Tasks for differentiating sounds from c. Differentiation of sounds S-C. outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Development of a sense of rhythm

Marina Trufanova
Abstract of GCD on the sound culture of speech “Differentiation of sounds [s] - [ts]”

Abstract of GCD on the sound culture of speech.

Subject: « Sound differentiation [s], [ts]".

Program content:

1. Exercise children differentiate sounds [s], [ts] by ear and in one’s own speeches, clearly pronounce words and phrases with these sounds.

2. Practice determining position sound in a word.

3. Strengthen the ability to change tempo speech and voice power, improve speech breathing and diction.

4. Cultivate attention and activity

Equipment: magnetic board, typesetting canvas, frame with four windows, individual cards, Pictures: elephant, heron, table, hare; game bag, items: cucumber, egg, number, chair, pepper, paints, plane, bus, clock, chicken, wheel, motorcycle.

GCD move:

1. Psycho-gymnastics

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together,

And we will smile at our guests!

2. Articulation gymnastics

1) Exercise "Smile".

We pull our lips straight to our ears,

We smile at each other.

(The exercise is performed 5-6 times, the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are exposed)

2) Exercise "Tube"

I imitate an elephant -

I pull my lips with my trunk.

(The exercise is performed 5-6 times, with teeth closed)

Alternating exercises "smile" And "tube" 5 times.

3. Riddles.

1) There is a lot of power in him,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

It’s as if the nose has been growing for a thousand years. (Elephant)

From what sound begins the word"elephant"? (With)

Now say sound with a drawl. What does it look like? (on sound of a deflating balloon)

- Let's show: inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, saying sound with.

Come up with words that have sound with. (called)

(Dream, plum, sun, son, sled, strength, table, chair, glass, wall, page, badger, class)

Now listen to the other one riddle:

2) stands on one leg,

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

From what sound begins the word"heron"? (ts)

Try saying it out loud sound ts. (pronounce)

What is this one like? sound? (As a grasshopper chirps)

Let's all chirp like grasshoppers.

Make up words with sound ts.

(Heron, chicken, number, dial, tsitsarka, king, circus, starling, end, sample)

4. Pure statements.

Now let's learn how to speak straight talk with sounds s and c.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox lives in the forest.

With which the sound of a pure tongue? (With)

Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg

With which the sound of a pure tongue? (ts)

(Children speak one at a time, in chorus, quickly and slowly)

5. Game “Listen - and make no mistake!”

You hear and distinguish well sounds s and c. Now listen and find out these sounds in words. On sound s - girls clap their hands, on sound ts - boys stomp their feet.

(Dog, elephant, flower, heron, wasp, fox, ring, mustache, face, fighter)

6. Working with cards (at the tables)

Typesetting canvas, frame with four windows, picture "table".

Finger gymnastics "Scissors".

Our fingers turned into scissors. The fingers of the left and right hands are tightly closed, we alternately move apart and move each finger on the hand - "cut" paper, we say "scissors".

Guys, listen to the riddle.

There are four legs under the roof,

And on the roof - soup and spoons

Where is the table in the word? sound sound with? (at the beginning of a word)

(to the first)

Guys, look, did Pasha put the picture correctly? Why?

Guys, guess riddle:

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots (hare)

Where is the hare in the word? sound ts? (at the end of a word)

So we put the picture in which window? (last)

(One child performs on a typesetting canvas, the rest at the table.

Guys, look, did Anya put the picture correctly? Why?

7. Physical education minute.

We are going into the autumn forest. (Children perform movements according to the text)

We are going to the autumn forest

Plenty this time of year

In that forest of miracles!

We walk along the path -

Raise your legs higher!

On the leaves - on the toes,

Over bumps - on the heels.

Hands stretched out to the sun,

Blow on a piece of fluff,

Variegated leaves flicker,

Like butterflies fly

And they fall to the ground

8. Game "Wonderful bag".

Now let's play a game "Wonderful bag". I have various items in my bag. You need to recognize them by touch, name them correctly and say which one sound– s or c - is heard in the word.

(Cucumber, egg, number, chair, pepper, paints, plane, bus, clock, chicken, wheel, motorcycle)

9. Continue the sentence.

Guys, listen carefully now. I will pronounce the sentence, but I will not finish the last word. This word must have sound s or ts. You will finish it yourself.

The sun is shining through our window...

I hear, fox, about your...miracles.

A long-legged heron lives in a swamp.

Long-eared...hares are jumping on the lawn.

The car has four...wheels.

10. Tongue twisters.

Listen and repeat patter:

Water flows from a nearby well all day long.

One by one (2-3 people)

Let's repeat in chorus.

Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.

One by one (2-3 people)

Let's repeat in chorus.

12. Summing up:

With which we worked with sounds today?

What did you like?

Well done boys. In the next lesson we will introduce you to sound sh.

tsa – sa os – ots ots – os atsu – asu

sa – tsa is – its its – isasu – atsu

atsa – asa tso – so us – uts uts – us

asa – atsa so – tso es – ets ec – es

ats – as atso – aso tsu – su ys – yts

yats – yas aso – atso su – tsu tsy – sy

atsy – asy yts – ys as – yats sy – tsy

asy - atsy yas - yats

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Please note that the combination “ts” is pronounced “ts”

Knitting needle, tit, fox, capital, sister, ladder, caterpillar, sugar bowl, little word, little letter, arctic fox, starlings, eyelashes, salty little word, sun, scene, month, arctic fox, lead, station, beauty, seven-colored, clutch, chintz, oil, ladder, proverb, column, letter, insomnia, writer, wanderer, sleeps, dreams, laughs, sits down, bites, descends, is ashamed, gives up.

Sheep - oats, pollen - stripe, heron - saber, ring - wheel, clatter - falcon, to the face - fox, to the ring - to the wheel, chick-chick - rash-rash, sheep - braids, short - blond, tut - sprinkle , ends - noses, eyelashes - hair, craftsmen - rails, goal - jelly, whole - gray, valuable - autumn, prices - hay, strain - angry, virgin soil - gray hair, color - light, goals - sat down, flower - light, reign - litter, clink - juice, intact - sat down, bam - bass.

A whole glass. Broken tree. Motley chicken. Fresh water. Cowardly hare. Brave fighters. Strong blacksmiths. The fox has cubs. Sima's dress is made of chintz. Sonya dropped the sugar bowl. Father wrote a letter. Senya has brown hair and light eyelashes. Syoma drank a whole glass of juice. The sun will peep into our window.

All unfamiliar words must be explained to the child.

A tit was sitting on an acacia tree. The starling brought the caterpillar. The spoke in the chariot is not big. Clean fellow: no goats, no sheep. The sun shone all day. September is an autumn month. The chicken laid an egg. The hare has a short tail. The moon was shining through the window. The lilacs bloomed in May. The children were in camp for a whole month. The brave man is not afraid of death, the brave man shuns death. The blacksmith finally ate the Varenets.

Explain to your child the words: chariot, short, avoid, Varenets.

The sun will also peek into our window. He who loves to work cannot sit idle. The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress, the beauty of the birch tree has green braids. A tit sits on a pine tree, a fox sits under a pine tree. If the fox had not arrived in time, the sheep would have eaten the wolf. He who is brave is safe. Flowers should not bloom in the snow.

Not every bird flies high. The sun sets - the lazy person is having fun. And the moon shines when there is no sun. Everything changes in the world, but the truth remains. Poor chickens can't sleep if they dream about a fox. I picked oats for the sheep; Eat your oats quickly, sheep. They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep. The bird is not big, but loud. It's fun to sing, it's fun to spin. Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle

Learn a poem

- Finger - boy, where have you been?

“I went into the forest with this brother.”

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother.

I sang songs with this brother.

Learn riddles

I brought the sun

At your window,

I hung it from the ceiling -

It immediately became fun.


It's not a bird that's sitting on a branch,

There is a red tail, but not a fox.


Two twins, two brothers sit astride the nose.


I carry some water inside me.

You will need some water.

Swim without hassle

If there is... (plumbing)

Learn poems

Important, big-nosed heron

Stands like a statue all day.

By the fence on the street

Two chickens met

Hens are brood hens,

Good neighbors.

Bird exercise.

The bird wants to wake up

The bird sings a song,

Because a bird with a song

Waking up is more interesting.

(V. Berestov)

Learn riddles.

Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet.

(Buckets in the rocker)

In a dark dungeon

Beautiful girls

No thread, no knitting needle


(Bees in the hive)

Learn a poem


The starlings are returning,

Our old tenants.

Sparrows near a puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

Learn nursery rhymes

I'm smart - smart

And the whole street knows it -

Both a rooster and a hen.

Two hens and a rooster are fighting on the street.

Two beautiful girls look and laugh.

Learn a poem

Let's get dressed...

- I myself! Me myself!

Let's go, let's wash...

- I myself! Me myself!

(I. Muraveiko)


Thirty-two sisters,

Written beauties,

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere.

(B. Zakhoder)

There are animals and birds in the zoo:

Lionesses, foxes, hares, martens,

Herons, chicks, tits, starlings,

And starlings have chicks.

Learn poems by O. Driz

Flower to flower - color pattern.

Pine to pine - pine forest.

The bird shook the branch -

And the light streams through the leaves.

The red maiden caught some water from the spring.

The horse clicked his hoof from behind,

Dust swirls under the hoof.

The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.

The old hare is mowing hay,

And the fox is raking.

The fly carries hay to the cart,

And the mosquito throws.

(S. Marshak)

Once upon a time at a concert

The urchins sat

With whistling and gusto

They sucked on lollipops.

(E. Firebloom)

I won't wash the dishes

So that the dishes are intact.

I'm ready to water the flowers

We just don't have flowers.

(L. Dymova)

There are two sheep in the flower garden

They graze all day.

At the porch without end

Pussy eats from a saucer.

From flowers at last

Drive away the sheep!

Maybe twenty thousand times

Drop the iron basin.

And a porcelain vase

You can't drop it even once.

After all, twenty thousand times

We need twenty thousand vases.

(A. Kondratyev)

Wrong street.

Wandered into our kindergarten

Twelve little chickens.

A motley hen brought them from the street.

- Dear chicken, you are on the wrong street.

It's a kindergarten, but not for chickens!

Do you want to receive games by mail?
Fill out the form!

Topic: S-C differentiation in words, sentences, text

Purpose: - Test the ability to distinguish sounds and letters S-C orally and in writing;
- Enrich vocabulary;
- Develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment
The children said hello and sat down.

2. Development of phonemic hearing:
- Clap your hands when you hear the sound T in the words:
Egg, voices, marten, fingers, stripe, porch, well done

3. The speech therapist pronounces the syllables, and the children take turns repeating:
SA - SA - CA
CA - SA - SA
SU - CC - CC
CO - CO - CO

4. Compose words from syllables and name the resulting words:
retz two
nok one hundred
tick bite
Xia months
not a page
no flattery
a qi ka i
gu ni se tsa
sa ni har tsa
con tu sti qi
We check: palace, machine tool, blacksmith, bush, months, page, ladder, acacia, caterpillar, sugar bowl, constitution
Vocabulary work
Guys, who knows what the word Acacia means? (children don't know)
The speech therapist shows a picture and explains that acacia is a shrub
How do you understand the word constitution?
Children: These are our rights
Speech therapist: Well done! This is a book where the rights of citizens are written down.
(The speech therapist explains the meaning of the word constitution and shows the book The Constitution of the Russian Federation)

5. Game: “Put your words in order”
Connect the scattered syllables and name the resulting words
(syllables may be repeated)
Two tso
Set tsa
Sy current
Dust ka
Sal har
Gu Xie
Kol sheb
We check: Flower, deuce, net, son, ring, pollen, napkin, caterpillar, sleigh, sugar, candy, ring.

6. Game: “Attention”
Read the phrases carefully.
Find and fix errors.
clear month
The wheel shines
Thick caterpillar
Silver saddle
Lilac lights
Fresh water
A whole glass of tea
Sister Alyonushka
German language
The lilac is shining
Brave fighters
Pied Kurisa
We check: ring, caterpillar, chain, flowers, water, glass, German, blooms, chicken

7. Read the sentences, choosing words that match their meaning from brackets.
Lilac flowers have a beautiful...
Moonlight... illuminated the surroundings (light, color)

The girl was given... - seven flowers
Sing,…. don't be ashamed (little flower, little flower)

Sasha …. at the table and ate soup
Don't boast, hare, run bye... (sat down, whole)

8. Copy the sentences, inserting words with the letters S-C according to their meaning
Words must be selected from the proposed cards, which lie on the table (Children take turns coming up and attaching a suitable word to the board) and explain the spelling of the words:
Winter is over, the starling is flying
The chicken calls his... chickens
Sugar is stored in... sugar bowl
The leaf in the book is called... page
Moscow - …. of our state….. capital
There are twelve in a year... months
The train approaches ..... station
A baby bird is called... chick
Today the sun shines all day.....

Phys. a minute (Movement with speech)
Snow, snow, white snow
He puts us all to sleep.
The children are all up on skis
And they ran through the snow.

9. Compose and write sentences using these words
(different options are possible, and children choose the best one and write it down)
behind, forest, setting, sun;
porch, sitting, on, grandfather, old, Semyon;
Sonya put the table on the sugar bowl;
Sima, on, goes, Wednesday, Friday, and, dances, in;
salt, in, poured, salt shaker
Let's check: The sun is setting behind the forest. Old grandfather Semyon was sitting on the porch. Sonya put the sugar bowl on the table. Sima goes to dances on Wednesday and Friday. Salt is poured into a salt shaker.

10. Read the text carefully
(Underline C with one line, and C with two)
Answer the questions
In the fall, dad brought an onion and said that joy was hidden in it. Mom planted the bulb in a flower pot and put it in a dark place. We waited a month. Finally, a small sprout appeared. He grew up in darkness. When the buds appeared, mom put the flower in the sun.
And before the New Year it blossomed! He had many flowers - blue, fragrant - fragrant. And every flower was very beautiful. Dad said it was hyacinth. What joy there was in the onion!

What did dad bring?
Where did mom plant the bulb?
When did the little sprout appear?
When did mom put the flower in the sun?
When did the flower bloom?
What was the name of the flower?
Speech therapist shows a picture with hyacinth
Lesson summary
Well done! There are sheets of paper in front of you. Write each other the word well done and exchange notes.
The speech therapist pins the word Well done on the board! Children check the spelling of the word Well done.

We will talk

We will talk

To be correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone!

Hello guys!

Sit down.

Guys, I suggest you practice our tongues with a fairy tale.

Behind the scarlet lips, behind the white teeth, in the depths of the mouth lived a cheerful tongue. He was fast asleep in his house, covered with a white blanket - his teeth.

Every morning he woke up, opened the window wide and looked out to see what the weather was like outside. The tongue looked at the sky, at the ground, right, left and wanted to know what time it was.

Then the cheerful tongue lay on the lower lip and raised its tip up, down, up and down.

To prevent my teeth from hurting, my tongue cleaned them with a toothbrush every morning and evening. I put my tongue in order and sat down to breakfast. The samovar is boiling, asking for tea. And the tea is hot! Let's blow on it. Oh, how it smells! Oh, what a fragrant, fragrant tea!

He drank some tea, looked at himself in the mirror, and saw that his lips were stained with jam. Let's lick the delicious jam!

He ate his tongue and got to work: painting the fence (stick out your tongue, mouth slightly open, lick first the upper lip in a circle, then the lower lip in a circle).

Finished the job - go for a walk! And the tongue ran to swing with Vasya on the swing (stick out his narrow tongue and stretch it alternately to his nose, then to his chin).

Guys, do you think you are very attentive?

Let's check it out. Listen carefully!

WITH Pete With calmly With old With womb,

WITH toya With he knows how to sleep.

What sound was heard the most?

Well done! And in the following sentence:

C Aplya is important, big-nosed,

C Every day he stands like a statue.

How attentive you all are! Today, guys, we will learn to distinguish between these sounds, the sounds S and C.

And now, guys, I suggest you play a little. At my signal you will make sounds. If I raise my right hand, the first row will pronounce the sound S. And if I raise my left hand, the second row will pronounce the sound C. And now vice versa!

Now each of you will pronounce these sounds.

Guys, we made sounds. Let's remember what position our lips, teeth, and tongue are in when pronouncing the sound C? What do lips do?

Lips are smiling

The teeth are close together, there is a small gap between them.

What's happening to our tongue?

The tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth.

Bring your palm to your mouth and say the sound S. What kind of air stream?

Cold, long, can be pulled.

Right. Now pronounce the sound T. What do sponges, teeth, and tongue do?

The lips smile, the teeth are brought together, the tongue is hidden first behind the upper teeth and then behind the lower ones.

When pronouncing the sound T, what stream of air comes out?


Right. The air stream is short, jerky. So what are the similarities and what are the differences in the pronunciation of the sounds S and C? General?

The lips are smiling, the teeth are close together.

What are the differences?

When we pronounce the sound C, our tongue lies below, behind the lower teeth. And when we pronounce the sound T, it first hides behind the upper teeth, and then behind the lower ones, the tongue jumps.

When pronouncing the sound C, there is a long, cold stream of air, and when we pronounce the sound C, the air stream is short.

That's right, well done!

Guys, what sounds are these: vowels or consonants, voiceless or voiced, hard or soft?

So pronounce the sound S. What is it?

Consonant, voiceless, hard

So what signal will we use to indicate it?

Blue square.

That's right! What is the sound T?

Consonant, hard, deaf.

Right. Remember: the sound T is always hard. C cannot be soft. Let's denote it by a signal. Well done!

Guys, we pronounced the sound C. What does the letter C look like?

Crescent moon in the dark sky

The letter C hung over the house

So the letter C looks like...

What about the letter C?

Here's the letter C:

With a nail at the end

Scratchy claw

Like a cat's paws.

Now let's rest a little! Get up, guys!

The flower slept

And suddenly I woke up

He moved, he started,

I didn't want to sleep anymore

He soared up and flew away.

Now picture:

...a sneaking cat

...a flying bird

...a heron standing on one leg, on the other leg.

Sit down

Now, guys, I will hand out the signs to you. If you hear a word with a C sound, hold up the sign with the straight arrow. And if you hear a word with the sound T, pick up the sign with the arched arrow.

Be careful!

Owl Chicken

Heron Sarafan

Desk Clock

Kerchief Chain

Plum face

Sankey Squirt

Well done!

Guys! I will speak a complete sentence, and you must complete it by adding syllables. We all answer together, in unison.

Sa-sa-sa- Sonya has a long hair...

So-so-so - the leg twirls the wheel...

Tsa-tsa-tsa - there is a picture without a li...

Su-su-su - the wolves ate the flask...

Tsk-tsk-tsk - we are young today...

Now we will play the game “On the contrary”. I will give each of you a syllable with the sound C, and you will give me the same syllable, but only with the sound C. And vice versa - I will give you a syllable with the sound C, and you will give me a syllable with the sound C.


Sa-… Su-…

Tsa-… Tsu-…

So-... Sy-...

Guys, look at the interactive board. Here are the pictures. Name them.

Egg, socks, scissors, vacuum cleaner, chickens, stork.

Remember these pictures.

Now close your eyes.

You must name them in the order they were in.

Well done! Let's look at the words “scissors” and “socks”. How many syllables are in the word "scissors"?

3 syllables: knife-ni-tsy

Where is the sound C: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end?

In the middle of a word

What is the sound of C?

Let's denote this word with signals

How many syllables are in the word "socks"?

2 syllables: nos-ki

Where is the S sound?

In the middle of a word

What number is he?

Let us denote by signals

We got up. Let's do a warm-up.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

We're spinning then.

Guys, now listen to the sentence and tell me in which words the sounds S and C are hidden. Be careful!

The starlings are returning,

Our old tenants.

What words have the S sound in them?

They are returning.

In what part of the word is this sound hidden?

At the end of a word.

In what other words?

Starlings, old ones. At the beginning of the word.

What words have the sound T?

Starlings, residents. In the middle of a word.

Well done!

Now I will read you a short story. Listen carefully!

Chicken and fox!

There were birds in the yard: ducks, a turkey, a rooster. There lived a hen with chicks. The hen took the chicks for a walk. And there is a fox. - “Take care of the chickens, hen.” The fox is coming!

You have listened to the text. What words with the sound S have you heard?

What about words with the sound T?

Chicken, birds, chicks.

Well done!

So guys, what sounds have we been working on?

What sounds are these?

What words with the sounds C and C did you hear in class today?

Guys, you did a really good job today. Well done! The lesson is over. Rest.

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

The date of the:

Age group: eldest, 5-6 years old.

Form of delivery, number of students: subgroup lesson, 8 people.

Group of children according to the structure of speech impairment: OHP level III


  • for children: object pictures with the sounds [S], [C] in their names (the “Speaking Correctly” series by Kashe); trays with parts of sound houses; rings, chains, sheets of paper, pencils.
  • for a speech therapist teacher: multimedia board, presentation, laptop, N. Zaitsev’s cubes with the letters S, C.

Priority area: cognitive and speech development.

Integration of educational areas: communicative-personal, physical, artistic-aesthetic.

Goal: Differentiation of sounds [S], [C] in syllables, words and phrases. Development of grammatically correct speech.

Correctional and educational:

  1. To achieve the assimilation of auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [S] - [C];
  2. Ensure the practical application of the ability to characterize sounds;
  3. Arouse the desire to exercise self-control over the sounds provided.

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Ensure the development of phonemic awareness.
  2. Promote the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis), attention, memory.


  1. Bring to the conclusion that friendship helps to overcome difficulties.
  2. Enjoy the results of the work done with your children.
  3. Encourage children to interact with each other.

Planned results: a positive emotional attitude towards the upcoming work, activation of speech activity, search activity, activation of analytical and synthetic activity: completing the “portrait of a chicken” task.

Methods: perceptual (verbal transmission of auditory and visual perception of material, visual and practical); logical (deductive).

Techniques: creating a game situation, explanation, questions, showing methods of action.

1) Greeting each other.

All the children gathered in a circle. (Speech therapist teacher speaking)
You are friends and I am your friend! (Points to children and himself)
Let's hold hands together (Hold hands)
And let's smile at each other. (Smile at each other)
Good morning, little eyes! (Perform eye exercises: eyes up, down, right, left)
Good morning, ears! (Earlobe massage)
Good morning, hands! (Clap your hands)
Good morning, legs! (We stomp)

2). Creating a problematic situation.

Guess the riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells.” Who is this? (Chick). Why did you decide so? (Please note that children answer in complete sentences)


Picture a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he comes out of his shell. First he stuck his head out. Then - the right wing, then the left one and squeaked loudly (breathing exercises: while exhaling, pronounce pi-pi-pi with different intonations: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory).

2. Updating knowledge

1). “Mental gymnastics” Slide 2 .

Who came out of the egg? (chicken on the slide). What should we call the chicken? ( C yp) What is the first sound in this word? What are the parts of a chicken's house called? ( WITH shells) What is the first sound in this word?

2). Leading to an independent formulation of the topic of the lesson

What will you and I do in class? (children's answers)

We will compare the sounds [S], [C], so what will we talk about? (How are they similar and how are they different).

3. Children's discovery of new knowledge. Slide 3.

The chicken “Chick” lived in a shell. Let's build houses for the sound [S], [C] (Children have trays with parts of sound houses). If the children find it difficult, then I help them with questions: what kind of foundation will we build for the sound house [C]? Why? The sound [S] is a consonant. Why? Because the air stream comes out pushing. What color are the walls of the sound house [C]? Why? (it's hard). What kind of roof: with or without a bell? We build houses for the sound [Ts] in the same way.

How are the sounds similar? What is the difference? (pronunciation)

Check if you built the houses correctly?

(Children check on the slide)

1). Automation and differentiation of sounds [S, C] in syllables. Slides 4,5,6,7.

Little Chick was just born, everything was unfamiliar to him, it was interesting and he was surprised by everything. He saw (slide 4) a chicken and said: sa-sa-tsa! Egg: ts-ts-ts?; (slide 5) dog so-so-so?; flower - tsy-tsy-sy!; (slide 6) sheep - tsa-tso-su; caterpillar: sa-su-tsa? (slide 7) osu: su-tsu-su?; sun: os-os-tse!

2). Didactic game: “Complete the word with the correct syllable. Slide 8.

Help Chick remember new words by adding the syllable SA or CA.

Lee...(sa), chicken...(sa), flask...(sa), sleeves...(sa), o...(sa), caterpillars...(sa), co. ..(sa), mills...(ca).

3). Physical exercise “Chicken”

There lived a mischievous chicken, (we imitate a mischievous chicken)
I was turning my head all day.
Turned left, right,
He bent his left leg,
then he raised the right one
And he stood up on both again.
Started to flap his wings
Raise and lower.
Up, down, up, down.
Leaned left, right.
It's good in the world, really!
And then I went for a walk,
Look for a worm. (Imitate search)

4. Independent application of knowledge in practice.

1). Exercise “Make a proposal” Slides 9,10,11,12.

(Slide 9) chicken - egg, egg - chicken, (slide 10) chicken - caterpillar, caterpillar - flower, (slide 11) butterfly - flower, butterfly - chicken, (slide 12) chicken - chicken, chicken - grains.

2). “Let’s make a story” Slide 13.

Look carefully at the picture. What time of year is shown in the picture? Why do you think so? Who is drawn? What are the children doing? How many chicks does a chicken have? (we count as a chain, clearly pronouncing the endings). Do you think the chickens have just hatched or have already grown up? Why do you think so? What can we call our story?

You have rings from our chain. What needs to be done to make the chain whole and long? (make up a story, collect a chain). And in order for the story to be beautiful, you need to listen to your comrades and not forget about the sentences that we have already made.

(Children make up a story in a chain - one after another, attaching rings).

3). “Photographers” Slide 14.

Chicken Little wants you to have a photo as a keepsake of him and offers to arrange a photo shoot: take pencils, paper, look carefully at the slide and start the photo shoot.

5. Reflection.

What was new for you during the lesson? What task were you interested in doing? What game would you like to repeat?


  1. T.A. Tkachenko Physical education minutes for the development of finger motor skills in preschoolers with speech impairments. GNOMiD, M., 2004