Why do we need a drain riser and sewer ventilation? Do-it-yourself sewer ventilation in a private house How to make ventilation in a sewer

Many copies were broken in disputes about how to properly make the exit of the sewer riser to the roof. The time has come to clarify this sewer issue, and the invaluable experience of our portal users will help us in this.

  • What is a vent pipe;
  • How it works;
  • How to do without it;
  • Is a diameter of 50 millimeters acceptable?
  • Ready solutions from FORUMHOUSE members.

Fan pipe: what is it?

How the fan pipe is arranged can be understood from this diagram.

In a sewer system, this is the element of the pipeline structure that is the connecting link between the septic tank and the atmosphere.

And it doesn’t matter whether you use it on your site or made it yourself.

It should be remembered that in most cases the installation of this sewer element is simply necessary, since when wastewater passes through the riser, a vacuum is created. The water in the siphons of your home's plumbing fixtures, under the influence of a vacuum, begins to be sucked into the sewer system, and this can lead to a sharp decrease in pressure, failure of the water seal and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the premises.

A siphon or water trap is a curved tube located under the sink or behind the toilet and filled with water. The liquid, constantly located in the curved part of this device, acts as a water plug that prevents penetration unpleasant odors from .

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Fan sewer riser in a private house: the experience of FORUMHOUSE participants

Indicative personal experience our forum members. Let's look at one of the most asked questions.

Latysya Member of FORUMHOUSE

- I have cesspool septic tankconcrete rings with bottom and lid. It is located 6 meters from the house. There are 3 windows facing this side. At first I thought of installing a ventilation riser outlet through the ceiling of the bathroom, then into the attic pocket and the roof of the house. I think this is necessary so that gases and other odors formed in the filling septic tank exit through it and dissipate higher above the roof. But the problem is that you don’t want to put holes in the roofing material. Help me understand whether there will be a smell from a septic tank without a ventilation riser, and what should be the diameter of the vent pipe in a private house.

Our forum consultant answers Evgeniy Fadeev :

Evgeny Fadeev:

– This sewerage element must be installed, and the pipe must have a diameter of 110 mm. If you don’t arrange it, then when the water seals dry out or break, a smell will appear. If there is no normal fan ventilation with inflow at the filter structure and exhaust at the roof, the smell will, one way or another, spread throughout the area. And for diameter you should remember a simple rule:

A 50 mm fan pipe will provide a flow approximately 16 times less than the flow through a 110 mm pipe. Thus, it will no longer be ventilation, but a set of several connecting tubes.

Sometimes homeowners come to the conclusion that installing this element sewer system not required, you can do without it. But it’s easy to guess what will happen if you drain the water from kitchen sink, bathroom and toilet, and there is no drain pipe in the design. But usually in modern country house two or more bathrooms are installed.

How do without a drain pipe in a private house

The answer to this question is: “in most cases there is no way around it.” It should be remembered that its installation is necessary:

  • When using sewer risers with a diameter of 50 mm in the communication system;
  • The house has two or more floors equipped with bathrooms;
  • or other equipment whose one-time flow can block the sewerage system.

Fan pipe on the roof: placement

Let's consider the following, very common situation: the house has already been built, the septic tank has been dug, the bathroom outlets have been planned, but the homeowner has not yet decided what to do next.

Prorab_2009 FORUMHOUSE Member:

– Help to properly arrange a fun exit to the roof. IN this moment The situation is this: the house has been built, the roof is made of tiles, now it comes down to the sewer pipe, from the house to the septic tank 6 m. It is possible to break through the ceiling and install it under the roof tiles in a cold attic.

According to our forum consultant Vadim , in this case, the following scheme is possible, and method number 1 would be more correct.


– The first method is the most preferable. Fungus on the riser is not needed. Rises up the pipe warm air, condensation may freeze on the fungus and block it, and do not conduct it under the eaves, in this case the draft will decrease. Don't put it in the attic - the draft is weak and the attic stinks.

Fan outlet to the roof - basic rules

User of our forum (forum nickname VladimirKu ) advises to adhere to the following rules when removing the drain pipe:

  • It should go up to the roof, at least 300mm. And as close to the ridge as possible so that the snow doesn’t tear it off when it comes off the roof. And it is designed not only to protect hydraulic locks during internal sewerage your home, but also for ventilation of the sewer system.
  • If the house is more than 2 floors and has long horizontal internal sewer lines inside the house, then a second drain riser will have to be installed.
  • If you have autonomous system bioremediation using microorganisms that require oxygen for their life, a ventilation system is extremely necessary.

The risers are placed as straight as possible. Turns, bends and narrowing should be avoided so as not to create resistance to air flow.

When planning the construction of a private house, sewer ventilation is designed. There are two ways to ensure good air exchange in the septic tank and system:

  1. Installation of a fan riser.
  2. Installing a vacuum valve.

The purpose is to prevent water from being sucked in from the water seals of the plumbing fixtures. When the sewer pipe is filled (when flushing the toilet, using the sink), a vacuum is formed inside and a rarefied environment is created, as a result of which water can completely leave the siphon, and air and an unpleasant odor, on the contrary, will penetrate into the room. To avoid this, it is necessary to let air into the pipe cavity.

Device ventilation system quite simple. To prevent moisture from the sewer from entering the ventilation shaft, it is located above the last plumbing fixture. If we talk about the air duct, according to technology it must be mounted above the roof at least two meters.

Scheme of work (in a multi-storey and private house)

In both options, the principle of operation is the same, but there are also differences. In a private house, you can install a riser along the outside and interior wall, but in a multi-story building this is technically impossible.

Another difference is also in the method of installing the system. Most often, when designing a nine-story building, the ventilation diagram is drawn taking into account the characteristics of the building, its height and typicality. In low-rise construction, it is possible to deviate from the basic norms of SNIP and design according to the wishes of the owner of the premises.

What is a fan boner?

It is needed to ensure communication between the sewerage system and external environment, that is, so that the sewer system is not closed.

Most often it is plastic or polyethylene pipe the same diameter as the sewer. However, sometimes cast iron and metal are still used.

The sewer pipe is actually a continuation of the sewer pipe, except that water should not flow through it; this is the so-called dry pipe.

Installation methods

If the house has two floors and a bathroom on each, then according to building regulations and the rules should be to install the FS rather than use a vacuum valve. There are two installation methods:

  • Interior.
  • External.

In the first case, it is installed completely inside the building and is led out through the roof to the street, but it must be remembered that minimum height from the roof to the head should be 1–1.5 meters.

It is best to run the pipe through the ridge to prevent it from being blown in by the wind. In some cases, a narrowing of the outlet diameter is allowed. However, professionals do not recommend doing this; less air will flow into the smaller size, resulting in the sound of “choking” in the room.

In the process of passing through the floor slabs, there is no need to insert a “sleeve” between the pipe and the concrete cavity, it is better to foam polyurethane foam and seal with mortar.

During warm weather, the ventilation pipe tends to expand, and in cold weather, on the contrary, it narrows. If the riser is not securely fixed and dangles in the hole, it may come out of the joints, and it will be very difficult to insert into place.

In the second case, installation is carried out at a certain distance from windows and entrance areas. For window openings and doors, the distance should be at least 400 centimeters horizontally.

It must be fastened securely. Otherwise in winter time Ice and wind will break the system.

The external ventilation method is not very different from the internal one; it is also installed above the roof ridge. Places where the roof slope hits the fan outlet should be avoided; snow and large volumes of water can damage the pipes.

After installation, it must be insulated using glass wool, or mineral wool. For different regions its own thickness of insulation is used. In middle and northern latitudes there is a layer 100 millimeters thick. In the southern and central region, 50 mm is allowed.

This measure will avoid freezing of the air duct during the cold period, as well as the accumulation of condensate on the outer wall of the shaft. Recently, polystyrene foam coating, which is stored in metal cylinders under high pressure, has become a very popular material for ventilation insulation.

This composition is applied using a special gun and is securely fixed, forming a heat-insulating layer.

Vacuum valve

IN one-story house, as well as in a building where plumbing fixtures are installed only on the first floors, it is allowed to use VK instead of FS.

In order to provide ventilation, a special mechanism can be installed in a small system, which is mounted using a tee connection.

It works on the reverse principle. The device has a sealed curtain with spring resistance. When a vacuum occurs in the sewer, the vacuum draws in the valve and with it the air from the room, and when the balance is restored, the spring closes the valve again, preventing the smell from leaving the pipe.

How to install

The installation of an air duct can be combined with the laying of an air duct, but you need to remember several nuances with this combination:

  • The valve should not be higher than the fan riser.
  • In some cases, it is possible to install the mechanism not only on a vertical, but also on a horizontal pipe.
  • If the length of the horizontal section of the shaft with plumbing fixtures is more than 8 meters, install two valves at an equal distance from each other.

How to make it yourself

To do this, a plastic plug is inserted into the tee, in which several holes are drilled in a circle. So that they can be closed, a flat disk with a diameter slightly larger than the halo of holes is cut out of foam rubber.

Then you will need a simple wood screw and a loose return spring. So that the foam rubber, after the valve operates and the pressure in the system normalizes, presses and closes the holes, a plastic or iron plate is inserted between the spring and the disk.

Now the screw is screwed into the cover from the reverse side. It is worth considering that the performance of a valve made independently will be several times lower than a factory one. In the factory, all calculations and drawings are carried out, which are based on all the indicators of the future sewer system, and the volume of air required to be supplied inside is calculated. IN living conditions It is unlikely that it will be possible to perform such actions.

Note. You can combine the use of a vacuum device and the FS system. In this case, the valve is placed at the end sections.

How to choose pipes?

Mostly plastic or polyethylene is used, as well as polypropylene.

You will also need 45 and 90 degree bends, tee connections and couplings. It is best to use polyethylene products, since it is not always attic spaces heated. Aggressive environment– frost and sun – can break the seal.

Polyethylene is very elastic and responds well to changes weather conditions. In each case, the amount of material must be calculated separately; we can only say that in any project there must be at least one compensator and instead of bends of 90 degrees, it is better to use 45.

As for the tool, each employee chooses it for himself. To secure or cut a pipe, you need a hammer drill or a screwdriver (it all depends on the walls of the building), a grinder with adjustable speed or a hacksaw for metal.

Installation of sewer system ventilation and septic tank

First, it is necessary to ensure air ventilation of the septic tank, which is located on the street. When laying a sewerage pipeline, waste pipes are installed in it using connecting tees, which are then brought to the surface.

If the system is long, then VCs are installed every 7–8 meters. If possible, it is better to bring the underground risers as high as possible, but this does not always work out that way.

An air duct is also needed on the . The mounted branches of the pipeline perform the function of taking air into the cavity of the line and supplying it inside the septic tank. If there is an autonomous wastewater treatment system, then the installation of the specified FS is mandatory, since for those living in the storage tank and processing waste, air is needed, which will flow into the main line and into the tank itself.

Installation of pipes along the external wall of the building and on the roof

It is desirable that this be a gable wall. Before entering a bathroom or room, especially if the plumbing fixture itself is still a few meters away from the outer wall, you need to stretch an additional air duct along the outer wall, which also runs above the roof. This measure will ensure better circulation within the system.

When assembled at the highest point, after the plumbing fixture, a tee is installed in the pipeline with the socket facing up. Then a pipe of the same diameter is inserted into it and brought out through the ceiling to the roof. If there are various obstacles along the route (rafters, chimneys, etc.), they will have to be bypassed without changing the angle of inclination using bends.

Products from the store often do not fit in size. You'll have to cut it with a grinder and then chamfer the end to make it easier to join the bell of the next piece.

On the roof itself, the shaft exit should protrude at least 50 centimeters above the roof. Then a headband is put on its end, which will prevent moisture and snow from getting inside.

Moreover, it is unacceptable to install a weather vane or deflector; this can lead to the formation of ice and subsequent blockage of the pipeline. It is enough to put a small umbrella or visor

Throughout the entire external ventilation, inspection fittings must be installed, which look like a standard tee with a socket and an inspection window with a lid. This part is necessary to solve diagnostic problems internal state trunk and execution preventive work. If a blockage occurs or a foreign body enters, through such a unit it is possible to accurately determine the clogged area and eliminate it.

Important! The rubber bands must be left in the sockets and lubricated with oil or sanitary sealant. Also, if the length of the pipe was changed by cutting, a chamfer must be made at the end of the part, otherwise the cut end will rest against the sealing ring and lift it inside the socket.

Rules for installing a ventilation riser

  1. The air duct must be the same diameter as the sewer.
  2. The intersection of the vent riser and the ventilation of the room is unacceptable.
  3. When laying a pipeline along external wall building, the distance from windows and doors must be at least 4 meters.
  4. The fastening must be secure and airtight.
  5. An “umbrella” or headband is installed at the end of the socket, and it should not interfere with the passage of air.
  6. It is allowed to combine several air ducts into a common network and only then should it be routed above the roof.

How to check if it's working correctly

You can simply turn on the water in the sink and flush the toilet tank at the same time. The large volume of water will create a rarefied environment and the vacuum valve or duct will operate.

If, when flushing, “sobs” of water were heard and an odor appeared, and the liquid left the water seals of the plumbing fixtures, it means that the system was assembled in violation of the rules and regulations.

Useful video

More details are given in the videos.


Ideally everything sewage they leave without much noise, and also without a specific unpleasant odor. This happens thanks to the well-functioning ventilation of the riser. Without it, you can forget about the fresh, pleasant air in the house and, of course, you will have to prepare for constant sounds from the sewer system. However, for ventilation sewer riser in a private house it worked like clockwork, without failures or unpleasant surprises; all requirements must be met at the stage of establishing its operation.

Why is ventilation of the sewer riser needed?

Ventilation of the sewer riser has two very significant goals.


To avoid such problems in the operation of ventilation, it is enough to understand for yourself all the requirements contained in SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and sewerage”.

And to be precise:

  • The diameter of the ventilation pipe and the diameter of the riser pipe absolutely must be identical to each other.
  • The roof vent pipe should be attached to the highest point of the piping.
  • More than four risers may well be connected into a single exhaust component. Then the diameter of such a hood and ventilation pipeline must be calculated as the diameter of the largest among all risers. An installed hood in a toilet in a private house can completely solve this problem.
  • The ventilation pipe is mounted in relation to the risers at a certain angle. This will allow the condensation that forms on the walls to drain easily and unhindered.
  • If the attic is not heated, then it is necessary to resolve the issue of good thermal insulation of the collection pipeline.
Please pay Special attention that these requirements do not allow the installation of various deflectors for resistance in the pipeline exhaust.

Methods for installing a ventilation riser

There are two options in this matter. Let's take a closer look at both, especially if you look at the photo.

The ventilation of the entire sewer system is combined with the ventilation of outlets to sanitary fixtures. It is important to understand here that the ventilation outlet on the roof of the building cannot be located more than six meters from the water seal of the toilet.

In addition, a vacuum valve must be installed on the outlet to sanitary fixtures or, as an option, an individual ventilation outlet will have to be developed in the following cases:
  1. If the toilet itself is located further than 6 meters, and the diameter of the pipe is 110 millimeters.
  2. If the toilet is located further than 3.5 m with a pipe diameter of 50 millimeters.
  3. If the toilet is further than 1.5 m and the pipe diameter is 32 millimeters.
  4. The ventilation of the sewer system is located far from the ventilation of the outlets
The distance between the ventilation outlet of the sanitary device and the water seal should not exceed one and a half meters. And the ventilation outlet itself must be at least 30 cm above any bend in the system. And only then the ventilation outlet is attached to general ventilation leading to the roof of the building. Read also: "Proper ventilation in the bathroom and toilet - what is important to consider."

How to remove sewer ventilation risers through the roof

The sewer ventilation riser must be correctly routed to the roof of the house. Here it is important to take into account certain parameters and exact distances. If the roof is flat or designed with a slight slope, then the riser is raised to a height of twenty centimeters. If the ventilation riser goes outside through a ventilation shaft in the house, then a height of ten centimeters from the edge of this shaft is sufficient.

Window, open terraces and balconies should be no closer than 4-5 meters from the riser. But when several risers are combined, they are raised to a height of up to three meters. However, if there is no way to extend the ventilation outlet of the sewer riser to this height, then it should be closed with a special plug.

An exception to all these rules is made for country houses. The sewer risers in them may well be unventilated. But still external sewer network it must be equipped with ventilation.

So, all of these simple rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant “surprises”. The main thing is not to forget to pay attention to any little details and nuances!

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Sewer ventilation and 2 mistakes made during repairs

July 7, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

Sewage ventilation diagram in a private house - the drain pipe exits through the roof

Clean air in a residential area will always be one of the first needs, therefore, sewer ventilation in a private house - created with your own hands - is one of the conditions for installing plumbing. In addition, in some cases, ventilation must be installed in apartments in multi-story buildings.

I will now tell you how this is done, and also want to invite you to watch the video in this article.

Hoods for sewerage

It is necessary to distinguish between ventilation of the room and ventilation of the sewer system in an apartment building or in a private house.
The difference is that the arrangement of the second option does not involve the presence of unpleasant odors at all.

Frequent 2 mistakes

There are at least two common misconceptions regarding such devices:

  1. Since I have a drain pipe in my house or apartment, that is, ventilation of the sewer riser (bed), it means that all unpleasant odors from the system must escape through it. However, we are very surprised if it doesn't work. But the whole point is that the most common source of stench is either damaged pipes or the lack of hydraulic valves due to the banal lack of use of any bathroom (a column of water can evaporate).
  2. But the second mistake concerns residents of the upper floors who have access to the drain pipe - when repairing or replacing plumbing equipment in a toilet or bathroom, it is removed altogether. The reason here is bad condition of this pipe - due to their long service life, they are pretty damaged by corrosion. But by plugging the riser, you create a problem not only for yourself, but also for all your neighbors living below on all floors. The smell will penetrate the apartments every time the toilet is flushed.

Ventilation rules

Exist general rules, both for one system and for several at once - they can be combined into one fan pipe, but can also be separate:

  • the pipe fragment rising above the roof must be at least a meter long;
  • in cases where several systems are combined into one ventilation system, then only the same pipe diameter should be used - usually 50 mm or 110 mm;
  • It is forbidden to install a cap, as this contributes to the collection of condensate, which, in turn, leads to ice jams in winter;
  • It is prohibited to combine such a hood with a chimney or common system ventilation;
  • the fan exit should be no closer than 4 m from any windows, doors and balconies;
  • Be careful when installing under roof overhangs so that the layer of snow coming down from the slope does not cause an accident.

Material selection and general designs

Let's start with the fact that ventilation from sewer pipes in a private house, especially if there is more than one toilet, should be at a height of at least 4 m from ground level. As a rule, the vent pipe is routed through the roof. This will keep the water in the hydraulic seals from evaporating too quickly, and will also help compensate for the difference in air pressure when flushing a toilet or two toilets from the tank at the same time.

When flushing water from the toilet, its volume completely fills the diameter of the pipe and, as it moves, thins out the air behind it, which leads to the sucking out of these same water seals. But the fan pipe compensates for this difference. As a result, you get no unpleasant odors in the room.

I already said about the diameter - it should be the same as in the system itself. But is it possible to use pipes made of a different material, for example, to combine the laying of a PVC system with an asbestos-cement or metal drain riser?

In any case, the answer here will be unequivocal - yes, it is possible. Only in this case another question will arise - is it necessary? It is best to use polyvinyl chloride for the fan riser, even if your wiring is made of metal or asbestos cement (this also happens) - PVC is very light, strong, and its service life is 50 years or more.

The ventilation insert is made at the highest point of the sewer system, made from the widest pipe. That is, if the main system has 110 mm, then the connections to it will be made from a diameter of 50 mm, but they, of course, will be higher, although it is advisable to make the insertion on the 110th pipe (it is possible on the 50th, but the effect is diminished ). Most often, this point is the toilet connection point.

Now, regarding the output, it’s good if you thought through and designed a communication channel with access to the roof, but often it simply doesn’t exist, so you’ll have to come up with something.

One of the options is to vent ventilation through, as in the top photo - this will most likely increase the price of the structure, but this option is quite convenient. This letter G should be made of the same material as the system itself, and the riser can already be mounted from PVC.

If for a small one-story house when arranging ventilation, you can use a 50 mm polyvinyl chloride pipe, but for several apartments you will need at least 110 mm. In addition, there is no point in installing the pipe yourself larger diameter, for a system with a smaller diameter - costs will increase, but the effect will not change.


No matter how much you want, but a private house with internal bathrooms such as a toilet, in any case, you will need a device such as sewer ventilation. Otherwise, a whole host of unpleasant odors awaits you. Don’t forget about hydraulic valves, and if you have any new solutions or projects, I ask you to join the discussion in the comments.

July 7, 2016

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The wastewater that comes from your home ends up in the sewer system. If you live in multi-storey building, then you have one, centralized system. Residents of private houses are forced to make their own sewage system: dig a cesspool or install a septic tank. It’s simply impossible to do without them. As is known, wastewater emit an unpleasant odor that can permeate your home. This organic gas is especially intensely released in the summer under the influence of the sun. Therefore, every resident should think about installing a ventilation system.

Ventilation options


  1. Balanced pressure in the system.
  2. Innings fresh air and its circulation through the sewer system.
  3. No unpleasant sound of water being sucked in in areas of low pressure.

Sewer ventilation can be carried out regardless of the number of floors and drain points. The main task is to make the diagram correctly. There are two suitable options:

  1. System using a drain pipe;
  2. System using vacuum valves.

To make a choice, you need to consider all the nuances of installing systems. When installing a drain pipe, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • the house must have several floors, where drain points are located above the 1st floor;
  • risers must have a diameter greater than 50 mm;
  • the cesspool should be located close to the house.

In other cases, the homeowner may choose simple system ventilation using vacuum valves. But, as experts say, the level of efficiency of the sewer system is noticeably reduced if such valves are used exclusively. Since such equipment cannot be a full-fledged replacement for a waste pipe, the homeowner must decide for himself whether he needs ventilation of the sewer riser using a waste pipe, even if, according to the rules, its presence is not required. After all, using only vacuum valves will not completely prevent the penetration of odor into the house.

The most effective will be a combination of these two options. You can install a drain pipe and equip the sewer with a vacuum valve. This will come in handy if the drain pipe freezes.

If we talk about the fan pipe, then common benefits You can add correct operation of the sewerage system. If the siphon (water seal) dries out, the unpleasant odor will not penetrate into the house. What does it mean?

A siphon or water seal is a barrier that prevents odor from entering the house. He is curved pipe or a channel that is filled with water and extends from sinks, bathtubs and toilets. If the water seal dries out when the plumbing has not been used for a long time, the sewer smell will penetrate into your home. If you have a drain pipe installed, it will be removed through it.

Also, thanks to the installation of a drain pipe, in your sewer pipe a vacuum will not form. Therefore, you will not hear the sounds of air being sucked from the sink or bathtub. Your sewage system will “breathe,” preventing unpleasant odors from entering your home.

What you need to know during installation

To ensure better sealing of joints, ventilation pipe you need to choose from the same material from which the sewage system is made. But mostly a plastic pipe is chosen as a fan riser.

The clamps are attached to the wall along which the pipe runs. At a level of 1.5 m you need to put inspection hatch, in order to clean the pipe. In the ceiling or ceiling, depending on how many floors you have, you need to make holes for the pipe. After the pipe is fixed in the house, it needs to be brought to the roof. There are three options for how you can install it:

  1. Vertically straight.
  2. At an angle of 45˚.
  3. At an angle of 90˚.

In order to bring the pipe vertically, nothing additional needs to be done. If you need to install it at an angle, you need to buy special elbows. The pipe is routed under the roof ridge. After that all that remains is to carry out work on the roof. You need to secure the outlet of the fan pipe, make a mortgage and put up an umbrella.

The pipe can be lined with insulation. It will provide not only the maintenance required temperature, but will also play the role of sound insulation. After all the work has been completed, the pipe can be covered with a box so that it is not visible. In the place where the revision is located, it is also necessary to make a hatch to provide access to it.

Alternative method - vacuum valves

Another way to ensure sewer ventilation is to install valves. But it is worth choosing this option in the case when it is technically impossible or cost-ineffective to install a fan pipe.

How does he work? The valve is equipped with a flap that is connected to a spring that has a slight resistance. When the device is closed, the airtight seal prevents air from entering. When a vacuum develops in the system, which can occur when flushing a toilet, flushing water under pressure, or draining water from washing machine pump, the valve opens automatically. Then the air in the room passes through the valve into the sewerage system, restoring pressure. When the balance is restored, the flap takes the reverse position, hermetically blocking the access of air. In this state, sewer “odors” will not be able to penetrate your premises. And when the valve opens, the air flow that is sucked into the system prevents odor from leaking out.

But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when installing and using such equipment:

  • unlike fan pipes, vacuum valves cannot ensure complete absence of sewage odor when siphons dry out;
  • such equipment is installed on sockets, but if for some reason it is difficult to install it there, this can be done on any horizontal section of pipes of the sewer system;
  • the main disadvantage of valves is the wear of the rubber seals, which make it airtight;
  • The device requires periodic maintenance: if you smell a smell, you need to open it and fix the problem.

If we talk about installation, the process is simple, and, unlike installing a drain pipe, additional repair work not required. It is enough to simply connect the valve to the sewage system and ensure good sealing of the joint. A regular rubber cuff is suitable for this purpose.

Non-standard methods

If your building has already been built, but you don’t want to make holes in the ceiling, you can resort to alternative methods, which do not contradict standard safety requirements and rules.

  1. Installation of pipe on an external wall. This scheme is quite simple and similar to the classical system. It is necessary to install the pipe along outer wall Houses. Its diameter should be 110 mm. It cuts into the sewer, is secured with clamps to the wall and is brought out to the roof of the building. It is important not to install the pipe near windows and balconies. Externally, such a system is very similar to a drain pipe, so general form It won't ruin the house at all. But in this case it will need to be insulated, otherwise freezing is guaranteed.
  2. Installation of the system to the septic tank. This method can be considered the best option from these 3 ways. According to the rules, storage tanks and purification devices should be located 5–20 m from the home. Therefore, by providing ventilation to the septic tank, you can prevent odors from entering the house. Moreover, removing the pipe from the septic tank is easy to do both before and after building a house.
  3. Installation of the system along the fence. The installation principle is the same, the only difference is the distance of the ventilation outlet from the house.

By using such a system, you could harm your neighbors. So, if your fence is located in close proximity to neighboring houses, the sewer smell will reach them.

