Why do you need a food processor? Combine harvester What is a food processor used for?

The first food processors appeared in early XIX century, and half a century later began to actively appear in home and industrial kitchens.

This device was a machine big size, was a rather noisy device.

The combine could only work with meat premium without cartilage and sebaceous veins, and the degree of grinding was not regulated.

Modern devices can easily cope with any meat products, fruits and vegetables, have several speed modes. When manufacturing the unit, the developers use materials that are safe for human health.

Which is better: a meat grinder or a food processor?

The main task of both a meat grinder and a food processor is to grind food. Modern devices are universal and can perform several functions.

A food processor can cope with many tasks: it can grind meat, chop, serve as a blender and juicer.

Meat grinders, in turn, are able to work with any type of meat or fish, grate vegetables, puree any product, and make homemade sausages. So what are the differences between these devices?

Main Differences

The main differences between the devices lie in the principle of product processing and the operation of the device as a whole.

A meat grinder consists of a special hopper into which a piece of meat is placed. Through a sharpened valve mechanism, the product flows to the knives of the apparatus, where it is completely crushed.

After this, it is passed through a sieve. The operating principle of a food processor differs from the previous one in that grinding occurs in a special bowl using various replaceable blades.

How to use a food processor

Before using the food processor, you must chop necessary products into small pieces, since too large ones can damage the engine of the device.


Depending on the device model, they can have from one power button to several dozen different buttons for selecting the type of operation.

There are models that independently determine the density of the loaded product, and based on this, select the required mode.

It is important to know! The more complex the food processor is, the more susceptible it is to negative influence during voltage surges.

Advantages and disadvantages of a food processor

The main advantage of a food processor is its versatility.

This device can replace most kitchen accessories.

Also, purchasing one device is much more economical in financially than buying a blender, meat grinder and juicer separately. But this also leads to a drawback of the device: many housewives do not use even half of the attachments included with the device.

But also, after using the combine in any mode, it is necessary to wash the entire apparatus, which is not always convenient when chopping a small amount of food.

What does a food processor consist of?

The main element of a food processor is its motor, which is controlled using special buttons. The efficiency of processing ingredients depends on the power of the motor.

The buttons on the device panel set the device to the required operating mode. Also the main details are:

  • various attachments for shredding and knives for minced meat, shredding;
  • bowl for processed food and food loading;
  • Depending on the model, the equipment may be expanded.

What functions do food processors have?

The functional capabilities of the device depend on the type and its structure. There are mini-harvesters whose capabilities are limited to grinding soft products.

Multifunctional devices can easily work with solid food, even grinding ice. The basic set of functions that is present in any model includes:

  • grinding food to a puree state;
  • kneading the dough;
  • universal juicer;
  • slicing, grating, shredding solid food;

Additionally, combines can perform the functions of a mixer and shaker, coffee grinder, auger meat grinder, and ice cream maker.

What can you grind in a food processor?

The food processor can work with the following products:

  • meat and fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • greenery;

To select the required model, you need to decide on the purpose of such an acquisition.

Suitable for infrequent use, as well as for people not particularly concerned with food preparation. budget models, with a power of 300-700 watts. Their functionality is to grind the product

Suitable for more extensive use multifunctional models, the power of which varies between 1-2 thousand W, and functionality expandable to chopping, shredding, and the ability to make sauce or cocktail.

If the consumer often cooks or tries new culinary ideas, he should choose a food processor with the maximum number of functions. Such machines knead dough and have a set of various attachments for beating, chopping and mixing products.

How to operate a food processor

The food processor is controlled using buttons on the control panel. In different models, their number can vary from one power button to several dozen different keys with a choice of additional functions for processing the product.


Market of modern kitchen appliances offers many models of food processors with different designs, size and functionality.

Before purchasing such a device, it is important to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics and warranty obligations. After all, you are getting a kitchen assistant for many years to come.

Combine harvester

a machine that mows and threshes bread, pours grain into a bin, collects straw and chaff into a stacker or dumps it on the field. Grains, leguminous crops, oilseeds, grass seeds, lupine, corn for grain, etc. are harvested using the direct combining method (the bread is mowed and threshed at the same time) or using the separate, two-phase combining method (the stems are mowed with a header and placed in a windrow, and then the windrows are picked up and threshed). A distinction is made between self-propelled and trailed tractors. The working parts of a trailed tractor, towed by a tractor, are driven by an engine installed on the combine harvester or by the power take-off shaft of the tractor. The self-propelled gearbox moves from the engine, which powers all the working parts.

The first samples of protective gear were made in the USA at the end of the 19th century. Built almost entirely of wood, bulky and heavy, the forts required a team of 20-30 horses for transportation. In the 1st quarter of the 20th century. The gearboxes were significantly improved: wood was mainly replaced by metal, an internal combustion engine was used to drive the working parts, horse traction was replaced by a locomobile, and then by a tractor. As improvements were made, the production of steel parts increased: in 1914, 30 pieces were produced, in 1920 - over 3.5 thousand, in 1925 - over 11 thousand, in 1929 - almost 37 thousand pieces. Factories first mastered the production of trailed gear. In recent decades, their production abroad has sharply decreased. Mostly self-propelled gearboxes are manufactured. A mounted gearbox, mounted on a self-propelled chassis, has been developed. The first Russian grain harvesting plant, “Horse-mounted standing grain harvesting,” was built by agronomist A. R. Vlasenko in 1868. Tsarist Russia Z.K. were not issued. In the USSR, mass production of trailed trailers "Kommunar" with a 4.6 gripper m organized in 1930. Soon the Rostselmash plant mastered the production of Z. K. S-1 with a grip of 6.1 m. In 1936, the production of sockets with a 2.4 gripper began. m. In 1947, the production of the S-6 trailed hitch and the first self-propelled S-4 was mastered; in 1956, the RSM-8 trailed hitch with a gripper 6 m and self-propelled - SK-Z. Since 1962, the industry has been producing self-propelled combine harvesters SK-4 with a throughput capacity of up to 4 kg/sec harvested crops at a ratio of grain weight to straw weight of 1:1.5. Since 1969, they have been producing SKD-5 Sibiryak combine harvesters with a throughput capacity of 5 kg/sec, and since 1972 - SK-5 "Niva" with a capacity of 5 kg/sec and SK-6-3 "Kolos" with a capacity of 6 and 8 kg/sec at the same ratio of grain mass to straw mass. By the end of 1970, there were 623 thousand z. in agriculture in the USSR.

Harvester ( rice. 1 ) consists of a header, a thresher, a stacker, a bunker, an engine, a cabin or platform with controls and a chassis; for separate harvesting, a pick-up is mounted on the header.

Technological process Z. k. Cutting apparatus of the header Z. k. ( rice. 2 ) cuts the stems, and the reel places them on the header platform. A double-sided auger conveyor rakes the stems to the middle of the platform, to a finger mechanism that feeds the stems to an inclined conveyor, which transfers them to the receiving chamber of the thresher; The receiving beater evenly feeds the stalks into the threshing apparatus. The rotating drum, in cooperation with the concave, threshes the bread. The main part of the threshed grain and small impurities spill through the gaps of the concave onto the transport board. The drum throws the straw with the remaining grain onto the bar grate. The beater fingers throw the straw onto the lattice straw walker, which releases the remaining grain and small impurities. The straw enters the stacker chamber, after which the combiner lowers the bottom using a special mechanism and the stack slides to the ground. The transport board delivers the mixture to the upper cleaning sieve. The fan forces a stream of air under the cleaning sieves. The upper cleaning sieve separates large and light impurities, which air flow are sent to the accumulator chamber. The grain spills onto the lower cleaning sieve, which releases the remaining impurities. The cleaned grain is poured along a ramp into the casing of a screw conveyor, which delivers the grain to the hopper. During separate harvesting for threshing bread dried in windrows, a pick-up unit is attached to the header of the windrow by removing the reel, which throws the windrow onto an inclined conveyor that moves the picked stems into the receiving chamber of the threshing machine. Instead of a stacker on the windrow, you can attach a straw chopper, which feeds the chopped stems along with the chaff into a trailed dump cart. To control the harvester on the move and adjust its working parts, a hydraulic system is used, which raises and lowers the header, moves the reel and changes the number of its revolutions, as well as the speed of movement of the combine. Control mechanisms and control devices placed on the combine operator platform. The threshing machine is equipped with a diesel engine connected by a V-belt drive to the receiving pulley of the drive wheel axle and the main counter-drive shaft of the thresher.

Based on this self-propelled vehicle, modifications have been created that are designed to work in various soil and climatic zones, on soils different composition and humidity. In addition, for harvesting the seeds of grass, corn for grain, buckwheat, millet, oilseeds, legumes and other crops, the industry produces devices mounted on the harvester. Self-propelled harvester, designed for harvesting rice and grain crops on soils high humidity, instead of driving wheels, it is equipped with 2 caterpillar movers ( rice. 3 ). Some rice mills for harvesting rice are equipped with a second pin-type threshing apparatus. The mass, threshed by the pin apparatus, enters the threshing apparatus for finishing.

For harvesting grain crops and rice in irrigated fields, harvesters with caterpillar tracks are used. chassis high cross-country ability. For harvesting difficult-to-thresh grain crops and crops with easily damaged grain, a harvester with 2 threshing units is used, which increases the harvest by 30%. throughput and reduces grain losses.

Lit.: Portnov M.N., Grain combines, 5th ed., M., 1966; Izakson H.I., Self-propelled combines SK-Z and SK-4, 3rd ed., M., 1963; Karpenko A. N., Zelenev A. A., Agricultural machines, 2nd ed., M., 1968.

A. N. Karpenko.

Rice. 2. Device and technology system combine: 1 - cutting device; 2 - dividers; 3 - reel; 4 - screw conveyor; 5 - finger mechanism; 6 - inclined conveyor; 7 - receiving beater; 8 - concave; 9 - threshing drum; 10 - bunker; 11 - impact beater; 12 - engine; 13 - straw walker; 14 - fuel tank; 15 - straw filler; 16 - stacker; 17 - folding bottom of the stacker; 18 - grain auger; 19 - upper cleaning sieve; 20 - lower cleaning sieve; 21 - pitched board; 22 - screw grain conveyor; 23 - fan; 24 - transport board; 25 - drive wheel.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Combine harvester” is in other dictionaries:

    Modern wide-cut combine harvester from CASE ... Wikipedia

    combine harvester- Self-propelled grain harvester: 1 header; 2 thresher; 3 stacker; 4 engine; 5 cabin; 6 bunker; 7 feeder camera. combine harvester, machine for mowing and threshing grain crops... Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

    Grain combine, p. X. a machine for harvesting cereal grains by direct combining, for selecting and threshing grain mass from rollers, for wearing grain mass into windrows using headers. Using special devices, you can remove 3. grass seeds... ...

    COMBINE HARVESTER- a machine for mowing and threshing grain crops, separating grain, cleaning it and collecting it in a bunker, collecting straw and chaff in a stacker or dumping them on the field. 3. also harvest leguminous crops, oilseeds, grass seed plants directly (mowing with... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    combine harvester- javų kombainas statusas Aprobuotas sritis žemės ūkio inžinerinė plėtra ir techninė pažanga apibrėžtis Kombainas, nupjaunantis javus, iškuliantis ir išvalantis grūdus. Gali turėti pelų ir šiaudų kaupimo arba jų smulkinimo ir skleidimo įrangą.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

    A multifunctional technical complex capable of simultaneously performing several operations. In different areas, the term can mean different machines and mechanisms, in particular: Food processor - a household device, usually with an electric ... ... Wikipedia

    A grain harvester is a complex grain harvesting machine (reaping thresher), which performs sequentially in a continuous flow and at the same time: cutting bread, feeding it to the threshing apparatus, threshing grain from the ears, separating it from the heap and other ... Wikipedia

    - (English combine, lit. connection) a complex unit, which is a collection of working machines that simultaneously perform several tasks. various operations. Most widely varied. types of K. are used in villages. x ve (see Combine harvester.... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    - (English combine, literally connection) machine unit, a set of working machines that simultaneously perform several different operations. As a rule, the cycle of operations performed by K. ends with the release finished products. Most... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    GRAIN HARVEST, oh, oh. Employee for grain harvesting. Z. combine. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

This universal assistant copes with chopping, mixing, chopping and cutting food, squeezing juice, kneading dough and even peeling potatoes. It is because of the similar functionality that combines are confused with kitchen machines, although the difference is appearance, and in other manifestations is obvious.

Food processor vs food machine

Kitchen machines are gadgets designed to professional use, while food processors are chosen specifically for cooking at home. Why?

  • In terms of power, food processors are inferior to food machines, but gain in functionality.
  • Kitchen machines have huge containers, which helps them process large volumes products. Unless you cook for a large family every day, make custom cakes, or are a keen food blogger, then there is no need for such power.
  • Kitchen machines are impressive in size and high level noise, while food processors look compact in the interior and operate relatively quietly.

How to choose the right food processor?

To settle on the right model, you need to decide on several points:

1) Device type

There are only two of them: kitchen choppers and actually combines. Choppers are the simplest devices with 2-3 functions: they consist of a working bowl (up to 1 liter) and a drive, and are equipped with a knife, a whipping attachment and a pair of graters. Such devices are used for small jobs in the kitchen - preparing sauces, purees, nut topping for baking, etc. In principle, modern blenders with a similar number of attachments can handle everything that choppers do.

2) Power

Like other devices, performance directly depends on power. By the way, with regular use of the combine, an increase in power does not have a significant impact on energy consumption: energy is mainly consumed in the process of processing products, which means it is important how quickly this process occurs. Indicators different models combines can vary from 50 to 2000 W, but there is a simple rule: the power of the equipment is proportional to the capacity of the bowl. Optimal ratio– 200:1. Thus, a 1.5-liter bowl will require power from 300 W.

3) Speed

The ability to perform a large number of revolutions will immediately lead to increased functionality of the equipment. Most models have several rotation modes, and the devices can make 12,000-15,000 revolutions per minute. It must be remembered that high speeds are always recommended for chopping, and low ones for mixing products. Simple models shredders have no more than two speeds, but the wider the functionality of the combine, the more of them there are: you can find a device with 25 speeds
. For those who love to cook (especially complex recipes!) a large number of speeds will be very useful. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a pulse mode: it is intended for processing delicate products (mousses, soufflés), as well as for grinding solids(ice, coffee): briefly starting the motor allows you to achieve the desired consistency and stop the process in time. U food processor Moulinex FP521G30 , for example, in addition to two standard speeds, there is also a pulse mode.

4) Volume and material of the bowl

The average bowl volume of a universal food processor varies from 2 to 6 liters. Those who cook in small portions and are looking for a compact model should take a closer look at food processors with a bowl capacity of up to 2.5 liters. For a large family, it is worth purchasing a device with a bowl of 4 liters or more: a large bowl will allow you to process food in one go, which will save time. The choice of material depends on your budget and the dishes you plan to prepare: food processors with plastic bowls are the cheapest, but they are not suitable for hot foods. But for chopping, shredding and grating food, and kneading dough, such models are perfect. More expensive glass ones are not afraid of either low or high temperatures. The most functional, of course, are metal bowls: they do not break, are not afraid of temperature changes and are perfect for crushing ice and chopping nuts. As a rule, combines with meat grinders and planetary mixers are equipped with metal bowls.

5) Attachments

The equipment determines the level of functionality of the food processor. The arsenal of attachments supplied with food processors is the envy of any kitchen appliance. Here are just a few of them:
  • circular cutter with diagonal slot – cuts slices correct form, shreds cabbage and salads;
  • impeller knife for chopping food - an attachment in the form of a regular blade with a plastic holder, or a knife with a double blade;
  • nozzle for kneading dough;
  • attachments for grinding products - disk graters with different hole sizes;
  • mill (used for grinding nuts, herbs and other products);

  • mixer, blender or shaker;
  • electric juicer;
  • emulsifier disk or whisk for whipping cream and egg whites;
  • maxi-press for preparing puree and fruit mass from soft fruits without seeds and seeds with 3 strainers;
  • a mill with stone or steel millstones for grinding flour or cereals to a finer grind;
  • drum grater for slicing hard cheese, such as Parmesan, into thin slices;
  • freezer;
  • attachments for preparing homemade sausage (kubbe, kebbe), cookies, hamburgers, national dishes;
  • nozzle for squeezing juice from berries with seeds;
  • coffee grinder

Particular attention should be paid to the special compartment for attachments: for example, all 7 attachments included in the Moulinex FP521G30 kit, thanks to this design feature, will always be at hand and will not get lost!

The most important advantage of food processors is that they are a source of saving time, money, and space in the kitchen - one such device replaces several kitchen devices at once!

An interesting fact is that quite a large number of kitchen appliances can be replaced with one unit -. The benefits of this cutting-edge gadget are legendary, because one device can greatly simplify the life of housewives. And for business people, such equipment is completely indispensable in the kitchen. After all, in the frantic pace of life there is very little time left for cooking. A food processor makes this process a pleasure. About why a food processor is so good, about its varieties and functional features- read on.


The “blender” attachment for a food processor is one of the most necessary and irreplaceable things, although not all gadgets are equipped with it. For example, such a nozzle is present. When choosing a multifunctional kitchen gadget, it is important to remember why a blender is so useful:

  1. Food for small children is pureed in a blender;
  2. It also makes pureed soups, various smoothies, sauces, and cocktails;
  3. This attachment also crushes ice, which is later added to cooling drinks.

All these things take a few seconds to cook. Convenient, isn't it?

Meat grinder

This attachment in a food processor helps grind meat various types knives: small or large. In general, it is no different from a regular electronic meat grinder. They just buy the latter if they often have to prepare dishes from minced meat. But in the model, chopping meat will be an additional bonus to other useful functions. When choosing a combine, you need to immediately decide which functionality will be key and which will be secondary.


This attachment has several options. Most representatives of multifunctional kitchen devices are equipped with a conventional citrus press. An example of such a model is . Along with a lot of amazing attachments, you can make freshly squeezed juices in the morning. Less commonly, harvesters are produced with centrifugal gadgets for squeezing juice. They are similar to full-fledged juicers, which are used to preserve healthy juices for the winter. For home cooking, such an attachment within a food processor is quite sufficient.

Dough kneader

This attachment is also not available on all combine models. It looks like a curved hook that “handles” dough of various consistencies. It evenly kneads the mixture of water, flour and eggs, without leaving anything extra on the sides. If the question arises about the need for such a gadget, then it is worth buying a full-fledged stationary option in the case when dumplings or dumplings are made almost every week. :) And with a dough mixer attachment you can easily prepare flour dishes without getting your hands dirty.

Cutting French fries

Sometimes you need a food processor for something you can’t do yourself at home: cutting perfectly uniform French fries. The kind they serve in popular fast food. Although such a dish is not entirely healthy, sometimes you need to treat yourself to something harmful, but wildly tasty. It is for such cases that the nozzle for cutting with straws is used, as in the model. By the way, this type of cutting is useful not only for potatoes: both carrots and beets are suitable.


How difficult it is sometimes to chop a whole head of cabbage, or even two, to make lazy cabbage rolls... Sound familiar? And salting this vegetable requires many times more. The shredding attachment, which is quite often found in food processors, can ideally cope with this problem. The great thing about it is that the size and shape of the cutting depends on the knives, of which there are from 2 to 5-7 in the set. Electric shredder It also saves you from breaking your nails, which often happens when using a regular grater. Such knives must be made of stainless steel, and it is also important to carefully monitor their condition. If the blade becomes dull, it must be taken to a specialized sharpening service.


This is another function that a food processor can do. And it doesn’t matter that a mixer can easily handle this. It often happens that its power is significantly inferior to that of a food processor. After all, it’s easier to pour the whites into the bowl of a food processor and beat them there until they form strong peaks than to manually waste time and effort whipping them using a separate mixer. - an example of a universal food processor, which is designed for whipping liquids and kneading dough. The shape of such an attachment depends on the location of the motor: if it is from below, then the attachment looks like a wavy disk, and if from above, then whipping occurs with a traditional whisk.

Coffee grinder

Coffee grinders are extremely rare in combines. After all, you can “stuff” a gadget with any bells and whistles, but practice will show whether they will be equally relevant to the consumer. Therefore, the mill attachment is more likely the exception than the rule. But if you don’t have just such an attribute in the kitchen, you should take a closer look at the Multifunctional gadget of the mid-price range, in addition to basic functions, it is also equipped with a coffee grinder. It grinds not only coffee beans, but also spices and other grains like flax.

Other features

In addition to the listed functions, a food processor is sometimes needed for:

  • production of homemade noodles with a specialized attachment for this;
  • formation of sausages;
  • cutting into cubes or thin slices;
  • peeling vegetables.

Additional gadgets are selected according to needs. After all, there is no point in purchasing a huge harvester with a large number of attachments, but only use 2-3.

Taking one multifunctional food processor or stocking up on independent single gadgets for different areas of food preparation is still a dilemma. The table below will help you make your choice and understand which of the two options is optimal:

Food processor Single gadgets
Place Takes up little space Scattered throughout the apartment
Cleansing No need to disassemble: just wash the knives and container Constantly need to disassemble, wash, pack and unpack again
Time Quickly copes with assigned tasks Using each device separately is extremely time-consuming
Price Average price segment and above average Budget and mid-price segment: it all depends on the type of device

A food processor does what single gadgets sometimes can't do. After all, with its constant configuration, you only need to replace the attachment and the shredder will instantly turn into a blender. In addition, there is no need to waste time using single kitchen devices, each time collecting and unpacking them. Sometimes the price of food processors is scary. But, if you take into account the price-quality ratio, the choice is obvious. And in the kitchen, such a machine will look harmonious without cluttering the work surface.

Perhaps not a single modern housewife can imagine cooking without using various kinds of kitchen “helpers”. Household appliances used in preparing lunches and dinners differ in price, functionality, and methods of use. For any type of work in the kitchen, there is always equipment that will cut, chop, grind, grind or make juice. But there are also multifunctional “helpers”. These are food processors. These are exactly what we will talk about today.

A food processor is a necessary “helper” for the kitchen

If you decide to purchase a food processor, the reviews for which would be extremely positive, and the price would suit you, then you will have to spend a lot of time shopping household appliances. Agree, we don’t always have time for this. And coming to the store and buying the first thing that comes to hand is very expensive.

To save you some time and make your purchase faster and more economical, we will share a few selection tips and tell you which food processor is best to buy. Reviews of the manufacturer and model will also be attached to our story, which will give a more complete picture.

Bowl volume and combine power

First, let's define the selection criteria. Firstly, it is important what power the kitchen “helper” will be. The speed and quality of operation of this technique will directly depend on this parameter. As a rule, there are models on the market that have a power of three hundred to one and a half thousand watts.

If you often plan to cook using a food processor, then we recommend choosing a machine that has more power and a larger bowl capacity. The larger the bowl, the more convenient and faster you will be able to prepare the product, and you will not have to divide the cooking process into stages, which will significantly save time.

However, let's make a reservation right away. Appliances with a large and capacious bowl are always quite cumbersome. And if you have a small kitchen and the cooking volumes are planned to be small, then it is better not to overpay for a large bowl.

Functional set

So, you have decided on the power of the unit you need. Now let's move on to such an indicator as functionality. It is important to understand exactly what modes you want to see and what kind of work your new food processor should do. Reviews say that the more household appliances can combine one food processor for the kitchen, the better for the housewife.

A good food processor can easily replace the following household appliances: meat grinder and coffee grinder, mixer and blender, ice cream maker and juicer, shaker and deep fryer. In addition, thanks to the spacious bowl and high power, a modern food processor will perfectly beat egg whites for a cake and knead fluffy dough for a pie. Many models “know how” to squeeze juice from fruits or berries, chop vegetables, prepare pate and sauces, crush ice and grate puree.

Reviews of food processor models with a large functional set will always be laudatory. However, it is worth understanding that the more functions one machine combines, the more expensive it will cost.

Combine control

For many cooks, the process of managing kitchen “helpers” is very important. For some it is easier if there is one button that turns on the unit, and a second one that is responsible for turning it off. And for some housewives it is important to have a convenient and large display, pleasant-to-touch buttons and numerous tasks listed in the menu.

Here it is important to immediately decide for what purpose you actually decided to buy a food processor. Rarely used in everyday life and a small set of functions, it is suitable for beginners who are just taking their first steps in the culinary field. Such a machine will not be expensive, and once you gain enough experience, you won’t mind giving it to your grandmother and replacing it with a more multifunctional analogue.

Additional attachments

The price and popularity of a food processor often also depend on the number of accessories it contains. For example, an inexpensive model will only have a bowl and a whisk for whipping. But there are also “helpers” who are equipped with:

Experts advise always finding out in advance what is included in the set of additional discs and attachments, and whether it is present at all. As a rule, all the listed attachments are not included in any basic package; they can simply be purchased if necessary. Before purchasing, think about what kind of work your food processor will do, and only then purchase a set of attachments. Don’t rush, because if you buy everything at once, it may turn out that a good half of the disks and devices will become dusty, never having been used once.

Top best manufacturing companies

We hope you have understood a little about the main aspects and now you know that Reviews for any product are also an indispensable thing when choosing a product. Therefore, let's consider the top the best manufacturing companies, reviews of which are the most positive.


German household appliances always lead the parade. The Bosch company is considered the best and has long established itself as a manufacturer of the highest quality kitchen appliances. Bosch food processors always have excellent reviews. The equipment of this company is affordable. Combines have spacious bowls and high power of 800 watts or more. Some models may include two bowls (one for 3.8 liters, the second for 2.5 liters).

A particularly popular model is the Bosch Mum food processor. Reviews on it say that this technique can be trusted with the most difficult work. It can cope with any task, from preparing minced meat or dough to cutting vegetables into even cubes. The bowl of this model is made of of stainless steel and has a capacity of 3.9 liters.

This Bosch food processor (reviews confirm this) at an affordable price has a number of additional functions that always turn out to be useful for housewives. For example, Bosch Mum has three types of graters (for cheese, for chocolate, for chopping nuts). It comes with a whisk for liquid and thick dough, a juicer and a meat grinder. Some online publications call it a bestseller. This is the best of 2016, reviews and recommendations from experts confirm this.


The Braun food processor is no less famous. According to customer reviews, this model also has two bowls of different capacities, has a pulse mode and the parts of the combine (which is important for some housewives) can be washed in a dishwasher. There are models that also have a special “Overload Protection” function and a double safety lock.


The Redmond food processor, reviews of which we will review next, is also among the top popular ones. The body of the “assistant” is made partly of stainless steel and plastic. The minimum power is 800 watts and the maximum is 1900 watts. This makes it possible to choose the option that will be appropriate in your kitchen.

Redmond combines also have a deep bowl (3.5 liters), attachments for cutting into cubes and slices, a knife for chopping very hard products, a blender, a puree grater, a coarse and fine shredder, a juicer and many other useful functions.

Simpler and less expensive models have an easy-to-operate rotary knob in front of the body. There are several clear operating modes. There is an automatic blocking of the unit if, for example, the lid is not closed or the bowl is not installed correctly.


This company does not occupy a leading position in the list of the most popular, but is still a manufacturer of those household appliances that one’s hand reaches out to in the store. So, let's figure out why the Clatronic food processor is good. Reviews say that this equipment, which is important, has an affordable and very economical cost. Stylish design and successful color solutions housings allow you to match the food processor to any kitchen interior.

The metal body is responsible for the reliability and durability of the equipment. The mixer attachment is capable of kneading up to two and a half kilograms of thick dough in a large bowl. To protect against splashes there is a special transparent lid that fits onto the bowl.

In addition to the usual attachment for chopping meat, the meat grinder of this food processor has additional functions: making homemade sausages, kebabs and even cookies. Some models have an additional kit designed for making homemade noodles. Using this food processor, you can easily prepare homemade spaghetti or curly pasta for lasagna.


Moulinex has also been on the market for a long time. Food processors from this company are slightly overpriced. But this price is completely justified and is equivalent to the highest quality and reliable long-term operation of the equipment. The equipment of this company always has a very stylish design. And if the appearance of your kitchen “helper” is very important, then the housewife cannot do without Moulinex.

But not only stylish design attracts buyers. The combines of this company have decent power (from 850 watts and above), several operating modes, numerous attachments and additional accessories for chopping, cutting, chopping, etc.

The manufacturer promises that such a combine can process up to two kilograms of minced meat in one minute. A compelling argument? You will also be pleased with the steel case, which is resistant to temperature changes, all kinds of scratches and other negative influences.

This is not the entire list of popular manufacturing companies. We singled out only that food processor, the reviews of which were the most laudatory and flattering. From a variety of options, you can certainly choose a kitchen “helper” that will serve, as they say, faithfully for many years. Try to carefully weigh all the nuances, understand the configuration in advance, do not hesitate to ask questions to the sellers, and then you will be able to choose the equipment that will only delight you.