Lesson on the surrounding world, topic: “Autumn chores of a person. Work in the garden in the fall (September, October, November): three months of preparation for winter Understanding the fruits

To form a successful personality, important concepts should be embedded in the child’s perception of the world from childhood. Hard work is one of them. That is why in lessons in the lower grades the question of how human work in the fall differs from work in other seasons is discussed. It is also important to make kids aware of why it is so important to be active not only in spring and summer.

And no frost will be scary!

Human work in the fall is somewhat different from other seasonal work. Children should already understand that all living things in Eurasia are beginning to prepare for the cold period. Therefore, first important matter people is insulating their homes - own home and buildings intended for wintering domestic animals.

In apartments, most people seal the cracks in the windows. This is done to prevent cold air from blowing out of them in winter. Although in many homes today they are installed plastic windows which ensure tightness. But they also require some preparation. winter period.

At the same time, housewives produce general cleaning indoors: sort through stored items, throw out unnecessary trash, wash windows. After all, it will be more difficult to do this in winter than in autumn.

Caring for our little brothers

The homes of animals that spend the winter outside human homes also require special attention. These include cows, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, minks, Domestic bird and bees.

The work of a person living in the fall is very different from the activities of a city dweller. After all, the villager needs to caulk the cracks in the barn, in the poultry house, insulate the cages intended for small animals or bring them into indoor spaces, move the hives with bees to the omshanik.

And the most caring owners don’t even forget to hang a piece of thick fabric or a rubber mat at the entrance and check whether it’s comfortable for the animal to go inside and whether it understands how to do it.

Taking care of our smaller brothers, that is, the living creatures inhabiting the planet, is an important and necessary work of man in the fall. At school, children make bird feeders, hang them up, and in winter make sure there is always food for the birds in them.

Procurement of feed

Everyone who keeps livestock that eats hay on their farm begins to take care of winter feeding in the summer. Haymaking time is a hot time.

Grass for hay is cut, dried, and stacked. But in the fall you need to take care that the hay does not rot due to precipitation. Therefore, food for herbivores should be moved indoors or carefully covered.

on the fields

For many, the onset of autumn is associated with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. But as practice proves, it is difficult to grow a crop, but it is not easier to harvest it without loss.

It's a busy time. Grain harvesters spend all day in the fields harvesting wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, peas and other crops. It is very important to do all the work before the onset of the rainy season. Otherwise, the entire crop will rot on the vine.

However, machines cannot always completely collect all the ears. A lot of them fall to the ground. Previously, children even took off from classes and went to the fields to help adults there - pick up fallen ears of corn. Such was the feasible contribution to human labor in the fall. 2nd grade was already coping with this task quite well.

Today children are no longer attracted to such work, but in vain. The younger generation is losing connection with the land and respect for the work of grain growers. Hence the abundance of photographs on the Internet with buns placed on feet, imitating house slippers...

We are collecting the harvest - don’t yawn, don’t lag behind!

Beets and potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are also harvested. Large farms They do this using special machines. But private villagers sometimes dig up their crops the old fashioned way, with a shovel and a rake. Most children have not only heard about this, but they themselves are familiar with such human labor.

In the fall, 1st grade, together with the teacher, must dig up several bushes of potatoes, carrots, and beets on their own. Then children will understand how hard it is for a person to get food and, perhaps, will begin to treat it more carefully.

Steam, cook, roll

But you really want to preserve the fruits grown in your dachas and gardens and enjoy them in the winter! Therefore, human labor in the fall is often associated with conservation. During this period, many housewives make jam, pickle and pickle vegetables, make compotes, and dry mushrooms and herbs for seasoning.

Cleaning the area

How many fallen leaves are on the ground in autumn! It is beautiful. But over time they will rot. Because of this, many harmful microorganisms will quickly multiply in an environment favorable for this. Therefore, human labor in the fall is associated with cleaning them. In the world around them in lessons, children not only talk about this, but also help adults in this activity.

In their gardens and dachas, people also remove fallen leaves and tops from the harvest.

Planting in autumn

Although plant life slows down in winter, many of them require planting late autumn. For example, some varieties of garlic must be planted before winter.

Most seedlings of bushes and trees also take root best in the fall. Experienced gardeners With the onset of cold weather, fruit and berry trees are grafted. This way the plants are less likely to be injured and tolerate this procedure more easily.

Many people are preparing the land for spring planting in the fall. To do this, they apply fertilizer to the plots and dig up vegetable gardens.

It is very important to complete each activity on time. Only then can you count on an excellent result.

Autumn is the golden time of harvesting, the end of the gardening season and preparing the site for winter frosts. Precisely certain autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden make it possible to successfully and fruitfully grow various crops in the next season.

The most important thing during the period from September to November is to prepare the soil for future plantings next spring. It is very important to maintain proper crop rotation as well as acidity and fertilizer levels for different plants.

As a rule, work in the garden in the fall begins with harvesting. Some fruits are late and even in September it is too early to pick them.

But it should be remembered that all fruits must be collected from branches and beds before the onset of the first cold weather.

Until what point unripe fruits will remain in the garden must be decided based on weather conditions.

After cleaning the area, you can begin replanting certain plants. Engage in pruning fruit trees and shrubs. By the end of September you can begin the last trimming of the hedges.

Carrying out autumn work at the dacha, don't forget about perennials. For late bloomers, it is necessary to remove spent heads to prolong flowering. Overgrown plants should be divided and replanted.

An integral part of autumn work is digging up the soil. It must be carried out at the end of October, when the entire harvest has already been harvested.

In autumn, don’t forget about fertilizers. As a rule, under early vegetables, such as potatoes and cabbage, manure is applied as early as early October. During digging it is necessary to add phosphate fertilizers, since they reach the roots very slowly. These fertilizers are especially useful for beets and carrots.

Planting begins in early October winter garlic. And by the end of the month, autumn work in the garden is carried out, such as winter sowing of parsley, carrots, sorrel, nigella and many other winter-hardy crops.

In the garden, you can sow some annuals directly into the ground. This could be cosmos, calendula, poppies, cornflowers or sweet peas. Daffodils can be planted as early as the beginning of September, but hyacinths and tulips can be planted several weeks before the onset of frost.

In any case, there is a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall. Try to do everything before the first frost. Pay attention to every tree, every bush, so that next year your garden and vegetable garden again pleased the eye and brought a great harvest.

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Autumn work in the garden is a very important activity. In addition to the pleasant hassle of harvesting, it is necessary to equip a place for its storage and prepare the soil for next year. The right approach and clearly planned actions will help even novice summer residents to do everything quickly and efficiently. The work plan can be divided into months, and then the activities will take place on time and efficiently.

September assignment

The vegetable garden in the fall is a magnificent sight, but the work on it differs from the tasks in the spring. More attention is paid to harvesting, arranging plants for winter and cleaning the entire area. But the main task still remains harvesting, and this must be done on time. Each vegetable has its own time and must be adhered to, otherwise all the work will go to waste.


Peppers and tomatoes are harvested when they have grown to the appropriate size for the variety. Not fully ripe fruits are left to ripen in a bright and dry room.

Overripe cucumbers become bitter and hard. Therefore, it is necessary to control their maturation and pick them in time. It is recommended to leave a few pieces intended for seeds in the garden longer.

Ideal for canning are zucchini or zucchini that have grown to no more than a third of their full size. But to keep these vegetables fresh for the winter, they are left to grow until the skin hardens.

Serious attention should turn to cabbage. The stalk is left no more than 3 centimeters. The leaves should not be dry, wilted or rotten. This method will help protect cabbage from rotting: wrap each head of cabbage in paper, place it in a bag and release all the air from it. So, cabbage will be stored in fresh until early spring.

How carrots will behave in winter depends on its variety and quality characteristics soil. This is a very fragile vegetable, so you need to dig it out very carefully. Cut carrots should not be left behind. It is necessary to select whole dry fruits, place them in boxes, sprinkled with sand.

Beets, potatoes and radishes are poured into the designated areas in bulk.

In addition to vegetables, fruits are also collected from summer cottages in September. To keep apples and pears longer, you should adhere to the basic rules for their preparation:

  • Do not pick wet fruits;
  • The collected fruits must be immediately lowered into the cellar. Rapid cooling increases shelf life;
  • all fruits must be whole, not broken;
  • Do not crush or knock down fruit. Each fruit is picked by hand or with a special device.


After harvest it is necessary to prepare the garden for winter. First you need to remove the remaining weeds and leaves. It is imperative to collect all the fruits and vegetables remaining on the ground and remove them, along with weeds and leaves, from the site. Thanks to this simple action, early appearance can be avoided harmful insects living in rotten fruits.

Next year the harvest will be abundant if you fertilize the soil in the fall. It is better to do this with the help of natural fertilizers: manure, humus, peat. And although vegetables grow faster with chemical fertilizers, it is better to refrain from them for the sake of your own health.

At the beginning of autumn, raspberries, gooseberries, and blackberries are replanted in summer cottages. Perennial bulbous flowers planted in early autumn also take root well. It is very good to plant apple, pear, and plum trees in September. These trees manage to take root before the first frost and can easily tolerate low temperatures.

Autumn work at the dacha includes preparing fruit trees and shrubs for the winter. First, you need to cut off old, dried branches, then apply fertilizer and hill up each plant.

So that the roots of the plant receive required amount oxygen and for good access to moisture, it is recommended to loosen the soil around them. This must be done taking into account the characteristics of each plant. Near currant bushes, the soil can be loosened deeply, but raspberry bushes only like light loosening.

Finishing preparations garden plot by winter, whitewash all trees and bushes. Spring treatment plants lime mortar protects them from pests. Autumn whitewashing makes it easier to withstand severe frosts.

Autumn at the dacha is an important period.

Assignments for October

This month is famous for the strong fall of leaves from trees and bushes and the continued preparation of the cottage for winter. Amateur gardeners who have not had time to update their garden, can do this in October. October is good for replanting mature trees and planting young shoots. Crops with open rhizomes must be replanted by the end of the month.

Garden and flower beds

Before the first frost, you need to prune dry and unproductive branches. The crown should also be trimmed and the trees given the desired shape before the onset of frost.

During this period it is necessary to carry out all seasonal work to prepare the garden for winter. First, you need to thoroughly loosen the soil around the tree trunk, then water it generously. In order for the garden to withstand the cold, each tree must be insulated. To do this, in the fall the ground is covered with dry leaves, peat, and humus.

In addition to work in the garden, it is necessary to finish preparing the dacha for winter and take care of the flower beds, flower beds and front gardens.

  • remove leaves, dig up weeds, dig up and loosen the soil;
  • cover the bulbs of daffodils, lilies and crocuses transplanted in September with peat or humus;
  • on a warm day, dig up and hide gladioli, begonias and dahlias;
  • around perennials garden flowers lightly loosen the soil and fertilize it;
  • With the arrival of cold weather, sow your favorite annual flowers. If the seeds of aster, poppy, and cornflowers are sown in warm weather, they may sprout and die with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the weather forecasts.


In October, the preparation of the garden for winter continues. At this time, there are no longer any crops in the beds. The only exceptions are lettuce and leek. The salad feels excellent almost until frost. With the first snow it must be carefully cut off and covered with film. Leeks will survive frosts well if sprinkled with sawdust.

The tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes must be dug up and destroyed. It is very poisonous and should not be left in a compost pit or buried in a garden bed.

Planting takes place at the end of October radishes, spinach, dill and lettuce. The seeds of these plants love the cold and are not afraid of even light frosts. These are excellent weather conditions for them.

The garden is dug up in autumn and spring. When digging a bed in the fall, there is no need to loosen the blocks. Well-loosened soil freezes much less than soil that has been knocked into large lumps. This allows the larvae of garden pests to survive frosts well and devour plants from the very beginning of spring. And in the frozen blocks they can no longer wake up from hibernation.

  • complete all work on clearing the area of ​​dry leaves;
  • if necessary, replant mature trees and bushes from which the leaves have completely fallen;
  • apply chemical fertilizers and manure to the garden and beds;
  • small beds can be covered with black film to protect the soil from frost and warm it up more quickly in the spring.

November assignments

In November, the labor landing at the dacha ends. Despite the fact that it is already cold and the days have become short and gray, the vegetable garden still requires some attention and care. The scale of events at this time is no longer as large as during seasonal work, but they are very important.

How does work in the garden end?

In warm regions, autumn work in the garden lasts until November. To prevent it from getting into the ground excess moisture, harvesting and digging up the beds is necessary before the first snow falls. Otherwise, the water takes a long time to evaporate in the spring, and difficulties arise with planting crops.

Not all seeds are afraid of the cold. For some of them it is favorable for normal development. In November, it is recommended to plant parsley, dill, lettuce, onions and Chinese cabbage. The cold will not allow the seeds to germinate prematurely, but at the same time will perfectly harden them. All plants that are planted for the winter need to be well insulated. The beds with them are covered with dry leaves or manure, and in early spring carefully remove the protective barrier.

November troubles also include preparing seeds for next year. If necessary, they are threshed, sifted and separated into separate containers. Store in a dry and cool place.

And finally, we need to prepare fertilizers and manure for the new summer season. compost pit Mix well and pour several buckets of water into it.

What needs to be done in the garden

The last month of autumn is most suitable for sanitary garden cleaning. At this time, it is recommended to trim old dried branches and clean the trunks. Since the trees have completely lost their leaves, pest nests are now clearly visible on them. These formations must be removed and destroyed.

The last month of autumn is favorable for whitewashing garden trees lime mortar. At this time, it is necessary to tie the trunks and skeletal branches with spruce paws, or cherry or plum branches.

If the nearest neighbors are hares, need to protect the plant bark. The bottom of the tree is wrapped in old newspapers, a layer of film is placed on top and covered with earth.

Late fall good time for planting rowan, hawthorn and viburnum. The tree is placed in a well-fertilized hole, covered with soil and watered.

Flower beds

There is also a lot of work left on the flower beds. Tall perennial flowers needs to be trimmed. Their optimal height should be no more than 20 cm, then the snow will be held on the stems. Sick flowers are weeded out, and dry and healthy ones are used to cover roses. Help you survive in winter annual plants You can cover the flower garden with manure or peat.

Branched roses love warmth very much, and for the winter they must be tilted to the ground and secured special devices. They are covered with spruce paws on top and covered with humus or peat.

To make the flower garden pleasing to the eye again next year, you need to prepare tubers of gladioli and dahlias. They are carefully reviewed, all defective ones are thrown away, and the good ones are stored in a dry and cool place. If your favorite flowers include begonias, then their tubers need to be cleaned from the ground, dried, collected in a perforated bag and placed in a box with wet sand.

Seasonal work on the dacha plot is over, and there is nothing more to do here. All that remains is to thank the garden and vegetable garden and say goodbye to them until spring.


Hello, dear visitors of our blog!

The month of August is coming to an end, and with it summer. And we are gradually moving on to the topic. Let's start with a new post about what people do in the fall and how to tell your child about it. A presentation on this topic will be released a little later.

In autumn, people have a lot of worries and a lot of work. After all, autumn is harvest time.

It is in the fall that many fruits and berries ripen in the gardens - plums, apples, pears, rowan berries, wedges and others.

The harvest is underway in the fields. Bread is harvested with special machines - combines.

And vegetables ripen in the garden - beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, peppers and so on. You need to have time to collect the entire harvest from vegetable gardens, orchards and fields, and prepare it for long storage in winter.

In autumn, many people flock to the forest for autumn gifts - mushrooms and berries. The following mushrooms ripen in the forest: honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus, porcini, and russula. And berries - cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries.

In the fall, it’s time for housewives to prepare fruits, berries, vegetables and mushrooms for the winter. They ferment, salt, dry, preserve,
they freeze - in a word, they make supplies for the long winter and spring.

And in the fall you need to prepare the soil in the fields and gardens for winter. Before spring, the soil must rest - it is dug up and brought in useful material– fertilizers.
And they do this precisely before winter, in order to prepare the land for spring planting and reap a good harvest next fall.

Also, the plowed soil will freeze well during the winter and in it More harmful insects and weeds will die.

Did you know that in the fall they not only harvest crops from fields and gardens, but also plant new plants - garlic, parsley, winter rye and wheat, etc.

It is better to replant seedlings of trees and shrubs in the fall.

Also, in the fall, people clean their yards and streets - after all, so many leaves fall from the trees in autumn period. And the tree trunks below are whitened with lime so that in winter the hares will not strip the bark from them.

There are so many interesting things you can tell your kids about what people do in the fall.

And download the illustrated presentation with this text.

Elena Medvedeva.

The last warmth, the aroma of blooming chrysanthemums, the air permeated with pleasant coolness and the smell of falling leaves - the beginning of the hottest season in the life of everyone who has personal plot. Already at the end of August, summer residents smoothly transition into active autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden, which must be completed before the onset of the first frost.

Whether it is necessary to dig up and fertilize the soil in winter, how to prune and insulate trees and shrubs, what seeds can be sown, “Dream House” will tell you about this and more today.

What work is done in the garden and on the site in the fall?

Beginners in this difficult but fruitful business initially have a lot of questions regarding work on the site in the fall.

If you make a list of them, it will look something like this:

  1. Collecting the remaining harvest and seeds for sowing next year.
  2. Systematic collection of fallen leaves and preparation of fertilizers from them.
  3. Cleaning tops and unsuitable vegetables and fruits.
  4. Reproduction perennial shrubs division or layering.
  5. Pruning garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, a haircut .
  6. Flowerbed care.
  7. Insulation of vegetation.
  8. Autumn soil fertilizing and mulching.
  9. Planting winter crops.
  10. Fertilizer and...
  11. Cleaning a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  12. Cleaning of reservoirs.
  13. Cleaning dry leaves from gutters.

Let's take a closer look at what autumn work entails. local area, in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden.

Work in the garden in autumn

In addition to the fact that in the garden you need to deal with autumn leaf fall more often than in other areas, you have to perform many other actions.

Since fallen leaves are valuable compost material, they should not be burned. Prepare depressions or special boxes and throw leaves there to further obtain organic fertilizer.

Don't rush to pick the fruits late varieties apples and pears until they are completely ripe. Their ripeness is determined by the color of the grains; they should be brown. To avoid damaging the fruits, they should be removed and not crushed. Immediately after harvesting, the crop is stored in a cool place. Do the same with grape bunches.

What to do in the garden in the fall, when all the fruits have already been collected? In addition to harvesting and cleaning, it is necessary to pay attention to all trees and bushes. Without proper care, they can freeze or become sick and die, reducing future yields.

Autumn is the right time for planting fruit seedlings, replanting trees and shrubs, but only after they have shed their leaves. Also in the autumn, division and digging of layering of gooseberries, currants, yoshta, raspberries, and blackberries is carried out.

It is treated against pests, pruned and insulated at the base for the winter.

On young trees that have not yet bear fruit, long shoots are pinched to speed up lignification.

It is necessary to trim dried and diseased tree branches, and also clean the trunks of dead bark and moss.

Berry bushes and fruit trees around are dug deep. This process will provide access to the root system of moisture and oxygen, and will also help detect and destroy the habitats of harmful insects.

Then, for a successful wintering of fruit trees and shrubs, the soil at the root zone is loosened, watered well and insulated with leaves, peat or mulch. The trunks of young trees, up to 4-5 years old, which are still poorly hardened and may not tolerate frost, must be insulated with burlap or fleece.

Additional protection from frost and garden pests, as well as the final stage of work in the garden in the fall and preparing trees and shrubs for wintering, is their whitewashing.

The most labor-intensive autumn work at the dacha is gardening. In September, the harvesting of potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cabbage, rutabaga and carrots ends. The next step is to remove weeds, tops and fallen fruits that are not suitable for food from the beds.

Leftover tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be used for compost, as they are poisonous. It should be collected and destroyed.

On the land removed from crop residues, plants can be sown for the winter. Planting vegetables in the fall involves obtaining early harvest in the spring.

The optimal time for this is the end of October and the beginning of November. Places should be chosen so that snow does not blow away in winter and water does not stagnate in spring. The selected area must be fertilized and loosened, and marks must be installed to indicate that the area is occupied.

From vegetables to open ground planted winter garlic, onions, seeds of carrots, parsley, dill, sorrel, parsnips, cilantro, lettuce, spinach are sown. To protect against frost, all crops that will winter in the ground are mulched. Spicy plants such as sage and thyme also require insulation. Spruce branches are used to cover them.

Pre-winter sowing, how garden crops, and flowers, should not be carried out until the end of October - beginning of November, since sudden warming will give rise to seed growth, and cold weather will immediately take away the life of young shoots.

In the fall, for a good future harvest, strawberry and wild strawberry leaves are trimmed. Further, for their favorable wintering, they are fertilized and insulated.

Finally, they dig up the beds free from crops and scatter fertilizers. When digging in the fall, there is no need to loosen and level the soil. Huge lumps freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of pests and their larvae accumulated in the soil.

Autumn work on the local area and flower beds

Front gardens and flower beds in the fall are a real decoration of the yard. Until the first frost, they delight with their colors, which smoothly transition from one to another.

To maintain such beauty all autumn, you need proper care behind summer cottage plot: promptly remove fading annuals, diseased and withered branches of perennials and decorative bushes, falling leaves and weeds, as well as fertilize the soil.

Before the onset of frost, rose bushes should be trimmed and insulated, tubers of dahlias, gladioli, freesia, begonias, and canna rhizomes should be dug up and stored for storage. must be removed from the supports, pressed to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Many perennial flowers, such as hydrangeas, clematis, heather, are resistant to winter frosts, but covering them with spruce branches, sawdust or fallen leaves will not hurt, with the exception of asters, bergenia and horned violets, which can rot under the protective layer.

In winter, annuals such as poppies, cornflowers, asters, calendula, and primrose are sown. Bulbs of tulips and lilies are also planted in open ground, and daffodils are planted by dividing the root system.

Autumn is the time to enrich landscape design ornamental vegetation, trees, shrubs, flowers and grass. In conditions autumn planting plants find themselves in the most favorable conditions.