The smell of hydrogen sulfide from the well, what to do. The smell of hydrogen sulfide: causes and methods of water purification. Replacement of heating equipment

If a well has already been made on the site, it’s time to think about the quality of the water coming from it. The quality of this liquid will depend not only on the type of soil, but also on the content of various microelements in it (iron, hydrogen sulfide, etc.). The presence of such microelements in water can cause the appearance of unpleasant odor, which makes it unsuitable for further consumption for food purposes.

Water, due to the presence of various microelements in it, for example, hydrogen sulfide, may have an unpleasant odor and be unsuitable for consumption for food purposes.

Water requirements

Water should not only be tasty, but also safe. Therefore, epidemiological safety requirements apply to it. If the liquid is in a polluted reservoir, then here great value will have measures taken to clean and disinfect it. These measures are part of the mandatory set of measures to ensure water supply.

Most often, more thorough measures are used for cleaning surface waters. Here highest value has hydrogen sulfide removal. If this is not done, it will significantly reduce the quality of the water.

This is due to the fact that such gas not only has an unpleasant odor, but can also form acid based on hydrogen sulfide. This acid can destroy not only the pipeline, but also cause significant harm to the human body. The smell of water indicates that it contains the following substances in large quantities:

  1. Iron.
  2. Zinc.
  3. Copper sulfite.

Their increased content is simply unacceptable for food consumption, since it can cause a number of serious illnesses. Such untreated water can cause various intestinal infections and even typhoid fever.

If there is an unpleasant odor from the water from the well, it is necessary to analyze it. This control will reduce the likelihood of various infections and the possibility of their spread. For potable use it is necessary to block coli, performing comprehensive cleaning measures.

Performing water purification

Most often, all kinds of filters and even entire filter units are used to eliminate odor and further purify the liquid. But most effective methods purification is chlorination and ozonation of water. Potassium permanganate is used for ozonation.

If water supply is organized in a private house, then initially it is necessary to install coarse filters. They will clean the incoming liquid from sand, various suspensions or silt. Silt can form both on the walls of wells and on the walls of wells. Reducing the number of foreign inclusions is the initial step in eliminating odors, because they will be blocked along with hydrogen sulfide acid.

When using a well, at the stage of its preparation, you need to add to the solution liquid glass. This measure will improve the tightness of seam joints. But it is still better to use deep groundwater, since it has a minimal amount of harmful inclusions. Therefore, artesian wells are currently very popular.

Liquid from artesian wells is the most preferred option for food use. The depth of such water is more than 50 m. It is purified before it enters the pipeline system. This happens due to the passage of water through a large number of waterproof layers.

If the water coming from an artesian well smells, this may indicate a poor design of the well, since a bad odor can appear as a result of the decomposition of organic substances, which subsequently enter the water composition.

Incoming water quality

The quality of the liquid entering the water supply also depends on the content of salts present in it. In systems central water supply It is imperative to apply disinfection measures. These measures can be carried out most effectively by adding chlorine to the composition of liquids and further carrying out ozonation.

These measures allow us to eliminate the most unfavorable element - colloidal sulfur. Its presence in water causes large sediment and increased turbidity. If colloidal sulfur is present in the liquid, its further clarification is required using a special contact procedure.

Final cleaning can be accomplished by adding an oxidizing agent to the water composition. The best and least dangerous oxidizing agent is oxygen. Therefore, such oxidation is performed by aeration. To do this, you need to install an aeration column equipped with a static mixer at the outlet.

Refined quality tap water should be tested in a special laboratory. After it has been carried out, you need to obtain a conclusion that will stipulate the possibility of using it for food purposes.

Elimination of various odors from drinking liquids is the most important measure that allows you to obtain healthy eating. And healthy eating is the key to a healthy life.

Sometimes it happens that clean and clear well water takes on a slightly cloudy appearance, and, worst of all, a terrible unpleasant odor. Amber is reminiscent of water that smells like swamp or rotten eggs. It is clear that it is impossible to use such water for food and household purposes. First of all, you need to find out why and for what reason the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide, and eliminate the reasons. Let's take a closer look below.

The unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide is a waste product of anaerobic bacteria that live in an environment completely devoid of oxygen. As a result, the decomposing protein becomes this very gas - hydrogen sulfide. The water smells very strongly.

Excellent places for the proliferation of such bacteria and, accordingly, the appearance of gas are the silted walls and bottom of the well, or aquifers that are clogged on all sides and deprived of oxygen. The result is that the gas saturates the water that enters your system and stinks.

Important: hydrogen sulfide is a volatile gas, and therefore easily and quickly evaporates from the surface of the water after it rises. But at the same time, it can cause harm to the body through inhaled vapors.

Why is hydrogen sulfide dangerous?

Besides musty smell in the air and situations where the water itself stinks unbearably, hydrogen sulfide gas can cause irreparable harm to people and equipment. Thus, water with gas impurities can disrupt the metabolism in the body and cause severe intoxication (poisoning) after drinking it.

All metal components pumping equipment when interacting with water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, they are excessively susceptible to corrosion. Since sulfides and sulfates in water can severely damage metal after contact with it (practically corrode it). With such threats, it is urgent to build a water purification system.

Methods for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide

If you don’t know what to do to put your well in order, then listen to the recommendations of experts.

To remove the odor that appears immediately after water is supplied to the system, it is necessary to carry out an initial settling of the liquid. In this case, when water comes into contact with oxygen, hydrogen sulfide will simply evaporate. However, it is not recommended to simply stand water in pots at home. For this case, you can make and use two types of tanks:

  • Pressure;
  • Non-pressure.

In the first case, large plastic barrels with a capacity of 200-300 liters. In them, water is supplied through special sprayers similar to a shower head, which ensure the interaction of the liquid with oxygen. Moreover, the tanks must be open type(that is, without the top cover). As a result, the gas oxidizes and evaporates. Already from such a tank, after purification, water can be supplied to pure form into the house if a good pumping system is installed.

Important: use metal barrels in this case it is impossible, since hydrogen sulfide destroys iron.

Pressure systems for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide work on a different principle. Here, water from the well passes through filters and fills the reservoir. Then, under pressure, the liquid rises to the top of the barrel and is sent through the system to the house. Thus, the water settles, and the gas evaporates from its surface after rising to the highest point. You need to make one or another type of sump depending on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Purification through oxidation

You can use another system for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide. In this case, chemicals in the form of sulfur or sodium hypochloride are added to the water. As a result, hydrogen sulfide reacts with chemical elements and the gas evaporates. Special filters with granular contents help to purify the water here.

Important: replacing the filter in such a cleaning system must be done regularly. If you skip this point, then along with the water you risk getting chemicals that are harmful to your health.

Use of sorbents

Another way to get rid of the smell of hydrogen sulfide is to use a carbon filter. It contains granular activated carbon, which perfectly oxidizes harmful compounds in water and collects them. It is important to replace the filter as recommended.

Replacement of heating equipment

If it happens that the water smells unpleasant just after heating, then in this case you need to pay special attention to the heating system. It happens that over time, harmful sulfur or nitrate bacteria accumulate on the walls of the heating device, which carry out their vital functions and are also activated when heated. In this case, it is recommended to either clean the heating element or replace it completely.

Important: under no circumstances should you delay removing the smell of hydrogen sulfide from the water. The health of the household comes first.

It often happens that drinking water has an unpleasant odor. This indicates problems in the water supply system. However, this fact does not always indicate that a pollutant hazardous to health has appeared in the water. In most cases, the smell is simply a sign of not very clean water. Therefore, it is necessary to further study its composition in order to find out the nature of the contamination. This will help restore the water to a drinkable state in the most optimal way. In general, contaminants can get into the water at any stage of the journey it needs to take from the water intake to your tap. It may smell like sewage or bleach, or have an unpleasant metallic taste. In this article we will look at the most common complaints about the unpleasant odor of water. This will help you independently determine the cause of the odor and eliminate it.

From this article you will learn:

    What can cause unpleasant odor in water?

    For what reason can there be an unpleasant odor from well water?

    How can you eliminate the unpleasant odor of water?

What are the causes of unpleasant odor in water?

Only at first glance it may seem that drinking water, or rather its composition, is the same in all sources. The influence cannot be ruled out environment on the chemical composition of water. Often it turns out to be harmless, but it can impart certain odors to the water.

There are most common reasons, along which appear those unusual for pure drinking water, characteristics.

Usually, an unpleasant odor from your tap water can be caused by the use of metal pipes in the water supply system or a large number of bacteria. Chemicals, used to disinfect water, can also cause an unpleasant odor. Pollutants can also enter the water from the environment. And the first step towards obtaining clean water that does not pose a health hazard is identifying the source of the problem.

Water can enter into various reactions with chemical elements, microorganisms or algae that appear in its composition. As a result of this reaction, new substances appear that have the ability to change the smell of water. They are called odorants. Their appearance can be caused by the dissolution of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, iron, or substances released by bacteria and algae in the liquid.

Odors in water can be natural or artificial. In the first case, these are the smells of earth, fish, rot, swamps and the like. In the second - phenol, chlorine, gasoline, drugs, etc.

Sulfur smell

The reason for the smell of hydrogen sulfide or, as they say, rotten eggs is the increased content of sulfur bacteria in the water. There is no direct threat to health. But this is a sign of high environmental pollution. Sulfur bacteria multiply where there is a lack of oxygen: in closed systems sewers or deep wells. The vital activity of these microorganisms is ensured by a large amount of decomposing organic substances on which they feed. As a result of this interaction, hydrogen sulfide is created in a gaseous state. Water sources create a trap for it, preventing it from evaporating.

If the smell of hydrogen sulfide comes from the water and it is possible to determine the location of the substance, it is necessary to provide the gas with access to oxygen. In other words, organize ventilation. By the way, in groundwater ah, the natural content of hydrogen sulfide bacteria is allowed. At such concentrations they are safe for health. But even with a minimum content (0.5 ppm), the water will still smell of sulfur. If the permissible concentration level is exceeded by at least 3-4 times, the water will have a pronounced odor rotten eggs.

The cause of the sulfur smell may be chemical reactions that occur in the boiler during water heating. In this case, an unpleasant odor will appear in the hot water. To determine where sulfur bacteria appear, you need to open the water tap for a while, providing strong water pressure. If the odor disappears or becomes less noticeable, the water distribution system is the source of the sulfur bacteria. If manipulations with the tap did not lead to results, and the smell began to change over time (for example, it intensified), then the location of the bacteria is the well.

The appearance of sulfur in the water supply is an alarming sign. The substance can corrode metal connections in pipes over time. It is very important to promptly contact the laboratory to test water samples.

Sewage smell

Another trouble that can happen to drinking water, – appearance of odor Wastewater. It is caused by bacteria from the sewer. No, these dangerous microorganisms cannot enter the water supply system, but the gas they produce tends to rise and finds its way out through the sink, accumulating near the drain hole. Therefore, the smell seems to come from the water itself. The appearance of sewage odor indicates problems with the sewerage system. The only way to get rid of such a smell is to properly install a sewer hood.

As mentioned above, sometimes an unpleasant odor occurs only from hot water. The reason for this is bacteria that have multiplied in the heating tank. Their appearance is facilitated by the constant operation of the boiler in low temperature mode or shutting it down for a long period of time. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to boil water in a heating tank 1-2 times a month. Regular heating to +40 °C will quickly lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from hot water. If the heater has been in use for a long time, it is necessary to drain the water and clean the tank.

The unpleasant smell of boiler water can be temporarily neutralized with special filters. But this will not solve the problem itself. It is better to carry out the following set of actions to solve it:

    The boiler and distribution system must be completely drained.

    Then fill the system with clean water.

    Turn on the boiler maximum power. It should work in this mode for 10–12 hours.

    Drain the water from the entire system again, including the boiler.

    Repeat step 2. The heater can now operate normally.

These measures will completely clean the system of bacteria - the culprits of the unpleasant odor of hot water.

In general, as soon as the smell appears, you need to make sure whether the water really smells or the real reason occurrence of smell - pipes. To do this, pour water into a glass and, moving away from the sink, smell it. This will help you pinpoint the source of the odor. These manipulations must be carried out alternately with water from both taps. If the water in the glass is odorless, then the cause of the unpleasant odor lies in the pipes and drainage system.

What are the causes of unpleasant odor in well water?

It often happens that water from wells has a distinct unpleasant odor. This occurs due to the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the well. How does he get there? The thing is that underground water sources, from which it flows into the well, contain great amount connections chemical substances(iron, sulfur, ammonia, manganese). For example, the reason for the “rusty” smell of water is the iron salts it contains, which reacted with oxygen. If the water smells like ammonia, it means it contains ammonia compounds.

Other reasons for the smell of well water:

    Chlorination, which is used to remove microorganisms. How by-effect- chlorine smell.

    Substances of organic origin and microorganisms. Such water rots, becomes musty, and smells like swamp and earth.

    Manganese compounds also affect the composition of water and lead to an unpleasant odor, especially at high concentrations.

    Excessive mineral content gives water a salty taste.

Obviously, the suitability of such a “cocktail” for consumption is questionable. However, well water is also used for food purposes. Such water problems are most relevant for owners of private households.

Homeowners should be especially wary of the emerging smell of iodine. This means penetration into the groundwater layer industrial waste. This is a very dangerous sign! If you notice such an odor, you should immediately stop all use. The fact is that phenol released by iodine can have a serious effect on human health, and first of all it affects the nervous system.

How to remove the unpleasant smell of water

How to improve the chemical composition of water so that its quality matches hygienic requirements SanPiN? If the cause of pollution is in the water source itself, only comprehensive purification measures through filtration will help. These include:

  1. Pre-cleaning.

This method is used to purify water from shallow wells. The meaning of the procedure is to settle the liquid to be purified and, if necessary, expose it to reagents. The choice of filtering method depends on chemical composition water, so cleaning should begin only after laboratory analysis.

  1. Removal of hydrogen sulfide.

Removal of hydrogen sulfide contained in water is carried out taking into account its chemical properties. There are three ways to purify a liquid from this substance: physical, chemical and sorption.

In the first case, water is bubbling. It consists of saturating the liquid with oxygen. The process of weathering hydrogen sulfide is accelerated by the use of a compressor.

In the second, water oxidizers (salts of various chemicals, including sulfur) are dosed into the water. Hydrogen sulfide contained in water is insoluble. Therefore, it settles, participating in the oxidation reaction as an accelerator. And in this form it is easily filtered.

The third option involves the use of activated carbon. It acts as a catalyst for oxidation.

  1. Iron odor removal.

Many people are familiar with the situation with water from a well that contains iron salts. The water is drawn clean and clear. In a matter of time, it suddenly becomes cloudy and turns yellow. The higher the iron concentration, the more bright color she acquires. This occurs due to the reaction of iron in water with oxygen in the air. After a few days, the water becomes clear again, but with a layer of brown sediment at the bottom. Water with a high iron content not only smells like rust, but has a similar taste.

Decide this problem This can be done using aeration (saturation with oxygen) or by oxidizing water with reagents. However, it can be quite difficult to apply such measures in private households. For owners of private water supplies, pumping water through a purification system is more suitable. Replacement cartridges in such systems they not only filter water mechanically. Various substances in the cartridge react with water, thereby eliminating chemical contaminants.

  1. Removing swamp odor.

It is a mistake to assume that if the water coming from a well is visually clean, it is also so in composition. Coming from an underground source, it is rich in composition and contains various impurities, suspensions, and compounds. The color can remain transparent and unclouded. Only laboratory analysis can determine the actual composition of the water.

If the water contains inclusions of algae, bacteria, organic compounds, this causes a swampy smell to appear. Such an unpleasant odor of water can be completely eliminated only by comprehensive cleaning, including adsorption with activated carbon.

In general, when the right approach Putrid or swampy smells are easy to remove. Charcoal effectively removes the smell of water. And the filtration system will effectively help remove the pollutants that caused the odor.

A comprehensive cleaning system should include:

    UV emitter to destroy microorganisms;

    reverse osmosis (from mechanical impurities and iron);

    carbon filter.

Activated carbon will not allow suspended particles to pass through that have managed to penetrate the membrane of the reverse osmosis filter.

Consecutive installation of a set of filters will ensure effective cleaning water.

Choosing a water treatment system is a complex process that is best left to real professionals. There are many companies on the Russian market that develop water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another type of water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to install a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured it out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services - specialist consultation, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides and service maintenance filters.

our company Biokit offers a wide selection of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

You will agree that your own water supply is much more efficient than centralized water supply. In this case, you do not depend on anyone and are free to use water at any time of the day. Of course, for comfortable use you need a guarantee of a properly equipped well. Even if all installation conditions are met, the following problem often arises: the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide; we’ll look into what to do in such a situation and what factors influenced the occurrence of the problem in today’s publication.

The smell of swamp, sewer or rotten eggs in the water is present due to the decomposition of organic matter, which adversely affects the body. In fact, this is a very common reason why water from a well smells of hydrogen sulfide. In such cases, you cannot hesitate, so it is advisable to quickly purify the water from hydrogen sulfide. In addition to the identified cause, the following factors may be involved:

  • the vital activity of bacteria increases, which, through their existence, emit hydrogen sulfide, this often happens after heavy rains and significant amounts of precipitation (possibly even in winter);
  • The tightness of the casing is broken, due to which sulfur compounds penetrate into cracks and holes. A little rain is enough for this;
  • Sometimes sulfur ores fall into the well during the drilling process, but then you will feel that the water smells of hydrogen sulfide within the first few days of using the source.

Important! In order to eliminate the risk of an early occurrence of unpleasant things, you must take care of the correct cultivation. Try to use only professional drilling tools and qualified labor.

What to do to eliminate unpleasant and harmful hydrogen sulfide?

As a rule, the presence of hydrogen sulfide in well water makes the liquid unpleasant not only in smell, but also worsens the overall taste. Drinking such water is simply disgusting, and even dangerous. In order to get rid of a painful problem, alternative and sufficient effective techniques. Read more about them below in the list.

After solving the above problems, you can use chemical or physically in order to remove the smell of hydrogen sulfide from water.

Chemicals that can be used are ozone, hydrogen peroxide or. To do this, you need to acquire a separate container and install it in series behind the well (in no case in water intake areas). Clogged and unpleasant water will be supplied to the tank, after which an oxidizer is supplied to the device, which effectively fights hydrogen sulfide, as a result of which the unpleasant odor from the well is eliminated.

Important! After this method of disinfection, the water must pass additional filtration(if possible, then install) where it is enriched with useful minerals and lost properties.

Aeration is considered a physical method of disinfecting water, thereby eliminating odor. To do this, we place an aerator, to which a pump is already connected, into a hole in the ground or an equipped caisson. When pumping, water will flow into a closed container with a valve for gas outlet.

When the pump begins to function, an excess amount of oxygen enters the reservoir, under the influence of which all hydrogen sulfide is displaced from the water. This process benefits the human body. Sometimes it is possible to carry out pre-oxidation to improve the properties of water.

Consequences of water with hydrogen sulfide

Water with a specific composition of hydrogen sulfide is absolutely unsuitable for drinking and use for domestic and technical purposes. When preparing food, you risk getting poisoned by hydrogen sulfide vapor and the composition resulting from the reaction.

If this is present in the water chemical element, this means that iron oxidation will likely occur, which is unfavorable for human life, which is why an urgent disinfection procedure is necessary. In general, it is clear about the human body and the harm hydrogen sulfide poses to it. In addition, there is a risk of destruction of the water supply structure and, in particular, the well. In such cases, you will have to replace casing pipes and equipment more often, especially if it is made of metal.

Autonomous water supply for a private home is a solution in situations where centralized water supply is impossible. But at the same time, you have to take water purification into your own hands. There is an opinion that if you drill a deep well, the water from it will be perfectly clean in any case. But a problem that often arises is the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Such water is not only unpleasant to drink and use, but also very dangerous. In this article we will look at why water from a well smells of hydrogen sulfide and how to deal with it.

Causes of hydrogen sulfide in water

Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that is dissolved in water. It is caused by protein decomposition due to bacteria present in the liquid. Hydrogen sulfide itself is quite toxic and its use with water can lead to unpleasant consequences and even death.

Sulfur bacteria, as a rule, live in places where there is no oxygen supply. This could be the muddy bottom of a well or those layers of soil that are isolated on all sides, that is, artesian deposits.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of this gas in water:

  • The presence of silt at the bottom or walls of the well.
  • An increase in the number of bacteria as a result of precipitation.
  • Violation of the tightness of pipes, which leads to the leakage of bacteria through their walls from the outside and the appearance of hydrogen sulfide in the water.
  • Sulfur ores getting into water during well drilling. In this case, such a smell of water will appear almost immediately after the work is completed.
  • Penetration into the well of those waters that are contaminated with hydrogen sulfide of industrial origin.

Important! Most often, hydrogen sulfide compounds are observed in water that is extracted from artesian wells.

The danger of hydrogen sulfide in water

You shouldn’t think that the hydrogen sulfide smell from water is simply unpleasant, but you can use such a liquid. Its presence can cause a lot of negative aspects and real danger to humans.

This substance can cause dizziness, fatigue, constant fatigue, various allergic reactions, vomiting. A high concentration of volatile hydrogen sulfide in the air affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, causing fainting and intoxication of the entire body.

In addition, hydrogen sulfide negatively affects metal elements in the water supply system, leading to their corrosion.

From all of the above we can conclude that with this dangerous substance It is imperative to fight at the first signs of its presence in the water.

Water purification options

But what to do if the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide? In order to purify water from hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to install special units. There are a great variety of cleaning methods; you can choose the right one based on the analysis of the liquid, identifying the presence of bacteria, viruses and other compounds in it. This analysis can only be carried out by a specialized laboratory.

Before carrying out global cleaning activities, independent actions are performed to get rid of the hydrogen sulfide odor. First of all, it is necessary to clean the walls of the water supply system from sulfur deposits. If everything is done correctly, the problem of odor in well water can disappear for up to 3 years.

Pumping water to remove clay and sand accumulations from the bottom of the well can also help. This will help eliminate most of the sulfur bacteria that are there.

If there is an assumption that casing has lost its tightness, it needs to be fixed. After the preliminary cleaning is completed, you can begin to eliminate the hydrogen sulfide odor.

Physical aeration method

This method is one of the most common and effective. This requires the installation of special gas eliminators. These include devices with pressure, which are small devices, helping to ensure the supply of water in small quantities in the shortest possible time and its saturation with oxygen. Such devices are installed in technical rooms on the ground floor of the house or in the basement.

There are also units without pressure, which are non-pressurized plastic containers. They are needed to saturate with oxygen the water that enters through special entrances. To speed up the process, a compression-type supercharger is mounted inside the device.

Chemical methods of disinfection

This method is the purification of water from gas using active components such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorite. The result of the cleaning process is deposition in the water solids, which are removed by passing water through filters.

Let's consider the main methods of chemical degassing:

Disinfection of sorption type

This method involves the use of special sorbents - materials that allow faster oxidation processes in the hydrogen sulfide compound. This procedure varies in duration.

Natural charcoal or activated charcoal in granules is used as active sorbents. These materials are characterized by high quality characteristics, which help to most effectively make water free of hydrogen sulfide impurities.

Choose suitable option sorbent can be based on the size and structure of microscopic pores, as well as the type of oxide elements that will be formed as a result.

Very often, the problem of hydrogen sulfide odor appears when heating water. This suggests that on heating elements There are a lot of salt deposits that promote the development of microorganisms. To solve this problem, you need to thoroughly clean the heating unit and use a high-quality sorbent-based filter.


The presence of the smell of hydrogen sulfide in well water is a big problem, as it can cause a large number of unpleasant consequences. That is why it is worth fighting this substance with everyone by known methods which are described in this article. For complete disinfection it is necessary to carry out the whole complex measures, as a result of which it is possible to obtain completely clean water, suitable not only for use for technical purposes, but also for consumption.