Tall juniper varieties. Photo describing the types and varieties of juniper for the garden. Tall junipers: varieties

beautiful plant, which is increasingly used in landscape design. But in order to choose the right type, you need to know exactly which group juniper belongs to. He is a prominent representative the oldest family of cypress, evergreen coniferous plants that will not cause any problems when growing even for a novice gardener. Juniper appeared on earth more than 50 million years ago, thanks to which people have long appreciated the beauty of this plant, using it to decorate gardens for thousands of years.

Did you know? Juniper is used as a flavoring for juices, fruit drinks and compotes. Its fruits give meat an exotic spicy taste and aroma. Marinades prepared using juniper are especially bright and memorable, and when added to pickles, juniper berries significantly enrich their flavor and aromatic palette.

Juniper grows in the form of column-like trees, spreading shrubs or fluffy growth, lining the ground with a dense carpet. Evergreen branches of juniper are decorated with needles in the form of needles or scales. Almost all representatives of junipers are dioecious: male plants are pollinators, and female plants provide bountiful harvest cones, from which delicious medicinal fragrant jam is made. Today there are about 70 varieties of juniper in the world, so let's look at what types and varieties of juniper are common in our time.

Common juniper (Juniperus communis)

Common juniper - low evergreen conifer tree or shrub, 5 to 10 meters high. In the most favorable conditions, the plant can reach 12 meters, with a trunk diameter of 0.2 meters. The dense crown of trees can be cone-shaped, while that of shrubs can be ovoid.

The plant has a gray-brown fibrous bark and red-brown shoots. The branches of the plant are covered with needle-shaped triangular needles, pointed at the end (its width varies from 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters, and its length can reach 1.5 centimeters). On the upper side of the needles there is a stomatal strip.

All needles are covered with a whitish waxy coating, which remains on the branches for up to four years. Common juniper bushes bloom in May, with female flowers being green and male flowers yellow. The cones are round in shape and can reach a diameter of 0.6 to 0.9 centimeters. This variety of juniper grows very slowly. Its annual growth does not exceed more than 15 cm in height and more than 5 cm in width per year. On average, the lifespan of one bush reaches 200 years.

Did you know? Other names for common juniper are heather or juniper. In Ukraine, the plant is known as “yalivets zvichainy”, and in Latin its name is “Juniperus communis”.

Common juniper can be found in Europe, North America, Siberia and even North Africa. In nature, juniper grows in the undergrowth of spruce and pine forests and forms impenetrable thickets in clearing areas. It prefers moderately moist, well-drained sandy loam soils, but can grow in all types of soil.

Virginia juniper (Juniperus virginiana)

Juniperus virginiana is an evergreen, sometimes dioecious, tree. This is a tall juniper, capable of reaching 30 meters in height in favorable conditions. Young trees have a narrow ovoid crown, and with age they become covered with wide-standing branches. The trunk diameter of adult plants can reach 150 centimeters and is covered with gray, red-brown or dark brown exfoliating longitudinally fissured bark.

Young thin shoots have dark green bark and a vaguely tetrahedral shape. The branches of the plant are covered with bluish-green needles, which turn brown with the onset of frost. During the ripening period, numerous dark blue cones are formed on the trees, with a light bluish bloom up to 0.6 centimeters in diameter. The fruits are ready for harvest in October, but can remain on the trees for a long time, which significantly improves their taste characteristics.

The plant received cultural status in 1664. Juniper virginiana is very often used in landscape design, as it is one of the most resistant varieties to adverse conditions. In northern latitudes, this species is very often used as an analogue of pyramidal cypresses.

Did you know? Juniper is perfect for aromatherapy, as its smell has a strengthening effect on the nervous system, and long walks through juniper groves help get rid of insomnia, nervous tension and headaches.

In nature, Virginia juniper can be found in North America, ranging from Canada to Florida. It grows in the mountains, on rocks, on the shores of the ocean and rivers, and less often in swamps.

The most common varieties of juniper virginiana:

  1. The juniper variety "Glauca" or "Glauca" was bred back in 1855. The plant has a columnar shape and is characterized by an intensive rate of development. On average, it can reach from 5 to 10 meters in height and has almost vertical branches. Thanks to this, the tree forms a fairly dense crown, which expands slightly as the tree matures. The branches of the crop are covered mainly with scale-like needles. Needle-shaped needles can only be found deep in the crown.
  2. The variety "Globosa" is a low-growing juniper, obtained in 1891. This is a dwarf, slow-growing variety with a flattened, rounded crown reaching up to 1 meter in width. The plant has short, creeping skeletal branches and slightly rising, short, protruding and dense shoots covered with scale-like bright green needles.
  3. "Blue Cloud" was received in 1955. A large shrub with a loose crown of vague outline, long spreading branches covered with grayish-green needles. Juniper variety "Blue Cloud" can often be seen in garden plots in areas that do not have comfortable weather conditions.

Juniper horizontalis (Juniperus horizontalis)

Horizontal juniper is the closest relative of Cossack juniper. Externally, the plant is a creeping shrub pressed to the ground, reaching 1 meter in height and covered with long branches on which bluish-green tetrahedral shoots are formed, pubescent with thick gray or green needles (with the onset of cold weather they become brown in color). The reproductive branches have needle-shaped, elongated-lanceolate leaves, 3 to 5 centimeters long and about 1 centimeter thick, saber-shaped and rounded at the back.

Old branches are covered with bluish-black scaly leaves with a bluish bloom. They have tiny resin glands reaching up to 2.2 centimeters in length and up to 1.5 millimeters in width. Despite the original appearance, shrubs of this juniper variety are quite rare in the collections of amateur gardeners. The species was classified as a crop back in 1840.

Horizontal juniper was taken as the basis for the creation of many varieties:

  1. The “Agnieszka” variety is a low shrub on which long skeletal branches are formed adjacent and obliquely rising. The needles on the bushes of this juniper can be of two types, but they are always needle-shaped, protruding and thick, bluish-green, and after the first frost, slightly lilac in color.
  2. Bushes of the "Andorra Variegata" variety, in the early stages, have a dense, rounded crown, which as the plant matures takes on a funnel-shaped shape. Their branches are covered with needle-shaped, semi-appressed, predominantly green needles, which in some areas may have a cream color.
  3. The Bar Harbor variety was developed in 1930 in the USA. The bushes have a dense creeping shape and are formed by thin recumbent branches spread out in different directions. Lateral shoots are ascending. Small, semi-appressed, grayish-green leaves turn purple after frost.

Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis)

Chinese juniper is a dioecious or monoecious tree, reaching a height of 8 to 25 meters and having a pyramidal crown. Very rarely, plants of this species are splayed bushes pressed tightly to the ground. The trunk of the trees is covered with greyish-red, peeling bark. Young shoots have a dark green color and a fuzzy tetrahedral shape. The branches of the plant are covered predominantly with scale-like, pairwise opposite foliage, up to 3 millimeters long and no more than 1 millimeter wide.

The leaves have an oblong-ovate shape, pointed at the end and slightly curved inward, which is why they appear blunt and tightly pressed to the shoots. WITH inside they have stomatal stripes and elliptical glands on the back. The plant produces spherical, slightly elongated coneberries of a dark blue or almost black color, reaching a diameter of 4 to 10 millimeters.

Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina)

Cossack juniper is the most unpretentious and most widespread representative of its family. Therefore, if you are going to plant this species on your site, then you will probably be interested in knowing how quickly Cossack juniper grows. Just imagine: a bush Cossack juniper, about 10 years old, can reach a height of only 0.3 meters, making it one of the slowest growing plants. Thanks to this feature, it is very often used in landscape design.

This type of dwarf juniper is absolutely unpretentious, it easily tolerates both low and high temperatures, is indifferent to poor watering and can withstand strong winds. Its main disadvantage is that it is a poisonous plant.

Cossack juniper has a massive root system, capable of going deep into the ground, thanks to which even in the driest years its bushes can do without watering at all. The branches of the plant are covered with dense, finely needle-like foliage of a gray-green color. During the ripening period, they are covered with round (up to 7 cm in diameter) dark blue fruits with a bluish coating.

Important! Even when caring for Cossack juniper, you must be extremely careful, since its leaves, fruits and branches contain a potent poison that can cause serious harm to human health.

The most popular varieties of Cossack juniper:

  1. The Broadmoor variety grows rapidly in width, while its plants reach a height of no more than 60 centimeters. As the bushes grow, they form a dense, emerald green carpet that has excellent decorative characteristics.
  2. Plants of the "Femina" variety spread along the ground, and their shoots rise up at the ends, which creates the impression of a huge number of small junipers. The variety's bushes can reach up to 6 meters in width, and even in the most favorable conditions their height does not exceed 2 meters.
  3. “Cupressifolia” is a dwarf variety, reaching no more than half a meter in height, but at the same time in width; the plant, at the age of about 10 years, can reach up to 5 meters. Externally, the bushes of this variety look quite neat and have high decorative characteristics, which has turned them into real favorites of landscape designers.

Coastal juniper (Juniperus conferta)

Coastal juniper is a flat-growing dwarf shrub with a pleasant coniferous aroma. The plant has creeping shoots that can cover the soil with a dense carpet. At the age of nine, plants of this variety reach a height of only 20 centimeters, but the size of their crown can reach up to one meter. The branches of the bush are covered with dark green needles, decorated with a blue and white stripe on the upper side, which gives it a bluish tint. In autumn, the branches of coastal juniper are covered with dark blue cones with a bluish bloom.

Important! When planting juniper, be careful when choosing a planting location. The fact is that this plant is home to many fungal infections and is in close proximity to fruit and berry crops may contribute to their infection with dangerous diseases.

The plant loves sunny places, but also grows well in partial shade. Due to its compact size, it is used in landscape design as a ground cover plant to decorate rock gardens and rocky gardens.

Rock juniper (Juniperus scopulorum)

Rock juniper is a dioecious shrub or tree with a height of 10 to 13 meters. cultivated plant has a more compact size than specimens growing in the natural environment. Young shoots have a vaguely tetrahedral shape and can reach up to 1.5 millimeters in diameter and no more than 2 centimeters in length.

The bush has dark green or bluish-gray scaly foliage, with an opposite arrangement and an ovoid-rhombic shape, 1-2 mm long and up to 1 mm wide. The bushes also contain needle-shaped leaves up to 12 millimeters long and up to 2 millimeters wide. During the ripening period, spherical dark blue berries are formed on the bushes, covered with a light smoky coating.

Important! Remember that excessive consumption of berries and preparations made from juniper can cause poisoning, disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also contribute to severe allergic reactions.

Rock juniper can be called a favorite of landscape designers. It is very often used for landscaping squares, parks, personal plots and the territory of medical and health institutions. The variety looks great in rock gardens, rock gardens and heather gardens. Particularly popular are varieties with a pyramidal and columnar crown.

Juniper medium (Juniperus media)

Medium juniper is a plant that reaches up to 3 meters in height and has a dense spreading crown up to 5 meters in width. The crown of the tree is formed by ascending arched branches with slightly drooping ends. The needles have a rich emerald green color and are decorated with a white stomatal stripe on the inside. Needle-shaped leaves can be found on older parts of branches and inside the crown. At the ends of young shoots, scaly needles predominate.

The most common varieties of medium juniper:

  1. "Blue and Gold" was bred by Dutch breeders in 1984. This is a small shrub with a lush and fairly loose crown. The plant can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. The bush is formed by horizontal, obliquely ascending branches with slightly drooping ends. You can find two types of needles on the plant: bluish-gray or cream-colored. The variety does not tolerate severe frosts and is therefore not suitable for cultivation in northern regions.
  2. "Gold Coast" was released in the USA in 1965. The bushes have a compact, dense shape and can reach up to 1 meter in height and up to 3 meters in width. The bushes of the variety form outstretched branches with horizontally protruding ends, covered mainly with scaly green needles.
  3. "Hetzii" - the variety was also bred in the United States in 1920. The shrub can reach up to 4 meters in height and is characterized by an intensive rate of development. It has a broadly ovoid or loose cup-shaped crown, reaching up to 6 meters in width. main feature variety is that its branches do not droop at the ends. The shoots are covered predominantly with scaly grayish-green needles. Needle-shaped leaves are found only in the middle of the bush.

Scaly juniper (Juniperus squamata)

Scaly juniper is an evergreen, densely branching shrub up to one and a half meters tall. The plant has dark brown bark and lanceolate, stiff, sharp dark green needles 0.5 to 0.8 millimeters long. The cone berries are almost black in color. The plant is used primarily for landscaping park areas and squares, but can also become the main decoration of any alpine hill. The disadvantage of this variety is that the dried needles on its shoots do not fall off for several years, and this significantly reduces the decorative characteristics of adult bushes.

The most popular varieties of scaly juniper:

  1. The Blue star variety has charmed gardeners with its compact size and wide semicircular crown, which significantly improves its decorative characteristics. Its bushes barely reach one meter in height. The variety is light-loving, but at the same time it grows very slowly, its annual growth does not exceed 10 centimeters. Can be used for single or group plantings.
  2. The “blue carpet” bush has a flat shape and is characterized by an intensive rate of development, which allows it to grow with a crown of 1.2 to 1.5 meters in width by the age of 10 years with a height of 30 centimeters. The branches of the bush are covered with blue-gray needles, up to 9 millimeters in length and no more than 2 millimeters in width, with a sharp edge. The variety was created in 1972 in Holland, and already in 1976 it was awarded a gold medal for its high decorative qualities.
  3. "Meyeri" is one of the most famous and beloved varieties by gardeners, which has high decorative characteristics and does not require special care. An adult plant can reach from 2 to 5 meters in height. Straight, short shoots covered with bluish-white needles form on the branches.

Growing almost any juniper will allow you not only to significantly improve its decorative characteristics summer cottage, but also get the strongest medicine, which can help get rid of a huge number of diseases.

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193 times already

Among the ancient Slavs, Juniper was a symbol of eternal life. The spicy smell of burning branches in the village was a sad sign. This meant that someone in the village was being escorted on their final journey, which would bestow eternal life.

Shamans used juniper smoke in ritual fumigations and ceremonies, giving the bush magical powers.

In Belarusian folklore there was a legend about an evil spirit named “kaduk” living in the trunk of a Juniper tree. In this region the bush was avoided.

At the same time, among other peoples, Juniper is a symbol of holiness, the abode of the gods.

In Christianity, Juniper deserves special mention. Many clergy still maintain the tradition of consecrating a juniper branch and hiding it behind the icon. It is believed that this measure will prevent the temple and icons from misfortune.

juniper names

IN different regions In Russia in the old days, Juniper had many names.

In some areas it was called Veres, in others – Yalovets, Morzhukha, Bruzhevelnik.

The most common name “Juniper”, according to one version, comes from the phrase “between the fir trees”. Often this shrub is found as undergrowth in spruce thickets.

According to another version, the name comes from the ancient Slavic word “mozha”, which means knot. A quick glance at the twisting trunks of old trees reveals similarities with real rope knots.


Juniper is a shrub or small tree with a thin trunk and pointed top up to 5 - 6 meters high.

The plant's needles, 1–2 cm long, are very hard and prickly.

There are female and male specimens. In male representatives, the crown is denser, narrower and pointed.

The bark has a gray-brown color and a fibrous texture.

The trunk of a tree often bends in bizarre patterns with branches smoothly turning into verticals.

Juniper grows very slowly, so hundred-year-old specimens barely reach large sizes. Even the oldest representatives of the shrub have a height of about 5 meters and a trunk thickness of 10 - 15 cm.

The maximum age of Juniper is 200 years, although there are representatives much older.

Where does Juniper grow?

The shrub is considered a relict plant, a witness to ancient times. After all, Juniper has been growing on Earth for more than 50 million years.

The shrub has 71 species. 20 of them grow in our country.

Juniper is widespread in the Urals, the Caucasus, Primorye and Siberia. Various types of shrubs are found in Southeast Asia, America and the Mediterranean regions.

In the forests of Russia, the most common species is the common juniper.

The shrub grows in the undergrowth and in clearing areas. Cultivated in gardens and parks. Selected species plants are found in the mountains in the most inaccessible points.

When does Juniper bloom?

Juniper blooms in May, producing yellow flowers on male plants, and green on women's.

It begins to bear fruit in the fall. On the bushes you can find both green and black-purple berries. Juniper fruits ripen only in the second year and are inedible for humans.

Medicinal properties of Juniper

Juniper berries contain copper, iron, manganese, aluminum, a huge amount of vitamins and essential oils.

A decoction of Veres fruits successfully combats problems of the urinary system, so it was used in the treatment of edema, inflammation, and even in the removal of kidney stones.

A decoction of berries improves bile secretion and enhances intestinal motility.

It is also used in the treatment of the respiratory tract. This remedy is an excellent expectorant and thins mucus.

The needles contain a huge amount of phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

A pillow with juniper sawdust can cure headaches and mild runny nose, relieve stress and calm nervous excitement.

IN modern medicine Diuretics, diaphoretics, painkillers and other medicines are made from Juniper.

Applications of Juniper

Green berries of Juniper are used to make natural golden-yellow paints. Black - for the production of brown and black paint.

Juniper fruits are not edible and are used as one of the ingredients in the food industry in the manufacture of sweets, baked goods, fruit drinks, and gingerbreads.

Dried juniper is an excellent material for woodworkers and carvers. The wood is perfectly dried and will never crack. Without large resin passages, the wood is easily stained and polished. Having a high density, this material allows you to apply fine threads.

Valuable resin is extracted from Juniper, which is used to make high-quality natural white varnish.

Veres wood is widely used for making pencils.


Medicines and preparations that contain Juniper are contraindicated for people with kidney problems.

Juniper is an inedible berry. Particular care should be taken when handling Juniper Cossack, as it is poisonous and can cause vomiting, damage to the kidneys and nervous system. In some cases, death can occur.

Juniper - interesting facts

Juniper thickets form near coal seams. This property is used by geologists when searching for coal deposits. Thus, the Moscow Region coal basin was opened.

Before pickling mushrooms, in the old days, peasants treated barrels with boiling water and a juniper broom, killing putrefactive microbes.

The oldest Juniper grows in Crimea. According to one version, its age is approximately 400 years. According to another – 2 thousand years. Determining the exact age of a living Juniper is extremely difficult.

Moths never appear in cabinets made from Juniper.

Photos used in the material: sereja.serjio2015, Zekkadrb , angruzinov valerius66 , Fl1983 (Yandex.Photos)

"Juniper, juniper,
Blue in autumn yellow.
Give me some berries, juniper,
Give me a thorn!”
/English folk song/

Description of the plant

Juniper (Cypress family) is a coniferous plant widely in demand in landscape design. Due to the presence of various shapes and sizes (from narrow and pyramidal giants to creeping dwarfs), it is suitable for realizing any gardener’s idea. Columnar junipers are used as an accent in landscape composition, and are also suitable for laying hedges. Creeping varieties look great in rock gardens and rockeries next to various ground covers and hosts. With the help of cutting and shaping, which the bush tolerates well, it can be given almost any shape.

The air of the area where juniper grows is saturated with a unique aroma: the plant emits a large number of phytoncides.

The noble colors of evergreen needles range from bright green to steel blue, with some varieties adding shades of yellow and gold.

The remarkable benefits of juniper are:

  • undemanding to soil fertility
  • shade tolerance
  • drought resistance
  • frost resistance (-40gr)
  • longevity
  • highly decorative regardless of the season

Types and varieties

The following types of juniper have the largest distribution area under natural conditions in our country: common, Siberian and Cossack.

Common juniper– has creeping (up to 50 cm), shrubby (1-3 meters) and tree-like (up to 12 meters) forms. Bark of various shades gray. Distributed not only in Russia, but also throughout our latitudes, from Canada to Japan.

For planting, you should choose open, well-lit places. It is undemanding to soil fertility, but does not develop well on dense clay soils.

Common juniper does not tolerate transplantation well, so specimens taken from the forest rarely take root.

Has high frost resistance.

Common juniper cones are widely used as a spice, for making wine, smoking various products, and as a medicinal raw material.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape


Hibernica3,5 bluishcolumnar
Meyer4 silverwide-pointed
Sentinel4 greencolumnar
Suecica10 greennarrow, columnar

Medium height

Horstmann1,5-2 greenweeping
Compressa1 bluishcolumnar
Suecica nana1,5-2 bluecolumnar
Suecica aurea1-1,5 yellow, yellow-greencolumnar, narrow


Repanda0,3-0,5 dark greencreeping, round, flat
Hornibrookii0,5 green with light stripescreeping
Spotty Spreader0,2 green, white-greencreeping
Nana aurea0,5 yellow-goldencreeping
Green Carpet0,1 light greencreeping

Siberian juniper differs from ordinary juniper in its smaller needles and low creeping bush height. Grows in mountainous areas. More decorative than common juniper, thanks to its two-color needles - green with white shades.

Juniper Cossack- a widespread shrub in the European part of Russia, Southern Urals, Altai, mountains of Central Asia. Creeping forms predominate. Very unpretentious and drought-resistant, it grows with a dense cover due to the easy rooting of branches. As it grows, it can occupy a large area, so perennial flowers and shrubs should be planted next to it with caution. It lends itself well to cutting and shaping. It has good endurance - tolerates both drought and frost. Looks good against the background of a lawn or in a rock garden. It differs from common juniper in the toxicity of its cones and specific odor. Upon contact with the ground, the branches take root on their own. In addition to decorative functions, it can also perform practical ones: its roots strengthen the slopes well.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Tamariscifolia1 bluishprostrate
Variegata0,5 green with white highlightsprostrate
Cupressifolia0,5 bluish-greenwide, creeping
Erecta2 dark greenpyramidal
Arcaida0,5 light greenprostrate
Fastigiata5-8 dark greennarrow-columnar
Femina1-1,5 dark greenwide spread

Juniper squamosus- a shrub with dense branches and dark brown bark. Habitat: China, Taiwan, Himalayas. Differs from other species in less frost resistance. It has a dense, decorative crown. The needles are sharp-needled, very hard.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Blue carpet0,3 blueflat, wide
Blue Star1,5-2 bluewide, dense, semicircular
Meyeri2-5 bluishprostrate
golden flame2-5 yellow-variegatedprostrate
Loderi1-1,5 green-blueweak-pointed

(prostrate) in nature lives mainly in the USA and Canada. Creeping shrub with long branches. Does not tolerate low air humidity. Characterized by slow growth.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Admirabilis0,25 bluishbraided, dense
Adpressa0,15 green, white-greenbraided, dense
Bar Harbor dark green, gray-greenthick, lying, prostrate
Blue chip0,3 bluecompact
Douglasii0,5 silver-greencreeping, whip-like
Golden Carpet0,1 yellow-greencreeping, dense
Blue Forest0,4 silver bluedense, raised up
Winter Blue0,3 silver-green, blue in wintercreeping, shoots raised
Prince of Wales0,3 bluecreeping
Limeglow0,4 lemon yellowvase shape
Ice Blue0,15 bluish-greencreeping, with long shoots
Hughes0,5 silver bluecreeping

Chinese juniper grows naturally in China and other Asian countries. It has tree-like and creeping forms. Quite hardy, but in dry climates it may suffer from lack of air humidity. Slow growing, does not tolerate frost well when young.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Strict2,5 bluish-greennarrow-pointed
Blue Alps2,5-4 green-silvercompact
Spartan6 greencolumnar
Plumosa aurea1 yellowwide, spread out
Leeana10 bright greencolumnar, dense
Ketelerii10 greenpin-shaped, dense
Gold coast1 golden yellowwide, flat
Pfitzeriana aurea1 yellow-greenwide, spreading

The most common are tall columnar shapes. Can be used to create a hedge. It grows naturally in Canada and the USA, and in Russia it is widely represented in parks due to its sustainability and high decorative value. Shade-tolerant, winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Does not tolerate transplantation well. In places where it grows naturally, its wood is used to make pencils. In plantings it goes well with deciduous trees and shrubs. It is not picky regarding the soil, grows well on loams and clay soils.

Rock juniper. It grows naturally in the USA. There are both tree and shrub forms. Close to Juniperus virginiana. Does not tolerate shading well, spreading branches suffer from snowfall and need to be tied up.

Variety nameHeight, mNeedle colorCrown shape
Blue Arrow2-3 gray-bluecolumnar
Globe2 silver-greenround
Skyrocket3 gray-greennarrow
Repens0,5 bluecreeping
Table tor2 silver bluespreading


Plants with a closed root system purchased from a nursery can be planted at any time of the year. It is enough to provide the seedling with good watering. Planting of rooted cuttings and seedlings in a permanent place is carried out in spring or autumn.

Choose a sunny place for planting. In the shade, plants with variegated needles will inevitably lose their decorative effect.

Although the plant is undemanding to the soil, when planting it is necessary to proceed from the area where it grows in its natural environment. The soil for Cossack and common juniper needs to be slightly alkaline (lime or dolmite flour is added to the planting site in the fall). Some species do well on rocky soils. Juniperus virginiana prefers loams and black soil. It is necessary to choose a place and neighbors taking into account the growth of the plant.

How to plant juniper correctly:

  1. We prepare a planting hole measuring 1 by 1 m.
  2. For plants that do not like stagnant moisture, we arrange drainage: pour crushed stone and broken bricks into the bottom of the hole.
  3. Carefully remove the seedling from the container and lower it into the hole (without deepening it).
  4. Cover with soil and water generously.

Planted plants need more careful regular watering than in any other supplements. In winter, their needles may be damaged by heavy snowfall, so the branches of tall and medium-sized shrubs must be tied up. To prevent burning, creeping forms are covered with spunbond, but usually only young plants need this in the 1st and 2nd years after planting.

Important! Replanting juniper is undesirable: it is very difficult to dig up the plant without damaging the tap root.

When choosing a type of shrub, be guided by its place of growth in nature. For regions with a hot climate, the most suitable are Cossack and Virginia juniper. For the middle latitudes of Russia - Chinese, horizontal, scaly, ordinary.

The plant propagates by seeds, rooted layering and cuttings. Before planting, the seeds must be stratified (keep in the refrigerator for about a month), and before planting, scarify - cut off the hard shell. For better germination, add soil from under adult bushes to the sowing site. Shoots appear in 1-3 years.

The simplest method of propagation is by rooted layering. In creeping forms, branches often take root on their own when they come into contact with the ground. Such a branch can be carefully trimmed and transplanted to a new place with a lump of earth.

Green cuttings for propagation are taken only from young plants, cut into pieces and soaked in a solution of a root formation stimulator. Cuttings of columnar varieties are planted straight, while cuttings of creeping varieties are planted obliquely. The appearance of new buds indicates that the cutting has taken root.

Juniper diseases

1. Physiological drying of needles.

Occurs in winter, especially on the sunny side. In the needles, under the influence of the sun, active photosynthesis begins to occur, for which the roots do not provide nutrition, since the ground is frozen. Columnar crowns are especially affected. Prevention - wrapping with covering material, pouring warm water on the roots.

2. Rust.

A fungal disease that appears as orange growths on branches. Diseased branches must be cut out and burned. Prevention - treatment with fungicidal preparations (Tilt, Skor, Bayleton, Vectra), separation of plantings with fruit trees (apple, pear), since it is from them that the junipers become infected.

A fungal disease that appears at the beginning of summer: last year’s needles turn yellow, then black dots appear on it. Dried branches must be cut out and burned. Prevention: treatment with fungicidal preparations (Skor, Ridomil Gold, Strobi, Quadris).

4. Drying of branches.

Can affect junipers of all types. It appears in the spring: first small branches turn yellow, then the disease covers an increasingly larger area of ​​the bush. Dark spots appear on the needles and bark. Caused by several types of fungi. The reason for the appearance is incorrect landing plants: denseness, heavy soils, stagnant water. Diseased, withered branches must be cut out and burned, and fallen needles must be collected. If the affected area is large, the bush is uprooted. For prevention, it is necessary to follow planting rules and treat juniper in spring and autumn with fungicidal preparations.

Junipers in landscape design

Junipers are widely used in landscape design. Evergreen conifers are especially beautiful in the winter landscape, and in summer they highlight beautifully flowering plants. Shrubs of dwarf creeping forms are indispensable for rockeries and alpine slides. Tall specimens will create a beautiful accent in compositions with an all-round view, and a row of columnar junipers will cover the fence in the background. Pruning and shaping juniper allows you to give it almost any shape.

Examples of ready-made compositions using junipers:

1. For illuminated places.

The composition is based on decorative coniferous plants. Primroses will begin to bloom in the spring, followed by spirea and daylilies in the summer. This composition will look beautiful against the background lawn grass, it includes:

  1. Day-lily
  2. Primrose
  3. Spiraea japonica Little Princess
  4. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd
  5. Thuja occidentalis Danica
  6. Juniper Andorra

2. B lilac tones for illuminated places and partial shade.

The purple leaves of bladderwrack, barberry and heuchera are set off by white clusters of spirea and a scattering of cinquefoil flowers. Blue juniper needles give the composition nobility and depth. Composition:

  1. Heuchera Palace Purpl
  2. Barberry Atropurpurea Nana
  3. Cinquefoil Royal Flush
  4. Rock juniper Blue Arrow
  5. Juniper scaly Blue Carpet
  6. Spiraea Grefsheim
  7. Diabolo

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous plant that not only pleases the eye with its growth, but also has many beneficial properties. It is a small tree with needle-like leaves. They have a green color. The fruits of the plant are small cones of dark blue or brown color. You can see what a juniper with fruits looks like in the photo.

Types and varieties with photos

There are a large number of varieties and varieties of this plant. The most popular of them should be considered in more detail.

This is a frost-resistant plant species that usually reaches 12 m in height. Dark blue cones can be seen already in the third year of growth. There are the following varieties of common juniper:

  1. Suetsika. This is a columnar shrub with dense needles. Reaches 4 m in height, has a bluish or light green tint. Grows productively in areas illuminated by sunlight. On shady areas Suetsica may become more spreading and loose. Often used in landscape design. You can see what this plant variety looks like in the photo.
  2. Green Carpet. A small shrub of a light green hue, which barely reaches 1 m in height. Prefers to grow on slopes. This variety is more spreading than other representatives of the common juniper, since its width can reach 2 m. The growth of Green Carpet can be seen in the photo.
  3. Hibernica. Unpretentious variety plants because they can grow in any soil. The tree is narrow and quite tall - can reach 5 m. Does not tolerate straight sun rays. As a result of their influence, the plant may change its color. How Hibernica grows can be seen in the photo.
  4. Gold Con. A narrow tree reaching 4 m in height. It has a pyramidal shape. Depending on the season, the needles may change their color. Gold Con is unpretentious to fertile soil. In shady areas it may turn dark green in color. In the photo of the tree you can see the changed color of the needle-shaped leaves.

Many people have a question: is common juniper a shrub or a tree? It actually depends on the plant variety. Too much small juniper is considered to be a shrub. As for the higher varieties, they are considered trees.

This tree, which has a pyramidal shape, reaches 10 m in height. Rock juniper is especially popular in countries with hot climates. Thanks to this view landscape designers create great coniferous compositions on personal plots. The most popular varieties of this type of plant are:

  1. Skyrocket. Tall tree– about 8 m. It has a columnar shape, reaches 1 m in width. Siroket is unpretentious to adverse conditions environment, therefore it grows calmly in windy and dry areas. But it prefers to grow in illuminated areas. What Skyrocket looks like can be seen in the photo.
  2. Blue Arrow. It has a rich blue tint and reaches 4 m in height. Like Skyrocket, Blue Arrow is wind-resistant, drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

Rock juniper is often used in landscape design due to its unusual bluish tint.

This is the most unpretentious type of plant compared to all the others. Virginia juniper can usually be found along bodies of water and in windy areas. It is very slightly susceptible to rotting, so the wood of this type of plant is actively used for the production of pencils. Virginia juniper bears fruit well, and seeds can be obtained from the berries for subsequent planting. There are such varieties of plants of this species that are actively used in landscape design:

  1. Gray Owl. A plant with needle-like leaves of a grayish tint, reaches 1.5 m in height. A special feature of this variety is the large number of berries on the tree, which gives additional aesthetic appeal to the plant.
  2. Strict. The bluish needle-like leaves on this tree add additional charm to any garden plot or park area. Reaches 2 m, both in width and height.
  3. Pendula. Spreading tree, one of the tallest varieties. Grows well in any weather and climatic conditions.
  4. Burki. This variety of Virginia juniper is characterized by rapid growth. Coniferous leaves have a greenish-blue tint. Reaches 3 m in height, has a pyramidal shape.
  5. Kanaherty. It is a narrow oval tree that reaches 7 m in height. The needle-shaped leaves are dark green in color. In early autumn, dark blue fruits appear.
  6. Glautz. Columnar tree, about 5 m in height. A distinctive feature is the color of coniferous leaves - they are silver-gray.
  7. Blue Cloud. This variety is a small shrub - about 0.5 m. The creeping bush reaches 1.5 m in width. Blue Cloud has a grayish-blue tint.

It is important to know! A distinctive feature of many varieties of Virginia juniper is the bluish-gray color of the needle-shaped leaves!

This species is a slow-growing shrub and tree that can be found in China, Japan, South and North Korea. Chinese juniper has the form of spreading bushes, so it is actively used to decorate park areas and garden plots. The trees are quite tall - sometimes reaching 20 m. The names of the most popular varieties of Chinese juniper:

  1. Variegata. A pyramidal-shaped tree that has a bluish-green tint. Reaches 2 m in height and 1 m in width. Grows well in moist, fertile soils. Does not tolerate sunlight well.
  2. Kuriwao Gold. A shrub that reaches 2 m in both width and height. As they grow, the green leaves become lighter in color. In shady areas, Curivao Gold loses its rich color, so it is recommended to grow it in well-lit areas.
  3. Blue Alps. Characteristic feature This variety of Chinese juniper has a dense crown, the shoots of which fall to the edges. When planting a plant, preference should be given to a well-lit area.

It is important to know! Chinese juniper is actively used in landscape design for decoration small plots!

This type of plant is a frost-resistant, creeping shrub. Where does Cossack juniper grow? It can be found in areas of Asia and Europe. Description of the most common varieties:

  1. Tamariscifolia. The spreading branches of the plant are a shrub that reaches 0.5 m in height. It is much larger in width - about 2 m. The needle-shaped short leaves can be greenish or bluish. Color saturation directly depends on the illumination of the area. The more light, the brighter the color of the plant.
  2. Arcadia. A rather low shrub - 0.5 m. As for the width of the plant, it reaches 2 m or more. Over time, Arcadia grows and occupies a significant part of the territory.

A characteristic feature of all varieties of Cossack juniper is its significant growth in width. The height barely reaches 0.5 m.

Planting and care

  • the hole should be twice as deep as the height of the entire seedling;
  • after planting, the plant should be watered abundantly and covered with fertilizer;
  • periodically spray the crowns;
  • group planting requires a distance between plants of at least 2 m.

Despite the fact that juniper is an unpretentious plant to the soil, it is better to plant it on highly fertile soils.

As for caring for this shrub or tree, this procedure does not cause much trouble. Juniper grows normally without fertilizers. If desired, you can fertilize it monthly. The plant needs regular watering and spraying of the crowns.

It is important to know! This plant does not need pruning! This procedure can be carried out, but only if you want to make a hedge out of trees.

This plant can be grown at home. Indoor juniper should be small size, so it is better to choose the Chinese type for this purpose. It is not necessary to look for seedlings to grow plants at home. It is enough to simply purchase it in a specialized point of sale young juniper. Caring for this plant at home has the following distinctive features:

  1. Moderate watering of the plant. Excessive moisture and its stagnation can lead to disease or death of the juniper.
  2. The shrub should be grown in a well-ventilated area. Air circulation needs to be monitored.
  3. Prune branches every year. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at the end of winter, when active growth of the bush is observed.
  4. Root pruning. It is enough to carry out such manipulation once every 4 years.
  5. It is better to place the plant in the coldest room. Since heating in winter can have a detrimental effect on the growth of juniper. A balcony is ideal for normal growth.

It is important to know! Juniper loves a lot of light! Therefore, it should be placed in a well-lit place.

Juniper is a popular plant in alternative medicine. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial, antiseptic and antifungal action.

Juniper essential oil is actively used to treat the following diseases:

  • abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin;
  • rheumatism and other inflammatory processes in joint tissues;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea and body poisoning;
  • increased arterial and intraocular pressure;
  • disruption of gastric juice production;
  • general weakness of the body.

Juniper is also used in aromatherapy to alleviate conditions resulting from stressful situations or emotional turmoil. Relieves muscle fatigue and has a calming effect on the human body.

The use of this plant for medicinal purposes is not recommended for people with kidney failure, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because in some cases this may cause allergic reaction in the form of rashes on the skin. Therefore, before using juniper for treatment, you should consult a specialist.

– a key plant in almost every composition of modern landscape design, the variety of colors, shapes and sizes gives the gardener rich soil for imagination. Next, we will find out what types of juniper there are, what are their key features and planting requirements.

Many gardeners prefer juniper in their garden due to the following properties of this plant: undemanding to moisture and soil fertility, resistance to heat and frost, ease of care and a wide palette of colors, plasticity of shape and rich green color all year round. These are one of the few plants that can grow in saline soils. Numerous varieties of evergreen shrubs can decorate not only the garden, but also the windowsill in the apartment. There are different types of juniper to choose from - lush bushes and slender columns, big trees or ground cover shrubs, giants for use as a living fence or dwarfs for alpine slides.

A geometric crown is suitable for gardens with a regular layout, where you need to create view points and focus on the correct outlines of the flower beds. Spreading varieties are planted near a rock garden, border or pond, which make these objects more expressive. Spectacular rockeries will be the result of a combination of unshaped and shaped junipers, and for an oriental-style garden, dwarf bushes are suitable for decorating branching paths and rocky compositions. Below are descriptions of each variety of the plant in question with the corresponding grouping by species, data on growth activity and recommendations for care and planting.

Common junipers (Communis)

This type of juniper includes the following varieties.

  1. Gold Cone is a specimen with a dense, narrow-conical shape, reaching a meter in width and 4 m in height. The annual growth is 5 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The period of active growth occurs in summer, the color of young shoots is bright yellow, by autumn it gives way to yellow-green and bronze by winter. Stagnant waterlogging of the soil is something this plant cannot tolerate. Gold Cone is undemanding to the soil, but it is best to avoid compacting it. The main advantages are love of the sun and frost resistance. If kept in the shade, the needles will acquire a pleasant green color. For a couple of years after planting in a permanent place, this variety should be provided with good care, which consists of tying branches for the winter, shelter from the scorching sun and regular watering.
  2. Hibernika is a variety with a narrow columnar crown, reaching a meter in width and 3.5 m in height, the annual growth is similar to the previous variety. This variety has bluish-green, non-thorny needles, is frost-resistant and grows well in well-lit areas. There are no special requirements for the soil. To protect from the sun, the plant must be covered in early spring, and tie for the winter to prevent deformation and death of branches under the snow.
  3. Green Carpet is a juniper with a dense ground cover. An adult plant reaches one and a half meters in width and half a meter in height with an annual growth of 15 cm and 5 cm, respectively. This variety is distinguished by light green creeping shoots with non-thorny needles. For planting, choose well-lit places; slopes and rocky gardens are perfect.
  4. Suecica is a variety with a columnar crown. The height of an adult plant reaches 4 m and the width is a meter. The growth in width per year is 5 cm, and in height – 15 cm. These shrubs are dense, the shoots are dense and vertical with a bluish or sometimes green needle-like crown. Distinctive features– slow growth, frost resistance, relative unpretentiousness. If you choose a poorly lit place for planting, the crown will become spreading and loose. This specimen tolerates pruning very well, making it possible to create fancy garden compositions from it.

Chinese junipers (Chinensis)

This variety of junipers is decorative and includes the following types:

  1. Blaauw - very unusual variety with an asymmetrical crown with ascending shoots. An adult plant reaches one and a half meters in height and width with an annual growth of 5 cm in width and 10 cm in length. This variety is frost-resistant and thrives in both light and partial shade. It is better to choose nutritious, drained, light, moderately moist soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral PH.
  2. Blue Alps is a variety with a dense crown, the ends of the shoots hanging down, reaching 2 meters in width and height with an annual growth of 5 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The color of the needles of this juniper when grown in a illuminated area is very pleasant, silver-blue. In the shade, the needles may become less saturated. The advantages include frost resistance and undemandingness to soil and moisture.
  3. Kuriwao Gold is a variety with a wide, round or asymmetrical shape that reaches two meters in width and height. The annual growth according to these indicators is 5 cm. Against the background of dark green needles, the bright golden young thin shoots stand out very beautifully and in quite a contrast, thereby creating the impression of airiness and lightness. The color in the shade becomes less saturated, so it is better to choose well-lit areas for planting. An excellent choice would be a rocky garden, a mixed or coniferous group, as well as a single planting.
  4. Variegata is a juniper with a pyramidal crown, reaching a meter wide and 2 meters high. The annual growth is 5 cm for both indicators. This variety is distinguished by light yellow spots against the background of a blue-green pyramidal crown. The plant is frost-resistant and sun-loving, has low requirements for moisture and soil, but it is better to drain it well and avoid stagnant waterlogging and salinity. The destructive effect of the early spring sun must be prevented by covering the plant.

Horizontal (Horizontalis)

This variety includes mainly shrubs, including the following varieties:

  1. Andorra Variegata is a dwarf shrub with a cushion-shaped crown and raised shoots that radiate from the center in the form of rays. An adult plant reaches 1.5 m in width and 40 cm in height with an annual growth of 5 cm and 3 cm, respectively. The needles are the main decoration of this variety; their color is bright green with soft white splashes. IN winter period the color becomes purple-violet. Like most juniper varieties, it is frost-resistant and prefers sunny areas.
  2. Blue Chip is a shrub with a creeping crown, which is in the highest demand compared to other horizontal ones. Reaches 2 m in width and 30 cm in height, annual growth is 5 cm and 3 cm, respectively. The shoots of this juniper spread densely and gracefully along the ground, slightly raising the ends. In winter, the silver-blue needles turn purple.
  3. Blue Forest is a creeping shrub 1.5 m wide and 30 cm high. Annual growth is 5 cm and 3 cm, respectively. The peculiarity of this variety is represented by vertically directed shoots, due to which the effect of a miniature blue forest is created. The color is most original and attractive at the beginning of summer. It can be grown both in a illuminated area and in partial shade.
  4. Limeglow is a cushion-shaped shrub one and a half meters wide and 40 cm high. Annual growth is 5 cm and 3 cm, respectively. When creating contrasting garden compositions, you should pay attention to the bright, golden-yellow needles of this plant. In the shade, the color intensity is lost; heavy soils are not suitable for growing. In winter it turns brownish in color.

Cossacks (Sabina)

This species also includes upright varieties with a creeping or cushion-shaped crown.

  1. Arcadia reaches 2.5 m in width and 50 cm in height, the crown is creeping, the color is light green. A well-lit area and light shade are suitable for growing. The crown of a young plant is cushion-shaped, but over time it becomes like a fantasy carpet.
  2. Glauca. The width of an adult plant is 2 m, height is 1 m. Usually the color of the needles is gray-blue, but with the advent of cold weather it acquires a bronze tint. Black cones with a waxy coating contrast very interestingly with the thick needles. Sunny places promote more active growth.
  3. Tamariscifolia reaches 2 m wide and 50 cm high. The branches of this variety are spreading and often located. The color of the needles can be from bluish to light green, the shape is needle-shaped. The color will be more saturated if you choose illuminated areas.

Medium junipers (Media)

  1. Gold Coast has a spreading, dense crown. The maximum width of the plant is 2 m. The shoots are located horizontally, rich in decorative golden needles, which darken with the onset of winter.
  2. Mint Julep is a spreading shrub with arching branches, shoots hanging elegantly downwards. It is distinguished by active growth, bright green needles and round bluish berries. An adult plant reaches 2 m in width and 1.5 m in height.
  3. Old Gold - compact wide shrub correct form. It is characterized by slow growth and the presence of decorative golden needles. Reaches 2 m in width.
  4. Hetzii is a shrub with a wide crown and blue-gray needles. Requires well-drained and relatively fertile soil and reaches 2 m wide and 1.5 m high.
  5. Gold Star is a spreading shrub with scaly, needle-like needles of golden color. Reaches 2 m in width and a meter in height.
  6. Pfitzeriana Aurea is a shrub with a rounded crown and skeletal horizontal dense branches. The color of young shoots is golden lemon, the color of adult plants is yellowish. With the onset of summer, the needles acquire a greenish tint. It is characterized by slow growth and high winter hardiness.

Scaly junipers (Squamata)

This category includes junipers with a silver-blue crown with approximately the same growth rates - Blue Carpet, Blue Star and Meyeri. The latter is characterized by the most active growth - 15 cm in width and 10 in height per year.

Rocky (Scopulorum)

It is also worth highlighting the species of coastal junipers Conferta, the most prominent representative of which is Schlager - a dwarf shrub with a creeping crown and long green needles. Looks good in rock gardens and rocky gardens. No less decorative is the Virginiana Gray Owl juniper with a thick wide crown and silver or greenish needles.