Wot game engine. Creation of World of Tanks Blitz based on our own DAVA engine. New playable nations

    World of Tanks enCore is a demo program of the Core graphics engine, which will soon be used by the online tank action World of Tanks. Launched on your Computer World of Tanks enCore, you can get an idea of ​​how productive World of Tanks with the Core engine will be on it.

    Like the Core engine, World of Tanks enCore is completely developed inside Wargaming - by the World of Tanks PC team.

    Core will greatly improve appearance World of Tanks. After the game is transferred to Core, almost all the contents of the maps - landscape, water, vegetation, lighting, shadows, clouds, buildings and other objects - will be replaced with new ones, developed from scratch.

    The program offers a choice of three quality presets: “Minimal”, “Medium”, “Ultra”. These are World of Tanks graphic presets on the new Core engine, so their names (and number) differ from those familiar to players in the current World of Tanks client: “Minimum”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High” and “Maximum”. In some cases, World of Tanks enCore may recommend a lower level for you graphic settings than the one you are currently using in World of Tanks. (For example, you might be playing on Max right now and still get a Medium enCore instead of an Ultra.)

    Quality presets - “Minimum”, “Medium” and “Ultra” - differ in screen resolution and quality of textures, lighting, shadows, landscape, water, particles, etc. In all presets you can change the resolution, and the “Medium” and “Ultra” presets can be customized by such a parameter as anti-aliasing. A special gear icon will be displayed next to the parameter values ​​that have been changed. When comparing the result shown by your computer in World of Tanks enCore with others, you should take into account the preset, as well as the set resolution and anti-aliasing.

    No, the restriction on customizing presets applies only to enCore. World of Tanks offers the widest possible choice of graphic settings now and will continue to offer it in the future.

    Most likely, either our enCore or your video driver crashed. Please contact support (https://ru.wargaming.net/support/).

    First of all, don't panic. First download enCore and try all the settings. We pay great attention Core optimizations - especially for low and medium performance machines.

    You can focus on this result, but there will not be complete compliance.

    Since the World of Tanks enCore program is not a benchmark, it evaluates computer performance in points. The scores adequately reflect the power of the computer and make it possible to compare your results with others. If your computer scores 10,000 points, this is an excellent result, meaning that the selected preset will not have any “lags” or sharp drops in FPS. A score of 8001 and above (“gold”) is excellent, 3001–8000 points (“silver”) is good, and up to 3000 points (“bronze”) is acceptable.

    If you run World of Tanks enCore on a laptop with a discrete and integrated video card, the program will automatically launch on the discrete video card. If this does not happen, specify in the video card driver settings so that enCore runs using a discrete video card. If you are using a solution with multiple video cards (nVIDIA SLI, AMD CrossFire or similar), the program may not work correctly. World of Tanks enCore is optimized for the use of a single video card.

    World of Tanks enCore supports Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8/10.

    Same as the main one Client World of Tanks. You can watch them on the official website of the game (https://worldoftanks.ru/ru/content/docs/download/).

    Some antiviruses may block World of Tanks enCore.

    The program may not have taken into account some processes that were running on your computer and consuming system resources. For this reason, we recommend that you refrain from watching videos, combat sessions in World of Tanks or other games, scanning your machine with an antivirus, and other processes that load the system. For users with laptops, we also recommend plugging them into a power outlet.

    We will inform you about this later. The very appearance of World of Tanks enCore is a sign that the game will be transferred to Core soon.

  • Genre focus: 3D MMO of any genre;
  • Platform: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, iOS (iPad), Web;
  • Programming language: C++, Python;
  • License: indie and commercial;
  • Open Source: not provided or provided at increased cost;
  • Multiplayer: client-server;
  • Advantages: powerful, support for all the most modern technologies, optimized, iOS support, cheap for such features;
  • Flaws: not provided free of charge;
  • Engine developers: BigWorld Tech, Inc.

    BigWorld Engine is the most advanced 3D engine for creating MMO games. Games such as "World of Tanks", "Pealm of the Titans" from Wargaming.net and other games from other global game development companies were made on it. More than 15 MMO games were made on this engine. It is being developed by BigWorld Technology.

    The optimization of the engine allows you to create low-demand games with stunning graphics. The engine allows you to port games to iOS. It is written in the C++ programming language, and the game logic is implemented in it using the convenient Python scripting language. There are powerful tools and a client-server engine. The FMOD library is supported for sound, and any other libraries can be connected via the plug-in system. Works with XML and MySQL databases. The toolkit includes the powerful World Editor, Model Editor and Particle Editor.

    It is very affordable. BigWorld: Indie Edition costs just $299 to build; BigWorld: Indie Source Edition - $2,999; BigWorld: Commercial Edition – negotiated individually.

    This advanced engine is not inferior in capabilities to other global engines of its type. The engine is available in Russian, Korean, American and Japanese. There is documentation, it can work on browsers. In general, you can start working if you have the knowledge and diligence.

    No longer available for third party licensing because... Wargaming has decided to stop distributing its engine.

    Official site: http://www.bigworldtech.com

    The BigWorld Technology tool chain provides a complete, end-to-end MMOG content creation system that will enhance the quality and timeliness of your game. All tools are designed for cooperative production of game assets in a large team environment, ensuring effective use of resources and a smooth content pipeline.

  • enCore is a program that will help you check if your PC is compliant minimum requirements to use HD graphics in World of Tanks.

    World of Tanks Core

    World of Tanks 1.0 or World of Tanks Core will be released in the spring of 2018. This is a completely new version of your favorite game with an improved graphics engine, which will allow you to play World of Tanks on HD maps with realistic graphics. Installing WOT 1.0 will require more powerful computer. The enCore program will help you find out which one.

    Check if your computer is suitable for World installations of Tanks 1.0 with the Core graphics engine is available now using the enCore program. The program will demonstrate the capabilities new version game and measure the results of its processing on your PC.

    Download and run the file WoTEnCore_internet_install.exe from the archive to install the PC performance evaluation program from World of Tanks. After automatic installation WOT enCore, choose one of three graphics settings options to test your PC for compliance with World of Tanks Core:

    1. Minimal;
    2. Average;
    3. Ultra.

    Depending on the hardware used, the program will recommend you certain preset graphics settings to run the test. You can independently choose the graphics settings that are convenient for you in World of Tanks Core. The enCore graphics test will only recommend best option specifically for your PC and will tell you why WOT has low FPS. You can independently tell the program which graphics settings to use to test your computer.

    Before running a graphics test, we recommend disabling background processes and closing the programs you are using. This will increase the objectivity of PC performance evaluation results using enCore. After completing the test, Anchor will display the final result of your computer's assessment in points. The more points your computer scores in the test, the better suited it is for

    It's time to buy new video cards or the announcement of a new WOT engine.

    The release of completely new tanks was announced at WG Fest. In fact, this is a completely different game, as there is a new engine, sounds, HD maps. Despite the visual improvements, the developers promise that performance will not drop. If you are currently playing at 30 FPS, then it will be the same on the new engine.

    So far only one trailer is available:

    What is known so far?

    • The update will be released in March 2018.

    • A new engine called Core. (the current WOT engine) is slowly becoming a thing of the past.
      • Of the existing engines, none could satisfy the developers, so it was decided to do everything from scratch ourselves.
      • It took 4 years to develop: 3 years for the engine itself and another year for creating content (maps).
    • To evaluate performance, you can now download special software enCore, which will conduct a test, based on the results of which you can evaluate how suitable your PC is for the new game.
      • enCore can be run in three graphics modes: minimal, medium and ultra.
      • The test lasts three minutes and shows a replay of a staged battle demonstrating new graphical capabilities and effects.

    enCore World of Tanks test result.

    • HD maps - all locations have been converted to high definition. And this applies to all aspects: landscape, textures, lighting, sounds, effects, environment, etc.

    Full list of maps converted to HD.

    • The soundtrack has been completely rewritten. Each map will now have its own music, conveying the unique atmosphere of the location.
    • They promise that the work on optimization has been done well and there should not be a significant loss of FPS.

    From October 2 to October 8, community representatives and bloggers from different regions. The Polish portal dom1n publishes a large excerpt, which was provided by MatchyHK (Asian Community Contributor). There may be minor inaccuracies in the answers, because the original was translated 2 times: English - Polish - Russian.

    Alexey (Inaki) Ilyin, the global producer of the World of Tanks project, as well as other developers answered the questions. Huge and detailed selection. Part 2.

    Chapter 4. Economy and game mechanics:

    * Some players really don't like the "clown camo" (eg Patriot or Liberte). What is the developers' opinion on this matter?
    - This is a very good question! We are working on new system customization, where players will be able to customize their cars in more detail.
    We want to make this system very good, so we can't give you a release date yet and we're in no hurry to introduce it. But with its help we will be able to give players a lot of texture settings and tank customization.

    // Interesting story:
    When we introduced Skorpion G, we actually created 3 visual models. There was the regular Skorpion (in German gray) and the Skorpion we all know. The third one had a very unhistorical/unrealistic texture and was deemed unsuitable for the game.
    * What happened to the New Year event with boxes? Is Wargaming thinking about a system of skin boxes like in CS:GO or Overwatch?
    * Is it possible to introduce something similar to the container system in World of Warships?
    - We like the idea. But unlike WoT, WoWS is relatively a new game. Containers were introduced when the game underwent an economic reform. For us this is more difficult, since we need to take into account the past of WoT. It's difficult to introduce anything that changes the in-game economy. If we introduce something like this, we need to plan it very carefully. This could lead to a negative experience for players if we reduce their profits to compensate for the change and they feel they are earning less credits.
    * Will there be more variability in randomization? For example, night battles or the weather?
    - If we introduce night battles or weather, then we need to decide whether these changes will be only cosmetic or will also affect the gameplay, for example. reduce viewing range at night or during a sandstorm.
    * Are you thinking about banning XVM?
    - We know that the XVM mod causes outrage in the game, in addition to the XVM focus. But we can't just take XVM out of the game. XVM also provides many other features besides displaying statistics. We work closely with the XVM developers. Some players use XVM when planning a strategy for a fight (eg ride after allied purple players, or focus fire on enemy players - unfortunately).
    2 years ago we collected statistics on XVM and realized that more than 50% of people use XVM without the statistics function. Therefore, we are working on implementing these functions into the game client, thus making XVM unnecessary. We recently introduced our own rating system because... we think we can make a more accurate measurement system. This will give players a more accurate rating and comparison system.
    At the same time, the company conducted a study on the possibility of prohibiting third-party services from receiving data from the Wargaming API. This leads to problems with data analysis for many important services. We are working on it.
    * Is it possible to hide players in battle?
    - Unfortunately, we do not think that this is good idea. Some may feel like they are playing against bots. This also makes it difficult social relations in Game. There is no way to know if a player is in a clan, and it would be difficult for clans to search for new players.
    * How are things going with the “General Battle”?
    - General battle- successful and players like it, and the map is well balanced in terms of statistics. But in Asia and America due to the lack large quantity lvl 10 players and parallel launch ranked battles a very small amount of HS is collected. We edit and configure it in this moment.
    * Artillery is annoying, will you remove it or remake it again?
    - We will not remove the artillery. This class is for people who like to predict the behavior of other players. There are a percentage of people who really like this class, and some people only play artillery. Now you can survive under fire rather than die from a one-shot.

    Chapter 5. Game engine:

    * Will the current game engine limitation of 127 FPS be removed with the introduction of HD cards?
    - We are aware of the growing use of high-quality monitors (144 and 165 Hz). The 127 FPS limit is not due to the client itself, but because of the old BigWorld server part. As we said earlier, the client part was practically rewritten from scratch. The server component is now being rewritten in a similar way, and the FPS limit will not be needed. We are thinking of removing or replacing it, it is being tested but may not be added to the sandbox.
    Yesterday everything came out without a block.

    * The lifting of the gun/strange behavior of the camera (for example, when you switch from sniper mode to normal mode or vice versa if there are any obstacles in front of you) is very annoying not only on HD maps, but also on shared server. Will this be fixed?
    - We are aware of this problem. Unfortunately, we don't have any obvious solutions at the moment. However, since the introduction of the Industrial Zone map, we have corrected the logic of the camera behavior. This improved the situation, but it wasn't perfect. The camera behavior in WoT is much more complex than a regular shooter (in WoT, many factors must be taken into account, for example, the speed of rotation of the tower and hull.) No simple solution this problem, but with new technologies we hope to solve this problem.

    Chapter 6. Miscellaneous:

    Some players suggested entering digital parameters into the sensitivity settings. This has been noted and will be taken into account later. But according to statistics, very few players change control settings.
    - The fate of the Chieftain Mk. 6 – unfortunately, it is unlikely to be introduced into the game. As much as we'd love to introduce it, we wouldn't want it to be explored with Conqueror. If we find suitable candidates for more low levels with similar gameplay, we will consider introducing Chieftain into the game.
    * WG is thinking about introducing a Romanian branch?
    - Unfortunately, we don't think that Romania has enough tanks to create its own branch.

    * When will there be Polish tanks?
    - Still working on it Polish branch, but we have already found all the cars for her. Therefore, we will try to introduce these tanks as quickly as possible. But it’s too early to announce specific dates!

    * Where is Serb (SerB)? What does he do? Is he working on his lunar base project?)
    - The Serb works for us. He is NOT working on the moon base project. He is currently working on other Wargaming projects.