this type of tea is the subspecies of elite gyekuro tea.

The process of twisting tea leaves increases the shelf life of the tea leaves, preserving its best properties, and allows you to regulate the process of extracting essential oils during brewing. Which type is better? Strongly twisted tea leaves produce a richer, stronger green tea. The leaves of elite green tea varieties are rolled by hand. High-quality tea has a natural green tint, darkening of the leaves is considered a defect.

The main producers of tea are Japan and China, although green tea is also grown in India, Ceylon, and Kenya. Zhejian Province is the largest producer of average quality tea, while Fujian Province produces higher quality tea. Elite tea is grown in Japan in the province of Uji.

Composition of green tea

  • Tannins. These substances occupy more than one third of the composition of tea. These include various connections polyphenols, tannin, catechins. High-grade green tea is rich in tannin, the amount is 2 times higher than the tannin content in black tea. When combined with caffeine, it forms caffeine tannate, which helps stimulate the nervous system.
  • Alkaloids: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine. Green tea contains 1 to 4% caffeine, which is more than coffee. The amount of caffeine depends on the growing conditions of the tea, the size of the tea leaves, the processing method, and the brewing temperature.
  • Vitamins. Vitamin C contained in tea helps improve immunity. The carotene content exceeds the amount of vitamin A in carrots. This vitamin is good for vision. Green tea contains all B vitamins. They help fight viruses, regulate the body's carbohydrate balance, reduce cholesterol, and have an antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements. These are iron, fluorine, potassium, sodium, gold, magnesium, calcium. The leaves contain a sufficient amount of essential oils, some of which are lost during processing.
  • Enzymes and amino acids. Japanese green tea varieties are rich in the best protein composition. When drinking tea without sugar, you don't have to worry about extra pounds. Green tea has no calories.

Benefits of green tea

The benefits are due to their rich chemical composition.

Tea is an excellent energy stimulant. This is a drink Have a good mood, well-being, vigor and health. Regular consumption of green tea prevents the occurrence of chronic diseases, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and helps destroy bacteria. Green tea has antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Scientists from Japan believe that green tea has unique properties, is able to actively fight cancer. It is included in the diet of cancer patients because it supports the immune system and removes carcinogens from the body. Green tea is able to remove salts of heavy metals - the dangerous radioactive isotope strontium-90, mercury, lead, zinc and cadmium. It neutralizes the negative effects of any radiation. This one is for those who spend a lot of time on electronic devices.

Green tea is a drink of longevity and youth. It regulates metabolism and blood sugar levels. Tea extract is actively used in cosmetology, as it improves complexion, slows down the aging of the body, and is an excellent antioxidant. Rinsing oily hair with a decoction of tea leaves improves their condition. Masks made from brewed green tea are effective; ice cubes made from a strong infusion tone and refresh the skin.

A cup of green tea can relieve headaches and cope with stress. For an exhausted nervous system, this is a real find, tasty and without chemicals. Drinking green tea will also help to activate the brain, and green tea is also useful for concentrating.

For poor digestion, indigestion, poisoning, green tea will help. Its properties destroy pathogenic microbes in the stomach, enhance the motility of the digestive tract, and remove toxins from the body. Strong tea taken after meals four times a day helps with painful colitis. In case of drug poisoning, you should drink a cup of green tea with sugar and milk.

Green tea affects the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, preventing the formation of blood clots. Doctors recommend tea for the prevention of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Dutch scientists conducted a series of studies showing that people who drank four cups of green tea a day avoided heart attacks. In the initial stage of hypertension, a tea drink reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units.

Strong green tea helps with eye inflammation to relieve tension and fatigue. Proven benefits for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis. For rhinitis, it is useful to rinse the sinuses with a decoction of green tea. In dentistry, tea is recommended for the prevention of caries as a mouth rinse.

Green tea is consumed to prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and liver, and to activate the work of the spleen and liver.

Green tea: contraindications

The benefits of green tea have been proven, but you should still not abuse it.

  • It is not recommended for older people due to the fact that tea can trigger negative processes in the joints. This is dangerous for rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Large amounts of tea have a bad effect on diseased kidneys. Tea increases acidity, so you should not drink it if gastritis or stomach ulcers worsen.
  • Due to the increased stress on the kidneys, green tea is not recommended at high temperatures.
  • A dangerous load awaits the kidneys if you combine alcohol and green tea.
  • The presence of caffeine makes green tea harmful for hypertensive patients, people who suffer from changes in blood pressure.
  • Tea is contraindicated for thyroid diseases.
  • You should not drink stale or low-quality tea.
  • You should not drink tea very hot and strong, so as not to provoke headache and do not burn internal organs.
  • Women during lactation should be careful when drinking green tea; caffeine can have an stimulating effect on the child and impair his sleep.

The best varieties of green tea

There are hundreds of varieties of green tea. Depending on the country of growth, time of collection, processing process, they differ in appearance, to taste and aroma. Chinese, Japanese, Georgian and Ceylon varieties are recognized as the best all over the world.

When choosing the best green tea, you need to pay attention Special attention its brewing. Using soft water at a certain temperature and good tea will allow you to get a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink. Green tea can deliver indescribable pleasure, produce a beneficial effect, and allow you to heal and rejuvenate the body. Regular consumption of tea is the key to longevity, beauty and youth.