Sink clogs - effective ways to remove them. The kitchen sink is clogged, what to do: folk and mechanical methods, how to clear a clogged kitchen sink using folk remedies

There is one unspoken rule: if you do not use a special protective mesh, the sink in your kitchen will someday become clogged. But even if this happens, do not despair - there is nothing difficult in cleaning the kitchen sink; any housewife can do it with her own hands. Our article will tell you about the rules, methods, tools and means for clearing a clogged kitchen sink.

You can clean your sink without calling a plumber

Removing blockages - 7 ways

Two factors indicate that the kitchen sink is clogged: water does not flow into the drain hole, and an unpleasant odor appears from the drain, spreading throughout the kitchen.

An unpleasant odor emanates from a clogged sink

Among the main causes of blockage are:

  • accumulation of solid small particles from running water inside drain pipe;
  • corrosion on metal elements;
  • the appearance of a grease plug from contaminants caused by washing dishes.

In this section we will look at the most effective ways to fix the problem.

"First aid"

The first thing to do when there is a blockage is to try the most simple options, which will not harm the quality of the pipes.


Instructions for action

Method 1 – boiling water. This option can only be used if the pipes are steel. If there are plastic pipes, run hot water for at least 20 minutes. The pressure of the water will cause the loose grease plug to drain into the sewer.

Method 2 – baking soda and salt. Mix half a mug of salt with a mug of soda and dissolve the mixture with a glass of water. Pour the mixture into the drain and wait 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, work a little with a plunger and rinse the pipes with enough running water.

Method 3 - vacuum cleaner. If you have a blower vacuum cleaner in your home, now is the time to put it to use. Wrap the vacuum cleaner tube with a rag so that it fits snugly into the drain hole. A strong air flow can push the fat plug into the sewer.

Method 4 - baking soda and vinegar. Pour 150 g of soda into the drain hole, then pour the same amount of vinegar into it. Close the drain with a plug so that any foam that appears does not come out. Wait a little and run running water.

This is the most simple methods, which will be effective if the blockage is not large enough. If they don't help, you should look to other options.

Mechanical methods

If neither water nor soda with a vacuum cleaner solved the problem, it’s time to move on to more serious tools. Read about how to use them in this section.


Instructions for action

Method 5 – plunger. A clogged sink is being filled hot water to such a level that, by applying the bowl of the plunger to the drain hole, the bowl is completely covered with water. Next, apply the bowl to the drain and, making sure that there is no air under it, make several vigorous pushes towards the drain using the handle (the bowl must be pressed against the drain hole at all times). After performing 10-20 back-and-forth movements with the plunger handle, it is pulled upward with force, as if tearing the bowl away from the hole.

Method 6 - cable. For a heavily clogged sink, you can use a plumbing cable made of elastic steel. Place it in the pipe and begin to twist (in any direction), thereby pushing the clog deeper into the thick sewer pipe. Periodically run water into the sink so that it washes away small particles of dirt.

Method 7 - cleaning the siphon. First of all, you will need to place a bucket under the sink and siphon, where the water and contaminants accumulated in it will drain. By using wrench or manually (depending on the type of siphon), you need to unscrew the bottle-type hatch cover or unscrew the settling cup. After this, the water and some of the clogged sediment should drain into a bucket.

Next, use any suitable available tool to thoroughly clean the plumbing fixtures, including scraping off the grease from its walls. After making sure that nothing else interferes with the normal flow of water, you need to screw the manhole cover or siphon settling bowl into place and let the water flow.

You can find more detailed information about such cleaning methods in the video in the article.

Additional funds

We told you what to do if your sink is clogged. If for some reason they turned out to be ineffective, you can try to resort to help household chemicals. Fortunately, there are a lot of options on the market, and the price of such substances is suitable for any budget.

When working with household chemicals, be careful and wear protective gloves.

All household chemicals suitable for drainage treatment can be divided into the following groups:

  • liquid;
  • bulk;
  • alkaline;
  • acidic.

The product must be selected based on the type of pipes and contamination. But most often housewives resort to the proven remedy “Mole”.

Before using "Mole", carefully read the instructions for it

Instructions for using such substances are as follows:

  • the pipe must be filled with boiling water;
  • wait 20 minutes;
  • pour the cleaning solution inside;
  • wait a few hours;
  • Rinse the drain with plenty of cold water.

After using household chemicals, be sure to wash off any remaining residue with plenty of water.

Remember one important thing. All household chemicals for cleaning pipes are very aggressive, so you need to work with them very carefully and use protective gloves during the process.

Prevention measures

To avoid problems with clogged pipes as rarely as possible, you should follow a few simple recommendations on their use.

Before washing dishes, clear them of small food particles.

  • Do not pour liquids that contain cooking oil down the sink.
  • Before washing dishes, clear them of food residues.
  • Use a special mesh that will protect the pipe from large and small particles of food.
  • Every week, carry out preventive cleaning of pipes using boiling water or a plunger.


You have learned many effective ways to unclog your kitchen sink. By using one of them, you will solve the problem of a clogged drain in the shortest possible time. And don’t forget about the preventive measures indicated in the last section - they will save your sink and pipes from minor troubles.

Blockage kitchen pipes– not such a rarity these days. Almost every housewife at least once in her life has encountered a situation where water does not leave the sink and stagnates. You can also recognize clogged kitchen pipes by the specific smell of rotting. Often the causes of blockages need to be looked for in kitchen waste - leftover food, grease, but it also happens that it is caused by corrosive particles released over time by metal elements of the water supply system. That is why, even if you use a special mesh and do not allow debris to penetrate the pipes, a blockage may still appear in your kitchen - neither plastic nor steel plumbing elements are immune from it.

Basic ways to unclog a kitchen sink at home

There are many ways to clean pipes from clogged elements. You can use it yourself:

  • By chemical means: Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret;
  • Mechanical procedures: plunger, cable, vacuum cleaner;
  • Traditional methods: soda, vinegar, salt.

How to unclog a kitchen sink using a cable

The most common and simple method of getting rid of a blockage is a plunger. This is a device that allows, using a hollow rubber semicircle, to clean the sink mechanically. The plunger is able to cope with only minor blockages, creating a small pressure in the pipes and helping to push and split the plug that is clogging the sink.

Attention! If your sink consists of two sections, you need to use two plungers at the same time, or tightly close one of the holes, so that the pressure created in one of the drains is not reduced by the free circulation of air in the other.

To remove a blockage using a plunger, you must first fill the sink cavity with boiling water, or, if installed plastic pipes, as hot water as possible. The plunger must be pressed tightly to the drain hole and worked like a pump, swinging the rubber part up and down.

Important! Using a plunger can only deal with minor blockages. There is no point in trying to break through stagnation when the water does not leave the pipes at all!

If the contamination is more serious, it is better to use a special plumbing fixture. How to unclog a kitchen sink with a cable? The cable is a flexible solid cord about three meters long. The end of the cable consists of a special pointed hook, which reduces the density of the lump of debris clogging the pipes.

This mechanical device It perfectly overcomes blockages of even the most complex, but there are contraindications to its use. Firstly, it is not advisable to use the cable on dilapidated pipes, pipes with a strong corrosive coating and rust - you risk simply piercing them with a sharp hook. Secondly, you should not try to clean siphons made of plastic, chrome or brass with it.

If you don’t have any plumbing equipment at hand when you discover a blockage, you can create a cable with your own hands. To do this, you will need ordinary metal or wire hangers, or just a coil of thick flexible wire. At the base of such a cable it is necessary to leave a pointed peak or hook.

How to unclog a kitchen sink using special products

You can get rid of blockages using various preparations containing acid or alkali. These include specialized lines “Mr. Muscle”, “Tiret”, “Mole” and others. The form of release of such products varies from dry and loose powders to gels and liquids of various concentrations. Basically, each such product is based on sodium hydroxide, which is popularly called alkali.
In order for the product to have an effective effect on the blockage, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before use and take safety measures.

Attention! To avoid chemical burns, be sure to wear protective gloves before using any alkaline product!

It is also necessary to remember that the use of ordinary alkali, or products containing it, is not suitable for aluminum plumbing fixtures, as well as for thin economy-class plastic pipes. Such equipment will be corroded when the alkali reacts.

Acid products are more universal; they are used for highly complex blockages, are suitable for any type of pipe, and, unlike alkaline ones, do not damage them.

For any chemical, there are a number of precautions to protect pipes from damage.

  • Twenty minutes before using the product, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the pipes;
  • After soaking the product, the pipes are washed generously with cold water;
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the holding time of the product in the pipes.

There are several of the most popular anti-clogging products:

  • Mister Muscle. Sold both in gel and foam form, and in powder form. The action is based on sodium hydroxide. The price is quite high, but the effect is noticeable immediately after use. An additional advantage is the antibacterial components, which, in addition to blockages, also remove pathogens in the pipes. The product is poured or poured into the pipe, left for about thirty minutes and washed off generously.
  • Bagi Pothan. Not the most popular, but one of the most effective means. Sold in the form of granules, in canisters of 600 g. Active substance- alkali. To use, you need to empty the sink and drain of water, pour one hundred grams of the drug into the hole and wait 3-5 minutes. Then you need to pour a glass of boiling water into the pipe or hot water. Then you need to wait a few minutes again and rinse the pipe with warm running water. The product works instantly. Disadvantages of the drug in its high cost, terrible smell and high degree danger. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to protect the skin as much as possible. After use, you need to ventilate the room as thoroughly as possible and wash the sink with gentle soap solutions.
  • Tiret. The Tiret line of anti-clog products contains both acid- and alkali-based preparations. If the latter are more effective, then the former can be safely used on cheap and thin plumbing fixtures. The use of the drug is extremely simple - one third of the contents of the bottle is poured into the pipe, depending on the degree of complexity of the blockage, it is kept for five to thirty minutes, running water is poured into the drain under high pressure.
  • Mole. Perhaps the most common remedy for blockages. In addition to standard sodium hydroxide, it contains ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid and potassium hydroxide, which is very dangerous to humans. Before using the product, it is recommended to ensure a flow of air into the room, put on protective elements - a mask or respirator, goggles and gloves. This is indeed a very serious chemical that can damage the skin or mucous membranes. About three hundred milliliters of the product is kept in the sink for at least an hour, preferably ninety minutes. Only after this, putting on the protective elements again (to prevent splashes from getting into your eyes and skin), rinse the sink. The product is very effective and cleans pipes for a long time, but can easily corrode aluminum or low-quality, thin plastic. After use, rinse the pipes thoroughly.

Important! Almost everything chemicals alkali-based are not suitable for use on low-quality plastic and aluminum plumbing fixtures.
If you doubt that your pipes will withstand the effects of such drugs, choose products based on acids rather than alkalis.

How to unclog a kitchen sink: folk remedies

If chemicals are not suitable for you due to dilapidated pipes, you can resort to other drugs.

You can remove clogs caused by grease using homemade ingredients. How to clear a clogged kitchen sink with baking soda?

It is necessary to make a solution of soda and water, in a ratio of one to one, pour it into the pipe and clean it with a plunger. The space around the drain can be smeared with Vaseline or cream so that the plunger fits more tightly to the hole. You can pre-heat the soda in a thick-walled frying pan and only then add water. Baking soda also produces an alkaline reaction, which can clear clogs.

You can also fill the pipe with baking soda and pour a glass of regular vinegar into it. How to clear a clogged kitchen sink with baking soda and vinegar? After the pipes stop hissing and gurgling, you can rinse off the solution with high-pressure warm running water. It is important, after the vinegar has been poured, to firmly close the drain with a stopper or rag so as not to get burned from splashes from the pipe.

Also, if the blockage is formed by ordinary cooking fat, you can use a mixture of soda and salt.
How to unclog a kitchen sink at home using soda and salt? Half a glass of salt and a whole glass of soda are dissolved in a glass of water, the mixture is poured into the pipes and after ten minutes the pipes are cleaned with a plunger. Then you need to rinse the drain with warm water.

A siphon that is not too clogged can be saved by a few aspirin tablets, such as Alka-Seltzer. You need to throw them into the drain and fill them with vinegar, tightly covering the hole with a rag. After such cleaning, you need to rinse the pipes with strong pressure. Not only will the clog disappear, but also the sewer stench.

How to clear a clogged kitchen sink at home with acid? Forty grams needed citric acid pour three liters of boiling water and pour this liquid down the drain. If the pipes are made of plastic, you should cool the water a little.

If you have a vacuum cleaner at home with blowing capabilities, you can try cleaning the pipes with it. Simply blow out the clogged pipe maximum power. But this method is suitable only for minor blockages or in combination with other methods.

Preventive actions to prevent sink clogging in the future

In order to avoid repeated kitchen blockages, you must follow some rules for using the sink:

  • Do not drain fat-containing liquids;
  • Throw away leftover food from plates before washing them;
  • Protect the drain hole with a mesh;
  • Every week, rinse the pipes with boiling water, clean them with a plunger or soda solution.

In order to forget about the problem of blockages, you can purchase a special device that shreds debris in pipes. The garbage grinder shreds the waste that has fallen into the pipe, after which it is quietly washed away with a stream of water. It is important that such a device has a separate chamber and cannot damage the pipe. In this case, you can use the shredder without cleaning it or especially caring for it. Such units operate silently, allowing food waste to be discharged directly into the sewer. However, you cannot “feed” it with polyethylene and threads, so as not to damage the device.

Important! Before you purchase a disposer, you need to make sure that it will fit the diameter of your kitchen sink drain.

The cost of such a unit is from three to twenty-five thousand rubles. But after purchasing, you will no longer have to regularly spend money, effort and nerves on dealing with blockages!

How to unclog a kitchen sink at home: video

Communications of any type are prone to emergency situations, and the apartment’s sewer system is no exception. At the most unexpected moment, the water from the sink stops flowing, and the kitchen is filled with unpleasant odors. If calling a plumber is impossible for some reason, cleaning sewer pipes at home falls on the owner of the home. Nothing wrong with that. Knowing several ways to clear a clogged pipe in the kitchen, dealing with this problem will not be difficult.

The pipe in the kitchen is clogged, this happens to everyone and we need to solve the problem

Effective ways to get rid of clogs at home

There are several reasons that cause blockages in a private house or apartment in a high-rise building:

    Coating the inner surface of the pipes with fatty deposits leads to a decrease in their diameter over time. As a result, even a small foreign object can cause a blockage.

    The metal parts of the pipes are susceptible to corrosion, which causes clogging.

    Food particles, hairs, and other waste entering the sewer system.

The first step is to determine whether this happened to a specific pipe or a general sewer system. To do this, it is worth checking all the drains in the apartment. If the only water is in the kitchen sink, that's all you have to deal with, which makes things much easier.

First of all, you need to prepare a solution from a pack of soda and a bucket of boiling water. This liquid is used to soften fat deposits. If this does not help, then you should use one of following methods clean pipes at home.

Use of chemicals: soda, vinegar and others

Special tools will help remove the blockage chemicals with a caustic composition. Steril, tiret or mole for cleaning pipes are sold in many household chemical stores. When using them, it is important to follow several rules:

    when choosing a suitable product, remember that alkaline preparations cope better with fatty deposits, acidic preparations with hair and food waste;

    the use of drugs is undesirable when the pipe is completely clogged, as this can lead to a sudden splashing of liquid, which will damage the surface of the sink;

    Excessive use of chemicals leads to damage to the sewer pipe.

To clear the clog in sewer pipes It is worth pouring the amount of cleaning agent specified in the instructions into the opening of the kitchen sink. After the required time has passed, a stream of water is released into the sink to check whether the blockage has been removed.

Plunger for cleaning plastic drain pipes in the kitchen

An easy way to clean pipes at home is to use a plunger. It is a device consisting of two parts: wooden handle and a rubber tip placed on the end of the handle. Cleaning a drain with a plunger is easy if you follow these steps:

    the water discharge hole is tightly closed with a stopper, after which the sink is filled with water;

    make several sharp movements with the plunger up and down, preventing it from tearing off the surface of the sink;

    The plunger comes off the surface with a sharp movement.

The described actions will create excess pressure in the pipe, due to which the blockage will move from its place.

Siphon disassembly

If the above methods do not help clean the sewer pipes, you should resort to disassembling the siphon. This is done as follows. The settling cup can be unscrewed if provided for by the design. Otherwise, the fastening nuts are unscrewed using a wrench and the siphon is removed. After the liquid has drained into a previously prepared container, the siphon is cleaned of possible accumulations using warm water and detergents.

It is advisable to check the section of sewer pipe behind the siphon for the presence of various types of deposits. This is done using a small piece of wire with a bend at the end.

Plumbing cable against clogged drain pipes

If there is a serious blockage, a special device - a plumbing cable - will help clean the sewer pipes in a private house or apartment. It is a wire wound in a spiral, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the opposite end there is a drill. This device can only be used in metal pipes.

When used by plumbers, you can make a plumbing cable with your own hands. To do this, you can use a durable and at the same time flexible metal cable. Its end is bent and slightly fluffed. The opposite edge is equipped with a ring to assist in rotation.

Unclog a pipe in the kitchen using plumbing cable follows, starting with disconnecting the siphon. After this, the cable is slowly inserted into the hole in the outlet pipe. Its advancement is accompanied by rotation of the handle. Do not forget that the cable must always remain taut to avoid twisting.

When turning the cable, you need to push it further and further until it hits a blockage. When it is detected, the blockage is removed with increased pushes of the cable. At the same time, we must not forget about rotating the handle: this will help avoid pipe bends and joints.

To clear the blockage in the pipe, it is advisable to pour hot water into it in parallel with the action of the cable. This will help loosen the clog and remove it.

It is undesirable to use a metal cable for plastic sewer elements, since it can damage the smooth surface of the pipe, which will create the preconditions for blockages in the future.

The best way to clear plastic pipes is using a plunger and boiling water. If they do not help, you should use a chemical drain cleaner with caution. It is worth paying attention to the fact that there is a mark on the packaging of the drug that allows it to be used in plastic pipes.

Sewage smell in the kitchen

Surely every housewife, no matter how clean she is, sometimes has a situation when the kitchen sink stinks. We will now tell you what to do to eliminate the unpleasant odor on your own without the help of specialists.

First of all, let’s determine what causes sewer smell. Most probable cause– deposits of fatty particles and food debris on the inner surface of the siphon. When they accumulate, the process of rotting begins, causing a stench. The way out of the situation is simple: you need to disassemble the siphon and rinse it thoroughly with warm water and detergents.

My advice to you: at least once every six months, disassemble and clean the siphon to prevent foreign accumulations

Another one possible reason emergence unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink lies in the water that has evaporated from the siphon. This is possible if the sink has not been used for a long time, for example, after going on vacation. The consequences of this situation should be eliminated as follows: lower into the pipes a large number of water. In the future, if you are away for a long time, you should pour a small amount into the sink drain. sunflower oil. The thin film formed on the water will delay the evaporation of the liquid.

Incorrect connection of the siphon or installation diagram with its absence can also cause an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

There may be situations where the stench has nothing to do with the water seal. The problem may lie in mechanical damage to the drain pipe, or a violation of the seal between the drain and the sewer. To eliminate these violations, you should contact the Housing Office.

A little about sewage pumps

In some cases, the methods described above to clean the sewer are not effective enough, so you should think about using a pump.

One type of such equipment is a manual hydraulic pump. Thanks to the directed movement down or up, a powerful flow of water erodes the plug in the pipe.

Process of use hand pump consists of the following steps:

    The overflow hole of the sink is closed with a special pump or a damp cloth.

    The pump tank is filled with water from the tap.

    The hydraulic pump nozzle is pressed tightly against the drain hole of the sink.

    The handle of the device swings until the blockage is cleared.

If, during the process of renovating your kitchen, you have a desire to move the kitchen sink to another place that is not intended for this purpose by routing sewer pipes, you should think about purchasing a stationary pump. Its purpose is to collect and pump water when it is impossible to independently drain it into the sewer system of an apartment or house. Often, a household waste disposer is built into the sanitary pump.

You should trust the removal of your kitchen sink to professionals. This will save owners from blockages and other sewer problems.


The best remedy for blockages in pipes is to prevent their occurrence. In order not to worry about cleaning pipes at home, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

    Do not pour liquids rich in cooking oil into the kitchen sink;

    Before washing dishes, it is important to thoroughly clean them of food residues;

    to prevent food particles from entering the drain hole, you need to equip it with a filtration mesh with small mesh sizes;

    preventive cleaning of kitchen sewer system using a plunger and hot water should be done at least once every two weeks;

    once a quarter it is worth using special chemicals for cleaning pipes;

    when replacing a sewer system, it is advisable to install plastic pipes, since they are not subject to corrosion, which is one of the causes of blockages.

Watch out for waste going down the sink

An effective way to clean sewer pipes as preventative measure is the following recipe. A glass of salt is mixed with a glass of soda and a quarter glass of cream of tartar. One fourth of the mixture is poured into the drain hole, after which a glass of boiling water is poured. After 5 minutes, the drain is washed with several kettles of hot water. Repeating the procedure once a week minimizes the risk of blockages.


If the above recommendations did not help, and you still have a clogged sewer pipe, thanks to our recommendations you will know what steps to take to clean the pipes of your apartment. Now you know how to clean a pipe in the kitchen.


Clogging in the kitchen sink happens to every housewife. To do this, just put a small piece of potato peel or a sprig of herbs down the drain. As a result, we have to decide how to clean the sink at home faster, since it is needed for cooking and washing dishes.

In order not to have to remove the blockage in an emergency and invite plumbers to help, you must adhere to the rules for using plumbing and purchase a high-quality sink and accessories for it.

When a drain becomes clogged, it causes the housewife a lot of problems that can be quickly solved if you know how to clean the sink with soda or other in an accessible way.

Why does the sink clog?

Before you begin to remove the blockage, you need to understand the siphon structure. Usually, after cleaning it, it is possible to eliminate the obstruction of waste water through the drain. As a rule, bottle siphons are installed, which are made with a diameter of 32 or 40 millimeters. You can see what these products look like in the photo. Practice shows that siphons with a 32 mm diameter clog faster.

All used in residential buildings and apartments, siphons can be divided into several types:

  • bottled - such products have a removable part that looks like the bottom of a bottle. To unscrew it, you don't need special devices. It is not difficult to clear a blockage in such a siphon (more details: " ");
  • pipe - these products are curved tubes;
  • corrugated - these siphons can be bent in different ways, so they are installed in the most unusual places. They are especially often installed in apartments with small area;
  • hidden - they are placed in a box;
  • with overflow - this siphon requires a special sink that has a hole to drain excess water;
  • with a double or tee - such products are in great demand because they are intended for connecting several household appliances simultaneously, for example, washing and dishwasher;
  • flat - they are installed when they are going to place a large-sized device under the sink, which could be, for example, a mini washing machine. And although these siphons are rarely installed, they are convenient because they take up little space.

How to clean a sink at home

There are many ways to clean a sink at home:
  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • folk.

You can use one of them or several at once.

Chemical methods . How to clean the sink siphon and pipes chemical method? To do this, you need to purchase special drugs that are available in trading network– acids, alkalis, powders, gels and liquids. For example, Mole, Mister Muscle, Tiret - they contain sodium hydroxide. First, you should read the instructions on the drug label. The product is usually poured into the sink drain for about 30 minutes and then washed off with a large volume of hot water.

In progress chemical reaction A large amount of heat can be generated, which can lead to damage to cheap plumbing fixtures and aluminum products. Under no circumstances should you bend over the drain hole if gurgling sounds are coming from it, as this is extremely dangerous.

Mechanical methods. The simplest of them is considered to be the one performed using a plunger. This tool is so common that it is found in almost every household. It allows you to clear all simple blockages if they are formed from fatty deposits, small particles of dirt or debris.

To fix a drainage problem:

  • Fill the kitchen sink about a third full with hot water;
  • vigorously use a plunger to create required pressure. The principle of performing the movements is similar to how air is pumped up with a pump for car tires.
True, cope with severe blockage plunger is incapable. If serious contamination occurs, a plumbing cable 3 meters long can help out the owners. At one end there is a handle, and at the other there is a peak-shaped nozzle, with the help of which the cork is gradually destroyed and broken. If the pipes in the house are more than a dozen years old, then you should act carefully so as not to damage them. You cannot use a cable if the siphon is plastic, chrome or brass.

Traditional methods. In practice, they have been used for more than one decade and have proven themselves well. following methods combating clogs in sinks:

  • use of strong saline solution– it is poured into the drain and thereby removes the fat plug. After the composition is poured, use the plunger as described earlier. To make it fit more tightly to the hole, it is advisable to lubricate its edges with cream;
  • dirt can be blown out by using the appropriate function of a powerful vacuum cleaner. But this method will only help in a simple case;
  • Baking soda also works well. Thanks to its alkaline reaction, it cleans drains well. The solution is prepared from 150 grams of soda and 200 milliliters of water. First, the soda is heated for 15 minutes. cast iron frying pan and let cool. Then add a glass of water and stir;
  • You can also clean your sink with baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour a glass of vinegar. After the chemical reaction is completed, the drain is washed with a large amount of well-heated water.

Knowing how to clean the sink with soda and vinegar, salt or soda solution, helps get rid of fatty deposits in the sewer pipes in the kitchen (read: ""). Cleaning is considered complete if the water goes into the drain noisily and a funnel forms.

Measures to prevent blockage

To reduce the likelihood of a clogged sink, you should thoroughly clean any food debris from your dishes before placing them in the kitchen sink. You can also install a plastic or metal mesh catcher over the hole. Many sinks made of metal are sold with protective products already included.
There is a relatively new mechanical way to clean a sink without a plunger and a plumbing cable - this is the constant use of a grinder. Functioning this device based on the principle of grinding food waste that accidentally ends up in the kitchen sink.

After the food residues washed away with water enter the chopper, they are ground into the smallest fractions without knives or blades and drained into sewer network. For clearing blockages in kitchen sinks a device such as a chopper is indispensable for effective solution this problem at home.

Using this shredder provides several advantages:
  1. A food waste recycling device helps get rid of unpleasant odors. Cleaning pipes and siphons is required much less frequently.
  2. A chopper is a reliable and versatile device that can chop not only the remains of vegetables and fruits, but also, for example, chicken bones.
  3. The device does not make noise during operation.
  4. Saves time spent on cleaning the sink from accumulated peels, food debris and seeds.
  5. Maintenance and care of the shredder consists of rinsing the device with cold water.
  6. The siphon does not become clogged.
  7. The hygiene of the device is achieved by eliminating the source of germs and bacteria that live in the collected garbage.
  8. Takes up little space under the sink.
One of the disadvantages is the limitation regarding the diameter of the drain hole. The fact is that the shredder is not suitable for everyone kitchen sinks.

The best solution The problem with clearing a clog is preventing its formation.

A clogged kitchen sink is not uncommon: water leaves the sink slower and slower each time, and an unpleasant, persistent smell comes from the drain. Sooner or later, the pipe becomes completely clogged and requires cleaning. There is a whole arsenal of tools available at home to quickly solve the problem. In most cases, there is no need to invite a plumber - you can get rid of local blockages yourself.

Causes. The following can lead to blockage:

  • “Plugs” from foreign objects that accidentally fell into the drain: scraps of food packaging, vegetable or fruit peelings, food debris.
  • Fat and oil that do not enter the sewer system, but settle on the inner surface of the pipes. Over time, the sticky layer increases and the clearance decreases, preventing waste from passing through the pipe unhindered.
  • Errors during the installation of plumbing equipment, including the wrong angle when installing pipes.

Store and folk remedies

Products that help clear a clog in the sink can be found in any hardware store: take a closer look at the brands “Mr. Muscle,” “Mole,” “Domestos,” and Tiret. Such “chemistry” includes strong alkalis and acids that break down fat, as well as dissolving “plugs” of organic and inorganic origin.

The method of using caustic liquids usually comes down to one thing: pour required amount product into the drain (the exact dosage is indicated in the instructions for each specific composition), after a certain time, flush the pipes with hot water.

To avoid causing inconvenience to yourself and your household, pour the gel at night. In the morning, all that remains is to flush the hot water and wash the sink.

Please note that the chemicals are quite aggressive towards any surface. Do not use the product more often than once every 3-4 months, otherwise the pipes will quickly wear out. Wear household gloves while working and do not allow liquid to come into contact with mucous membranes. Store the “fat splitter” in a tightly closed container, out of the reach of children and pets.

Traditional methods

Among folk ways To help clear a clogged sink, the following are popular among housewives:

1. Dissolve 3-4 tbsp in a glass of hot water. spoons of table salt. Pour the resulting solution into the drain; after 5-10 minutes, pour boiling water over the drain or remove the softened “plug” with a plunger.

2. Heat 5-6 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons baking soda, let cool. Prepare a soda solution (you will need 250 ml of boiling water), mix thoroughly so that there is no suspension. Pour the solution into the drain and run hot water after 10 minutes.

3. Pour 4-5 tbsp into the drain. spoons of baking soda, pour 9% into a glass table vinegar. Wait until the substances react and dissolve the fat (the process takes about 15-20 minutes). Run hot water over the drain for 5 minutes.

Baking soda and vinegar are the most affordable solution

Don't confuse vinegar and acetic acid! The latter corrodes chrome, brass and metal-plastic pipes, significantly shortening the service life.

4. The above solution, supplemented with any washing powder. Together with soda, pour 4-5 tbsp into the pipe. spoons of powder, pour 9% table vinegar and leave for 20 minutes.

5. In the case where stagnation of water is caused by a “plug”, you can use a plunger or a plumbing cable.

Plunger - universal mechanical method clearing clogs

6. If all means and methods have been tried, but the result is “zero”, you will have to disassemble the siphon: in curved pipe Over time, waste accumulates, interfering with the normal outflow of water.

The siphon gets clogged most often

Preventing kitchen sink clogs

  1. Install a special metal or plastic mesh in the drain that does not allow food debris to pass through.
  2. Do not pour any remaining grease or vegetable oil: Pour waste into waste container or sealed bag and dispose of.
  3. If you are replacing pipes, make a choice in favor of metal-plastic ones: unlike cast iron, if they become overgrown with fat, it is less intense.
  4. Clean dishes from food residues and grease with paper napkins before washing.
  5. Use grease-dissolving dishwashing detergents.
  6. Periodically clean the pipes with a clog remover (according to the instructions), a solution of baking soda (4 tablespoons per glass of hot water) or at least boiling water.