Speech therapist lesson sound h letter. Speech therapy lesson “sound and letter h”. Speech therapy session summary


Target: updating children's knowledge about the sound Ch and the letter Ch.


develop sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;

develop phonemic processes;

consolidate the visual image of the letter;

develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills.



a series of numbers (including the number 4) and a series of letters (including the letter H),

the letter CH, stylized as a man and the number 4;

printed letter H;

chips - green circles according to the number of cards whose names contain the sound Ch;

lotto pictures, the name of which may contain the sound Ch;

5 puzzles;

cards with written “example” words;

large format letters with deformed sentences written along their contours;

pictures from lotto.

Progress of the lesson

1. Presentation of the sound Ch, its analysis.

For this lesson you need a plot picture with a girl sleeping in a bed.

The speech therapist invites children to listen to a short story and try to hear the sounds of the surrounding world that will be mentioned in the story.

Speech therapist. The house was unusually quiet. Only the clock on the wall was ticking, as if whispering something: chick-chick-chick, and the wheels of the train leaving the station were clattering: chug-chug-chug. And suddenly a neighbor’s boy knocked on the window. Mom pulled back the curtain, put her finger to her lips: “Ch-Ch-Ch, quiet! You’ll wake up your daughter.” The girl in the crib turned over on her side, sneezed: ch-ch - and again began to snore quietly in her sleep.

Repeat the sounds in the world around you and think about what speech sounds they are similar to. Children come to the conclusion that this is the sound Ch. Then comes the analysis of the sound Ch.

The sound Ch is pronounced at the moment of raising the tip and the front part of the back of the tongue to the alveoli (to the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth), where a bow is formed, which then turns into a gap. This is how the sound Ch is formed.

If there are obstacles when pronouncing a sound, the sound cannot be sung, does that mean the sound h is a consonant or a vowel? Is this sound dull or voiced? Prove it.

Children are given the concept that the sound Ch in the Russian language always sounds soft. There is a generalization: the sound CH is a consonant, deaf, always soft.

2. Statement of the game task of the lesson.

Speech therapist. What did the little girl do in the story she heard? (The children say that she was sleeping).

Do you know, guys, that in a dream a person can dream of the most unusual, even magical things. So this little girl dreamed that she found herself in a fairyland of puzzles and games. But she is still too young to solve puzzles. Let's help her!

3. Playing with the ball.

Purpose of the game: development of syllabic synthesis.

To play the game, a ball is taken.

Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist suggests going on a trip, and to do this, gather a team of attentive and smart people. The speech therapist says the beginning of the word, throws the ball to the child, and the child comes up with the end of the word.

The ball is then returned to the speech therapist.

CHA... (watch, seagull, cup); CHI...(purity, tweet); CHU...(miracle, monster); WHAT...(suitcase, bird cherry).

At the end of the game, the speech therapist says that all the children have completed the task and will all go to the land of puzzles and crosswords.

4. Representation of the letter H.

Objectives of the exercise: familiarization with a stylized version of the letter H, consolidation of the visual image of this letter.

You will need: a series of numbers (including the number 4) and a series of letters (including the letter H); the letter CH, stylized as a man and the number 4, the printed letter CH.

Speech therapist. Look, guys, who first meets us at the entrance to the land of puzzles and crosswords - these are letters and numbers. Now you need to look among the numbers and among the letters that are similar in spelling. This is the number 4 and the letter H.

Next comes an analysis of the writing of the printed letter Ch. The “live” letter Ch is shown: the speech therapist stands facing the children, starting position: legs together, the right arm is moved to the side and raised up at the elbow joint.

Speech therapist. Yes, you guessed correctly: 1 3 8 4 5 2 7 9 6

We write "h" as four. A B E H K M O P T

Only with numbers, friends,

We can't confuse the letters.

5.Dynamic warm-up.

Draws the letter H with chalkRaise your hands up

Its own features - Ch-Ch.lower down through the sides. Little man Ch-Ch-Ch,Squats with a straight back.

And reads: Ch-Ch-Ch,

And sneezes: Ch-Ch-Ch.

Repairs his watch: Ch-Ch-Ch,

And he dreams of a ball.

This is the letter HImitation of dance

Naughty letter C.movements.

6. Game task “Choose the right word.”

Purpose of the task: to teach children to select words with the sound Ch.

Speech therapist. It is necessary to answer the question in one word, but it must contain the sound Ch.

The name of the fairy-tale onion boy. (Cipollino).

A tiny girl who fits inside a flower bud. (Thumbelina).

Last name of the postal worker in the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin).

Charming fairy-tale character with big round ears. (Cheburashka).

Who is Tortilla? (Turtle).

What was the name of the magic genie from the jug? (Hottabych).

Fairytale snake with three talking heads. (Gorynych).

7. Game with chips.

Purpose of the game: to teach children to isolate the sound H from the name of an object picture.

To play you will need chips -green circles according to the number of cards whose names contain the sound Ch; Lotto pictures, the name of which may contain the sound Ch.

The speech therapist lays out lotto pictures on the table and invites the children to place chips only on those pictures whose names contain the sound Ch.

8. Game task “Name one syllable.”

Purpose of the game: development of syllabic analysis.

The speech therapist names the word, but the child only names the syllable that contains the sound CH. For example: SUBMIT - the student calls “CHA.”

Words: night, string, clock, daughter, little squirrel, stove, rocking chair, cherry, etc.

9. Solving puzzles.

Purpose of the exercise: development of logical thinking.

The speech therapist helps children solve puzzles, explaining the rules if necessary.






10. Game “Funny examples”.

Purpose of the game: development of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

You will need cards with written “example” words.

Speech therapist. Let's try to compose and solve funny examples. To do this, you need to remember that the “-” sign means “subtract, remove, subtract”, the “+” sign means “add”.

Examples are written on the board.









11. Game “Which word is hidden?”

Purpose of the exercise: development of phonemic hearing.

The speech therapist pronounces a set of sounds, but a word is hidden in this set. Students should hear it and highlight it. The speech therapist must pronounce the emphasis of the existing word.







12. Game “Remember only the first syllable of the word.”

Purpose of the exercise: development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

The exercise is performed standing. Whoever completes the task sits down.

The speech therapist asks the children to remember only the first syllable of three words spoken by him, and then combine these syllables into a new word. Riddle, cottage, enchantment – ​​TASK;

Galoshes, paws, reader - KALACHI;

Miracle, man, horse - SCARED.

13.Reading deformed sentences.

Objectives of the exercise: the ability to highlight words in a sentence in order; consolidate the visual image of letters; develop attention.

You will need large format letters with deformed sentences written along their contours.

Speech therapist. We come across sentences that are hidden in the outline of large letters. Let's read them.

Example sentences: Alice was in Wonderland. Night came quickly. The girl took water from the barrel.

14. Game exercise “Syllabic Lotto”.

Purpose of the exercise: development of syllabic analysis.

You will need pictures from lotto: swing, cup, clock, ball, key, teapot, turtle, monster, suitcase.

Speech therapist. We need to arrange the cards in 4 rows: in the first row there are pictures with names of one syllable, in the second row there are pictures with names of two syllables, etc.

15.Results of the lesson.

The speech therapist invites children to mold the letter C from plasticine and remember words that have this letter in their names.

Topic: “Differentiation of sounds Ch-Shch”


  1. To consolidate the articulatory structure and characteristics of the sounds Ch-Shch, distinguishing them in words, sentences and connected texts.
  2. Development of auditory attention, enrichment of vocabulary.
  3. Developing control and self-control skills.

Equipment: mirrors, subject and subject pictures, signal cards, punched cards, ball.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Inclusion of visual and verbal attention.
Combine parts of sayings (table):










2. Performing articulatory gymnastics exercises.
3. Subject message.
- Guys, today we will visit the residents of the Castle in the Air.

Did you guess it? That's right, these are sounds, we hear and pronounce them. And you will find out what sounds invited us to visit if you guess the riddles.

Water pours from a hot well through the nose (kettle).
- The sissies - sandals trustingly told me:
“We are afraid of the tickling of the big shoemaker...” (brushes).

Isolating the first sounds in words - guesses. Clarification of pronunciation and articulation.
- Today we will learn to clearly pronounce and distinguish the sounds Ch, Shch.
Characteristics of sounds. Comparison. Name the similarities and differences.
Correlation between sound and letter.
- We read and write letters. They live in the Book House. (reference cards with the letters Ch, Sh.):

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

4.1. Game “Tricky sounds” Changing words according to the model (with throwing the ball).
- Guys, the sounds of Ch-Shch invite us to play. They are hidden and will appear if you say the word correctly. The one to whom I throw the ball returns it to me, pronounces the right word and clearly names the sound that appeared.
For example: “Roll - I roll, sound [H].”

4.2. Work based on a series of narrative paintings.
- Guys, guess the riddle:
It wags its tail and has teeth, but does not bark (pike).
Now we will go to the lake and learn something about pike.
Pictures appear sequentially on the board.


Find in each picture objects whose names contain the sounds CH-SH. (Pike, worm, hook, stove, brick, cast iron, box, vegetables, bream, scales, bricks).

Change the words so that they contain the sounds CH-SH. (Scarf - handkerchief, bucket - bucket, float - float, fin - fin, tail - tail, apron - apron, bench - bench, board - board, carrot - carrot, onion - onion).

4.3. Learning simple phrases based on pictures.

Physical education break.

4.4. Working with punched cards

Examination. Self-control.

Read the last three words (grinder, watchmaker, cleaner).
- What do these words mean? (Professions).

4.5. Making sentences based on plot pictures (Porridge).
The sharpener sharpens knives.
A watchmaker repairs a watch.
Shoe cleaner cleans shoes.
The trainer trains the animals.
The saleswoman sells vegetables.
A glazier inserts glass.
The doctor treats children.
The postman delivers letters, newspapers, magazines.
The violinist plays the violin.

5. Summing up the lesson.
- What sounds did we visit?
- What have we learned? (Clearly pronounce and distinguish the sounds CH-SH).
Homework. Learn pure speech, clearly pronounce the sounds [Ч - Ш].

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational:

  • introduce children to the sound and letter H, teach them to relate the sound and the letter;
  • teach to characterize the sound [H] according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics;
  • fix the correct graphic image of the letter.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop gross, fine motor skills and articulatory motor skills;
  • practice dividing words into syllables;
  • develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;
  • develop attention and memory;
  • practice sound analysis of forward and backward syllables.

Correctional and educational:

  • develop the ability to work in a group, listen to the answers of comrades;
  • create an atmosphere of friendly communication.

Equipment: teaching aid “Train”; didactic manual "Suitcase"; didactic manual “Tuchka” and droplets with beeches; subject pictures whose names contain the sound Ch; colored chips for laying out the sound scheme; magnetic board; individual mirrors.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

2. Facial massage:

Mom taught her daughter to wash herself:
- I need to, I need to wash myself.
Stroking movements.
In the mornings and evenings,
Rubbing movements.
And for the unwashed children
Pinching movements.
Shame and disgrace!
Stroking movements.

3. Development of articulatory motor skills.


The lips are tightly stretched in a smile, closed teeth are visible. Hold for a count of 5-10.


The lips are tightly closed and extended forward. Hold for a count of 5-10.


Smile, open your mouth slightly. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold for a count of 5.

"Delicious jam"

Lick the “jam” from your upper lip with the wide tip of your tongue. Don't help with your lower lip.

Smile, open your mouth slightly and stroke the roof of your mouth with the wide tip of your tongue, moving back and forth. The lower jaw is motionless.


The mouth is open. Place the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, then behind the upper teeth. Change position 6 times.

4. Report the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, a guest is rushing to our classes today. But he will show up if we solve the riddle.

What kind of miracle?
What kind of miracle?
On top of the dish
Below is a dish.
A miracle is walking along the road,
The head sticks out and the legs.
Who is this?

Children: Turtle.

Speech therapist: What sound do we hear at the beginning of a word?

Today we will get acquainted with the sound [Х] and the letter that represents it in writing.

A picture of a turtle is attached to a magnetic board.

5. Clarification of sound articulation.

Speech therapist: Look in the mirrors. How does the locomotive rush?

Children pronounce the sound [H].

Speech therapist: Let's tell the turtle how our lips and tongue move when pronouncing the sound [H].

Children reflectively repeat after the speech therapist.

What do lips do? The lips take the “Tube” position.

How are the teeth located? The teeth are open.

How is the tongue positioned? The tip of the tongue is at the top, the lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed to the root teeth.

Place your palm in front of your mouth.

The air stream is warm, strong and intermittent.

6. Characteristics of sound Ch.

Speech therapist: Say the sound Ch again.

Can I sing it?

What prevents the air from escaping freely?

Children: Teeth, tongue.

Speech therapist: Is the sound Ch a vowel or a consonant?

Children: I agree.

Speech therapist: Place your hand on the neck. Determine whether the sound Ch is voiced or unvoiced.

Children: The neck is silent. This means that the sound Ch is unvoiced.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys. And you also need to remember that the sound Ch is always soft. The turtle brought us a green circle - the designation of the sound Ch.

7. Definition of sound in a word.

Speech therapist: Clap your hands if you hear the sound Ch in the word.

Tea, seagull, T-shirt, cup, porridge, song, stove, dot, night, knife, daughter, sword, chalk, roll.

8. Determining the place of sound in a word.

Speech therapist: The turtle is getting ready for a trip and asks us to help her pack her suitcases.

In the first suitcase you need to put things in the name of which the sound Ch is at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle of the word, in the third - at the end of the word.

Children select pictures: cup, key, fishing rod, ball, glasses, slippers, pen, kettle, washcloth.

9. Finger gymnastics.

Performed first with the right hand, then with the left hand, then with both hands together. The fingers of the hand alternately touch the thumb with their pads.

This finger is grandma
This finger is grandpa
This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

10. Word formation exercise “Say kindly.”

Speech therapist: Our turtle goes to his friends at the zoo. She loves the cubs of these animals very much and calls them affectionately. Let's try to do this too.

The she-wolf has a cub.
A hedgehog has a little hedgehog.
The horse has a foal.
The bear has a cub.
The lioness has a lion cub.
The squirrel has a baby squirrel.
The doe has a fawn.
The ewe has a lamb.

11. Dividing words into syllables. Didactic game "Train".

Speech therapist: The turtle is not going on a trip alone. Her friends will go with her. We will find out who it is if we solve the riddles.

Flew over the lawn
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

Black, agile,
Shouts "Krak"
The enemy of worms.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
He took off and flew away.

Speech therapist: Clap the words syllable by syllable and find out who will ride in which carriage.

Which carriage will the turtle travel in?

Children clap the words syllable by syllable and attach the pictures to the corresponding cars.

12. Physical education minute

Speech therapist: The turtle loves playing with the ball. Let us also play ball and show how dexterous we are.

Kolobok (with a ball).

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman
In a clearing by the river
And they loved it very much
Koloboks with sour cream.

Although the grandmother has little strength,
Grandma kneaded the dough.
Well, grandma's granddaughter
She rolled the bun in her hands.
Came out smooth, came out smooth,

Not salty and not sweet.
Very round, very tasty,
It's sad to even eat it.
The gray mouse ran
- Oh! What Kolobochek smells like!
Give the mouse at least a piece.
Kolobochka ran away
He galloped along the path.


Stand with the ball behind your back, tilt to the right, left.
Stand with the ball in front of you.
Pass the ball from one hand to the other.
Sit down, ball below.
Roll the ball on the floor.
Stand up and transfer the ball from one hand to the other.
Ball on the floor, running around the ball.
Leaning towards the ball.
Stand, hit the ball off the floor and catch it with both hands.

13. Introducing the letter Ch. Didactic game “Cloud”.

Speech therapist: Children, the turtle brought us a letter that represents the sound Ch in writing - this is the letter Ch. Look what this letter looks like?

H is like four,
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters.
Children make the letter H using counting sticks.

Speech therapist: A big cloud came over and it began to rain. There are puddles everywhere. But the rain is unusual - in every drop there are letters and in every puddle there are letters (in each puddle there is one letter a, o, y, and). Name what letters you see in the puddles.

Children name letters.

Speech therapist: What sounds do these letters represent and why?

Children: These letters represent vowel sounds, because the air does not meet a barrier in the mouth, these sounds can be sung.

Speech therapist: Select only those drops with the letter H on them and lower them into the puddle before the vowel, read the syllables.

Children read the resulting straight syllables - cha, cho, chu, chi and conduct a sound-letter analysis (lay out green and red circles).

Speech therapist: Place a drop with the letter CH after the vowel, read the syllables.

Children lay out the resulting reverse syllables - ach, och, uch, ich and conduct a sound-letter analysis of these syllables.

14. Pronouncing pure sayings with movement.

Children, under the guidance of a speech therapist, pronounce the following phrases:

Cha-cha-cha - there is a candle on the table. The left hand lies on the table, the right hand is bent at the elbow, raised up, the elbow is on the table.

Chi-chi-chi - we sat around the candle. Two palms are closed at chest level, describe a circle and connect again.

Chu-chu-chu - I’ll light a candle now. Arms are bent at the elbows, elbows are on the table. Clench and unclench the fingers on both hands.

Che-che-che - we drank tea by candlelight. Imitate the movement with the leading hand.

Cha-cha-cha - the whole candle burned out. Both arms are bent at the elbows, the elbows are on the table, then the children place their hands on top of each other on the table.

15. Game “Agree a Word.”

Speech therapist: The turtle wanted to play with you,
You never get bored with true friends.
She will start, and you finish,
Insert the desired word.

Pour it quickly
Hot in my glass... (tea).

We are on a narrow plank
Let's run to swim in ... (river).

The bear found honey in the forest -
Little honey, a lot... (bees).

Our Tanya is crying loudly,
Dropped it into the river... (ball).

16. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: What sound did we meet in class? What sound is this? What did you like? The turtle also really enjoyed studying and playing with you. She gives you a flower, in the petals of which you will have to draw pictures whose names contain the sound Ch, determine the place of the sound in the word and determine the number of syllables.

Kudakova Tatyana Mikhailovna,
teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d/s No. 32,
MBDOU d/s No. 16, Arzamas

Ekaterina Kozlova
Lesson summary “Sound and letter Ch”


TARGET CLASSES: Discrimination and clear pronunciation sound Ch in sound combinations, syllables, words, phrases. Getting to know letter H.


Learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes -ichk, -echk, etc.;

Introduce letter H;

Strengthen your pronunciation skills sound Ch in sound combinations, syllables, words, phrases;

Improve your skill sound analysis and synthesis of two-syllable words with consonant clusters;

Continue to acquaint children with the method of word formation of nouns with the suffix -ich;

Exercise children in conjugating the verb to want;

Exercise children in composing and reading words with letter H.


Develop speech breathing;

Develop phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, memory, attention,


Develop visual and spatial gnosis;

Develop fine motor skills, general in combination with speech.


Cultivate endurance and the ability to help each other.


ball, objects with sound Ch(glasses, watch, pen, cup, turtle, glove, key, barrel, picture of a pen, card with an image letters H, magnetic alphabet, chips for laying out patterns, velvet paper, strings for laying out letters H, felt-tip pens, cards with hidden men between others letters letters H, chest, handles for a surprise.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the office. Greet guests.


There are nice children in our group. I want to call everyone affectionately.

1). Angelina, Dima will call themselves affectionately (Angelinochka, Dimochka,

2). Dasha, Katya, Christina will affectionately call their neighbor....

3). Katya will affectionately call Dasha, Andrey - Styopa, Styopa - Andrey.


The train rushes and hisses,

And the wheels are knocking;

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu!

I knock, I knock, I knock!

I'll upgrade everyone in no time!

Have you guessed which one? sound are we going to talk today? (We'll talk about sound Ch) .

Right. We will repeat sound Ch, and get to know letter H. And will help us test your knowledge "Fun Train". (Point to him).

To hit the road "Joy Train" need to do the exercise.


We inhale through our nose and as we exhale we say once sound Ch(Ch, Ch, Ch. Repeat 3 times).

4. FIRST STATION "SYLLABLE". (Pronunciation sound Ch in sound combinations, syllables, words).


First let's remember what we know about sound Ch. Which one sound? (Consonant, soft, voiceless). Why do you think that consonant sound? (Not sung).

How to check if this is deaf sound or sonorous? (Throat does not tremble).

How sound H is different from others sounds? (The sound h is always soft) .

D/game "Repeat after me". Repeating syllabics tracks:





And now only the one I ask answers. The others are listening.


5. STATION "AFTERNESS". The use of diminutive suffixes. D/ball game "Call me kindly":






Standing at the station "Magic chest". You need to get items out of it, find each item its own trailer. To do this, we will divide words into syllables.

D/game “Divide words into syllables”:

The first trailer will carry words with one syllable.

In a trailer with two windows there will be words in which? (Two syllables).

Will the next trailer contain words? (of 3 syllables).

Will words get into the last carriage? (Which have 4 syllables).

(Children lay out the items near the desired trailer. We check the correctness. The chest is empty. We completed the task.).

7. SOUND - LETTER ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF WORDS. We can move on. It's a long drive, we say sound Exhale many times (Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch). The train brought you to the station "SCHOOL"– she’s the last one.

To sit in your seat you need to say your password. Give your son's middle name. D/game

“Name your son’s middle name”:

Gleb has a son - Glebovich Ivan has a son - Ivanovich

Peter has a son - Petrovich Vasily has a son - Vasilyevich

Sergei has a son - Sergeevich Maxim has a son - Maksimovich

Andrey has a son - Andreevich Oleg has a son - Olegovich

(Tag children).


I want to go to school.

You want to go to school.

He wants to go to school.

She wants to go to school.

They want to go to school.

All: We want to go to school.

Making a proposal outline "We want to go to school". Angelina draws up a proposal diagram on a flannelgraph at the board.

Compare your diagram with the diagram on the flannelgraph. Check with each other.

How many words are there in a sentence? Name 1 word, 2 word, 3, 4 word,

the last word (Children show on their diagram). Give a pretext

show on the diagram. (REMOVE CHIPS).


Let's play our favorite game "Catch the scattered word". Prepared palms: A, CH, J – TEA; O, CH, I, K – GLASSES; R, U, CH, K, A – HANDLE

The picture HANDLE is displayed.


I suggest you post a diagram of the word HANDLE (Children post and check with each other).

We call everything sounds in order, we show it with our finger on the diagram.

Look at the diagram and tell how many vowels are in the word sounds? (2) Which? (U, A).

How many consonants sounds? (3) Name (R, H, K).

Name a soft consonant sound, show it on the diagram (H).

(Well done, you did all the tasks well).



(Children leave the tables and stand in a circle).





(Repeat the game 2 times).



Exhibited letter H.

What does it look like letter H? (To number 4).





Guys, which way is he looking? letter H? (To the left).

Which the sound is indicated by the letter Ch? (Sound Ch) .

D/game "Lay it out letter» (On velvet paper).

The first row lays out letter C made from circles.

The second row is made of threads. (Check each other).

D/game « The letter got lost» .

Please find and circle letter H, check each other's progress.


And now you and I will be wizards. First we find letter H, put it in the lower right corner, we will need it (Checking).


We lay out the word TURNIP. What word did you post? We read it individually (Children answer).


With a magical wave of our hand we will replace in the word TURNIP letter P to letter H.

What word did you get? (Children read one at a time).


Think about what word you get if you replace the letter E is the letter U(Children call it - HANDLE).

We check, replace letter, read the word.

Celebrate children's successes.


Station "School" was the last one. All tasks have been completed. Let's remember what we did. Children call. I TAKE THE CHEST.

Our chest was empty. Let's see. Empty. But he's magical. We are wizards. We say a spell. We find HANDS in the chest.

Kirill -

Dasha R. –

Dasha K. –

Nikita –

Stepan –

Children receive pens and go to the group.

Zhernakova Nadezhda Leonidovna
Summary of speech therapy lesson “Sound [H]”

Speech therapy lesson notes.

Topic: “Sound h”

Target: automate the sound Ch in forward and reverse syllables, words, sentences, text on lexical material on the topic: “Utensils, food products.”


Educational: consolidation of knowledge about the mechanism of sound formation [Ч], its acoustic features. Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the phoneme [Ч] in isolated form, in syllables, in words, sentences. Consolidating vocabulary on the topic: “Dishes, food.”

Corrective: development and strengthening of speech motor skills. Strengthening conditioned reflex connections to the articulatory structure of the sound [H], Development and consolidation of phonemic hearing to the acoustic image of a given phoneme, development of the skill of sound-syllable analysis, word formation skill. Development of stability of attention, visual-spatial perception, visual memory, formation of self-control skills.

Educational: cultivate kindness, responsiveness, perseverance, hard work, determination.

Equipment: mirror, syllabic paths, cards with letters, object pictures, wire, syllable paths and tables, articulation toy frog, grasshopper, articulation profile, various schemes, noisy letter H, bags of cereals, container with cucumber and apple, play set for children "Shop" and "Kitchen"

Progress of the lesson.

1 Organizational moment Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood. Involve children in work from the first minutes of class.

Hello children.

Raise your right hand up (there is a clothespin on your right hand, and lower your left hand down. Right hand to the side, and left forward.

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

If you guess the riddle, you will find out the topic of the lesson

A violinist lives in the meadow.

All green, he gallops around. (grasshopper)

How does a grasshopper chirp? Ch-ch-ch.

Today we will study the sound Ch and the letter Ch. (Students guess the riddle, determine the topic of the lesson “Sound Ch”)

3. Articulation gymnastics

Goal: development and improvement of articulatory motor skills; formation of rules for oral exhalation.

The grasshopper woke up, opened the window and went out onto the porch, and there came a frog - a voracious belly. Let's do the tongue exercises correctly so that the frog doesn't eat the blacksmith.

“Smile”, “Pancake”, “Sail”. “Cup”, “Swing”, “Clock”

(Children perform articulation exercises with an articulation doll “Frog” and elements of bioenergoplasty)

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound. Goal: Consolidation of isolated sound in onomatopoeia, development and improvement of articulatory motor skills

How the grasshopper chirps Ch-Ch-Ch. The grasshopper is glad that you saved him and began to sing his song. Let's sing along with the grasshopper. I will start the word, and you and the grasshopper will “squeal louder” to finish it:

key meh. But. kli. bricks. bake... gr... (Children finish the last sound. (choral, group, chain, individual).

5. Analysis of articulation according to plan.

Articulation, characteristics of sound [H] according to plan - diagram.

Lips are rounded.

Teeth are close together.

The tongue is located at the top behind the upper teeth; when exhaling, the tip of the tongue sharply rebounds from the palate.

The air stream is warm, the air comes out with a push. (Children analyze the articulation of the sound Ch according to plan using an articulation profile, a diagram on the hand, an articulatory frog doll)

6. Sound characteristics. Goal: To develop the ability to analyze the sequence of necessary operations.

The sound Ch is consonant because there is a barrier.

The sound Ch is soft, so let's denote it with what color clothespin?

The sound Ch is a consonant, dull, always soft. Children, according to the reference diagram, characterize the sound Ch

We denote H with a green clothespin.

7. Connection of sound with letter. Goal: development of fine motor skills, visual perception.

What letter in writing represents the sound Ch?

Use a green clothespin to show the correctly written letter H

Children attach green clothespins to the correctly written letter H.

8. Fixing sound in syllables. Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables. Goal: Improving syllabic synthesis. Development of intonation expressiveness of speech, spelling vigilance.

One day the letter H with vowels was resting on a river. They sang songs cha, chu, che, chi (sad, joyful). And then the letter H decided to take a swim. Suddenly a strong wind blew, waves rose, and the letter H began to sink. She screamed: “Help! Help!" On the shore lay the letter I and the letter Y. The important letter I and Yu just raised their heads, looked and continued to lie. And Letter A and U jumped up and rushed to help. The letter C extended one hand to the letter A, and the other to the letter U and pulled her to the shore. Since then, the letter H has been friends with the letters A and U.


How should you behave on a river or lake? TB on a pond. (Students pronounce syllable chains with different intonations. Using clothespins, lay out a diagram of the syllables)

9. Consolidating the sound Ch in words on the lexical topic “Dishes, food”. Sound-syllable analysis of words.

The letter H offers to complete the task.

How can we call in one word what is on the shelves? - dishes

List what dishes are on the top shelf. Children: Teaware.

This utensil is needed to drink tea. It is called tea utensils. Repeat this name.

Name the dishes that are on the bottom shelf. - Pot, frying pan, ladle, colander, apron.

These utensils are needed in the kitchen. Food is prepared in it. It's called kitchen utensils. Repeat this name too. Which item is missing? - An extra word is an apron, because it is clothing.

Selection of sound schemes for pictures. What kind of dishes are hidden in this diagram?

(Children, with the help of sound patterns-clothespins, will find out which dishes are hidden in this pattern.)

Working with forms (on stencils of dishes (cup, teapot) insert the vowels A, U into words.

10. Physical education minute. Goal: relieving emotional and physical stress. Development of coordination of movements of arms and legs.

This is a teapot - here! (Children stand with one hand bent like the spout of a teapot, the other held on their belt)

I have a big belly. (Tummy is inflated)

I'm boiling tea: (Stomp with both feet)

I want to drink tea with you. (Make inviting movements with their right hand)

11. Game “What has changed? Goal: Pronunciation of the sound Ch in words on the lexical topic “Dishes, food”. Development of word formation skills. Development of attention stability. Development of sound-letter analysis, development of visual perception, visual memory, ability to compose sentences, formation of self-control and socialization skills.

Look again at the top shelf and remember what is on it, and then close your eyes.

The speech therapist removes the kettle.

What's missing?

Right. I'll put the kettle back. Close your eyes again.

The speech therapist replaces the red cups with blue ones.

What has changed now?

The exercise is repeated 3-4 more times. The speech therapist changes places, removes and adds dishes.

Speech therapist: -We have dishes, but what else is needed to prepare food?

Where can I buy products?

Now you go to the store and

Katya will buy buckwheat.

Zhenya - eggs.

Olya is an apple.

Role-playing game “Shop in"

“Guess the product by touch”: grains of rice, peas, buckwheat - in different bags. An apple, balls of different sizes, an egg - in one bag.

Role-playing game "Cooks" ta"

What do you call a person who cooks food?

Now you will be cooks (cooks).

You need to prepare porridge, scrambled eggs, compote from purchased products.

Who prepared what? – Buckwheat porridge – buckwheat porridge, apple compote – apple compote, eggs – scrambled eggs, cucumber salad – cucumber salad

12. Summary of the lesson. Goal: development of short-term memory.

Today we learned to correctly pronounce what sound?

Let's remember, when you pronounce the sound [H], what does the tongue do? Lips? Teeth? Air stream? Vocal folds? What subjects were they talking about? – (Today we learned to correctly pronounce the sound Ch. Explain the correct articulation of the sound Ch)

13. Assessing children’s work in class. Goal: To form adequate self-esteem.

Reflection. It's time for us to say goodbye. You worked very well today! You are excellent at the sound of Ch in syllables, words, and sentences. Well done!

Who found it easy (difficult) during the lesson? (Evaluate their work in class using emoticons)