Young gymnasts: rhythmic gymnastics for beginners. Simple gymnastic movements for beginners

Visit a nearby gymnastics class. Gymnastics, in fact, is not a sport that you can learn on your own. Of course, you can watch videos, read articles on wikiHow, but you will still need an instructor (trainer) who knows his stuff and can provide you safe conditions. A coach's job isn't just about saying, "Now do a backflip!" You'll have to take a class to get started.

  • The first thing to consider is the equipment and safety of the gym. Are there any good ones out there? soft walls? Is there Swedish walls? What kind of exercise equipment are there?
  • Moreover, you need to talk to the coaches. Understand their training program. Ask if their athletes compete, find out about the training levels offered, how many hours per week to train, how much the training costs, whether the training is recreational or team training (team training is much more intense), and how many athletes per coach.

Start at your level. If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, let your trainer know before choosing a specific workout program for you. On the other hand, if you have been doing cartwheels and rondades since birth, this is also worth considering. The program shouldn't be too difficult, but it shouldn't be too easy, otherwise you won't be able to stick with it for long.

Learn about all the different types of exercises. Depending on your gender, the coach will develop the appropriate skills in you. The women will work on floor exercises, practicing flips on the high bar, goat jumps and beam work. The men will work on floor exercises, practice pommel horse swings, work on uneven bars, goat vaults and practice rings. Everything will depend on what you are predisposed to.

  • You will need specific equipment for different activities. But you will definitely need chalk (to sprinkle it on your hands). There shouldn't be too much chalk or too little - if there is too little you won't be able to protect your hands, and if there is too much you will get calluses.
  • You may not like something, but you may like something, but it’s better to try everything so that you can then ignore what you don’t like. If you are well-rounded, your skills will be much more diverse.
  • What you definitely can (and should!) do on your own is develop flexibility. And no excuses! While watching TV, sit on the floor and try to touch your toes in different positions. Whatever you do, you can do it while stretching.

    • It's not just about your legs, it's about your whole body. Even trained people who start doing gymnastics often forget about this. And what part of the body does almost everyone forget to stretch? Back. The back (and its flexibility) is an extremely important factor in gymnastics!
  • Get stronger. Gymnasts are not the most muscular athletes, but they are very strong. This is definitely not because they are just spinning the wheel. In addition to gymnastics, start strength training and strengthen the muscles that are extremely important in gymnastics (abdominal muscles, back muscles, biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles and so on). The better you can handle your bodyweight in exercises like push-ups and pull-ups, the more prepared you will be for gymnastics training (such as parallel bars or horizontal bar).

    • If you start strength training, your muscles will be sore and you will need time to recover. Therefore, take care of your rest! But on the days you rest, do cardio exercises (no weight training to give your muscles a break).
  • Take dance lessons. Gymnastics is a very active and rhythmic sport. The floor routine is a simple combination of impressive athletic elements and dance. If you have poor coordination and can hardly dance the Macarena, a beautiful floor routine will be a big challenge for you. Ask your coach if he or she knows of a good dance studio that works with gymnasts; also ask your friends about it!

    Make the uncomfortable comfortable. Here are some words of wisdom: If you perform the elements without any fear, you will hurt yourself; if you are afraid to perform the elements, you will never learn to perform them correctly. Therefore, you need to find a middle ground.

    • That is, accept the fact that you are a little scared. This is fine! Being a little nervous will not cause you to lose your ability to think logically. If you feel scared, take a deep breath and think about performing the element correctly.

    Part 2

    Let's move to the next level
    1. Talk to your coach. As your skills develop, the coach will have new requirements for you. If you are not ready or want to develop in a different direction, tell your coach about it. If you want to consolidate the bridge before moving on to the next step, tell your coach. If you want to do acrobatics, tell your coach. That's what coaches are for!

      • It is very important to be open with your coach. Since this is very individual, often fearful, an active sport, everything is in your hands. You are a team of one person, so you need to be on top in better shape. The coach wishes you the best!
    2. Do backbends. One of the first exercises will be backbends (in addition to the standard cartwheel and handstand). Backbends are the basis of many more advanced techniques. Without arching, you definitely won't be able to do a backflip. Read the following articles:

      • Search the Internet for information on how to rise from a bridge position.
    3. Take jumps. As you progress, you will move on to jumping. The combination of jumps and backbends is a backflip, so this will also help improve your skills. Search the Internet for information about the following:

      • How to do bending jumps
      • How to do gymnastic jumps
      • How to do the Chinese splits
    4. Do somersaults. The dream of beginning gymnasts is to do a somersault. At this point you will truly feel like you are making progress. Start doing them with a harness and in your gym, and once you realize that you can do it easily, you can perform somersaults at parties and on stage. Hard work always pays off! Read the following articles:

      • Search the Internet for information on how to make a flask.
    5. Once you learn how to do backbends, jumps, and flips, you can combine them in floor exercise routines. You will work on your transition speed and, very importantly, your confidence. If you've made it this far, then you deserve it. You can praise yourself!

      Find your niche. You have acquired gymnastics skills; Now you need to choose which projectile you will specialize in. Bars? Log? Rings? Or do rhythmic gymnastics!

      • Maybe you want to aim to compete? Ask your coach if you can handle the next level. He or she definitely knows semi-professional groups that can help you develop and gain your first victories by turning your hobby into something more.
    6. Improve yourself. There are many sporting ranks (at least in the US and Australia) that determine your skill. The fourth category is usually suitable for participation in competitions. If you are reading this, you are definitely an adult. However, if you want to pursue collegiate gymnastics, you will need to be a USAG Class 10 gymnast (by graduation).

      • In Australia, the ranks are considered according to the WAG (women's artistic gymnastics) system and the ranks differ slightly (there are not many of them). But men can do gymnastics too!
    7. Train hard! Discipline is the basis for success in this sport. It will take a lot of time to remember all the techniques, so don't stop until you do them correctly. If you don't succeed, take a break, drink some water, and then try the exercise again.

      • Don't forget to pump up the muscles of your arms, shoulders, back, chest and legs. Incorporate pull-ups, push-ups, crunches and handstands into your daily workout routine. It's not just about the ability to do a somersault! Well, don't forget to stretch.
    8. Take part in competitions. Once you reach a certain level (your coach knows when this happens), you can take part in competitions. It will be challenging and the competition can be time-consuming, but it is also very exciting. However, remember that you are not obligated to participate in competitions - you can do gymnastics solely for personal development or pleasure.

      • You will take part in school competitions, then regional competitions, then national competitions and even international competitions. Competitions can be very intense! At athletes' performances, there is a panel of judges watching your every move, which can be very stressful. If you want to experience this or succeed in this field - go for it! And if not, then just improve in your free time.

    Part 3

    Be careful and healthy
    1. Always warm up and stretch. Always! I'm not kidding. If you don't do this, you could get seriously injured. Gymnastics is a sport for disciplined men and women who want to take care of their body. If you don't warm up and stretch, you won't be able to perform gymnastics techniques and exercises correctly.

      • Warm-up and stretching are not the same thing. You need to warm up “before” moving on to stretching, or you risk injuring your muscles. Before moving on to stretching, warm up - get your heart rate up and your body sweaty.
    2. Be mindful of your skill level. When your coach says, “Who wants to do a backflip?” and you reach out even though you haven’t mastered the technique well, that’s not good. You need to be aware of your skill level to determine what you are capable of. If you overdo it, you'll end up in a cast and watch the practice from the spectator bench.

      • On the other hand, determine what you are capable of. If you've been training for several months, take risks every now and then. Think about what technique you've been working on all this time and what you "can" do. This is the only way you will become better!
    3. Increase the complexity of the training program gradually. For example, weightlifters increase their load by only 10% each season (even if they feel they can lift more); you also need to increase the load gradually. You can't go from the wheel element to the rondad element in a day. Remember that your skills will not develop miraculously behind a short time. Be patient and do everything gradually.

      • You will fail. You'll land on anything but your feet, lie there, and wish no one was around when you open your eyes. This happens to everyone. If you don't make mistakes, you won't know what not to do!
    4. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. This is very important aspect when doing gymnastics. People involved in gymnastics must be in good physical fitness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You work with your body. If you treat it poorly, it will not reciprocate your feelings.

      • Get enough sleep to restore your strength; otherwise you won't be able to give 100% in your training.
      • Eat healthy. Eat meat (you need protein!), milk, whole grains and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid fast food completely!
        • With that said, eating problems are not uncommon in the world of gymnasts. Yes, you need to be slim. Yes, it is easier to do a somersault if you have a small body. However, if you don't eat enough food, your muscles will break down and you will become weaker. You simply won't be able to lift your own weight. If you start to feel weaker, tell your trainer or talk to your doctor.
    5. Wear protective equipment. Especially when performing exercises on rings or parallel bars - your hands should be protected here! And if you are experiencing pain elsewhere, you need to strengthen your joints. Be careful and don't think that you are showing weakness - this is common sense.

    • Stay hydrated when exercising. This will protect your muscles from injury.
    • Don't give up just because you can't do the splits right away. It will take a lot of time and effort to train!
    • Always give your all. Compete with yourself and you will see improvements.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for help if something doesn't work out for you. If you're unsure about something or feel like you can't do an exercise safely, ask for help!
    • Women should take ballet or yoga classes to improve their flexibility and performance on the floor and beam. Men need strength training to strengthen their core - this is a fundamental factor in men's gymnastics.
    • Remember that you are not required to do calisthenics. Rhythmic gymnastics requires more flexibility. Some people like it better because it is less traumatic.
    • Whatever you do, never give up. If you think you can do something, put in the effort and time and you will succeed.
    • Do as much as you can without straining your muscles.
    • As you warm up, move your wrists and ankles.
    • Always stretch before exercising.


    • Always take off your socks before exercising. Bare feet will allow you to move freely and confidently.
    • Calluses are a common, albeit painful, occurrence in gymnastics. They appear when there is strong friction between the hands and the bar. There is no way to avoid developing calluses when doing gymnastics. Calluses will heal over time and will likely harden. Although some claim that pads can prevent blisters, they are not actually designed to do that. You won't need pads until you reach top level. Chalk is often used to improve grip on the bar, but there should not be too much of it. Excessive use of chalk can create a lot of friction and lead to additional calluses.
    • Always listen to the coach. This is very important for correct execution techniques and injury prevention.
    • Gymnastics is dangerous look sports Broken bones and torn muscles all happen in gymnastics. Think carefully about whether you can cope with the pain. As a beginner, you probably won't suffer any injuries; however, it is important to consider all risks.
  • A healthy lifestyle is finally slowly but surely coming into fashion. Apparently, women still agreed that there is no easier way to maintain a figure than by playing sports and healthy eating. In this regard, many are interested in gymnastics for beginners, because it will be quite difficult for advanced athletes to immediately master exercises.

    How to start doing gymnastics?

    First of all, decide whether you want to attend a sports and athletic gymnastics group for beginners, or whether all you are interested in are exercises that you can practice in the morning at home as an “exercise”.

    If you are not trying to set any records and just want to keep your muscles in good shape, then any of these methods will suit you. Of course, aesthetic gymnastics for beginners in a fitness club is most desirable, because there a sensitive instructor will be able to guide you and help you perform the exercises correctly.

    If you have problems with free time, then stop at home classes - you can organize them yourself so that they bring as much benefit as gymnastics lessons for beginners in a fitness club would bring you.

    If you have a child, try to find a gymnastics complex for children, because if you teach your child to sports from childhood, he will not only be more dexterous, disciplined and self-confident, but will also retain the right habits, which will most likely help him greatly in life.

    In any case, for gymnastics you will need:

    • free time at least 2-3 times a week, preferably about 30 minutes;
    • sports mat;
    • sportswear and shoes that do not restrict movement.

    Do not forget that exercising several times a month will not bring any benefit to your body. For gymnastics to be beneficial, the most important thing is to practice it constantly. This is the only way you can strengthen your muscles and learn for yourself all the benefits of regular exercise.

    Gymnastics for beginners for weight loss

    Many women strive to use gymnastics to lose weight. In this case, it is advisable to include in your complex 10-15 minutes of running in place or 7-10 minutes of jumping rope, as well as exercises that work on problem areas. This approach will help you effectively fight excess weight.

    Before gymnastics for weight loss, it is recommended to drink a cup of coffee without additives - this is an excellent natural fat burner. You can drink water during the workout, but it’s better to eat at least two hours after the workout, and before that - only protein foods ( boiled egg, low fat cottage cheese, chicken breast with vegetables, etc.).

    It is best to perform such exercises daily - this will increase calorie consumption, which means it will help you quickly lose excess weight.

    Gymnastics for beginners

    If you decide to study at home and don’t know where to start, you can borrow the program on the Internet in one of the many videos on this topic. We offer you one of them in addition to this article. Don't forget about the general rules:

    1. Gymnastics begins with a warm-up: head rotation, head tilts, warming up all joints, bending, bending, and so on.
    2. There can be no breaks in gymnastics; the complex is performed without rest.
    3. If you add squats, lunges, push-ups - all this should come after the main part.

    By practicing according to the suggested video, you do not risk overloading your muscles. However, you cannot stop at such a soft stage for long: in literally 2-3 weeks your body adapts, and the load needs to be increased.

    There is no sports training, so you are afraid to do fitness? No problem, there is simple gymnastics for beginners for weight loss. To achieve the desired result and lose weight with the help of gymnastics, you need to exercise systematically. It is enough to exercise for half an hour every day, or an hour, but every other day. Training is carried out both in the morning and in the evening, it all depends on your biological clock.

    Even small ones, but permanent loads will improve your well-being not only physically, but also psycho-emotionally.

    An important condition for such short training is that after the main group of exercises, it will help the muscles relax and get out of the “working” state.

    There are many types of fitness programs and gymnastics in the world, they are divided into 5 subgroups:

    • Endurance exercises (walking, running and other cardio exercise);
    • Strength training (swimming, bodybuilding);
    • Speed ​​exercises (volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball);
    • Classes to develop coordination (skipping);
    • Flexibility exercises (anything that includes stretching).

    After you have completely mastered the exercises for beginners and strengthened muscle groups for further training, you can choose a program to your liking (aerobics, callanetics, Pilates, etc.)

    In order for weight loss workouts to produce the desired results, be sure to fulfill 2 conditions:

    • Increased calorie consumption. Everything is simple here, classes should require a lot of energy;
    • The more difficult the workout, the more energy is consumed. will not allow you to lose weight as quickly as running or interval cardio exercises.

    A set of exercises for beginners

    A simple set of exercises resembles lessons physical culture at school and suitable for beginners. Before starting the main block of exercises, you need to warm up so as not to damage the muscle or joint.


    The number of repetitions in all warm-up exercises is 8 times.

    1. As you exhale, tilt your head to the left, try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Return your head to the starting position as you inhale, and then tilt to the right.
    2. Turn your head to the right towards your shoulder as you exhale, return to starting position while inhaling. Do the same to the left side.
    3. Raise your arms up to the sides as you inhale, try to stretch out like a string. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
    4. Pull right hand up and bend as you exhale to the left. Come back as you inhale. Please note that in the first exercise you returned to the starting position while exhaling, and now while inhaling.
    5. Spread your arms to the sides as you inhale, then, as you exhale, bring them together and lower your head. After this, cross your arms and lower them down. Repeat everything from the beginning.
    6. Spread your arms to the sides and rotate your forearms.
    7. The same thing, only now the rotations are performed with the whole arm, as you inhale, the arms are extended upward, and as you exhale, they are lowered. Rotations must be performed both forward and backward.
    8. Make a lock with your fingers and, while inhaling, lift it up, thoroughly stretching your spine. Lower down as you exhale.
    9. Stretch your arms above your head and bend to the side as you exhale. Inhale to the starting position.
    10. Stretch your ankle joint. Place your foot on your toes and rotate clockwise and counterclockwise.

    Main unit

    Exercises from the main block are performed 10 times.

    1. Stand facing the wall, bring your legs together. Raise your right hand and try to reach your fingertips as high as you can. Do the exercise with the other hand and with both at the same time.
    2. We are still facing the wall. Place your hands on the wall and begin doing push-ups. Choose the distance from the wall so that you can perform the exercise with effort, your hands are at shoulder level.
    3. Perform sharp swings with your legs, your hands also resting on the wall.
    4. Hands in the same position on the wall. Bend your right leg and pull it towards your stomach, do the same with your left.
    5. Now swing your legs back, arching your back slightly.
    6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, support your buttocks with your hands and place your feet on the wall. Start walking up the wall as high as you can, straightening your body.
    7. Lying on your back, lift your legs up so that your lower abs tighten. Cross your legs like scissors.
    8. Continue lying on your back. Straighten your legs and close them together. Lift them up so you can feel the tension lower press, stay in this position for 30 seconds.

    At this point the main block is completed and you need to correctly complete the gymnastics for weight loss.

    Final part

    You need to do a cool-down that will return the body to a calm state. Stretching, hold the muscle tension for about 30 seconds.

    1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet together. Gently press your hands onto your knees, pressing them to the floor.
    2. Bend horizontally left leg, cross it with your right hand, bent at the knee. Press with your left palm on outside right leg, and turn your body to the right. Repeat this again, only now cross your left leg over your right
    3. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and lift your back up, leaning on your hands. You will feel a stretch in your back.
    4. Sit flat on your knees and stretch along the floor.
    5. Lie on your back, lift your arms and legs up, shake, relieving tension.

    That's all, this easy gymnastics for beginners does not take more than half an hour a day, and you will notice weight loss after a month of regular training.

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    We don’t always have time to go to the gym or gym, because sometimes the journey lasts longer than the activity itself. And if we also take into account financial expenses It becomes obvious that working out in a sports club is impractical and unprofitable. But it is necessary to keep in shape, because you want to be beautiful, fit, healthy.

    Video lessons adaptive gymnastics at home

    At the beginning of training, it is important not to overstrain the muscles, so you need to start with the basics and only after the body adapts, strengthen the training program.

    The simplest exercises that anyone can do
    • Neck: bends forward, backward, to the sides, circular movements. Important! This exercise should be performed smoothly, no sudden movements, and rushing is not recommended.
    • Shoulders: rotate in a circle, spread, swing.
    • Torso: bends in different directions, forward, backward, turns left and right.
    • For the hips: exercise “bicycle”, “scissors”.
    • Jumping with legs spread.
    • Lower and upper press.
    • Squats. This exercise will help strengthen your leg muscles and pump up your butt.
    • Stretching is very important not only in gymnastics, but also in other sports, so we will talk about it in more detail.

    For beginner athletes, it is important to observe moderation; also do not forget to stretch after each set of exercises.

    This is very important and effective. Remember that the first few sessions will not be easy, because the muscles have not had such a load before. But over time, the body will get used to it, adapt, and the aching, unpleasant pain will disappear, and you will see real results. Now let’s learn more about how to do stretching correctly, this is where you should start.

    How to do stretching correctly for beginners?

    You are not a gymnast and you are not training to achieve outstanding results, but for the sake of your health, so you should not strive for the impossible.

    How to stretch properly for beginners

    The main thing is to perform a basic set of muscle stretching exercises and do them correctly.

    There are several types of stretch marks:

    • Dynamic, it requires maximum execution speed, without stopping or delays. The amplitude is just as high. Although dynamic stretching is quite popular among athletes, it should be performed with caution, as it can provoke microtears of the ligaments, which will cause a chronic inflammatory process.
    • Passive is often performed during group or pair exercises, because here you need the help of a partner (the limb is carefully retracted). This gives the necessary load on the muscles. But if you experience severe pain, such training should be stopped; never ignore the pain.
    • Static stretching is the safest of all types of stretching and is perfect for self-practice at home. We recommend including this type of stretching in gymnastics for beginners. The execution should be smooth and gradual, pain should not be felt. It is forbidden to hold your breath while performing; on the contrary, breathing should be free and deep.

    Since your classes will not be supervised by a specialist, you should monitor the correct execution yourself.

    Some tips for proper stretching

    Follow these simple tips, and your success is guaranteed:

    • With any type of stretching, you should not perform the exercise in jerks, as this can provoke microtrauma.
    • Don't stretch your muscles before starting strength training, as this may cause injury.
    • You should start by stretching the large muscles (back, hips, chest) and only then move on to the smaller ones.
    • We do not recommend holding your breath while performing the exercise; even and calm breathing helps to stretch the muscles.
    • The minimum delays when stretching are 20-30 seconds, but best result can be achieved by increasing the interval to 50-60 seconds.

    Dr. Bubnovsky has developed a special technique based on the treatment of various muscle and bone ailments using movement.

    Bubnovsky gymnastics for beginners

    This gives the patient the opportunity to influence the healing process. Bubnovsky’s exercises are smooth and gentle, they are aimed at reducing or reducing pain symptoms.

    It is better to start gymnastics with adaptive exercises that will help the body get used to the stress. Let us briefly describe the main exercises of adaptive gymnastics for Bubnovsky beginners:

    • We place our palms on our stomachs and squeeze our lips tightly, while exhaling we try to pronounce PF (we repeat twenty times).
    • We lie on our backs, bend our knees, put our hands behind our heads, inhale and rise, and as we inhale we return to the original position (repeat 20 times).
    • We lie on our backs, hands behind our heads, bend our knees, and as we exhale, raise our pelvis and move our knees in parallel (repeat twenty times).
    • We lie down on the right side, resting on the floor with one hand and group ourselves, pulling our knees towards the chest. (repeat twenty times on each side).

    We have described only a few exercises using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method, but you can watch video gymnastics for beginners on specialized Internet resources.

    Besides proper nutrition, many decide to add weight loss exercises to their daily activity. But it is not always clear how to do gymnastics at home - what exercises to do, when and how exactly to do them correctly so that the kilograms begin to fall off. In this article we will look at some features of a home gymnast for those who want to lose weight. excess weight and tone your body.

    How to do gymnastics at home

    The first and probably most important thing is the right motivation. She is the one who will help you initial stage don’t break away from your training regimen, don’t give up on them. The right motivation is an image of an ideal and healthy body compiled in the head. In this case, beauty is health, as well as strength and endurance. Keep this image in your head and remember it whenever you want to be lazy and skip a workout.

    It is believed that best time for gymnastics - morning, but this is not always the case. If you are a night owl according to your biorhythms, then it is better for you to train after 16.00, since this is the time of peak activity of the night owls. “Larks” will cope well with the workload in the morning. But general rule for everyone is that gymnastics is performed 1.5-2 hours after eating and, in no case, not on an empty stomach. You need to eat something containing the “right” carbohydrates - oatmeal, buckwheat or brown rice, and you can complement the dishes with vegetables.

    Gymnastics at home for beginners

    If you have not previously exercised at all, you should start with exercises that are simpler in technique and do not use weights. Don’t chase results from the first weeks, just get used to the loads and develop a stable habit of exercising. Also, if you immediately give the body an unusual load, you may encounter severe muscle pain or, due to unaccustomment, damage tendons and muscles during exercise. Therefore, gymnastics at home for beginners should include simple exercises that would involve the muscles of the whole body: the abs, legs, back, arms.


    Gymnastics lessons at home

    To start training, you don’t have to immediately look for money to Gym. It is enough to include the usual in your daily plan morning exercises, but make it more effective through effective exercises. Such gymnastics should not be an ordinary warm-up for the muscles, but a full-fledged workout, after which you will feel real fatigue.

    You can get real gymnast lessons at home from video lessons from famous coaches, stars, and athletes, who very often maintain something like a video blog about their training and make special episodes for those who want to train according to their program. Also, your friends who go to the gym can tell you how to do gymnastics at home. Usually they know whole sets of exercises that can be performed at home. In this article we will present only a few video examples.

    Gymnastics at home: exercises for weight loss

    As you know, in order for your body to start losing weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. Diets alone cannot solve this issue, so you need to add gymnastics to your daily activity. It should be taken into account that exercises in such gymnastics must be energy-intensive, i.e. you must make efforts “to the maximum”, to do through “I can’t”. These are the types of activities that will make your body work enhanced mode, which will result in a loss of calories.

    What should it be effective gymnastics at home, exercises for which are designed to literally “burn” calories? These workouts should include all muscle groups. A set of exercises, for example, may be as follows.

    1. “Scissors” - this exercise perfectly works the abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on the floor, rest your hands on it, and begin to slowly raise your legs to an angle of 90 degrees, while crossing them alternately. In the same way, you need to slowly lower your legs down. This counts as one time. Perform three sets of 10-15 reps.
    2. “The book” is an exercise for the press that involves all the muscles of a given part of the body. Sit on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart behind you and tilt your head back slightly. Then simultaneously pull your legs, bent at the knees, and your body towards each other, as if “folding”, like a book.
      READ ALSO:
    3. Squat plie. Place your feet as wide as possible while still maintaining stability. Spread your socks slightly to the sides. Then, from this position, perform a squat, moving your pelvis back, as if you were sitting on a chair. Make sure that your knees bend strictly towards your toes. For greater efficiency, you can take weights into your hands, for example, several heavy books.
    4. Lunges in place - take a wide step forward with your right foot, while your left remains motionless. In this position, squat down completely, bending your “dropped out” leg at the knees. Please note that the knee of the right leg should not go beyond the toe, and the knee of the left should not touch the floor. Do 10 of these squats, switch legs. For greater efficiency, you can take small dumbbells in your hands.
    5. Jumping jumps from a seated position: To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a squat. This position will be the starting position. You need to jump out of it sharply, while simultaneously stretching your arms in the same direction. Then return to the starting position and immediately jump out of it, i.e. without stopping or pausing.
    6. Reverse grip push-ups: sit on the edge of a chair or sofa, then lean your hands on the furniture from behind, stretch your legs in front of you (you can bend your knees). Begin to push up from the edge, as if “sagging” down, while your pelvis and back should be on the same line. Imagine that you want to sit on the floor from this position.

    All exercises are performed in 3-4 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions.

    Gymnastics for weight loss at home - video from professionals

    If you want to diversify your home exercise routine, you can look for something new on the Internet. A video of home gymnastics is an excellent motivator, because only a person who trains himself and has gone through the struggle with excess weight can find the right words and effective advice losing weight.

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