DIY bush fence. Review of fast-growing perennial shrubs for hedges in the country. Rosehip hedge

Ugly fences spoil the countryside landscape. Planting a hedge in your dacha will help to mark the boundaries of the site and not disturb the natural harmony. It's nice to relax, admiring not rotten boards or concrete plates, but on a flowering shrub. Creating such a fence is even easier than building a permanent wall, and it will perform its function perfectly for many years.

What types of living fences are there?

Depending on the purpose and tastes of the owners, fences can be different types. If you need a fence to protect the area from livestock and people who want to pass directly through your territory, you need a tall, preferably thorny, bush with strong, tall trunks. For decorative screens, dividing the area into different zones Other herbaceous plants will also work.

Plant fencing can be divided into categories according to different criteria:

  • high, medium and low;
  • evergreen and deciduous;
  • formed and freely growing;
  • solid and translucent;
  • single-tier and cascade;
  • homogeneous and mixed.

Depending on which type you like best, you need to decide what to plant to create a living fence in your dacha. Not only shrubs, but also herbaceous perennials can be used as low borders: peonies, phlox,. Such borders will perfectly frame the paths and divide the flower garden into several parts.

A labyrinth would be a good idea on the playground. For children, there is no need to plant tall bushes so that children do not get scared when they get lost on the paths. Teenagers can create a more serious puzzle with various branches and walls made of tall plants. If you leave an empty area in the center, you can have small picnics there, set up a barbecue and relax with the whole family.

Where to begin?

You have received a new plot. Where to start mastering it? Of course, from the fence. The fence must be high enough, solid and strong. Immediately discard plants with unusual beautiful flowers and tasty fruits, if you don’t want every passerby to take away a piece of the fence with them.

To design the boundaries of the territory, the following are suitable:

  • juniper;

It is better to plant plants at the borders of the site that do not require pruning and can grow freely. At the same time, you need to remember that your plantings should not shade the territory of your neighbor; it is advisable not to purchase species whose height is more than 2 m. If you make a solid wall of fluffy Christmas trees on your northern border, in a few years they will grow into huge trees and block you from the southern sun half neighboring plot. IN conflict situation you may be forced to cut down trees.

Perhaps the neighbors in the country have already installed ugly concrete structures and in your area you feel like you’re in a prison yard. The situation is easy to fix. In the first year, plant along existing structures. climbing plants, which will quickly create a green screen:

  • bindweed;
  • decorative beans;
  • wild grapes;

In the fall, you can replace annuals with long-lived shrubs. In this case, you no longer need to be afraid of garden thieves and you can plant roses and other attractive crops.

Dividing the site into zones

You have fenced off the territory, now you need to decide which zones you want to separate on your site. If the area is small, you can arrange living fences that serve as a screen and at the same time supply you with crops.

Around the playground and rest areas you can plant:

  • grape;
  • currants;
  • raspberries;

In spacious areas you can arrange a fancy cascading hedge. The back row consists of free-growing shrubs, the remaining tiers are formed at the request of the owners. Fences made from plants of the same species, but with different colors of leaves and flowers, look stylish. You can cut the rows evenly to create a clear step, or you can give them a wave or jagged shape.

Low curbs provide enormous scope for imagination. Their task is not to close or protect the territory, they simply emphasize the boundaries. Such a fence does not require either thickness or strength. Small bushes trimmed in the form of balls, cones or animal figures will look impressive. Corners and edges can be marked with blue Christmas trees or other trees with unusual color foliage.

Sometimes a fence is needed not for many years, but only for a couple of seasons - for example, to close the area on which you are building something. A rope stretched at a height of 2 m and climbing annuals will help you solve this problem:, decorative beans. Bricks, pits and other unsightly pictures are not visible behind the green wall, and when the work is finished, it will not be a pity to destroy the fence.

Living lattices

The decoration of the site can be a trellis fence, reminiscent decorative grille. To make it, take a shrub with not very thin trunks: hawthorn, willow. Plant plants on minimum distance from each other. Prepare trellises in advance or wooden structures, on which the shoots will be attached.

The first year, let the bushes grow freely, and in the fall, cut off all the shoots, leaving stumps no higher than 12 cm. After a year, leave strong shoots and intertwine them with each other at an angle of 45⁰. At the junction of the branches, cut off the bark and firmly fix the shoots. The result should be a grid of diamonds.

The decorated fence is attached to trellises or a lattice frame. In the future, remove all shoots that do not grow in the plane of the screen, and trim the tops along an even line. The fence turns out to be narrow, takes up little space, and in terms of decorativeness it can compete with a lush multi-tiered structure. A living lattice will help hide and concrete fence, and an ugly building.

Tree fence

A hedge in a dacha can be made not only from shrubs, but also from trees. Such a wall will take a long time to grow, but its beauty and strength will justify the wait. Immediately after planting, the main trunk must be cut off, leaving about 15 cm in height. After this, the lateral branches will begin to develop intensively. In a few years, neither man nor animals will be able to get through the thick hedge.

For planting, you need to choose trees that tolerate pruning well: maple, hornbeam. Poplar grows quickly, provides excellent protection from dust and noise, and can be trimmed, but this plant has very fragile branches. In strong winds, a huge piece of tree can break off and damage crops or injure people. The second reason why it is undesirable to plant poplars on the site is the huge amount of fluff.

A fence made of coniferous trees is very beautiful, but over time it will reach too great a height, and you cannot shorten the tops of the trees. Such a wall can be built with north side plot if it borders a river or forest and the shadow will not bother anyone. If over the years the lower branches begin to dry out and die, you can grow a solid wall of bushes between the trunks.

Purchase of seedlings

For hedges, it is better to use plants that originally lived in your area and have adapted to the climate. If you build a fence at your dacha from capricious exotic bushes, they may develop unevenly, some specimens will get sick or die, and you won’t get a continuous beautiful fence. Unpretentious willow, lilac or hawthorn are much more reliable.

For small areas, seedlings can be grown from cuttings. This option is suitable for low borders, already at next year After planting, the plants will reach the desired height. Grow your own planting material for a high fence at the dacha is possible only if you agree to wait several years.

If you need to fence the perimeter, you need a lot of seedlings and they must be quite large. Choose bushes no older than 6 years. When purchasing, pay attention to the roots, make sure they are moist and healthy. The crown should be developed evenly in all directions.

Dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide. If you want to make a cascading fence, increase the width by half a meter for each tier. Place sand on the bottom for drainage. Place the top fertile layer separately when digging; it will be used to backfill the roots.

Plant trees at a distance of 1 m from each other, tall bushes can be placed every 0.7 m. The lower the plants, the denser the planting should be. Fill the trenches well with water and throw fertile soil mixed with organic fertilizer and hydrogel to the bottom. If you purchased seedlings in containers, plant them together with a lump of earth. It is advisable to treat the exposed root system with a growth stimulator. Cut off all dry, damaged and diseased shoots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the bushes in the trench.

For tall plants, install stakes to prevent them from being swayed by the wind during the rooting period. Fill the trenches with soil, compact them lightly and water them so that there are no air voids. Mulch upper layer grass clippings, compost or peat.

You can purchase decorative sand and pebbles as mulch. different colors. With their help, you can lay out various ornaments along the plantings.

Green hedge care

To your green fence at the dacha was always pleasing to the eye, he needed good care. First of all, provide enough moisture so as not to spoil your mood with the sight of drooping leaves and wilted inflorescences. If the ground is not covered with a layer of mulch, loosen the top layer in both directions to a distance of at least 50 cm. Spill the soil with plenty of water so that it is saturated with moisture to a depth of about 40 cm.

Feeding depends on the type of plant and on whether you will eat the fruits. In the spring, add organic fertilizers– 5 kg per m2. In summer, feed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. In the fall, prepare a composition of 50 g of ammonium sulfate, 30 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate.

Particular attention should be paid to trimming a living fence. You need to do this work regularly, otherwise the decorative hedge will turn into a dense jungle. In young plants, during the first 2 years, pruning is done several times a season to stimulate the development of new shoots. Mature trees and shrubs are pruned in spring and autumn. At the same time, all diseased, damaged and dry shoots are removed, as well as branches that grow in the wrong direction or thicken the crown too much. After this, the shoots are removed and shortened, which give the fence an unkempt appearance.


A green fence at the dacha does not require large material costs, but the plants need careful care. Weigh all the pros and cons: can you constantly water and trim many bushes, or is it better to install the finished structure once and forget about it? In corners where dust and dirt do not reach, you can make a fence from fruit crops, which will supply you with vitamin supplies.

To plant a living fence, you need to choose plants that tolerate pruning well and look beautiful all season long. Coniferous and evergreen crops, as well as shrubs with variegated leaves, look great. You can choose varieties of the same species, but with different flowering periods, then the fence will delight you with bright colors all summer long.

To prevent your hedge from looking sloppy, you need to learn how to trim the bushes correctly. If the wall is too long, you can not design it the same height along its entire length, but make teeth, elevations, and balls. A green fence will protect your territory and fill it with beauty and wonderful aroma flowering plants.

A hedge made of green spaces is practical and original way protect your site from uninvited guests. In addition, such a fence will improve the appearance of the yard both outside and inside and will emphasize the excellent taste of the home owners. You can be convinced that a hedge, the photo of which is given below, can become a real decoration of a personal garden by reading our article.

Of course, in order to grow a fence for the site, you will need to be patient and study the features of the choice suitable plants and caring for them. This is exactly what we will talk about.

Types of “living” fences

Hedge– site decoration

A hedge of trees or shrubs is usually used to enclose a yard or to delimit it into separate zones. Depending on what goals are set - to hide from prying eyes or simply to decorate and green the area - fences vary in height. They can be:

  • High – more than 2 m;
  • Medium – 1-2 m;
  • Low – 50-120 cm.

There are also plantings various forms and can have from one to three tiers, and you can give a certain shape to the hedge by trimming it in a timely manner. If you plan to do a topiary, it is better to plant well-branched shrubs and trees that form a dense crown (thuja, barberry, juniper and others). Flowering plant varieties, on the contrary, are not recommended to be pruned, as this prevents the normal formation of flowering shoots.

The hedge is fast-growing and perennial. Which plants to choose?

Growing such a fence is not the fastest process, and a green fence is created for years, so traditionally perennial planting types are chosen for it. If you need a hedge that is fast-growing and at the same time perennial, you should pay attention to the following plants:

  • Fast-growing trees: willow, thuja, maple, poplar, acacia, warty birch.
  • Shrubs: hawthorn, barberry, viburnum, elderberry, rose hip, raspberry.

Hedge - a type of fencing

Rapid growth is also characteristic of some climbing varieties, such as blackberries and girl's grapes. They can also successfully cope with the role of a fence, but they need additional support, for example, from a chain-link mesh. To choose optimally suitable look plantings was simpler, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular varieties plants for hedges.

Fencing the area with trees

Deciduous and especially coniferous trees Look great as a fence. They are ideal for tall hedges, but it must be borne in mind that not all varieties can provide reliable protection of the site. Most of them can only be used to visually highlight boundaries. An exception to this rule is willow, which, when planted correctly, can create an impenetrable fence of sufficient strength.

What is good about a willow hedge?

The well-known willow, which usually grows near bodies of water, is not the only type of this tree. There are dwarf varieties that reach a height of 1-4 meters, as well as creeping varieties that are successfully used for decorating flower beds and front gardens. White, purple or holly willow is usually chosen for fencing.

Willow hedges are popular due to their ease of care and ease of planting: you just need to immerse cuttings 20-25 cm long in prepared, moist soil. Then the seedlings will need to be watered several times, but after they are properly rooted, you only need to ensure that the shoots are pruned in a timely manner.

Willow seedlings need to be intertwined

To give the fence strength, the willow cuttings need to be intertwined as they grow to form a living semblance of a mesh fence. Such a fence successfully copes with both decorative and protective functions. What’s remarkable is that it can last quite a long time, since the lifespan of willow bushes ranges from 20 to 50 years. In this case, the branches regenerate well, and some of them can be cut off without harming the fence, and then used to create.

Evergreen arborvitae hedge

Thuja is an evergreen tree of the cypress family. She always pleases the eye with juicy green tint needles and does not require special care. In addition, its dense crown has amazing plasticity and makes it possible to create real masterpieces with the help of garden shears. For this reason, thuja is rightfully considered one of the most convenient bases for plant sculptures.

In height, depending on the variety, it can reach 3.5-7 meters and is characterized by rapid growth - 20-40 cm per year. The lifespan of this tree is up to 40 years.

Thuja is a long-lived tree

Thuja hedges are used mainly for decorative purposes. In addition to fencing, it can also serve as a backdrop for flower beds, hide various outbuildings, highlight paths or areas.

Shrub hedge and its features

Certain types of fast-growing shrubs act as hedges in no way inferior to trees, and in some ways even have an advantage over them. High grades are successfully used to fence the entire yard, and a considerable number of their varieties, from evergreen to flowering, open up many opportunities for renovation landscape design plot.

A hedge of shrubs has one more advantage: if used to create it fruit plants(viburnum, rose hips, blackberries, raspberries), you can annually harvest delicious and healthy berries. Let's look at several common types of fast-growing fruit and flowering bushes.

Juniper hedge: variety of shades

Externally, juniper can resemble either a tree or a bush, or even a fluffy green carpet. The color of its branches also varies: from bright green to bluish. For hedges, as a rule, preference is given to ordinary, Cossack, scaly or Chinese variety. They are suitable for areas with mixed climates and tolerate moderate frosts and drought.


In addition to its decorative properties, juniper is valuable for its berries. They have found application in folk medicine, cooking, and are also included in some cosmetics.

A juniper hedge will not require special care, but at first the seedlings will need weeding to remove weeds. In winter, it is recommended to trim the fence or tie the branches with rope so that they do not break under the weight of snow.

Barberry hedge: beauty and protection

Barberry is a shrub characterized by a variety of foliage colors (depending on the variety), beautiful flowering and healthy fruits. But it’s not just its attractive appearance that makes it a suitable option for a hedge. Barberry thorns, reaching a length of 2 cm, will reliably protect your yard from any uninvited visitors.

Variety of shades

This plant can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters, grows well and is suitable for creating fences of various shapes. Barberry is resistant to various weather conditions, easily tolerates drought and is undemanding to the composition of the soil. However, there are also disadvantages - barberry hedges are susceptible to many types of diseases, are often affected by pests and therefore require regular care and periodic spraying with special solutions.

These features often stop gardeners, inclining them to choose another type of plant for a hedge. But, if you are ready to regularly devote time to caring for the plantings, barberry can be an excellent decoration for your site.

Hawthorn hedge for cottage and garden

This bush is known for both its beauty and beneficial properties. As for its use as a hedge, it, like barberry, has thorns and can serve as a reliable fence. Hawthorn gives the best growth when planted on sunny areas, however, it can also adapt to partial shade.

Hawthorn adapts to partial shade

The plant is frost-resistant and undemanding to soil composition, but watering should not be neglected. In the first year, the shrub must be watered at least once a week. Its disadvantages include not very fast growth: a solid impenetrable wall is formed approximately 10 years after planting.

Note! In order for a hawthorn hedge to bush well, after the first year the ground near the plantings must be properly weeded and dug up, and the bushes themselves must be trimmed to fit the stump.

So that the hedge makes you happy rapid growth and impeccable appearance, you must adhere to a number of rules for planting and caring for it. First of all, care should be taken to properly fertilize the soil. Compost or manure can be used as top dressing.

It is better to plant plants in fertilized soil in mid-autumn. To do this, you will need to mark a straight line with a rope and dig a ditch about 50 cm deep in accordance with it. Its width is selected depending on the number of rows in the fence, for one - 50-60 cm, for two 80-100 cm or more. Then fertilizers are placed on the bottom, lightly sprinkled with a layer of soil and planting begins.

Use seedlings 2-3 years old

It is better to use seedlings aged 2-3 years, for coniferous plantations - 3-4 years. During the first year after planting, it is advisable to protect the future hedge with a fence to avoid damage.

In order for a self-grown hedge to serve you for many years, it needs to be properly cared for. Although, in general, the plants used for such fences are unpretentious, they require increased attention during the rooting period.

The soil near young plants should be regularly loosened, cleared of weeds and watered. From the second year the hedges begin to be trimmed. The recommended frequency of pruning branches is 2 times a year (in mid-autumn and early summer). As needed for better growth You can feed the seedlings with nitrogen fertilizers or compost.

Common mistakes in growing “living” fencing

Often, novice gardeners, due to inexperience, make the following mistakes:

  • Incorrect cutting of branches. When choosing shapes for cutting hedges, you should avoid shapes in which the lower branches do not receive enough sunlight, as this leads to their death.
  • Failure to follow planting recommendations. The cause of plant death may be insufficiently deep grooves under the root system.
  • The planting site was chosen incorrectly. In areas that are too shaded, it is recommended to plant only shade-tolerant shrubs, such as alpine currant and others.
  • Incompatible plant species are combined in one hedge. Trees of different species should not be planted together - this can lead to the suppression of some varieties by others.
  • Too many rows. It must be taken into account that it is undesirable to grow trees, especially conifers, in more than 2 rows, otherwise the seedlings located inside will dry out and eventually die.

Blooming hedge
Curly hedge
Medium Height Hedge

If you take into account the recommendations listed above, it will not be difficult for you to grow in your yard both a luxurious dense fence of green spaces and small decorative hedges. We wish you success in landscape design, and your plants - unfading beauty!

To fence your territory, it is not at all necessary to delve into the specifics of construction. An excellent alternative for many has become a hedge, which can not only hide the owners’ property from prying eyes, but also complement the landscape design. In addition, with the help of evergreens perennial plants all zones can be distributed. Creating a fast-growing perennial hedge at your dacha is quite simple. If you take care of her regularly, she will not lose her decorative qualities for several decades.

You can choose almost any plant to form a living fence, but not all of them will grow quickly. Some require a lot of attention, constant feeding, frequent watering and certain climatic conditions. In addition, their growth rate per year is quite small, so the “living” fence will grow for many years. You can go another way - pick up fast-growing plants that develop quickly enough and from them you can simply form a fence of any shape and height.

Among the advantages of a hedge are:

  • climbing plants quickly entwine walls and supports;
  • if necessary, they will hide the shortcomings of the structure;
  • even with a modest landscape design, you can transform the entire territory for little money;
  • can be planted even in narrow places;
  • formation of shape and height as plants grow;
  • minimum amount of area.

There are disadvantages to almost everything, so hedges are no exception. These include regular care. If climbing plants were chosen for the fence, then in winter the fence will be translucent as the leaves fall in the fall.

When growing a green fence, it is worth remembering that it can be in the form of:

  • curb (up to 1 m);
  • hedge (1-3 m);
  • living wall (3-6 m).

The successful formation of a perennial hedge depends on correct selection plants, planting and caring for them.

As you know, with the help of flowers you can create flower beds and create alpine coaster. But if it is necessary to perform zoning or grow a high hedge, then it is necessary to use other types:

  • climbing plants;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees.

Shrubs are especially popular, from which amateurs and professionals create entire compositions:

  • fences;
  • curbs;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals.

Another option for decorating a site is willow. In this case, you can choose not only regular varieties. If you have children, then with the help of a hedge you can fence off the children's area and calmly go about your business. At the same time, parents will be completely calm about their kids, since they will not be able to run away anywhere. Even through dense thickets Small child won't be able to get through.

Using simple shrubs will allow you to realize absolutely any idea. In addition, there is no need to resort to the help of designers; just read the tips and thematic articles that are available on our website.

Considering all the options, you need to plan and imagine your hedge. To narrow down your choice, you need to use some criteria:

  1. Height.
  2. Width.
  3. Sheared or molded shape.
  4. Free growing.
  5. Care requirements.
  6. Climatic conditions.

Thanks to this, you can quickly determine which plants are suitable for forming a hedge. Undoubtedly, among the advantages deciduous plants are flowers. Many of them can bloom for a fairly long period of time, be honey plants, be used for traditional medicine, and also bear fruit.

These include:

  • acacia;
  • black chokeberry;
  • elder;
  • derain;
  • honeysuckle;
  • viburnum;
  • jasmine mock orange;
  • currant;
  • lilac;
  • maple and others.

If you choose plants in favor of deciduous species, then you need to consider one important point. The hedge should bloom in early spring, and shed leaves in late autumn.

When choosing a single-tier height, you can significantly save on the required area for forming a hedge. In this case, it is worth giving preference to those types of trees whose branches can grow from the base of the trunk: linden, poplar and maple. If the area allows, then it is better to make a multi-tiered green fence. Not only can it become a fence, but it will also protect a large area of ​​land from the winds.

  1. For a hedge up to 3 m high, you can choose elm, poplar, linden, willow, and rowan.
  2. For hedges with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m, the most often chosen are cotoneaster, barberry, golden currant, and alpine honeysuckle.
  3. Suitable for hedges from 70 cm to 1.5 m are mock orange, Bessey cherry, steppe almond, Japanese spirea.
  4. For borders it is necessary to choose dwarf plants of the above varieties.

If you choose the right trees and shrubs, you can create an original multi-tiered green fence. They will not cover each other, but at the same time beautiful combination flowers and the order of flowering will constantly delight you.

Shrubs have many benefits. They grow quite quickly, have a dense crown, and are easy to care for. It is worth noting that their main advantage is their flexibility in shaping. In addition, a wide variety of types allows you to solve several problems at once. If you need to further protect your property, choose specimens with thorns. They need to be planted with outside living fence. You can also consider fruit-bearing varieties, the fruits of which can be used for food.

Among the simplest and most accessible shrubs, the 3 most common can be distinguished:

  1. Dogwood. An unpretentious shrub that can be planted even in the shade. This is an excellent option for forming an external hedge. Except beautiful leaves, dogwood bears fruit. Its fruits can be eaten or used in folk medicine. Dogwood can be planted both in spring and autumn, but no less than a month before frost.
  2. Barberry. Grows in absolutely any soil. Thanks to the thorns it will serve as additional protection for the fence. There are both low-growing and tall varieties, which allows you to form both borders and high fences. Blooms beautifully. As in the case of dogwood, the fruits are suitable for home preparation.
  3. Turn. Does not require special care or careful pruning. The impenetrable dense crown will not allow a single person to pass through. The fruits can be picked even after frost and used for preparations. The hedge has an unusual beautiful view in spring, during the flowering period. A pleasant almond aroma will spread throughout the entire area.

Some specimens do not tolerate top removal well. This is worth considering if the hedge is to be trimmed and shaped.

A significant advantage of conifers is their green crown all year round. Undoubtedly this perfect option to form the main fence. Also tall trees can be used for the main part, and bushes can be used to provide protection and decorative properties in the foreground. Today, when planning landscape design, the following options are used:

  1. Thuja occidentalis. The most common and unpretentious plant, which is suitable for almost any climate in our country. Minimal maintenance and the absence of annual haircuts can also be included in the list of advantages.
  2. Common spruce. Most often chosen to form a free-growing hedge. Professionals prefer to form it into various figures and shapes.
  3. Juniper. The plant has bluish needles, which are pleasant to the touch. To ensure a strong hedge, it is important to use seedlings that are at least 5 years old.

To grow a fence, especially a high one, from coniferous species you need to spend a lot of time and effort. In most cases, they are chosen in combination with other fast-growing options.

Among a fairly large assortment of shrubs and trees, there are also those that should not be included in the list of “favorites”. Thus, some breeds will not be able to form a dense crown, which is very important for hedges. These include varietal lilac. Her Bottom part It will be exposed every year. Despite the fact that viburnum is among suitable options, due to improper care can die very quickly. Therefore, it is not suitable for a dacha.

Quite often, rose hips are chosen to form a hedge. Only experienced gardeners know that it's root system will grow in different directions. Because of this, in a few years the entire area will be filled with root suckers. Another erroneous option would be the weigela bush. It is not suitable for every climate, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with its features.

These options should not be completely excluded. They can be an excellent option for forming a multi-tiered hedge.

A carefully thought out and developed hedge layout is a guarantee of beauty for many years. Next, marking is done. For accuracy use:

  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • pegs.

The depth of the grooves should be at least 40 cm. It is also worth considering the number of rows: when forming one row, an area of ​​up to 60 cm is involved, for two rows - 1 m. Equally important is the width between the bushes, which should be about 25 cm.

Although many plants grow quickly, optimal time It takes 4 years to form a hedge. It is necessary to shape the plants only in the summer, thanks to this the fence will not become bald from below. With the right combination of plants, you can avoid cutting altogether. In this case, there will be “creative confusion”.

If you plan to grow a hedge in several rows, you must use the square-cluster method with an offset.

Planning and forming a fast-growing perennial hedge at your dacha is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose the right plants. In order for the hedge to be beautiful, it is necessary to take extra care of it in the first 2 years. It is during this period that the root system is consolidated.


From the videos provided, you can learn how to make hedges with your own hands:

A living fence made of trees and shrubs is ideal For country house or a summer cottage. Often such fences not only limit or separate territories, but also act as elements of landscape design. Hedge fences are easy to decorate. For example, you can build a huge labyrinth garden or make an interesting composition. It all depends on your imagination and the size of the plot.

Beauty and environmental friendliness are the main advantages of green spaces. Even installed turnkey corrugated fence will gain attractiveness if you add trees or shrubs to it.

In addition, living fences perform whole line important functions.

  1. Security. Densely planted plants will protect the area from prying eyes and prevent intruders from entering your territory.
  2. Zoning. Green fences and hedges are ideal for dividing the territory and designing paths in the country.
  3. Improving climatic conditions. Dense tall plantings create an obstacle to strong winds. In winter, precipitation will be distributed evenly. The snow will take longer to melt - the ground will absorb more water.

In addition, birds will settle on the planted trees. They will protect your area from pests.

Choosing a plant for a living fence

The choice of plant for a living fence depends on what kind of fence you want to create: high (from 2 m), medium (0.5–2 m) or low (up to 0.5 m). If you want to build a hedge that will change throughout the year, give preference to deciduous trees and shrubs; otherwise, purchase seedlings of evergreen species.

Let's look at the most popular plants that are used to build living fences at dachas in our country.

Trees - the best choice for large areas.

Linden, maple, elm and other species are also used to build living fences. Preference is given to species whose height does not exceed 4 m. Large trees look sloppy. In addition, they are more difficult to care for.

Living bush fence

In most cases, a living fence made from bushes is medium height or short. It is easier to maintain than a tall living structure. The construction of such a fence is much faster than planting trees.

In our country, 4 types of shrubs are most often planted to create hedges.

How to make a living fence

How to make a living fence, many owners ask country houses And summer cottages. There is no definite answer, because each plant requires individual approach. It all depends on your desires, possibilities and how exactly you imagine a practical and beautiful fence built with your own hands.

For example, you can place perennial climbing plants under an existing chain-link fence - you will get a hedge that will delight you throughout the summer.

Photo No. 9: living fence on a chain-link mesh

Planting trees along the outside or inside The fence will also add attractiveness to the area.

Photo No. 10: planting trees along the fence

Regardless of what kind of living green fence you are going to build, pay attention to the following points.

  • Before you start, plan everything carefully and study the features of growing the selected breeds.
  • In the first year of life, a hedge requires special attention, regular watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers.
  • Choose seedlings of the same size and age. The fence will gradually increase in size.
  • Check out legislative acts regulating the construction of fences and planting.

Standards for planting trees near a fence

The norms for planting trees near the fence are prescribed in SNiP. Familiarize yourself with the rules for plant placement quickly and clearly.

Image No. 1: SNiP requirements for the placement of green spaces

Compliance with the required SNiP distances from the fence to trees and shrubs will avoid problems. If your neighbors make any complaints, you will be able to respond adequately.

Living fence made of trees or shrubs

A living fence made of trees or shrubs - it's up to you. Almost any type of green fencing can be made attractive and functional. Come up with an interesting composition or plant a tall and thorny bush behind a standard fence. The choice is up to you.

Remember that behind living fences from demanding conditions external environment Plants need constant care. They need to be watered, trimmed and fertilized. Appearance plot will depend only on you.

For owners of small cottages, caring for plants will not cause any special problems, but for owners of large areas who want to build a fence or evergreen garden, you should think about hiring a professional clerk.

Each site requires a reliable fence. A fast-growing, perennial hedge will be an excellent alternative to a traditional fence; it will not only protect your property from prying eyes and uninvited guests, but will also add color to the entire area.

With thoughtful selection, shrubs will not take much time and effort to care for, and in return will provide a naturally regenerating fence that performs several important functions at once.

Requirements for fast-growing shrubs and hedges

Perennial shrubby plants, chosen for edging the site, can be deciduous and evergreen, tall and very small, decorative deciduous, flowering and even fruit-bearing.

At the same time, a hedge based on them not only plays the role of a “green border”, it:

  • helps to divide the space inside into functional zones;
  • purifies the air, and when choosing flowering shrubs, it is a honey plant and a serious bait for pollinating insects;
  • changing appearance throughout the year, decorates the territory;
  • holds loose soil on the slopes of ravines, prevents soil erosion;
  • protects garden and vegetable plantings from cold air and direct sunlight.

The fastest-growing hedge shrubs themselves have several important requirements. Such plants should not only be distinguished by the speed of shoot formation, but also:

  • unpretentiousness, that is, without painstaking care;
  • frost resistance, especially in regions with harsh winters and the danger of spring return cold;
  • durability;
  • the ability to form a uniformly dense green wall;
  • good tolerance to regular formative pruning.

Caring for plantings will be much easier if fast-growing hedge bushes do not grow over time, leaving the boundaries of their designated areas.

True, it is not always possible to find such cultures. Therefore, summer residents use simple agrotechnical techniques to help curb the indomitable desire of shrubs to take up as much space as possible. The easiest way to limit the planting trenches during planting is to dig in sheets of slate to the depth of the root system.

Which hedge shrubs grow quickly and best satisfy the above requirements?

Types of fast-growing shrubs for hedges

Recently, evergreen species have often been used to create hedges. Such plantings retain their color brightness regardless of the season. Junipers and thujas are easy to trim and hold their given shape perfectly. However, conifers have one drawback - in most cases they grow slowly.

In deciduous crops, the growth rate is much higher than in conifers, and their high decorative value from spring to autumn compensates for the lack of foliage in winter.

What types of shrubs are suitable for perennial, fast-growing hedges? A small selection is good famous plants with a photo will help you make the right choice.


It deservedly occupies one of the first places in popularity among such breeds. Plants with shoots densely covered with dense foliage tolerate both pruning and Russian winters excellently. They can be safely recommended as fast-growing hedge plants for the Moscow region and other regions middle zone and even further north.

Thanks to the leaves and fruits that remain on the branches for a long time, the hedge, changing its appearance, remains attractive throughout the year. And the presence of thorns on dense branches adds to its reliability. Today, summer residents have at their disposal enough orts not only with traditional green foliage, but also crimson-purple and golden. From variety to variety, the maximum possible height of the plants, and therefore the hedge, also varies significantly.


For medium-height fences, strict or free form is often chosen. The leaves of the plant are shaped like viburnum foliage, lush flowering, occurring in the first half of summer, is no less impressive than that of viburnum or spirea. In addition, the average growth of this winter-hardy and completely picky shrub per year is about 40 cm.

With regular trimming, a perennial hedge made of fast-growing shrubs is not so densely covered with flowers, but acquires additional density and solidity. If the bladderwort is not trimmed, the width and height of the crown can reach 4 meters.


For small decorative fences and borders no best shrub than the snowberry. A hedge based on a plant grows up to 80–120 cm, and although it does not have sufficient density, it is interesting at any time of the year.

From the end of the vein until mid-summer, white or pink flowers. Then, in their place, unusual fruits appear, similar to lumps of snow. They remain on the bush even in winter.


Incredibly popular with landscape designers hawthorn. The photo of a fast-growing hedge shrub shows that the plant not only meets all the requirements for such crops, it remains decorative from spring until late autumn.

By choosing one of tall species hawthorn, you can surround your house and garden with a dense green wall, which in the spring actively attracts bees, and by the end of summer pleases with clusters of ripening fruits.

On the branches of many varieties of hawthorn there are peculiar lignified outgrowths that look like long thorns. They will help make the fence not only tall and attractive, but also impregnable.

Derain white

An amazing tall, fast-growing shrub in all respects, it is good for fences with a height of 120 to 180 cm.

Due to the wide crown of the plant, it needs regular and fairly frequent pruning. But a grown hedge in winter, thanks to the bright reddish tint of the shoots, will be an excellent reference point.

In spring, it blooms on a shrub with variegated foliage in silver-green, pink-green or yellow-green tones, and by autumn, white spherical fruits appear in place of white clusters.

Caragana or yellow acacia

This ornamental plant exceptionally winter-hardy, unpretentious and easy to do without regular watering.

Yellow locust can be used as a small tree or fast-growing hedge shrub. The fit in this case turns out to be dense, flexible, and decorative. The height of such a fence can reach 4 meters. The plant holds its shape well and does not tend to form a lot of shoots. It will be useful in the garden as an excellent honey plant.

Park and polyanthus rose

Hedges made from park and bushes look incredibly beautiful, lush and stylish.

Plants by their very appearance create the atmosphere of a Victorian garden, while such hedges are not given a strict shape, but only support the decorative appearance of the bush. However, we must remember that all roses tend to produce shoots, which are carefully cut out.

Luxurious hedge in free style obtained from various types spirea, which responds well to mock orange cuttings, and is also traditionally grown on summer cottages lilac. All these crops bloom excellently and survive the winter without loss.

Blackthorn and other thorny fast-growing shrubs for hedges

It is not surprising that crops with thorns are often chosen for green garden fencing. A thorny perennial hedge of fast-growing species, even with insufficient density and lack of foliage, turns into an insurmountable obstacle not only for people, but also for street animals and livestock. With a fence like this you can have peace of mind!

One of the thorniest shrubs used in landscaping, only slightly inferior to rosehip. This is a thorn or blackthorn with oval dark green foliage and round bluish-blue tart drupe fruits. A frost-resistant bush that tolerates shearing perfectly in a couple of years turns into part of a dense, uniform hedge, which can not only delimit the territory, but also perfectly strengthen the slope of a ravine or reservoir.

Fences made from bushes have no less effect:

  • , which branches well when pruned, is unpretentious and produces abundant root shoots;
  • Japanese quince, suitable for creating low decorative borders.

Chokeberry and serviceberry

To create high garden fences, in addition to protection that provides owners with tasty fruits, shadberry and chokeberry are planted. These plants are capable of forming a hedge up to 3 meters high and higher.

They are winter-hardy, undemanding to growing conditions and delight the eye not only with festive white blooms, but also with clusters of edible fruits, as well as foliage that changes color by autumn.

Plants for forming a hedge - video