Export of investment coins abroad. Is it possible to send precious metal coins abroad? Temporary export of coins from Russia

Importing or exporting coins across the customs border can bring a lot of trouble if you do not know the specifics of crossing the state border with this kind of luggage. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the transported coins are cultural property or whether they belong to circulating means of payment, are made of precious metals or traditional metal alloys, since the sequence of actions in the presence of different types of coins is not the same.

Import/export of circulating coins

Circulating coins, no matter their denomination or currency, are cash currency (except for coins made of valuable metal). In this case, when transporting coins, the rules for moving cash currency apply:

  • At one time, without declaration, you can transport money across the border of the Russian Federation for a total amount of no more than $10,000 US. At the same time, to export directly from the territory of the state (not in transit) foreign currency in an amount exceeding the equivalent of $10,000, a permit from the Central Bank of Russia is required.
  • When exporting more than $1,500 US, but less than $10,000 US, documents are provided proving the procedure for transferring or importing or withdrawing this foreign currency (checks, invoices, bank statements, etc.).
  • Export and import of Russian rubles in quantities of less than 500 min. the amount of remuneration is not declared.

Before transporting foreign circulating coins and cash, you should check exchange rates to determine whether the money needs to be declared.

Import/export of coins of cultural value

There is a certain list of cultural property approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the transportation of which has special requirements. Coins, banknotes, bonds made 50 years ago are among such valuables, therefore, when crossing the border with any item from the above list, it will be subject to mandatory declaration (preferably in detailed form) and registration. In addition, the transported item must have accompanying documents confirming its belonging to the group of cultural property (import) and an export permit issued by the competent authorities after a mandatory examination.

A permit is not required for the temporary export of coins (for example, for an exhibition, for scientific research, for use in legal proceedings, etc.). If the customs control authorities suspect that the temporary export may turn out to be permanent, then it will be possible to cross the border only after paying the taxes and duties established by law. There are no cost restrictions on the export of the above valuables.

When exporting ancient coins, a duty is charged - 10% of the market value declared by the exporter. When importing antique coins, it is important to have proof of purchase or proof of ownership. There are no import duties. It should be noted that cultural property made more than 100 years ago cannot be exported, but previously imported antiquities are allowed to be exported.

Export/import of commemorative coins

Commemorative coins made of alloys and base metals can be exported from the territory of the Russian Federation in quantities not exceeding 10 pieces. for 1 trip for 1 person without providing a specific obligation to re-import them. To export commemorative coins made of valuable metals, permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is required. You can import commemorative coins from any metal in unlimited quantities. A duty may be charged on the import of gold coins. Its availability and amount are clarified by the customs service.

In addition to following the rules for transporting coins through customs, it is also important to consider the rules for importing/exporting coins in other countries. For example, any means of payment imported into the territory countries of the European Union exceeding the total amount of 10,000 euros are subject to declaration. In this case, foreign currency will be converted into euros, and the value of the commemorative coin will be calculated based on its real value, and not the value indicated on the coin. Ancient coins do not qualify as cash; they are subject to licensing and declaration.

For trouble-free export of antique coins, you need to have a document proving ownership of them or a document of purchase. When crossing the border with Ukraine an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 euros must be declared. Bank metals and coins are also subject to mandatory declaration. When importing ancient coins, you must present a document confirming the right to export them.

All currency values ​​imported into the open spaces Azerbaijan must be declared (when importing more than $10,000 US (equivalent), a customs certificate is also required). Export without paying taxes, but after declaring the amount can be less than $1000 US. A large amount is exported after paying duties. Other countries have their own customs control features.

In order not to have to deal with all the intricacies of transporting coins across the border, you can use the postal delivery service, which will take into account possible duties in the final amount. It’s even better to buy, for example, commemorative coins of other states in your own state. Yes, some overpayment is possible, but there will be no problems associated with the shipment or transportation of valuable goods.

Numismatic dealers in Russia are frequent guests of international exhibitions around the world. The most popular destination is Germany. Germany is relatively close to us. No need for long flights. What do they buy there? Based on the nature of their purchases, dealers can be divided into several types: lovers of antiquities, modern coins, and lovers of precious metals.

The principle is simple, you can go abroad, buy coins there cheaper and sell them in Russia at a higher price. Everyone knows about this process; any product in the homeland of production is cheaper. But I want to tell you about this in more detail.

Export coins (export of coins abroad) is also present, i.e. our dealers transport coins by air abroad on orders from foreign dealers because they need our coins. I think this is a good factor, since exports are always good.

When you go abroad with a lot of coins, then already at the airport (take Sheremetyevo) the adventures begin. Imagine that you filled a suitcase with bags of anniversary 10 ruble coins, that’s 20 kg of coins in bank bags. When entering the airport, you are asked to open your suitcase, as there are already metal detectors at the entrance. There is no need to worry here if this is your first time. Just show what you have there and say coins. As a rule, in most cases no questions arise. And if it does, say it’s your money. Next, at the check-in desk you check in your fancy suitcase and receive your boarding pass. After passing the border entry stamp, you enter the personal inspection area. That’s when you put a barcode on your ticket, and if your luggage has already been inspected (they inspect it in any case, even if you checked it in), then the ticket lights up red and you are asked to go to the customs control area, right there in a small room . You walk in, your suitcase is already on the table and you open it yourself. The first question is what is it? Don't be afraid, say it straight - coins. In most cases, again, they will just look and won’t even ask you questions. Carrying money in circulation across the border is your personal right (the main thing is that if it is more than $10,000, you need to declare it, otherwise you will break the law out of the blue) and do not carry items over 50 years old at all. Continue on to the inspection like everyone else. Let's say you took a couple of gold coins with you. Just put them in your wallet, there will be no complaints against you, since problems will begin from 10 coins, since there will be an excess in the export of precious metal. It’s great to wait for the plane and arrive, for example, in Germany. So calmly come to the numismatists’ meeting with your suitcase and give the coins to your foreign friend, who will be glad to see our coins.

There are much more problems when you import coins into Russia. Let's look at the situation. Rule number 1. If you have more than 2 suitcases in your hands, then you automatically come to the attention of customs officers when arriving in Russia, especially if you have 3 or more suitcases and use a trolley. This is provided that you go through the green corridor (it is for those who are not carrying anything so serious that they have to pay a duty. The goal of customs officers is to find violators who have not paid the duty). Also, do not forget that you are a tourist and should look the part. There will be no problems in exporting coins from Germany itself, you can export old ones from precious metals there, of course, you should always look at what the rules are for exporting coins in a particular country, since they can change, etc. For example, you cannot export more than 500 baht from Thailand (or, generally speaking, you cannot export currency at all...) Let's return to our border. It all depends on what kind of dealer you are.

         1. If you import only nickel coins with a nominal value of less than 10 thousand euros. Then you walk calmly through the green corridor. There are rumors among numismatists that there should be no more than 50 kg of coins, otherwise the customs officer has the right to charge you a fee for each kg that exceeds. When you are stopped on the green corridor and asked to put your bags under X-ray. Say that you are carrying coins, they will still see it. They will ask you to open your suitcases. The subject of the search will be: coins made of precious metals, coins older than 50 years, coins in packaging (booklets, etc., except for the original bank rolls, bags) and that all this is not worth more than 10 thousand euros. Of course, you may have spent more than 10 thousand on this, but at face value it should not be more than 10 thousand. And you also need to say that there is no excess. If you’re not bringing something like this, then you’ll just have to open everything, the customs officers will look at everything, ask you all sorts of different questions, like we know that you’re bringing it for sale and is this the goods you brought last time?, your passport is like a magazine, all stamped... But You’re not breaking the law, you’re just carrying money in small change. Stand your ground.

Coins in a package become an object of interest, because if you have more than 1 piece of the same coin in a package, then this is already a product, and not just cash. And if it is a product, then it is no longer in the green corridor and the law has been violated. This is the trick. So if you're lucky coins in booklets(the link contains examples), either take them out of there, or take them one at a time.

         2. If you import coins older than 50 years, then you need upon arrival in Russia go through the red corridor. I can’t explain to you in detail what happens during the inspection in the red corridor. I’ll just tell you what the numismatists themselves told me. The red corridor is primarily for those who are carrying goods that are subject to declaration. You need to take the declaration and fill it out. There you write the total weight of the old coins, the total value, what kind of coins they are. If there are many different ones, then everything will have to be entered. The work is quite extensive. Then you go to the customs officers in this red corridor. Say that you are bringing old coins, they are supposed to call a representative of the Ministry of Culture, who must assess whether the items are of historical value and whether you wrote the amount correctly. All declared items are inspected. And there shouldn't be any mistakes. The only thing is that the representative of the ministry may not be there, and he will come tomorrow. In this case, your luggage is deposited. In the end, you are sent home with the decorated items, where you can sell the coins or keep them for your collection. But I recommend doing a trial hike through the red corridor for the first time, if you are interested.

If you are carrying 1-2 old coins, then just put them away. No one will just turn you out.

         3. Precious metals are most difficult if the coins are old or new made of gold or silver, then you must not exceed the volumes established by law. If you exceed, as far as I know, pay a fee. But the most important thing is that if you do not declare and they find items that exceed the limits, then there will be more problems than if you honestly say that you are carrying everything after declaring it in advance.

There is a theory that coins made of precious metals should not be considered as precious metals, because they are currency. It doesn't matter what it's made of, it has a denomination, for example 3 rubles 2011 Sochi Leopard, with this you can play in a philosophical battle with customs.

For many people, such trips are export of coins abroad And import of coins to Russia, becomes a way of life and they know all the intricacies of the law. But if you are an ordinary person and decide to bring some coins, then consider this as a one-time trip with the accompanying entertainment for a tourist!

Line added on June 19, 2018: http://art-expertise.ru/ru/import - here is the link to order an expert on the export or import of cultural property. Now as of 2018, this is mandatory for all items over 100 years old.

Importing or exporting coins across the customs border can bring a lot of trouble if you do not know the specifics of crossing the state border with this kind of luggage. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the transported coins are cultural property or whether they belong to circulating means of payment, are made of precious metals or traditional metal alloys, since the sequence of actions in the presence of different types of coins is not the same.

Import/export of circulating coins

Circulating coins, no matter their denomination or currency, are cash currency (except for coins made of valuable metal). In this case, when transporting coins, the rules for moving cash currency apply:

  • At one time, without declaration, you can transport money across the border of the Russian Federation for a total amount of no more than $10,000 US. At the same time, to export directly from the territory of the state (not in transit) foreign currency in an amount exceeding the equivalent of $10,000, a permit from the Central Bank of Russia is required.
  • When exporting more than $1,500 US, but less than $10,000 US, documents are provided proving the procedure for transferring or importing or withdrawing this foreign currency (checks, invoices, bank statements, etc.).
  • Export and import of Russian rubles in quantities of less than 500 min. the amount of remuneration is not declared.

Before transporting foreign circulating coins and cash, you should check exchange rates to determine whether the money needs to be declared.

Import/export of coins of cultural value

There is a certain list of cultural property approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the transportation of which has special requirements. Coins, banknotes, bonds made 50 years ago are among such valuables, therefore, when crossing the border with any item from the above list, it will be subject to mandatory declaration (preferably in detailed form) and registration. In addition, the transported item must have accompanying documents confirming its belonging to the group of cultural property (import) and an export permit issued by the competent authorities after a mandatory examination.

A permit is not required for the temporary export of coins (for example, for an exhibition, for scientific research, for use in legal proceedings, etc.). If the customs control authorities suspect that the temporary export may turn out to be permanent, then it will be possible to cross the border only after paying the taxes and duties established by law. There are no cost restrictions on the export of the above valuables.

When exporting ancient coins, a duty is charged - 10% of the market value declared by the exporter. When importing antique coins, it is important to have proof of purchase or proof of ownership. There are no import duties. It should be noted that cultural property made more than 100 years ago cannot be exported, but previously imported antiquities are allowed to be exported.

Export/import of commemorative coins

Commemorative coins made of alloys and base metals can be exported from the territory of the Russian Federation in quantities not exceeding 10 pieces. for 1 trip for 1 person without providing a specific obligation to re-import them. To export commemorative coins made of valuable metals, permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is required. You can import commemorative coins from any metal in unlimited quantities. A duty may be charged on the import of gold coins. Its availability and amount are clarified by the customs service.

In addition to following the rules for transporting coins through customs, it is also important to consider the rules for importing/exporting coins in other countries. For example, any means of payment imported into the territory countries of the European Union exceeding the total amount of 10,000 euros are subject to declaration. In this case, foreign currency will be converted into euros, and the value of the commemorative coin will be calculated based on its real value, and not the value indicated on the coin. Ancient coins do not qualify as cash; they are subject to licensing and declaration.

For trouble-free export of antique coins, you need to have a document proving ownership of them or a document of purchase. When crossing the border with Ukraine an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 euros must be declared. Bank metals and coins are also subject to mandatory declaration. When importing ancient coins, you must present a document confirming the right to export them.

All currency values ​​imported into the open spaces Azerbaijan must be declared (when importing more than $10,000 US (equivalent), a customs certificate is also required). Export without paying taxes, but after declaring the amount can be less than $1000 US. A large amount is exported after paying duties. Other countries have their own customs control features.

In order not to have to deal with all the intricacies of transporting coins across the border, you can use the postal delivery service, which will take into account possible duties in the final amount. It’s even better to buy, for example, commemorative coins of other states in your own state. Yes, some overpayment is possible, but there will be no problems associated with the shipment or transportation of valuable goods.

Russia became a member of the Customs Union on June 1, 2010, therefore all customs rules for the import and export of goods and money are regulated by the Customs Code.

Cash is paper bills and banknotes, as well as coins (except coins made from precious metals).

A monetary instrument is a check or promissory note, or it can also be securities that confirm the debtor's obligation to repay the money borrowed.

Securities should not be confused with receipts. The receipt indicates the name of the debtor and the name of the person to whom the debt must be repaid. The security only indicates the fact of mandatory repayment, and does not specifically indicate the name of the person to whom the money is owed.

A traveler's check is a security that contains the denomination and two signatures of the owner. Currently, traveler's checks are issued in euros and dollars.

Euro denominations:

  • 50 EUR.
  • 100 EUR;
  • 500 EUR.

Denominations in US dollars:

  • 20 USD;
  • 50 USD;
  • 100 USD;
  • 500 USD;
  • 1000 USD.

Import rules

In 2019, it is allowed to import funds into the territory of the Russian Federation without a declaration in an amount equivalent to no more than 10,000 USD in any currency in the world.

If the imported amount exceeds the limit, then mandatory registration of a declaration in form TD-6 is required. Here you can download the form.

As previously noted, cash currency does not play any role. If a person brings with him 10,000 RUB, 5,000 EUR and 7,000 USD, then he will have to declare the imported funds due to the fact that when converted to USD, this amount will be equal to 10,535 USD. That is, the total amount of money transferred to USD exceeds the permitted import limit by 535 USD.

Export rules

The rules for exporting currency from Russia are specified in. According to them, an individual has the right to export any currency from the territory of Russia, equal to the equivalent of 10,000 USD.

Export of currency from Russia in an amount exceeding the permitted limit (10,000 USD) is possible if the same amount was previously imported into the territory of the Russian Federation or foreign currency was purchased by a resident of another state or a citizen of the Russian Federation in this country.

But it should be remembered that these operations must be confirmed by a customs declaration in the TD-6 form (issued when importing funds in excess of the limit established by the customs rules of Russia) and a certificate in the TS-28 form, which indicates the amount of imported funds and the period for their removal from the territory RF.

In other cases, the export of funds in an amount exceeding 10,000 USD is not permitted by current legislation.

If a person complied with all the requirements regarding declaration and allowed amounts for import, but did not “calculate” the amount of export a little, then at Russian customs he can leave part of the finances for temporary storage in order not to violate the current legislation.

When registering for storage of exported funds at the customs authority, a receipt of form TS-21 is drawn up.

According to the regulations, money can be stored for a maximum of 2 months without storage fees. If for some reason a person cannot pick up money or monetary instruments on time, then he should only notify the customs authority about this and then the storage period will last up to one month. The return of funds is carried out according to a receipt issued to the owner in the TS-21 form.

Import and export by minors

According to customs rules, only people over 16 years of age are allowed to import money. This means that minors have the right to import or export the permitted amount of 10,000 USD.

Minors are also allowed to declare the goods they carry on their own.

Responsibility for violations

For violating the rules for importing currency into Russia and exporting it from the territory of the country, violators face:

  • 20,000 USD and above. For smuggling money in this amount, the violator faces restriction of freedom for up to 2 years or correctional labor for 2 years. And also the violator for this can pay a fine in the amount of 24 of his wages.
  • 50,000 USD and above. For smuggling in this amount, the violator faces imprisonment for up to 4 years or sent to correctional labor for up to 3 years. The fine for importing undeclared 50,000 USD is equal to 36 salaries of the violator.

The question you asked about the export and shipment of precious metal coins is actually very, very difficult.

Let's try to figure it out.

1. Based on customs legislation, coins made of precious metals, if they do not have cultural value, are identified with the concept of precious metals (clause 3 of the Regulations on the procedure for import and export into the territory of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC of precious metals, stones and raw materials, containing precious metals).

In accordance with the instructions by which post offices operate, sending precious metals abroad by mail is prohibited. Therefore, any post office will simply refuse to send gold and silver coins abroad.

However, the export of coins made of precious metals abroad is permitted, duty-free, but only if the value of the exported coins does not exceed 25 thousand US dollars (if you are not exporting coins for the purpose of business activity). And if these coins are also valid means of payment of any states, then their export is not regulated by customs rules at all.

Thus, if you have documents confirming in the prescribed manner the value of the coins and that the coins do not represent cultural value, you can safely take them out of the country by filling out the appropriate customs declaration.

But how to send coins by mail? Take advantage of courier delivery, and at the same time you will be sure that coins along the way will not end up in the pockets of customs officers and postal workers.



Letter of the Federal Customs Service dated December 23, 2010 N 01-11/62744

In connection with the entry into force of the Customs Code of the Customs Union on July 1, 2010, when carrying out customs control of coins made of precious and base metals exported from the customs territory of the Customs Union by individuals, I propose to be guided by the following.
1. The procedure for the movement by individuals of cash and monetary instruments across the customs border of the Customs Union is determined by the Agreement on the procedure for the movement by individuals of cash and (or) monetary instruments across the customs border of the Customs Union, adopted in accordance with the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated July 5 2010 No. 51 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).
According to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Treaty, cash includes, among other things, banknotes in the form of coins, with the exception of coins made of precious metals, that are in circulation and are legal tender in the member states of the Customs Union or foreign states (a group of foreign states) , including those withdrawn or withdrawn from circulation, but subject to exchange for banknotes in circulation. The export of these coins from the customs territory of the Customs Union is carried out without restrictions in the manner established by the Treaty (clause 1 of Article 4 of the Treaty).
Relations arising in connection with the movement by individuals across the customs border of the Customs Union of coins made of precious metals, which are legal tender, are not regulated by the Treaty (clause 3 of Article 1 of the Treaty).

2. The procedure for the export from the single customs territory of the Customs Union of coins made of precious metals is determined by the Regulations on the procedure for the import into the customs territory of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community and the export from the customs territory of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community of precious metals, precious stones and raw materials, containing precious metals, approved by the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated November 27, 2009 No. 19 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). In accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 36 of the Regulations, individuals may export from the customs territory of the Customs Union without paying customs duties precious metals intended for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, which, based on the provisions of paragraph 3 The provisions apply to coins. The value of the exported coins must not exceed the equivalent of 25,000 US dollars.
When customs declaring goods, including when exporting coins made of precious metals from the customs territory of the Customs Union, in accordance with subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 356 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, individuals submit documents confirming their value. As such documents, customs authorities, for example, can accept cash receipts (checks, receipts, cash orders, etc.) issued by credit institutions, as well as numismatic, antique and consignment stores when they sell coins made of precious metals.

In the absence of documents certifying the value of coins made of precious metals exported by individuals, their value is determined taking into account the provisions of the Procedure for determining the total value of exported precious metals and precious stones (Appendix 8 to the Regulations), according to which the total value of exported precious metals in the form of products and products, including coins made of precious metals, is determined taking into account the mass of exported chemically pure precious metals contained in these products, and the prices of the world market for precious metals.
In this case, to determine the value, information can be used that is sent daily by the Federal Customs Service of Russia to the customs authorities via telecommunication channels about the purchase and sale prices of precious metals, set daily by the Bank of Russia based on world market prices.
3. The procedure for the export of coins that are cultural valuables is regulated by the Regulations on the procedure for the import into the customs territory of the member states of the Customs Union and the export from the customs territory of the member states of the Customs Union of cultural property, documents from national archival funds and original archival documents, approved by the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated November 27, 2009 N 19.