Evening legal education at a state university. Correspondence course for future lawyers. The best law universities in Russia

It is not at all easy for law school graduates to get a job in their specialty; despite this, this education has remained one of the most in demand and prestigious for many years. And the weighted average Unified State Examination score in the “Jurisprudence” direction invariably remains in the lead - 80.4 points.

Well, demand creates supply, so today getting a higher legal education in Moscow it is possible in almost 100 universities. But, as they say, law school is different from law school...

Based on the results of student enrollment in 2011, we compiled a ranking of the most popular:

TOP-7 most prestigious law faculties in Moscow Average Unified State Examination score required for admission to the competition Number of budget places Competition (person per place)
Faculty of Law HSE 89 135 - 275 000
Faculty of Law, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov 88,8 320 5,46 265 000
Faculty of Law, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 88,8 32 12 249 000
International Law Faculty MGIMO 86 77 6 288 000
Moscow State Law Academy named after. O.E. Kutafina 85,5 554 7 from 100,000 to 215,000 (depending on the faculty)
Faculty of Law of the Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation 74,9 46 - 196 000
Faculty of Law of RUDN University 74,8 35 6 250 000

The Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has never been included in the list of the most prestigious places for obtaining higher legal education in Moscow. However, in 2011, the competition for this department turned out to be one of the highest at the university and in the “Jurisprudence” field as a whole - 356 points out of a possible 400. The undoubted advantage of this university is its extremely humane system of discounts on paid education. For example, applicants who fall short of a “budget” place by no more than 30 points pay only 30% of the amount specified in the contract. For each subsequent 10 points “shortfall”, you will have to pay another 10% of the tuition fee.

In order to become a student at the budget department of the law faculty of these prestigious universities, in 2011 applicants had to score at least 342 points out of a possible 400. The passing score for the Higher School of State Audit of Moscow State University, where studies in the field of “Jurisprudence” are also conducted, was even higher - 361 out of 400 possible, which became an absolute record for 2011.

Those who do not pass the competition into these legal entities will have to spend a lot of money. The cost of studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is 265 thousand rubles per year (full-time study) and 200 thousand rubles per year (part-time study). At the Faculty of the Higher School of State Audit, you will have to pay 271 thousand rubles per year for training. IN financial university a year of study costs 249 thousand rubles. And in light of the fact that last year only 32 budget places were allocated in this university in the field of “Jurisprudence” (with a competition of 12 people per place), only the most capable schoolchildren are destined to study here for free.

Fifth place in the list of the best is expectedly taken by the Mecca of future lawyers, attorneys and judges - Moscow State Law Academy named after. O.E. Kutafina, for admission to which last year it was necessary to score 312 points out of 400 (the average score on the Unified State Exam is 85.5). Although this score at first glance seems high, unlike the leaders of the list, at MSLA you do not need to take additional exams - it is enough to provide excellent Unified State Exam results in four subjects: Russian language, social studies, history and foreign language. On the other hand, this state law school in Moscow usually gives almost half of the budget places to target students.

RANEPA has always been distinguished by a touch of elitism: a strict access system, protection by real police and... guaranteed work in the specialty in a large state or commercial organization upon completion of training. The only problem is that it is quite difficult to obtain a higher legal education in Moscow at this university - there are only 46 budget places and very high competition.

On the one hand, RUDN should not have been among the best. Nevertheless, he adequately finishes our TOP-7. There are two explanations for this. Firstly, this university has excellent language training, which is very important for students planning to work as lawyers in international companies. Secondly, the number of budget places for a university of this size is incredibly small - only 35.

Lawyer as a vocation

As is clear from the above rating, only the best schoolchildren or the children of those parents for whom it is not difficult to pay 5-6 thousand euros per year can obtain a high-quality higher legal education in Moscow. What should the rest of us do? The answer is obvious - apply to another university. However, we would like to immediately note that after training to become a lawyer “just like that”, the chances of getting Good work tend to zero. Employers include a silent list of about 10 top law schools, which, of course, do not include any of the schools listed below.

TOP-5 most unpopular law faculties in Moscow Average Unified State Examination score required for admission to a competitive/paid department Cost of full-time education on a commercial basis (RUB/year)
Department of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Philosophy and Jurisprudence, State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides 35/31,25 90 000
Department of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Sociology, Economics and Law, Moscow Pedagogical University state university 60,3/35 115 000
Faculty of Law of the Russian State Trade and Economic University 63,4/56,1 122 000
Faculty of Law of the Russian State Social University 67,7/46,6 55 300
Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of Politics, Law and social development Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov 68/39,3 99 000

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Institutes, universities, universities in Moscow with a specialty in "Jurisprudence"

basic information

Standard training periods from 2 years 5 months to 5 years

Graduate qualification lawyer

Cost of education from 15,000 semester

Specialty code"Jurisprudence"

Forms of training full-time, part-time, remote

Admission after 11 classes, college, institute, transfer


State legal, financial legal, civil law, international legal, criminal law, state and municipal finance, municipal management in social sphere, international business law, international public law, judicial law, constitutional administrative law, lawyer in the field of sports, show business and advertising, jurisprudence in the field of banking, jurisprudence in the field of land and property relations, financial and tax law; international financial law, administrative law, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities, international economic law, operational investigative activities of internal affairs bodies, administrative activities of internal affairs bodies, legal support in the field of science and technology, law information technologies and intellectual property.

List educational institutions majoring in Jurisprudence

Frequently asked questions regarding admission to the Jurisprudence major

When can I submit documents for admission?

It all depends on the form and direction of training. Most institutes accept applicants throughout the year.

Is it possible to enroll in a shortened training program?

There is the possibility of individual training curriculum. It is calculated for each applicant individually.

Where to get a second higher education degree in Law in Moscow?

Many institutes offer admission to the Department of Jurisprudence. Make sure you are state licensed and accredited. Most of the institutes are presented on our website in the Moscow institutes section -

What determines the cost of training?

The cost of studying at the institute depends on the choice of specialty and form of study. Full-time from 50,000 per semester, part-time from 25,000 per semester, remote from 15,000 per semester.

How can nonresident citizens enroll in college?

Nonresident citizens enter the institute on a general basis, according to the rules and conditions for admission to each specific university.

How to enter college without the Unified State Exam?

Unfortunately, to receive higher education based on 11 grades, it is necessary to provide Unified State Examination results in core subjects (Russian language, mathematics, social studies, history). Admission without the Unified State Exam is possible on the basis of a secondary vocational education or higher professional education diploma. Students who do not plan to take the Unified State Exam use the program and enter the institute without the Unified State Exam.

The legal profession has always been considered one of the most prestigious and responsible. People who were well versed in the laws were always highly valued and respected. Therefore, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to obtain a law diploma in absentia. In principle, it is possible, but before applying to a university, you need to take into account some nuances, which we will talk about today.

In the following paragraphs we will consider all issues related to obtaining a correspondence legal education and discuss the specifics this method training.

Correspondence education is an excellent opportunity for people whose age is as close as possible to the average mark. Some people take a second or even a third degree part-time to expand their range of competence. It is worth noting that students who choose part-time study have the opportunity to work full-time and do not worry about missing classes. Therefore, a person who has always dreamed of becoming a lawyer has the opportunity to obtain a full-fledged diploma by completing correspondence courses.

As practice shows, today anyone can receive a correspondence education - most universities provide this opportunity. Many young mothers who are in maternity leave are trying to learn a new profession. And the specialty of a lawyer can be an excellent help for a future successful career. There are many women lawyers who have reached the top of their profession.

Women on maternity leave and people who are immersed in work have one thing in common - they have very little free time. And distance learning is an excellent opportunity for them to receive higher education. To receive a diploma, a student only needs to attend an educational institution for a few weeks a year to take tests and exams. Of course, no one canceled independent mastery of the material throughout the year, but this is a personal matter for each student.

If you decide to become a lawyer, but have very little free time, apply for a correspondence course. Almost every university that graduates qualified lawyers provides for distance learning. A person who strives to master one of the areas of jurisprudence can obtain a full-fledged diploma with minimal time investment. For some people who plan to pursue a distance education, a law degree may be their second or even third. In this way, they are trying to expand their level of professionalism and increase their chances of getting a high-paying position.

In addition, on our website you can find information about the possibility of enrolling in graduate school after receiving a law degree. Usually there are no problems with this. Almost all universities that graduate lawyers provide this opportunity. That is, if you received a higher education by correspondence, then you have every chance of enrolling in graduate school. At the same time, postgraduate study may also involve a correspondence course. For many busy people, this is a great chance to achieve an advanced degree.

What is the duration of training?

The answer to this question depends on the specifics of the particular situation. The initial education received has a great influence. For example, if it is the first for a student, then the duration of study will be 6 years. And when applying for graduate school, you can safely add another 4 years. In the case of obtaining a second higher education, the duration of training is only 3 years. In this case, postgraduate study implies the same period as in the previous version.

Correspondence education has other advantages. Documents for full-time study can be submitted only once a year - in the spring. And if the future lawyer did not have time to collect all the necessary certificates and did not apply, he will have to wait another whole year. In the situation with the correspondence form, things are much better. Here, enrollment of students is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. If an applicant was unable to enroll in the spring, he can re-apply in the fall. Many students first enter one faculty and, after studying for six months, apply for another specialty.

Often, young people who have not yet weaned themselves from school are not mentally prepared to enter the spring. They can relax in the summer and apply for a correspondence course in the fall with renewed vigor.

It is worth noting that each university has its own specifics of recruiting students for distance learning. This is especially true for legal specialties. Before you finally decide which form of study to choose, you need to carefully study the nuances that may arise during the admission process.

If we talk specifically about law faculties, then anyone can enroll in these specialties by choosing a correspondence course of study. This is a great opportunity for very busy people who can combine work and study.

Diplomas from capital's universities are valued by employers and government agencies. Nowadays, correspondence education is becoming increasingly popular among applicants from Russian regions. After all, they can receive a diploma from a Moscow university and valuable knowledge with minimal material costs.

Thanks to correspondence legal education in Moscow, you can work and study at the same time, gaining experience, increasing your length of service, and gaining high-quality knowledge:

  • Our training program It is distinguished by its thoughtfulness: it was compiled by experienced methodologists and teachers.
  • Students master most of the program on their own - this is about 75% of the total volume. At the same time, our materials that we provide to them make it easy to understand complex issues and provide an opportunity to immerse themselves in the special world of domestic legislation.
  • There are objective prices for training at the Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
  • At any time, a student can seek clarification of the material from our teachers.
  • All graduates receive a state diploma.
  • Knowledge is tested at our university during examination sessions.

What will students learn at IGA?

Students gain valuable knowledge through the same curriculum as full-time students. Our teachers and professors have designed plans and lectures in such a way that the information is retained well. Correspondence legal education in Moscow, at our private university, provides the opportunity to become a truly competent specialist.

During the training, students will learn:

  • competently develop a variety of regulatory and legal acts, including regulations, orders, laws;
  • provide qualified advice;
  • determine how the law was violated, as well as correctly interpret domestic legislation;
  • draw up official documents in accordance with all rules and requirements;
  • teach in schools, colleges and others educational institutions legal disciplines;
  • represent clients' interests;
  • take measures that will restore violated rights;
  • expert opinions are analyzed;
  • reliably protect various shapes property in court.

Correspondence legal education in Moscow will allow the graduate to continue his studies in the magistracy. You can also enroll in a master's program at our university.

In what areas can you find work after graduating from the IGA?

In any city there are many companies and government agencies that are interested in qualified employees with good knowledge. In the capital and big cities populated areas It is not so difficult for a graduate to find a job in a lawyer’s, legal, or notary’s office. Our graduates also work in the prosecutor's office, courts, and police.

As a rule, during their studies, students already take their first steps on the career ladder and earn money. That is why they can effectively use the knowledge acquired at the Institute of Public Administration in practice.

How much does it cost to study at IGA?

The Institute of Public Administration has affordable tuition prices.

We offer you to find out all the current prices in the “Applicants” section - here are tables with areas of training and costs. Also in the relevant sections you can easily learn about the documents that will be needed for admission and exams. We will answer you promptly.

– it is this form of training that is especially popular among those who plan to combine the acquisition of knowledge with work achievements, moving up the career ladder already during the period of study and acquiring the desired financial independence. At the same time, jurisprudence is one of the specialties in which interest has not waned for decades, and its relevance is not lost even today. Moreover, the legal field is considered one of the most promising.

Today, hardly every university or university, both state and commercial, offers training to become a lawyer, where you can get an education for the first or second time. And by choosing a correspondence department, a student receives such advantages as:

  • less strict conditions for admission than for daytime or evening admission;
  • the opportunity to save both on the training itself and on daily trips to the university;
  • possibility of full-time employment from the first year;
  • a full-fledged diploma with a prestigious specialty without excessive effort and energy consumption;
  • the ability to manage your time and freedom of planning.

Study programs at the Faculty of Law

At Synergy University, you can study to become a lawyer both in college (program “Law and Organization of Social Security”), and by enrolling in a bachelor’s or master’s degree – in the “” or “” programs.

Mastering the specialty “jurisprudence”, the student gets acquainted with various branches of law (administrative, tax, land, labor, banking, family, financial, etc.) and comprehends such disciplines as history, theory of state and law, philosophy, office work, intellectual property, basics of notary and others - depending on the chosen direction.

Features of training

To be a good lawyer, it is not enough to read a couple of textbooks and solve a few practical problems. A legal professional learns throughout his life, both through his own practice and through the experience of his colleagues. The special requirements that this profession places on its owner are the presence of such qualities and traits as analytical thinking, attentiveness, contact, curiosity, good memory, understanding of professional ethics and responsibility.

Most of these qualities can be developed if you apply diligence in your studies and pay due attention production practice– there is usually a lot of it at the Faculty of Law. And by combining training and work in starting positions, as happens when enrolling in a correspondence course, you can not only gain professional experience, but also significantly advance your career ladder.

Application of legal education

To successfully develop in the field of jurisprudence, you must at least acquire initial experience and choose a good direction for applying your professional efforts. Law graduates are welcomed to the legal departments of private companies and government agencies, as well as the legal profession and notary office.