State Council meeting on May 4. At a meeting of the State Council, Vladimir Putin set tasks on pressing housing issues. Relocation from dilapidated housing

From the transcript:

Kremlin, Moscow

Speech by Dmitry Medvedev at a joint meeting State Council and the Presidential Commission for monitoring the achievement of target indicators of socio-economic development of Russia

D. Medvedev: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Dear Colleagues!

Today, at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission for monitoring the achievement of target indicators of socio-economic development of our country, really very important questions. The degree of implementation of each of the projects is different, but nevertheless allows us to say that in all three areas of activity we are still in favor of last years have taken a significant step forward. Speaking about the MFC system, everyone said that, after all, our people consider this system as useful, as successful, as reducing the amount of bureaucratic activity, all kinds of papers that need to be collected.

The Government’s task is to achieve the indicators established in the decrees and move further in expanding the range of services of multifunctional centers, because it is convenient, to create new services there that would be useful for citizens, and, by the way, to intensify work with legal entities.

In part independent assessment qualities, of course, there are both achievements and problems that the colleagues who spoke here spoke about. It is obvious that we need to support ideas related to the creation of a unified technological platform and the simplification of all tools that are used to assess quality. And just so that this assessment is honest, that it is based on the real positions of people, that it is carried out in forms that are accessible to people who evaluate the activities of federal bodies state power, regional executive authorities and other institutions.

In terms of the most important task of housing resettlement, the situation is indeed so multidimensional, but, probably, the main thing is what colleagues talked about in their speeches: for the first time and in Soviet period, and in the post-Soviet period the authorities took up the most important task of resettling the country’s citizens from emergency housing stock, and in just such an expanded format. Because in previous years this kind of work was carried out exclusively on an individual basis, but now all this work was carried out throughout the country.

Obviously, the numbers we reached are quite good: more than 75 percent. Although it is clear that it is necessary to do what was said in reports and speeches, namely, it is necessary that those regions that have fallen behind, including due to management problems, catch up with this gap as quickly as possible, and the Government, naturally, will provide these regions with all the necessary assistance in this regard.

It is necessary to control the quality of those buildings and residential premises that are rented out. Here, a situation where unprepared premises are rented out in order to achieve digital indicators is truly unacceptable. Control over this also remains with the Government, as well as with other structures.

And, probably, it is very important that the initiative, the order that was just formulated by the President, be implemented: to prepare a bill on the creation of a permanent mechanism that would work from January 1, 2019. Because this is the main question that, in any case, the governors ask both me as the Chairman of the Government and my colleagues: what to do next? This bill, prepared at the direction of the President, should answer this question.

It is obvious that all these projects are at the epicenter of public attention, as our colleagues from the State Duma, representing our various political parties. I recently presented a government report; it is clear that assessments may vary.

The most important thing that I would like to draw attention to is that all these assessments are still given based on the current, established economic situation, and not sterile approaches, as we sometimes hear from the lips of our comrades, our colleagues who take some kind of abstract model and offer us to work in this model.

Speaking in State Duma, I said: “Dear colleagues, you understand that those financial and economic restrictions that have formed in the country’s economy - they really haven’t gone away.” That is why we are forced to take them into account, although in these conditions, in recent years, the implementation of decrees has acquired a large-scale character - and the figures that Vladimir Vladimirovich said and other colleagues said were achieved.

Naturally, work on all problems must continue. The government understands and is aware of this. Naturally, we will continue to search for financial reserves, as our colleagues and Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov spoke about. As for the issues related to how to evaluate what has been done (in particular, the same indicators in medicine, some others that Vladimir Volfovich spoke about), it seems to me that the evaluation criterion here is completely simple, it is obvious: this is life expectancy. Objectively, she has grown. Just recently, when we started working, she was 65–66 years old, the average life expectancy in the country. We've now had her for 72 years, and she's getting bigger. This is the summary indicator, and it is necessary to rely on it when assessing the achievement of the decrees’ indicators in a number of areas.

Naturally, the Government will continue to implement the decrees and will try to fulfill all those tasks that have not yet been completed at the moment, also making the necessary regulatory decisions in this regard.

MOSCOW, May 4 – RIA Novosti. Issues of implementation of the “May Decrees”, provision of state and municipal services through a network of multifunctional centers (MFC), independent assessment of the quality of services in the social sphere and resettlement of citizens from emergency housing- these were the main topics of the joint meeting of the State Council and the commission for monitoring the target indicators of the country's socio-economic development that took place on Thursday.

At the meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian government and regions to introduce a permanent mechanism for relocating citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing from January 1, 2019. In addition, the head of state stated the need to encourage social institutions that respond to citizens’ requests, and also praised the MFC project, but urged not to stop there.

Implementation of May decrees

At the meeting, Putin addressed the head Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova and the head of the executive committee of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) Alexei Anisimov with a request to voice their assessments regarding the implementation of the May decrees.

According to Anisimov, out of 179 instructions within the framework of the implementation of the “May decrees” of the president of the ONF, 35 are considered fulfilled, 100 instructions have been partially fulfilled and require improvement, and 44 instructions have not been fulfilled.

The President of the Russian Federation signed the “May Decrees” on the day of his assumption of office as head of state, May 7, 2012. The decrees contained the parameters that the Russian economy should reach during his presidential term.

Relocation from dilapidated housing

One of the issues discussed at the meeting of the State Council was the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated housing. By September 1, 2017, the program for resettling housing recognized as unsafe as of January 1, 2012 must be completed in Russia. In total, according to data as of April 1 of this year, more than 860 thousand people out of more than 13 million have been resettled in Russia since 2008 square meters housing, which corresponds to 73% of the resettlement plan, according to the materials to the State Council. Currently 20 Russian regions are lagging behind the planned indicators for the resettlement of emergency houses.

The head of state instructed the government of the Russian Federation and the regions to introduce a permanent mechanism for relocating citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing from January 1, 2019. At the same time, the housing and communal services fund, which has proven its effectiveness, should be extended for the transition period until 2019, the president noted.

The President also stated the need to deal with situations where, for formal and far-fetched reasons, people were not included in the resettlement program. Putin also emphasized that when resettling Russians from dilapidated and dilapidated housing, not only timing is important, but also the quality of the apartments provided.

“At the same time, I want to warn those who, in the pursuit of meeting deadlines, are trying to impose on people houses where the roofs are leaking, the plaster is crumbling, that is, according to the principle “take it, God, it’s not good for us,” and just to report. I want to repeat: it’s not important only the timing, but also the quality of housing,” he said.

In turn, the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Mikhail Men, giving his assessment of the current situation, said that the department expects an increase in the volume of emergency housing in the country.

“The fact is that almost half of the housing stock in our country was built before 1970,” he recalled.

Men proposed financially incentivizing the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that moved into emergency housing ahead of schedule. As an example, Men cited the Kaliningrad region and Ingushetia, which were the first to complete the resettlement of emergency housing - back in 2015 - and received financial support by the decision of the chairman of the government. This allowed these regions to send additional funds for the resettlement of the newly formed emergency fund, the minister noted.

The head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev, made a proposal to take into account when relocating emergency housing social status residents. Ignatiev proposed implementing five mechanisms for relocating emergency housing, taking this factor into account.

According to him, the first mechanism is the development of built-up areas. The second is the development of the rental housing market. The third is the creation of a legal and organizational mechanism for the implementation of initiatives of premises owners in apartment buildings By independent implementation projects for the reconstruction of emergency housing, construction of new housing in plot of land, which is released after the demolition of an emergency house. The fourth is the introduction of a new type of housing stock - a specialized housing stock for the relocation of citizens from emergency housing stock. The fifth is the issuance of state or municipal housing certificates for citizens moving from emergency housing.

He also noted that in order to implement these mechanisms at the level of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop a new regulatory framework.

Social services

Focusing on the topic of quality assessment social services, the head of state stated the need to encourage social institutions that listen to citizens and take tough measures against those who do not respond to citizens’ requests.

He recalled that as part of the implementation of the “May Decrees”, the introduction of an independent assessment of the quality of work of organizations has begun social sphere. As Putin noted, “the results obtained should not be filed away in a folder or shelved.”

At the same time, the president stated that it is necessary to eliminate conflicts of interest when assessing the activities of social institutions; for this, it is necessary to expand the participation in its implementation of the All-Russian Popular Front, socially oriented NGOs, and public chambers in the regions

“It is fundamentally important to ensure complete independence of the assessment. Nowadays, there are still cases when budgetary organizations organize a so-called “infighting”, survey and evaluate themselves, and then it turns out that clinics, for example, formally have a high rating, but in fact there are no specialists there not getting in, and, in general, the level of service is quite low,” Putin said.

He explained that an independent assessment is needed “not for show”; it represents a real opportunity to influence people’s lives.

In turn, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, speaking on this issue, noted that an independent assessment of all social service institutions should be completed in 2017. At the same time, in his opinion, starting from 2018, it is necessary to change the format of conducting an independent assessment.

Topilin noted that in order to improve its quality, it is worth considering legislative implementation of a mandatory report on the result of an independent assessment.

“During the discussion and preparation for the State Council, we came to the conclusion that it would probably be advisable to enshrine in legislation that executive authorities make a public report on the results of an independent assessment in their legislative assemblies. This could seriously increase the responsibility and publicity of these events, and control over how much they will be used,” the minister added.

One of the topics of the State Council was also the project to create multifunctional centers. Putin called it successful, noting that there are 3 thousand MFCs throughout the country, the number of requests to which last year exceeded 60 million. At the same time, he emphasized that one cannot stop there; the opinions and wishes of people should become the basis for further improvement.

The head of state recalled that a few years ago Russian citizens In order to obtain a certificate or document, almost everywhere, without any exception, they were forced to “stand in queues, knock on the doorsteps of various offices, and pay money to intermediaries.”

“Yes, indeed, there are still many problems of this kind, but still the situation as a whole is beginning to change. Today, many people come to multifunctional centers where they can issue a certificate for maternity capital, a certificate individual entrepreneur, register property, receive other services,” he said.

The President noted that it is necessary to create conditions under which citizens can apply to any MFC, regardless of their place of residence and registration.

The head of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev, commenting on the work of the MFC, noted that citizens and businesses should be able to evaluate the quality of regional and municipal services they receive. According to him, the system for assessing the services provided should become even more personalized.

“At a minimum, it should be possible to analyze the reasons for low ratings. Their share is not very large at the moment. But they still remain an indicator of the problem. It is important to know exactly the reasons for the applicant’s dissatisfaction,” Golubev said.

One hundred tickets to the dance

In his speech, LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who also took part in the meeting, unexpectedly touched upon the problem of a lack of leisure facilities - he complained about the lack of dance floors for young people or older people.

“There are clinics, there are schools - everything is there. For leisure, what is there? An area for walking dogs, a parking lot, a playground (there is one). But for adults from 15-20 years old to 90, where will they spend their leisure time? Today, May 4 ", the capital of our Motherland, come on, where can you go to dance, just like that? Not a restaurant, a person just wants to go relax, neither eat, nor drink, nothing... No!" - said the party chairman.

In this regard, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the mayor of the capital: " Where will we go to the dance?"

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vladimir Volfovich is worried about dance floors - there are dance floors in every park. Therefore, we will send him a hundred invitations so that he has a choice,” Sergei Sobyanin replied.

Today a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission to monitor the achievement of the main indicators of the country’s socio-economic development was held. The topic of the meeting was “May decrees” of President Putin, the social sphere and housing and communal services. Special attention is devoted to the very topical and even scandalous topic of emergency and dilapidated housing and its resettlement.

As President Putin himself stated at the meeting, the implementation of the “May Decrees” has given new dynamics to positive changes in the areas that are most sensitive to citizens, but there are still many unresolved problems. “Over the past years, it has been possible to impart some new dynamics to positive changes in the most sensitive areas that are significant for the lives of citizens, such as healthcare, education, culture, housing and communal services,” Putin said.

“Of course, there are still many, many problems here, and there are more unresolved issues than what has been accomplished,” the Russian President added. Nevertheless, according to him, the implementation of the May decrees made it possible to strengthen the partnership of all levels of government and civil society. The President especially noted the role of the All-Russian Popular Front in this process, as an independent observer, controller and conductor of the voice of “civil society.”

According to him, the effectiveness of connections and work mechanisms has increased significantly thanks to the activities of the ONF. In this regard, the President called for further expansion of dialogue with professional, volunteer, civil associations and NGOs, “to create new opportunities for the implementation of the initiatives of our people.”

“The successes achieved should become the basis for moving forward - this is the only way to respond to people’s needs; today they are already guided by the highest world standards, which means that we have to solve increasingly complex problems,” Putin said.

The President also called for expanded participation of the ONF in conducting an independent assessment of the quality of work of social organizations. “It is necessary to eliminate conflicts of interest during the independent assessment. To do this, it is necessary to expand the participation in its conduct of the All-Russian Popular Front, socially oriented NGOs, and public chambers in the regions. I ask civil activists to regularly inform about how this work is going, whether objectivity is increasing, whether they are satisfied whether people are the results of these assessments and subsequent decision-making,” said Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, with regard to the assessment of the implementation of the “May decrees,” representatives of the ONF fully confirmed the president’s ambiguous assessments regarding the effectiveness of work in this direction. The head of the ONF executive committee, Alexei Anisimov, said that less than a quarter of the 179 instructions within the framework of the implementation of the “May decrees” of Russian President Vladimir Putin were fulfilled by the ONF.

“The ONF is monitoring the implementation of instructions based on the eight “May decrees” and instructions in their development. ONF experts conclusions were prepared on reports of the Russian government on 179 instructions as part of the implementation of the “May Decrees” and in their development. Of these, the ONF considers 35 instructions fulfilled, 44 instructions not fulfilled, and 100 instructions partially fulfilled and requiring improvement,” Anisimov said.

Anisimov added that the ONF considers the planned targets for citizens’ access to public services in the “one window” mode to have been achieved. At the same time, the waiting time in line has not yet been reduced to 15 minutes, although citizens are already satisfied with the situation with the MFC. Activists record cases when they have to wait 30-40 minutes. In addition, in some regions, less than half of the mandatory list services.

At the same time, the President believes that the project of multifunctional centers (MFCs) as a whole has become successful, but one cannot stop there by supporting expert assessment Anisimova. “This project has become successful, but we cannot dwell on what has been done. In some centers there are still queues, oddly enough, not everywhere the full range of services is provided, and their quality, even there, in the MFC, does not always meet the requirements that people they are being charged," Putin said.

The President added that it is the opinion and wishes of visitors to the centers that “should become the basis for further improvement of the work of multifunctional centers.” According to him, the fundamental task is that citizens can apply to any MFC, regardless of their place of residence and registration, “this important step towards the creation of a holistic integrated system for the provision of state and municipal services."

Also, among the specific problems and tasks that are on the agenda and that have yet to be solved, one of the key ones was the topic of emergency housing. As the same Anisimov reported, the ONF, while monitoring the implementation of the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation, revealed serious violations in the implementation of the program for relocation from emergency housing. Activists spoke about more than a hundred such buildings in 27 regions of the country and about “ghost houses” that exist only on paper.

According to him, some regions are “strange” by accepting uninhabitable houses or purchasing dubious housing on the secondary market. Thus, in Komi, two rural families received apartments in old wooden houses instead of an emergency one, and in the Malopurginsky district of Udmurtia, out of 14 inspected houses, the majority had neither sewerage nor hot water, but cracks were visible in the walls. Anisimov demanded that this situation be taken under “special control.”

At the same time, the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Men, said that the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia expects an increase in the volume of emergency housing in the country. “The fact is that almost half of the housing stock in our country was built before 1970,” he recalled.

In turn, the president, recognizing that the problem of relocating dilapidated housing is very acute, addressed those who are trying to impose on Russians houses that are not prepared for moving in with rather harsh criticism. “I would like to warn those who, in pursuit of meeting deadlines, are trying to impose on people houses where the roofs are leaking and the plaster is falling off. That is, according to the principle “take, God, what is of no use to us.” Not only timing is important, but also quality of life.”

However, one can hope that the monitoring of the ONF, which, as can be seen from Anisimov’s report, is already giving quite tangible results in identifying violations in the process of resettlement of emergency housing, and will remain just as effective in the future - and citizens will not have problems moving to new comfortable houses.

Problems arising when relocating from dilapidated and dilapidated housing are discussed at today's meeting of the State Council, which is chaired by Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. The presidential commission for monitoring the implementation of indicators of socio-economic development of Russia also participates.

The head of state said that since January 2014, more than half a million people have received new comfortable housing. Federal program Thus, more than 70 percent has already been completed. Vladimir Putin drew the attention of officials to the difficulties that people sometimes face and gave a number of instructions to the government and governors.

“I ask you to take personal responsibility, dear colleagues, for the situation. Don’t send your subordinates to explain yourself, but come to people yourself and clearly say: when will they be able to move to new housing? At the same time, I want to warn those who, in the pursuit of meeting deadlines, are trying to impose on people houses where the roofs are leaking, the plaster is crumbling, that is, according to the principle “take it, God, what is not good for us,” but also simply to report. I want to repeat: not only timing is important, but also the quality of housing.

I also ask you to look into in detail those cases when people, for formal, often far-fetched reasons, were not included in the resettlement program. And I want to repeat again: the scale of the problem is, of course, very large. And the number of emergency buildings includes houses that were not recognized as such at the beginning of 2012. Of course, I would like to do even more and expand this framework. But we need to fulfill at least what we have, nevertheless, I instruct the government Russian Federation Together with the regions, develop permanent mechanisms for relocating emergency housing stock and launch them from January 1, 2019. And for the transition period, I propose to extend the work of the Housing and Communal Services Fund, which has generally proven its effectiveness,” said Vladimir Putin.

The meeting also discusses the work of institutions that millions of Russians regularly visit. These are, for example, district clinics - the president drew attention to the system for assessing the quality of service.

We also talked about the network of MFCs, where you can get various state and municipal services. There are already three thousand such multifunctional centers in the country. Last year alone, the number of requests exceeded 60 million.

“This project has become successful, but we cannot dwell on what has been done, because in some centers there are still queues, oddly enough, the full range of services is not provided everywhere, and their quality, even there, in the MFC, does not always meet the requirements that people apply to them. Let me draw your attention to the fact that it is their opinion, it is the opinion of people, their wishes that should become the basis for further improvement of the work of multifunctional centers. Therefore, the results obtained should not, of course, be filed away in a folder or shelved. It is necessary to create a clear mechanism for encouraging social institutions that respond to citizens' requests, and to provide tough measures against those who are not ready, do not want to listen to people, and do not want to work to improve their efficiency.

And, of course, it is fundamentally important to ensure true independence of the assessment. Nowadays, unfortunately, there are still cases when budgetary organizations organize a so-called “infighting” - they survey and evaluate themselves, and then it turns out that the clinic, for example, formally has a high rating, but in reality there is no way to get to any specialists there, and in general the level of service is quite low,” the president noted.