Apple tree blooming with red flowers. Planting ornamental apple trees on the site. Is it possible to eat decorative apples?



  • Hybrid. ;
  • She, in turn, has roots from the Niedzwiecki apple tree;
  • Trees in an ornamental environment quite low - only 5-6 meters in height;
  • And the crown width is up to 5 meters;
  • They can also be in the form of a bush;
  • With red leaves and flowers;
  • Original oval dark purple leaves. They turn red in autumn;

You will learn more about the Royalty variety from.


  • The height of the rounded apple trees does not exceed 6 meters. Usually about five meters. But the crown becomes more spreading in mature trees;
  • Large white and pink flowers completely cover leaves and branches;
  • Yellow fruits reach even 3 cm in diameter;
  • But to eat or not to eat? Better in canned form;
  • They don't fall off for a long time. Plant in full sun and fertile soil.

Read more information about the Rudolph apple tree.


  • Both the height of the tree and the width of its crown do not exceed 5 meters;
  • The leaves attract attention. Especially the purple tint is shiny and green in color;
  • They delight others with their blossoms in May. Stands with very beautiful large pink flowers. Completely a ball of this color;
  • The fruits are about 3 cm in diameter. Crimson red, they do not fall from the tree for a long time.

Remember! The tasty fruits are very suitable for consumption. Especially for jams and compotes.

Before planting at home, consider:

  • Can you provide fertile soil? Well fertilized and constantly moistened;
  • Perform regular spring exercises;
  • systematically from diseases and pests.

The sun loves. But even in partial shade it feels confident. As with frosts and winds.

You can find out more about the Ola apple tree.


  • A distinctive feature of this variety is their slight height. No more than 4 meters it can grow. Even with good care And ;
  • Leaves with a dark pink tint, not large. Up to 7 cm;
  • Large purple flowers They begin to bloom even in April. But more often in May;
  • Red fruits grow to small sizes. Edible with a sweet and sour taste. And fragrant;
  • It takes root well and grows even in areas with harsh climates. Its ability to withstand diseases, frosts and droughts allows this.


  • Tall trees (up to 6-7 meters- not uncommon) with a thick crown shaped like a tent;
  • The oval leaves change color from purple when they bloom to dark green;
  • Very beautiful purple flowers. Even with terry;
  • The fruits are red in color. Even 2.5 cm in diameter;
  • Gardeners prefer well-fertilized, well-lit areas;
  • And they assume:
    • In spring, nitrogen fertilizers;
    • – better phosphorus and potassium;
    • Can be combined with.
  • Can cope with diseases. With your help;
  • Conduct formative spring trimmings. And remove damaged ones;
  • Protect from rodents during the winter.

Royal Beauty

  • A very successful fast-growing hybrid;
  • It grows up to 3 meters. And the crown does not exceed 2 meters;
  • Blooms for about two weeks in early May. Dark red buds turn into large and fragrant crimson flowers;
  • Many designers give it preference in landscape design because drooping, as if weeping branches. And it’s worth it - more than 500 rubles per seedling;
  • If the crown is not regularly trimmed, it takes on an oval or spherical appearance;
  • The glossy foliage is purple in spring, becoming a rich crimson color in autumn.

Remember! The fruits are not for eating. For beauty.

Royal Beauty.

Read more information about the Royal Beauty apple tree.

Yagodnaya (Siberian)

  • Globular crown. It may also be bushy. If you form it properly. Or you will forget to look after her;
  • Grows in various conditions;
  • They take root better in sunny places. And in well-drained soil. And in shaded areas;
  • Therefore, gardeners very often use it as a rootstock for grafting. More valuable varieties;
  • White flowers smell throughout the whole area;
  • The fruits are a pleasure to look at. Variety of colors - Orange and red. And yellow ones.
  • The color depends on the variety. Their size is only 5-10 mm in diameter;
  • Responds to agricultural technology good view, abundant flowering, many small apples;
  • Its varieties (or forms) are well known:
    • Graceful;
    • Yellow bordered;
    • Pink terry.

You can find out more about the Berry apple tree.


  • Grows up to almost 6 meters. This is the size of the crown shape. Round and spreading;
  • Pink stripes are noticeable on the edges of white flowers. Quite large - up to 3.5 cm in diameter;
  • The ovoid, dark green leaves have a matte tint;
  • The fruits are slightly flattened. With a red-orange color. They grow up to 3 cm in diameter.
  • The barely noticeable gray-blue stripe attracts everyone's attention;
  • Thin stalks of the same length;
  • Combined plantings are very common. Near tall trees. They are also used as a hedge. In the form of trellises.



Golden Hornet

  • A well-established and long-established variety. Received in 1949 in England;
  • The crown is impressive and beautiful. Height and width up to 6 meters. It can also be a multi-stemmed bush;
  • The buds are purple-pink. The flowers are pink with a white border. Flowering occurs in May;
  • Large yellow fruits for this species– up to 3 cm in diameter. Make a note to yourself. Suitable for consumption and processing;
  • They remain on the tree even until frost;

Please note! Young shoots may freeze. Timely and systematic agricultural practices will contribute to good winter hardiness.

  • Quite often asked in nurseries. But the price of a 2-year-old seedling is... 2500 rubles.

Golden Hornet.

Long (Long, Chinese, Plum-leaved)

  • This variety cannot be ignored;
  • American variety, and the roots are Siberian;
  • Zoned in, ;
  • Elongated fruit shape gave the name to the variety;
  • Pyramidal, if you like, vertical crown;
  • Dark green large leaves and white flowers;
  • AND a lot of apples. Small – even more than 3 cm in diameter. They even weigh -20-25 grams. But a lot. Red ovoid fruits. They are confused with plums;
  • Ripen at the end of August. They can lie there for twenty days;
  • The main purpose is decorative and processing into compotes and preserves. You can collect 200 kg of apples from one tree;
  • It is listed in the price lists of nurseries on a par with the famous large apples.

Prairie Fire (Prairie Lights)

Prairie Fire.


  • This variety has Baltic roots. The result of crossing Siberian berry and Nedzvetsky. In natural conditions;
  • A medium-sized tree with a dense spherical crown. Its height can be up to 6 meters;
  • The raspberry-colored fruits and aroma give the variety its name;
  • The rounded leaves are green with redness only in autumn. And from spring and summer purple in color;
  • Small for regular apples, large for decorative ones. The shape is difficult to determine. But about 3 cm in diameter. In huge quantities. With raspberry flavor;
  • Very good for making compotes;
  • Tree care is normal;
  • It bears fruit already in the 4th year.


Useful photos and videos

Decorative apple tree at a summer cottage.

Watch a video about decorative apple trees:

Watch a video about the features of caring for an ornamental apple tree:

Watch the usage video ornamental apple trees in landscape design:

Watch a video about pruning ornamental apple trees:


  • Nowadays, more than ever before, a lot of attention is paid to the design of squares, parks, public gardens, and streets;
  • And the territories of private houses. To which the name estate is more suitable. It's not about the apples and their taste;
  • The variety of ornamental apples can give you a variety of options;
  • And there are plenty of beautiful types of trees with pink flowers.

Advice! When purchasing, be careful and picky. The photo and description do not always correspond to the variety you are interested in. Good luck!

In contact with

Almost all gardeners have their own suburban areas apple trees are grown. Delicious fruits and a rich harvest become a worthy reward for your work. But among the fragrant beauties there are species whose purpose is not to harvest, but to decorate the landscape. Decorative apple trees are a very bright and beautiful plant, with graceful decorative leaves And delicate flowers. They also bear fruit, but as a rule they are not suitable for food. But the beautiful appearance completely compensates for the lack of harvest.

The blossoming of the decorative apple tree is an incredible sight: it is so abundant that the branches are literally showered bright colors, while the leaves are practically invisible. The color of the inflorescences can be white, pink, dark red. Even completely young tree is able to decorate the garden with its spectacular flowering. In landscape design, this species can easily replace the famous sakura in Japanese gardens. The garden planting retains its decorative value until frost. After flowering the yard is decorated beautiful leaves and then small fruits. The size of the fruits is no more than 4 cm, they hang on the tree for a very long time, attracting birds to the garden. Birds, as you know, are the first fighters against insect pests.

Application in landscape design

It’s hard to imagine Japanese style, as popular as it has been recently, without the symbol of this country - sakura. But the sophisticated plant does not grow in harsh climates; designers replace it with an equally luxurious decorative apple tree. Their lush flowering and pleasant aroma are very similar. Apple bushes, buried in white foam or a scarlet blaze of flowering, harmoniously combine with Sakhalin cherries, Ussuri plums and Manzhurian apricots. Entire clearings are allotted to them, where garden plantings fulfill their important mission - decorate the garden.

The stunning blooming of the ornamental apple tree creates a special microclimate in the landscape design, embodying luxury and chic. Due to its unpretentiousness, garden plantings are often used as bright accent among evergreen needles. One plant or a small group can undoubtedly attract attention and become a bright spot that can dilute the calm coniferous greenery.

Wide color characteristics used in many compositions. The standard form of a decorative apple tree beautifully decorates the entrance to the yard or the path leading to the house.

Stunningly beautiful during flowering and perfectly maintaining its decorative value throughout the warm season, the apple tree occupies a special place among trees and shrubs. Easily molded and modeled, gardeners create all kinds of shapes.

In the natural style, the garden planting fits well into the overall “pristine” appearance with its naturalness. It is not always noticeable that the existing shape of the crown is the work of man. In winter, the plant also decorates the garden. Small fruits hang in clusters and do not fall off even when high temperature. Covered with frost, they create a real rustic flavor and attract flocks of chirping birds.

Important role correct layout plays a role fruit trees. All agrotechnical requirements must be observed to achieve a decorative effect. Decorative apple trees are planted in sunny meadows, hills and near water. Last option often used in Japanese garden design. The incredibly beautiful blossoms reflected in the water create a picturesque landscape, like paintings by Flemish painters.

A decorative representative is also planted surrounded by shrubs, against the backdrop of a well-groomed lawn. These can be tree peonies, park rose bushes and chokeberry. Their varied flowering and fruiting visually shade and highlight each other. Having such a composition in your garden is a tempting prospect. By choosing unpretentious representatives, you can enjoy incredible beauty with a minimum of effort.

Compatibility with other plants

Meadows with decorative apple trees planted in a small group look beautiful. The free space is filled with strawberries, raspberries or other berry bushes. Also used as background plants are iris, peony, sweet tobacco and daisies. Along the paths a mixborder of decorative varieties of apple trees, strawberries, chives, and tenacious trees is planted. Low-growing plants decorate the group planting in the first level.

The garden planting is used as a hedge along with Japanese quince, blackberry, hops and virgin grapes. IN Japanese garden the combination of ornamental apple tree, lemongrass, damson, chaenomelis and other plants has already become a classic. It can be supplemented with several varieties of spirea, weigela or Japanese kerria.

The original combination of a bizarre crown and interesting leaf color combines decorative apple trees, catalpas with yellow and red pods, fieldfare, barberry and lilac. By planting a composition according to height, duration of flowering and shade of inflorescences, you can create a flowerbed that will change and refresh the landscape over several seasons.

In company with fruit bushes(raspberry, currant, serviceberry) decorative apple tree looks wonderful. This group of plants is also suitable for a low hedge or border. Beautiful flowering followed by the appearance of fruits makes any garden rich and symbolic.

Species and varietal diversity

The following varieties are famous for their special decorative properties:


Long flexible branches adorn the twelve-meter trunk. The variety has remained virtually unchanged. An unpretentious, frost-resistant plant.

Bred in a hybrid way. Reaches 5-6 meters in height and the width of the crown reaches the same amount. The petals are richly purple shade, which gives the flowering an unforgettable look.

Hybrid variety resistant to adverse conditions environment. The height of the bush can be 3-4 meters, the width of the crown ranges from 2 to 3 meters. During the growing season, the leaves decorate the garden with their purple hue; closer to the formation of fruits, they change their color to green.

A distinctive feature is slow growth. The culture is unpretentious, frost-resistant, an adult plant reaches 5 meters in height and 3 meters in crown diameter. The wait for the unusual purple leaves of a mature garden planting takes up to 9 years.

The blooming buds have a rich raspberry hue and a berry-like aroma. The bush is low - 3-3.5 meters, the crown is spreading and spherical.

The difference between this variety is its edible fruits, from which you can make compote and jam. The tree grows wild, tolerates even harsh climatic conditions. Mature plant reaches 11 meters. Appearance classic - white flowers framed by green leaves.

A frequent guest in landscape design. It has a weeping form with drooping branches and grows quickly. When blooming in spring, the foliage has a purple tint, closer to autumn changes it to emerald.

Reproduction, planting and care

When planting, the hole should be larger than the root system; the roots are carefully straightened and covered with a loose, fertile mixture. Active growth of the root system is the key to good growth and development of the tree itself. After planting, provide abundant watering and mulching. Sawdust, compost, peat can be used. This will help moisture evaporate less, stop the appearance of weeds and improve the survival of the seedling. Under no circumstances should the root collar be buried.

Caring for an ornamental apple tree differs little from maintaining a regular one. The decorative variety is less whimsical, with improper landing or minor errors, this will not in any way affect the condition of the tree itself. Still, gardeners recommend adhering to certain rules. Plays an important role right place for landing. It is better to plant decorative varieties of apple trees in places where there is enough light and there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil. The root system must be provided good drainage, constantly wet roots can rot. Saplings with an open root system need sufficient moisture; overdrying will destroy them.

Video - Decorative apple trees

For harvest or for beauty? Decorative apple trees

As mentioned above, the apple tree serves not only as a source of tasty, aromatic and useful fruits, but is also magnificent ornamental plant. Most varieties used for decorative purposes are relatively short, rarely exceeding 4-5 m. Their crowns are usually proportional, the leaves are glossy. The flowers are dark red, pink, less often white. The fruits are often dark red or yellow with a red blush. The trees are decorative until late autumn. These varieties are especially good for landscaping small gardens. They are most attractive when planted alone or in small groups. They work well as focal plants against the background of a lawn, or larger ornamental trees.

The most impressive among ornamental apple trees are the red-leaved varieties and forms, the ancestor of which is Niedzwiecki apple tree. Let's consider some red-leaved species and varieties that are interesting from a decorative point of view and that most fully meet the goal. First of all, this is the Niedzwiecki apple tree itself (M.Niedzwetzkyana Dieck.). She comes from Central Asia, where it grows along mountain slopes in a belt of tree and shrub vegetation. It is now rare and on the verge of extinction. Sometimes cultivated by the local population.

The Niedzwiecki apple tree is low tree 2-6 m high. Popular namekuljinka, or red kuldzhinka. Main hallmark is the presence of anthocyanin (red pigment) in all parts of the plant: leaves, flowers, skin and pulp of fruits, seeds, bark and other organs. The bark of the trunk and branches is dark purple, red-brown or violet in color. The shoots are dark purple, dark red-brown, sometimes almost black.

The leaves are leathery, obovate, elliptical, narrowed, up to 8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. When young, they are covered with tomentose-hairy pubescence, which later remains only on the bottom. Fully expanded leaves have a dark green with a reddish tint or even violet-red color and dark purple petioles, turning red in the fall. This color makes the tree crown very unique and attractive. No other species or variety of apple tree, except its own descendants, can compare with it in beauty. The buds are dark purple in color. The blossoming flowers are very large, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, intense pink or bright crimson-purple, on white felt pedicels, of exceptional beauty.

Flowering usually lasts two weeks, from mid-May to early June. Blooms in 5-6 years. The fruits are solitary, slightly ribbed, spherical, flat-spherical or slightly elongated, they are small or medium-sized, sometimes up to large. Their skin is purple-dark red with a strong waxy coating. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet, beautiful pink-purple in color. The Niedzwiecki apple tree is unpretentious, but grows better on fertile soils. At high level groundwater it is short-lived. It propagates well by grafting; any type of apple tree can serve as a rootstock. Its seedlings are transplanted from the nursery to permanent place for 2-3 years after vaccination. It is most decorative during flowering, fruit ripening, and leaf fall.

When landscaping, this apple tree is usually used as tapeworms (single plantings), in contrasting groups and to create alleys. In cultivation it grows well in the Southern and Southwestern regions. IN Middle lane and to the north - the winter hardiness of this apple tree is insufficient, but many varieties bred on its basis are quite winter-hardy. All of them have large purple flowers of rare beauty; as a result, during flowering they resemble huge azaleas. The color of the skin of the fruit is dark cherry-red, the flesh is dark red. Even with repeated crossing, in the third generation, in 20% of seedlings, the anthocyanin color of shoots, flowers and other parts of plants is not only preserved, but sometimes even intensified compared to the original species.

Almost all of them were bred for the Middle Zone. This Michurin varieties: Pepin crimson, Red standard, and Bellefleurs: trilobed, rugosa, purple And red. In the latter, the signs of the Niedzwiecki apple tree appeared so strongly that they were not only expressed in the reddish-violet color of young leaves, reddish veins and petioles, the dark red surface of the fruits, and the pink flesh of them, but also caused a slight decrease in the taste of the latter compared to the mother variety Bellefleur Chinese. Their shape is flat-round, size is average; covered with a waxy coating. But the bright pink flowers of this variety are especially beautiful. It is most widespread in the Tambov region. The winter hardiness of the trees is average, at the level of the widely known Babushkino variety, and is resistant enough to grow in the North-West of the country.

But another red-leaved descendant of the Niedzvetsky apple tree is even better suited for growing in our region - the variety Komsomolets selection by I.V. Michurin. The tree is medium-sized, has high winter hardiness, both in the middle zone and to the north. The crown is rounded. It is not affected by scab. The period of fruiting begins at 9-10 years. The flowers and leaves are similar to the leaves of the other varieties listed above. The fruits are long, truncated-conical, medium in size, weight 80 g. The skin of the apples is completely covered with a red integumentary color, brighter on sunny side. The pulp is intensely pink, dense, juicy, sweet (sugars 10.0%), with pleasant sourness (acids 0.8%), vitamin C - 7.7 mg%. Although the organoleptic taste of the fruit is only average, due to the brightness of the color of the skin and pulp it subjectively seems much better. Apples are stored until February - March and are suitable for processing. A technical variety, high yield, especially good for amateur gardening.

Many apple tree rootstocks can also be used for decorative purposes. For example, Budagovsky's paradise(synonyms: red-leaved paradise, PB, PK-9, V-9) - a red-leaved variety bred by V.I. Budagovsky. It was created as a dwarf rootstock or intercalary insert for tall large-fruited varieties domestic apple trees, with which he has good compatibility. He is a descendant of the Niedzwiecki apple tree in the fourth generation. It has a pronounced red color of the leaves, dark cherry color of the shoots and bright pink flowers. It is very decorative, especially in spring and autumn, and can be successfully used for landscaping purposes. Since this variety was created for a very specific use as a dwarf rootstock, obtaining large and tasty fruits from it was not the goal when breeding it.

They are small, brightly colored, sweet and sour, the flesh is pink. Due to their mediocre taste, they are usually used only for processing. The productivity of the variety is high. The tree is low-growing, the wood is fragile, red in color. Propagated by layering, green cuttings, grafting. Root system branched, fragile, located in the lower part of the arable horizon, withstands temperatures down to -13...-14ºС.

The winter hardiness of the variety is mediocre, but it can grow in the North-West, although in some years it freezes slightly. The variety is resistant to scab. There are other red-leaved rootstocks bred later than Budagovsky's Paradise, incl. based on it, which can also be used for landscaping purposes. This is rootstock 62-396, which has high winter hardiness, numbers 57-146 and 57-49.

In addition, many small-fruited plants can be used for the same purpose. red leaf varieties. For example, variety Pioneer girl, bred at the Pavlovsk station of VIR, it is also a descendant of the Nedzvetsky apple tree; It is characterized by strong growth, the crown is elongated, rounded, openwork. The shoots are thin, reddish-brown, shiny. The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, with red petioles and veins; they turn red in autumn. The fruits are small, 20-30 g, their skin and pulp are colored with anthocyanin (red), contain 11% sugars, up to 2.0% acids, 32 mg% vitamin C.

They are harvested in early September; the fruits are not stored for a long time. The variety is highly winter-hardy, resistant to scab and other diseases. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting and produces abundant harvests every year. The fruits are mainly used for processing: jam, compotes, marmalade, etc. are prepared.

In addition, a whole group of small-fruited apple trees consists of special decorative varieties, the so-called crabs. They are especially popular in the USA. Among them there are many red-leaved ones with pink flowers. various shades. Most of them are short or medium height trees with an elegant crown, blooming profusely and beautifully. The fruits are small or medium-sized, brightly colored, in most cases suitable only for processing. The winter hardiness of crabs is high.

In our country, the most common of these varieties is the variety For a long time(descendant of the Siberian apple tree). The tree is medium-sized, the crown is rounded, densely leafy. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. It begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 3-4th year. This apple tree is not only very decorative pink flowers and bright red fruits, it produces huge yields of magnificently beautiful, small, weighing 12-25 g, oval-shaped bright red apples. Their pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, aromatic. They can be used fresh, but they are much tastier in processed products. These apples (whole, including the stems) are especially good for making original and wonderful-tasting jam, in which they become bright orange-red and translucent, so that the seeds are visible through their pulp.

However, those apple trees in which one half of the crown blooms with ordinary white flowers, and the other with bright pink, look especially unusual and beautiful on the site. This effect is achieved by regrafting part of the crown with a variety that has a given flower color. For the most part, these are descendants of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. It will be even more original if such grafting is performed one by one on all the main skeletal branches. Then, either white or bright pink spots of flowers strewing the crown, changing places in a checkerboard pattern and gradually decreasing in size, will rise in steps up the crown. Even when flowering ends, the effect of such grafting will not disappear, but will simply change its shape, since the contrast between the light green and reddish-dark green leaves of both varieties will remain on the trees.

It is highly desirable that the fruits also be respectively golden (bright yellow) and red or scarlet in color. To the color difference you can add the contrast between the shape and size of the fruit. Then the trees will look attractive and original not only in spring, but also in late summer and early autumn. Additionally, later during leaf fall, the vibrant color scheme of yellow and purple leaves will reappear. And even after it is over, when the apple trees stand bare, the dark red or cherry shoots of the red-leaved variety will enliven the crown and to some extent contrast with the brown shoots and branches of the apple rootstock.

It is best to use trees with such grafts for single plantings as tapeworms. Then the person’s gaze, not distracted by other objects, will involuntarily fixate longer on these original trees. However, if a lot of similar apple trees are planted, this will create unnecessary diversity on the site, and the quality of the harvest will noticeably suffer. There should be a maximum of two such apple trees, for example, on both sides of the gate, or at both wings of the house. And at the same time, we must strive for them to be, as it were, a mirror image of each other.

This is especially true for trees in which half of the crown has been regrafted; their pink parts should be facing one another - this will create an additional illusion of perspective depth. The rapprochement of the white parties will be somewhat less effective. Finding contrasting flowering varieties suitable for grafting is not so difficult. When using purely red-leaved varieties, you can use them, in addition to tapeworms, to additionally form alleys along paths and small clumps.

Here you will find the most the best varieties apples for absolutely different regions. After our wonderful selection, there were a huge number of reviews about other interesting apple trees, the taste and yield of which our readers liked. Current in 2019.

Leave your reviews too, just be sure to indicate the growing region.

Apple tree Volodarka

The apple tree is the most common tree in our gardens. Apple tree varieties are divided into: summer, autumn and winter.

Their main differences are in the ripening period and shelf life.

We present to you the most popular varieties of apple trees with photos, names and descriptions.

Summer varieties of apple trees

Summer varieties of apple trees ripen early and are not stored well.


Padding- an apple tree of medium height, has a round-oval, densely leafy crown. The variety is medium-winter-hardy, resistant to pests and diseases. But the exception is scab, which can seriously affect the tree in rainy years. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting. The variety produces a harvest almost every year. The fruits reach ripeness in mid-August. Their shelf life is about 10-15 days. Apples are characterized by very low transportability. average value the fruit is 100 grams, it has a round-conical shape and a seam that is observed along its entire surface. The apple is pale yellow color and sweet and sour taste.

Apple Melba

Variety Melba- an apple tree of medium height, with a broadly oval crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and is often damaged by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The variety produces a harvest every year. The fruits reach ripeness at the end of August. Storage duration is about 30 days. Apples are characterized by excellent transportability. The average size of the fruit is 100 - 120 g, it has a rounded-conical shape and stripes with a bright red blush, which occupy a significant part of the surface. The color of the apple is greenish-white. Pulp white, tender and sweet and sour in taste.

Apples Stark Erliest

- an apple tree of medium height, has a broad pyramidal compact crown. The variety is winter-hardy and may be slightly affected by scab and powdery mildew. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The variety produces a harvest almost every year. The fruits begin to ripen a week earlier than those of Papirovka. Storage duration is about 20 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round-conical shape and its entire surface is covered with a bright red blurred blush. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow. The pulp is juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples ripen unevenly, so it is better to remove them in 2-3 doses.

Variety Early sweet- the apple tree is weak-growing, has a flat-rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. At 3-4 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a harvest almost every year. The fruits begin to ripen 10-12 days earlier than those of Papirovka. The average size of an apple is 90-100 g, it has a flat round shape. The color of the fruit is light yellow. Characteristics of the pulp are white color and sweet taste.

Apple tree White filling

Variety White filling- an apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown in young trees and round in adults. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and can be easily affected by scab. In the 2-3rd year, an apple tree grafted on a dwarf rootstock begins to bear fruit, and in the 5-6th year on a vigorous rootstock. The variety produces a harvest every year. Fruit ripeness occurs in August. Storage duration is three months. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a round-conical or broadly ovoid shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow. Characteristics of the pulp are its white color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste.

Apple Borovinka

Borovinka- an apple tree of medium height. The variety is winter-hardy, is very susceptible to scab and therefore the ripe fruits quickly fall off. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The variety produces a harvest almost every year. Fruit ripeness occurs in August - early September. The shelf life of apples is 2-4 weeks. The average weight of an apple is 100 g, it has a flat-round shape with a striped blush. The fruit is yellow in color, has juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste.

Bellefleur-Chinese- a tree of medium height. Medium yield variety. The apple tree produces a harvest almost every year. The average weight of the fruit is 100 g. The apple has a sweet and sour taste.

Grushovka Moskovskaya- winter-hardy variety. The apple tree is tall, has a spherical or broad pyramidal crown. It produces a harvest almost every year. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of August and are not transportable. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it is light white in color, has juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste.

Golden Chinese apple tree

Chinese Golden- an apple tree of medium height, has a broom-shaped crown in young trees and a weeping crown in older trees. The variety is winter-hardy and is often damaged by scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of July and then quickly fall off. The average size of an apple is 80 g, the flesh is yellowish in color, juicy, with a good sour-sweet taste and very pleasant aroma.


- winter-hardy variety. At the 2-3rd year, the apple tree begins to bear fruit on a dwarf rootstock, and at the 5th year - on a strongly growing rootstock. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of August. The average size of an apple is 80-150 g, it has a round-conical shape. The fruit is green-yellow in color with brown stripes and has a sweet taste.

Apple Tree Dream- a tree of medium height. The variety is winter-hardy, high-yielding, and resistant to scab. In the 4th year, the apple tree begins to bear fruit on a seed rootstock, and in the 2nd year - on a dwarf rootstock. The variety produces a harvest every year. The fruits begin to mature in August. The average size of an apple is 200 g. on a dwarf rootstock and 100-150 gr. on the seed stage, it has a rounded conical shape and a bright red streaked blush. The fruit is cream-colored and sweet and sour in taste.


Mironchik- winter-hardy variety. The tree is vigorous, durable, and has a high crown. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-August. Their shelf life is about 1 month. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it is yellow in color, has rough yellow flesh and a sweet taste.

Suislepskoye- an apple tree of medium height, has a round, densely leafy, or broadly pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy. At 3-4 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit on a dwarf rootstock, and at 6-7 years - on a very tall rootstock. Fruits begin to mature in August - early September. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a flat, round shape with a pink striped blush. The apple is white-yellow in color, has white, aromatic, fine-grained flesh and a sweet and sour taste.

- apple tree of medium height, compact. At 4-5 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a harvest every year. The fruits begin to ripen earlier than those of the White filling. Apples are shelf-stable and transportable. The average size of the fruit is 60-70 grams, it is juicy and sweet and sour in taste.

Yandykovskoe- The apple tree is tall and has a dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy, tolerates drought well and is not damaged by diseases. At 5-6 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a harvest every year. Removable maturity of the fruits begins in the third decade of July. The shelf life of apples is about 3 weeks. The average size of the fruit is 100-150 g, it has a flat round shape, a blurred striped blush and a sweet and sour taste.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Scarlet anise

Variety Anise scarlet- the tree is tall, has a broad pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but weakly resistant to black crayfish. The apple tree begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of September. The tree's yield is 200-300 kg. Duration of storage of apples before the beginning of winter. The average size of the fruit is 50 - 70 g, it has a flat, round, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is green with a dark cherry blush and a waxy coating. And its pulp is juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that it bears fruit periodically.

Anise striped- the apple tree is tall, has a wide pyramidal dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but fruits and leaves can be affected by scab. At 6-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a harvest every year. The fruits begin to mature at the end of August. Tree yield is up to 250 kg. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 70 g, it has a flattened round or ribbed shape. The fruit is light green in color with a speckled, striped blush, has white, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is its high yield and winter hardiness.

- an apple tree of medium height, has a compact, sparse crown. The variety is winter-hardy, but can be severely affected by scab. At 4-5 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The variety produces a harvest every year. Fruits begin to mature in mid-September. Tree yield is up to 75 kg.

The fruits are stored for about three months. The average size of an apple is 90 g, it has a round-oval shape. The fruit is greenish-cream in color with a red blush, has white, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good winter hardiness of apples and the excellent dessert taste of the fruit.

Apple Auxis

Auxis- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The variety produces a harvest every year. Fruits begin to mature in September.

The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened round or turnip-shaped shape. The fruit is light yellow in color with a red blush, has yellow, dense, juicy, aromatic flesh and a sweet and sour taste. Apples are stored until January, and in the refrigerator until March. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Apple Baltika

Apple tree Baltika- the tree is tall, has a paniculate crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5. The variety produces a harvest every year. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of September.

Tree yield is up to 200 kg. The fruits are stored for about two months. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round or turnip-shaped shape. The fruit is yellow in color with a striped pink blush, has white, dense, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good commercial quality of fruits and high yield.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya- The apple tree is tall, has a spreading, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-7 years. Fruits begin to mature in September. Tree yield is up to 130 kg. The fruits are stored until December. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a round or flat round shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with orange and red streaks and stripes. The pulp is greenish-yellow, juicy, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the uneven ripening of the fruits - therefore, part of the harvest is shed, but the advantage is high-quality fruits.


Apple tree Zhigulevskoe- a tree of medium height, has a wide pyramidal, sparse crown. The variety is affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of September. Tree yield is up to 200 kg. The fruits are stored until January. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flat round shape. The fruit is golden-yellow in color with an orange or red blush, has juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.

Cinnamon new

Cinnamon new- the apple tree is tall, has a highly rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and has good scab resistance. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-7 and produces irregular harvests. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of September. Apples are stored until January.

The average size of an apple is 130-160 g, it has a flat, round, conical shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with a speckled, striped blush, has light cream, tender, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial quality of the fruit.

Cinnamon Striped

Cinnamon Striped- an apple tree of medium height, with a broad pyramidal or rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to grow at 6-8 years old. The fruits reach ripeness in mid-September. Storage duration is 2 months.

The average size of an apple is 80-90 g, it has a flattened, turnip-shaped shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with dark red outlined stripes and specks, has yellow-white, tender flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is its late entry into fruiting.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk

Variety Krasa Sverdlovsk- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-6 years. The fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. Tree productivity is up to 70-100 kg. The fruits are stored until March-April. The average size of an apple is 120-160 g, it has a wide-round or round-conical shape. The fruit is cream-colored with a crimson-red blush, has light cream, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and taste quality of the fruits, as well as their long shelf life and high content of ascorbic acid.

Oryol garland

Oryol garland- an apple tree of short stature, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years. The tree has a high yield. Apples reach ripeness in mid-September.

Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 90 g, it has a turnip shape. The color of the fruit is golden yellow with a red blush. And its flesh is greenish-white in color, juicy, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste.

Autumn striped

Autumn striped- The apple tree is tall, has a widely rounded crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy, but has good regenerative ability and is slightly affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-8 years. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. Tree yield is up to 200 kg. The fruits are stored until November-December. The average weight of an apple is 120 g; it has a round-conical, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the fruit is light yellow, with a speckled, striped blush of orange and red. The apple pulp is white, tender, and has a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good apple yield and excellent fruit quality.

Apples Riga Dove

Riga Dove- an apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and resistant to fruit rot and scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-6 years. The tree bears fruit periodically. Picking maturity of the fruit begins in mid-September, and 1-2 months after harvesting, consumer maturity begins.

Apples are stored until December. The average size of the fruit is 120 g, it has an elongated conical shape. When picked, the apple is greenish-white, and when ripe it is milky-white in color with a blurred blush, has white, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage is poor transportability of the fruit.

September- the apple tree is tall, has a pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-7 years. Fruits begin to mature in mid-September. Tree yield is up to 140 kg. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a round-conical shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color with faint stripes, has yellowish, juicy, tender flesh and a sweet and sour taste. Apples can be stored for 2 months. The advantage of the variety is good quality fruits


Tambovskoe- the apple tree is tall, has a spreading, rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and has poor resistance to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-7 years. The fruits begin to mature at the beginning of September. The tree's yield is good, but irregular. The average size of an apple is 130 g; it has an oval-conical shape with bright red specks. The fruit is light cream in color, has snow-white, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a wine-sweet taste. Apples are stored for about 2-3 months. The advantage of the variety is good marketability and excellent taste of the fruit.

Apple Uralets

Uralets- the apple tree is tall, has a strong, dense, pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. Fruits reach ripeness from late August to early September. The tree's yield is 70 kg. The average size of an apple is 40-60 g; it has a round-conical, truncated shape with a bright carmine striped blush. The fruit is cream-colored, has juicy, fine-grained, tender pulp and a sweet and sour taste. Apples can be stored for about 2 months. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness, early fruiting and good yield.

Ural liquid- the apple tree is tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and well resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. The fruits reach ripeness in early September. Their shelf life is about two months. The average size of an apple is 40 g, it has a round shape.

The fruit is light yellow in color, has white, juicy, medium-grained pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness and good adaptive properties.

Saratov saffron

Saratov saffron- the variety is winter-hardy, well resistant to powdery mildew and scab. The apple tree is of medium height, has a rounded or broadly pyramidal crown of medium density. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The fruits ripen in mid-September. The tree's yield is 150 kg. The shelf life of the fruit is until December. The average size of an apple is 120-160 g, it has an elongated or round-conical shape, with red speckled stripes. The fruit is yellow-green in color, has creamy, dense, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good taste and commercial quality of the fruit.

Winter varieties of apple trees

Antonovka vulgare

Antonovka vulgare- the apple tree is tall, has an oval crown. The variety is winter-hardy, but can be affected by scab. It begins to bear fruit at 7-8 years. Fruits begin to mature in mid-September. The tree's yield is 200 kg. The fruits are stored for about three months. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a round, slightly flattened shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color, has yellow, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the frequency of fruiting of the tree and the short shelf life of apples. And the advantage is good yield and excellent quality of fruits.

Aport- a medium-winter-hardy variety. The apple tree is tall and has a flat, rounded crown. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. Harvesting maturity of fruits begins in the second ten days of September. The average size of an apple is 220-250 g, it has a broad conical shape with a red blush. The fruits are stored until January-February. The apple is yellow-green in color, has green-yellow, tender, fine-grained flesh and a sweet and sour taste.


Aphrodite- the apple tree is tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. Storage duration until the end of December. The average size of an apple is 125 g; it has a medium flattened, widely ribbed shape with stripes and specks of a dark crimson color. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color. Its pulp is white, juicy, finely grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of apples.

Aelita— the variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The tree is tall and has a broad pyramidal crown of medium density. At 5-6 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree can produce a harvest every year. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. The productivity of the apple tree is 140 c/ha. The fruits are stored until the beginning of January. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round-conical, correct form. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color. Its pulp is juicy, yellow, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its excellent apple yield.

Bezhin meadow

Bezhin meadow- a large apple tree with a rounded crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. They are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 150 g; it has an oblong, widely ribbed shape.

The fruit is yellow-green with a crimson blush. And its pulp is tender, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the yield and excellent transportability of the fruit.

Belarusian synap

Belarusian synap- the apple tree is tall, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration is until the end of April - beginning of May. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has an oval shape with a pink-red dull blush on the sunny side. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color. Its pulp is green, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the low juiciness and satisfactory taste of the fruit. And the advantage is the winter hardiness and long-lasting shelf life of apples.

Apple Berkutovskoe

Berkutovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but can be affected by powdery mildew. The tree bears fruit annually. The average size of an apple is 150 grams, it has a round shape and dark red stripes throughout the fruit. The pulp is greenish-yellow in color, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its compact crown, abundant annual fruiting and good keeping quality of the fruit.


Bogatyr- The apple tree is tall, has a spreading sparse crown. The variety is medium-winter-hardy and resistant to scab. Fruiting begins at 6-7 years, after budding. Fruiting is annual. The apple tree yield is 50 kg. Marketability of fruits is about 89%. They are stored for 250 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a flattened round shape with a noticeable edge on the surface. The fruit is light green. Its pulp is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is the abundant annual yield and long shelf life of apples.


Bolotovskoye- the apple tree is above average size, has a rounded crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. Fruits reach ripeness in early September. The tree's yield is 130 c/ha. They are stored until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 150-160 g, it has a flattened, widely ribbed shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color. Its pulp is green, juicy, dense with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the fruits fall off if they are picked late. The advantage is high yield and excellent quality of apples.

Bratchud- dwarf apple tree, has a flat-round crown. The variety is winter-hardy and can be affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit after grafting in 3-4 years. The tree bears fruit regularly. The fruits are stored for 140 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an oblong-round shape. The fruit is greenish-yellow in color. Its pulp is white, slightly juicy, coarse-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.


Bryanskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, medium-density crown. The variety is winter-hardy and not resistant to fruit rot. At 3-4 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is 270-350 c/ha. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 150 g, and the maximum is 300 grams; it has a round or slightly ribbed shape. The fruit is green. Its pulp is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the short shelf life of the fruit. And the advantage is resistance to scab, productivity, non-shattering, as well as high commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.


Venyaminovskoe- The apple tree is large, has a rounded, medium-density crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen on September 15-20. The tree's yield is 150 c/ha. The fruits are stored until February. The average size of an apple is 130 g; it has a medium flattened, conical, widely ribbed or beveled shape. The apple is greenish in color, has white, greenish, dense, coarse-grained, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good commercial quality of the fruit.

Veteran- a tree of medium height, has a spherical, compact crown of medium density. The variety is medium-winter-hardy and resistant to scab. At 4-5 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit after planting. The fruits begin to ripen until the end of September and are stored in the refrigerator until mid-March. Tree productivity is 220 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a slightly flattened shape. The apple is yellowish-green in color, has brownish-yellow, tender, juicy flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the shedding of leaves. And the advantage is high yield, suitability for intensive gardening, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Vita- an apple tree of medium height, with a sparse, drooping crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The tree's yield is moderate with variable frequency. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened, ribbed, regular shape. The apple is greenish in color, has dense, greenish flesh and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the long shelf life of the fruit.

Knight- The apple tree is large, has a drooping crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September - beginning of October and they are stored until May. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a conical or round-conical shape. The color of the apple is yellowish-green. Its pulp is white, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high productivity, long-term shelf life and good quality of fruits.


Cherry- an apple tree of medium height, has a round or flat-round, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and also moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 115 g, greenish-yellow in color. It has white, tender, fine-grained, juicy pulp and a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the excellent dessert taste of the fruit and high yield.


Star- the apple tree is vigorous, has a wide, spreading, slightly drooping crown. The variety is medium-winter-hardy and resistant to apple scab. At 5-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit, after budding. The fruits are stored until February-March. The tree bears fruit annually. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a flattened, round shape with slightly visible ribs. The color of the apple is light green with a red blush. And its flesh is green, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the fruits become small over time and therefore need to be regular pruning. And the advantage is the good taste of the fruit and its long shelf life.


Health- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in early September. Shelf life until mid-February. The tree's yield is 230 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a flattened, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red speckles and wide blurred stripes. Its pulp is green, juicy, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good quality of fruits.

Winter striped- an apple tree of medium height, has an elongated rounded crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy; the leaves can be affected by scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. Apples begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until early April. The tree's yield is 80 kg. The average size of an apple is 140-170 g, it has a flat-round or rounded shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red streaks and stripes. And its flesh is cream-colored, loose, juicy, tender, with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruiting of the tree, long-term shelf life, beautiful shape and good taste of the fruit.


Amazing- an apple tree of medium height, has a spherical crown. The variety is characterized average winter hardiness and excellent resistance to powdery mildew and scab. At 6-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is 200 c/ha. Maximum shelf life of fruits is 250 days. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has an elongated conical, even shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. Its pulp is white, juicy, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that it can freeze in severe winters. And the advantage is good quality of fruits, high yield, transportability of fruits and long shelf life.

Imrus- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until the end of February. The tree's productivity is 90 c/ha. The average weight of an apple is 100 g; it has a flattened, slightly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is green with a red blush. The pulp is characterized by its creamy color, juiciness, density and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the fruits have thin skin. And the advantage is high yield, long-term shelf life, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Kandil Orlovsky

Kandil Orlovsky- the apple tree is medium-sized, has a rounded crown with drooping branches. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 120 g; it has a one-dimensional, oblong-conical shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. And its flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the good commercial and consumer quality of the fruits

Dwarf- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and also moderately resistant to fungal diseases. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-October and are stored until February. The tree's yield is not very abundant and periodic. The average size of an apple is 130 g, it has a round, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color. The pulp is light cream in color, semi-oily and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its high yield and beautiful fruit shape.


Karpovskoe- the apple tree is tall, has an oval crown when young, and a spherical crown when fruiting. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and can be affected by scab. At 6-8 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit, after budding. The variety is high-yielding, especially 2-3 years after the start of fruiting, the yield increases very sharply. The fruits are stored in the fruit storage until May. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a flattened round shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with a deep pink blush. The pulp is greenish, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, long shelf life and good commercial quality of the fruit.


Kuibyshevskoe- the apple tree is vigorous, has a broadly conical crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy, but not sufficiently resistant to scab and fruit rot. At 5-6 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's productivity is high. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Shelf life until February and longer. The average size of an apple is 110-130 g, it has a flat-round, regular shape. The color of the apple is yellow with a red blush. And its flesh is cream-colored, tender, juicy, fine-grained with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is annual fruiting, high yield, and good quality of fruit.


Kulikovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 272 c/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round, regular shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a diffuse purple blush. Characteristics of the pulp are white color and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the smallness of the fruits when the tree is overloaded with harvest and there is no pruning. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high yield, transportability, long-term preservation of fruits.


Kurnakovskoe- an apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to scab and winter-hardy. An apple tree grafted on insert 3-4-98 begins to bear fruit already in the 3rd year. The tree's yield is 150 c/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 130 g; it has an oblong-conical, slightly ribbed shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with pink stripes. Its pulp is cream-colored, dense, fine-grained, juicy, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.


Kutuzovets- an apple tree of medium height, has a flat-round, and with age a spreading crown of medium density. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and also moderately resistant to scab. At 5-7 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit from the moment the oculant grows. The tree's yield is 113 c/ha. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average size of an apple is 120-130 g, it has a flat-round shape. The apple is greenish in color with a striped dull blush. The pulp is white, fine-grained, juicy, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of this variety is that it is one of the best winter apple tree varieties.

Lobo- an apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, sparse crown. The variety is characterized by average winter hardiness and poor resistance to powdery mildew and scab. The tree's productivity is high and stable. The average size of an apple is 120 g; it has a flattened, round, slightly ribbed shape. The apple is yellowish-green with a crimson blush. The pulp is white, tender, fine-grained, juicy, and has a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is stable yield, large fruit, as well as high commercial and taste quality of the fruit.


Martovskoe- the apple tree is fast-growing, vigorous, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and weakly resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Shelf life until March. The tree's yield is 110 kg. The average size of an apple is 145 g, it has a flattened round shape. The color of the apple is green with a red blush. And its flesh is green or white, juicy, semi-oily, fine-grained, tender with a sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the tree is large; unripe fruits, as a rule, become tanned during storage. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high productivity, a crown convenient for shaping and pruning, as well as good commercial quality of the fruit.

Moscow winter

Moscow winter- the apple tree is very tall, has a spreading, widely rounded, dense, heavily leafy crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. Shelf life until April. The average size of an apple is 130 g; it has a one-dimensional, flattened, round, regular shape. The apple is light green in color with blurry dark red streaks. Its pulp is light green in color, medium density, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its size, long shelf life, and good taste of the fruit.

Moscow red

Moscow red- the apple tree is not tall, has a well-leafed and dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and practically not affected by scab. The fruits are stored until May. The average size of an apple is 130-190 g, it has a round-conical shape. The color of the pod is greenish-yellow with a diffuse red blush. The characteristic feature of the pulp is its yellow color, as well as its sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is long-term shelf life, good consumer and commercial quality of the fruit, and the small height of the tree is convenient for an intensive garden.

Moscow later

Moscow later- the apple tree is very tall, has a broad pyramidal crown at a young age and a broadly oval crown later. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 6-7 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average size of an apple is 165-235 g, it has a round-conical shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with a pink blush. Its pulp is white, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the strong density of the crown. And the advantage is long shelf life, good consumer quality of the fruit.


undersized- the apple tree is low, has a flattened crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The tree's yield is 170 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a round, flattened shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red stripes. The pulp is greenish, fine-grained, prickly, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is its high yield.

Olympic- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Shelf life until mid-February. The tree's yield is 172 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g, it has a slightly ribbed shape. The apple is greenish in color with brownish-red stripes. The pulp is characterized by its green color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the pulp of the fruit is loose. And the advantages are high yield, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Orlik- The apple tree is medium tall, has a compact rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 220 c/ha. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. Shelf life until mid-February. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a slightly flattened, slightly conical shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. Characteristics of the pulp are its creamy color, density, juiciness, fine grain and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is partial shedding of the fruit. And the advantage is high yield, good taste of the fruit.

Oryol dawn

Oryol dawn- an apple tree of medium height, has a reverse pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 180 c/ha. Fruits reach ripeness in early September. The average size of an apple is 100-120 g; it has a round, flattened, widely ribbed, slightly beveled shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a bright red blush. Characteristics of the pulp are white color, tenderness, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The fruits are stored until the end of January. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.

Oryol Polesie

Oryol Polesie- The apple tree is medium tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 133 c/ha. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Shelf life until mid-January. The average size of an apple is 140 g; it has an oblong-conical, widely ribbed, beveled shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red specks and stripes. The pulp is white, coarse-grained, juicy, prickly, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial quality of fruits.

Pepin Orlovsky- The apple tree is large, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and highly resistant to scab. The tree's yield is 162 c/ha. Apples begin to ripen at the end of September. Shelf life until mid-January. The average size of an apple is 140 g, it has a broadly conical, broadly ribbed shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. Characteristics of the pulp are its white color, density, juiciness, fine grain and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commercial quality of fruits.

Renet Tatar

Renet Tatar- an apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, dense crown. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Shelf life until April. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a strongly flattened and broadly conical, slightly ribbed shape. The apple is greenish-cream in color with a pink blush. Characteristics of the pulp are white color, juiciness and sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is the productivity and transportability of the fruit.


Freshness- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. The tree's yield is 187 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 110 g; it has a flattened, barrel-shaped, widely ribbed, regular shape. The apple is greenish-yellow in color with red streaks and stripes. The pulp is greenish, dense, fine-grained, prickly, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until May. The advantage of the variety is productivity, good commercial quality of fruits.

Northern synapse- the apple tree is large, very tall, and has a broad pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by average resistance to powdery mildew, scab, as well as high winter hardiness. The apple tree begins to bear fruit in 5-8 years, and on a dwarf rootstock (62-396) it bears fruit in the second year. Fruits reach ripeness in early October. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a round-conical shape. The apple is yellowish-green with a red blush. Characteristics of the pulp are white, fine-grained, juicy and sweet and sour taste. Apples are stored in the refrigerator until May. The disadvantage of this variety is that with a bountiful harvest, the quality of the fruit decreases. And the advantage is productivity, long-term shelf life, good quality of fruits.

Apple tree Sinap Orlovsky

Sinap Orlovsky- The apple tree is very tall and has a widely spreading crown. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent resistance to scab. At 4-5 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is 170 c/ha. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 130 g; it has a one-dimensional, oblong, round-conical shape. The color of the apple is yellowish-green with a blurred blush. The pulp is greenish-cream in color, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until May. The disadvantage of this variety is that if there is a lack of calcium in the soil, the fruits are affected by bitter pitting. And the advantage is high yield, long-term shelf life, good commercial and taste quality of the fruit.


Sokolovskoye- the apple tree is a natural dwarf, has a flat-horizontal crown and its maximum height is two meters. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. At 3-4 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit after grafting. The tree's yield is 65 kg. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flat-round shape. The color of the apple is greenish-yellow with a red blush. Characteristics of the pulp are its creamy color, juiciness, fine-grainedness, density and sweet and sour taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the quality of the fruit decreases during prolonged high summer temperatures and dry air. And the advantage is large fruits, good marketability and taste of apples.

Start- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. Fruits reach ripeness in mid-September. The tree's yield is 170 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 140 g; it has an oblong, widely ribbed, beveled shape. The fruit is green with red stripes and specks. The pulp is greenish, white, dense, coarse-grained, juicy, prickly and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The advantage of the variety is its high yield and suitability for growing in an intensive garden.


Stroevskoe- an apple tree of medium height, growing quickly, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is resistant to scab and highly winter-hardy. Fruits reach ripeness in mid-September. The tree's yield is 117 c/ha. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a moderately flattened, conical, slightly ribbed, slightly beveled shape. The color of the fruit is greenish-yellow with a crimson blush. The pulp is green, white, dense, coarse-grained, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until mid-February. The advantage of the variety is its high yield, good commercial quality of fruits, and suitability for cultivation in intensive gardens.


Student- an apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 5. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flattened, round shape. The apple is greenish in color with a raspberry blush and a bluish tinge. The pulp is light green, tender, fine-grained and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until mid-May. The advantage of the variety is productivity, long-term shelf life, good commercial and consumer quality of the fruit.

Suvorovets- the apple tree is very tall, has a highly rounded, compact, sparse crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to scab. The apple tree begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years. Fruits reach ripeness in early October. Shelf life until mid-December. The average size of an apple is 120 g, it has a flat-round shape. The color of the apple is yellowish-green with a blurred blush. And the pulp is pale cream in color, juicy, fine-grained, dense and sweet and sour in taste. The disadvantage of this variety is that the taste of the fruit deteriorates in cold, damp summers. And the advantage is abundant yield, long-term shelf life, transportability, good commercial quality of the fruit.

Cliff- the apple tree is very tall, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is winter-hardy and moderately resistant to scab. At 7-8 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is 80 c/ha. Fruits reach ripeness in mid-September. The average weight of an apple is 125 g, it has a flat-round, one-dimensional shape. The color of the apple is yellow-lemon with a red blush. And its flesh is cream-colored, fine-grained, tender, medium-density, juicy and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until March and beyond. The advantage of the variety is annual fruiting and good commercial quality of the fruit.

Welsey- an apple tree of medium height, has a broad pyramidal crown at a young age, and later a rounded one. The variety is moderately winter-hardy and resistant to scab. At 4-5 years old, the apple tree begins to bear fruit. The tree's yield is abundant. Fruits reach ripeness at the end of September. The average size of an apple is 100 g; it has a turnip-shaped or flattened round shape. The apple is yellowish-green in color with dark red stripes. The pulp is greenish, white and sweet and sour in taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The disadvantage of this variety is that with abundant harvests the fruits begin to become smaller and crumble. And the advantage is high yield, long-term shelf life, transportability and good commercial quality of the fruit.

In every city there is a park in which many ornamental trees and shrubs grow. And among them there are many different apple trees. They are easy to notice - they bloom so much that you can’t even see the leaves. It seems that these white, pink and red clouds have descended on the park. And the aroma is such that you don’t want to leave. It’s just a pity that you can’t admire this beauty for long. Ornamental apple trees bloom for only two weeks. Then these trees provide pleasant shade during the hot summer months, and in the fall, some varieties of apple trees also begin to change the color of their leaves. And the park again pleases the eye with an abundance of colors. A little more time will pass and the fruits will hang like red beads on the branches for a very long time, attracting birds almost all winter.

general information

The family of ornamental apple trees includes about 50 varieties. The trees are generally not very tall, rarely reaching 10 m in height. The crown is spreading in the form of an irregular ball or umbrella-shaped.

The bark on the trunk has a dark gray tint. The leaves of apple trees are elongated, pointed, 8-10 cm long. The color of the foliage can vary from olive to dark green and even red, depending on the variety and time of year.

Decorative apple tree

They bloom with white, pink or red flowers, collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces like an umbrella. The fruits are from 5 mm to 5 cm in diameter.

On a note! Many species are edible, but their taste is mediocre.

Almost all apple trees of this genus are unpretentious in care. They tolerate drought, dust and gas pollution well. All have increased winter hardiness.

In nature, there are many varieties of ornamental apple trees: the dark red apple tree Kitayka, Nedzvetsky, Ranetka, Domashnyaya, Manzhurskaya, Plum-leaved and others. Some of them will be discussed in a little more detail.

Description of species

Makamic apple tree

Makamic apple tree

A tree of this variety grows up to 5 m in height. The crown is in the form of a ball, also about 5 m in diameter. When blooming, the oval-shaped leaves have purple tone, in the summer they change it to dark green, and in the fall to orange. The buds are dark red and turn purple-pink when they bloom. The diameter of the flower is 4-5 cm. The apples grow up to 2.5 cm.

This ornamental apple tree is very light-loving. Frost resistance and resistance to apple diseases is very high.

Apple Tree Weeping

This species migrated to us from the North American continent, where it grows almost everywhere. If you take good care of it, it can grow up to 12 meters. The branches are long and flexible. Under the weight of leaves and fruits, they bend towards the ground. That's why they called her Weeping. The leaves change several times a year; at first they are red, in the summer they become green and by autumn they again turn crimson, and the leaves bloom pink with a very pleasant aroma. The fruits are elongated and ruby ​​in color.

Important! This decorative apple tree with red leaves is practically not afraid of frost.

Umbrella red petal

A tree resembling an umbrella. The shoots extend from the trunk in arcs and then bend down. The leaves are reddish in color in the first half of summer, and greener in the second. This apple tree blooms with crimson flowers somewhat later than garden flowers, which prolongs the decorative effect of the garden. The fruits are the size of a pea, bright burgundy in color.

Japanese apple tree

A gorgeous apple tree - blooming profusely, dazzling in its bloom. There are a lot of flowers, while they are in buds they are carmine in color, after they bloom they become pinkish. The diameter of the flowers is 3 cm, collected in knots of 5-8 pieces. The apples are small, no more than 2 cm in diameter, yellow-red. The height is no more than 4 meters. It grows as a shrub with spreading, sometimes thorny branches.

Japanese apple tree

Prairie Fire

Very original look. The crown is in the form of a tent up to five meters in diameter. While young, the leaves are purple in color, which gradually changes to green. The flowers are an unusual, but very beautiful dark red-violet color. All together it looks incredibly beautiful. The ruby-colored fruits grow up to 5 cm. They do not fall off all winter. And they are a good support for birds. This ornamental variety is very resistant to diseases.

Apple tree with red flowers Red Baron

It’s not for nothing that this variety is called Red Baron; it fully justifies its name. A three-meter tree with a spreading crown, all showered with bright red flowers, which are collected in clusters. The leaves are green with a copper-bronze tint.

Sargent's apple tree

This shrub, whose height reaches 3 meters, is perfect for a hedge. The branches are horizontally spread, with thorns. Three-lobed leaves, 5-8 cm long, have green tint, closer to autumn they change it to orange-yellow. The flowers are white. The apples are red, small, approximately 10 mm in diameter.

Sargent's apple tree

Apple tree Tsumi

This tree is originally from Japan. It grows to a maximum of 4 meters, its rounded crown is approximately the same diameter. The branches are completely covered with beautiful carmine-colored buds. In blooming flowers it changes to pale pink. The fruits are red-yellow, like many decorative species no more than 1 cm.

An apple tree with pink flowers of the Tsumi variety is one of the few ornamental ones that is slightly afraid of frost. But even if it freezes, it quickly recovers.

Apple tree Carmen

Another purple-leaved beauty. Blooms with bright pink flowers. The fruits are sweet and sour, weighing up to 60 g. They are ideal for processing into compotes and jams. It is unpretentious in care and frost-resistant. She doesn't care about drought either.

Apple tree Carmen

Purple Apple Tree (Royalty)

This beauty is all purple. Young red leaves change their color to green with a red tint as they grow. The flowers are blood red, the fruits are purple. The height of a tree or shrub reaches 4-6 m. A young tree has a compact crown, but grows over the years.


Thanks to the cross-pollination of the Slivolistnaya and Abundantly Flowering varieties, a small apple tree with a wide oval crown was obtained. The leaves are about 10 cm long. Large (diameter 3.5 cm) semi-double bright pink flowers cling to all branches. This is one of the most beautiful apple trees. The fruits are bright yellow, which look advantageous against the background of green leaves. Scheidecker is a weeping species.

Raspberry Necklace

This is a columnar ornamental apple tree. It is beautiful both during flowering and during the ripening of apples. It blooms in a reddish-purple color. Flowers form a dense wreath around the trunk of a tree, which has no branches at all, but there are no bare branches. And when the fruits are ripe, they wrap around the graceful trunk of a tree, like a ruby ​​necklace.

Raspberry Necklace

Planting ornamental apple trees

The method of planting these trees is practically no different from planting any other fruit trees. They can be planted and in early spring and early autumn. It’s not pleasant that an adult tree needs a lot free space. It is necessary to take into account the size of the crown of an adult plant and do not plant at this distance tall trees and shrubs.

To plant, you need to dig a planting hole about a month before the planned planting, fill it with fertile soil with the addition of fertilizers and humus. After a month, you need to dig up the prepared soil again, leaving a small hill in the hole, plant the seedling, straightening the roots. The root collar should be 5-10 cm above the ground level.


It is noteworthy that ornamental apple trees are easily propagated by seeds. To grow a seedling in this way, you need to thoroughly wash the seeds, then soak them in water for three days, which is changed daily. You can add any growth stimulant to the last water. Then the seeds are stratified for 2 months - placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After all procedures, the seeds are planted in special boxes or on a bed at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Sowing with seeds

You can do it differently. The seed is washed in the fall and planted immediately in the ground. During the winter it will go through the entire hardening period and in the spring the strongest seeds will sprout. The gardener will be able to choose the strongest from several. Or, if necessary, he will leave all the seedlings.

Cuttings of decorative varieties is not the most productive, but acceptable method. In most of these apple trees, the survival rate does not exceed 5-15%, even when treated with growth stimulants. That's why experienced gardeners They prefer the first propagation method, sowing seeds towards the end of autumn.


Maintenance of these trees is minimal. They do not require the same pruning as their garden counterparts. Be sure to remove only dry or damaged branches. It is also advisable to thin out the crown a little.

Pruning is the main resuscitation measure for a tree

Watering is required only after planting during the rooting period of the tree. Later feeding is advisable mineral fertilizers before flowering.

Thus, minimal care is needed for the ornamental apple tree, but you can admire its beauty all year round. What kind of this decorative culture was not planted, he will not leave his owner indifferent.