Wiki markup how to create a new page. Wiki services: knowledge bases and collaboration on texts. Some interesting tricks when creating wiki pages

Why create wiki pages

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! In this article, we will find out what wiki pages are for and step by step how to create them.

Perhaps, main reason The reason why wiki pages are used is to increase the conversion of visitors to subscribers. Below I will give instructions, using which you can increase this indicator by at least 10–15%.

Steps to create a wiki page

First. Copy the following link into the address bar of the browser: XXXXXXX&p= HELLO

Second. Replace characters in the browser line XXXXXXXX on the ID of the “public” for which we are doing new page. If you don’t know the “public” ID, then in this article I wrote how you can determine it. Next we replace the word HELLO to the name of the page we want to create.

Third. Press ENTER. The browser window should prompt you to fill the new page with content.

Example of creating a wiki page

Let's say we want to create a wiki page for the “public” “Anatomy of a Business”.

2) Change two parameters:

  1. instead of XXXXXXXX set the ID of our “public”;
  2. instead of HELLO write a name for the new page.

3) Press ENTER and get the following result:

4) Make sure that the new page is named as we need it and click the link Fill with content.

5) We will go into editing mode. Here we fill the page with content.

You can place text, photographs, audio and video files on the page and add external and internal links to it.

6) After we have filled the page with the necessary content, click the button Save page.

7) IMPORTANT! Be sure to save links to the created pages on your computer, because they are not saved anywhere in the group.

Some interesting tricks when creating wiki pages

Chip #1
Use motivating words in the title of the wiki page: SUBSCRIBE, REGISTER, JOIN, etc.

Chip #2
At the end of the material posted on the wiki page, motivate people to subscribe to your project. For example: “Did you like the material? Do you want to be in the know? latest news? Subscribe to the Anatomy of Business project!” In this case, format the project name as an active link. You can do this using the hyperlink function.

Chip #3
Always use bright pictures in the material.

Chip #4
At the bottom of the page, leave links to the most interesting materials posted in the group.

Chip #5
To get more people to subscribe to your “public”, use these pictures:

This will add loyalty to your project. Just don’t forget to make this picture a hyperlink to your group.

Using all these features, you can significantly increase the conversion of your “public”, and therefore save your advertising budget.

If you have any questions about this topic, you can ask me in the section. For questions about promoting projects on social networks, you can write

Progress does not stand still; something new is constantly appearing. So with development social networks Various communities of interest for users began to appear. This added new opportunities to visitors of such services. Over time, the need arose to highlight the community, and thus wiki markup appeared. Owners of popular public pages constantly resort to designing their creations in this way.

What is wiki markup?

The more original a community is designed, the more interest it generates. You won’t surprise anyone with ordinary posts, and here wiki pages come to the aid of community owners - an alternative to the usual VKontakte posts. Thanks to this, you can embellish the public by adding articles with a variety of graphic and text elements (underlining, bold font, headings, lists), as well as creating a navigation menu. Wiki markup is indispensable when designing a community; it allows you to make it not only colorful, but also user-friendly. To do original design public, you will have to try hard, but the effort is worth the result!

How to create a VKontakte wiki page?

For users who have never dealt with such public design, at first glance it may seem that they cannot do this, but there is nothing complicated here. Once you learn how to design pages using wiki markup, you will never want to use simple notes on the wall.

You can create a VKontakte wiki page for both a public page and a group, but the process is slightly different.

Creating wiki pages for public pages

How to create a VKontakte wiki page for a public site is of most interest to its owner. You need to create a link "". The page title is the title of the wiki page.

The community owner can pause at this point, since not everyone knows how to find out the ID. It's very simple: you need to open a link with the date of posting of any post on the community wall, which will open in view mode. In the address bar there is a link "", where you can see the ID. You can start filling out the page.

Different page looks are created using tags.

Wiki markup allows you to turn your community into a full-fledged website absolutely free!

Creating a wiki page for groups

To create a VKontakte wiki page, you need to open “Community Management”; in the “Materials” section there are two options to choose from: “Open” (all participants will have access to editing) and “Restricted” (only administrators and editors will have access rights). As a result, a “Latest News” link will appear on the community wall, which can be edited. This is the wiki page.

If you have your own group, you should be wondering how to create a VKontakte wiki page for the group.

In order for a wiki page to be attached to a post, you need to copy the link to it and paste it into the input form when creating a post. If you insert a picture into a post, it will be clickable.

Using such pages, you can create both internal links leading to VKontakte pages and external links to third-party sites.

Creating a VKontakte wiki page means making your community or group more attractive appearance, more functional and more convenient for users.

How to make an advertisement through “Read more”

For the owner of a public page, it is imperative to know how to create a VKontakte wiki page with a “Read continuation...” link. This is a very smart type of advertising that interests many subscribers and simply on a subconscious level forces them to click on the link.

“Answer here” is a link to another community for which advertising is being done in your public page. You need to create a post in the advertised community by inserting a link to the wiki page, which is attached to the post, after which it can be deleted from there.

In your community, you place an intriguing advertising post, and in it there is a link to another community [publicХХХХХ|Answer here]. The user clicks on “Answer here” and is redirected to the advertised community, clicks on the link, and a wiki page opens, which can be designed as desired.

As you can see, creating a VKontakte wiki page is not at all difficult if you follow all the instructions. With a little time, you can have a community with original design, lots of uniquely designed material. Such a public site looks much more aesthetically pleasing, and you want to visit it again and again.

Do you want to create not just another public page with pictures and music, but a truly interesting community with useful content? Then you just need to know how to create a wiki page. And today we will learn how to do this.

Why do you need wiki markup?

In fact, there are dozens of use cases. For example, in Wikipedia, all articles are formatted using this markup language. The VKontakte website also supports the creation of wiki pages: with their help, you can create a group menu or create a voluminous article, where the text is interspersed with photographs, videos and other materials.

Unlike regular posts, here you have much more options for formatting: adding headings, bold or italics, any images, links, etc. And if you wish, you can even make a full-fledged mini-site.

Now let's talk about how to create a wiki page.

Step 1: find out the group ID and create a new page

First you need to get the ID of your group or public. In most cases, pretty URLs are used instead of a number combination. You can get the ID by opening the community statistics:

Let's move on to the next stage. How to create a wiki page for a group? In fact, you just need to enter a new command link into the address bar of your browser. It looks like this:

Instead of XXXX we enter the ID of our community, and instead of “Page_name” we enter the actual name that we came up with. After this, you must press Enter. A new wiki page will be automatically created, and the message “Fill with content” will appear on the screen.

Step 2: create a post

This is perhaps the simplest thing you can do using language

Anyone who has worked at least in the banal Notepad will understand the functionality of the visual editor. IN quick access The panel has all the main functions:

  • text style (bold/italic);
  • alignment (left, right, center);
  • adding H1-H3 headers;
  • highlighting quotes;
  • adding links;
  • adding multimedia (photos, video, audio).

Step 3: Publishing

So, you already know how to create a VKontakte wiki page. All that remains is to publish it in your community. In order for subscribers to see the link, it is better to immediately prepare a nice cover. It is advisable that the picture contains a link or a call to click on the “View” button below.

Useful "tricks"

In principle, it is more than enough to understand how to create a standard type of wiki page. In addition, at any time you can click on the “Preview” button and see what your post will look like after publication. It’s another matter if you need to make a beautiful and convenient menu for navigating through a group. Here you will already need basic knowledge of the markup language itself.

Wrap around photo

If you want the image to be not in the center of the page between two paragraphs, but to the side of the text, you need to add |right or |left in the code of the image itself.


Anyone who is interested in how to create a VKontakte wiki page should remember another very useful tag - Hider. With its help, you can create hidden blocks in which information is revealed by clicking.


This is very convenient if you publish a lengthy article with a large number of headings and subsections. Then at the very top of the page you can create a table of contents so that the user can instantly go to the block that interests him. All you need to do is enter the exact link after the hash mark and the link text after the straight line.


They can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to accurately format any information. Including for creating a menu with icons. There are only a few main tags:

  • (| - beginning of the table;
  • |+ - title;
  • |- — new line;
  • | - new cell;
  • ! — selected cell (with darkened background);
  • |) is the end of the table.

The cells themselves can contain any information - text, images, videos, documents. In practice it looks something like this:

Graphic menu

This is probably the coolest thing you can do if you know how to create a wiki page. In fact, there is nothing complicated, but you will have to tinker with thinking through the layout and cutting images. In order for the menu to be displayed correctly, you must adhere to the exact dimensions, focusing on a width of 510 or 504 px. If you want the photos to be “glued” together, you need to add a note to the image code; nopadding.

And if you use the noborder parameter instead, then there will be a distance of 6 px between the images. Then the total width of all photographs in a row is calculated using the formula 510-6*N (N is the number of images in a row).

Similar tags and designations are used on all resources that support the creation of wiki pages.

If you need to create an article with different font formatting, add illustrations, make a navigation menu or even a mini-site, you can easily do this using wiki markup.

There are 4 instructions here:

  • Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link
  • Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section
  • Creating a wiki page using the service
  • Create a wiki page using the application
  • How to attach a wiki page to a post

Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link

1. In link http://vk. com/pages?oid=-XXX &p= Page_name replace XXX- on the ID of your public page or group, and Page_name replace with the title of your page (spaces do not have to be replaced with underscores)

3. Edit the page and save the changes.

Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page in a group

1. We connect the “Materials” section in community management

2. After this, the “Latest News” section will appear on the first screen of the group

3. Go to the “Latest News” section - this is already a wiki page, but if a menu is planned for the group and a separate wiki page is needed, then proceed further:
In wiki markup mode, we write the name of the wiki page in double square brackets and save the result.

4. Go to viewing mode, click on the name of the page - and get to the created page. Fill out and save.
After this, the link on the “latest news” page can be deleted. But in this case, it is better to save the link to the created page.

Creating a wiki page using the service

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

On the page you will see this form:

How to use the form

1. In the first box you need to insert your community ID.

How to find out the community ID

2. Now write the name of your page in the second window and click on the “create page” button - voila, your page is ready! All you have to do is fill it out and save it ;)

Create a wiki page using the application

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

Go to the application

I planned to write instructions for marketers and PR people on how to work with Wikipedia, so as not to do anything stupid and not incur the wrath of encyclopedists. I counted on the experience of five years of administration to help me. But in the process, analyzing the latest cases, I realized that I myself do not fully understand this.

Take, for example, my attempt to create about “Zuckerberg will call.” Right on the day of its creation, it was put up for deletion as “not having encyclopedic significance.” Despite the fact that the text contained both multiple mentions of the CPU in other media, and a link to Sasha Peganov’s interview with the businessman’s “Secret of the Firm.” Further - even more interesting. During the discussion, it turned out that in a curved wikispace, even the fact that in the Medialogy rating among thematic publications CPU ranks 6th, ahead of CNews and Habrahabr in terms of citations, does not matter. And in the end, the article was saved by the ROTOR award (does anyone still remember about it?), because it appears in some ancient rule about the importance of websites. The battle for the article on the CPU took exactly two months and took away the strength that would have been enough for five more articles.

Another summer case. The 220 Volt company has more than 200 offline stores. A couple of years ago, its marketers created a wiki article and tried to show the importance of the company through its presence in the Guinness Book of Records, in which the company got into when 700 people simultaneously got a tattoo with its logo. Then Wikipedians did not appreciate the feat and deleted the material. The problem is that when it is deleted for insignificance, the next time you need to go through the painful procedure of “restoration”, that is, prove its significance and obtain permission to publish. “220 Volt” is not a widely known company (like your startup), there is not much information about it, but there are mentions in authoritative publications: “Kommersant” and Forbes include “220 Volt” in the list of the largest online retailers. That is, a couple of concentrated paragraphs of text can be written - exactly what the reader needs when he comes to Wikipedia for educational instruction. But even this did not save them - the article was never restored.

Each language section of Wikipedia has its own characteristics. They say that German is the most organized and of the highest quality (no joke), English is more liberal towards authors, it is much easier to publish an article there. The Russian-language section, it seems to me after 8 years of close observation of it, is mired in literalism. Personally, I am inclined to attribute this to the long predominance in the community of people from the academic and educational environment with all its regulations, replacing common sense. And vice versa, people from the real sector cannot take root here - they are usually sorry to waste two months fighting for one article. One of the consequences is the underdevelopment of many areas of knowledge.

Russian Wikipedia is a minefield. But this is precisely why there is hope that you will be lucky. Some survive. For example, the Moscow “Zyu cafe” was put up for removal, but by some miracle it was left; A few mentions in reviews of new eateries were enough to prove the significance and importance of a small cafe for Wikipedia. So it's always worth a try.

10 tips that will come in handy:

  1. Significance - All. Find all mentions of the company in the media. If possible, it is better not to use blogs and interviews. Select 10-15 most significant sources. Compile an article from them.
  2. Don't pour water. Size doesn't matter. On the contrary, a bloated article - a sure sign that they are trying to hide insignificance behind a stream of words. This is a red rag for moderators.
  3. Under no circumstances copy text from the official website. This is considered plagiarism (even if you yourself wrote this text last week).
  4. Dry text: avoid bright words And superlatives. Wikipedia writes in a neutral style. This genre is unfamiliar to most, so it makes sense to study the style of others good articles.
  5. Work on the draft and don't publish it. Only a fully verified and formatted text will increase your chances.
  6. For some time now, Wikipedia has had a visual editor, but it is still more convenient to edit the old fashioned way. You can open any article and copy the code with all the design from there.
  7. Don't hesitate to use the Wikipedia Incubator. Publish an article about your company there first. Although it will take some time before the article is transferred to the main space, the Incubator will help you with the design and give advice. Plus, articles from the Incubator are usually a little more loyal.
  8. Don't rush into the embrasures. Don't try to break the system if you've been removed once. The result will be blocking. Eg,