Growing parsley from seedlings from A to Z: a ​​classic method and an unusual method for home conditions. Growing parsley at home and in open ground Technology for growing parsley in open ground

Growing greens from seeds is a common method among gardeners, but To obtain early parsley, it is recommended to use another method - cultivation through seedlings.

Greens are grown using two methods:

  1. Sow the seeds in containers and then transfer them with soil without disturbing the root system of the plants.
  2. Seedlings are obtained immediately in pots, and then transplanted into the ground (cultivation with open root systems).

When seedlings grown using the first method are transferred to the beds, the greenery continues to grow without significant changes. With the second cultivation method, parsley, moved to a plot, adapts to new conditions for some time.

Important! With the help of seedlings, lush greenery is obtained earlier, about 1.5 or 2 months faster than from seeds planted in the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages

The seedling growing method has many advantages. These include:

  • Collecting abundant and early greenery, different from the yields obtained when sowing parsley seeds in open ground.
  • The use of smaller planting areas results in the creation of optimal conditions for seedlings to develop.
  • Saving planting material, this is especially important when cultivating expensive hybrid varieties. The consumption of seeds when planting in beds is greater than when using seedlings.
  • Growing heat-loving varieties in the northern regions.
  • Elimination of seedling thinning.

The advantages will be obvious only in the case of competent agricultural technology.

Among the disadvantages of the method are:

  • The need to build greenhouses, greenhouses, nurseries. In this case, you need to have a supply of covering materials: glass, film.
  • Labor-intensive and labor-intensive process.
  • There is a risk of damage to the root system when planting seedlings in the ground without pots.

It takes time for the roots of parsley to recover; in addition, the crops consume the already accumulated nutrients, so the greens will need to be fed.

What the seedlings look like: description and photo

The first “loops” of seedlings appear at a stable temperature of +25 degrees. The seedings are thoroughly ventilated by lifting glass or polyethylene. The soil ball should be slightly moist. Young shoots of light green color are usually weak, poorly reacting to sunlight, drying out of the top soil layer. Such crops are irrigated using a syringe or spray bottle.

30 days after germination, a second pair of green leaves appears on the sprouts. With the onset of May in the middle zone, seedlings can be safely planted in the ground in beds.

Below you can see a photo of parsley planted as seedlings:

Time frames associated with such cultivation

The timing of planting greenery depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. The main condition for high-quality growing of seedlings is the presence of a greenhouse. Experts recommend growing greens using mobile film tunnels. They are placed in greenhouses.

  • In central Russia, planting begins in February.
  • In Siberia, sowing in greenhouses is acceptable towards the end of March.
  • In the Urals - around the end of February or March.

Parsley seedlings are sown in open ground:

  • Since the beginning of May - in central Russia.
  • From about the middle of the last month of spring - in the Urals.
  • At the very beginning of June - in Siberia.

Parsley is a cold-resistant crop; seedlings develop well even with temperature changes.

Is the method suitable for root and leaf varieties?

Important! The seedling method of growing parsley is more suitable for leafy varieties of greens.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend cultivating root plants in this way. There is a high probability of damage to the roots when transplanting into the ground. The result can be branched, unsightly root vegetables. The whole difference lies in the adaptation of the root system to the new planting site; even with minor damage this will be problematic.

You can, of course, try carefully transferring the seedlings along with the soil layer; this is the only option that is suitable for such cultivation without disturbing the root system of the seedlings. But this is difficult to do. Root varieties are more often used for winter planting; they are much more effective.

Which varieties are better to choose?


Curly-leaved parsley, characterized by early ripeness. 65 days after germination it can be eaten. The corrugated leaf mass grows back quickly after cuttings.

"Ordinary leaf"

This variety of greens is high-yielding. Fragrant crops are distinguished by spreading rosettes, which can contain from 30 to 100 leaves. Technical ripeness occurs after 70 days.


The ripeness period is 80 days. Parsley is large. Juicy greens have good keeping quality.


Mid-season parsley. The culture is curly; up to 30 leaves can be counted in a rosette. Petioles are short. It has a good degree of regrowth after cutting.


Parsley is of medium ripeness, high-yielding, with a rosette height of 35 cm.


A variety of late ripeness, cut only at 90–140 days. The crops are shade-tolerant, grow well, and are high-yielding.


Parsley ripens quickly. After 65 days you can get the first harvest. The main feature is cold resistance.


Popular leafy greens. It has a pleasant taste, fringed leaves, and mid-early ripeness.

The varieties listed above are best suited for growing in seedlings.

Attention! The quality of the resulting parsley harvest will depend on proper care of the crops both during planting in greenhouse conditions and when transferring seedlings to the site.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant correctly

Before planting greenery, preparatory measures are carried out: they select containers, prepare soil mixtures, process seeds, and think about arranging greenhouses.

Necessary equipment

To plant seeds for seedlings, you will need:

  • small spatula;
  • mini rake;
  • watering can;
  • sprayer for watering seedlings;
  • planting scoop;
  • film;
  • glass;
  • select containers for sowing.

Seeds can be grown using:

  • flower pots;
  • boxes;
  • peat cups (tablets);
  • plastic cassettes;
  • plastic containers.

Small drainage holes must be made in the containers. Inventory must be clean.

Seed sorting and processing

For planting, planting material from the previous season is selected. Parsley seedlings contain a high concentration of essential oils, which can retard the growth of greenery.

To speed up the appearance of sprouts, you need to prepare the seeds. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Essential oils are removed by soaking the grains for 3 days in warm water. The fluid is changed once a day. When the seedlings are well dried, wrapped in paper, they are placed in the refrigerator for 7 days.
  2. The grains are also first soaked using warm water. Then spread on a soft cloth (in a thin layer). Moisten again in warm liquid. Wait for the seeds to hatch, periodically mixing the grains and moistening the material.

Thanks to such procedures, good seedlings and abundant greenery are guaranteed in the future.

Soil selection and preparation

For planting, you can purchase specialized soil for vegetables and herbs., for example, universal soil mixtures for seedlings, such as:

  • “Bogatyr” from the manufacturer “Lama Peat”;
  • "Botany";
  • "Vermigrunt";
  • "Gardener".

To reduce the acidity of the soil used, add 3 large spoons of chalk and superphosphates to a bucket of soil. This will improve the growth of the root system of future greenery.

The soil for sowing must be prepared 1.5 or 2 months before the actual sowing procedure. Sand must be added to clay soil.

Sowing rules

How to plant seeds correctly to get seedlings:

  1. Make grooves in the soil 10 mm deep.
  2. It is better to sow seeds mixed with sand. Experienced gardeners distribute the seeds by sowing them separately at a distance of 20 or 30 mm. If you do it differently, you may end up with piles of grains that will need to be picked later.
  3. Sprinkle all the grooves with soil.
  4. Water using warm water. Do this carefully so that the seeds do not float.
  5. The containers are covered with polyethylene or glass to create a greenhouse.
  6. Place the pots on the sunny side.

Seedling care

Shoots appear faster at a stable temperature of +25 degrees.

The process of caring for seedlings consists of the following stages:

  1. regular ventilation of crops;
  2. high-quality lighting;
  3. glaze;
  4. fertilizing

Air the crops every day by lifting the film or glass. The soil should be slightly moist. Watering is done by drip from a syringe, pipette or spray bottle; When the mini-seedlings become stronger, you can irrigate them with a spoon. Care is necessary to avoid damaging the fragile branches of the seedlings. The watering procedure is carried out in the evening.

The greens are fed once every 10 days. They use mineral complementary foods (solution), which can be purchased in specialized stores. Add approximately 0.5 g per 1 liter of clean water.

Important! Parsley seedlings need a lot of light to develop. The better the lighting in the room, the faster the greenery grows.

30 days after germination, the second pair of leaves appears. In case of dense plantings, it is necessary to make a dive– transplanting some seedlings to another place in separate pots or cups. If there is enough space in the containers, then the thinning procedure is not carried out.

Preparing the soil in the garden

The soil must be treated in advance. Digging is done on the site in the fall, and then mullein is added. Add sifted sand and a little sawdust to clay soil. In early spring, the area is loosened and mineral nutrients are added. Before planting directly, the fertile soil is well moistened.

Transferring grown plants to open ground

Parsley seedlings are placed at a distance of 50–80 mm, the gap between the beds should be 25 cm.

The technique of planting in open ground depends on the following factors:

  • containers in which seedlings were grown;
  • crop size and age;
  • varieties.

Important! Seedlings from boxes will take root much better if they are carried to the planting site one at a time and in a scoop.

We invite you to watch a useful video on how to transplant parsley seedlings into open ground:

Further care of plants

Parsley seedlings planted in open beds are regularly weeded, watered, and fertilized. It is recommended to irrigate crops in the early morning or evening. Nutrients are added when the parsley has 3 large leaves, as well as when cutting crops. To obtain lush green mass, it is necessary to apply complete mineral fertilizer with nitrogen.

Non-standard rolling method for home use

The method of cultivating parsley in rolling papers is suitable for obtaining quick shoots. Seeds and sprouts can be kept in paper for a long time, which is a great help when the weather is not suitable for planting seedlings in the ground. Another advantage of the method is saving space.

Technology for planting seeds at home using rolling papers:

  1. Take a plastic bag, the width of which is slightly larger than that of a roll of toilet paper. Leave it on a flat surface.
  2. Place three layers of toilet paper on the bag: the first along the top edge of the bag, the second on a level with the bottom edge, the third on the top edge.
  3. Make a solution in a container by adding ordinary hydrogen peroxide (1 large spoon) to water (0.5 l). Wet the paper sheets.
  4. Lay out the seeds, retreating 0.5 mm from the top edge (the distance depends on the size of the seeds).
  5. The rolled-up paper with planting material is rolled up and placed in a container of water. The same peroxide solution that was used to wet the paper is poured into the bottom of the container.
  6. The bags are signed. Place a plastic bag over the entire container with rolled-up cigarettes to retain moisture, leave in a warm place (even in the shade) until shoots appear.

Seedlings will appear very quickly. You can keep the seedlings until the moment is convenient for planting in the beds.

Below you can watch a video on how to grow parsley seeds using the rolling method:

Problems and difficulties, ways to solve them

Important conditions for the competent cultivation of parsley seedlings are taking into account the growing season of crops, ensuring optimal conditions for the development of greenery, in particular proper lighting, and calculating the timing of sowing seeds (depending on the variety). Without taking these components into account, you may not get high-quality seedlings.

A common misconception when growing seedlings is cultivating them in one container. due to space savings. First, it seems that strong roots form at the seedlings, which is undoubtedly useful. But there is a big problem, because the seedlings will have to be divided as they grow, which will result in a stressful situation for the crops, since with such a procedure it is practically impossible not to damage the roots.

Transplantation also requires adaptation. For early varieties, this can cause a delay in the ripening of the entire crop. It is advisable not to save, but to immediately use for sowing, for example, peat cups, tablets, separate paper containers, the use of which will not damage the sprouts.

Important! Excessive growth of seedlings is often curbed by applying less watering, but this is only acceptable for young seedlings. For mature seedlings, limiting watering is stressful.

In dimly lit rooms, install additional lighting lamps, only in this case will the seedlings develop well.

Growing seedlings is a labor-intensive process. But with proper cultivation, you can get strong shoots. A correctly carried out procedure for planting crops in open ground is the key to excellent adaptation of plants in the beds. A large harvest of juicy early greens will be a gardener’s reward for his painstaking work.

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Growing parsley in a greenhouse is convenient because even in the winter months you get enough fresh herbs for preparing a variety of dishes and for healing from various diseases. There is more space in the greenhouse than on the window sills, which are usually filled with all kinds of indoor plants, and parsley is never in excess - you just have to remember the beneficial properties of its leaves and root vegetables.

How to grow and care for parsley in a greenhouse, how much it grows and what is the yield

Parsley has no special soil requirements; the ideal option would be moderately fertilized soil, light loamy or soddy-podzolic. In heavy, dense soil, parsley roots can grow gnarled and misshapen, like carrots.

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V. Kharchenko, candidate of agricultural sciences Sciences All-Russia Research Institute of Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops
The time has come

Parsley is a popular spicy and green plant of the Celery family. Its leaves, especially young ones, are rich in vitamins C, PP and group B, provitamins A and K, and in terms of potassium content they occupy one of the first places among vegetables. Therefore, parsley, in addition to improving the taste of dishes, giving them a pleasant aroma, enriches food with biologically active substances and normalizes metabolism. What is important in the cold season.

There are two known varieties of parsley: leafy, characterized by a branched root and a large, 80-85 leaves, rosette of smooth or wrinkled leaves, and root vegetable- with a thickened, weakly branched root crop weighing about 100 g and a rosette of 20-40 leaves. In the year of sowing, parsley forms a rosette of leaves, and in the second year it blooms, throwing out a branched flower stem up to 1.5 m high. However, the peduncle is formed only when the day length is at least 10 hours. This feature can be used to obtain fresh greens out of season - from November to April.

For winter forcing of parsley in a greenhouse or room, the root varieties of parsley are suitable: Urozhaynaya, Alba, Eagle, Konika, Lyubasha, Pikannaya, Final, as well as the most common in the Non-Black Earth zone - Sugar and Bordovikskaya. Sugar - a productive, early ripening variety, with a rosette of 20 -25 leaves. Root vegetables are cone-shaped, up to 20-22 cm long, with a white core with a light yellow border.

Bordovikskaya is a mid-late variety. The root crop is cylindrical, thin, up to 35 cm long. Demanding on loose humus soils with a deep arable layer. Typically, root crops are harvested late in the fall, but before the soil freezes. Before storing them, they are dried, sorted by size, placed in wooden lattice boxes in two or three layers, each sprinkled with powdered lime or chalk at the rate of 0.4-0.5 kg per box. Before planting, root crops are stored in an unregulated storage (basement, cellar) at a temperature not higher than 8° for 1.5-2 months.

Growing greens in winter in a greenhouse

It is also permissible to store root vegetables in thick plastic bags.

Parsley is a cold-resistant plant: seeds germinate at a temperature of 5°, seedlings tolerate light frosts, and adult plants, with good snow cover, safely overwinter even in the northern regions of our country. However, the most optimal temperature for forcing is 20-25°.

Before planting, harvested parsley is disinfected in a warm, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, dusted with ash or treated with one of the regulators (Epin-extra, Zircon, Narcissus). Deep boxes, pottery pots and plastic flowerpots 15-20 cm high are filled with loose, fertile garden soil and root crops are planted at the rate of: 8-10 kg of root crops per 1 sq. m. m and 2-4 root vegetables per pot. In a heated greenhouse or winter garden, furrows are cut in the beds at intervals of 10 cm and root crops are planted in them at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

To protect against the development of fungal infection Before planting, it is advisable to water the soil with a raster of Trichodermin or Allirin, and to moisten it abundantly for good rooting of the planting material. Until the parsley begins to grow, the planting is not watered. In the future, watering is carried out as the soil dries, combining it with loosening the soil between plants. For the regrowth of green mass, finely spraying plants with water is effective. At the same time, plants can also be fed with microelements and humates.

Parsley tolerates a lack of light, but the use of additional lighting allows you to get a higher and higher quality harvest. Therefore, for good illumination, it is advisable to place containers with parsley in the brightest place or hang phytolamps above the plants, but turn them on in such a way that the length of the day does not exceed 10 hours.

Leaves are ready for harvesting 30-50 days after planting root crops. By this time they reach 20-25 cm. On the eve of cutting the parsley, the parsley is watered by sprinkling. Leaf petioles of at least 3 cm in length should remain on the plant. When planting root crops in December, you can make two cuts (from January 15 to April 15), receiving up to 8 kg/sq.m. fresh greens. print version

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Growing parsley in a greenhouse is convenient because even in the winter months you get enough fresh herbs for preparing a variety of dishes and for healing from various diseases. There is more space in the greenhouse than on the window sills, which are usually filled with all kinds of indoor plants, and parsley is never in excess - you just have to remember the beneficial properties of its leaves and root vegetables.

Parsley requirements for soil, lighting and other conditions

Growing parsley in a greenhouse is convenient because even in the winter months you get enough fresh herbs for preparing a variety of dishes and for healing from various diseases. There is more space in the greenhouse than on the window sills, which are usually filled with all kinds of indoor plants, and parsley is never in excess - you just have to remember the beneficial properties of its leaves and root vegetables.

Greens are much easier to grow than cucumbers or tomatoes, so in the greenhouses of domestic gardeners you can often find green onions, parsley, celery, dill, varieties of lettuce and other crops that are characterized by easy care, rapid growth and benefits for the body. Growing parsley in a greenhouse in winter does not require financial costs and is not a particularly troublesome task, which is completely worth the effort invested. Especially if you consider how much money can be spent over the winter on buying ready-made greens in a store or at the market.

Growing parsley in a greenhouse in winter does not require financial costs

Frost-resistant parsley feels quite normal in winter and can even tolerate short-term frosts. However, it is not recommended to plant this unpretentious crop in heated film tunnels and greenhouses before the end of January, and if the greenhouse is not heated at all, growing parsley in winter is undesirable. Under favorable conditions, parsley is kept in an unheated greenhouse until December.

Video about growing fresh herbs

During the growth of green mass, parsley needs a temperature within +12 degrees. When the air warms up to +20 degrees and above, the plant becomes uncomfortable and the leaves fade.

Year-round cultivation of parsley in a greenhouse

Therefore, it is not advisable to place parsley on a well-lit windowsill - it will be too hot.

If you are interested in how to grow lush and tasty parsley in winter, try to create suitable conditions for it:

  • although the need for sunlight in parsley is moderate, artificial lighting should be provided, because in winter the daylight hours are shortened, and active growth of green mass requires a lot of light;
  • Plants need watering only when the soil dries out, preferably after cutting the greenery;
  • comfortable air humidity for parsley is at least 75%;
  • do not allow temperature changes;
  • Ventilate the greenhouse periodically to maintain optimal air temperature and humidity.

Parsley has no special soil requirements; moderately fertilized soils would be ideal.

Parsley has no special soil requirements; the ideal option would be moderately fertilized soil, light loamy or soddy-podzolic.

In heavy, dense soil, parsley roots can grow gnarled and misshapen, like carrots.

Technology for growing parsley in a greenhouse

In most cases, gardeners choose to force parsley roots onto greens instead of sowing seeds, since the first option turns out to be the most economical and effective way to grow parsley in a greenhouse. You can use the roots of any variety of parsley, the optimal thickness of the roots is about 5 mm, and the length is up to 8 cm; roots that are too long are more convenient to trim.

All you need to do when growing parsley in a greenhouse is to maintain the required temperature and humidity.

Pre-harvested parsley roots with cut tops are kept at a temperature of +2 degrees in the sand. Meanwhile, furrows are cut in the soil at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. The furrows are watered and root crops are placed in them at an angle of 45 degrees, maintaining a distance between plants of at least 5 cm. The planted root crops are sprinkled with earth so that the neck and head remain above the surface. The soil is slightly compacted and intensively watered. The roots take root best at temperatures within +15 degrees. In a month, the leaves will reach a height of 25 cm, and it will be possible to cut the first portion of greenery.

If you decide to grow parsley in a greenhouse from seeds, it is better to first keep the planting material in double-folded gauze at room temperature for five days until the first sprouts appear. Then, for ten days, the sprouted seeds are kept at a temperature of +1 degree. Thanks to this processing, you will get fresh parsley about three times faster, and the plants will be stronger.

Video about growing greens in a greenhouse

There is no difficulty in further growing parsley from seeds: plant the prepared seeds in the ground at intervals of five centimeters, immediately after planting in the ground, water them well and leave the parsley to grow. Thin out the emerging shoots, leaving the strongest plants.

Parsley is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. In total, the genus includes two species, but only curly parsley Petroselinum crispum is grown as an indispensable seasoning, both dried and fresh. Parsley comes from the Mediterranean countries, but has conquered all of Europe, the East, and is widespread in temperate regions of North America.

The appearance of this spice is familiar to everyone - erect stems 40-50 cm tall, underground root crop. In the first year of sowing parsley, double or triple pinnate leaves form a rosette of leaves.

In the second year, the plant forms long (up to 1 m) peduncles with umbrella-shaped inflorescences and small greenish-yellow flowers. Curly parsley leaves are initially simple, with a deeply serrated edge. But there are many varieties on sale, including plants with truly curly leaves.

The taste qualities of different varieties are not for everyone. The smell, by the way, is also different - in some it is more pronounced, in others it is weaker. But the beautiful appearance of the leaves of some varieties of curly parsley allows it to be grown not only as a food additive, but also as a beautiful herb in flower beds and flower beds. In addition, parsley can repel some pests from flowers and plants growing nearby.

The leaves of curly parsley are used as food, and less often the roots (they are thin, with uneven bark - you get tired of peeling). In the second year of cultivation, parsley produces a little greenery, but then quickly goes into inflorescences, so it is often grown on the leaf as an annual plant.

It must be said that the species Petroselinum crispum has a variation Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum is root parsley, just a leaf variety. It also has edible leaves, but usually they are denser, sometimes harsh, and their tuber is thick like a carrot and quite smooth. But we’ll talk about root parsley separately.

Growing leaf parsley

The plant prefers a bright, open place on loose, fertile soil rich in humus. She doesn’t like dense clay soils; shaded areas under fruit trees are also not for her; the bushes are so frail that from the entire garden there is only one time for salad...

It is advisable to use fresh seeds for sowing that have been stored for no more than 2 years.

Parsley is remarkable for its cold resistance: it is sown in open ground either in early spring (starting in April) or late autumn (October - November). Seeds germinate at 2-3 °C, and seedlings are able to tolerate spring frosts down to −7 °C. The only difference when sowing in spring and autumn is that in spring the seeds are soaked for 2 days in a saucer of water with preliminary pickling in potassium permanganate. Dry seeds are sown in autumn!

When sown in autumn, the seeds undergo natural stratification under the snow and germinate in spring. The beds for parsley are not wide, the distance between the rows is 15 cm. The distance between the seeds is 2-3 cm, if the seeds are not very fresh (the seedlings can then be thinned out if necessary).

Fresh seeds are sown in increments of 6-7 cm. Planting depth is about 1.5 cm. Sometimes gardeners plant parsley in one row along the edge of flower beds or beds with other herbs and vegetables. Here you need to choose good neighbors.

Parsley grows well next to strawberries and strawberries, cabbage, radishes and radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, and various types of onions. Do not plant parsley next to leaf and head lettuce, pumpkin, and zucchini. You can plant parsley next to carrots, but not after carrots. Planting next to the berries is very useful - parsley repels slugs from strawberries. And parsley planted next to grapes helps protect them from phylloxera.

In addition, parsley can repel ants and aphids and is believed to promote better growth of strawberries. Parsley germinates within a week and grows quite quickly. Greens are picked as needed. Caring for parsley is simple - weed the weeds, thin out the seedlings if necessary, water, loosen the rows at least once every 3-4 weeks.

The best varieties of leaf parsley

Beads are the most wonderful variety - the leaves are extremely tender (the leaves are very thin, slightly elongated), fragrant and, most importantly, it is not just early ripening, it is early ripening parsley! A good bunch can be collected in 45-50 days (until commercial ripeness - for those who grow bunches for sale, and do not pick a leaf for soup - 60 days.)

  • Among the early varieties (60-65 days before cutting) the following are good: Astra, Madam, Gloria, curly Mooskrause.
  • From mid-season (80 days before cutting): varieties Breeze, Buterbrodnaya, leafy Obyknovennaya, curly Esmeralda.
  • Among the late-ripening ones (more than 80 days before the mass collection of leaves) is the Bogatyr variety.

The parsley variety Bogatyr, in addition to good leaf mass, is shade-tolerant. Also good for winter forcing in boxes or pots on the windowsill (greens for the New Year).

How to get greens throughout the winter?

In a number of varieties the root is completely inedible (for example, Mooskrause and Common Leaf). Some varieties form an edible conical tuber that is quite large. Others have no root crop.

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Greens as a business

Greenhouse for a good harvest



It is best to start growing onions for sale in February-March. Before sowing the bulbs, they must be heated at a temperature of +40 degrees for about a day, then cut off the neck. The soil for onions must be fertilized and loosened. Plant onions tightly. The distance between the bulbs should be 2 - 3 cm, and between the rows about 10 cm. Immediately after the bulbs are in the soil, they need to be thoroughly watered with warm water. It is impossible to say that green onions are quite picky about heat. At night it can grow at a temperature of +12, and in the daytime at +20 degrees. If you fertilize it about twice a season, the crop will grow quite well.

Parsley for sale


Different types of greens

It should be noted that you don’t have to stop at growing onions, parsley, dill and lettuce. After all, expensive restaurants often prepare dishes from rather rare greens. Among the sales of popular greens, you can try to sell more unusual types. For example, cilantro or basil. As an alternative to onions, you can grow garlic. In addition to greenery, try growing flowers, such as alstroemeria. The quality and quantity of sales can be increased not only by a good and abundant harvest, but also by its variety.

Parsley in a greenhouse in winter - what conditions need to be created, and how to grow parsley correctly

Of course, you can start with one or two types of greens and see how the business goes.

Business for gardeners: growing greens in a greenhouse

If you are looking for an original business idea, then here is an option for you - growing greens in a greenhouse. Many will disagree, because in Russia, where the summer is short, this business seems to be a very controversial idea. In fact, it's quite the opposite. The business of growing in a greenhouse is very simple, because parsley, onions, and dill grow remarkably well in greenhouse conditions, even in winter. Let's look at what to grow in a greenhouse at the dacha and how best to do it.

Greens as a business

When you think about a business, the first thing you need to know is what the profit will be, and whether there will be any at all. After all, any business is a risk. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the profitability of the idea that catches your attention.

Income from greens grown on an industrial scale may vary. But the fact remains that it will definitely happen. The harvest of parsley, onions, and garlic is popular all year round - there is a great demand. It is enough to acquire a plot of land, a greenhouse and seeds. Then it’s a matter of technique and gaining additional knowledge.

If you have a plot of 10 acres, growing greens in a greenhouse as a business can generate a profit of about 90 thousand rubles per month. Currently, the cost of onions in supermarkets is 200 rubles per kilogram, mint costs about 300, dill - 190. Of course, the wholesale cost will be less, but on average - from 70 to 150 rubles per kilogram. Speaking about dill, we can say that its yield per square meter can be about 1.5 kg.

If you allocate eight hundred square meters to dill, it will be 800 square meters. By making simple mathematical solutions, the profit from the sale of dill is about 80 thousand rubles.

Such income can grow into something more and bring up to a million rubles per season. Experts say that if you choose the right varieties and plan everything correctly, you can get about 2 tons per season.

So, growing as a business is quite a tempting activity. This is evidenced by inexpensive planting material, high profitability, existing demand, as well as small starting capital.

If you have land, consider yourself halfway done. All that remains is to install a greenhouse, add fertilizer to the soil and buy seeds.

Greenhouse for a good harvest

Ordinary summer residents plant greenery in two or three beds in the summer. Some people can’t even say where the dill came from in their dacha. As a businessman, you will have to make sure that the greens can grow in winter. To do this, she needs to create greenhouse conditions.

It is best to opt for a thermos greenhouse, which will provide better heat conservation due to its double coating. Or purchase a polycarbonate greenhouse and conduct heat inside.

The heating system may be different. Currently, there are many ways to warm up a greenhouse in the country. For example, placing heat-conducting cables under the soil, similar to a heated floor system. The simplest and cheapest option is biofuel. Complex but effective is water heating, when pipes with hot water are placed throughout the greenhouse. The infrared method is very economical to use. This is the most modern way to warm up a greenhouse.


Dill for sale can be cultivated as an independent crop or as a compactor. In the second case, it is sown at a distance of 30 cm, when about 25 seeds need to be placed per square meter.

It is also worth noting that suitable conditions must be created for dill, especially in winter. The seeds will need about 50-60 days to grow, however, it will enrich you with a harvest. If all conditions are created for him, then you can easily collect two kilograms from every square meter.

One of the most beautiful qualities of dill that makes it a great herb to sell is its yield from the plant, which can grow over time.

Before planting, dill seeds need to be soaked, but there is no need to germinate.

You need to sow in beds that go south from the north. But growing dill in winter may be questionable, because it loves light very much. Therefore, it is best to start preparing and planting in mid-February.


It's no secret that one of the top sellers is green onions. It is added to salads, soups, sandwiches and even eaten just like that. Therefore, we can say with confidence: growing onions is risk-free.

The main varieties of onions are hot, semi-sharp and sweet. The earliest ripening type of variety is the spicy one, however, it is not large in weight. If a lot of weight is important to you, choose sweet ones. But in terms of popularity among consumers, semi-sharp onions come first.

It is best to start growing onions for sale in February-March. Before sowing the bulbs, they must be heated at a temperature of +40 degrees for about a day, then cut off the neck. The soil for onions must be fertilized and loosened.

Growing dill and parsley in a greenhouse in winter for sale

Plant onions tightly. The distance between the bulbs should be 2 - 3 cm, and between the rows about 10 cm. Immediately after the bulbs are in the soil, they need to be thoroughly watered with warm water. It is impossible to say that green onions are quite picky about heat. At night it can grow at a temperature of +12, and in the daytime at +20 degrees. If you fertilize it about twice a season, the crop will grow quite well.

The onion harvest can be harvested within a month, after its feathers reach a height of 20 cm. It is quite possible to grow green onions in winter. In the cold season, it can produce a good harvest - about 15 kg per square meter.

Parsley for sale

If you want to grow greens, you should definitely consider a cold-tolerant crop. The parsley harvest will bring you good profits. It is especially worth noting the fact that its varieties do not require additional heating in the greenhouse until January. This plant, on the contrary, loves the cold. The most comfortable temperature is +12 degrees. But if the thermometer shows more than +20, then it will grow worse.

In turn, in order for the parsley harvest to bring you income, you must create comfortable conditions for it.

For example, it is light-loving, which means that growing parsley in a greenhouse for sale requires artificial lighting in winter. Create a humidity of 75%, prevent sudden changes in temperature in the greenhouse. The soil should be soddy-podzolic.

To grow parsley for sale, you need to keep the seeds in damp gauze for 5 days. Parsley sprouts should be kept for another 10 days, but at a lower temperature of +1 degree. This way the seeds will grow faster and larger. This means there will be more profit.

Sprouted seeds should be sown at about 2 g per square meter. After you have planted the seeds, they need to be thoroughly moistened. Do not forget that the parsley crop needs to be thinned out within a week after planting. It is impossible to say that this plant loves moisture very much. It should be watered as soon as the soil is completely dry.

It is typical that when growing these greens for sale, you cannot fertilize them before the first cut, and only then can you fertilize them. You can cut parsley after three weeks, as soon as its shoots reach 20 cm.

In winter, parsley can be harvested about seven times. But from autumn to the first winter month it will produce 2 crops. This is approximately 1.5 kg per square meter.


Recently, the salad has only increased its popularity among Russians. Juicy, green lettuce leaves are a decoration for many dishes. Moreover, it is very useful.

To grow it in greenhouse conditions for sale, greenhouse varieties are suitable because they ripen quickly. The big advantage of this product is the ability to grow it without seedlings, in a permanent place. Seeding will have to be done once every two weeks.

Growing greens in the form of salad is a fairly simple task. The temperature should be about +20 degrees, loosening the soil and weeding is necessary. The only caveat is that you need to water it so that water does not fall on its leaves.

Lush lettuce bushes will appear if the space between the greens is about 20 cm. Also, the lettuce needs to be thinned when three leaves appear, and then when five.

Head lettuce is not afraid of frost, however, it requires constant lighting. Watercress doesn't even need fertile soil or special temperature conditions. Lettuce in a greenhouse for sale ripens quickly, however, it is not particularly popular among consumers.

Different types of greens

It should be noted that you don’t have to stop at growing onions, parsley, dill and lettuce. After all, expensive restaurants often prepare dishes from rather rare greens. Among the sales of popular greens, you can try to sell more unusual types. For example, cilantro or basil. As an alternative to onions, you can grow garlic. In addition to greenery, try growing flowers, such as alstroemeria. The quality and quantity of sales can be increased not only by a good and abundant harvest, but also by its variety. Of course, you can start with one or two types of greens and see how the business goes.

In this matter, it is also important to find a place of sale. Because your income will depend, rather, on how many sales points you organize. You should try to sell your samples of onions, garlic, cilantro, and dill everywhere - to restaurants and catering, for wholesale sales, to chain stores. Although the latter are the hardest to get into. Especially if the network is very famous. However, if you sell a high-quality and attractive harvest, then you are guaranteed a profit from sales.

Thanks to the simplest steps and processes, you can now start growing parsley yourself in your own garden. Summer salads, soups, slices and sandwiches can never do without fresh and aromatic herbs, the main role among which is most often played by green parsley. And, if you have not yet managed to sow the beds with this wonderful crop, we will tell you about how to grow parsley in the country.

Growing parsley has never been a difficult or expensive task, since you can grow parsley for yourself on a small plot of land by simply sowing seeds. But, if we are talking about growing parsley for sale, then you will have to follow certain technologies and regimes, plant the greens correctly, care for them, make the cut on time, and so on. But today we just want to talk about high-quality cultivation of parsley for ourselves, and not according to industrial standards, since we always want to have aromatic and pleasant-tasting greens on the table that will please the eye and complement some dishes.

Parsley: cultivation and care

The technology for growing parsley is quite simple, as it is an unpretentious plant. But, if you create conditions close to ideal for parsley, it will delight you with a large amount of greenery and a high ripening rate.

Soil and preparation

Parsley prefers places with fertile soil, well-lit, and not very drafty. It is advisable to select for this plant those areas in the garden or summer cottage where dill, cumin, cilantro, and carrots have not previously been grown.

It would be best to prepare the area for planting parsley in the fall by carefully digging it up. In this case, up to 5 kg of humus per square meter should be added to the soil. In the spring, before planting parsley, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Parsley planting scheme

The best pattern for planting parsley is in rows 20 cm apart, but this pattern may vary slightly depending on the variety of parsley and growing methods.

Planting parsley

Already in the second half of April, when the soil begins to warm up a little, parsley can be sown. To do this, take about 0.5 g of seeds per 1 square meter, they are sown in shallow grooves, up to 1 cm. Afterwards, the seeds are watered and sprinkled with a light layer of soil. To retain the required amount of moisture in the soil, the planting area can be covered with film.

Dry parsley seeds do not germinate well, and therefore they must be processed before planting. This can be done very simply by soaking it in warm water for half an hour and pre-driing it until it flows before planting.

Parsley seeds germinate even at temperatures of +2°C, and can withstand frosts down to -8°C. Germination depends on proper planting and care, but parsley can be cut after just a few weeks.


Parsley is cut as the greens ripen, and this can continue throughout the season if you sow new greens in time and care for them properly. First of all, it is recommended to fertilize several times during the warm season. This can be the introduction of nitrate, about 50 g/10 m2, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers into the soil. It is worth remembering that saltpeter is most often used when growing leaf parsley, but phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and their precise application during the growing season are most suitable for growing root parsley.

Proper watering of parsley is also important, which is done depending on weather conditions, but without allowing the soil to get too wet. It is advisable to produce it in the morning or evening, so as not to spoil the existing greens in the heat.

In addition, pay attention to the fight against weeds, which can not only shade the parsley or take away its beneficial substances from the soil, but also carry some diseases that negatively affect the yield.

To summarize, I would like to say that the best greens can be obtained only with proper, timely and completely systematic care for parsley. To obtain larger root crops, plants are thinned, sometimes even twice. The first thinning occurs immediately after the greenery sprouts, leaving only a few centimeters between plants. The second thinning is carried out 12-15 days after the first, leaving up to 7 cm between plants. The early stages of the plant's growing season dictate the rules of care with several fertilizing with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.

You should pay attention to watering depending on what kind of parsley you are growing. When growing leaf parsley, systematic watering is necessary to nourish the greens. If you are growing root parsley, then experts recommend focusing on intensive watering at the end of August, when the root crops are full.

Parsley propagation

Parsley is propagated by seed, and if you decide to grow a lot of greens for yourself, or even for planting, you can no longer buy bags of seeds, but prepare the planting material yourself.

The seeds are collected in the second year of the growing season when they are fully ripe. Parsley is cut and folded into rolls, prepared for drying. After the seeds dry, the plants are threshed. Afterwards, the seeds should be further dried and all foreign impurities removed from their general contents.

Further planting of parsley occurs according to all the rules of agricultural technology for this plant, with the desired pre-planting preparation of seeds.

Video about growing parsley

Due to the unpretentiousness of the plant, it does not need to create special conditions, spending money and its own free time on this. You can completely repeat the methods of growing parsley in the soil, but create some kind of unique microclimate for the plant. Thus, parsley can be grown on a windowsill or on a balcony, and therefore parsley can be grown in winter.

Growing parsley at home can be started by sowing seeds in boxes, always in prepared fertile soil, or by planting specially prepared root crops collected, for example, during the last harvest. It is at home that you can grow parsley seedlings and then transfer them to open ground in a stronger state, but you need to think about whether this is worth doing if the plant already sprouts well under the correct planting and growing conditions.

It is also possible to grow parsley in a greenhouse or even to grow parsley hydroponically, but doing this for your own consumption is not very profitable, which means that parsley is grown using these methods only at industrial standards or in joint planting with other herbs.

Thanks to the simplest steps and processes, you can now start growing your own parsley in your own garden. By spending only some time reading our material and preparing for planting, you will be able to provide your family with fresh herbs all year round, and perhaps later, organize a small but very profitable business.

Features of curly parsley and how to grow it

The history of human acquaintance with this culture begins in the Mediterranean countries and dates back to the era of the construction of the pyramids and ancient Hellas. Parsley earned its greatest recognition later, from the Romans, who introduced the rest of Europeans to the herb. The Latin name for parsley, Petroselinum crispum, can most likely be translated as curly celery growing on rocks. This indicates the similarity of cultures, but does not mean at all that already in Ancient Rome one could see modern curly parsley, which is well known to gardeners all over the world.

Wild plants, still found throughout Europe, in European Russia and the North Caucasus, have flat leaves with a serrated edge. This variety is still called Italian parsley, and neapolitanum is added to the main name of the species. The youngest parsley, root parsley, has the prefix tuberosum, and Europeans prefer to call such varieties Hamburg.

Curly parsley, with a characteristic shape of leaves forming dense green caps over the beds from 15 to 40 cm high, is called Petroselinium Crispum var. Crispum.

In Russia, this variety appeared relatively recently, but in European countries it is curly parsley that holds the palm among the listed related species.

What curly parsley looks like in the photo

Interestingly, the reason for the spread of curly herb, for example, in Great Britain, was not its spectacular foliage or excellent taste. Even in the Middle Ages, people were afraid to plant plants with smooth foliage in garden beds, first of all, because of their resemblance to the dangerous weed Aethusa Cynapium or dog parsley, which grew in abundance everywhere.

To understand what curly parsley looks like, you just need to take a look at the photo showing both leaf types side by side. Such a plant cannot be confused with any cultivated or wild relative. In ordinary garden parsley, the lower leaves, forming a basal rosette, have a triangular shape, blunt serrated ends and a smooth leaf blade of a dark green hue.

The greens of curly parsley are more rounded and dissected. The denticles, which is clearly visible on young plants, are also rounded, and the leaf blade acquires a pronounced wavy shape as it grows. The remaining characteristics of related forms are almost identical. True, debates between culinary specialists and gardeners about the merits and weaknesses of curly and Italian parsley have not subsided for several centuries.

Those who prefer varieties with wavy leaves say that the plant is more decorative and unpretentious:

  • Curly parsley grows beautifully in open ground and in greenhouses.
  • Due to the corrugated leaf plate, the crop loses less moisture on hot, dry days.

Therefore, when growing parsley at home, experienced gardeners advise choosing curly varieties:

  • Garden parsley with smooth foliage can delight you with the bright aroma inherent in both the foliage of the crop and its roots.
  • The smell of parsley persists after heat treatment, which is not typical for the curly variety.

Curly foliage, which with sufficient watering has a softer and juicier consistency, is used fresh. Chopped leaves are good as a seasoning for many dishes; they are used to make juices, purees and sauces, and also dried.

How to plant and grow curly parsley in open ground?

Before planting parsley, in the fall they prepare a place for future beds. To ensure that the harvest of spectacular greenery next season is friendly and abundant, it is better to set up a plantation for parsley in the area where cabbage, cucumbers or other types of pumpkins, potatoes, eggplants or tomatoes were previously grown. If you sow curly parsley in place of related plants, you can unwittingly reduce the yield, since pathogens and larvae of pests that are dangerous to the crop may remain in the soil.

How to prepare beds for this crop when growing parsley?

  • Before winter, the site is dug up, adding humus, rotted compost or manure.
  • And in the spring, when the snow melts, the soil must be loosened, combining this process with the addition of mineral additives.

Before spring planting, the hard-germinating seeds of curly parsley are washed in warm water and left to swell for 18 hours. Since the crop has good frost resistance, it is possible to sow seeds in open ground from the second half of April. You can sow curly parsley until August. And before winter, dry seeds are planted in the ground until November, with the expectation that seedlings and lush greenery will appear in early spring.

Furrows 0.6-1.2 cm deep are made at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other, and seeds are lowered into the ground at the same distance. In open ground, 2-3 seeds can be sown in one hole in order to later thin out the plantings and select the strongest shoots. After the parsley is planted, the beds are carefully watered so as not to erode the soil and mulched. If spring is long and the danger of frost has not passed, it is better to cover the beds with film.

Dry seeds will sprout only after 2-3 weeks, while sprouted seeds will sprout a week earlier.

Leafy varieties of parsley can be sown during the summer until the end of July. To form green mass, curly parsley is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizer twice during the summer. For example, saltpeter per meter of space should be from 50 to 60 grams. We must not forget about watering the plantings. To prevent the foliage from being burned, it is better to water the beds in the evening.

The first greens can be cut already in July and collected until the cold weather. The photo shows what parsley looks like next year. This season, curly parsley will delight with a thick head of foliage already in April or early May.

Growing parsley at home

You can use fresh herbs for food not only in the warm season, but all year round if you plant curly parsley in an apartment, on a windowsill, on a balcony or loggia. In this case, sowing is carried out in February so that the emerging shoots become stronger during the lengthening daylight hours.

The seeds are pre-soaked and sown in soil consisting of two parts of garden soil and one part each of sand, peat and humus. Further cultivation of parsley at home practically coincides with agricultural techniques in open ground. Particular attention should be paid to watering, since in a limited volume the soil loses moisture faster.

You can make it easier to produce curly greens if you use annual parsley roots for forcing. How to plant parsley this way? In autumn, annual rhizomes are dug up and transplanted into deep pots with a 2-centimeter layer of drainage and loose nutrient soil mixture. Before planting parsley, the roots can be treated with a growth stimulant, which will activate their growth and speed up the appearance of greenery.

For growing on a windowsill, choose smooth, large roots with healthy apical buds, which, when backfilled, remain above the soil level.

Sometimes it is advised to plant parsley roots almost closely. This will produce a lot of foliage, but will quickly deplete both the rhizomes and the soil. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without regular feeding. Curly parsley grown at home, if watered in time and occasionally fertilized, will produce a dense head of foliage within a month and a half, ready for cutting and consumption.

Secrets of growing parsley - video

How to properly grow parsley in a greenhouse?

The beneficial vitamins obtained from herbs are necessary for the body throughout the year, so it is recommended to grow parsley and other herbs not only in the open ground, but also in winter. To do this, you can use special seedling boxes that are placed on the windowsill, but parsley grows best in film greenhouses. Curly parsley is unpretentious; it can withstand even short frosts, but the greenhouse must still be heated. Caring for greenery does not have complex requirements, which is an advantage of this plant over other garden crops.

Curly parsley can withstand frost in the soil.

Forcing parsley

Forcing is used to plant already grown root crops in a greenhouse. The soil in this case should not be heavy and dense, since the root crops will be deformed, with an irregular shape, and the parsley itself will not receive sufficient nutrition. The optimal type of soil is loam or soddy-podzolic soil.

Before planting, the roots of the plant must be kept in a sand mixture. The size of the rhizome for planting should be 8 cm. If the length is longer, then the root should be trimmed to the required size. The beds are prepared in advance for planting, furrows are made in 10 cm increments and watered well. After which the soil around the furrows must be slightly compacted.

Growing parsley is not very difficult, but the seeds must be prepared before planting. This is necessary because the seeds contain a large amount of essential oil. This ingredient is useful in the preparation of a wide variety of therapeutic and prophylactic products, but when planting, it only increases the time for germination. That is, the seedlings will develop much longer.

Before planting, seeds are soaked for 5 days in ordinary water, which is changed periodically.

Parsley seeds are planted on loose and moist soil.

The seeds themselves are washed every time. Next, you need to place the parsley seeds on a layer of damp gauze until the first sprouts appear. The growing temperature at this time should be room temperature. Sprouted seeds are kept in gauze for about 7 days; the temperature after the sprouts appear should be no higher than 1°C. After a week, the seeds can be planted in seedling boxes in 5 cm increments, generously watering the soil with lukewarm water. After germination and strengthening, the crops are thinned out; after the roots reach the required length, they begin planting the seedlings in the greenhouse.

Growing in a greenhouse: agricultural technology

Parsley, which many people grow year-round in greenhouses, can be of different varieties. Leaf and root vegetables are popular - these are biennial plants. In the first year, all the useful substances accumulate in the root system, and in the second year they are already used to form a rosette, leaves, and flower stalks. A resting phase is not necessary for parsley; it can be safely grown in a greenhouse even in winter.

Leaf parsley is the most popular, so it is most often seen in the garden.

For a film greenhouse, you can take all varieties of parsley, the roots should be 5-8 cm long and 5 mm thick. If the root system is too long, it can be trimmed. For forcing, the plant is prepared in advance; the tops are cut 2-3 weeks in advance. All this ensures a higher level of survival of greenery in greenhouse soil. Agricultural technology is quite simple, greens do not have any special requirements for cultivation, they are hardy. Cultivation can begin in a film greenhouse, but heating to a level of 12°C is required, although the plant can easily withstand short-term frost conditions. Do not raise the temperature above 20°C so that the parsley leaves do not begin to wither.

There are no special requirements for the soil. It is necessary to fertilize moderately; you can use universal fertilizers for this. It is important to sterilize the soil before planting, since it should not contain any microorganisms. If this condition is not met, the plantings may simply die. Fertilizing is not carried out until the first cutting. After pruning, it is recommended to add mullein to the soil in a ratio of 1:10 with plain water.

What conditions need to be provided?

Curly parsley's need for water and light is quite moderate; watering should be done only when the soil dries out. The daylight hours should be long, but this can be easily solved with the help of fluorescent lamps or phytolamps. Planting should not be exposed to bright sunlight; it is best to provide diffused lighting. Water consumption for irrigation per square meter is 30-40 liters; during forcing, you only need to water a couple of times, preferably only after cutting. It is important to maintain air humidity, which should not fall below 75%. This is easy to do: just place a barrel filled with water in the greenhouse.

To grow parsley, you should take care of organizing proper planting. To do this, grooves are made in the soil; their depth should be equal to the length of the root. For convenience, you can use a regular wooden peg. The distance between individual rows should be 20 cm. When everything is ready, the root is placed in the soil, the tops must first be trimmed. After planting, the plants are watered and the soil around them is compacted. It is recommended to start planting in a greenhouse in early September, although you can do this again in early January to ensure a continuous harvest. For rooting, it is necessary to maintain a temperature, the optimal level of which is 14-16°C.

The first harvest will be in 4-6 weeks, and the cutting itself can be continued until the beginning of spring. Plants planted in winter take longer to cut, meaning you can get an excellent harvest throughout the year. If forcing is planned for a long time, then the parsley leaves must be cut off carefully, the growing point should not be damaged. Otherwise, the greens will stop growing. If all conditions are met, you can get a yield equal to 2.5 kg from each square meter of planting.

Parsley feels comfortable with short drops in temperature, so it can be planted in winter.

In order for curly parsley to develop correctly, and in the end to get a bountiful and tasty harvest, it is necessary to strictly observe all the conditions for its cultivation. It is better to grow it in open ground or in a greenhouse; it is difficult to get a good harvest on a windowsill. If you compare greens with crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers, then agricultural technology is much simpler. Parsley grows quickly and requires minimal care. Parsley is resistant to even the most unfavorable conditions, frosts, but this does not mean that the plantings need to be frozen. The plant will feel comfortable during short drops in temperature, so greens can be planted even in winter.

  • moderate light, parsley does not like bright sunlight, it begins to wither, its taste becomes worse. In winter, it is best to use special artificial lighting using phytolamps, which will provide the required level of light;
  • Water the greens only when the soil dries out. Experts advise watering after the next crop is cut;
  • The humidity level should be at 75%. These are the most optimal conditions for growth;
  • You can use almost any soil for the plant; parsley is not so demanding in this regard. But soddy-podzolic soils, light loamy, are best suited. For root parsley, dense, heavy, or excessively greasy soils should not be used. In this case, the root crop will turn out distorted, clumsy, and unattractive. The plant itself will receive poor nutrition.

A person needs vitamins throughout the year, but how to achieve this? Most vitamins get into the diet not only with vegetables or fruits, but also with herbs, which give food a subtle, characteristic taste. One such plant is parsley. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse. The process of growing greens is not so complicated; parsley is one of the most unpretentious crops.


Parsley is the most famous herb seasoning in our latitudes, an indispensable attribute of many dishes. When cooking, both parsley leaves and its root are used. Carved, spicy leaves decorate the dish and add zest to it, and the root adds a unique taste to broths and marinades. Did you know that parsley contains more vitamin C than lemon, and more vitamin A than carrots? Of course, such a useful plant is a permanent inhabitant of my garden!

Parsley can be root or leaf. Leaf parsley is the familiar parsley or curly parsley. Only the leaves of leaf parsley are eaten; the roots are not consumed. Root parsley has a large, thick root that is used in sauces and pickling. Root parsley can also be eaten, but it has a rougher taste and should not be plucked until the root vegetable is fully ripe, otherwise it will turn out small and frail.

Planting parsley

The soil for parsley should be normal or slightly acidic and have a loose structure. For planting, you can choose a sunny place or partial shade.

Parsley can be planted in the soil where cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes grew last season. After parsley, the same crops (carrots, cilantro, cumin, dill) are best planted after 3-4 years.

Sowing parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant. Parsley seeds are stored for about 2-3 years after harvesting.

Parsley is a very frost-resistant plant, so fresh greens can be obtained from the garden from early spring until late autumn, until snow falls. To obtain young greens, many gardeners use the so-called conveyor method, in which seeds are sown at intervals of 2-3 weeks and can continue until late autumn (suitable for leaf parsley).

It is best to prepare beds for planting in the fall; at the same time, organic and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil for digging. In the spring, additional potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied; urea and ammonium nitrate can be added.

The seeds need to be soaked for a day in water or a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. Then place them in cheesecloth and germinate until white sprouts appear. If you urgently need to get seedlings, then soak the seeds for 4 hours in milk and then in a solution of potassium permanganate.

In the ridge we make grooves 1-2 cm deep with a distance of about 15 cm from each other. Sprinkle the grooves with fine quicklime several times at intervals of about 15 minutes.

After planting, compact the soil by lightly patting it and mulch the soil with humus.

Shoots will appear in 9 to 15 days; they can withstand frosts down to -10 °C.

Dry seeds can also be used for sowing. However, such seeds will sprout 7 days later than pre-soaked ones. Dry seeds are also used when sowing before winter, in frozen ground.

Parsley propagation

Parsley is propagated by seeds. At the beginning of full ripeness in the second year, the seeds are collected. To do this, leave the heads with seeds on the parsley. Mow or cut the parsley and put it in rows to dry, after a few days, thresh the dry plants, then dry the seeds and remove unnecessary husks.

Parsley care

Caring for parsley is extremely simple; to do this, water the greens in the evening (root parsley loves August watering, at which time the roots gain nutrients), thin out, free the greens from weeds, and loosen the soil.

If you constantly take greens from the garden (which can be eaten at any time during the plant's development), natural thinning of the bushes occurs as they grow. If you sow root parsley, you must thin it out, regardless of whether you need greens.

First thinning - about 3 cm is left between plants.

After a couple of weeks, we thin out again, the final distance between neighboring plants should be 5-10 cm.

Make sure that the parsley leaves are healthy, without signs of disease or insect damage, so that you can take action in time and not lose the harvest. Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot psyllid, carrot fly, melon aphid, onion and garlic stem nematode, white spot.

Collection and storage of parsley

Root parsley is harvested in the fall, before frost, the leaves are cut off, stored in a cool place, sprinkled with sand (like carrots). You don’t have to dig up the root parsley, then in early spring, when the snow melts, you’ll get fresh herbs. Parsley roots can be used in winter to force greens in pots on the window.

Leaf parsley is cut at any time of development and dried in a shaded, but not dark place, or frozen.

Parsley varieties

There are not many varieties of parsley; in this article I will present several varieties suitable for the middle zone.

Sugar(root) - mid-early variety, consumed in summer and autumn. The roots are shortened, cone-shaped, and have a grayish-white color.

Bordovikskaya(root) - mid-late variety with elongated roots, excellent storage. Eaten in autumn and winter.

Harvest(root) - mid-season variety, long-lasting, root length 20-30 cm, pulp yellowish-white.

Common leaf(leaf) - spicy leaves, strongly dissected, powerful rosette. The variety is early ripening.

Svetlana, Russia

Good, useful, tasty information. Our parsley doesn’t freeze in winter, I cover it with spunbond and that’s it))) I can’t collect my own seeds, the eldest daughter first of all eats up the juicy young shoots with peduncles, and only then moves on to the leaves)

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

And I love curly parsley more than others)) True, its greens are somewhat tougher, coarser than those of ordinary leaf parsley, but they are much more decorative - an excellent decoration for a garden. And it is also guaranteed not to bolt, even if the conditions are not the most favorable (ordinary leaf , it happens that in heat and drought it blooms in the first year).

Vera, Orel

I also love curls, but I have them at the root, although I was assured that this could not happen

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Good afternoon I also like curly parsley - it is a truly universal spicy, medicinal, and ornamental plant. The specific, delicate, pleasant aroma and spicy-sweet taste of this seasoning for all dishes, except sweet ones, is loved by many. For medicinal purposes, the roots are used for kidney diseases, as a mild laxative, the seeds are a strong diuretic, the leaves are used to treat wounds, reduce inflammation and pain, the fruits are used for inflammation of the prostate gland, menstrual irregularities, renal colic, to improve digestion; they are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

By the way, wild parsley was first discovered by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece on the rocky spurs of the Morea Peninsula (Peloponnese) and hence got its Latin name Petroselinum, those. growing on a stone. In Ancient Greece and Rome, parsley was grown for a long time as an ornamental plant, often used to decorate homes with its greenery, and the leaves were used to weave wreaths that were used to crown the winners of the Eastlean and Pythian Games. Hercules himself decorated himself with parsley on special occasions. For a long time, parsley was considered a sacred plant, symbolizing glory and joy. In the Middle Ages, noble ladies always complemented their luxurious outfits with boutonnieres made of parsley and dill.

Thanks to its decorative properties, curly parsley is good both in the parterre garden and in the herb garden, and leaf varieties are good as a border with subsequent repeated cutting; It is better to plant it for seeds in a motley lawn. Just don’t choose fennel, dill and leaf celery as its neighbors.

Vera, Orel

Lyudmila, you always have such interesting and informative posts and comments! Now I’m definitely convinced that my curls are really root curls!

Irina, Bendery

Parsley is a good herb, but you need to be careful with it, it still has contraindications!

Vera, Orel

And I decided to grow parsley on the balcony, in a box. I bought seeds, soaked them, and sowed them in a box the next day. I waited for a long time, after 18 days thin sprouts appeared, but a few days after germination the sprouts withered and disappeared, even though I watered the seedlings and illuminated them with a lamp. So I had to go to the market and buy parsley.

Eleonora, Russia

Thank you for the article.

Arina, Saratov

Guys, in the paragraph that talks about preparing parsley seeds for planting, there is a photo with cilantro seeds, but not parsley, of course, if that’s important to you

Shevchenko Larisa, Russia

On your root parsley page you have a photo of coriander, i.e. cilantro

Yes, that's exactly it! I screwed up with the second photo!) In 2013, parsley and coriander leaves looked the same to me. Now, with my eyes closed, I can distinguish one from the other), although even a beginner can get his bearings just by smell alone! Thank you for being attentive to my work and reading the article!

I heard that parsley can be perennial, and I also found out that in fact, root parsley is a biennial, and the next year plants grow from the seeds... in general, your opinion is interesting...

My parsley consistently produces greenery on the windowsill for two years all year round, I feed it only three times a year, each time in the spring and autumn I remove a little of the top layer of soil and add more fresh soil with vermicompost. I plant different varieties in one box. I plant fresh ones every year, so I always have two boxes: with last year’s old parsley and with freshly planted parsley, it’s very convenient. Same thing with celery. This is the most hassle-free greenery to grow on a windowsill!

Tell. how to care for root parsley? I’ve been planting for years and I’m not very successful, I have to either buy it or ask someone. In the fall, it is the root that is needed.


Summer salads, soups, slices and sandwiches are never complete without fresh and aromatic herbs, among which green parsley most often plays the main role. And, if you have not yet managed to sow the beds with this wonderful crop, we will tell you how to grow it in the country.

Growing parsley has never been a difficult or expensive task, since you can grow parsley for yourself on a small plot of land by simply sowing seeds. But, if we are talking about cultivation for sale, then you will have to follow certain technologies and regimes, plant the greens correctly, care for them, make the cut on time, and so on. But today we just want to talk about high-quality cultivation of parsley for ourselves, and not according to industrial standards, since we always want to have aromatic and pleasant-tasting greens on the table that will please the eye and complement some dishes.

Growing and care

The cultivation technology is quite simple, as this is an unpretentious plant. But, if you create conditions close to ideal, it will delight you with a large amount of greenery and a high ripening speed.

Soil and preparation

Parsley prefers places with fertile soil, well-lit, and not very drafty. It is advisable to select for this plant those areas in the garden or summer cottage where cumin, cilantro, and carrots have not previously been grown.

It would be best to prepare the site for planting in the fall by carefully digging it up. In this case, up to 5 kg of humus per square meter should be added to the soil. In the spring, before planting, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Planting scheme

The best planting pattern is in rows spaced 20cm apart, but this pattern may vary slightly depending on the variety and growing method.

How to plant greens

Already in the second half of April, when the soil begins to warm up a little, parsley can be sown. To do this, take about 0.5 g of seeds per 1 square meter, they are sown in shallow grooves, up to 1 cm. Afterwards, the seeds are watered and sprinkled with a light layer of soil. To retain the required amount of moisture in the soil, the planting area can be covered with film.

Dry seeds do not germinate well, and therefore they must be treated before planting. This can be done very simply by soaking it in warm water for half an hour and pre-driing it until it flows before planting.

Seeds germinate even at temperatures of +2°C, and can withstand frosts down to -8°C. Germination depends on proper planting and care; the plant can be cut after just a few weeks.


Cutting occurs as the greens ripen, and this can continue throughout the entire season if new greens are planted in time and properly cared for. First of all, it is recommended to fertilize several times during the warm season. This can be the introduction of nitrate, about 50 g/10 m2, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers into the soil. It is worth remembering that saltpeter is most often used when growing leaf parsley, but phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and their precise application during the growing season are most suitable for growing root parsley.

Proper watering is also important, which is done depending on weather conditions, but without allowing the soil to get too wet. It is advisable to produce it in the morning or evening, so as not to spoil the existing greens in the heat.

In addition, pay attention to the fight against weeds, which can not only shade the parsley or take away its beneficial substances from the soil, but also carry some diseases that negatively affect the yield.

To summarize, I would like to say that the best greens can only be obtained with proper, timely and completely systematic care. To obtain larger root crops, plants are thinned, sometimes even twice. The first thinning occurs immediately after the greenery sprouts, leaving only a few centimeters between plants. The second thinning is carried out 12-15 days after the first, leaving up to 7 cm between plants. The early stages of the plant's growing season dictate the rules of care with several fertilizing with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.

You should pay attention to watering depending on what kind of parsley you are growing. When growing foliar watering, systematic watering is necessary to nourish the greenery. If you are growing root parsley, then experts recommend focusing on intensive watering at the end of August, when the root crops are full.

Parsley propagation

Reproduction occurs by seed, and if you decide to grow a lot of greens for yourself, or even for planting, you can no longer buy bags of seeds, but prepare the planting material yourself.

The seeds are collected in the second year of the growing season when they are fully ripe. Parsley is cut and folded into rolls, prepared for drying. After the seeds dry, the plants are threshed. Afterwards, the seeds should be further dried and all foreign impurities removed from their general contents.

Further planting occurs in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology for this plant, with the desired pre-planting preparation of seeds.

Video about growing parsley

Growing parsley at home

Due to the unpretentiousness of the plant, it does not need to create special conditions, spending money and its own free time on this.

The process at home can be started by sowing seeds in boxes, always in prepared fertile soil, or by planting specially prepared root crops collected, for example, during the last harvest. It is at home that you can grow seedlings and then transfer them to open ground in a stronger state, but you need to think about whether this is worth doing if the plant sprouts well under the correct planting and growing conditions.

It is also possible to grow parsley in a greenhouse or even hydroponically, but doing this for your own consumption is not very profitable, which means that greens are grown using these methods only at industrial standards or in joint planting with other greens.

Thanks to the simplest steps and processes, you can now start growing your own parsley in your own garden. By spending only some time reading our material and preparing for planting, you will be able to provide your family with fresh herbs all year round, and perhaps later, organize a small but very profitable business.

Reviews and comments

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Chamomile 11/14/2015

Along with dill, parsley is my most popular herb. It goes into almost all soups, main courses, and salads. I even freeze it for the winter. And growing it is a blessing. Even if you dig it out from under the snow, it does not lose its properties and is just as tasty. But about harvesting seeds on my own - this was the first time I learned how to do it. Thank you. It's a pity they didn't talk about proper storage.

Svetlana 02/06/2016

The first time I planted parsley was at the beginning of May, and it did not sprout for a long time. I thought the seeds were missing. But she rose, she grew up well. Then I started planting parsley on the 20th of April, and I know that it does not sprout quickly. But in early spring you can use parsley that has sprouted from last summer’s planting: until the bushes knock out the umbrellas, the leaves are quite soft and juicy.

Sveta 03/24/2016

I constantly grow parsley in my garden. It’s not a fussy plant; it always grows and grows well for me. At one time I even took it to the market - there was such a harvest. I never collect seeds; if I plan to plant them, I buy new ones at a seed store. Once I collected them and planted them, but they didn’t germinate, so I was left without parsley for the winter.

Olenka 06/13/2016

I believe that of all types of greens, parsley is the most unpretentious. Planting it is not a problem and there are no difficulties in caring for it either. The main thing is not to forget about watering. We always have this greenery in the garden and on the table. Useful and beautiful! But selling is also no small task. You need to know how.

Alena 03/25/2017

There is no need to sow the seeds very deep. At best, their germination will slow down. In the worst case, they will not germinate at all, since the access to oxygen, which is necessary for germination no less than water and heat, is limited. In addition, in order to “hatch” the seeds consume a lot of valuable substances, they may not be enough for further life, and the seedlings will die underground. And another mistake is very small sowing; the seeds can dry out or be blown away by the wind. For small seeds (for example, carrots, beets), the sowing depth is 1-3 cm. Large seeds (peas, beans) must be planted at a depth of 3-5cm.
We make shallow grooves, lightly compact the bottom and place the seeds at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. Compacting the furrow makes it easier for water to reach the seeds from the lower layers of the soil. After the seeds are spread out at the bottom of the furrows, cover them by 1-2 cm with a mixture of earth and humus and lightly compact them with the edge of your palm. If you are late with sowing, water the bottom of the rows well with a watering can without an attachment.
And another piece of advice: to make weeds less of a nuisance this season, you need to prevent them from developing. To do this, add 1/10 or 1/20 by weight of lettuce seeds to the seeds of beets, carrots, parsley, and onions. The lettuce will quickly sprout, the rows will become visible and it will be possible to loosen between them without fear of damaging the shoots that have not yet appeared.

Alena 03/26/2017

And further. Loosening is a very important part when caring for a garden. Agronomists even claim that if you loosen the soil twice, it can replace one watering. There is even a saying “I water the soil with a hoe” (that is, loosen it with a hoe). One of the main rules for every gardener is to always loosen the soil under all the plants you sow and plant. If we watered it abundantly or it rained heavily, we wait until the soil dries out a little and begins to crumble, and then we loosen it. Dry weather has set in - loosening the soil must be carried out to a depth of 3-5 cm, breaking up the resulting crust. These measures will help facilitate oxygen access to the developing roots of plants.
In addition, along with loosening, the plants must be earthed up; this promotes the formation of additional roots in cabbage and tomatoes and underground shoots in potatoes. For pumpkins, melons, and watermelons, the places where they are pinned to the ground must be sprinkled. Maria 03/27/2017

I learned a lot of useful things.

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