Fences made of brick and corrugated board: installation features. Construction of a fence made of corrugated board with brick posts. Fence for cottages made of brick and corrugated board.

How to build a powerful and strong fence from corrugated sheets, doing it quickly and inexpensively? It is possible if you build a fence of brick and corrugated board. Next, we will talk in detail about how to build a brick base and fill the fence openings with high-quality, inexpensive corrugated sheeting. Fences made of brick and corrugated board are light, but quite strong and solid.

Scheme of a brick fence made of corrugated board.

Design of fencing made of corrugated sheets and bricks

Design is the first step in the construction of any building. It is necessary to determine the location of the future fence, the level of the foundation and the thickness of the structure. To start designing, you need to install pegs at the corners of the building and stretch the cord along them. Using a construction tape, you need to measure the sides and draw up a project plan. Now you can start choosing the type of foundation.

The best base for such fences is monolithic strip foundation. This type of foundation will reliably protect the area from rainwater flows and street animals. The width of the base is equal to the width of the brick pillars. The tape can be built of a single thickness or have different thickness, narrow under the corrugated sheet and wide under the posts. Such a foundation allows you to reduce concrete consumption and reduce earthworks. However, in this case, it is quite difficult to assemble the formwork. For fences of small thickness, you can choose a flat foundation.

The foundation under the pillars is laid to the depth of soil freezing.

Scheme of brick pillars for a corrugated fence.

This guarantees the immobility and stability of the base, which means stable operation of the gates, which are attached to steel pipes in the pillars. In less important places(under the posts to which the corrugated sheet is attached) the foundation can have a depth of 0.5 m. This will save on concrete and labor. Thus, sections of the foundation have different depths; there is no need to connect them into a single structure.

This is primarily due to the fact that soil heaving forces will act on foundations of different depths. If such a reason is made single design, less buried parts will take a greater load and deform other areas. Such deformations are dangerous for that part of the foundation that is located under the gate posts. To effectively resist heaving forces, the foundation must be made to expand downward.

Having completed the design, you need to take care of purchasing such materials and tools as:

Scheme of installing gates to brick pillars.

  • brick;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • concrete mortar;
  • boards for formwork;
  • sand, crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • wood screws;
  • electric drill;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • metal pipes;
  • profile pipes;
  • welding machine;
  • enamel;
  • brushes

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Carrying out earthworks

Fence diagram with main dimensions.

When carrying out excavation work, difficulties may arise with removal open ground, because when extracted it occupies a larger volume than compacted one. It is not always possible to place land inside or near the site, so it has to be removed. For export, it is poured into 50 kg bags (approximately 30 bags are required for 1 cubic meter of soil). When removing soil, in order to save money, it upper layer poured separately. It can be useful for arranging a vegetable garden. If the volume of soil being removed is large enough, it is necessary to hire an excavator.

If excavation work is carried out manually, it should be remembered that a flat surface is used for this. bayonet shovel. If the bayonet is attached at an angle, it is more difficult to dig with a shovel.

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Foundation construction

Scheme of fixing corrugated sheets with screws

Once the trenches have been dug, the installation of the formwork can begin. It is assembled to the height of the base plinth and 20 cm below the ground level. The formwork is constructed from half-edged wooden boards. The structural elements are connected with wood screws, having previously made holes using an electric drill. Since the concrete solution exerts significant loads, the formwork boards must be secured with brick supports and wooden lintels. After pouring the foundation, the boards cannot be leveled. The panels should be assembled in a trench; they should be assembled from the top board placed along the cord marking the upper level of the foundation.

The foundation for a fence made of corrugated sheets and bricks must be reinforced with reinforcement rods to give greater strength. Vertical rods are installed at a distance of 1 m from each other, and horizontal rods 10 cm from the base of the foundation strip and 5 cm from the pouring surface. To protect the reinforcement from corrosion, it must remain in the concrete at a depth of at least 5 cm. It is better to assemble the reinforcement frame on the ground, then placing it in the formwork. The reinforcement is assembled using tying wire. The connection of the rods is done with an overlap.

After assembling the formwork and reinforcement frame, angles and pipes are inserted to strengthen the brick pillars. They are leveled and secured with boards. This is a simple operation that can be done alone. There is no need to fill the foundation in those areas where the corrugated sheet will be attached to steel pipes. The pipes, in this case, are concreted in pits 60 cm deep. Before concreting, the pipes are leveled and secured to spacers so that distortions do not occur when pouring concrete.

Concrete must be mixed with a concrete mixer. The concrete mixer must be placed near the formwork. It is better to fill the concrete mixer halfway, as a full load will require more time to prepare a high-quality solution. To increase the frost resistance of concrete and for greater ease of laying, you can add a plasticizing component to it - household liquid soap(10 ml per bucket of cement).

Scheme of fastening corrugated sheeting to a brick pillar.

If you don’t have a concrete mixer, concrete can be prepared manually. It's done like this. You need to find a container with a volume of about 100 liters or large steel sheet. A bucket of cement and 3 buckets of sand are poured there. Everything is mixed with a rake. Water and liquid soap are poured into the bucket. The soap should form a rich foam. The more foam, the better the concrete solution is plasticized. Water is added to the sand and cement, 6 buckets of crushed stone are poured in and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. It takes about half an hour to prepare 100 liters of concrete. Concrete made by hand has less strength than concrete made in a concrete mixer due to more content water. If you add less water, it will be difficult to mix the concrete by hand. However, for pouring the foundation for fences made of corrugated board and brick, a solution of this quality will be sufficient. After pouring, the base is covered with a film to prevent the surface from drying out. In warm weather, stripping should be done every other week.

Erecting a fence is a responsible undertaking for the owner personal plot. Among the many modern designs a fence made of brick and corrugated board occupies an advantageous position. The wide availability of the materials included in this model is complemented by the high quality of the brick, reliability and variety of shades of corrugated board. This allows you to select the most suitable option fence and easily equip one with your own hands.

Fence made of corrugated board with brick pillars

All barriers have their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing these features, you can special labor complete the construction of a fence made of brick and corrugated sheets in the shortest possible time.

A fence made from corrugated sheets will provide reliable protection.


Among the advantages of a design with a combination of these materials, the following points should be highlighted:

  • affordable price of bricks;
  • easy installation of corrugated sheeting on the fence;
  • long period of operation – 20–30 years;
  • variety of choice of profiled sheets;
  • resistance to atmospheric agents;
  • ease and simplicity of installation.

Brick fence posts made of corrugated board

Along with the listed advantages, one cannot fail to note the possibility of quickly dismantling the sheet in order to replace the damaged element.


Knowledge weaknesses the materials used and the structure itself will allow you not only to understand the issue of how to make a fence from brick and corrugated board, but also to minimize their manifestation.

Among the negative features, it is necessary to note the lack of guaranteed protection. You can easily cut a hole in such a fence or completely demolish it under strong mechanical stress.

The small thickness of the sheets does not allow them to withstand significant point mechanical impacts

Also, a fence made of corrugated board under brick is noticeably inferior in terms of aesthetics or monolithic brick structures.

Selection of bricks and corrugated sheets

Any material requires careful selection. To determine the optimal models of bricks and corrugated sheets, you need to know the characteristics of each representative. Right choice These elements will further ensure the durability and reliability of the structure. It is impossible not to note the preliminary selection of models suitable for aesthetic reasons based on photos.

Color of corrugated board for fence


For the construction of a fence made of brick and corrugated board, use different types. Having approximately general indicators strength, frost resistance and color stability, each of them differs from each other in a set of individual technical properties.

Bricks for fence posts

Among the most popular models are the following types of facing bricks:

  1. Hyper-pressed. This species received its name due to the method of its preparation of the same name. This method is based on the processing of composite bulk materials high pressure, which allows components to be linked at the molecular level. The composition of hyperpressed brick includes cement, colored pigments and up to 90% of raw materials: crushed stone screenings, ceramic fragments, marble or lime chips. Despite its resistance to climatic influences, this type has smooth surfaces and edges. This, in turn, allows you to significantly save on mortar during masonry.
  2. Clinker. The defining component is refractory clay. Possessing high strength characteristics, this type of brick has “confident” frost resistance and a low percentage of moisture absorption. In addition, it is possible to order models of any shape, size and texture in yellow, red, and other shades.
  3. Ceramic. The production of this type is based on red clay, due to which it received the appropriate shade. Bricks are produced using semi-dry pressing or plastic molding methods. Among the individual advantages are: resistance to mechanical and external influences, environmental friendliness of the material, high sound insulation performance.
  4. Silicate. To make it, lime and quartz sand with the addition of mineral additives. Due to steam treatment in production, such bricks have more low level moisture absorption.

Brickwork options

Each of these types is used for fencing. However experienced builders It is recommended to use it in home construction clinker brick. Such a person can easily cope with the task of protecting the base of the fence from negative factors external environment.

The service life of the entire structure will depend on the quality of each component element.

At the time of purchase, you must complete the following steps:

  • carefully inspect several bricks from the same batch for chips and cracks;
  • taking with him metal object, check the sound of the product when tapped (if the sound is loud, the brick is made according to standards, otherwise there is a violation of the production technology);
  • It would be a good idea to ask the seller for the relevant certificates, look at the manufacturer’s markings, release date and quality control marks.

Profiled sheet

Types of profiled sheets and their technical characteristics

Thanks to their vertical placement, profiled sheets optimally distribute the impact of external forces. In addition, during construction on open areas such beautiful fences in fact, they create a continuous obstacle, due to which pressure and wind additionally exert pressure on them. However, when constructing fences made of corrugated sheets in densely built-up areas, high bending strength is not required due to the lack of wind load.

When arranging a fence, a profiled wall sheet is used (grade - C). Its main difference from the roofing type is the height of the wave. This takes on the role of a stiffener.

Scheme of the main parameters of C10 sheets for the fence

When labeling products, this indicator follows letter designation. Accordingly, the higher it is, the greater the wind load the sheet can withstand.

Scheme comparative analysis sizes C15 and C20

The correct choice of corrugated sheeting must be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the relief, soil and climate zone. For fences that are small in height and where structures are densely located, it is advisable to use sheets when fastening them to poles.

In the case of constructing high fences in open areas, you need to focus your attention on grades C14, C15 and higher.

Installing a fence yourself (step by step)

Building fences from brick and corrugated board is quite simple. Any construction requires a competent sketch, correct calculation materials and clear installation steps.

Diagram of typical dimensions of constituent elements

Taking into account the soil features and terrain characteristics previously established during geological surveys, it is necessary to begin marking the site. To do this, first of all, you need to draw boundaries, decide on places, set pegs as visual landmarks and pull the rope.

Based on the marked lines, the installation of the fence will subsequently be carried out by forming a trench and places for supporting elements. The classic length is 2.5 m. Its value can vary up or down, taking into account soil characteristics and external loads.

Requirements for the placement of structural parts of the fence

Installation of strip foundation

The construction of such a base for a combined fence made of brick and corrugated board involves digging a trench with a depth of at least the soil freezing level. Such in middle lane in our country is 120 cm. Above this value will subsequently cause tilting or cracks.

Formation order strip base under a corrugated fence

There are no strict requirements for such an indicator as the width of the base. As a rule, it is installed depending on the size of the shovel or future fence.

Schematic representation of the formwork structure

Due to the significant costs of such improvement of personal space and the need for natural compaction of leveled layers of earth, formwork is installed in 90% of cases. When constructing one, improvised materials, such as boards, are usually used. They are fastened along the perimeter of the future foundation.

Perpendicular assembled structure to increase its strength with outside place the bars.

Options for additional reinforcement of the fence foundation

Before pouring the foundation, you should also not neglect giving the base additional rigidity. To do this, it is necessary to consider the placement of reinforcing mesh. They are laid in layers with a difference of 40–50 cm.

As the basis of the frame, it is enough to choose reinforcement with a diameter of 10–12 mm. The rods are laid in such a way that after welding a mesh with cells of 20x20 or 30x30 cm is formed.

Fence foundation formwork with brick pillars

Before pouring concrete, metal pipes should be installed in the recesses under the posts. This will give strength to the supports in the future and make it easy to control the clarity of the lines when laying.

Fences made of brick and corrugated board require pouring concrete mixture into the cavity of the formwork system onto a ten-centimeter layer of crushed stone-sand substrate. Using bayonet, the composition should be evenly distributed around the perimeter of the formwork. It would be a good idea to add brick chips or unnecessary metal objects.

The maturation process of the foundation after concreting

This will not only strengthen the foundation being built, but also significantly save on the amount of concrete.

After reaching the required height, time should be allowed to mature. The foundation should be poured in several approaches without long breaks.

Laying brick fence posts

Scheme of formation of brick pillars

If you decide to build a fence from brick and corrugated sheets with your own hands, in the future you need to monitor during laying for the absence of air pockets in the erected brick pillars.

It is also important to take care in advance of placing waterproofing on the foundation. This will prevent subsequent destruction bottom bricks columns

Aligning seams and horizontal lines

Each element must be laid level and the seams must be of the same size.

Frame construction and sheet fastening

The dimensions of the frame element of a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick pillars are selected based on the height of the fence. With classic values ​​of no higher than 2.5 m, it is enough to stop at two beams. To assemble the frame, a 25x40 mm profiled pipe is used.

Having collected from constituent elements by welding a rectangle, it is necessary to install and secure the structure between the pillars. To avoid rust metal surfaces should be processed protective composition.

Order of placement of cross beams

The corrugated sheeting for the fence should be secured to the attached frame at intervals of two waves using roofing screws. During fixation, it is necessary to control the clarity of horizontal and vertical lines. We install the sheets at a distance of 5–10 cm from the pillars and base.

Corrugated fences have recently become increasingly popular. This aesthetically attractive material is relatively cheap, which allows you to build a durable fence for your garden for a relatively small amount.

There are several options for making such fences, but a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick pillars is especially beautiful and reliable.

There are several options for making such fences, but especially with brick pillars, which every owner can build with his own hands.

Choosing corrugated board for the fence

Sheets of corrugated sheets have different purposes: roofing, for load-bearing structures, for finishing facades.

Sheets of corrugated sheets have different purposes: roofing, for load-bearing structures, for finishing facades. To build a reliable fence for your dacha with your own hands, you should buy a profiled wall sheet. Its prices are minimal, and the quality of the material allows you to get a strong and durable fence. The coating of the sheet is important. You should not purchase material without polymer painting, since without this protective layer rust stains will soon appear on the fence. Uncoated copper or aluminum corrugated sheets are not subject to corrosion, but the cost of this material is quite high. That's why the best option will use a galvanized profile or sheet with a polymer colored coating in the construction of a fence for a dacha.

Its thickness plays a big role. This is an indicator of the material’s resistance to adverse influences. environment and mechanical damage. The smaller the thickness, the lower the price of the metal profile. In order for the fence to last for many years and not require annual seasonal repairs, you should buy sheets with a thickness of at least 0.6 mm. If you focus on the brand of corrugated sheeting, then C8, C10, C13, C18 and C21 meet these requirements. Color solution Each owner chooses according to his preferences. You should also pay attention to the thickness polymer coating. The larger it is, the less chips there will be and the need to touch up scratches and other flaws.

Construction of a foundation for a fence with brick pillars

Most often, MZL is erected - a shallow strip foundation. It's easy to do it yourself.

for a dacha - a special structure. It requires a monolithic strip foundation. Most often, MZL is erected - a shallow strip foundation. It's easy to do it yourself. This base for the pillars is located above the freezing point of the soil and is a continuous concrete line along the entire perimeter of the fence.

Stages of construction of the MZL

  1. The site is being marked. Pegs are placed at corner points by hand and a cord is pulled between them.
  2. The width of the tape should correspond to the thickness of the brick pillar that will be installed on it. But you can choose a more economical option: make the tape wider under the pillars, and narrower under the spans of corrugated sheets. All parameters of the future fence must be foreseen and calculated in advance.
  3. A trench is dug along the marking lines. Its depth must be at least 70 cm. The bottom of the ditch must be compacted. To do this, make a simple device: wooden block required length, to which the handles are nailed.
  4. The next stage is pouring a sand cushion 20 cm high. It should be watered and compacted thoroughly. The purpose of the cushion is to prevent deformation of the foundation when it freezes.

Reinforcement of concrete tape

  1. Reinforcement plays an important role in the design of MZL. The reinforcement must be connected to each other using wire and laid in two layers. In this case, the foundation will be durable. It is best to assemble the reinforcing frame on the ground, and lower it into the trench after installing the formwork.
  2. If the area of ​​the dacha has a slope or large differences in height, then do concrete tape one height level will be too expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, it is best to make a stepped base that repeats the features of the relief at regular intervals. In this case, the reinforcing structures of each “step” cannot be connected to each other, as this will lead to deformation of the foundation during soil freezing.

Installation of formwork for the plinth

  1. We build the formwork with our own hands: the height of the plinth is chosen by the owner of the site independently, but it must be at least 10 cm. If the foundation is stepped, then the formwork must follow its shape. As building material semi-edged board is used. They should be reinforced with lintels, since the concrete pressure will be high.
  2. When the formwork is installed and the reinforcement frame is lowered into the trench, pipes or corners are installed in the places where the brick pillars are erected. This will strengthen the design of future brick supports.

Preparation and pouring of concrete

  1. The concrete mixer should be installed in such a way that the solution from the neck pours directly into the trench.
  2. Composition of the solution: 1 part M400 cement, 3 parts sand, 6 parts medium crushed stone, 0.7 parts water.
  3. To increase the frost resistance and plasticity of concrete, special additives are added to it. But you can improve the quality of the solution and quite in a simple way: Add 10 ml of liquid soap to a bucket of water.
  4. After pouring the foundation, the concrete is covered with plastic film. Further work You can start no earlier than 2-3 days later.

If you decide to prepare the solution manually, then the sequence of adding the ingredients will be different:

  1. A bucket of cement and 3 buckets of sand are poured into a container of at least 100 liters. The mixture is thoroughly mixed with a shovel.
  2. The required amount of liquid soap is poured into an empty bucket and filled with water from a hose. It is advisable to ensure that there is as much soap suds as possible. Then the water is poured into a container with sand and cement. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. 6 buckets of crushed stone are laid, and the mixture is thoroughly mixed again.

Installation of a metal frame for a fence made of corrugated board with brick pillars

Construction of brick pillars

The erection of the pillars takes place one at a time: in one working day, each of them can be built 0.5 m deep.

In order to build the pillars, you will need facing brick. This work can be done with your own hands, but it is advisable to involve an assistant, since with him the speed of erecting supports will increase significantly. You should decide in advance on the height and dimensions of the brick pillars. Most often they are made 2-2.5 m high in 1.5 bricks. Pillars are built around pipes or corners pre-installed in the formwork.

For bricklaying, a 1:3 cement mortar is used, where 1 part M400 cement and 3 parts sand. The erection of the pillars takes place alternately: in one working day, each of them can be built 0.5 m deep. The gaps between the pipe (corner) and the bricks are laid cement mortar. Each row of masonry is reinforced with reinforcing masonry tape 50*50*4. A cap (lid) is installed on each brick pillar, which is more expressive and will give the entire structure a finished look. In addition, the covers will serve to protect the supports from water.

Do-it-yourself installation of corrugated sheets

To fasten the profiled sheet, it is best to use roofing screws with the same color coating as the metal profile.

You need to place sheets of cardboard on the concrete tape so that during installation you do not damage the bottom edge of the corrugated sheet. To make the fence beautiful and neat, we mark the attachment points in advance with a marker. For this purpose, it is best to use roofing screws with the same color coating as the metal profile. The sheets are joined by overlapping one wave. A drill or screwdriver should be used at low speeds so as not to overtighten the screws, otherwise the corrugated sheet will be deformed and dents will remain on it. In addition, when operating at high speeds, heating and grinding occurs cutting edge self-tapping screws After the installation of the corrugated brick sheet is completed, it will be ready.

Every owner own home wants to fence off its territory from curious neighbors and animals from entering the area. To do this, a reliable fence is installed around the perimeter of the site.

Today there are many options for fencing a site, but recently a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick posts has become increasingly common. This fence looks solid and very attractive, unlike other types of fencing. Building such a fence is not particularly difficult, and the financial costs for its installation are low.

The construction of a fence made of profiled sheets with brick posts is practically no different from the construction of a fence made of corrugated sheets with posts made of a metal pipe, but there are still some nuances. First of all, the owner must clearly understand the final version of the fence and calculate its dimensions.

You will also need to prepare necessary tool for work and purchase building materials.

The construction of such a fence includes the following stages:

  • preparatory work;
  • determining the size of the fence;
  • construction of the foundation;
  • frame installation;
  • laying brick pillars;
  • fastening the corrugated sheet to the frame.

Determining the size of the future fence

First of all, it is necessary to determine the size and location of the fence made of corrugated sheets with brick columns. First, the corners of the future fence are marked with pegs and a nylon thread is stretched between them. The length of the perimeter of one side of the site is divided into equal segments. Each marked place is indicated by a peg. In the future, support posts will be installed in the marked places.

Important! Brick columns should not be too wide, so their width on the side and front sides is only 1.5 bricks. If there is a sufficient amount of material, the masonry can be made in two bricks.

The width of the strip foundation should be 20-25 cm. The foundation will protect the territory from penetration by digging under the fence of animals. Typically, the height of the base is 10-25 cm. In some cases, sidewalk curbs are used instead of building a foundation. But it all depends on the preferences of the owner.

Construction of the foundation

To build a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick pillars, a strip foundation is used, the manufacture of which consists of the following steps:

  • trench preparation;
  • installation of formwork;
  • pouring the foundation.

Trench preparation

By general rule The depth of the trench must be greater than the freezing depth of the soil. As a rule, a trench is dug 40 -80 cm deep, depending on climatic conditions terrain. In the places marked with pegs under the posts, holes are dug or drilled for installing the pipe. The bottom of the wells is compacted with sand and the base of the column is inserted - round or square pipe. Depending on the height of the fence, a pipe of appropriate length is selected.

In progress earthworks a sufficient amount of soil is formed. The top fertile layer can be left on the site, and the rest of the sand is leveled along the fence or transported outside the site.

Important! When installing support posts, you must ensure that they are installed strictly vertically. You can check this with a building level.

Installation of formwork

The height of the formwork is chosen at the discretion of the owner, however, making it more than 25 cm above ground level is impractical. The formwork is erected from semi-edged construction boards. If there is ready-made formwork, install it. To prevent the boards from bending under the weight of concrete, they are additionally fastened with wooden jumpers or pegs driven into the ground.

After installing the formwork, it is reinforced. For this, reinforcement rods are used, the diameter of which is 1 cm. The reinforcing rods are connected to each other with knitting wire, which will increase the strength of the foundation being built. Sometimes the reinforcement cage is assembled from the outside and then lowered into the formwork.

Metal support pillars necessary to strengthen brick pillars. Optimal distance between pillars - 2 meters. To ensure that the pipes do not become askew during the process of pouring the foundation, they must be carefully secured in the well. To check the installation level of the pillars, a nylon thread is also pulled in the middle and on top, similar to the bottom one (which determines the height of the foundation). While pouring concrete, the verticality of the pillars is constantly monitored.

As a rule, the height of the fence is 1.5 meters. Consequently, metal pipes for pillars, taking into account their deepening, should have a length of 1.9 meters.

Pouring formwork

To prepare cement mortar, crushed stone, sand, water and cement, preferably grade M 400, are used. In some cases, a plasticizing additive is added to the mortar to increase frost resistance. The ratio of sand and cement in the solution can be 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. It all depends on the brand of cement. The solution is mixed in a concrete mixer or manually until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Household liquid soap (plasticizing additive) is mixed with water. Only after the foam has settled can it be added to the solution.

The prepared solution is poured into the formwork, carefully leveled with a trowel and leveled to the level of the stretched nylon thread. The drying time of the foundation depends on weather conditions and is at least 3 days. Complete hardening of concrete occurs a week after pouring.

Frame construction

The stability of the future fence determines the quality of the frame. Its construction begins no earlier than 3 days after the foundation is poured. The construction of the frame can be done both before laying out the brick columns and after the construction.

The construction of the frame before the erection of brick pillars is carried out using a 20x40 profile pipe. The pipes are welded to the installed metal posts using welding. Horizontal pipes are welded at a distance of 30 cm from the top of the column and at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the foundation. It is recommended to coat the manufactured frame with alkyd paint, which will prevent metal corrosion.

In the second case, it is necessary to weld embedded metal plates to the installed pipes at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the formwork and the top of the pipe, which are brought out outside the brickwork. In other words, the mortgages must protrude from the brickwork. After laying the pillars, cross members from a profile pipe are welded to the protruding mortgages.

Laying brick pillars

Facing bricks are used to cover the installed metal supports. Brick laying is done using cement mortar with a cement to sand ratio of 1 to 3. You can also add liquid soap to the mortar, which will improve its ductility.

Bricks are laid around the installed metal pole. Formed between the pillar and brickwork the gap is filled with solution. To strengthen the masonry, it is allowed to reinforce each two rows with a 50x50x4 mm mesh.

Advice! It is advisable to lay the pillars one by one: first lay the first pillar to a height of 50-60 cm, then the next one. This will allow time for the brickwork to shrink.

In places where profile pipes interfere with the masonry, the brick should be carefully cut with a grinder, then fit it under the pipe, carefully sealing all the cracks with cement mortar. To give brick pillars a finished look, special ready-made caps are installed on top or I make them myself from galvanized steel.

Caps purchased at a hardware store are installed on the mortar, and those made of galvanized steel are attached with dowels to the latter brick row. Such caps can be painted to match the corrugated sheeting to give them beauty.

Fastening corrugated sheets

The final stage of building a fence with brick posts is attaching corrugated sheets to the frame. For this, galvanized roofing screws or special rivet nails are used.

Fastening, as a rule, is made in each wave adjacent to the crossbar. To do this, use a drill to drill a hole in the corrugated sheet and the cross member, after which a self-tapping screw is screwed in or a nail is pressed with a rivet gun.

The sheets are laid one on one with a slight overlap.

When the last sheet of corrugated sheeting is attached to the frame, the work is completed. Thus, installing a fence made of corrugated sheets with brick posts is not so difficult if you follow the stages of its construction.

With a combination of “brick and corrugated sheeting”. And this is quite logical.

This solution for cottages is in perfect harmony with any landscape design And architectural style. The creation of such a fence will also bring economic benefits. And the result will be long lasting if everything is done correctly.

Where do they start?

Corrugated sheets are purchased. They are made of steel. They are covered with a protective layer against corrosion: colored polymer or galvanized.

The advantages of this material:

  1. High reliability.
  2. Good strength and elasticity.
  3. If the sheet is damaged, it can easily be replaced with an analogue.
  4. 25-30 years of service.
  5. Powerful resistance to ultraviolet radiation, thermal shocks, natural and mechanical influences.
  6. Good color range.

Fence with brick pillars. The highlight is that the corrugated board is decorated to resemble a brick.

Installation process

Fences with the specified combination are installed very quickly, since this material is of relatively low mass. There is no need for special equipment here. are powerful reinforcements for the fence. And it will be extremely difficult for villains to climb over such a fence and get past its sharp edges.

Attach the corrugated sheet to the combined fence You can use one of these methods:

  1. Sheets cover the entire structure
  2. The sheets are located between the pillars.

The second method is most often used.

Here's how to do everything step by step:

  1. Choice of corrugated sheets.
  2. Perimeter calculations.
  3. Work on the foundation.
  4. Creating columns.
  5. Installation of corrugated sheets.

Choosing hardware according to the rules

You must choose taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Coating: polyvinyl chloride or painting. The first option creates a thick and very durable outer layer. Type of invoice: smooth and unsmooth. Such sheets are powerfully protected from corrosion and other negative factors, but after 2-3 years they fade. The second option is determined by the dyeing agents used. Modern varnishes and paints can create good protection and interesting color implementations.
  2. The protective layer should be on both sides of the sheet.
  3. The selection of colors matches the color scheme of the house facades.
  4. Sheet thickness – at least 5 mm.
  5. The height of the profile reaches the following parameters: C10 – C8.

Some color examples material:

Perimeter calculations

A construction zone is designated. Pegs are placed at the positions of the future corners of the fence. A thread is stretched over them (it is better to take a strong nylon type). Take a tape measure and measure the distance of the pegs from each other. A draft of the intended design is drawn up. The thickness of future pillars is taken into account. The most economical option is considered to be: The thickness of the side is 1 brick, the front is 1.5 bricks. To strengthen the pillar, profile pipes are used. Their parameters: 4 x 4 x 0.2 cm. Every second masonry line is reinforced. For this purpose, a special galvanized steel mesh. Its parameters: 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.1 cm. Here is an example:

If you need to mount a gate, you need to use pillars with embedded components. They need to be strengthened steel pipe 8 x 0.28 cm.

Land works

Before erecting the fence, you need to dig trenches. In this case, a large volume of excavated soil is formed, about 3 cubic meters. It is better to place it in special bags (40-50 kg) and take it out.

For excavation work here, you need two shovels: a shovel and a bayonet, as well as a crowbar.

You can dig a trench, working together, in 4-6 hours, taking into account pauses.

Formwork can be created immediately after digging the trench. An example of high-quality formwork:

For the foundation, formwork can be made only for the basement component, that is, 10-20 cm below the surface level of the ground. The walls of the formwork are created from construction semi-edged boards.

Assembly is carried out using the following tools: electric drill, wood screws.

Advice! It is important to take into account the high effect of concrete on the formwork.

Therefore, to fasten the boards you will need wooden lintels and brick supports. They are introduced only before the foundation is poured. It will be extremely difficult to fix anything later.

  1. Collect shields while in the trench.
  2. It starts with the board itself. It is arranged along a thread stretched between stakes.
  3. To strengthen the foundation, use reinforcing bars 1 cm thick.
  4. Place vertical rods every one and a half meters in the trench.
  5. The foundation must be reinforced horizontally with the same rods. They are laid out on both sides at a distance of 10 cm, rising along the trench.
  6. On both sides they must be laid 5 cm from the concrete surface.
  7. The reinforcing frame is assembled on the surface. And in finished form placed in formwork.

To fasten the rods you need annealed wire. Its diameter is 1 mm. After introducing the frame into the formwork, reinforcing elements can be mounted there: a corner or a pipe. Level them and secure them with boards.


Foundation work

His suitable look– strip reinforced concrete. The width of the base corresponds to the width of the pillars. If discrepancies are found in the foundation levels, then it is necessary to divide the base tape into separate sections. Each level is at least 10 cm.

The depth of the foundation for the planned pillars is equal to the depth of soil freezing in a given geographical area. In the above example, this value is 1 m. In areas under corrugated sheeting, the depth of the base can be reduced to 50 cm.

To create resistance to soil heaving, the shape of the foundation must be expanded towards the bottom of the pit. This will extend the life of your fence.

Activities with concrete composition

For creating quality composition I need a concrete mixer. It is placed near the formwork.

The algorithm for mixing concrete here is as follows:

  1. The concrete mixer is placed at an angle of 35-45 degrees, covered with crushed stone (6 parts). Crushed stone is an excellent filler and prevents cement from sticking to sand and walls.
  2. The composition includes: an additive for air entrainment (about.1%), water (0.7 shares) and sand (3 shares). Sand is poured only after the crushed stone is mixed with water. Mixing duration is 30 seconds.
  3. The angle of the concrete mixer changes to 60-70 degrees. This will prevent dry sand and cement from sticking to the walls.
  4. Cement (grade PTs-400) and the rest of the sand are introduced.
  5. The angle of the concrete mixer returns to its initial values. The remaining water should be added.
  6. Mix thoroughly until there are no lumps.
  7. Unloading a concrete mixer.

The given proportions are calculated from 1 part of cement. Instead of an additive, you can introduce liquid soap. Its proportion: 10 ml per 12 l. cement. This will give the foundation strong resistance to frost.

After pouring, immediately cover the concrete with polyethylene. Concrete surface should not dry out quickly.

In hot weather, complete removal of formwork is carried out in about a week.

Creating brick pillars

For this purpose it is usually used facing brick, for example “Bassoon”. The brick is placed on a cement-sand composition.

Composition proportions: 1 share of cement and 3 - other components. For plasticity, you can introduce liquid soap.

In one day, it is optimal to lay out 50 cm of masonry (in height).

In parallel with the masonry, it is necessary to fill the space between the brick and the steel column with the same composition. All rows are strengthened (reinforced) with a special mesh. Its parameters: 5 x 5 x 0.4 cm.

The required distance between the pillars is no more than 3 meters. Their height is affected by: the design of the site, the appearance of the fence, wind load, and the height of the corrugated sheet.

Masonry pattern:

This material is fixed in the masonry using embedded plates and corners. Their positions: middle, bottom and top of the columns.

The usual length of sheets is 3 m. And to securely fasten them together, you can use only logs.

After the pillars are erected, protective covers (caps) are attached to them. The caps also give the pillars a complete look.

If you choose concrete caps, it is better to take versions painted with mineral dye. The paint will not wash off from them in difficult conditions. weather conditions, and the top layer will not fade. Concrete options placed on top of the posts on a cement-sand composition.

For your information, steel analogues are attached with dowels from below to the brick.

Creating a steel frame

It begins 2-3 days from the moment the formwork is filled with concrete. For assembly you need a profile pipe 2 x 4 x 0.2 cm. They must be welded using the manual arc method. The corrugated sheet is then mounted to the frame.

Frame template (correct pipe positions):

Assembly algorithm:

  1. Profile pipes are cut into the required lengths. The position of these segments is vertical.
  2. They indicate the places where the pipe will be welded. From each edge of the fence you need to keep a reserve of 30 cm.
  3. At the designated points, the pipes are already held in a horizontal position by welding. The grip is on one side only. Here it is better to work with an assistant.
  4. Checking the correct position of the pipes. Need a level.
  5. Final welding of pipes in a horizontal position.

Advice! For such welding, equipment with a parameter of 6500 W is better suited.

The welded frame should be coated with a protective compound and alkyd enamel, for example PF-115.

Installation of corrugated sheets


Before this stage, the foundation is covered with cardboard. This way there is less chance of damage to the bottom edge of the corrugated sheet.

Installation plan:

  1. Marks are made to place the screws. Need a marker.
  2. TO profile pipe(2 x 4 x 0.2 cm) corrugated sheeting is attached at the bottom of the corrugation. You need to follow through one wave. Here you need galvanized roofing screws with rubber gaskets. Their parameters: 0.48 x 3 cm. To mount 1 meter of corrugated sheeting you need 6 of these screws.

Type of connection - overlap. To screw in self-tapping screws, you should use an electric drill at modest speeds. This will prevent the cutting plane of the screw from overheating and grinding down.

Price factors

Such fences take about a couple of weeks to create. And this does not take into account possible pauses in work.

Costs here can reach up to 50,000 rubles. Calculation for 6 pillars and a nine-meter fence. But it's cheaper than brick fence with forging elements.

To correctly calculate costs, divide the length of the fence by the length of the selected material (corrugated sheeting).

It is also worth considering the costs of creating concrete composition, reinforcing elements, fasteners, pipes and tools.

Bottom line

Such fences are often built on their own. The issue is not only price, but also quality. It happens that owners do not trust some of the processes to unfamiliar employees. In any case, when people build, pour and install something for themselves, the result is pleasing to the eye, and their soul is much calmer.

How to do it with one hand?