The hood above the gas stove is leaking, what should I do? How to properly install a hood over a gas stove? Which type of hood to choose

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

The quality and technical characteristics of the hood installed in your kitchen determine, first of all, the cleanliness and freshness of the air, and, accordingly, the level of comfort and coziness in the apartment. If your kitchen is the place where you often cook Tasty food, presence over gas stove doubly important. Let's find out what features installation has different types appliances and what the installation height of the hood should be.

What types of hoods are there?

There are two main types of kitchen hoods: with system and with.

In the first case, the device is powered from the mains and operates on the principle of internal circulation of air flow. Dirty air goes inside, is cleaned and returns outside. For small kitchens, this type of hood over the stove is an ideal solution.

If the kitchen is large and something is constantly being prepared in it, it is recommended to hang the unit with a connection to an air duct, which will simply remove dirty air from the room. In addition, such models have greater productivity.

Features of operation

The hood itself is not complicated. It is controlled via a simple mechanical control panel. It can have both push-in buttons and slider switches. The former, being in a characteristic position on the same level with the body, indicate the activation of one or another function of the device, and the latter allow you to quickly change operating modes or turn the device on/off. These control options are typical of cheaper units that can be hung above a gas or electric stove.

The latest developments are equipped with sensors popular in various industries. Any element of such a system requires only a light touch with a finger to activate or deactivate the function for which it is responsible.

Types of hoods according to installation principle

Based on the installation features of a particular model, hoods are classified according to the type of installation:

  • , just like a fireplace, is mounted on the wall and will take up enough large space. Such a device will be an excellent solution not only for modern, but also for classic style.
  • An island hood is attached to the ceiling in any part of the kitchen and is used when the electric or gas hob is located in a non-standard location, placed in the center of the kitchen and not blocked by any cabinets. It will be a good addition to absolutely any design.
  • The corner type of device is installed in the corner of the kitchen; it will solve the problem of ventilation and air purification if, due to the layout or location of communications, the stove is located in the corner of the kitchen room.
  • A flat hood is mounted on the wall, most often under a wall cabinet.
  • Built-in models are mounted entirely in a wall cabinet.

General installation rules

If you decide to install a hood without the help of a specialist, you need to know some rules:

  1. The hood is hung above the gas stove at a level of 60 cm or higher. But for its most efficient operation and a good addition to the interior, the height of the hood mounting is calculated individually. It is not for nothing that standard operating recommendations indicate ranges that allow one to take into account factors such as hood power, kitchen design, and the height of the person who most often cooks at the stove.
  2. The width of the hood should not be narrower than your stove. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy or order, or install a hood before installing a gas stove.
  3. If the hood is electric, then the outlet from which it will consume electricity should not be located above the stove to avoid a fire.
  4. When connecting the device directly to the duct, a pipe with a minimum number of bends should be used.

Installation of a hood with a carbon filter

This type of hood is very easy to install even for non-professionals. Using a level, the height and location of the device are calculated, after which places for future fastenings are marked. After this, using simple manipulations with a hammer drill, holes are made for fastenings. The device is attached to special hooks that will hold it firmly and securely.

Installation of a flow-through hood with an air duct

The process of hanging the hood with connection to the air duct occurs, as in the previous case, using fasteners. The device must be leveled horizontally and hang at the permitted distance from the stove. Next, it is installed, which must necessarily match the diameter of the ventilation duct in the wall, which will ensure no power losses.

After installation, you must check that everything was installed correctly and functioned properly.

Installation features

Distance between hood and hob The stove is measured from the bottom edge to the burners. The unit should be mounted exclusively by level, since the possibility of adjusting the position in the future is excluded.

Before installation, you need to think carefully about choosing a location again, because the device must have access to the ventilation shaft and power supply at the same time. For this reason, the location of all communications is indicated on the kitchen plan.

In cases of major renovations, the location of the hood is calculated and drawn on the kitchen plan along with other electrical appliances. If the only question is replacing certain equipment, then you will have to adapt to existing circumstances.

Self-installation gas equipment in a private house or apartment is prohibited, but the requirements do not apply to the hood. Volatile devices can be installed with your own hands using the manufacturer’s manual.

We will tell you how to install a hood over a gas stove in accordance with the requirements of sanitary, hygienic and building regulations. We offer simple instructions, providing fastening strength and excellent functionality with maximum impact. Our article discusses the most popular options.

First, let's remember why a hood is needed and how it works. The purpose of any model of exhaust equipment designed for installation above the stove is to clean the air from combustion products and the smell that spreads throughout the apartment during cooking.

As is known, when burning natural gas forms many substances harmful to the health of the human body, including large amounts of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, various impurities.

The faster unnecessary elements are removed outside, the cleaner and safer it will be air environment. IN small room With a low percentage of oxygen in the air, a person begins to quickly get tired and feel unwell.

Electric hoods have long become an indispensable attribute of kitchen premises. They are installed directly above a gas or electric stove; some models are equipped with an air duct to remove combustion products outside

Air purification occurs in two ways. Some models simply remove it from the room, others pass it through cleaning filters. It should be understood that the hood cannot fully ventilate the kitchen.

In order for the air to become truly fresh and healthy, it is necessary to establish and supply ventilation. The simplest option air access - regular ventilation by opening windows and vents.

Comparative review of models

Modifications that are presented in large quantities on modern market, differ in the type of air purification, design and installation method. When choosing, you should not focus only on the design of the device. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances and consider the possibility of installing equipment in a particular case.

By and large, all modifications of hoods can be divided into three large categories:

  • flow-through;
  • recirculation;
  • combined.

The first type is intended for transporting combustion products to ventilation duct buildings through an air duct. Therefore, in addition to attaching the hood housing above the gas stove, it will be necessary to install channels for air to exit into the ventilation hole.

To prevent plastic or corrugated channels from spoiling the interior design, they are hidden behind suspended structures, false walls or placed in upper kitchen cabinets - mezzanines

Recirculation models are not equipped with air ducts, so they take up less space and install much faster. They purify air masses by passing them through grease and carbon filters. Essentially, they circulate the air in a circle, freeing it from vapors, fat and harmful particles, but not refreshing it.

Recirculation models have some advantages: they are compact and easy to install. Using the manufacturer’s instructions, even a beginner with no experience in such work can install and connect such a hood.

However, a huge segment of the market has been occupied by universal models that can operate in both modes: flow and recirculation. Cleaning through filters can be carried out temporarily while the discharge lines are being repaired.

And if it is not possible to install air exhaust channels, then filtration is the only possible way improve the microclimate in the kitchen.

According to the installation method, kitchen exhaust equipment is divided into autonomous and built-in. The first is mounted separately, on a wall or ceiling, and the second is built into kitchen cabinets or other suspended structures.

If you have chosen a built-in model, then when ordering kitchen set performers need to provide dimensions technical device for precise fitting of furniture elements

According to their design and, accordingly, appearance, hoods are divided into several types, while different manufacturers they may have different names. The most popular are the so-called built-in sliders, one part of which is movable, dome and inclined models.

Due to the popularity of the "island" kitchen interior Ceiling models for work areas installed in the center of the kitchen have also become popular.

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Thanks to the special design and beautiful design inclined panel, hoods work efficiently and are a modern technical kitchen decor

Dome models have excellent technical characteristics, but take up a lot of space during installation. For this reason, they are not suitable for small-sized housing

The peculiarity of models with a movable element is that they are turned on when the horizontal panel is pulled out towards you

Island hoods often have an unusual design. They are fixed to the ceiling with special brackets, while the body can be attached directly or on cables

Elegant and stylish reclining model

Traditional option - dome hood

Slider built into kitchen cabinet

Powerful ceiling equipment for the "island"

The installation of the hood depends on the design and functions of the model. To understand the installation features, you can ask your consultant for installation instructions before purchasing.

Perhaps there are some nuances indicated that prevent the installation of this particular product in your kitchen. Suppose the ceiling structure cannot support the weight of the equipment or the cabinets do not have openings for the passage of air ducts.

Requirements for installation of household devices

A few words about the standards for installing equipment in rooms with gas stoves. By law, the stove itself, powered by a gas supply, can be installed in rooms whose height is at least 2.2 m. This is worth knowing for those who are going to build volumetric suspended structures to mask air ducts or ventilation ducts.

The rules apply to installing a hood over a gas stove. According to the standards, the minimum distance from the surface of the stove to the device panel is 75 cm. This is 10 cm more than the standard for an electric stove

Documentation regulating installation or selection is publicly available. General materials on the importance of forced ventilation can be found in SNiP 2.04.05-91, more details on the volumes of exhaust air can be found in SNiP 2.08.01-89, and on performance and other technical nuances in GOST 26813-99.

There are no strict rules regarding the installation options for ventilation ducts, so they can be located outside or inside kitchen cabinets, behind partitions and above hanging structures.

Where exactly it is better to fix the purchased hood and what conditions are necessary for this, you will learn from, the material of which is completely devoted to this issue.

Features of installing kitchen hoods

The sequence and nuances of installation depend on design features equipment. For example, the order of attachment and freestanding is fundamentally different. Therefore, let’s look at how professional installation of three different modifications occurs.

How to install an inclined model?

Average price segment most popular. This includes the inclined hood “Quartz”, which you can install yourself. It operates in perimeter suction mode, so it is placed in a clearly fixed position and has no moving elements.

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We measure 75 cm from the surface of the slab and make a mark on the wall. Sometimes manufacturers indicate a smaller distance (for example, 65-70 cm). It is better to adhere to generally accepted norms

Using a level, we draw two lines that you need to follow when installing the hood: a horizontal one, indicating the lower boundary, and a vertical one to mark the axis

Many manufacturers complete their equipment with mounting templates, which help to correctly cut holes or determine the location of fasteners.

Using a drill, we drill four holes 5 cm deep and 1 cm in diameter. Drills must be selected taking into account the wall material: ceramic tiles, concrete, brick

We remove the template, insert the plastic dowels from the mounting kit into the holes, then screw in the two upper screws. Leave a small gap under the caps (2-3 mm) for hanging the hood

Having previously removed the aluminum anti-grease filters, we hang the hood on the two upper screws. To do this, we find special “keyhole” type holes inside the case.

We tighten the lower screws immediately if installation of a false pipe is not provided. If the hood will operate in flow mode, first install air ducts and ducts

When all the additional elements are installed and the fasteners are tightened, we insert the anti-grease filter into the grooves. At this point the installation is considered complete

Step 1 - measuring the distance from the stove to the hood

Step 2 - marking the installation center line

Step 3 – secure the template to the wall with tape

Step 4 - drilling holes for fasteners

Step 5 - screwing the top screws into the dowels

Step 6 – mounting the hood body on the wall

Step 7 - tightening a pair of bottom screws

Step 8 - Reinstalling the Aluminum Filter

After installation, you need to connect the device to the power supply and test its operation, checking its operation in various modes and at various speeds.

Sometimes, due to improper installation of false pipes or air ducts, a loud hum appears. In this case, you need to find the cause of the noise and try to get rid of it.

Installation procedure for the built-in module

Models built into wall cabinets are very popular due to their compactness and reasonable price. If you take care in advance about the correct design and dimensions of the special base cabinet, then the process of installing the cabinet itself will take no more than 20 minutes. When installing flow-through devices, it will take some more time to install the air duct.

Do not forget that the main document is the installation manual for a built-in hood, compiled by the manufacturer. Before starting work, open the instructions and check the list for the presence of parts and fasteners. If everything is in order, we check the integrity of the elements and proceed with installation.

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The new model must be removed from the box, then check the package, remove the filter panels, prepare stencils and fasteners

The kit includes stencils or templates that make making holes in cabinets or walls much easier. Place the stencil in the desired location and stick it with tape.

Use a drill with a thin drill to drill holes to secure the guides for mounting the housing. You need to make 2 holes on each side

Metal guides are included in the assembly kit. We apply them to the installation sites and secure them with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver

The hood body is protected on the top side by a thin panel; it must be removed. To do this, unscrew several fixing screws

We take the hood body, find the installation elements and carefully insert them into the guides. As a result, the device should be inside the wall cabinet

To attach the hood to the guides, we find self-tapping screws with protective washers. Take a screwdriver and screw the screws into the mounting holes

Reinstall the removed top panel and remove the protective film from the parts. When all work with the hood is completed, we mount the cabinet above the gas stove

Step 1 – preparing the hood for installation

Step 2 - placing the stencil on the side wall of the cabinet

Step 3 - drilling holes for fasteners

Step 4 - Installing Side Rails

Step 5 - removing the top trim from the hood

Step 6 – installation of the hood in the wall cabinet

Step 7 - securing the case to the guides

Step 8 - installing a wall cabinet on the wall

If you plan to install a plastic air duct, before installing the hood in the cabinet, you must secure the adapter on its upper side. This is a plastic universal part consisting of fragments of different diameters.

I would like to say that installing a hood over a gas stove is a very important process. With this exhaust system you will get rid of odors when cooking in the kitchen, which will go outside rather than into the rooms. And also the hood will allow you to not change the wallpaper in the kitchen so often. Since the vapors generated during cooking can settle on walls, curtains, cabinets, etc., which noticeably spoils the appearance kitchens. Of course, some smells are pleasant to us, but there are also very unpleasant ones, for example, when cooking mushrooms or fish soup. And, as you know, these odors settle on various surfaces, which is not very pleasant.

If we don't have a hood, we open the window to get rid of various cooking odors. And this can lead to a cold, especially if there are children at home. And in general - open window always a danger to children.

Popularity of exhaust systems

Today, installing a hood above the stove is very popular. This is not surprising if you consider how much even a minor redecorating in the kitchen, and also take into account all the troubles associated with this, we can conclude that it is easier to install a hood.

Modern systems have a fairly wide selection and are very easy to use. For example, there are embedded systems and simple ones. Some may think that installing a built-in hood is a very difficult task that requires a lot of effort and time. This is a completely erroneous opinion: that installing a simple built-in hood is not so difficult, and it will not take a lot of time. For any kitchen set, you can choose a system that will look great and function just as well. Often, hoods are already included with the headsets themselves. If you look at the price, then there are several price categories. The price depends on the manufacturer and, of course, the quality.

This miracle of technology can be installed both above gas and above electric stoves. Therefore, when choosing a system, you must notify the seller for which stove you are purchasing it.

What are they?

As mentioned above, there are a variety of hoods. But in general they are divided into two types: the first type is such hoods that absorb air, expelling it to the street through a special exhaust pipe; the second type is hoods with filters that purify polluted air (they are also called recirculation hoods). Most often, it is the first type of exhaust systems that are installed. Because it is the most environmentally friendly. It should be noted that in systems of the first type there are also filters that take care of cleaning the air before it goes outside. The types differ in that for some the already purified air goes outside the house or apartment, and for others it goes back into it. But it is not at all realistic to purify the air, even if only a little, it will still contain particles harmful to the body. That is why the first type of this equipment is the most popular.

In addition, filters in equipment of the second type should be replaced much more often than in systems of the first type. And this is additional cash costs.

I would like to note that the main attribute in an exhaust hood is throughput. This value must be indicated in technical specifications devices. And when purchasing this equipment, it is worth paying attention to this particular characteristic. Remember from bandwidth The efficiency of the hood depends entirely.

Many hoods have three levels of adjustment, which is very good. It is best to choose just such a technique. Then you will have a so-called operating power reserve. So, if you, for example, are just cooking soup, then the middle stage is enough, but if you are frying something, then the third power will do the job perfectly.

DIY installation

Many people believe that a professional should install a hood over a stove, especially if it is gas. Of course this will always be the right decision. But if you are confident in your abilities, then you can try installing the equipment yourself.

As a rule, installing a hood with your own hands takes place in several stages:

  1. preparation for installation;
  2. air duct installation;
  3. connection to electricity;
  4. installation of the exhaust equipment itself.

Of course, it is worth considering each of these stages separately in order to install the hood yourself correctly. So, when preparing, you need, firstly, to make room for this kitchen unit. Most often, such a place is already free, implying the installation of an exhaust hood. The second thing you need to measure is strictly 80 cm from the gas stove (no less, but more is possible). And thirdly, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • bubble level.

In many cases it is necessary to make an air duct. This is our second stage. Plastic elements are perfect for this. You should ensure that the outlet has a minimum length and as few bends as possible, since they interfere with the full functioning of the air duct. The inner walls should be smooth, and the diameter should not narrow or widen anywhere (it should be the same size everywhere), but it should not be made too narrow. Try to use a so-called return valve in your duct installation. Such a valve will prevent air from blowing back, which happens in strong winds.

Now the third step is connecting to electricity. Some problems may arise with connecting this device to the electrical network, since hoods are often made with short cord, or without it at all. In this situation, you will need to make a tap from the nearest outlet or draw a separate line from the shield. Better than the second one option, this will help avoid power outages. Try to take care of the outlet when major renovation kitchen, which will help avoid further problems during installation. Do not under any circumstances “extend” the cord or wrap it with electrical tape. This can lead to problems with the device, as well as loss of the warranty period.

And the final stage is the hood itself. Installing the hood yourself does not save you from reading the instructions, do not forget about it. The device may have some differences when installed. But in general, the installation should go like this: first you need to mark the fastening, then drill holes with a hammer drill, then fasten the fastening itself, then install the exhaust system (without a duct), then make a connection to the duct exhaust pipe, then connect to the network and check the operation of the equipment. If everything works, then you have completed the task. Secure the box and you're done.

So, as you can see, installing a hood over a gas stove is really not a difficult task. The main thing is to do everything correctly and efficiently.

A private house

Most often, the hood is installed in an apartment. That is why the air duct is bent, since the hole for it can only be made in the wall. But you can install the air duct in a completely different way if you live in a private house. In general, installation of a hood in a private house is carried out in the same way as in an apartment, the only difference is in the air duct. And the distance from the stove to the hood can be made a little larger, which will be safer and more convenient.

In a private house, the air duct can be connected to the ventilation system. Most often this is what they do. As a rule, special equipment is needed so that air from the kitchen flows directly into the street, and not into other rooms through ventilation system. To be honest, installing a hood in a private house will take a little longer than in an apartment.

Some people prefer to duct the duct directly through the attic. There are no bends, which means the exhaust system functions perfectly.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is not enough to simply install this system. It is also necessary to take care of its cleanliness. You should regularly clean the hood and change filters. If you properly monitor this unit and do everything on time, the hood will serve you well. long years without requiring costly repairs.

After installing this miracle of technology, you will feel how convenient and comfortable it has become in the kitchen. Now you don’t need to open windows, wash cabinets of plaque, constantly wash curtains and frequently change wallpaper.

The hood is an integral attribute any, even the smallest kitchen. Without it, it’s difficult to talk about comfort - the rich aromas of 3-5 dishes will simultaneously mix into an unpleasant amber and fill the air space. How to deal with it negative phenomenon?

Helps eliminate a negative mixture of aromas exhaust equipment. We will tell you how to hang a hood over a gas stove and what tools you will need for this. Taking into account our tips, you can competently arrange your kitchen space.

Hoods are necessary in kitchens with both electric and gas stoves. Moreover, their settings in the second case are slightly different. After all, when using a gas stove, cooking occurs under the influence of open fire. This feature must be taken into account before installation.

When cooking on a gas stove, not only the aromas of cooking fill the air, but the smell of burning gas can be clearly felt in the kitchen. It is he who brings confusion to the question of the correct choice optimal distance for future extraction.

Therefore, before purchasing exhaust equipment for arranging a kitchen, you should do so so that you do not have to change the equipment almost immediately after installation.

Above the gas stove, be sure to install one of the most suitable models hoods to get rid of soot, burning and other impurities in the air

Such advisers forget that an open fire can easily spread to the body of the exhaust equipment and then disaster will follow. The situation can become especially dangerous when the grease filters have already become dirty - they can ignite in a matter of seconds.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remember to hang the hood above the gas stove. The permissible range is within 75-85 cm. Moreover, as advised experienced craftsmen, in some cases, an error of 5 cm is possible if the hood does not fit otherwise.

For a gas stove, the distance to the hood must be greater than for an electric one. But, in no case less!

In addition to the distance from the stove to the hood, there are other important installation rules, including:

  • correct installation of equipment;
  • safe connection to the electrical network;
  • correct connection to the ventilation system.

In order for the exhaust equipment to work properly for many years, helping to get rid of the symbiosis of various aromas in a timely manner, it must be installed, strictly adhering to the basic installation rules. You can install it yourself or invite a specialist from a company with a good reputation.

Another important rule, affecting the quality of installation and the future microclimate in the room - compliance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. First of all, you should carefully read the tips on the installation height of the purchased hood model given by the company that manufactured it.

The installation height of the hood will largely depend on the type of equipment and its power

You can often find that the recommendations for one and the second device are significantly different. Manufacturers of hoods can specify the installation height of their equipment at 40-50 cm from the stove. In this case, you need to focus only on the distance specified in the instructions for the stove.

If the accompanying documentation for the gas stove is lost, then the hood above it can be hung at a distance of no less than 75 cm.

Step-by-step installation of a hood over a gas stove

You can easily handle the work of installing and connecting the hood on your own. For this, a simple set of tools will be useful: a drill or screwdriver, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a pencil, a level, and a tape measure. You will also need a general understanding of the installation of exhaust equipment in domestic conditions.

Preparation for installation work

The installation of the hood begins after the equipment itself has already been purchased. First of all, you need to read the instructions for the hood and the gas stove, turning Special attention to the height of the upcoming installation.

You cannot raise the exhaust equipment too high, relying on its enormous power; it will not be able to remove exhaust air from the room in a timely manner

There are inclined, corner and island hoods and. The location where the markings are to be made depends on which model will be installed in a particular kitchen. In any case, it is advisable to begin its installation only after installing and connecting the gas stove.

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The need to install a special hood over the stove is explained by the desire of users to get rid of extraneous odors and other fumes generated in the kitchen during the cooking process. At the same time, it is possible to ensure the required efficiency of indoor air purification only if certain rules and recommendations are followed, determined by the relevant regulations and standards. In this article we will introduce you to existing species exhaust structures and consider the order of their installation using the example of one of the most common models.

Types of kitchen hoods

Currently on the domestic market household appliances There is a wide range of kitchen hoods, which according to their design are divided into the following types:

  • suspended design, which is one of the most convenient to install and practical exhaust devices, suitable for most ordinary users. With all the listed advantages, such a hood, however, is characterized by insufficient productivity;
  • an exhaust device built into the walls or ceiling that provides the required efficiency in removing odors and fumes from rooms of a large area;
  • an exhaust device designed in the form of a dome, the effect of which extends not only to the stove, but also to the working surfaces of the countertop located near it;
  • the so-called “island” hood, mounted in the center of the kitchen space and providing air exchange throughout its entire volume (including above the gas stove).

Auxiliary elements (air ducts)

As air channels through which unpleasant odors and fumes are diverted to the ventilation shaft hatch, special air ducts are used, made in the form of:

  • corrugated pipe;
  • rigid metal box;
  • polyvinyl chloride pipes with smooth walls.

The advantages of corrugated pipes include their flexibility and relatively low cost. The disadvantage of this budget option air duct is the need for constant care during operation. A metal box used as an air duct is more convenient to use, but will require significant expenses from the contractor. The most optimal application option is considered PVC pipes, which is not only easy to install, but also does not require special care. Unlike other air ducts, this pipe is installed strictly above the hood.

Requirements for installation of the hood

We will consider the procedure for installing a kitchen hood using the simplest example hanging system, the installation of which requires the following requirements:

  • The dimensions of the intake hole must correspond to the size of the gas stove, which ensures maximum effective removal polluted air;
  • The height of the hood above the surface of the slab should not be less than 50-60 cm (the optimal distance from heating elements about 75-80 cm), which provides comfortable working conditions. If it is placed too low, the space for working with the stove will be limited, and the body of the device itself may overheat;
  • The performance of the exhaust device must correspond to the volume of the room being served and ensure that the air in it is renewed at least 10 times a day. For calculation exact value For this indicator, you need to decide on the basic dimensions of the kitchen room, and then use the following formula: V= SxHx10x1.3, where S and H are the area and height of the serviced room, respectively, and 10 is the minimum air exchange rate (1.3 is the correction factor);
  • in the case where your house does not have a separate ventilation shaft with access to the kitchen, it is recommended to use a flow-type exhaust device with variable capacity, operating on the principle of air mass recirculation.

Note! Connecting such hoods to an existing ventilation shaft may disrupt the operation of the entire exhaust system as a whole. In addition, it is not recommended to operate flow devices at full power (maximum performance mode) for long periods of time.

Installation procedure for the hood housing

Installing a hood over a gas stove involves phased implementation a whole range of work operations of the following nature:

  • hang the exhaust hood housing directly above the stove;
  • installation of exhaust air ducts, ensuring their reliable connection with the hood and the ventilation shaft hatch;
  • supply of electrical power necessary for the operation of the exhaust device.

Important! When preparing a place to install a wall-mounted hood, the main thing is to ensure that it is positioned strictly symmetrically above the gas stove, since even the slightest deviation of the body to the side reduces the efficiency of the device by 10 - 20%.

Direct installation of the hood at the place of its operation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the fastening points are carefully marked, taking into account the location of the supporting elements on back wall housings (for these purposes it is most convenient to use a pre-prepared template);
  • after that, in accordance with the markings, holes are carefully drilled in the wall into which dowels are driven;
  • then the supports used to hang the body are fixed in the dowels using bolts;
  • At the final stage of installation, all that remains is to hang the hood itself on the prepared supports (watch the video).

Note! During test hanging, it is necessary to check the correctness of its orientation in various planes, which is verified using a building level and can be corrected by changing the position of the supports (their design allows adjustment within small limits and allows you to hang the hood quite comfortably).

Installation of air ducts and power supply connections

  • outlet channels for a wall-mounted kitchen hood are made up of relatively short and straight sections with a minimum number of bends, the radius of which should be chosen as large as possible;
  • when using corrugated hoses as a discharge channel, their bending angle should not be less than 90 degrees;
  • It is also not recommended to narrow the outlet section of the air duct, which can lead to increased noise;
  • The hatch of the ventilation shaft to which the air duct is connected must be completely cleaned of all contaminants accumulated during its operation.

The operation of the exhaust mechanism requires an electrical network, the supply of which must be provided in advance. As a rule, products of this class are equipped with a cord with a plug, for connecting which a specially equipped socket with a grounding contact must be used.

Important! To avoid heating, such an outlet should not be located above the area where the hood is located.


From our description it follows that hanging a hood over a gas stove is not at all difficult, as you can see by watching any video on the relevant topic posted on the Internet. From these videos you will learn how to install kitchen hood above the stove, as well as about existing methods of connecting it to existing communications.