Apple tree with pink flowers. Decorate the garden with an apple tree. Which decorative varieties to choose. Planting ornamental apple trees

There are about 50 species and more than 190 cultivated varieties of ornamental apple trees.

Ornamental apple trees are unpretentious to their growing conditions. Planting a decorative apple tree with red leaves is considered especially chic. This plant allows you to form bright accents and decorate even the shady corners of the garden.

In culture this is not tall tree, which rarely reaches 10 meters at the top of its crown. Ornamental apple trees can also be shrubby forms of the crop. In the absence of pruning, the crown is formed in the form of an irregular oval or ball.

Some varieties can bear fruit successfully, but the fruits do not have pleasant organoleptic properties.

The color of the bark of the stem part can vary from pastel gray to rich brown. Special attention When choosing a variety of ornamental apple tree, the shape and color of the leaf blade deserves consideration. Some species are presented with a red color and a long period of leaves not falling off. autumn period. This allows you to create magnificent landscapes even with a poor soil mixture and unfavorable conditions. weather conditions.

Most varieties of ornamental apple trees have dense foliage of a rich green color, which transforms into a yellow and red riot of colors only in late August - early September. The average length of an ellipsoid or plum-shaped leaf is 100 mm.

During the flowering period, the entire crown is densely covered with fragrant flowers, which can reach a diameter of 40 mm. The main color is white, which can have various shades pink, peach, ivory, etc. Single flowers are collected into bouquets of inflorescences using stems.

Fruit formation begins immediately after flowering. In the center of each flower there is a receptacle, which gradually grows and fills with pulp. The outer color of the fruit is first green, then, as it ripens, it changes to yellow and red.

These trees have fantastic resistance to adverse factors external environment. This is a frost-resistant crop that grows successfully even in the northern regions of our country.

Planting ornamental apple trees

It is best to plant such apple trees in the spring, before the first buds appear, or in the fall, in September and the first half of October. Young seedlings up to 4 years old can be planted in both spring and autumn, but older ones, which do not adapt well to a new place, can only be planted in autumn.

Particular attention should be paid to the distance to neighboring plants. For ornamental apple trees, it is necessary to provide a lot of free space; they should not grow in close proximity to large plants. For each plant, you need to leave as much space as its crown will spread in adulthood: the diameter of a tree of a particular variety should be the main guideline. Classic version- area about 5-6 m (respectively, a distance of 2-3 m to neighboring crops).

For ornamental apple trees, you need to dig large planting holes in advance, preferably in the fall of the previous year or at least 1 month before planting. The diameter of the planting hole is about 80 cm and the depth is about 1 m - perfect option. The soil removed from the holes must be replaced with a special substrate. A two-fold portion of sand and a three-fold portion of humus are mixed with the leaf soil. If possible, 250-300 g of complete mineral fertilizer is mixed into the soil. Without pre-planting improvement, apple trees will take a long time to take root and will take a lot of time to achieve the desired size. The planting depth is similar to all apple trees: the root collar should be 5-10 cm above the ground level.

Caring for ornamental apple trees and pest control

Apple trees need fertile, well-drained soil. The planting site should be located in the sun; heavily shaded areas are not suitable for these trees. Moderate watering is required; water stagnation should not be allowed. It is recommended to mulch decorative apple trees. Peat, sawdust, conifer bark, and nut shells are suitable for this.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention and spray the trees with insecticides.

If you do not plan to eat the fruits of ornamental apple trees, you can destroy pests during flowering and fruiting. However, it is still not recommended to do this if there may be children on the site, who are often attracted by delicious small apples. The fruits also serve as food for birds, which may be harmed by the toxins. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning by toxic substances, pest control of ornamental apple trees with chemicals is carried out before the beginning of the growing season.

Decorative apple trees, like fruit trees, are most susceptible to scab, powdery mildew, bacteria that cause a disease known as scald. If a burn occurs, the tree must be destroyed, as this dangerous disease quickly and actively spreads throughout the garden.

Propagation of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental types of apple trees can be propagated by seeds. They are sown immediately after harvest in early autumn or after stratification for 1.5-2 months at the end of autumn.

Only rare species and varietal apple trees with improved characteristics that are not transmitted by seed are propagated exclusively by grafting.

Cuttings are not the most productive, but acceptable method. For most apple trees, the survival rate does not exceed 5-15%, even when treated with growth stimulants.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental floribunda apple tree (Malus floribunda)

Luxurious Japanese apple tree - apple tree (Malus floribunda). Suitable for small dachas, because it is up to 4 m high. It is often a shrub with outstretched, sometimes prickly branches and ovoid dark green leaves, 4-8 cm long. The flowers are very abundant, carmine-red in buds, pale pink after blooming, 2.5- in diameter 3.0 cm, in bunches of 4-7 on purple pedicels; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, small, 1-2 cm in diameter, reddish-yellow; ripen in September. One of the most decorative apple trees.

Ornamental Pallas apple tree (Malus pallasiana)

The snow-white beauty is the Pallas apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (Malus pallasiana) - a tree up to 3-5 m high or a shrub with a rounded crown. The leaves are ovate, 2.5-8 cm long. The flowers are white on long pedicels, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, 4-8 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, yellow with a red tint, up to 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Homeland: Eastern Siberia, Far East, Northern China, Mongolia.

Sargent's decorative apple tree(Malus sargentii)

A modest Japanese beauty, the Sargent apple tree (Malus sargentii) is a shrub 1 to 3 m high with horizontally spread branches, often with thorns. The leaves are ovate, often three-lobed, 5-8 cm long, dark green, orange and yellow in autumn. The flowers are white, on bare stalks, 5-6 in bunches; bloom in May. The fruits are almost spherical, about 1 cm in diameter, dark red with a waxy coating; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Decorative plum-leaved or Chinese apple tree (Malus prunifolia)

This is a tree or shrub up to 10 m high with pubescent young shoots. The leaves are ovate, 5-10 cm long, dark green, slightly shiny, yellow or bronze in autumn. The flowers are large, 3 cm in diameter, white, 5-10 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, up to 2-3 cm in diameter on long stalks, yellow or red, sour, edible apples (paradise); They ripen in September and do not fall off for a long time. Decorative during flowering and fruiting. Resistant to fungal diseases. Homeland: Northeast China.

Decorative apple tree Tsumi (Malus x zumi)

Apple tree Tsumi ( Malus X zumi) - possibly a hybrid of the Manchurian variety of berry apple and Siebold. A small tree with a dense, spherical crown up to 6 (12) m high. The leaves are oblong-ovate on long shoots, noticeably lobed, 4-9 cm long. The flowers are numerous, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, pink in buds, open white ; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, red, about 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Ornamental Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri)

Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri) is a low tree up to 3.5 m high, with a dark brown trunk and fissured bark. The branches are light brown with an orange tint and light lentils. The leaves are oval, sharp-toothed, dark green. The flowers are pale pink, semi-double, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, dark pink in buds. The fruits are round or elongated-ovoid, bright yellow. Its decorative form "Red Jade" (red fruits) is interesting.

Ornamental apple tree Weeping or riverside

It was introduced into selection in an almost unchanged, wild form. In nature, it is found almost everywhere on the North American continent. With proper care, it grows up to 12 meters in height and has long flexible branches, which bend towards the ground during the growth of leaf mass and ripening of fruits. That is why this decorative apple tree received the name “Weeping”. It will grow well in all regions of our country, since it is not afraid of even severe frosts due to the dense layer of bark.

Ornamental apple tree Ola (Malus hybridus Ola)

The low ornamental apple tree of the Ola variety was bred in Poland. It prefers moist to moderately moist soils. Blooms profusely in sunny places, tolerates partial shade. Due to the fact that the plant does not grow higher than 5 meters, it is used for decorative landscaping gardens and residential areas. The unusually elegant, openwork crown of the tree in spring is covered with a cap of large pink flowers and exudes a wonderful aroma.

Decorative apple tree of Makovetsky district

Tree or bush with a smooth, spherical crown up to 2 m in diameter and branches burgundy color. The leaves are red when blooming and gradually acquire a dark green color with a burgundy tint. Blooms in July with large bright red flowers. The fruits are bright red and edible. Light-loving. Prefers moist and fertile soils. Resistant to diseases. Highly winter-hardy.

The beauty of the apple orchard is glorified in many works. Decorative apple trees in bloom can decorate any area and fill it with a wonderful fragrance. Some of the most popular varieties of ornamental apple trees are “Royalty”, “Nezvetsky”, “Kitayka”. Also in the middle zone, “Siberian”, “domestic”, “Manchurian” and “plum-leaved” apple trees are often grown.

During flowering, the apple tree is very beautiful, its aroma delicate flowers fills the air. A blooming apple tree is one of the symbols of spring and love. There are types of apple trees that gardeners grow exclusively for their wonderful flowers, and not for their delicious fruits. These are decorative apple trees. They also bear fruit, but smaller ones, most often unsuitable for food.

Ornamental apple trees bloom in the spring for more than 2 weeks, and in bloom they resemble a delicate fragrant cloud. Before the flowering period, all their branches are densely covered with small buds various colors, which also look adorable.

As can be seen in the photo, ornamental apple trees are low trees or shrubs. The flowers are about 4 cm in diameter, fragrant, and have different colors depending on the variety; white, pink, red, and yellow are more common. Fruits can also vary in color and size.

Planting and caring for ornamental apple trees is quite simple; these trees are frost-resistant, resistant to drought and air and water pollution. However, to achieve abundant flowering and maintain foliage good condition, and this is exactly what is required to give the apple tree aesthetic appeal, you must follow some rules.

There are about 50 species and more than 190 cultivated varieties of ornamental apple trees. In Russian cities, the following varieties are used in parklands:

“Forest apple tree”, “Siberian”;

“Home”, “Plum leaf”;

"Nedzvetsky", "Manchurian".

The decorative apple tree "Nedzvetsky" stands out among others due to the predominance of burgundy shades in color. It has partially burgundy leaves, pink-purple flowers and violet-red fruits with pink flesh. This tree is very unusual and will surprise you and your guests throughout the growing season. The Nedzvetsky apple tree is resistant to frost, pests and diseases. It develops quickly, reaches a height of 5-7 m, and is unpretentious.

Decorative apple tree "Royalty" (Royalty)- This bonsai, blooming with magnificent purple flowers. The crown is spreading and requires almost no shaping. In beauty, this apple tree is not inferior to the Japanese miracle - sakura.

Look at the photo of the decorative apple tree “royalty”: the foliage of this tree has a burgundy tint, as do the fruits. Together they create an impressive "fiery" spectacle. The fruits are inedible.

The decorative apple tree "Chinese" is a hybrid that tolerates frost and drought well. It is undemanding to care and tolerates pruning and grafting better than other ornamental apple trees.

Decorative apple trees “Makamik”, “Sargenta”, “plum leaf” and “berry”

The Makamik variety is distinguished by its juicy and large fruits. This tree is from 3 to 6 m tall. Blooms purple-pink flowers. The fruits are small, sweet and sour, bright red, elongated. During fruiting it is as decorative as during flowering. Jams and wine are prepared from the fruits and frozen.

The Sargent apple tree is a bush variety that reaches a height of about 2-3 m and the same width. Due to its spherical shape, it is ideal for decorating the lawn and adding a second tier of plantings of tall trees. The buds are bright pink, after blooming the petals are snow-white. The fruits are very small. This is a heat-loving variety, so the apple tree should be covered for the winter.

The plum-leaved variety, better known as Chinese, is widespread in gardening. The tree reaches a height of 10 m. The crown is spherical. Leaves are pointed, wedge-shaped. The flowers are white and fragrant. The fruits are 3 cm in diameter, round, sweet and sour.

Another popular variety of ornamental apple tree is “berry” or “Sibirka”. It reaches a height of 10 m, winter-hardy. There are bush hybrids. The crown is round. The leaves are oblong and glossy. The flowers are white, practically without aroma.

Pay attention to the photo of this variety of ornamental apple tree - it also looks great during fruiting, since the fruits are clusters of small berries of a yellow, pink or red hue, similar to cherries.

The fruits are eaten by birds, and since mini-apples do not fall off for a long time, by planting this tree, you will provide birds with food for the entire fall and beginning of winter. Berry apples can also be eaten by people; they make delicious jam and compotes. Flowering begins at the end of May.

You can add a berry apple tree to a group of early flowering ornamental apple trees, then you will prolong the pleasure of seeing these charming plants.

The alleys of decorative apple trees are magnificent; they look especially advantageous in the spring during the flowering period. Trees can be arranged in the form of garden bonsai, cordons, trellises. Plant them under the windows country house and in the spring, while spending time on the terrace drinking delicious herbal tea, admire the wonderful blooming of these harbingers of spring. Bush species will perfectly complement or.

After flowering, ornamental apple trees can serve as shading, protection from dust, and are also planted as hedges. During fruiting, apple trees look beautiful thanks to the small bright apples that will decorate the branches until frost.

Planting and pruning ornamental apple trees

Ornamental apple trees are usually propagated by seeds, sown in the fall. One-year-old shoots are transplanted to a permanent place next fall; planting can also be done in the spring. When planting an ornamental apple tree, make sure that the root system of the seedling does not dry out. The root collar should remain close to the soil surface, so you need to carefully dig in the seedling. There is no need to fertilize in the first year, but in subsequent years balanced fertilizers must be applied.

Pruning of ornamental apple trees should be done carefully and as little as possible. The decorative apple tree does not like pruning, and its crown itself retains an attractive compact shape. Pruning is required when the crown thickens and to rejuvenate the tree. Pruning is carried out in early spring, before the start of the growing season in plants. Carefully cut off damaged, dried and frozen branches, as well as crowns growing inwards, and “unravel” the intersecting thickets. As a result, the crown should be neat, “translucent”, and orderly.

Caring for ornamental apple trees and pest control

Apple trees need fertile, well-drained soil. The planting site should be located in the sun; heavily shaded areas are not suitable for these trees. Moderate watering is required; water stagnation should not be allowed. It is recommended to mulch decorative apple trees. Peat, sawdust, bark, and nut shells are suitable for this.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention and spray the trees with insecticides. If you do not plan to eat the fruits of ornamental apple trees, you can destroy pests during flowering and fruiting. However, it is still not recommended to do this if there may be children on the site, who are often attracted by delicious small apples.

The fruits also provide food for birds, which can be harmed by the toxins, and birds are known to help rid gardens of insect pests. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning by toxic substances, pest control of ornamental apple trees with chemicals is carried out before the beginning of the growing season.

Ornamental apple trees, like fruit trees, are most susceptible to scab, powdery mildew, and bacteria that cause a disease known as blight. If a burn occurs, the tree must be destroyed, as this dangerous disease quickly and actively spreads throughout the garden.

In order to grow an exotic plant in your greenhouse, you should use the secrets of its contents. Gardeners want to see beautiful plants. The subtleties of caring for large classes of plants are not similar. An exotic flowering creature requires painstaking care. In this article, we tried to outline several secrets to avoid death when breeding a rare plant. To determine the correct measures, it is important to determine which family your plant belongs to.

An apple tree is like an ornamental tree...

Why do you need a cherry tree without cherries, an oak tree with weeping branches, or an apple tree with inedible apples? We plant maples and lindens, spruce and pine trees in our garden and do not expect a harvest from them. It just so happens that each tree has its own reputation. If it’s a maple, then it’s curly, if it’s an oak, then it’s mighty, if it’s an apple tree, then it’s certainly covered in apples. But modern gardening turns nature and our ideas about it on its head.

Ornamental apple trees can outshine many beautiful flowering trees and shrubs. Apple trees are considered the best trees in the middle zone. The benefits are undeniable, but the beauty cannot be taken away either. Tall, slender, with proportional, well-developed correct pruning crown The snow-white flowers, foreshadowing a rich harvest, are simply magnificent. And these May white and pink petals set poets in a lyrical mood.

Decorative apple trees

An apple tree is a wonderful garden decoration in itself. How many people know that special decorative forms are also used for these purposes: especially beautiful wild species and varieties purposefully created for these purposes, of which, by the way, there are more and more of them. For decoration, they try to select species that would be spectacular in both flowering and fruiting; they look closely at the decorativeness of the leaves, the shape of the tree and, of course, its winter hardiness. For these purposes, the berry forms of the apple tree are especially good, in which the fruits are the size of a pea, and if they are also brightly colored, then the beauty of the flowering tree is replaced by an equally spectacular decoration of its small fruits.

To such wild species Apple trees include Siebold apple, Manchurian, abundantly flowering, brown, Tsumi apple, Siberian (aka Sibirka) and others.

The flowers of ornamental apple trees are very fragrant. During mass flowering, pleasant odors spread over a considerable distance and attract many insects. But it is known that

Ornamental apple trees with small leaves and fruits can be excellent material for bonsai. Trees can be made not only miniature for rooms, but also quite large, or even dwarf-shaped, for winter gardens and cold greenhouses. Many, such as apple berry, can even be used for trimmed hedges.

Siberian (M. baccata (L.) Borkh.)

Its value lies in its extraordinary winter hardiness and vitality in general. It blooms with large flowers on long stalks, and then is decorated with small bright red fruits that remain on the branches even after the leaves have fallen. It is also beautiful in autumn with leaves painted in yellow-orange tones. It has many decorative forms.

The Manchurian apple tree (M. manshurica Maxim) is already beautiful with its rounded crown with drooping branches. It is characterized by very decorative fruits - elongated-conical, yellow-orange in color with a blush, which also do not fall off for a long time.

Siebold apple tree (M. sieboldii (Rgl.) Rehb.)

stands out for its beautiful pyramidal crown shape, which is unusual for an apple tree. In addition, it is especially attractive both during the flowering period, and colored with small red fruits at the time of fruiting, and under the cover of large leaves painted orange-yellow in autumn. And by the way, it has long been used as an ornamental plant in East Asia and Europe.

Apple tree (M. floribunda Sieb.)

considered one of the most decorative forms. In cultivation since 1862. It is especially widely used in Japan, and there they know a lot about ornamental plants. It is spectacular in a dress of carmine-colored buds, and under a veil of white-pink flowers, and colored with dark red small fruits or golden-red foliage in the fall.

Brown or riverine apple tree (M. fusca Raf.)

came to us from North America. Very winter hardy. In cultivation since 1836. The flowers are white or light pink, large, 6-12 in inflorescences. The fruits are very impressive - yellow, with a red side or red, spherical-oval.

Tsumi apple tree (M. zumi Rehb.)

has long been used as an ornamental plant. It is a compact small tree with a rounded dense crown. Blooms annually and profusely. The buds are carmine, the flowers are light pink. The fruits are small, yellow-red in color. In autumn, the leaves turn an intense yellow with a hint of red. Can be damaged by frost, but recovers well.

Among the decorative species with larger fruits are the Niedzvetsky, Pratt, Hall, wonderful, forest, and plum-leaved (Chinese) apple trees.

The Niedzwetzkyana apple tree (M. niedzwetzkyana Dieck) is most widespread in our country, as are the numerous forms and varieties obtained with its use. If you see an apple tree whose bark, leaves, skin and even the flesh of the fruit are dark red, you know that this is a Niedzwiecki apple tree or its derivatives. It received its name in honor of the botanist V.E. Nedzvetsky, who collected the fruits of this apple tree in the vicinity of Kashkar and sent them to Dr. G. Dick, who introduced it into cultivation in Germany and gave it a name. The French gardener L. Tillier believed that this apple tree, from a decorative point of view, has no equal in European gardening.

Hall's apple tree (M. halliana Koehne) is characterized by a wide, spreading crown. The flowers are white, large, on thin drooping stalks, fragrant. The fruits are small, yellow-red. The leaves turn light green before falling.

The wonderful apple tree (M. spectabilis (Ait.) Borkh.) is one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, long cultivated in Japan and China. Her homeland is China. It has been in cultivation since 1780. It is a tall tree (up to 8-9 m) with striking red-brown branches, large flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter), pale pink or light red, the inflorescence contains up to 5-8 . The fruits are spherical, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, red or yellow. It has a number of forms with double and semi-double flowers.

The forest or wild apple tree (M. silvestris (L.) Mill.) is widely used to decorate gardens and parks in our country. It also has a number of decorative forms with different types of growth, coloring of leaves and flowers: weeping - profusely flowering, with drooping branches and edible seedless fruits; terry - with numerous double flowers: golden - with yellow-variegated leaves; red-fruited - with spectacular dark red fruits.

Plum-leaved apple tree (M. prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh.). which includes Chinese and many of the Siberian small-fruited varieties such as Ranetki and even semi-cultivars, for example Ranetka purpurovaya, Dolgo, Pepinka Altai.

I would especially like to draw attention to the importance of ornamental apple trees for decorating cities. After all, the apple tree is one of the few trees that can tolerate gas pollution and dust in city air. It also stands out for another ability: asphalt, concrete, and houses in cities absorb all the solar radiation falling on them, and the apple tree reflects more than half of it into space and “works” in this direction twice as efficiently as a birch tree, and three times more successfully than a bird cherry tree. . Therefore, on streets lined with apple trees, the air in summer is not only cleaner, but also cooler.

I.S. ISAEVA, doctor s. -X. Sci.

A garden can be not only useful, but also beautiful. It's about not about flowering, because during this period all the trees stand like lovely brides in a snow-white veil. There are varieties of fruit trees that attract the eye throughout the entire season, and not just when they bloom. They are called ornamental, and one of them is the apple tree with red leaves.

Characteristics of the species

Already from the name it becomes clear that the main difference between the decorative species and others is the color of the leaves. If classical types The leaf blade is green, but in hybrids it is red. Depending on the specific variety, its shade can vary from dark red to brownish, brick. The shape of the leaf blade itself is slightly more elongated and slightly curved. Interestingly, some varieties of apple trees with red leaves are capable of changing color from red to green at the end of the season.

The red-leaved apple tree is a hybrid obtained as a result of the work of breeders on the Blood-red and Nedzvetsky varieties.

In addition to leaves, such decorative species also have quite modest sizes. The maximum height of the tree does not exceed 5 m, while the crown width reaches 4 m.

Another one characteristic feature apple trees, making it stand out from others garden crops- this is flowering. The inflorescences of most decorative varieties are not white, but colored different shades red, sometimes even purple. Such species bear small, also dark red, edible fruits, which are most often used for.

It is noteworthy that the fruiting of the ornamental apple tree is abundant, and the apples themselves can hang on the branches until severe December frosts.

Growing such crops is a pleasure. Besides beautiful view, they also have increased winter hardiness and can easily endure the harshest winters. But the bright color of the crown requires good lighting, and to ensure abundant flowering, it is better to plant the trees in fertile soil.

Popular types

There are more than 50 varieties of red-leaved apple trees, and each of them has its own characteristics. Some have darker leaves, others have a more saturated color of the inflorescence.

Among the bright decorative species It is worth noting such varieties.

The decorativeness of an apple tree is determined by the beauty of the crown, the spring, summer and autumn color of the foliage, the color, intensity and duration of flowering and the beauty of fruiting.

Apple tree crown shape

The natural crown shape of an ornamental apple tree varies over a very wide range. An apple tree can have a tall, spreading, round or, for example, umbrella-shaped crown. The crown can be pyramidal in shape (for example, the domestic decorative variety selected by S.I. Isaev “Cypress”). The varieties “Golden Hornet”, “Hillieri” (in this variety with age the crown becomes more rounded and drooping), “Street Parade”, “Red Obelisk”, “Apollo”, “Maypole” (a columnar dwarf no more than 2 in height) have a columnar shape. m), “Van Eseltine” (the crown of the tree becomes vase-shaped with age). Tent-shaped crown (when the width of the crown exceeds its height) - in the varieties “Profution”, “Tina”. The decorative apple tree “Tina” is interesting because its height does not exceed 2 m, and the width of the crown reaches 3-4 m. When formed in a bush form, the apple tree “spreads” in width, and when grafted onto a standard, it forms a tent-shaped crown. The following varieties have a weeping crown: “Royal Beauty”, domestic winter-hardy varieties “Gazonnaya”, “Sibirka weeping hybrid”, “Alaya Weeping”. The umbrella-shaped crown of the winter-hardy varieties “Umbrella Red Flower” and “Umbrella White Flower” bred in Yekaterinburg. Some wild Far Eastern apple trees have branches that extend from the trunk at an angle of 90 degrees. Such apple trees easily form an interesting terraced crown shape.

Apple tree leaf color

The ornamental apple tree is also valued for its different summer leaf colors. Foliage may be olive color(variety “Street Parade”) and intensely green. In some varieties, the leaves have a dark green color with a reddish-purple “wash” along the veins and edge of the leaf (clones of the Niedzvetsky apple tree, variety “Eleyi”, etc.). The foliage can be red-lilac (as if “beetroot-eggplant”) color. These are varieties “Royalty”, “Royal Beauty”, winter-hardy Siberian variety"Carmen" In addition, ornamental apple trees have wonderful leaf color in the fall. Foliage colors range from golden tones ("Tina", "Everest", "Eleyi"), orange ("Hillieri", "Brandy Magic", "Liset", "Rudolf") to reds ("Maypole") and bright red ( American apple tree coronaria "Charlotta"). In autumn, a brownish-reddish tint appears on the leaves of apple trees of the domestic varieties “Pionerka” and “Komsomolets”.

Ornamental apple tree blossoming

The ornamental apple tree, which is a good honey plant, is characterized by abundant flowering. Its flowering tree, like some stone fruits (sloe, cherry, apricot tree), in spring it is covered with many delicate fragrant flowers. Flowers can be white (for example, variety "Tina"), pink and purple-pink (varieties "Ola", "Rudolf", "Lizet", "Apollo", "Maypole", "Red Obelisk", "Hopa", clones Nedzvetsky apple trees, etc.), carmine-red (varieties “Royalty”, “Makamik”, “Carmen” (photo 5), “Royal Beauty”, “Scarlet Weeping”, “Boskop”).

Some varieties of ornamental apple trees have brightly colored buds (red or bright pink), which, when opened, turn into soft pink or snow-white flowers. Blooming tree while slowly changing color. In some varieties, with flowers collected in large, gradually opening umbrella-shaped clusters, fading occurs gradually, and the apple tree acquires a “watercolor” color wash. There are varieties with double flowers (“Van Eseltine”, “Brendy Wine”, coronaria “Charlotta”).

The flowers of many ornamental apple trees have a strong, delicate aroma. During mass flowering, the smell of flowers, spreading over a considerable distance, attracts insects. Ornamental and wild apple trees are good pollinators. In the North-West region, flowering, depending on the variety, lasts 2-3 weeks (from approximately the second week of May to the first week of June). The flowering itself, like that of ordinary apple trees, under optimal weather conditions lasts on average 10-12 days, but the budding phase significantly lengthens the decorative time of the trees.

Decorative apple fruits

The size of the fruit, depending on the variety of ornamental apple tree, ranges from the size of a large pea to a small apricot. The fruits of most varieties are edible and suitable for processing (compotes, candied fruits, jam), although apples, as a rule, are not distinguished by high taste. There are varieties that keep the fruit on the tree all winter. They look good on branches in late autumn and winter and are a good food source for birds.

The Nedzvetsky apple tree became the ancestor of domestic ornamental varieties and domestic varieties of apple trees with red flesh. This is not a very tall tree, 2-6 m (in nature, old specimens can reach 18 m). It often grows in a bush form, and its leaf, due to the anthocyanin it contains, has a watercolor beet-colored wash along the veins and edge of the leaf. The apple tree blooms with intense pink or bright raspberry-purple flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, has round edible fruits 2.5-3 cm in diameter weighing (20-30 g), which are mainly used for processing.

At the Pavlovsk experimental station of VIR in the 30s of the 20th century, the decorative variety “Pioneer” was bred. At the same time, I.V. Michurin obtained red-flowered varieties: “Pepin crimson”, “Red Standard”, “Komsomolets”, “Bellefleurs: trilobed, rugosa, purple, red”, in the breeding of which the Nedzvetsky apple tree and the wild Ranetka Purpurovaya apple tree were used.

The varieties of ornamental apple trees “Pionerka” and “Komsomolets” are winter-hardy and suitable for growing in the North-Western region. Like most descendants of the wild Niedzwiecki apple tree, they bloom similar to it in rather large purple- pink flowers and differ from each other in the size of the crown and the shape of the fruit. “Pioneer” is taller and has round, onion-shaped fruits (20-40 g). “Komsomolets” has larger fruits (80 g), a beautiful elongated goblet shape, completely covered with smooth pink-red skin, brighter on the sunny side. At the same time, new varieties of winter-hardy Chinese and Ranet apple trees were obtained. It is still popular in Northwest gardens Michurin varieties: “China anise”, “China dessert”, “China gold early”, as well as the “Apricot” variety.

We must not forget the varieties of apple trees that produce “paradise” apples and are recommended for cultivation in the North-West region. These are, for example, the Chinese “Dolgo” and “Kerr”, the semi-cultural “Gorno-Altaiskoe”. They bloom profusely delicate flowers and give a high yield of “paradise” apples. The varieties “Dolgo” and “Kerr” have small (12-25 g) fruits of red color, elongated oval shape, good taste. "Gornoaltaiskoe" has fruits weighing 30-50 g of a beautiful round-conical shape, the color of the fruits is yellow with a bright red tan with sunny side, good sweet and sour taste.

In the North-West for landscape design You can use highly winter-hardy dwarf red-leaved rootstocks 62396 and Serdyukov's paradise, winter-hardy semi-dwarf red-leaved rootstock 54118 variety "Pionerka", Siberian variety "Carmen". Michurin apple trees “Komsomolets” and “Bellefleur red”, which resemble large azaleas during flowering, survive in our region.

Any large-fruited variety, having colored blooms, can decorate your garden. The following varieties of apple trees have painted flowers: “Northern Sinap” (red buds, large pink flowers); “Start” (white-pink buds, pale pink flowers); “Sun” (white-pink buds, faint pink flowers); low-growing apple tree “Skala” (pinkish flowers, dessert variety); "Sinap Orlovsky" (white-pink buds, pink flowers); “Freshness” (light pink buds, pink flowers); “Rtishchevskaya beauty” (medium, pink flowers); dwarf apple tree "Rossa" (dark pink bud, light pink flower, dessert variety); “Rozhdestvenskoe” (white-pink buds, pale pink flowers, winter dessert variety); "Early Aloe" (medium-sized light pink flowers, summer variety); “Minusinsk red” (“Minusinka”) (medium flowers, pink, fragrant, summer variety); “Minusinsk dessert” (“Nadezhda”) (medium-sized flowers, creamy, very fragrant, summer variety); “Robin” (white-light red bud, large, light pink flowers, autumn variety).

Many winter-hardy Siberian semi-cultivars, which have different growth vigor, crown shape, beautiful flower coloring and good-tasting apples, can also decorate the garden. These are the varieties “Baganyonok”, “Palmetta”, “Siberian Souvenir”, “Veselovka”. Thus, the descendants of the “Urozhainoe” variety – semi-cultures “Scarlet Sails”, “Autumn Joy of Altai”, “Zavetnoe”, “Firebird” - are characterized by abundant flowering with light pink flowers, opening from bright pink buds, collected in bunch-shaped inflorescences of 5 -7 pieces, and a large number of fruits (30-50 g) beautiful in appearance and good taste.

It is known that the apple tree tolerates artificial crown formation well. On the lawn, you can form an elegant mini tree from a beautifully flowering Chinese or semi-cultivated plant grafted onto a winter-hardy dwarf rootstock, with low vigor and small, beautiful fruits. Such a large bonsai will decorate your garden. A medium-sized, small-fruited ornamental apple tree looks good as a hedge or a sealing element of a coniferous fence.

Choosing a variety of ornamental apple tree

The main negative factors affecting the cultivation of ornamental apple trees in the North-West region are possible very coldy, prolonged thaws, strong winds and spring return colds. Therefore, you need to choose varieties of ornamental apple trees with good winter hardiness.

The decorative apple tree grows well in a “front”, sunny place. Some varieties tolerate partial shade, but for normal life, the apple tree must be illuminated by the sun for some time during the day. Varieties with colored foliage require a sunny planting location, because... in the shade the color intensity of the leaves decreases. When planting varieties with anthocyanin “washing” of the leaf in the shade, the burgundy tint on the leaves may disappear completely.
For creating green hedges with the participation of apple trees, choose the eastern, south-eastern, southern sides of the site, protected from the northern, north-western winds that dominate in our region. It is necessary to avoid planting apple trees on northern slopes, in frost-prone areas, and lowlands. In the lowlands, fruit trees do not tolerate winters well, because... cold air “flows” there. In trees, fruit formations, cambium, wood or bark are often damaged. Outwardly, this may manifest itself in weak flowering. Deformed, partially darkened petals, unexpectedly blackened stamens and pistils, drying out and falling of hatched buds (without visible signs of damage by insects) are characteristic damage from spring cold. “Good breed” varieties are best planted in a sheltered, sunny location. The landing site must initially be chosen well.
When choosing a foreign variety, the main attention should be paid to its winter hardiness. In the gardens of the North-West you can find varieties of apple trees: “Royalty”, “Makamik”, “Rudolf”, “Lizet”, “Eleyi”, “Hopa”, “Golden Hornet”, “Everest”. However, such luxurious flowering, which we see in photographs from Europe, is difficult to achieve due to the climatic characteristics of our region.

In the North-West region it is reasonable to grow zoned decorative varieties and varieties that grow well in harsher conditions climatic conditions(in the Urals, Siberia).

Unfortunately, varieties of tall ornamental wild apple trees are now practically not grown. Also, varieties of winter-hardy, useful Siberian semi-cultivated apple trees are not available to gardeners in the North-Western region. But demand must generate supply. Winter-hardy, healthy and highly decorative varieties of apple trees exist. Cuttings of varieties are probably available in Michurinsk, in the nursery of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, at the Research Institute named after. Lisavenko, in the nursery of the Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. We look forward to the appearance of these varieties on the North-West market of ornamental and fruit plants.

Text: Larisa Semenova, member of the gardening section of the House of Scientists named after. Gorky

Photo: Larisa Semenova, Yulia Smirnova, PosSad nursery

Gardening matters No. 5(67), 2013