Jellied pie with apricots is delicious food. Jellied pie with apricots. With frozen apricots

Detailed description: Caesar salad with bacon and chicken recipe from the chef for gourmets and housewives from various sources.


    • 150 g romaine lettuce
    • 200 g boiled or grilled chicken breast fillet
    • 100 g multi-colored cherry tomatoes
    • 30 g hard aged cheese, preferably Parmesan
    • 100 g of delicious day-old wheat bread
    • 3-4 slices bacon
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • olive oil
    • salt, freshly ground black pepper

    for the sauce

    • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil"extra virgin"
    • 150 homemade mayonnaise
    • 150 g natural yogurt
    • 20 g capers
    • 20 g Dijon mustard without grains
    • 20 g parmesan
    • 60 g anchovies
    • 20 g olives


    Step 1

    To prepare croutons from bread, cut off the crusts, cut into 1x1 cm cubes. Mix garlic, passed through a press, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. water or vegetable/chicken broth. Season with salt and pepper. Add the bread and shake the bowl to combine. Place the bread in a dry, heated frying pan and dry for 2 minutes.

    Step 2

    Cut the chicken into slices. Cut the tomatoes in half. Cut or tear the lettuce leaves into medium pieces. Grate the cheese.

    Step 3

    Fry the bacon with 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil until lightly crisp. Cut into small pieces.

    Step 4

    For the dressing, beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Place lettuce, croutons, and tomatoes in a large bowl or salad bowl. Pour over the sauce. Add chicken and bacon. Sprinkle with cheese. Serve

    Cooking time

    Number of servings

    Difficulty of preparation


    Lunch, Lunch


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    Traditional salads

    Mimosa, Olivier, Herring under a fur coat, Caesar, Greek, Niçoise, Forshmak are our favorite salads...

    Salads - recipes

    There are suitable salad recipes for every meal, for every occasion and at any time of the year. Because …

    Caesar Salad – Recipes

    Now Caesar salad recipes in our country are no less popular than Olivier salad was once. Salad idea...

    Salad - obligatory cold culinary dish(sometimes served as an appetizer), which we serve before the main course for everyday and festive table. One of the most popular salads, which is served in any cafe and even in the most expensive restaurants, is Caesar. There are many options for preparing Caesar salad. It is prepared with shrimp and seafood, red fish, meat or poultry and of course bacon. There are so many to choose from - right? The main and important ingredients of Caesar salad are: lettuce leaves, grated cheese parmesan, wheat croutons (croutons) and Caesar dressing (sauce). Today I wanted to tell you how to cook delicious and quite light salad Caesar with fried chicken and bacon. To say that it’s delicious is to say nothing... The salad that I prepared for my next birthday turned out to be so tasty that it flew off the large dish almost instantly. Great salad, which will appeal to even the stronger sex.


    • Lettuce leaves - 1 pack.
    • Cherry tomatoes - 300 gr.
    • Quail eggs - 10 pcs.
    • Bacon - 100 gr.
    • Chicken fillet (breasts) - 2 pcs. (from one breast)
    • Crackers (croutons) - 1 pack. (or homemade crackers)
    • Caesar sauce (ready) - 1 pack.
    • Parmesan cheese - 50-80 gr.
    • Vegetable oil - for frying chicken breast
    • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • 01.09.2014

    Caesar salad with chicken and bacon - This is a classic of Italian cuisine. They also make it in almost every eatery, cafe or restaurant. Every time I order a Caesar somewhere, the dish served turns out to be a surprise. It is impossible to predict what it will look like this time, because each cook makes it differently, adds something new, puts shrimp and salmon instead of chicken and bacon, or adds tomatoes. Today I will tell you how to make the perfect Caesar salad, classic, with bacon and with chicken. I collected several recipes into one, took a little from Jamie Oliver, a little from the restaurant where I used to work and added some of my own. As for me, practically nothing can be better :)


    • - 300 g (pancetta would be good)
    • - hips - 4 pcs.
    • - Cherry - 200 gr
    • - Iceberg lettuce - 0.5 small head
    • - white - 6 pieces
    • - melted - 100 g (Viola type)
    • - 100 g (recipe link will follow
    • - or sour cream - 1 tbsp (a link to the recipe will follow)
    • - 1 clove
    • - Parmesan - 30 gr
    • - wine or lemon juice- 1 tbsp
    • - olive

    Cooking method

    First of all, let's deal with the meat. We will not fry it, not boil it, but bake it, so we turn on the oven at full power for 10 minutes so that it heats up well. At this time I wash chicken thighs and wipe it well paper towel. Usually they put it in Caesar salad with bacon and chicken. chicken fillet, but I think that thighs or legs are much better: they are more juicy and meaty. Rub them on all sides with salt, black pepper, rosemary, olive oil and place on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the oven on average level, close, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and leave to bake for 45 minutes. Now let's make Caesar dressing. Classic Caesar dressing is made with the addition of anchovies, but this time I didn’t have them, and I don’t really like their flavor in this salad, so I made it without them. But if you really want to, you can, of course, add anchovies. Take 2-3 pieces and grind in a mortar. I'll start right away with homemade mayonnaise. I made it ahead of time, you can do it too using this recipe. Place it in a deep container or mortar with the anchovies. Squeeze the garlic into it and mix everything well, grinding until smooth. Finely grate Parmesan, pour wine vinegar or squeeze half a lemon, pour 3 times more olive oil, remember that the golden mean for salad dressing is lemon juice: olive oil - 1:3. Mix everything very well, you should get a creamy consistency.
    Now you need to toast. Let's take it White bread and cut it into thin pieces. It may not be the freshest, but it will still turn out delicious.
    Toast the pieces of bread in a toaster, in a frying pan or in the oven. I have a small oven, in which they are fried for about 5 minutes. But I advise you to fry one piece first, see how long it takes, and then add the rest. For example, I didn’t do this, and one piece of bread burned.
    Now let's move on to the cherry tomatoes. When buying these tomatoes, don’t skimp, buy a little more expensive ones, they will be much sweeter and tastier than their cheap counterparts.
    We wash them, separate them from the branches and cut them in half.
    Take bacon or pancetta and cut it into very thin long pieces. It's best to buy bacon that's already been cut in a slicer, but if you don't have that, it's no problem either, just be very careful.
    When the chicken thighs have been in the oven for 45 minutes, open it and spread the bacon over the surface of the meat so that during the cooking process its juices and fat flow out onto the top. Close the oven and leave for another 10-15 minutes until the bacon is browned.
    Now let's get to the croutons. You usually see regular croutons or croutons at Caesar's, but I'll tell you how to make amazingly delicious croutons with pesto sauce and melted cheese. Let's start making sandwiches. In total, we fried 6 slices of bread, so spread a thin layer of melted cheese on 3 of them, and pesto sauce on the remaining 3. I already told you how to cook it once, so look at the recipe. Please note that the layers should be thin. At first I thought the opposite, so in the end the filling of the “sandwiches” leaked out a little on the sides.
    Place the halves into one “sandwich” and cut crosswise into 4 pieces. As a result, you will get a lot of such lovely and incredibly tasty croutons with a savory filling.
    Most likely, by this time both the chicken and bacon will be cooked. They should look something like this:
    We take them out of the oven and begin to separate the poultry meat from the bones. This should happen fairly easily because the chicken is cooked well. We cut or tear into chaotic pieces of medium size.
    It's time to assemble the salad. Take a large bowl and tear the iceberg lettuce into it with your hands.
    Add chopped cherry tomatoes.
    Place chicken fillet on top.
    Pour Caesar sauce over everything, stirring it again.
    Mix the salad well so that the ingredients are evenly coated with the sauce.
    We take large plates and place the finished part of the salad in heaps. Place pieces of baked bacon or pachetta on top, take a vegetable peeler and use it to grate thin slices of Parmesan cheese on top. Place croutons with Pesto sauce and melted cheese next to it, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and serve.
    Caesar salad with chicken and bacon ready! Enjoy your food!

    5 stars - based on 2 review(s)

    I will say without false modesty that pie with fresh apricots is the best for cooking in the oven on a quick fix, and the recipe is very easy. Everyone in my family loves it, they usually can't wait for it to cool completely! Believe me, this is the most delicious and simple apricot pie that comes out so quickly.

    I just love baked goods where you don’t need to mix for a long time, step by step. a large number of components, and the result always comes out amazing.

    As soon as I start baking it, amazing smells begin to waft through the kitchen and you can literally feel the scent of summer. Overall, this pie is just a bomb, I recommend it to everyone! That's all about it: sweet and sour, tender, aromatic, airy, with top layer, soaked in fruit juice.
    Due to the addition of butter, the dough turns out heavy and very tasty, like for muffins, similar to a moist fluffy sponge cake. If you don’t add it, you will get something like charlotte, but I think that then it will be a little dry.

    Apricot pie can be prepared in any baking pan of suitable size, be it Teflon or silicone. I have the usual one for baking - a round detachable one with a diameter of 24 cm.
    And now I will finally tell you how to prepare this miracle: take the recipe!

    For the base:

    • wheat flour – 200 grams;
    • butter – 120 grams;
    • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
    • chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
    • baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
    • vanilla essence – 1 teaspoon;
    • salt – 1/8 teaspoon;
    • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

    For filling:

    • medium apricots - 12-13 pieces.

    How to make apricot pie

    Beat sugar and butter until smooth and creamy.

    Add eggs to the resulting mixture one at a time, beating thoroughly each time.

    Add vanilla essence and stir.

    Carefully sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen, in which case the baked goods will be of the highest quality.

    Add flour along with salt and baking powder, knead into a thick, but not stiff, dough.

    Pour the dough into the mold and level it with a spatula or a regular spoon.

    Cut the washed apricots in half and remove the pits.

    Place the fruit halves in an even layer on the dough, skin side down. Apricots should not sink, but simply lie near the surface.

    Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 40 minutes, this time is approximate, be guided by the characteristics of your oven. Check readiness wooden stick, for example, a match.

    Remove the finished pie from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar to form an even layer through a strainer while it is still warm. This is necessary so that the powder “sticks” well.

    That's it, the delicious pie with fresh apricots is ready! You can slice, serve and treat your friends!

    I will share with you some cooking tips:

    1. Butter should be used softened to room temperature.
    2. In this recipe, without compromising the taste, you can replace vanilla essence with 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar;
    3. Instead of apricots, plums, peaches or nectarines are perfect here; in winter you can use canned ones.
    4. Instead of baking powder, I often use homemade baking powder made from baking soda and citric acid, and I never use slaked soda with vinegar anymore.
    5. The test volume is designed for round shape with a diameter of 21-24 cm or square with a side of 20 cm.
    6. Before pouring the dough into the mold, it is better to grease it with butter or cover it with parchment paper, so that later it will be more convenient to remove the finished pie.
    7. If the apricots are not ripe enough, you can sprinkle a little sugar on top of the baked goods before putting them in the oven.

    Our family likes to eat baked goods with cold milk, and if guests come, I serve it with vanilla ice cream - it looks like a real restaurant dessert. This is how you can easily arrange a small pleasant tea party for yourself and your family during the day, stop the passing of time and enjoy the moment. After all, who will spoil us with goodies if not ourselves?

    Try making my apricot pie, it will definitely be a success and then you are guaranteed grateful applause from your household! The video below shows how to do this easily and in no time. a short time.

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