Lesson in the senior group on the topic of vitamins. Lesson on the topic “Vitamins and a healthy body.” Children draw products

Lesson on the topic “Vitamins and a healthy body.”

Lesson objectives:
— To consolidate children’s knowledge about proper nutrition, that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.
— Clarify the concept of “Vitamins”, talk about the benefits of vitamins, their importance for life, the relationship between health and nutrition.
— To promote the development of special labor actions and skills: using a knife when cutting food for salad.
— Help to experience a feeling of satisfaction from a job well done, the implementation of a work plan.
Preliminary work: Learning poems, proverbs, sayings, conversation, looking at illustrations, using didactic games.
Activating the dictionary: vitamins, vinaigrette.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we have so many guests, let's say hello.
Children greetings: Hello!
Educator: You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health, because you said “Hello!”, “I wish you health!” Russian folk proverb says:
“If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health!”
Educator: Guys, please tell me what kind of person you consider healthy?
Children: Those who eat garlic and onions, do exercises, those who drink milk, take vitamins, eat healthy foods, etc.
Educator: Guys, do you know how to take care of your health?
/I do exercises every morning and wash my face with cold water/
What do you do to stay healthy? How do you take care of him?
Children:/we don’t eat junk food that’s too hot, we don’t drink Coca-Cola, we don’t eat chips, we don’t eat a lot of sweets, we don’t drink cold water after a hot meal, etc./
Educator: Well done! I'm glad for you, you know how to take care of your health!
A healthy diet is essential for our health. Why do you think a person needs food?
Children: To be strong, healthy, vigorous, food gives all living beings building material for growth and supplies them with energy. This energy warms us, moves the heart, muscles, and makes the brain work.
Educator: Without food, we cannot grow, move, stay warm, recover from illness, or live in general.
We need a lot of different foods to be healthy.

Game "Name your favorite food"
/what useful products does it contain/
Children name their favorite food (list healthy foods)

Educator: Food contains substances that are very important for health, called vitamins. Guys, what do you know about vitamins? Where do they live?
Children: Vitamins live in food, there are many vitamins, but the most important ones are A, B, C, D.
Educator:“Vita” translated from Greek means life, which means vitamins are very valuable substances. The main vitamins - A, B, C, D are Latin letters.
Visual aid letters A, B, C, D. - on the letters are vegetables, fruits, food products in which these vitamins are found.
/Pictures of vegetables, fruits, food/
Children: Vitamin A is found in carrots, butter, red vegetables and fruits - tomato, red bell pepper, pumpkin, tangerine.
Educator: Did you know that vitamin A is good for growth and vision? Let's listen to a poem about vitamin A.
The child (Evelina) recites a poem.

Remember the simple truth -
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

Educator: What foods, vegetables, and fruits contain vitamin B?
Children: Vitamin B is found in bread, especially black bread, peas, beans, buckwheat, millet, and oatmeal.
Vitamin B promotes good heart function; when there is not enough of it, a person sleeps poorly, cries a lot, and the heart works poorly.

A child (Artyom) talks about vitamin B
Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal at breakfast
Black bread is good for you -
And not just in the morning.

Educator: What foods contain vitamin C?
Children: Vitamin C - in currants, apples, onions, lemon, orange, sauerkraut.
Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, makes a person healthier, and protects against colds.

The child (Indira) will recite a poem about vitamin C
For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Educator: Where is vitamin D found?
Children: Vitamin D is in fish oil, eggs, milk, the sun, so it is important to be in the fresh air, because when we walk, the sun sends us vitamin D in its rays, it makes our legs and arms strong.

A child (Arthur Sh.) talks about vitamin D
Fish oil is the healthiest!
Even though it’s disgusting, you need to drink it
He saves from diseases
It's better to live without diseases!
I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept.
Vitamins A, B, C.

Educator: Guys, do you think there are vitamins in cakes and sweets? And are they considered healthy products?
Children: No, they contain a lot of sugar, which destroys teeth and causes various diseases.
Educator: And now Sabina will recite the poem “Healthy Stomach” written by K. Lutsis
I think you know without a doubt
That not everything you eat is beneficial.
Remember and explain it very clearly to everyone:
You can't hurt your stomach needlessly.
He doesn't need cold food
And very hot is also harmful.
And various sweets and chips and cola
The stomach is afraid of injections like the butt.
Large pieces should not be swallowed,
And you need to chew your food thoroughly.
And remember, those didn’t have a stomach ache,
Who understood and pitied him from childhood!

Sharpen, sharpen, sharpen the knife!
He will be very good!
We will cut the vinaigrette,
Our lunch will be delicious!
We will improve your health
We'll fill it with vitamins.
Vitamins A, B, C
Found in cabbage and cucumber.
There are also vitamins in the porridge
We need them
We will eat what we need
“Be healthy” we will shout together!

Educator: Guys, let's remember proverbs and sayings about health.
Children:/proverbs tell/
“Health is more important than wealth”
“Eat garlic and onions and you won’t get sick”
"An apple a day gets the doctor out the door"

Game “Cook a dish” /on trays of vegetables, fruits/
Educator: Today we will prepare a vitamin salad “Vinaigrette” together with you.
/Children wash their hands, put on aprons and hats/
Music turns on
(go to the tables)

Educator: Guys, let's remember: what vegetables are needed to prepare the vinaigrette.
Children: Beets, potatoes, onions, sauerkraut, green peas, pickled cucumber.
Educator: What tools are needed?
Children: Knife, board, salad bowl, spoon.
Educator: Guys, tell me the rules for using a knife.
Children: You can’t touch the edge of the knife, don’t poke each other, and don’t be distracted when cutting.
Educator: Let's split up into 4 people.
The first four are cutting beets,
2nd - potatoes,
3rd - pickled cucumber.
The music turns on. Children cut vegetables.

Educator: Well done boys! Vegetables are chopped. Let's put them in a salad bowl. What else needs to be added to make our vinaigrette delicious?
Children: Salt, add vegetable oil.
Educator: Add everything and mix. The result is a tasty and healthy vinaigrette. Now let’s put all the tools in a basin, then wash our hands, set the table and serve the guests.
Guests try the salad. Children on the rug.
Educator: What did we do in class today? What did you like most?
Well done boys! You did well today, you worked hard. And now I invite you to the table to try the vinaigrette I made with my own hands. Bon appetit!

Lesson summary for senior preschool children "Vitamins and a healthy body"

Summary of the lesson “Vitamins and a healthy body”

Target: introduce children to food products and their natural sources, introduce them to the variety of vegetables and fruits, their importance for promoting human health; to form the concept that the state of the environment determines the state of human health and normal life activity.
Equipment and materials: Pictures of vegetables and fruits, animals, birds, riddles, masks for scenes.
Progress of the lesson.
Game motivation.
Educator: Guys, look at these pictures. What do you see?
(Children answer)
Game "Fruits, vegetables, animals, birds"
Educator: Think and correctly distribute fruits, vegetables, animals and birds.
Children, divided into 4 teams, choose pictures corresponding to each group.
Educator: Let's check if everyone completed the task correctly? (children, actively involved in the work, check the work of their comrades)
2. Introductory conversation.
Educator: Guys, we were just playing, naming fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, and where are they?
Children: On Earth.
Educator: Why did they all happen?
Children: From the Earth.
Educator: Have you ever talked to the Earth? Imagine you are talking to her. What would you ask her? What would you tell us about yourself?
(Children's answers).
Educator: Why do you think the Earth is often called the nurse? Motherland?
-What does mother earth have in common?
Children: Just as a mother loves her children, so the Earth feeds everyone living on it. The earth is like a mother - kind and patient, she is always there, ready to protect and come to the rescue at any moment.
Educator: Guys, name your favorite food.
As the conversation progresses, the teacher draws the children’s attention to how many different foods are contained in the named favorite dishes: a delicious salad consists of vegetables and sour cream; chocolate - made from cocoa, milk, butter and sugar; cutlets are made from meat (chicken, fish).
(Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly.” Conversation on content.)
Julia doesn't eat well
Doesn't listen to anyone.
- Eat an egg, Yulechka!
- I don’t want to, mommy!
- Eat a sandwich with sausage.
Julia covers her mouth.
- Soup?
- No.
- Cutlet?
- No.
Yulechka's lunch is getting cold.
What's wrong with you, Yulechka?
Nothing, mommy!
- Take a sip, granddaughter,
Swallow another piece!
Have pity on us, Yulechka!
- I can’t, grandma!
Mom and grandma are in tears -
Julia is melting before our eyes!
A pediatrician appeared -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach.
He looks sternly and angrily:
-Yulia has no appetite?
I just see that she
Definitely not sick.
And I'll tell you, girl,
Everyone eats: both animals and birds,
From hares to kittens
Everyone in the world wants to eat.
With a crunch the horse chews oats,
The yard dog is gnawing on a bone.
Sparrows peck grain
Wherever they can get it.
Elephant eats breakfast in the morning
He loves fruits.
Brown Bear licks honey.
The Mole is having breakfast in the hole...
The monkey eats a banana.
Boar is looking for acorns.
The clever Swift catches the mouse.
The mouse loves cheese and lard.
The doctor said goodbye to Yulia -
Gleb Sergeevich Pugach,
And Julia said loudly:
- Feed me, mommy!

3. Conversation.
Educator: And now a competition for the best food expert.
- Think and say what is common between:
- Bread and grain?
- Sour cream, cottage cheese, butter and milk?

Candy, marmalade, gingerbread?
(Children's answers)
Educator: Tell me, what is butter made from?
- Who gives milk to a person?
- What does a cow have to eat to give milk to a person?
-Where does the grass grow?
-Where does a person get meat? What animals and birds does a person get it from? Tell me.
(Children's answers)
Educator: All food products of both animal and plant origin originate from the Earth. To maintain human health, we need a variety of foods that contain all the nutrients our body needs. Are raw vegetables and fruits especially beneficial? Anyone who regularly uses them, as a rule, has a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, and an elegant figure. But candy, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are certainly harmful to health.
- Remember, which of you felt bad after eating a large piece of cake with cream?
(Children's answers)
- Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. However, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.
- No product provides all the nutrients that are necessary to maintain good health. Some products give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired (honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, raisins, butter). Others help build the body and make it stronger (cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs, nuts). And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals, which help the body grow and develop (berries, greens, cabbage, carrots, bananas).
- Explain how you understand the proverb: “Vegetables are the pantry of health”
- Which products do you like most?
4. Guessing game
Host: Name as many dairy products as possible. For the correct answer, everyone receives a token. The one who remembers the most names of dairy products wins.
You can also suggest remembering the names of meat products and products of plant origin.
5. Wellness moment.
Exercise “Tree” (for posture).
Standing or sitting at a table, place your legs together, feet pressed to the floor, arms down, back straight. Inhale and exhale calmly, slowly raise your arms up. Hold them with your palms facing each other, fingers together. Stretch your whole body. As you stretch up, imagine a strong, strong tree. A tall, slender trunk reaches towards the sun. The body, like a tree, fills with strength, vigor, and health. (Completes 15-20 seconds). Put your hands down and relax.
6. Riddles about healthy foods.
The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks,
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.
Dried out in the hot sun
And bursts from the pods...
He never and no one
I didn’t offend you in the world,
Why are they crying because of him?
Both adults and children?
Summer in the garden
Fresh greens
And in winter in a barrel
Strong, salty
There are green balls among the melons
The kids came flying -
The ball is just bark.
Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take it out for 100 days,
And in the fall they began to dig -
Not just one was found, but 10!
What did the children name her?
For the curly tuft,
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.

7. Speech by a health worker.
- Tell me, guys, what do healthy products mean? That's right, healthy foods are those foods that contain vitamins.

(Children are shown pictures of foods that contain vitamins)
- Do you know that they cannot be replaced by anything? And most importantly, each vitamin plays its own special role in our body. You can't live without them. You can live without eating a single ice cream or cake, you won’t even be lost without sweets. But without vitamins the body feels bad, it will wither, wither and wither.
- Vitamins have different effects on human health. For example, vitamin A is very important for vision.
- Vitamin B promotes good heart function, and vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong.
- And vitamins A and D also affect the growth, development and ossification of the skeleton. Vitamin B also affects the growth of the body.
- In terms of quantity, we need the most vitamin C, and daily. It cannot be stored in the body. This vitamin increases life expectancy and increases the body's resistance to colds. If you still have a cold, then with its help you can get better faster
8. Attention game: “What destroys health, what strengthens it?”
The teacher names the products, and the children choose healthy products and clap their hands.
Fish, kefir, Pepsi, chips, rolled oats, sunflower oil, cakes, carrots, lard, cabbage, apples, Snickers, pears, Fanta and onions, fatty meat, chocolates, etc.
9. A theatrical moment. "The Tale of the Tiger and Vitamin Deficiency."
Host: Our fairy tale says,
That it's been about thirty years now
In Haiti or Cairo
There lived a tiger alone in an apartment.
He was kind, he was nice,
He sang funny with a guitar
And he was friends with the neighbors,
Because he loved everyone.
Suddenly in the spring trouble happened
And the disease happened to him.
And he neither eats nor drinks,
And how the little one roars.
Doesn't walk, doesn't play,
Doesn't dream of traveling
I forgot about the guitar -
In general, white light is not pleasant.
Doctors were called to the patient:
"Help! He’s unwell!”
Doctors shake their heads -
Nothing helps.
All my friends came running here,
The tiger took a long time to be consoled.
Everyone gave a sea of ​​advice,
How to get rid of the disease.
The elephant told him:
Elephant: “Listen! My ears hurt
So I get three injections a day
The nurse has been injecting me for a month!
And as you can see, he’s alive and well
And I live without doctors!
You're thick skinned too
And don’t be afraid of the syringe either.”
Presenter: The tiger sadly answers:
Tiger: “The doctor doesn’t prescribe an injection.
He says it’s my illness
Does not require treatment."
Presenter: Then the Crocodile intervened,
He spoke for a short time:
Crocodile: “You can live without injections”
Start taking pills.
Here's a bunch of pills for you -
I bought it just in case."
Presenter: Tiger in response:
Tiger: “A lot of pills?
Will not help. This is not the case."
Presenter: Behemoth listened to everyone,
And then he roars:
Hippopotamus: “I have a wish-
Do the dousing!
I have this procedure
I don’t change it for a potion.
Both on a cold day and on a hot day
I’m not too lazy to harden myself.”
Presenter: The monkey spun for an hour,
I've looked in the mirror more than once
And she emphasized:
Monkey: “Physical training is the recipe!
Move more, come on!
Run, jump, squat!
Catch the ball and throw the ball!
Are you ready? On your marks!"
Tiger: “Monkey! Wait a minute!
You and I are not on the same path.
Just thinking about sports
Tears are rolling down to the floor."
Presenter: Suddenly the dog Barbos barked:
Dog Barbos: “I understand what the question is!
There are not enough vitamins!
Vitamins are melting by spring!
Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!
Consume vitamins
And “increase your health!”
All together: Everyone, both adults and children,
Remember this fairy tale
The vitamin deficiency in her is over!
And whoever listened, well done!
10. Summing up.
Educator: Did you like the fairy tale?
So what should you eat to stay healthy?
(Children's answers)

Summary of direct educational activities

"Vitamins and healthy products"


  • make children want to take care of their health;

  • introduce the concept of “vitamins”;

  • talk about the benefits of vitamins, their importance for life, their relationship
    health and nutrition.

  • teach children to distinguish vitamin-containing foods;

  • explain to children how vitamins affect the human body and their benefits
    and the importance of vitamins for human health;

  • help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food
    should be not only tasty, but also healthy;

  • develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive
instill in children a desire to take care of their health.
Vocabulary Job: taste, taster, interview.

Preliminary work: learn poems about vitamins with children, prepare caps of vitamins A, B, C, D. learning physical education minutes.

Material: illustrations: vegetables, fruits; healthy and unhealthy foods; basket, fruits, cut vegetables, skewers (according to the number of children), microphone, model of a tree, presentation “Where vitamins live,” musical accompaniment.


1. Organizational moment.

Target: create conditions for the emergence of positive emotions and motivation. Identify basic moral and ethical standards.

(Children are included in the group)

Educator: Guys, we have so many guests, let’s come and say hello. You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health because you said: Hello! I wish you good health! A Russian folk proverb says: “If you don’t say hello, you won’t get health.”

There's a knock on the door, Dunno comes in,

Dunno: Hello guys, my name is Dunno. I had a problem, I got sick. They say that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right. I tried, I ate only tasty things: cakes, sweets, and drank Pepsi-Cola. But, unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, please help me figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.

Educator: Guys, let's try to help Dunno. Tell me, what do you like to eat most? (Children's answers). What do you think is the difference between “tasty” and “healthy”? (Children's answers).

Guys, do you know that foods contain substances that are very important for human health, called “vitamins”? (Children's answers). What do you know about vitamins? (Children's answers).

- Yes, vitamins have different effects on human health. Vitamins
there are many, but the most important of them are vitamins A, B, C, D. For example, vitamin A
very important for vision. Vitamin B promotes good heart function, and
Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, it is found in fish oil.
Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, makes a person healthier,
not susceptible to colds. If you still catch a cold, then with its help
You can get better faster.

Listen to what poem Artem will tell us.

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

What do you think will happen to a person if he eats alone? sweets? (Children's answers).

  • You need to know that the human body needs different foods.
    Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: for those who constantly consume them,
    as a rule, there is a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, and an elegant figure

  • But candy, chocolate, ice cream, do you hear Dunno, especially in large
    quantities are very harmful to health. And vitamins do not live in these products.
    - Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. However, it is necessary
    eat a variety of foods to stay strong, healthy and quickly
The children will sing poems about the benefits of vitamins.

Vitamin A

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast

And not just in the morning.

Vitamin D

Fish oil is the healthiest

No matter how disgusting, you need to drink

He saves from illnesses

Without diseases, life is better!

Vitamin C

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour.

  • Dunno! Try it - how to solve a simple problem: What is healthier to chew?
    turnip or chewing gum?

  • After eating, many try to chew Dirol and Orbit in order to
    clean your teeth, and in the old days they chewed turnips, they are very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins
    C and cleans teeth well.

  • I will tell you the secret to be healthy, strong, fight germs and
    Don’t succumb to diseases, you need to eat vitamins. Vitamins like soldiers
    protect our body from evil harmful microbes and various diseases. And now
    listen to which foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D.
Vitamin A found in food products: melon, carrots, garlic, cabbage,

parsley, peaches, spinach, pumpkin, turnip, celery, tomato, red sweet

Vitamin B - rice, raisins, beans, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas, peas,

liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb, beef,

crabs, shellfish.

Vitamin WITH - black currants, rose hips, oranges, lemon, onions, parsley,

apple, sauerkraut.

Vitamin D - fish oil, fresh herbs, cod liver, beef liver,

butter. The sun in its rays sends us vitamin D.

Physical education lesson “Glutton”

One pot-bellied big man (circular movement with both hands around the stomach) Ate ten rolls on an empty stomach (put all fingers in front of you) He washed down the rolls with milk (draw an imaginary glass with your fingers, and thendrink from it)

Ate the chicken in one piece (spread the fingers of one hand wide, palmup, bring an imaginary piece to the court)

Then he roasted the lamb (show horns with index fingers) And sent it into the belly of the poor man (pat belly) The big guy swelled up like a balloon (draw a large circle in the air) The glutton had a blow here (lightly hit the forehead with your palm). Well done!

Educator: I suggest you play didactic game “Helpful-Harmful”. If you don't know anything, we'll give you illustrations of healthy foods, and we'll put what's unhealthy in the basket.

Remember and name what healthy foods you are fed in kindergarten (Children's answers).

For breakfast, lunch, and dinner you are given various healthy products and now we will taste these products. Tasting means trying. And the person who tastes is called a taster. Repeat this word and try to remember.

Game "Find out by taste" - children close their eyes, they are given pieces of fresh vegetables and

fruits (cucumber, tomato, carrot, cabbage, onion, apple, banana, tangerine, lemon

etc.) and offer to taste: “What did you eat?”

Dunno: I also want to play the “Exactly True!” game with you. I'll be there for you

speak quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things,

you all say together: “Right, right, absolutely right!”

And if they talk about things that are harmful to health, children remain silent.

Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice, and then you will definitely
you will be very slim and tall.

If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets, eat candy, chew toffee,
slim, become like a cypress.

The children are silent

To eat properly, you will remember the advice: Eat fruits, porridge with
butter, fish, honey and grapes.

Children: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right!”

There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits. And Seryozha and Irina
Everyone benefits from vitamins.

Children: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right!”

Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat. He wants to come visit us, yes
can't crawl through the door.

The children are silent

If you want to be healthy, eat right, take more vitamins,
don't know about diseases.

Children: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right!”

Educator: Well done! I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose healthy products. Guys, I suggest you become “health gardeners”, let’s grow a miracle tree (food cards on the table, children choose the ones they need, hang them on the tree). Question: Why did carrots grow on the tree? What are the benefits of milk? What vitamin is in lemon? What vitamin is in onions? What vitamin is in butter? What are the benefits of black bread?

Dunno: Well done! If everything is in order with you, we will start exercising.

A game "How are you?" - Dunno asks the children questions, they answer andperform imitation movements. How are you?

Like this! (Thumbs up) How do you swim?

Like this! (Imitate swimming movements) How are you running?

Like this! (Run in place) Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! (Put hand to forehead)

Are you waving after me?

Like this! (Waving hand)

Are you waiting for lunch?

Like this! (Prop up cheek with hand)

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (Close their eyes, cup their hands under their cheeks)

Are you naughty?

Like this! (They puff out their cheeks and clap their hands on them.)

Dunno : Well done!

Educator : Dunno, our guests are bored, I suggest playing with them

game "It's me, it's me, it's all mine Friends!" A you Dunno help me answer

guests. If the poem is talking about you, then answer in unison: "It's me, it's

I, these are all my friends! And if not, keep quiet.

I have questions for you

Answer without errors

Answer quickly, simply,

Definitely with a smile.

Educator : Which one of you is always ready?

Can you live your life without doctors?


Educator: Who doesn't want to be healthy?

Cheerful, slim and cheerful?

The children are silent.

Educator: Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Educator: Who is not afraid of frost,

Does he skate like a bird?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Educator : Who loves tomatoes?

Fruits, vegetables, lemons?


Educator : Who has eaten and brushes his teeth

Every day twice a day?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Educator : Which one of you, of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

The children are silent.

Educator : Whoaccording to the schedule

Doing physical exercises?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Educator: Who , I want to know from you

Loves to sing and dance?

Children. This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Educator : Guys, you and I now know which foods are healthy and which are harmful, our foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D. Now Dunno will eat only what is healthy and will not get sick. True, Dunno.

Dunno: Of course, thank you. To stay healthy, everyone needs to eat right! You need to be careful: if the poem talks about healthy food, you confirm this and answer the question “Yes”, if about unhealthy food, answer “No”.

  • Porridge is a delicious food, is it good for us?
    - There are always green onions, is it good for you, children?
    -There is dirty water in the puddle, is it good to drink?

  • Cabbage soup is an excellent food, is cabbage soup good for children?

  • Fly agaric soup is always good for children?
    -Fruits are simply beautiful! is this useful to us?

  • Sometimes dirty berries are good to eat, kids?
    -There is a ridge of vegetables growing, are the vegetables healthy?
    -Is juice or compote for lunch good for children to drink?
    -Is eating a big bag of sweets harmful, children?
Educator: Only healthy food

Always on our table!

And since the food is healthy -

Will we be healthy? Children (in unison ): Yes!

Educator: Well done! Let's please our body with the vitamins that live in these fruits (showing apple, banana, pear, etc.). I suggest you make a delicious and very healthy fruit kebab. But before you start making barbecue and eating, what needs to be done (Answerschildren). Of course, wash your hands so that germs from our unwashed hands do not get onto the food, and from there into our body (children with a teacher go to wash their hands).

Preparation « Fruity kebab».

Educator: On these skewers (show) we string these chopped pieces of fruit (show). During the preparation process, the teacher provideshelping children in difficulty. Asks questions: Which of these fruits is your favorite? Now you are stringing what fruit? At the end of the work, we wish everyone a bon appetit. Guests are treated to barbecue.

Reflection game "Taking an interview"- The teacher asks the children questions. And then invites the children to interview the guests. Questions for guests and children:

What did you like about today's lesson?

  • What new did you learn?

  • What was the most interesting?

  • What are some “healthy” foods for a child’s body?

  • Name “harmful” foods for children’s bodies?

  • What is vitamin A good for (vision)?

  • What is vitamin C good for?

  • What are the benefits of vitamin D? (makes legs and arms strong)

  • What vitamin is contained in lemon? (WITH)

  • In peas? (B)

  • In fish? (D)

  • In butter? (D)

  • In carrots? (A)

  • Onion? (WITH)

  • In black currant? (WITH)

  • In cheese? (IN)
Well done! I think that you will now eat healthy foods, take vitamins, do gymnastics and sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and then we will all be healthy and strong. As the proverb says: “I will preserve my health by doing a little for myself!”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Vitamins and delicious
Both useful and important
Just remember, friends,
You can’t eat them without moderation
The doctor should tell
How to use them

Equipment for the lesson “Vitamins and a healthy body”:

  • Pictures with vegetables and fruits.
  • Cards with the designation of vitamins A, B, C, D.
  • Vitamin boxes.
  • Costumes of “Vitamins”, “Zaboleikin”, “Grandfather Vitamin-Eater”.
  • Cards with a picture of a person, 4 multi-colored pencils.
  • Vases, basket, models of vegetables and fruits.

Target: To introduce the concept of “Vitamins”, to consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about healthy foods that contain vitamins and their importance for human health.


Educator: Today a new boy came to our group - Maxim Zaboleikii. Meet him...
Maxim, you are such a good boy, but for some reason your last name is kind of strange - Zaboleykin.

Zaboleikin: And I like my last name because I like to be sick all the time. Today I came to your kindergarten, but tomorrow I will get sick and will sit at home. Then I’ll come back for a day and get sick again.

Educator: Well, Maxim, something incomprehensible is happening to you. Do you really like to sit at home, miss interesting classes where the guys become knowledgeable? And in general, it’s boring to sit at home, there’s no one to play with!
- Guys, do you like to get sick?
– Indeed, sometimes it happens that children get sick, but we must try to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, remember one secret. Do you want to know which one?

Children: Yes, what's the secret?

Educator: If you want to be cheerful, efficient, strong, if you want to fight infectious microbes, and not succumb to any diseases, take vitamins every day.

Zaboleikin: What are vitamins?

Educator: Sit next to the children. Today we will learn what vitamins are. Vitamins are substances that every body needs to absorb food. They increase efficiency, resistance to infectious diseases, and promote the growth of our body. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person suffers from various diseases, becomes lethargic, weak and sad...
In nature, vitamins are formed in plants, so fruits, vegetables and fruits serve as the main source of vitamins for people in the body. Every blade of grass, every leaf catches the sun's rays - the source of life. A ray of sunlight will fall on a green leaf and go out, but will not disappear; with its help, substances necessary for the plant will appear in the leaf, and vitamins will also appear. Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins. Vitamins are designated by the letters “AVSD”. The amount of vitamins entering our body with food depends on the seasons.
– Guys, what time of year do you think we get the most vitamins?

Children: Summer, autumn.

Educator: That's right, in summer and autumn there are more of them in food products, so in winter and spring you need to buy vitamins at the pharmacy. Vitamins are tasty, healthy and important. Just remember, friends, you can’t eat them without moderation; the doctor must tell you how to take them. They need to be consumed in certain doses (1-2 tablets per day.) They are necessary for a person, like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and mineral salts. Our industry produces complex vitamins, they are called multivitamins. In the spring, vitamins should be consumed as a necessary food supplement to replenish our strength and health, add vitamins to food (show vitamin boxes). There are many vitamins, but the most important vitamins are “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” (show these letters on the sheet)

Let's learn the verse:

I never lose heart
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C, D.
Vitamins are simply a miracle!
They bring so much joy:
All diseases and colds
They will fall before them,
That's why it's always for our health
Complete food -
The most important condition!

Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins. And our body really needs vitamins.

(Children come out with hats on their heads)

Vitamin A:

Remember the simple truth -
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice

Vitamin A is a growth vitamin that helps our eyes maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions, pumpkin, and apricots.

Vitamin B:

Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal for breakfast.
Black bread is good for us
And not just in the morning.
The most delicious and enjoyable
of course it's tomato juice
There are a lot of vitamins in it,
We drink it willingly.

Vitamin B makes a person cheerful, strong, strengthens the heart and nervous system. It is found in black bread, walnuts, onions, tomatoes, and sorrel.

Vitamin D:

Fish oil is the healthiest
Even if it’s disgusting, you have to drink it.
He saves from diseases
It's better to live without diseases!

Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong and preserves our teeth. Found in eggs, cheese, milk, fish, potatoes, parsley, nettles.

Vitamin C:

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help
But it’s better to eat lemon
Although it is very sour

Vitamin C helps fight disease. Found in potatoes, garlic, cabbage, all berries and fruits (lemons, oranges, kiwi, black currants).

All in chorus:

To be healthy and strong,
Gotta love vegetables
All without exception
There is no doubt about it!

(I tell the children a riddle):

Try to solve a simple riddle: what is healthier to chew a turnip or chew gum?

Now let’s work on pieces of paper where a person is drawn. And you must show the effect of vitamins on various parts of the human body (organism) ( Annex 1 ). Use a red pencil to draw a line from vitamin “A”, yellow – from vitamin “B”, green – from “C” and blue – from “D”.

Questions to consolidate and systematize the presented material:

  • What names of vitamins do you already know?
  • Which foods contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D?
  • What are these vitamins for?
  • Why is vitamin A especially important?, B?, C?, D?
  • Have you ever taken vitamins in tablets (dragées, syrup form)?
  • Which healthy foods do you love and which don't?

Game: “Arrange the vegetables and fruits”

Educator: Guys, look what I have in my basket?! Let's take a look into it! (Vegetables and fruits). Tell me, what can be made from fruits? (Make compote, fruit salad, bake in the oven, eat with ice cream). Well done!

What can you cook from vegetables? (Cook, stew, cook borscht, cabbage soup, make cutlets). I suggest putting vegetables and fruits on separate plates.
We did great! Now watch the dramatization “Grandfather Vitamin-Eater”.

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother and grandfather and they had a large garden, a lot of things grew there. Children, what grows in the garden? (Children's answers: cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, dill...).
One day my grandparents wanted green onions. The grandfather took the basket and he and the grandmother went to the garden. Before they had time to approach the fence of the garden, grandfather the Vitamin-eater stood in front of them. Grandfather and woman were scared.

Grandfather and grandmother: Oh, oh, oh….Who is this?

Grandfather Vitamin-eater:

I am a great vitamin eater,
I take vitamins for dinner and lunch.
I have no life without them,
Better look for another garden!

Grandma: How to be? We can't live without vegetables!

Grandfather: Let's ask Vitamin-Eater, maybe he's kind and will let us into the garden.

Grandmother and grandfather (in unison): Vitamin eater, dear, let us into the garden. After all, it was we, the guys and I, who planted onions and worked.

Vitamin eater: You and your guys are so strong, strong, rosy cheeks. And I’m so unhappy, I eat vitamins all day long, I’m tired of chewing. And still the same frail, weak, spoon falls from his hands. Help me.

Grandfather: Shall we help you guys? Everything is clear to me. Have you guessed why he became like this?

Grandma: What does he need to do to become healthy and strong, besides eating vitamins?

Children: Do exercises, play sports, toughen up.

Physical education session “Frogs”

There are two girlfriends in the swamp,
Two green frogs
In the morning we washed ourselves early,
We rubbed ourselves with a towel.
They stomped their feet
Leaned to the right, to the left
And they returned back.
That's the secret of health
Hello to all physical education friends!

Vitamin eater: Thanks guys, grandpa and grandma. I realized what I need to do to be strong and healthy. Now I will do exercises, exercise and eat my favorite vitamins.

You can't live without vitamins!
They are reliable friends.
They save you from diseases:
Colds, flu and blues.
There is nothing tastier, healthier,
Than vegetables and fruits.

Educator: Well, Maxim Zaboleykin, are you going to harden yourself now, eat vitamins, and do exercises?

Zaboleikin: Now I don’t want to get sick and will toughen up.

Educator: And now I’ll start, and you finish, repeat in unison:

To be healthy and clean you need to have your hands... (wash with soap)
Health is good, thank you... (charging)
Temper yourself daily with cold water... (wash your face)
Only those who are healthy and love... (sport)
They will help us protect ourselves from sore throat... (vitamins)

Educator: Now listen to the song about a healthy lifestyle “If you want to be healthy.” And I'll treat everyone to vitamins...

(At the end of the lesson I give out vitamin C to improve health)

Natalya Apoka
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Delicious vitamins and healthy foods”


TECHNOLOGIES: health-preserving, communicative, personality-oriented, gaming, information and communication, research.



Achieve mastery of knowledge about the concept « vitamins» and about healthy products in which they are contained;

Bring children to the conclusion about the need vitamins in the human body.


Ensure the development of sensory abilities: taste, hearing, coordination, fine motor skills, touch.


Create a desire to eat food healthy foods;

Bring children to the conclusion that it is very important to take care of their own health.

Educator: Natalia Alexandrovna Apoka

Educator: Guys! Today not all the children came to kindergarten; Vanya, Sveta and Petya are missing. But you don’t know what happened to them, why they’re not there?

Children: Got sick.

Educator: Why does a person get sick?

Children: Got a cold...

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: What changes in nature occur in autumn?

Children: It's getting colder, it rains often, the leaves change color and fall off, people are harvesting vegetables and fruits.

Educator: That's right, let's harvest tomatoes and cucumbers. Let's do an exercise for the cheeks "Tomato" (puffing out cheeks) And "Cucumber" (cheek retraction) 3-5 times. What vegetables and fruits do you like most?

Children: Carrot, cucumber, apple...

Educator: Fruits and vegetables not only delicious, but also useful. Now I will tell you one very important secret. It turns out that in some healthy vitamins live in foods. Vitamins- these are very small substances, so small that they are many times smaller than grains of sugar, so we cannot see them. But the most important thing is that in vitamins contains strength and health for the body. If there is not enough food vitamins a person is sick, grows poorly, becomes weak, sad. Show what your face will be like if you get sick (children's facial expressions). Just like you vitamins have their own names. Let's get to know them better (show vitamins A, B, C, D on screen). U vitamins have their own houses where they live. And also vitamins They love to play hide and seek. So today they hid from you, and we will have to find them. Guess the riddle and find out which vegetable contains a lot of... vitamin A"A":

The red maiden was born in a dungeon,

She deftly threw her braid out the window.

Autumn is coming, they will pull out...

Children: Carrot.

Educator: That's right, a carrot, what kind is it?

Children: Orange, delicious, long, juicy, crispy, strong.

Educator: What is prepared from it?

Children: Juice, salad, added to soup...

Educator: Well done! And remember the one who eats vitamin rich foods"A"- grows quickly and sees well. Let's do eye exercises so that our eyes can rest.

The teacher performs eye exercises with the children.

Educator: Now let's play games "Attentive Eyes". I will post vegetables and fruits that also contain vitamin"A". You close your eyes, and at this time I will change places or hide one of them. Look carefully with your eyes and tell me what has changed. Let's see who eats the most vitamin A"A" whose eyes see well.

A game "Attentive Eyes" (tomato, carrot, red apple, peach, apricot, pumpkin).

Educator: Listen to a poem about vitamin"A":

Remember this truth -

Only he sees better.

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice.

Educator: Guys, let's play one more game. "Garden" (speech with movement):

We are very friendly people (Children stand in a circle).

And we plant a garden.

We took several shovels, (They dig the ground with imaginary shovels).

We began to dig the ground.

They took a rake, loosened it, (They loosen the ground, make the bed imaginary

They created a garden bed here. rake).

We ask you not to distract us - (They shake a finger).

We need to sow the garden bed.

Everyone took a packet of seeds (Sow seeds in the garden bed).

And he throws it into the ground himself.

We rake carefully (Rakes, waters).

And water it with water.

Here's a cheerful garden (Point to the garden bed).

What doesn't grow here!

Now, friend, don't yawn, (They collect the harvest in a basket).

Harvest your harvest!

Educator: Guys, now let's find the house where they live group vitamins"IN", guess riddle:

The green house is cramped: narrow, long, smooth.

Round kids are sitting side by side in the house

In the fall, trouble came - the smooth house cracked.

The round kids galloped in all directions.

Children: Peas.

Educator: That's right, peas, are peas a vegetable or a fruit?

Children: Vegetable.

Educator: Group vitamins"IN" found not only in vegetables and fruits. But also in others food, For example (show) V cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, and also in bread and beans.

Group vitamins"IN" very important for the functioning of the heart and the whole body. Let's play a game "Determine by ear". In these containers I hid products, which contains vitamin"IN", you have to guess by ear what it is product. Let's see who eats these products and who has very good hearing.

A game "Determine by ear" (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, peas, beans, semolina).

Educator: Now listen carefully to the poem about products, which contains vitamin"IN":

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast

Black bread useful to us,

And not just in the morning.

Educator: Now you and I will find "houses" in which they live group vitamins"WITH". Guess riddle:

Walking along the garden bed along the fence, a brave army patrolled,

Hundreds of hands hold the peaks, the bitter one grows...

Children: Onion.

Educator: Properly contained in onions group vitamins"WITH". Vitamin A"WITH" very much in all vegetables and fruits. Well, most of all in lemon, orange, garlic, onion and sauerkraut (show). In autumn, people prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter. Let us also pickle the cabbage.

Finger game “We chop cabbage”:

We chop the cabbage, making sharp movements with straight brushes down and up.

We are three carrots, the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, the fists are moving towards and away from ourselves

We salt the cabbage using a finger movement that imitates sprinkling salt from a pinch.

We are pressing cabbage. We intensively clench the fingers of both hands into fists.

Educator: Group vitamins"WITH" protect the body from various diseases and help fight colds. And there’s even a saying about onions There is: “Onion - from seven ailments”. Let's play a game with you "Define on taste» . You will take turns closing your eyes, and I will put one of them in your mouth. products, which contains vitamin"WITH". You must find out what kind of vegetable or fruit it is and name it.

A game "Define on taste» (lemon, orange, onion, garlic, sauerkraut).

Educator: Listen to a poem about fruits that have a lot of vitamin A"WITH":

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat lemon

Although it is very sour.

Show him how sour he is (children's facial expressions).

Educator: Next vitamin"D" hid in the sunshine (show picture on screen). When you walk in the fresh air, the sun's rays give you vitamin"D". Let us also imagine that we are walking on a sunny day. (music sounds). Let's imagine that it's summer and we let's lie in the fresh air, let's close our eyes (relaxation).

Educator: We took a walk, and here we go "Wonderful bag". Each of you approaches the bag and looks for Food, which I will call him. And when you guess and name it, remember which one it contains vitamins. There will be a hint for this (on the screen there are pictures of letters from products, in which they are contained).

A game "Wonderful bag" (carrot, apple, peas, beans, lemon, orange, onion, garlic).

Educator: Well done, the number of applicants vitamins into our body depends on the time of year. What time of year do you think we receive most vitamins?

Children: Summer and autumn.

Educator: Why?

Children: There is a lot of sun in summer. Vegetables and fruits are harvested in summer and autumn.

Educator: That's right, don't forget about vitamins, we must get them with food every day. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables to grow strong and healthy. And we will definitely tell the guys about this when they get better. So that they eat them and don’t get sick. So let's all enjoy ourselves together healthy oranges, Which vitamin they contain and what it contains useful?

Children: Vitamin"WITH", protects against colds.

Educator: So why are they important? vitamins for humans?

Children: To be strong, healthy and not get sick.

Educator: How many useful you learned today about vitamins and health, here are the oranges, but first let's go and wash our hands.

Children eat oranges.