Common barley: description of the plant, beneficial properties, application. Where is barley grown in Russia? Strengthening baby food recipe

Common barley Hordeum vulgare L. (H. sativum Pers.)

Botanical description

This annual plant has a straight stem, whose height reaches 60-80 cm. The leaves are attached to the knees of the stem, linear. The inflorescence is a complex-looking spike with the presence of lanceolate spikelets, which are collected in 2-3 steps on a common axis. Each spikelet contains one flower with a perianth. The grain is the fruit of the plant. It fuses with the upper hymen. Barley blooms in May-June and ripens in August-September.

Application of the plant

The grains are used for the preparation of pearl barley and barley, coffee surrogate, and as an additive for baking. rye bread. In addition, barley is used to make beer and as concentrated animal feed.

For a long time, this plant has been successfully used in folk medicine. A decoction of cereals is prescribed for colitis, gastritis and dyspepsia. Malt extract is useful for feeding infants and during the treatment of bronchitis.


Barley is one of the most common grain crops. The peoples of Transcaucasia and the western spurs of the Himalayas have used this plant since prehistoric times. 3100 BC e. the use of barley has been documented in ancient Babylon.

In China and East Asia, this plant is considered one of the most ancient. IN Ancient Rome this culture was one of the most popular. Barley is also mentioned in the Tibetan medical reference book “Zhud-shi”.

Nowadays, barley sown areas in the world occupy the fourth place among existing cereals. This plant is cultivated in the USA, Canada, Lithuania, China, Belarus, and in some countries Western Europe, in Russia, Asia Minor, Hindustan.

It is not found in the wild nowadays. Cultivated as food and food plant. In Tibet it is considered the main food of the local population.

Beneficial properties of barley

Products from the seeds of this plant have anti-inflammatory and some diuretic, emollient and enveloping effects. In lactating women, preparations from seeds increase the amount of milk.

Chemical composition

Barley grains contain proteins, starch, fats, vitamins B, E, and P groups. Medicinal properties found in malt (flour from sprouted grains), grains, and barley decoction.

Medicinal properties

To increase the amount of milk in nursing women, use a decoction of barley. In addition, the decoction is prescribed for liver diseases.

Barley has a diuretic, blood purifying, soothing, enveloping and softening effect.

Also, barley preparations have a general strengthening and expectorant effect on the human body.

To stop the growth of tumors initial stage use malt decoction. The decoction also allows you to adjust the metabolism in the body. For this reason, it is prescribed to those who are prone to obesity.


It should be remembered that barley reduces libido and can lead to increased gas production (this negative effect can be eliminated with sugar).

Collection and preparation

Raw materials are collected in August. Barley is harvested in July-August as it ripens. The grain is threshed and dried in the shade.

To treat inflammation of the stomach and intestines, a decoction of pearl barley and barley is prescribed. This remedy is also useful for easing cough.

  • To prepare a decoction, take 20 g of cereal and pour 1 tbsp. hot water. Leave for 4-5 hours, then boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, then cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Take 1 tbsp before meals. spoon.

Barley malt is prescribed for pyelonephritis and for the treatment of inflammation Bladder.

  • Barley malt along with medicinal yeast is indicated for the treatment of inflammation of the intestines and stomach. You need to take 250 grams of malt, then add 140 grams of yeast and 100 grams of magnesium carbonate with sugar. The total weight should reach 1 kg. Take 3 times a day, 3-4 g.

To prepare barley malt, the seeds need to be sprouted, dried, crushed to obtain a powder, then pour 1 liter. boiling water 2-3 tbsp. l., and then insist. The product cannot be stored for a long time.

  • To treat diathesis, take 30 g of oak bark, add 500 grams of barley grains, grind the mixture, boil for half an hour over low heat in 10 liters of water, leave for an hour, strain. It is recommended to take a bath with a decoction for severe itching.

usually a person knows little about his illness, so he goes to the doctor; stye for eyelids is a completely different matter, you know almost everything you need about it: you know what it is, you know what to do about it, and most importantly, you know what NOT to do. Don't believe me? Now I will prove it. Barley is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid, very similar to cereal grains. On the eyelid there are: ordinary sebaceous glands of the skin, sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashes and modified sebaceous glands that produce the oily part of tears... Staphylococcus lives on the skin. It does not cause harm unless one of the special conditions is created for it: the sebaceous glands can produce a lot of dense secretion (sebum), the ducts become clogged, creating excellent conditions for the development of inflammation; You can also become hypothermic or injured, and the usually peaceful bacteria begins to attack. A stye is a pimple! No more, no less. A pimple on the eyelid, inflammation of one of the many sebaceous glands that occurs due to poor hygiene or weakened local immunity. It behaves like a pimple on the face, is treated like a pimple on the face, goes away at the same speed and with the same consequences. It all different ways. Sometimes there are no symptoms - a whitish head immediately appears, surrounded by swelling. It may hurt, it may not hurt. Sometimes swelling appears first and there may even be swelling of the entire eyelid. Then, after a few days, the barley ripens. Time goes by, the pus breaks out, the swelling subsides - everything ends. The permit period varies - from 3 to 7 days. But it goes away on its own, in most cases. There are no consequences for vision, it’s all outside. If you do nothing at all, conjunctivitis can develop: when the contents burst out, it infects the surface of the eye, this happens rarely and is easily treated, but if you try and really press and squeeze out, you will get the same thing as when you try to squeeze out an ugly thing on your face - sometimes nothing, and sometimes scar. Only yes, because it will not be a red spot, but an eyelash lost forever and a cosmetic defect. But if you try very, very hard to squeeze everything out at once, then there may be an abscess - and here the person already gets the full complex medical care from long-term treatment to possible eyelid surgery in the future. The main rule is not to crush the barley. And you (as I said from the very beginning) know this, but if you don’t put pressure, then what to do? Unfortunately, eyelid swelling and pain can occur not only due to stye. If there is any inflammation, the eyelid swells, and it would be nice to know exactly why this happened. Upon examination, the ophthalmologist excludes causes of eyelid swelling that are more serious than styes. This is why you should consult a doctor if symptoms appear. The most harmless example: if the stye opens and goes away, then there may not be deeper inflammation in the eyelids. What will remain is a hailstone - a chalazion, it will be unsightly, and you may have to operate. A more offensive example: but it looks like it’s the head of a pimple, like a stye! But no, there is already an abscess here. Already surgery: and the sooner, the better. It’s easy to confuse, the outcomes are different, so please, don’t put pressure, don’t diagnose yourself! Just remember the unsuccessful outcomes with a pimple on your face, and you will no longer want to do something about your eyelid yourself. Everyone asks the ophthalmologist for drops or a magic composition, or some kind of ointment: something to make it go faster. But all that is in international recommendations today is dry heat: terry towel, tap with hot water, - squeeze out, fold several times to better maintain the temperature and apply to the eyelids for two to three minutes, repeat 3 to 4 times a day. And eyelid hygiene: we have a separate video on this topic, everything is described in great detail. And yes, perhaps drops, but not any specific ones, but drops according to the situation: perhaps with an antibiotic to prevent conjunctivitis, when and if the pus comes out, or drops that reduce tension, pain, in general - drops according to the situation, or it breaks through, or it will pass even without treatment in 3-7 days. The above allows you to safely speed up the resolution of barley by a day, by 2, the rest is all wonderful folk advice, it will also speed up the process by a maximum of 2 days, but this poses unnecessary risks. Everything is clear: it’s difficult to walk with a swollen eyelid, it’s not powdery, it hurts! Let's cauterize, pierce, squeeze, anoint - this is clear, but you must also understand that everything that works with a pimple on the face also works on the eyelids: sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not, but correcting the eyelids is much more difficult than the skin of the face. Therefore, if you don’t want cosmetic defects, there is no need to interfere! If barley appears frequently, something is wrong. Let's continue the analogy with skin: one thing popped up by chance, another thing appears regularly. If barley appears regularly, this is wrong. Usually, there is something seriously wrong with the meibomian glands inside the eyelids, the ones that produce the crucial fatty part of tears. We need a doctor, we need a diagnosis. For real modern method diagnosis is called meibography. Here is our device: the glands are visible on it, it is clear what is happening to them, and most importantly, it is clear whether the treatment is helping or not. Based on rapid non-contact studies good specialist will offer you eyelid care options that will help prevent eyelid inflammation from recurring. Based on quick, non-contact testing, a good specialist will prescribe a short treatment and suggest eyelid care options that should prevent a permanent history of eyelid inflammation.

One of the oldest cereal crops is barley. This agricultural plant was cultivated by humans more than a hundred years ago. Barley groats are a source of health, beauty and youth, as they are rich in substances necessary for the human body. Barley (cereal) is widely used in the food and brewing industries, it is used as a medicinal product, it is fed to animals, and it is used for technical purposes.

History of the origin of culture

The barley plant was cultivated in China more than 10 thousand years ago. Later, the remains of this cereal crop were found in Egypt, from where they came to the territory of the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. Today, uncultivated barley (cereal) grows over vast areas. The plant is distributed throughout Tibet all the way to North Africa.

The ancient inhabitants of Palestine began to eat grain, and already during the Middle Ages in Europe, peasants began to eat barley bread. TO early XIX centuries, this grain crop was replaced by potatoes. Barley was brought to Russia from Asia, penetrated into the territory of Siberia and began to be cultivated in the Caucasus.

For residents of high mountainous regions and the north, this plant is still a sought-after product. This is due to the fact that barley is a grain crop that is resistant to cold climates, so it is easier to cultivate than wheat or rye. Cereals are used not only in production bakery products, but also as feed in livestock and poultry farming.

Description of the species

Barley is a grain crop that can grow both wild and cultivated for food purposes. This cereal belongs to the genus Hordeum and has more than 40 varieties. The crop is classified according to the number of fruiting spikelets, its density, and the filminess of the grain, among which are the following types:

  • The very first cultivated species, wild two-row barley (Hordeum distichon), was discovered during excavations in Ancient Asia about 7 thousand years BC. On the ledge of the rod there are two sterile lateral spikelets and the middle one is fertile. The representative of the species has two subspecies: with spikelet lateral scales and with flowering ones.

  • During the birth of agriculture in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 2 thousand years ago, multi-row barley (Hordeum vulgare) began to be cultivated. All three spikelets located on the stem segment are fertile. Depending on the density of the spikelet this type has the following subtypes: six-row correct form, resembling a dense and at the same time short hexagon, and an irregular six-row, in which the spikelets located on the sides overlap each other, forming a quadrangle. Multi-row barley is a plant popular in our latitudes; it ripens quickly and is resistant to arid climates and is not picky about the choice of soil.

Currently, agricultural producers prefer two-row or ordinary barley, whose origins go back to Central Asia.

Two-row (ordinary) barley: description of the variety

This representative of the genus (Hordeum intermedium) is an annual herbaceous plant spring and winter forms. Has a large number of varieties. The grass can reach a height of one meter. The straw has a bare, straight shape, from which long fan-shaped or straight awns radiate - three-horned, blade-shaped appendages.

A barley ear can have either awnless or furcated ears, and be yellow, brown or linear black in color. Three spikelets are formed on the ledge of the stem; the middle spikelet is bisexual and single-flowered. The lateral spikelets are glumes. The grains can be naked or in film. The main regions of growth and cultivation of the crop are middle Asia and Europe.

Varietal diversity and their characteristics

Barley varieties include annual, biennial and perennial grasses. They are distinguished by quality characteristics, timing of planting and ripening, yield. But before planting the crop, you need to know the characteristics of the cereal, because barley can be winter, which is the most popular, and spring.

Winter barley gives more yield, is not picky about the choice of soil, and is not characterized by fuses. But, nevertheless, this crop does not tolerate frosts well, therefore it needs certain measures to preserve the crops in winter period.

Mainly used for the production of barley and pearl barley. This is culture early date ripening, resistant to pests, has more than 70 varieties that are cultivated in different climatic zones.

Varieties of spring barley

Most regions of the world cultivate two-row. Among the spring varieties of this species, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Viscount is a feed grain that is widely used in the brewing industry. The barley ear has a smooth and hollow stem, the grain is quite large, its weight can reach 0.05 grams, and contains up to 13% protein. The ripening period and quality of grain directly depends on climatic conditions. Harvesting is carried out on the 127th day from the moment of sowing, or earlier - on 73. Up to 70 centners of crop are harvested from one hectare.
  • Vakula is a grain variety of spring barley, resistant to climate change and soil. The grain weight can reach 0.06 grams with abundant watering. This is a high-yielding variety; up to 90 centners of grain are harvested from one hectare, which has low filminess and practically no protein. But it should be remembered that the yield may decrease if the crops are thickened.

  • Other varieties of spring barley are: Zeus, Adapt, Marni, Lofant, Donetsk 4 and others.

Winter barley varieties

The cereal grows in any region and on any soil. Sowing time is September.

  • Decent is a winter barley variety whose ripening period is 273 days. The cereal reaches a height of about 86 cm, the grain weighs up to 0.04 grams, contains 12.6% protein and 61% starch. The average yield reaches 60 centners per hectare. The variety is winter-hardy, tolerates drought well and is not susceptible to shedding.
  • Other varieties of winter barley are: “Cinderella”, Fantast, Morozko, Aborigene, Kovcheg and others.

High-yielding varieties

With its variety of varieties, barley (cereal) allows you to choose the type that will bear maximum fruit and bring a high yield in the selected region.

One of these is the Azov variety. The cereal is widespread throughout Russia, mainly in middle lane and southern region of the country. Its peculiarity is that it adapts well to unenriched soils, exhibits high vitality, is not susceptible to fungal infections, and is frost-resistant. The barley sowing rate per hectare reaches 65% of the total harvest. The crop is grown as fodder and is also used as food raw material. The grain weight is 60 grams per 1000 pieces.

Helios barley is characterized by high grain germination and excellent quality. The ripening period lasts about three months. The culture is unpretentious to the soil. Up to 88 centners of crop are harvested from 1 hectare with a seeding rate of 3.5 million grains.

One of the productive and highly germinating varieties is the Mamluk variety. Growing barley in compliance with agrotechnical requirements will allow you to harvest up to 72% of the harvest with a seeding rate of 4.3 million seeds. Due to its high yield, the variety is popular in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. The cereal tolerates short dry periods well. The variety is early ripening, so it is recommended to respect the harvest time. The culture is resistant to various fungal infections, such as fusarium and rust. Grain is used to produce cereals.

What types of beer are made from?

For brewing, those varieties of barley are used that are preferable for self-cultivation, rather than in industrial quantities. This allows you to get a healthier cereal, enriched with the maximum amount of nutrients. These varieties include: Ronnie, Sunshine, Gladis, Quench, Corserto, Scarlett and others.

As written above, the most popular and cultivated species is two-row barley, which comes in two forms: spring and winter. This grain crop has excellent qualities, which has earned it confidence all over the world. Despite the fact that the cereal tolerates well low temperatures and is resistant to drought, however, the plant requires regular nutrition and additional moisture. Under these conditions, during the ripening period, barley can withstand 45 o C heat.

The culture grows on any soil, even acidic. But, the preferred soil is loamy soils and chernozems. It is recommended to plow the soil deeply before sowing, despite the fact that the plant gets along well with weeds. The technology for cultivating barley requires the presence of sunlight and preferably heat, but not heat.

Agricultural technicians use intensive technology cultivation of barley, in which the crop is not planted in the same place for more than three years. It is recommended to observe crop rotation, using crops such as potatoes, green manure, legumes, wheat, chickpeas, and rapeseed as predecessors. It should be noted that if the grain is used as livestock feed, then it may be used as a precursor. legume, which is not acceptable for the crop that will be used in beer production.

Sowing barley directly depends on the variety, climatic conditions and soil. Despite the fact that in most cases the culture is not picky and adapts well to environmental conditions, the most productive and stable varieties are those that grow mainly in the northern region of the country.

Barley is sown in the first half of spring in the fields, as soon as the equipment can drive into the field. Mechanized equipment allows you to sow grain using grain seeders, the row spacing of which is 15 cm. At home, sowing grain is done manually. The timing of sowing winter barley seeds is September-October, depending on the region where they will be cultivated.

Before sowing, the soil is prepared in advance, subjected to deep plowing and cultivation, to avoid weeds, enriched organic fertilizers and harrow. Poor soils are pre-impregnated with phosphorus-potassium solution in a ratio of 45 kg per hectare of arable land. The seed material is large grain with high germination. The seeds are pre-treated with fungicides and stimulants to rapid growth.

At a temperature of +1 o C, active growth of crops begins. The peak of ripening occurs at a temperature of +21 o C. During flowering and during the formation of a barley ear, the plant becomes vulnerable to climate changes, but is able to more or less favorably tolerate light frosts down to -7 o C.

Barley does not require watering. Irrigation is used mainly in arid areas to increase yields. Moderate watering increases grain germination by 47% and involves carrying out irrigation activities no more than 2 times during the entire growing season. Barley grain should not be wet during the harvest period; no more than 20% moisture is allowed.

Barley is harvested by mowing in two stages: before flowering on the 55th day from sowing and during the flowering period. The grain is first placed in the headers, then dried, threshed and poured into granaries, after which it is exported to its destination.

Use in the food industry

Barley (cereal) is an excellent raw material for the production of cereals and flour. Pearl barley and barley must be present in a nutritious diet. Pearl barley is a whole grain that has been pre-cleaned and polished, and resembles pearls in shape and color. During the production process, the grain is freed from the film and crushed. Since the manufacturing technology does not involve grinding, the grain retains more useful substances, including fiber, which is superior to pearl barley. As for flour, pure form it is not used, it is mixed with wheat or rye flour in an amount of no more than 25%.

Barley is used in the production of coffee, or rather, its surrogate. The culture is used as a raw material in the brewing industry. In the Neolithic era, a drink made from this cereal was considered divine; later, beer began to be used for mutual settlements, that is, it was elevated to the rank Money.

Barley grain is rich in complete proteins and contains starch, making it an excellent dietary supplement for raising livestock. In our country, the sowing rate for barley for this purpose is 70% of the total harvest. For fattening animals, unrefined grains are used, which contain 12% protein, 5.5% fiber, up to 5% fat and ash, and about 65% nitrogen-free extractives. In addition to grain, barley straw is added to the diet of animals, since it is superior to other crops in biological indicators.

A coffee drink is made from barley and rye. useful product, recommended by nutritionists for people suffering from high blood pressure. is indispensable for healthy nutrition. When used, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves, weight is normalized, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is restored, and arterial pressure and the level of insulin in the blood, the immune system is strengthened.

Barley-rye coffee tastes similar to cappuccino. When preparing it, milk, cane sugar or honey are used. The product is available for sale completely ready for use. This ready mix such popular brands, like “The Old Mill”, “Around the World”, “Stoletov”.

Barley – annual plant, belonging to the cereal family. Has a wide variety of species. However, most of the cultivated barley is common barley; its other species are rarely planted or grow as wild. The grass has a straight, knotty stem up to half a meter high. The grain is covered with a film, when cleaned it is light with yellowish or brownish tints. However, Soviet scientists also developed several varieties of crops with bare seeds.

Barley: origin story

Barley is the oldest cereal cultivated plant, grown by humans. Its cultivation lasts more than 10 thousand years and took place in the Middle East. However, there is evidence that the ancient Palestinians ate it 17 thousand years ago. Today in the wild it occupies large areas from North Africa to Tibet.

The oldest representatives of cultivated cereals were discovered in Syria, which date back to the pre-ceramic period. It was found in the tombs of Egypt (Stone and Bronze Ages). Archaeological research proves the wide spread of barley in ancient times, and does not exclude its independent cultivation by peoples in different territories. In the Middle Ages, European peasants ate rye and barley bread, since wheat bread was included in the diet of only the privileged classes. It was only by the 19th century that barley began to be replaced by potatoes. Its penetration into Rus' occurred from Asia, Siberia and the Caucasus.

Barley is a cold-resistant cereal that grows well in northern and highland areas. As a result, it was and is now the most important food product for residents of these territories, since it is difficult or impossible to cultivate other grain crops there. It is widely used not only as a grain crop, but also as feed for livestock and poultry.

Biological composition of barley

Barley grains contain proteins (13%), fats (3.5%), carbohydrates (75%), starch (60%), hemicellulose (6.5%), pectins (2%). They are rich in amino acids (essential and non-essential). Of the former, methionine, valine, lysine, isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, threonine, and phenylalanine are present. Of the second - arginine, alanine, histidine, cystine, glycine, serine, proline, tyrosine, aminosuccinic and glutamic acids.

The vitamin series consists of beta-carotene, provitamin A, B1, B2, P, B6, B15, E, choline and some others. The elemental base is zinc, manganese, silicon, copper, potassium, fluorine, calcium. At the same time, it contains tin, zirconium, selenium, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and other elements. Barley flour contains a lot of beta-glucan polysaccharide, which lowers cholesterol.

The antifungal antibiotic hordecin, effective for skin diseases, was isolated from barley.

Application of barley in food production

Barley is the raw material for the production of barley and pearl barley (pictured below), widely used in the national nutritional diet. Moreover, pearl barley is whole grains that have been cleaned and polished (the latter is not always done). The name of this grain, similar in color and shape to freshwater pearls, comes from the old word perl (pearl). During the production of barley groats (yachki), grains undergo film release and crushing operations. No grinding is used here, which preserves the fiber, the presence of which is superior to pearl barley.

A coffee surrogate is also prepared from barley. The culture is the raw material basis for the brewing industry and an excellent concentrated livestock feed, as it is rich in complete protein and starch. In our country, 70% of the total barley harvest is used to feed animals. By the way, beer made from this grain was the oldest human drink in the Neolithic era, and somewhat later they began to use it to make mutual payments, i.e., it was introduced into the rank of money.

In rural areas, they are well aware of the nutritional and healing effectiveness of feeding pigs (and other animals) with unrefined grains. Barley straw is not much inferior to them in terms of the indicated properties, and its consumption by livestock is lower only than oat straw, surpassing rye and wheat, which is explained by the value of its biologically active components.

Barley in ancient medicine

Ancient medicine used cereal grains and flour, as well as barley water. Avicenna wrote that culture has a cleansing effect on the body. Breast diseases were treated with barley water. When fennel seeds are added to it, the amount of milk in women increases. It cools and moisturizes well during various fevers (drink it with fennel and parsley during cold ones, and without any additives during hot ones). Grain films have long been considered diuretic. Freckles were removed with hot barley ointment. Bandages made of barley, quince and vinegar were often used, which prevent excess salt from reaching the joints during gout. According to Tibetan medicine, the culture is beneficial for inflammation of the nose and throat (E. Bazaron, 1984).

The use of barley in folk medicine

A decoction of barley groats stimulates lactation in women, treats liver diseases, has emollient, enveloping, diuretic, blood purifying, expectorant effects, soothing the irritated intestinal lining. It is a wonderful tonic and general strengthening agent for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and chest, and quickly restores the body after illnesses. In the old days, these properties of the culture were highly valued, so they used it to feed weakened infants, mixing barley broth with milk, which made it more nutritious.

Soups and porridges made from barley are prescribed to people who are obese. Their use is due to the high concentration of fiber, which, if not absorbed, irritates the intestinal walls, stimulating its peristalsis. They are especially necessary in old age, when (due to weakened peristalsis) they suffer from constipation. Mucous decoctions of the product are included in the diet for inflammation in the intestines and stomach.

What are the benefits of barley malt?

The healthfulness of barley malt is great. Its aqueous infusion has a softening, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, and the aqueous extract (decoction) improves the digestibility of cow's milk, stops tumor development in the initial stage, and normalizes the body's metabolism. It is no coincidence that the decoction is used against obesity.

Mastitis, “hardened” tumors, and external skin inflammations are treated with poultices made from a malt and flour mixture. A drink made from it effectively fights cough, hemorrhoids, scrofula, urolithiasis and other urological diseases.

Malt perfectly performs cosmetic functions, restoring rough, cracked and chapped skin by taking malt baths with further use nourishing creams and applying masks. These baths weaken and stop skin diseases.

To make malt from barley, its grains are sprouted, then dried and ground to a powder. Then pour into 30 g of powder hot water(1 l), leave for half an hour. The prepared infusion retains healing properties no more than a day, and in the refrigerator. If barley is sprouted together with peas, china and clover, you will get top-class malt. Malt extract banishes diabetes mellitus (L. Sklyarevsky, 1973).

Methods of application

Stomach, intestinal, kidney diseases, headache, blurred vision

  1. Boil the barley grains over low heat until softened (pour in a lot of water). Strain. Lemon or orange juice is poured into the broth. They drink like water. During this treatment, you should not eat egg whites (the yolk is not forbidden).
  2. A malt infusion is prepared from 40 g of flour and a liter of boiling water, sweetened with sugar (syrup), and drunk up to 6 times daily, half a glass.

Barley for tuberculosis

Barley grains are infused for up to half a day in water at a ratio of 1:4 (infusion can be replaced by prolonged boiling). Strain it off. Drink 0.4 liters of barley water daily. It is strictly forbidden to add honey or vinegar to it!

Barley from anemia and radiation exposure

200 ml of water is poured into 20 g of barley malt, left for an hour in a warm place, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Barley for skin diseases

Place barley malt (1 kg) wrapped in cheesecloth in a saucepan, pour in boiling water (3 l), leave for half an hour, pour into a bath, dilute with 36-degree water. Used against skin diseases. For children, the amount of malt is halved.

Barley for diarrhea and colitis

Pour into the grains (50 g) boiled water(0.5 l), infuse for a quarter of a day, boil for a quarter of an hour, infuse again for half an hour, filter. Dosage: 70 ml daily (four times a day).

Barley for cough, sore throat, diabetes, hemorrhoids

The grains are sprouted. The sprouts are isolated, dried and crushed. 30 g of them are poured into a liter of boiling water, left for 4 hours. Daily dose of 100 ml – 5 times.

The use of barley for diathesis

Mix and grind barley grains (500 g) and oak bark (30 g), pour in water (10 l), boil for half an hour over low heat, leave for an hour, strain. Take a bath with a decoction against itching.

Barley cures abscess

The sharp end of the grain is heated and the abscess is cauterized with it.

Strengthening baby food recipe

Pour 200 ml of boiling water into 30 g of barley cereal (do not use pearl barley!), cook for a third of an hour, strain. The decoction is added to whole cow's milk for feeding infants. So, the proportion of milk and broth for a two-month-old baby is 1:3. With age, the proportion of the decoction decreases. The recipe is used until the child reaches 9 years of age.

Strengthening the body

Infuse 30 g of malt flour in a liter of boiling water for 4 hours and strain. Take daily (three times 100 g) with sugar (to taste) before meals.


It must be said that, no matter which of these recipes is chosen, treatment must be carried out regularly, patiently and persistently. You should not expect a dramatic effect on the first day. If you cannot get the desired result after several procedures, it is better to continue them, but not interrupt them. There is no reason to rush from one recipe to another and panic. You should stock up on patience, perseverance and set yourself up for a speedy healing.