Cutting out plywood with a jigsaw: drawings, preparation for work and general recommendations. Cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw: drawings and rules for working with the tool Cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw drawings

Sawing out of plywood is one of the most fascinating and, moreover, useful options leisure! It develops creative skills, accuracy and precision, instills work skills and helps to master various tools.

As part of our article, we want to introduce you to the technology of sawing from plywood sheets and two easy-to-make crafts. All drawings are included, so if you wish, you can repeat them with your own hands, together with your children, who will certainly be interested in this process from start to finish.

General cutting technology + ideas for crafts made from plywood

Plywood is a universal material used in the most various fields! You can create many amazing things from it, which is what we will do now. Like any other creative activity, sawing from plywood sheets begins with preparing tools and material.

A simple set of tools

So, we will need:

  • . It is a wooden or metal frame shaped like the letter “P”. At the ends of this frame there are special clamps with screws into which the nail file is secured.

For your information!
Jigsaw files are thin and narrow steel strips with sharp teeth on one side.
Alas, they break easily, so it is better to take them with a reserve.
Fortunately, the price of these devices is quite low.

  • Special key for securing the file in the jigsaw.

  • Three-layer plywood sheets (the thinnest)- This best material for cutting something out with a jigsaw. But if you don’t have thin plywood, then you can use thick plywood (from 4 to 9 mm).

  • Sawing stand. You can make it yourself from a board about 10 millimeters thick. The stand is positioned on the table so that the part with the cutout hangs over its edge. It can be secured to the workplace using screws or nails.

  • Skin (coarse-grained and fine-grained).
  • Awl, files and needle files.
  • Pliers - in case the file gets stuck in the plywood - they are very convenient to pull it out.
  • Hacksaw (in case you have to).
  • Copy paper.
  • Several sharpened pencils.
  • PVA glue .

  • Drawings of the future.

Sawing technology

For convenience, below is step-by-step instruction, in which the process of working with plywood is described in detail:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare your desktop. Wipe it with a damp cloth to remove small mounds of sawdust and dust. Check that all the tools are in their place. The room in which your workplace should always be ventilated and well lit.
  2. Next comes the preparation of the most important tool - the jigsaw. To do this, unscrew the screws and secure the ends of the nail file in its clamps.
    The file is inserted so that the direction of its teeth is not inside the jigsaw frame, but forward with a downward slope. The inclination of the teeth is easy to check - just run your finger along them. The already inserted nail file is tensioned using several turns of the tension screw.

The file needs to be pulled tight, otherwise it will not cut well and will quickly break.

In this way, the nail file is fixed into the wooden manual jigsaw. Concerning metal tool, then here this process is a little different.

First, one end of the file is inserted into the lower clamp, then the end of the jigsaw where the upper clamp is located rests against the edge of the table. Next, you need to lightly press the handle with your chest so that the jigsaw frame bends slightly and the clamps come closer together.

While holding the tool in this position, you need to secure the second end of the nail file in the upper clamp. After this, the jigsaw is released: the frame takes its original shape, the ends with its clamps diverge again and tighten the file.

  1. Have you noticed that the surface of the plywood is a little rough, and in some places there are cracks and chips? You need to get rid of them using sandpaper, sanding all defects against the grain. The quality should be even, absolutely smooth, silky to the touch and glossy in the light.
    After this, check the plywood sheet again - if there are no visible defects, then you can proceed to drawing the drawing.

  1. A drawing of the future craft is drawn on a sheet of paper. Then a suitable piece of plywood is covered with a sheet of carbon paper, a drawing is placed on top, secured with buttons and outlined with a sharp pencil.
  1. The plywood with the translated pattern is placed on the stand, and the jigsaw is positioned so that the file is in the slot of the stand. The parts are cut out using up and down movements. The file only cuts when moving downwards; at this time it is necessary to slightly press it forward.

Advice! Watch carefully - the nail file should move straight perpendicular to the plywood, without tilting. And when the drawing requires you to make a turn, then turn the plywood, not the jigsaw.

If the parts have internal holes, then cutting should begin with them, and only then move on to the external contours. To cut a hole efficiently, make a puncture on its edge with an awl or drill. Next, release one end of the jigsaw file from the clamp, thread it through the puncture made and secure it with the clamp again. Having cut the required hole, remove the nail file in exactly the same way.

During operation, the file becomes very hot and, becoming hot, quickly becomes dull and breaks.
Therefore, periodically cool it by wiping it with a damp cloth or taking a break.

  1. Clean all sawn parts: holes and ribs of deep recesses with a file, the rest of the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Final stages– assembly and gluing of the craft with PVA glue. There shouldn’t be any difficulties here, the main thing is to understand the drawing correctly.

If you wish, you can also paint the product, varnish it, or burn a beautiful pattern on it. It all depends on your imagination!

Mercedes car model

Try to cut out such a simple Mercedes model, which can become the first in your collection of toy cars. Drawings of crafts made from plywood using a jigsaw will be presented below. When assembling a craft, look at them, or rather, at the numbers by which the assembly is carried out.

This is done according to the following rule: part number 1 is attached to another part number 1, two to the second, and so on. If some parts cannot be inserted into the required grooves, file them down or clean them with needle files. Did you manage to assemble the product without any problems? You can safely glue all the parts together!

Animal figurines

A very simple, but nevertheless interesting idea. So, together with your children, you can have fun cutting out various animal figures from plywood. To do this, you just need to cut out four legs and glue them to the body on both sides to give the toy stability. In some cases, stands are made and the figures are mounted on them.

As a result, you may end up with a whole toy zoo or a story scene. Believe me, children will be delighted with such an exciting activity, and it won’t take up much of your time. Then you can ask your wife to help the guys color their new “friends.”


Creating all sorts of products with your own hands is always exciting! After all, personal work, time and a piece of creative thought are invested in every detail. Therefore, finished crafts are valued as a real work of art and are found in the most honorable places in the house. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Have a creative flight!

Similar materials

Recently, various inscriptions and individual letters made of wood or plywood have become very popular. They are used in a wide variety of situations. You've probably seen similar products in some magazines dedicated to interior design, in gift and accessory stores, in wedding boutiques, in offices offering organization of holidays. Often such decorations appear in television projects about renovation and interior design. In addition, you may have seen similar signs in stores.

What are these letters and inscriptions?

Essentially, it’s just plywood from which words or individual letters are cut out using some tool (more on that later in the article), painted in a certain color and decorated various decor(paper, rhinestones, threads, etc.). But, more often than not, it is just an inscription (or letter) without any additional decorations.

These products may have different fastening formats. In order to hang them on the wall, you need to provide special hooks on the back. To be placed on a flat surface - on a table or on a shelf - they are mounted on a stand made of the same plywood or glass. In addition, they are often used without any additional fastenings. They simply place it on a flat surface, and the inscriptions or letters stand up due to their thickness. This is true for plywood products with a thickness of 12 mm or more.

Who needs such letters and words and why?

The question is correct and logical. After all, some readers might still not understand what kind of business this is. Who needs all these letters made of some kind of plywood? Where to use them? Why buy something like this at all? And who are these people - the buyers of “plywood words”? Let's look at these seven questions in order.

Where can all these words and letters made from plywood be used? Here are a few illustrative examples. And then you can figure it out for yourself.

Inscriptions for interior decoration. Despite the apparent simplicity of these products, they look simply amazing in real life. Especially if they are painted with high-quality expensive paint. Such inscriptions can be placed on a shelf, on a bookshelf, on a fireplace, on a desktop. They can decorate the walls of a house or apartment, giving the interior an unusual, modern and very stylish look.

Another area of ​​application is creating a background for photo shoots. Now you can take pictures not just at home or in the park, but in a specially equipped studio. Just don’t confuse them with traditional komorkas, where they take passport photos in 5 minutes. It's about about modern studios, where there are not only different classes and purposes, but also various decorations to create a beautiful background. Words (and other figures) made of plywood are actively used by photographers to create thematic backgrounds for photo shoots.

Need more examples? Fine. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate events. Everywhere there are letters and words made from plywood sheets, written in fashionable fonts and painted in stylish colors, will be a wonderful holiday decoration. No worse than the already pretty boring balloons and flowers. And for the birthday boy, you can generally prepare a gift by cutting out his name and age, for example, from plywood. Such crafts are especially loved by young mothers who are happy to buy these paraphernalia to celebrate their child’s birthday.

You can also make stylish inscriptions from plywood for restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, offices, etc. If you look at the world with your eyes wide open, you can understand that inscriptions and letters made of wood can be used almost anywhere where you want to add style, design and beauty.

How to organize a home business for making inscriptions from plywood?

This business has three components - equipment and raw materials, the manufacturing process and the search for distribution channels. That's all. It seems that everything is simple. Actually... it's simple.

Very often, such a business is organized by those people who are faced with the purchase of such accessories. When you need one such inscription, then, no problem, we order and receive it. But when a lot of letters or inscriptions are needed, many begin to think about the high cost of these products. And they are really not cheap.

Potential buyers begin to study the issue and come to the conclusion that it is more profitable (and more interesting) to make such inscriptions themselves. Right at home. Moreover, you can get by with simple equipment, and the raw materials are quite inexpensive. So, step by step, buyers turn into entrepreneurs.

Let's move on to organizing a business. Let's start with equipment and raw materials.

There is only one raw material in this matter - plywood. True, sheets will be needed for different purposes different thicknesses. Just do not use plywood that is too thin (less than 6 mm) - it can quickly lose its shape, and therefore its presentation. In addition to plywood, you will need paint. You can use different types, but many “experimenters” end up choosing acrylic. This paint applies better, dries faster, holds tighter and looks very, very presentable.

Plywood costs about 500 rubles per sheet of 1.5×1.5 m format. Paint - depending on the manufacturer - from 150 rubles per liter.

Equipment. Everything here is very interesting. Each master cuts letters from plywood in the way that seems more convenient to him. Or the one that this moment enough money. Because the price range is from several hundred rubles to hundreds of thousands.

The simplest tool is a jigsaw. Regular hand jigsaw. Even with its help you can cut out the most bizarre shapes. Including letters and entire inscriptions. There are a lot of advantages - accuracy, ease of use, low cost. Such a tool, even of the highest quality, costs no more than 1000 rubles. And non-branded models can be purchased for 150-200 rubles. The same goes for consumables– files – they also cost 100 rubles for a whole set (expensive ones – the same price per piece).

Among the disadvantages of a manual jigsaw, the following can be noted. Firstly, the ability to work only with small inscriptions. You won't be able to cut a large surface with a jigsaw. Because it will be simply impossible to crawl up. Secondly, not every hand jigsaw can easily handle plywood with a thickness of more than 10-12 mm. It will work, of course, but it will take a lot of time. And you won't need a single spare file. Third, manual cutting with large volumes it is a very problematic task. Whatever one may say, it’s difficult to work with your hands. And it won't happen quickly.

Therefore, the second option is an electric jigsaw. It has almost all the advantages of a regular jigsaw, but significantly speeds up the production process. In addition, it allows you to saw even very thick plywood - 30-40 mm. The disadvantage is the price. Good model(Bosh, Makita) will cost 4000-6000 rubles.

Another option is a jigsaw. There are two types. The first real machine, which is similar in size and appearance to a machine. Such units cost from 15,000 rubles or more. For those who want to save (both money and space in their home), there are also desktop jigsaw machines. They look like sewing machine. And in size, about the same. Prices start from 3000 rubles.

Well, the most expensive option is automated milling machine. Price tag – from 150,000 rubles and more. But it seriously saves time and performs cutting flawlessly. In addition, it can be used not only for plywood, but also for wood, glass, acrylic and even metal. All this opens up new prospects for business development.

In general, choose the option that suits you. A lot here depends on your financial capabilities, as well as on the type of home you have. Well, it is very problematic to place the machine within an ordinary apartment.

Now about the manufacturing process. It is clear that at the last stage the inscription is cut out with a jigsaw or on a machine, after which it is sanded and painted. But another question arises - where does this inscription even come from?

First you need to install any graphics program on your computer. Perfect option– Photoshop. Moreover, today it has become available. The license costs about $20 per month. Next, download various fonts. Of course, we are interested in beautiful designer fonts. Just make sure that they are free (this will avoid problems in the future). Or buy good quality fonts.

The further process is simple and clear. We create an inscription in the program the right size and using the desired font. We add some elements that will become part of the composition. Be careful - the letters and all elements of the inscription must be a single whole. That is, all elements must have points of contact. Otherwise, it will be impossible to cut out a whole word.

Next, print out the resulting template. You may have to print it on several sheets if the writing is large and long. We take plywood, apply our template, after placing carbon paper. We secure everything so that the inscription does not move around on the plywood. And we transfer everything to a blank for the future inscription. We remove the stencil and carbon paper. All. The material is ready. All that remains is to cut and paint.

Now about the implementation process. Of course, at first no one knows about you. Therefore, your initial goal is to shine. Wherever possible. Make some cool signs. Take good pictures. It might be worth inviting a great photographer. Create a portfolio. And then – leave your portfolio on message boards, on thematic sites and forums, on special platforms, such as the “Masters Fair”. Take a tour of gift shops, wedding salons, and offices that organize holidays. Offer them your products. After some time, the first orders will arrive. And then word of mouth will work. This will provide you with constant orders. And a stable income. Good luck!

Many people begin to hone their skills in childhood. For girls it is sewing and knitting; for boys it is carpentry. Ordinary children's interests develop into something more over time. In this regard, the children cutting out crafts from plywood with a jigsaw, as a result, over the years, acquires the features of design art.

Plywood jigsaw and fantasy - elements of personality development

Indeed, the plywood sheet in in capable hands can be beautiful object interior And even for beginners who first encountered and became interested in performing original wooden crafts, this will certainly become an interesting and exciting activity. And at the same time useful, honing the skills of decorative woodworking.

This activity is a great opportunity to have a great time with interest and benefit. Relax and at the same time enthusiastically do what you love, giving pleasure both to the process itself and to its result. In addition, the created things, which will certainly subsequently decorate the house, will serve to form a common home comfort and comfort.

The main benefit of cutting out beautiful decorative elements made of plywood is in the process spiritual development man, his ennoblement. Mastery, skill, labor development, all this is inherent in these classes.

Work shapes personality. And working on what you love is doubly interesting. Time no longer has power over busyness here. They don't notice him. And this is one of the signs of true passion.

"Exhibition" of skill

The arrangement of a house or apartment involves making a personal contribution to feeling the aura of inner beauty. And sometimes even externally, since the placement of objects made of plywood can be located, for example, on the territory of a summer cottage.

Of course, the result of fruitful work will always find its rightful place. Whether it's a carved lampshade for table lamp or light plywood crafts in the form of figures, located on bookshelves and acting as book dividers.

More complex elements are performed with a solid consolidation of knowledge on working with wood material. To rush and immediately start cutting out such objects means wasting time and ruining the material.

First steps on the path to perfection

It's worth starting with the simplest. And for the initial comprehension of the science of carving, choose a certain one to help you educational literature, presented as a guide to making decorative wooden elements from plywood sheets. Take advantage of the advice of experts on thematic Internet sites. Be sure to look at photos of crafts made from plywood. This in itself will attract interest in such work.

Nothing awakens zeal for something more than seeing its results. And products made from plywood sheets, sanded, treated with paints or varnish leave an indelible impression.

Separately, it is necessary to mention this required element like drawings. They are necessary in any case. When performing complex figures and when cutting out the most simple details. It is much easier to work with a material when its future appearance is determined in advance.

Returning to the question of the initial steps, it is worth mentioning such important things as carefully studying the rules for using tools and materials. And of course about mastering technology. It is quite simple and will take a little time to master.

But in order to achieve the master class level, in addition to consolidating in memory technological stages process of making wooden plywood crafts, additional knowledge is also required.

Signs of a true master

A true master will immediately determine:

  • what type of plywood sheet is best suited for sawing and processing. Wood varies in quality and properties. Some types are easier to work with, but some types are more difficult due to delamination, sudden appearance of cracks and other negative aspects.
  • what thickness of material to choose for a specific design of a future craft;
  • what jigsaw files to buy in order to use them for a long time.

This experience develops over a longer period. But the more interesting it becomes to advance along the path of self-improvement.

Handmade crafts made from plywood, at first simple, unprepossessing, but over time, acquiring real features that confirm high class home handyman, can become a substantive reflection of the formation and development of artistic skills wooden decoration. Sometimes this is expressed in a very original way.

Over a certain period of time, plywood crafts are displayed in a row one after another, and then a picture of the gradual passage of the entire path from a student to a real specialist begins to emerge.

Photos of plywood crafts

Plywood is a versatile material that is commonly used in furniture production and private construction.

With a little skill and creative imagination, using this building material you can make children's toys, decorative crafts For personal plot, small household items. It is noteworthy that this does not require special skills or knowledge.

Let's see what interesting products You can make it from plywood yourself, with a little free time and patience.

Why plywood

The choice in favor of plywood was not made by chance. Unlike simple wood, this material has the following advantages:

  • strength . The structure of the sheet is multilayer, which ensures a certain rigidity and resistance to deformation;
  • availability . Available in any hardware store and sold in an affordable price segment;
  • ease of processing. Cutting crafts does not always require a power tool; you can get by with an ordinary jigsaw;
  • safety . The material is environmentally friendly, so you can even make toys from it without fear that your child will develop an allergy.

Plywood initially has a smooth surface, so it does not need additional.

Products are divided into grades, which differ not only in cost, but also in quality. For crafts, they usually use sheets of the 1st and 2nd grades, which do not have veneer delamination, chips and other defects. If the decorative decoration is intended to be used in the garden, it makes sense to give preference to moisture-resistant plywood.

Figurines for the garden

DIY plywood crafts for the garden are the most practical and inexpensive way decorate your garden plot. Here you can fully realize your creative potential by making your garden or flower bed more original and interesting.

Select a template

The key feature of plywood is its versatility. From a flat sheet you can cut out almost any figure using a template. A cat climbing over a fence at the dacha, holding a piece of sausage in its teeth; a curious man watching his neighbors through binoculars; a herd of reindeer grazing in a flowerbed. There are a lot of options, and crafts can be flat or voluminous.

It is better for inexperienced craftsmen to start with simple flat figures, which are made in 1.5-2 hours, maximum in a day.

As a sketch, you can use the ideas of other masters, look at the design options for your personal plot on the Internet, or create your own funny drawing. It is better to draw the template on tracing paper or graph paper, and then carefully transfer it to the plane of the plywood sheet. A good option: create an image in Microsoft program Power Point.

You can make a high-quality sketch for a plywood craft using this application according to the following scheme:

  • move to working window program favorite drawing;
  • go to the scaling section and set the aspect ratio based on the size of the existing sheet of plywood;
  • break the finished drawing into fragments;
  • print them one by one on the printer.

After this, the individual fragments of the picture are glued into one sheet, the template is carefully cut out along the contour, applied to the plywood and traced with a simple pencil. This operation takes no more than half an hour, but this technique allows you to create effective templates, even without artistic abilities.

Manufacturing technology

After drawing the sketch on a plywood sheet, the figure needs to be cut out.

For thin sheets of plywood, a regular jigsaw is suitable; thicker material can be cut faster with an electric tool.

The cut should not be made strictly along the contour, but leaving a margin of about 1 millimeter. This is a common precaution so that the canvas does not accidentally move to the side and ruin the template. If the decorative decoration involves through cuts, the starting groove is drilled with a drill, after which a jigsaw file is passed through the resulting hole.

After completion of the work, the remaining irregularities are removed with a fine file or sandpaper.


Of course, even the most original figurine requires at least painting to become brighter and more interesting.

Before applying the design, the entire surface that is supposed to be painted must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper, making the plywood a little rough. This will ensure better adhesion of wood to paint and varnish materials. Then you need to remove the wood dust remaining after treatment and degrease the surface with a solvent.

If the template is multi-colored, it is recommended to mark the demarcation lines with masking tape. It is better to paint fragments of such crafts separately to avoid accidental mixing of colors.

The paint is applied in multiple layers, with each subsequent layer applied only after the previous one has completely dried. This painting scheme will make the design more durable: the paint will not fade in the sun or peel off after rain.

At the final stage finished surface can be varnished to make the figure more resistant to impact environment. The varnish is applied according to a similar scheme: a multi-layer texture with the obligatory drying of each layer.

Note! If the figurines are removed from the garden in winter period, you will have to renew the paint approximately every 3-4 years.

To increase the moisture resistance of the pattern, it is recommended to choose acrylic paints for external use. Materials for facade works more resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture, reliably protect the tree.

Volumetric figures made of plywood

beautiful, volumetric crafts in 3D format you can easily make it yourself. In general, such products are manufactured similarly to the scheme given above. The only caveat: the figure will consist of several elements.

For example, if we are talking about a rooster, which will serve as a good decorative decoration lawn, then three-dimensional figurine will consist of the following parts:

  • body, including head and tail;
  • two wings: one on each side;
  • a pair of paws.

Each element is cut out separately according to the drawn up sketch. After which the figure is assembled into a single whole using glue or decorative nails. Using a similar scheme, you can make any animal (cat, dog, bear), mushroom, gnome, lantern and much more. Souvenirs are also cut out small sizes, which are installed on a shelf.

Children's toys made of plywood

Almost any children's toy can be made from plywood. For the little ones, pyramids or mobiles that hang above the baby’s crib are suitable. For example, you can make a pendant of multi-colored stars, which are attached to a fishing line and rotate slowly, evoking pleasant dreams.

For older children, various cars, tanks, airplanes, and puzzles are suitable. It is noteworthy that you can involve a child in the creation of each toy, which will not only allow you to have a fun time, but also teach the boy how to use the instrument.

Girls will not be left out either. You can cut it out of plywood Dollhouse and make all the interior furnishings: beds, chairs, dishes. Appearance Crafts for children made from plywood are much more interesting than those made from factory toys, because they are made with soul. They can be given for a birthday, and it will be a very unusual and pleasant gift.

Such compositions do not contain toxic substances, therefore, they will not create health problems, even if the child puts the toy he likes into his mouth.

Setting up the kitchen

Taking into account the specifics of the application, kitchen crafts are made from dense, water-resistant plywood.

This material is not afraid of moisture and steam, so it can last for several years. Carved shelves, boxes for storing spices and other necessary small items are usually made from plywood. cutting boards, hooks for potholders, souvenir refrigerator magnets.

If you have some experience, you can assemble a whole kitchen set, which will not differ from the products of furniture factories. To do this, use thick sheets of plywood, a jigsaw or a hacksaw. And of course, you need to have some free time and desire.

A jigsaw is one of the most common hand-held power tools. They can process the most different materials: wood, plastic, ceramics, metal, etc. However, the main material with which most jigsaw masters work is plywood.

Using a narrow file, this tool allows you to not only make straight cuts, but also create intricate patterns. And in this article we will look at some tips from experts working with jigsaws.

Features of working with a jigsaw

A jigsaw for cutting out plywood looks like a very simple tool and can be used to produce straight cut Almost every beginner can do it. However, if we talk about beautiful curly patterns, then here it is necessary not only to have certain skills, but also to select the right files.

Main nuances

When cutting out plywood with a jigsaw with your own hands, you should know the following:

  1. The main condition for obtaining an even cut is making the right choice tool files. To ensure that the cut on the front side is without scoring, you need to use a thin file with the teeth pointing downwards.
  2. The workpiece needs to be firmly secured, otherwise you won’t get an even cut

  1. A few words about files. Available for jigsaws a large number of saws, which differ from each other both in thickness and design features.
    Depending on this they distinguish:
    • Saw or side divorce. The teeth bend to the right and left in turn, like hand saws. This method produces files with relatively large teeth. They are used for fast straight cutting. The cut will have rough edges, so it should be sanded.
    • Canvas with undercut. In this case, the teeth do not have a pattern at all. These files allow you to make very thin and clean cuts. Naturally, the speed of work decreases. If such a file has a slight gap, then the work will go a little faster. However, in this case, the main emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of the cut.
    • Wavy divorce. To enable very small and narrow saw blades to make wider cuts, cutting edge the canvas is made wavy. For the most part, such files are used when working with metal, but they are often used when working with plywood to obtain a narrow and clean cut in a fairly short time.

Sawing patterns with a jigsaw

You can use patterns from magazines on embroidery, knitting or paper cutting.

In order to transfer a drawing to plywood you need to do the following:

  1. We transfer the pattern onto thick paper.
  2. Using a sharp utility knife or scalpel, cut out the stencil.
  3. We apply the stencil to the surface of the material, tracing it with a simple pencil.
  4. Now you can start cutting out the pattern.

Unlike making a straight cut, cutting out plywood with a jigsaw has its own characteristics.

This instruction will help you understand all the intricacies of the work:

  1. To cut along a curve, use a saw with a narrow blade.
  2. For you need to use special nozzle- round cutter. The circle cutter is fixed in the center of the circle, after which you can start working.
  1. If you need to select grooves in a piece of wood, you can use a rasp instead of a file. It is also used to clean up uneven cuts.
  2. In order to make a perfectly accurate and even cut, you should use rip fence. It must be attached to the jigsaw using screws.
    A special guide ruler can be installed on the “ski”, thanks to which the cut goes parallel to the straight edge. Before you begin, you must make sure that the ruler is firmly attached and aligned with the canvas. Otherwise, the movement of the saw will be incorrect, and it may break or “burn” the material being processed.
  1. If you need to make a straight, long cut, you can use an auxiliary guide. In this case, the jigsaw will move along the firmly fixed bar.
  2. With help of this instrument You can make cuts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. The angle of inclination is set on a scale.
  1. Sawing a hole. Very often, when cutting out ornaments, the craftsman needs to make a hole in the plywood.
    There are two options for this:
    • The first option is the simplest. You need to drill a hole with a drill, after which you insert a file into it and continue cutting out the desired design.
    • The second option involves the use of plunge or plunge cutting technology. There is no need to drill a starting hole. To do this, you need to place the tool on the front edge of the “ski” without touching the workpiece with the blade.

Plunge sawing should always start at the waste end of the material.
The saw should not enter the plywood too close to the cutting line, so as not to damage the material.

  1. If you need to cut a thick board and the saw blade is not long enough for this, you need to use a file with a pointed end. First, we saw through the workpiece on one side, then we turn it and saw through on the other.
  2. To cut out a shaped part, you can attach the tool to the bottom of the work table. If the workpiece is fed evenly and smoothly, you will be able to get a cut with clean, even edges.
The photo shows a tool attached to the bottom of the desktop.


From this article you learned how to cut plywood with a jigsaw. Here we discussed the basic principles of working with this tool, which will help you in implementing various construction and design solutions.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Similar materials