Refill an aerosol can of deodorant. How to put paint into an aerosol can How to put paint into an aerosol can

Today we will teach you how to do aerosol can chick with your own hands from improvised means. This process is not as labor-intensive as it might seem at first glance.

So, the tools you will need are: a utility knife, a drill and bits, a saw and a bicycle pump. As for the actual materials for manufacturing, these are: a bicycle inner tube, rubber-based glue, an empty plastic bottle, an empty spray can and paint.

Well, shall we get started?

Step 1.

First you need to release the remaining pressure from the empty can. This will protect you from its possible explosion. This can be done by releasing all the air from it. After this, you need to saw off the tip of the can and get its base, as well as the glass ball.

Step 2.

Next, we cut off the inflation tube from the bicycle tube and glue it close to the base plastic bottle. And yes, don't forget to drill a small hole where you glue this tube! Rubber-based glue is excellent for these purposes.

Step 3.

Now we need to make a nozzle. To do this, we drill a hole in the bottle cap that is suitable for the tip of the can with a straw, which we received by completing the first step. Glue will also help to secure it.

Step 4.

It's time to pour the paint. To do this, you can use a homemade paper funnel. IMPORTANT! Need to mix oil paint with oil, and acrylic with acrylic. You should not mix oil paint with acrylic paint!

Step 5.

And now our canister needs pressure. For this we use a bicycle pump.

So, if you did everything correctly, then with the help of this simple invention you can create at least something like this:

To a person without experience, it may seem that using a spray can is very simple. Indeed, a simple, everyday matter, what could be complicated about it? You need to press on the valve and after that the composition will immediately begin to spray - beautifully and evenly, over the surface on which it is needed.

Alas, in reality everything is completely different. Moreover, you need to carefully prepare for painting a particular surface with a spray can - this is also important.

If you do otherwise, the resulting layer may lie poorly (or even not at all), or the paint will peel off very quickly. The result of such work: wasted money, a damaged surface.

Simply put, it’s worth talking in detail about how to spray paint correctly so that the result turns out great ( this tool may have an impact on).

Why paint correctly

If you need to paint a bench, a stool, some kind of children's toy or other not very large thing, there are no special problems. But the situation changes dramatically when you want to apply paint to a car/bicycle or some large building.

What can I say?:

  • Painting a car completely with a spray paint is quite possible. However, experts advise contacting a car service - the costs will be approximately comparable;
  • One more point: since there is a lot of work, it is not easy to maintain a decent level of quality and a beginner can make mistakes. It is better to let professionals perform such responsible work.
Spray painting is an ideal option in situations where some fragmentary repairs are needed (for example, if you need to restore the aesthetic appearance of a bumper or carefully decorate serious scratches).

Little things to remember

To put it bluntly, the process of painting with a balloon is not so difficult - there will not be any special problems here. Another thing to consider is to prepare the surface correctly. It is worth acting step by step, systematically, only with this approach you can achieve an ideal result.

For example, let’s consider working with machines, since these are the tasks that are most relevant today; spray cans are used for car repair everywhere.


  • It is known that automotive compounds can dry very quickly. As a rule, the result is ready within an hour. But the coloring itself must be done carefully and carefully - haste is simply unacceptable here;
  • In accordance with the instructions, you must first carry out painting work preparatory work, aimed at the room itself. They usually paint in boxes, garages, sometimes they work directly on outdoors- This is fine. The main thing is if you decide to work under open air, do this not on a sunny day, or in calm weather;
  • Lighting – important aspect spray painting. It must be good. Perfect option– uniform illumination of the working surface. The bright sun is not suitable for this, nor are the spotlights - let them be directed exactly where they need to be.
It's all about the glare - they will definitely interfere with the master and mislead him. The perfect solution– luminous flux that will be diffused. Fluorescent lamps are recommended for use.

How they work:

  1. First, the room should be vacuumed. It is worth doing this work conscientiously, because the quality of the future result depends precisely on the thoroughness of the cleaning - it is much more pleasant to be clean;
  2. There are some tricks: floors, for example, are usually moistened with water (but not too much so that there are no puddles). When water is applied, there will be much less dust;
  3. It is better to refrain from using fans - they will only complicate the work. Working temperature– from 15 to 25 degrees. It is these indicators that are ideal if you need to paint with a spray can;
  4. It was already said earlier that work must be carried out step by step. That is, you need to apply the next layer of paint or primer only when the previous one has already dried. If in the box where spray painting is carried out, heat, a film may appear on the paint. Most often, there is still damp paint hidden under it - because of this, a shagreen effect occurs (there is such a possibility);
  5. One more nuance: when asked how to properly spray paint, experienced people recommend dismantling the part to which the composition will be applied and working with it individually. If there is a car in the box, it should be protected with a cover or fenced off with a special screen to avoid unpleasant incidents;
  6. The personal safety of the master is also an important aspect. Enamels and varnishes for cars are toxic and quite harmful to human health, which is no secret. Accordingly, before painting you should have goggles, a respirator, overalls and gloves on hand.

Painting different surfaces - a review of technologies

If we talk about painting technologies, then in the automotive field it is customary to distinguish two basic areas: repair of plastic surfaces (torpedo, bumper, etc.), as well as repair of a metal body (fragmentary).

About working with plastic

Using the example of a car bumper, the process of painting plastic elements of a car will be considered. The first step is to remove this product from the car.

Interesting fact: experts recommend degreasing the surface after any procedure performed. The composition for such work is selected depending on what material the base is made of. Degreasing of plastic and metal is often performed by different means(and they are not interchangeable).

And now in detail:

  • The area that is damaged is thoroughly cleaned - emery cloth will help with this. If you work with plastic, you can limit yourself to P220 grit. When the treatment is completed, the bumper is washed again, then dried and wiped special means– anti-silicone (you can choose something else, similar);
  • Any chips, as well as deep scratches, are usually repaired with specialized putty designed for plastic. However, if you don’t have anything like this at hand, you can be content with traditional car putty - this is what many people do today. The composition is prepared in certain proportions: 1 to 50. One part here is the hardener, 50 is the putty. All work is carried out with the utmost care, but you must act quickly. It’s just that the putty hardens within 20 minutes - you need to keep it up to this point;
  • The surface is cleaned again after the putty has dried - again used for this sandpaper. Of course, it is better to use here grinding wheel, but not everyone has it at hand. For convenience, it is recommended to fix the paper on a block. The main point of the work: the transition between the putty surface and the original coating must be ideal, the border should not be determined by touch.

  • Now it's time to degrease the part that is being repaired. Wipe carefully, first with a damp cloth, then with a dry one. It is worth using lint-free wipes;
  • Next, you need to start priming. The soil is chosen to be specialized - specifically for plastic products. In any department where car cosmetics are sold, you can buy an excellent quick-drying one-component composition, which comes in aerosol cans. Apply two layers of it to achieve the desired result;
  • When everything is dry, you need to apply developing powder to the defective area and sand again. However, this time everything is done wet. You should act carefully so that the primer is not erased - otherwise you will have to apply the primer again. The surface is treated with a matting film at the finishing stage;
  • Now they degrease again - and now comes the most interesting part: painting from a can. At least two or three layers are applied; the master must wait until the previous layer dries before starting on a new one. Finally, the bumper is varnished several times.
It is worth varnishing the entire bumper, not just the damaged area - so that the transition is not visible visually.

How to paint metal elements


  1. First of all, you should understand: the master needs to choose the right shade of the composition, the right one. The color can also be selected according to the markings (which are on the can), but everything is not so simple. The point is that different manufacturers the color differs (often slightly). However, over time, the body coating may slightly change the initial shade. The ideal way to solve the problem is to simply seek help from service center– here they are guaranteed to help you choose the right composition. In addition, using special equipment you can pump the necessary paint into a can. The cost of repairs in this situation will be slightly higher, but the tone is guaranteed to match;
  2. Next, the car needs to be washed. To do this, use warm water. Afterwards, the car is wiped down - anti-silicone and some kind of rags are used here. It is recommended to cover all areas that will not be painted with polyethylene or thick paper (for securing, masking tape is used, which is applied around the perimeter of the protected areas);
  3. At the defective area, the rust (as well as the space around it) is thoroughly cleaned - sandpaper will help with this. Of course, after such treatment the gloss will be erased and the surface will take on a matte appearance. The master must now apply a special degreasing compound - and you can begin to putty (everything is almost the same as when processing plastic).
What if the damage to the body is too significant? In this case, you need to use putty that contains fiberglass. Such material will not only help level out the defect, but also reinforce the surface as reliably as possible.

  • There is no need to cover everything at once - they are applied in several layers (each of which is thin), the directions must be alternated, otherwise peeling may occur;
  • It is not recommended to add too much hardener to the putty. This composition will dry quickly, but will lose elasticity. That is, even a slight deformation and cracks will make themselves known (or even everything will begin to crumble);
  • The surface that has been puttied needs to be cleaned - sandpaper is traditionally used for this. But when working with metal, you cannot do without various abrasives. There is a use for both coarse grain and grinding paste - any master should know about this. Of course, degreasing is performed after each of the procedures - it is absolutely impossible without this;
  • The area with the defect, as when working with plastic, is covered with a special primer. They do this several times. Afterwards grinding is carried out - for this purpose a matting composition is used. At the end, everything is wiped with an antistatic agent and degreasing is performed again;
  • Now it's time to spray paint. Before doing this, the container must be shaken thoroughly. It is best when the valve has a flat nozzle (rather than a round one). These valves (with a flat nozzle) are good because they are equipped with a narrowly directed spray pattern - this has a beneficial effect on the result.
It is not so important how you spray paint metal - from top to bottom or vice versa. The main thing is that the composition should be applied to the surface evenly; you should not linger in one place, because this may cause drips.
  • If you carefully read the instructions, you can find out the following: the distance from the valve to the surface should be approximately 20-35 cm. This is quite a lot - any specialist will confirm. Each master chooses this interval individually (on average, 15 cm is enough). The paint is applied in at least three layers, then the varnish is applied in two layers.

About refilling a spray can with paint

Many people are interested in how to make a can of spray paint. Does anyone care this topic not so much for reasons of economy, but because the compositions from different containers often differ from each other. In addition, you can also refill varnish, primer, and not just paint, which is very practical.

  • The first step is to select the can itself for subsequent refilling. Solid containers are ideal for this. Just those containers that are not assembled in a factory (with welded seams, from different parts), especially if the pressure is created by a compressor, it is dangerous to use. Such a product can easily rupture;
  • When the container is selected, you need to remove the valve. Next, you need to take a simple medical syringe, large capacity. No needle needed. The composition must be drawn into the syringe;
  • The size of the balloon inlet and the syringe outlet diameter are almost identical. The function of an adapter can easily be performed by a flexible plastic tube (a product 10 mm long is sufficient);
  • The required composition is drawn into a syringe, then it is connected to the outlet of the cylinder through an adapter. All you have to do is press the valve and the liquid is pumped into the container - nothing complicated;
  • You can create pressure different ways. The most practical is to use a factory compressor, which is also equipped with a pressure gauge. But if there is no such product, you can adapt a bicycle pump or limit yourself to the same syringe. It is also worth remembering about safety: it is recommended to put the cylinder in a tarpaulin cover;
  • Another product is already used as an adapter here. It can be obtained from the syringe needle cap. The open edge is fixed to the pump hose, a hole is made in the sealed one - this is what you need to press against the cylinder, and everything will definitely work out.

Before filling a can with paint, you should make sure that the substance being filled has the same composition, the same base as the composition that was there before. A simple example: nothing good will come of it if you pour car paint into deodorant (the solvent in this case will easily corrode all the gaskets.
  • If the container previously contained paint of a different color, you can do this: first pump in the solvent. This will help get rid of any residue from the container.


It's time to take stock. Based on the above material, it is clear to anyone: painting with a spray can is easy, there is nothing difficult here.

The difficulty lies in proper preparation of the surface, in creating optimal conditions for work.

The work can be reduced in cost if you use rechargeable cylinders. A video about this is recommended for everyone to watch: how experienced craftsmen, as well as for beginners.

The main thing is to follow the advice, then the result will be of high quality and there will be no difficulties in the process.

Filling paint into an aerosol can is one of the components that ensures that the coloring composition is sold at a fairly high price. If we take into account that spray painting is disproportionately more convenient, and is widely used in the automotive industry, when a person repairs a car with his own hands in order to save on car service, then high price– an extremely negative point.

A can usually doesn’t last long, it costs quite a lot, so there is a natural desire to save money by not paying the cost of new cans every time, and the injection process, which you can do yourself.

This is quite possible if you fill a can of paint with your own hands from a purchased large container with a coloring composition, which in this form is much cheaper. To do this you need to purchase one disposable good manufacturer, and carry out the process of converting a used aerosol container into a vessel into which paint can be pumped repeatedly.

Second possible variant– purchase special equipment for refilling aerosol cans, which is not sold everywhere and is quite expensive. The third is to refill it in the appropriate workshop where there is such equipment, but there it will be approximately half of the cost of the refilled paint, and they may give a small discount for several cans.

How to repurpose an existing container

To remake a disposable vessel so that you can fill it with paint yourself, you need to take an already used one, choosing a model with a good, hard bottom and a tube nozzle. Of course, the paint will not be refilled under such pressure as in factory conditions, but refilling can be done repeatedly, and you will pay practically nothing for it, except for the cost of the coloring composition. And this will save almost half the cost of the dispersed spraying process. To do this you will need:

  • used aerosol can;

  • a nipple that can be cut from an old bicycle tube;

  • large medical syringe;

  • pressure gauge (not necessarily new);

  • car or bicycle pump.

To make a reusable can of paint, these things, which can probably be found in the garage or at a disassembly site, are quite enough. To refill an aerosol can, remove the cap and spray nozzle, draw the paint into the syringe, and insert the syringe into the can all the way, with the safety valve pressed down.

You can also use deodorant containers by adding a few metal balls. Injection is carried out in this manner until the level of the composition reaches approximately 2/3 of the volume of the vessel. Then the bicycle nipple is inserted and the can is filled with compressed air.

On video: installation for refilling aerosol cans.

Necessary conditions for refueling

Aerosol cans are filled with compressed air to a pressure of approximately 3-5 atmospheres. At lower pressure, filled vessels do not spray paint; at higher pressure they can easily explode. That's what an old pressure gauge is for. After pumping the air, the nipple put on for filling aerosol cans is removed, and the cap with the sprayer is put in place.

The container with the pumped liquid and air is shaken, and the spray intensity is checked on any suitable surface. Many motorists refill spray cans at specially designated points to save time, and do not realize that there are no secrets in how to refill a spray can with paint, and you can save not only time, but also money.

How to pump paint into a can (2 videos)

Spring has come. Many teenagers almost instantly had thoughts in their heads of going to the nearest abandoned site and drawing branded graffiti, for which they would need an incredible amount of spray paint.

Important: You should not abuse this type of activity, it is illegal, and the current legislation provides for administrative liability for such hooliganism.

However, many people will also need spray cans for quite acceptable purposes, for example, painting their new craft. However, the cost of one can is quite high, and if you need a lot of them, and perhaps even more different colors, wallet creative person will be significantly empty. In order to prevent this, you can make a homemade reusable can, which will significantly alleviate financial losses.

How to make a canister reusable using available materials?

In order to make such a tool, you need to follow a simple sequence:

  1. Find an old used spray can. If there is no such thing nearby, you can simply purchase a new one, use it for its intended purpose, and then begin upgrading our tool.
  2. To begin with, drill a small hole in the bottom of the now empty can. We must not forget that there is still some old coloring matter left in the can, which means it needs to be thoroughly rinsed with a solvent.
  3. The next step is to hold the nipple in a drill and clear it from the chamber by tinning it.
  4. Afterwards, you can safely install the nipple into our can. Next, you need to add a little water and then inflate the balloon. If bubbles do not form, everything is done correctly.

How to use it?

As a result of completing all of the above points, a new can will come out, which will not be thrown away after the first use, because it can always be refilled using a regular syringe. What is needed for this? You just need to buy a special paint and mix it with a solvent. This is necessary to ensure that the paint does not come out too thick or too thin. Such actions help regulate the density as the user needs it. Also, we must not forget about pumping air using a pump.

What are the savings? How much should you spend and how much can you save?

It's actually simple math at work here. One can of paint, holding about 400 ml, costs about 200 rubles. Buying paint separately will cost about 70 rubles per 1 liter, and 500 ml of solvent can be purchased for 40 rubles. It turns out that for 110 rubles we get at least a liter of paint, while in a store for 200 we buy only 400 ml. Using simple calculations, you can determine that for the same canister, made yourself, you will need to spend about 50 rubles, instead of 200. The savings are quite impressive, which is good news. However, this method also has a number of disadvantages, for example, pumping paint through a syringe or mixing it with a solvent yourself.