Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business. How to grow strawberries at home, in a greenhouse, in open ground, under captivity, in bags and in pipes? How to grow strawberries all year round

Just hearing the word “strawberry” brings out its amazing sweetness in your mouth, and pleasant images float before your eyes: ripe strawberries on a bush, warmed by the sun; strawberries and cream; delicate dessert garnished with strawberries...

The main secrets and subtleties of year-round cultivation of strawberries

In the summer, this delicious berry is quite often present on our table, but imagine how surprised your guests and household members will be if you please them with fresh strawberries during the “off season”! And not those imported berries that lie on supermarket shelves, raising doubts about their usefulness, but real homemade strawberries, juicy and aromatic.

Now growing strawberries all year round Anyone who has such a desire can do it. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to have a heated greenhouse; you can grow berries in an ordinary flower pot on the kitchen window. All you need is to stock up on seedlings, soil, containers for strawberry seedlings and, of course, patience, because strawberries are a rather capricious plant.

Anyone who has such a desire can grow strawberries all year round.

How can you get strawberry bushes to bear fruit in autumn, winter and spring? The secret is simple: in a dormant state, strawberry seedlings dug up from your plot in the fall can be stored for up to nine months; for this you just need to keep them in the refrigerator or in a cool place. basement. In their natural environment, strawberries “wake up” after the snow melts, and when stored at home, you can “wake up” the seedlings at the moment you want. Thus, by taking seedling bushes out of the basement or refrigerator one by one and planting them in the ground, you can get the desired result - strawberries will bear fruit all year round without interruption.

Video about growing strawberries all year round

Another important point, which you will definitely need to take into account - strawberry seedlings need a long daylight hours (up to 14 hours a day). IN autumn-winter period the days are very short, so you will have to take advantage artificial lighting. Any technology for growing strawberries all year round is based on the fact that the plants are provided with additional illumination using fluorescent lamps.

Pollination of flowers will also be artificial, regardless of which strawberry varieties you choose for year-round cultivation. If you have planted several strawberry bushes at home or in a greenhouse, you can pollinate them with a simple soft brush, touching each flower with it daily. IN large greenhouses You can place a hive with bees to ensure natural pollination.

If you have planted several strawberry bushes at home or in a greenhouse, you can pollinate them with a simple soft brush

Strawberries bear fruit best all year round, varieties of which are distinguished by high yields and the ability to set berries several times after the first fruiting. These are varieties such as:

  • Marmolada,
  • Maria,
  • Selva,
  • Darselect,
  • Tristar,
  • Elsanta,
  • Yellow miracle,
  • Polka,
  • Sonata,
  • Tribute,
  • Mount Everest,
  • Darkness,
  • Queen Elizabeth.

What is the best way to grow strawberries in winter?

There are many ways to grow strawberries all year round: some are based on the principles of hydroponics (growing without soil), others involve the use plastic bags. You can choose any method that you consider the most effective and acceptable.

Year-round growing of strawberry seedlings in bags is becoming increasingly popular

Year-round use on balconies and loggias is gaining increasing popularity. Substrate is poured into ordinary long bags made of thick polyethylene, slits are made along the surface for strawberry bushes, and seedlings are planted. When choosing this option, do not forget to constantly ventilate the room in which the bags of growing strawberries are located, otherwise the roots of the plants will be blocked.

The strawberries that we see in the supermarket in winter are grown using Dutch technology. In essence, this technology is very similar to that described above, only it is used mainly in greenhouses. If you live in a city apartment and don’t have a greenhouse, but really want to get strawberries all year round, practical guide will help you achieve high yields at home.

Video about growing strawberries all year round in bags indoors

You can plant strawberries one bush at a time in flower pots, using rosettes prepared in the fall or growing them yourself. If you follow the basic rules for caring for strawberries at home, you will have delicious berries on your windowsill throughout the year.

Another option is to use hydroponic system. In this case, strawberry seedlings are planted in an organic substrate (for example, coconut fiber) or in aquatic environment, and is supplied to the roots of plants nutrient solution. As a result, strawberries bear fruit all year round - the video will allow you to make sure that in a hydroponic setup without using a substrate, fairly large berries ripen on strawberry bushes.

There is always a demand for strawberries. If at the height of the season you can enjoy plenty of berries, then in winter there is an acute shortage of them. However, the last fifty years experienced gardeners and farmers are actively developing greenhouse cultivation of the crop, in which they have been quite successful during this period.

Options for growing strawberries at home

There are several options for home year-round cultivation of strawberries. Each option requires a special approach, the availability of the necessary skills, suitable equipment and materials.

On the windowsill

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to pick some berries for yourself all year round.

The first and simplest is apartment "pot" option . This method is usually used by those who do not have enough space, but want to get berries all year round.


Suitable for planting in pots are those that can produce crops all year round, and do not depend on the time of day or seasonality. The best examples for this type are Geneva, Homemade delicacy . Less commonly used Queen Elizabeth .

Strawberry Homemade Delicacy forms a compact bush with a small number of tendrils and hanging berries during the fruiting period.

Land selection

The soil for pots is selected taking into account the preferences of a particular plant.

This could be ready earth mixture store bought is also allowed self-cooking soil. Before pouring into pots, the soil must be disinfected. For this you can steam or fill with ammonia water . After the soil mixture has dried, you can begin planting.

Landing algorithm

  1. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container - expanded clay, small pebbles , then the earthen mixture is poured.
  2. When choosing dishes, it is important to consider the size of the crop, the volume and length of the root system.
  3. However, if the roots are too long, they can be trimmed - leaving no more than ten centimeters in length.
  4. If you select containers for seedlings with a volume of approximately 15 liters, then no more than four landing units are placed at a distance of twenty-five centimeters.


Pots with strawberries are placed on the brightest windowsill.

Care involves:

  • placing the container on the light side of the window sill;
  • maintaining temperature conditions – 15–20 degrees;
  • humidity control;
  • – ready-made mineral complex;
  • disease prevention;
  • elimination of excess mustache.

Due to the fact that new gardens require iron during the formation of berry ovaries, some gardeners resort to simple solution problems - a rusty nail stuck in the ground.

Simple greenhouse

There are three types of greenhouses that can be set up at home. We have already written in more detail earlier.

  1. First type - wooden frame, the film serves as a covering . Despite economical option, this design is short-lived due to the fact that it only lasts one season.

    The film in such a greenhouse will have to be changed annually, but the frame will last for several years.

  2. Second type - Basic structure with a steel frame, the coating for which is cellular polycarbonate . It has a longer service life, but is more expensive to operate.
  3. Third type - steel frame and glass cover . Expensive design, but characterized by maximum durability. In addition, in such structures it is easier to equip the necessary requirements for growing strawberries - a system drip irrigation, heating, lighting.

    A greenhouse made of metal and glass is built to last for decades, but it is the most expensive structure.

Preparing the soil for the greenhouse growing method consists of several rules. First you need to disinfect the planting area. Next, fertilizers are applied - peat, humus . To systematically feed novogardens, you should use ready-made mineral complexes purchased in a special store.

Planting methods

IN simple greenhouses As a rule, a two-line planting row scheme is used.

The distance between rows of strawberries depends on the variety, but cannot be less than 30–40 cm.

  • In this case, the distance between the bushes is thirty centimeters, between the rows - fifty centimeters.
  • The distance will depend on the own characteristics of a particular crop - the volume of the leaf cap, the size of the rhizome, and stems.
  • Fertilizers are applied several times - during the period of bud formation, after flowering, after harvesting.
  • For fertilizing, ready-made mineral complexes are used in parallel with organic matter.

Dutch greenhouse

Greenhouse strawberries in bags using Dutch technology.

Bags are filling soil substratesteamed peat, perlite . The substrate has a high level of moisture absorption, which exceeds its own volume four times. The incoming liquid is enriched with nutrients and is introduced into the roots, already saturated with useful substances.

Planting methods

You can use vertical and horizontal planting methods. This allows you to minimize the required area.

When planting vertically in pipes, strawberries are watered through an internal drip system.

  • Horizontal placement implies the arrangement of bags in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other. They are placed in several tiers, maintaining a gap of about half a meter.
  • Vertical method involves placing hoses in polymer pipes, which are reinforced in several rows. The holes in which the bags are located are located at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other.

Overview of varieties

To obtain the highest possible yields, you should decide on the choice of variety. Let's consider promising crops for greenhouse cultivation:

  1. Maherauha characterized by early and simultaneous maturation. The fruits are raspberry-colored, sweet in taste, large, with a pronounced aroma.
  2. Zarya characterized by extremely early maturation and has high rates of adaptation. The bushes are lush, tall, the berries are evenly colored, and have a regular conical shape. It requires maximum systematic watering and does not tolerate heat.
  3. Festival is in great demand, different compact bushes, consistently high yield levels. The berry is large, sweet and sour in taste, with a bright rich aroma. Strawberries have average frost resistance.
  4. Red Gauntlet refers to late appearance, characterized by high yield and resistance to fungal diseases. But it is also rarely attacked by insects and is not susceptible. Characterized by high adaptive properties.
  5. Mount Everest – French variety, belongs to the remontants. The main difference is that it is maximally adapted to fruiting in shaded areas. The fruits are sweet, with a sour aftertaste, the pulp is juicy, with medium density.
  6. Queen Elizabeth It is not for nothing that it is considered the queen among strawberry crops. Powerful bush, large fruits, consistently high yield. The aroma is slightly tart, the taste is sugary and juicy. The pulp is elastic, bright red. A neutral type of soil is required.
  7. belongs to ordinary varieties, however, it differs favorably from most crops in that it ripens very early, and mass production is expected. Strawberries are quite resilient. The bushes are small, the foliage cap is compact, with rounded leaves. The fruits are large, sweet in taste, with a rich delicate aroma.
  8. Strawberries Elvira also applies to normal appearance, however, it is popular among gardeners due to its abundant fruiting. The fruits are large in size and have excellent taste. The ability to bear fruit in the shade is at high level. Grows well in any soil.
  9. It is no less popular. It is characterized by a voluminous leafy cap, powerful bush structure, and strong rhizome. Excellent winter hardiness and average ripening times are noted. The fruits are medium in size, ripe berries are dark red in color with a dense rind. The taste is sweet with a slight amount of acidity.

When deciding to grow strawberries in a greenhouse, you should pay attention to the length of daylight hours and the intensity of growth.

The formation of fruit buds is usually needs short daylight hours, and flowering period requires at least 16 hours . In hot, intensely sunny weather, it is advisable to use an awning cover or special nets. The temperature and humidity in the greenhouse must be maintained at the level required for the specifically selected variety.

Can be used as fertilizer potassium salt, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate . Some species require artificial pollination. For this it is recommended to use art brush. For preventive purposes, mandatory daily inspection of plants for the presence of diseases is recommended. To prevent fungal infection, it is necessary to periodically open greenhouse windows.

Video about growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Strawberry is the most popular berry, as it appears on our table first among garden crops. But summer passes quickly, and you always want berries, especially in winter. Breeders have developed varieties that grow and produce high yields of tasty berries all winter long. How is strawberries grown commercially in a greenhouse all year round? Read the article about which varieties are suitable for this.

Growing strawberries

Depending on production capacity and economic opportunities, different methods of growing strawberries are chosen. Dutch technology is very popular. How it works? Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out through continuous planting of seedlings throughout the year, regardless of the season. After a month or a month and a half, when the harvest is over, the plants are thrown away and new ones are planted in their place.

In order for strawberries to bear fruit quickly, the plant bushes receive special nutrition, which is supplied to them through pipelines. The drip method of liquid supply is used.

Following this technology, plants in a greenhouse can be placed vertically in pots or horizontally on racks. For comfortable growth, they need to be provided with decent maintenance:

  • Normal lighting. If it is not enough, additional light sources are installed. Approximate calculation: for six square meters of area you need only one sixty-watt light bulb. If you increase the daylight hours to twelve to sixteen hours, the strawberries will bloom in ten days.
  • Watering using a drip system. It must be carried out regularly and consistently.
  • The optimal humidity in a greenhouse is no higher than eighty degrees. This is achieved through regular overhead watering. The procedures are stopped during the flowering period, since water entering the vegetative part of the plants leads to fungal diseases.
  • If there is no ventilation system, the room needs to be ventilated. Level control carbon dioxide carried out by special sensors.
  • Needs constant support temperature regime. Eighteen to twenty-one degrees are enough before flowering begins, and twenty-eight when the first flowers appear.
  • If necessary, artificial pollination of plants is carried out.

Planting strawberries in a greenhouse is carried out in the same way as in open ground. Planting material are seedlings obtained by rooting mustaches and seedlings grown from seeds. Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out with seedlings purchased in specialized stores or nurseries.

Strawberry varieties for industrial cultivation

There are a huge variety of strawberry varieties and hybrids. But for industrial cultivation in greenhouse conditions Far East, Siberia and the Urals are better suited remontant varieties. There is no need to create artificial pollination for them, since they are self-pollinated varieties. Remontant strawberries ripen early, which ensures a good harvest even when the bushes are dense.

This strawberry belongs to the group of day-neutral plants, so there is no need to install additional lighting in the greenhouse. There are many remontant varieties, some of them are presented below.


This variety of strawberry is popular and is grown everywhere in open ground and in greenhouses. The value lies in the high quality of the berries and their attractive appearance. The fruits are well transported and stored for a long time without compromising quality, even at room temperature.

This is a dessert variety of Dutch selection. The berries are different large sizes and bright red color with a shiny surface. They have a wide cone shape and amazing taste. The disadvantage of this variety is its susceptibility to fungal diseases and low frost resistance. In order for plants to survive until spring, they need to be covered for the winter.


This strawberry variety has a high yield. If you plan to grow strawberries in industrial scale, Honey is ideal for greenhouses and open ground, as it has good transportability. The berries of this variety are large, with thick skin and dark red color, have a piquant taste with sourness and a glossy shine on the surface. The harvest is harvested when the berries are fully ripe.

This strawberry variety is disease resistant. It is not afraid of temperature changes, heavy rains and frosts, if grown under open air. Strawberries grow even in soils with excessive calcium content.


When growing strawberries in industrial greenhouses for business, it is recommended to start with this remontant variety, which gardeners love. After all, this strawberry bears fruit for the longest time. The berries have excellent taste and excellent presentation. They are transported without loss of quality.

Large, elongated berries have an attractive cone shape. They are consumed fresh and processed: confitures, jams, and preserves are prepared. Strawberries are resistant to late blight, verticillium and other diseases. Tolerates adverse weather conditions.


This variety of remontant strawberry from America is new. But it has managed to prove itself in the best possible way, especially for those who plan to start industrially growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round. Portola is a continuation of a variety with a good reputation - Albion. But the new variety has a yield higher than its predecessor by thirty percent.

The berries are very large, heavy, their weight reaches thirty grams or more. They are distinguished by their expressive shape, in the form of a wide cone. The flesh is firm, without crunch. Very pleasant, harmonious taste.

The disadvantage of the variety is its weak resistance against diseases such as brown spot. Therefore, you should regularly preventive treatments fungicides, for example Quadris.


This is a remontant strawberry variety from California. It is a continuation of Albion, only its yield is twenty-five percent higher. Industrial cultivation of Monterey strawberries - a good choice for successful business. Especially for autumn-winter and spring periods. The berries are large in size, the pulp is juicy and has a sweet taste.

Industrial greenhouses

In order to receive tasty and healthy berries, they are grown in greenhouses, which are of two types:

  • Seasonal. They are more popular because their construction requires little investment. In such greenhouses they grow cultivated plants vegetable gardens and orchards from March to November, that is, until the time it is necessary to heat the room.
  • Year-round. The construction of such greenhouses requires large investments. This is due to the construction of equipment rooms. Such buildings are highly profitable, since vegetables and fruits are grown in them all year round.

Greenhouses for growing strawberries on an industrial scale differ in many other ways. Thus, glass covering is used for seasonal greenhouses, since its installation requires a strong frame.

Polycarbonate has gained great popularity as a covering material. It is easy to install, has great strength, high thermal insulation properties and transmits light well. It withstands temperature changes and is easily transported without being deformed.

Beds in greenhouses are arranged in the ground, on racks (horizontally) or in hanging bags (vertically). The frame of greenhouses can be wooden, metal or polymer. The choice of greenhouse depends, first of all, on financial capabilities and production space.

Strawberries in open ground

Industrial cultivation of strawberries in open ground is simple and has good economic benefits. This is achieved due to the fact that strawberries grow on soils with different granulometric compositions.

To ensure high yields, the soil is filled with fertilizers, green manure and perennial grasses. Dry areas, damp areas with a lot of stagnant water and marshy areas are unsuitable for growing strawberries. Surface occurrence groundwater undesirable.

Industrial cultivation of strawberries is carried out on flat areas or gentle slopes. If you place it in low places, it may suffer from frost. There should be a natural or artificial reservoir near the site.

The beds with strawberries are surrounded on all sides by tree plantations. They are planted in blocks of 4x10 hectares, which are separated by internal roads three to four meters wide. Rows for planting strawberries must be at least one hundred meters wide.

Crop rotations

Industrial cultivation of strawberries involves such agrotechnical measures as designing crop rotations. Growing in one place, strawberries produce high yields for three to four years. Then it weakly resists frost, is more often affected by diseases, and its berries become smaller. As a result, productivity decreases.

The crop rotation of each farm is made taking into account production conditions and economic opportunities. An example of seven-field crop rotation for the Black Earth regions of Russia:

  • Strawberries are planted in the first field.
  • On the second, third, fourth - fruit-bearing strawberries grow, they give good harvests.
  • In the fifth plot, where strawberries grew, oats or rye are planted to prepare green mass for livestock feed.
  • At the sixth site, a vetch-oat mixture is being planted, from which feed is prepared for livestock.
  • The seventh plot is left fallow and nothing is planted on it.

How to prepare the soil?

Before planting strawberries, in open ground or a greenhouse, the soil is plowed to a depth of forty centimeters or a little less. Then its surface is leveled with a harrow, first in one direction, then in the other, and at the end of the process - across the rows.

The next step is the application of manure. Per meter square area chernozem soil - thirty to forty tons, podzolic soil - eighty to one hundred for the same area. About a couple of years before the planned planting of strawberries in a new place, one field participating in crop rotation is selected, and from three to six tons of lime fertilizers per hectare are applied to its soil.

Planting strawberries

The technology for industrial cultivation of strawberries can be different, but most often they use a single-row planting method. Plants are planted in rows, the distance between them is seventy to ninety centimeters, and between seedlings - fifteen to thirty.

If strawberries are grown using mulch film (in open ground), planting is done in a two-row manner. The distance between the rows is eighty-five centimeters. But in one row, strawberries are planted in two ribbons, the distance between them is thirty-five centimeters, and between the plants in each ribbon - fifteen.

The planting pattern is directly related to the period of use of strawberry bushes. If a crop will not grow in one field for long, the plants should be planted densely, as with the Dutch technology in a greenhouse.

The optimal timing for planting in open ground conditions is considered to be late summer - early autumn and early spring. But it is still better to plant strawberries in early autumn. This time is characterized by abundant precipitation, which is a favorable condition for good survival of seedlings. For areas where there is little snowfall, it is not recommended to plant strawberries in the fall, as the plants do not have time to get stronger and may freeze.

Strawberries are planted on an industrial scale on large plantations with special machines called transplanters (brands of units - SKN-6, SKNB-4A and others). If it is not possible to use machine labor, manual labor is used. But first they water and mark with a Belarus tractor with a cultivator attached to it.

These terms do not apply to strawberries growing in a greenhouse. Thus, following Dutch technology, seedlings are planted every month and a half, regardless of the time of year.

Everyone knows the berry strawberry; growing this juicy, sweet and aromatic berry at home will allow you to enjoy its taste almost all year round. When deciding how to grow strawberries from seeds at home, they usually do it from seeds, since it is not always possible to find seedlings.

Growing strawberries on a windowsill is a task that any person can do, while some people not only eat these berries themselves in winter, but also derive financial benefits from this activity. Let's look at what it means to grow strawberries at home. And is it really possible to do this in an apartment?

Modern technologies already allow you to grow strawberries at home and you can do this all year round, and you don’t necessarily need to have personal plot, this can be done in any apartment, so fresh strawberries on the windowsill is a reality that anyone can bring to life.

Which are filled with substrate, but if you do not have enough space for this, then growing strawberries all year round at home can be carried out in ordinary flower pots which are placed on the windowsill. Everything will depend on the purpose for which you are growing strawberries at home: are you doing it just for yourself or want to make it your business? Much will also depend on how much space you can allocate for growing strawberries in your apartment.

This way you can get significantly more harvest. If strawberries are grown at home on the balcony in winter, then it must be heated, so they can be grown all year round.

What conditions must be created for favorable growth?

When deciding how to grow strawberries at home, you need to create certain conditions for them:

  • suitable soil,
  • temperature,
  • air humidity.

If you are growing strawberries at home, then creating such conditions in your apartment is not difficult. There are usually no problems with heating in an apartment, if there is not enough heat, you can buy a heater, there will be no problems with lighting either, and the substrate can be made yourself or bought ready-made, it is not difficult to ensure air circulation, so growing strawberries on a windowsill is quite an achievable task.

When deciding how to grow strawberries at home in order to get good yields, you must follow following conditions:

  1. It is necessary to choose remontant varieties, as they bear fruit several times a year, and you can get good strawberry harvests at home.
  2. If you decide to grow strawberries from seeds at home, then before planting they need to be kept in the refrigerator for a month. The seeds are placed in a damp cloth and then in a bag. Seeds hardened in this way will produce vigorous strawberry shoots at home within a week after planting.
  3. The pot in which the seedlings are planted must be spacious and contain good drainage. Strawberries at home, as well as in natural conditions, love good watering, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture.
  4. If you are growing strawberries at home, and do it on an unheated balcony, then keep in mind that they are afraid of the cold and must be protected from it.
  5. In order for strawberries to produce good yields at home, they must be fed periodically potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and in order for the ovary to form, treat with special preparations, for example Ovary or similar.

If you have just started looking for the answer to the question of how to grow strawberries at home, then keep in mind that it is best to do this on windows that face south. There will be the maximum amount of light and heat, so strawberries at home will grow and bear fruit normally.

If you grow this plant in winter, then natural light will not be enough, so strawberries at home should be additionally illuminated using fluorescent lamps. In order for strawberries to develop normally and the berries to be sweet and juicy, the daylight hours should be about 14 hours.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Strawberries at home are usually grown from seeds, and there is no difference in growing strawberries or wild strawberries. Typically, growing strawberries from seeds is carried out in small containers; it is convenient when they have a lid. If sown in containers, then after a while the seedlings are picked up and transplanted into separate containers, but you can immediately plant them in separate containers or peat tablets.

If you decide to grow strawberries for seedlings and do not want to highlight them additionally, then this should be done no earlier than March. If you want to have strawberries at home earlier, then you can sow the seeds in January-February, but to prevent the seedlings from dying, you need to organize additional lighting for them.

Remontant varieties have better germination, while large-fruited varieties she's worse.

To speed up the germination of seeds, they need to be soaked, To do this, place the seeds on a cotton pad, moisten it with water and cover it with another disc, everything is placed in a transparent container, the lid of which should have holes. The container is placed in a warm place for 2 days, and then in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. You need to make sure that the tampons do not dry out.

Before planting strawberries, you need to properly prepare the soil for them, which should be light and crumbly. You can take soil from the garden and add sand to it; forest soil is better suited. Young strawberry shoots are very vulnerable, and to protect them from the development of diseases, the soil is heated in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

You cannot plant in such soil right away; it must stand for 2-3 weeks for beneficial bacteria to appear in it.

How to grow strawberries at home (video)

Different sowing methods

Strawberries can be grown at home in several ways.

Can be sown in a container To do this, fill it with prepared soil, moisten it well and carefully lay out the seeds taken from the refrigerator on the surface. It is enough to press them a little, there is no need to cover them with soil, they germinate well anyway.

Cover the container with a lid and place it in a warm place, but not on bright light. In order not to disturb the microclimate, you should not lift the lid often. When the seedlings have three leaves, they need to be picked and planted in individual cups, the size of which must be at least 5x5 cm.

Be sure to provide good drainage so that moisture does not stagnate in the cups. Seedlings cannot be planted deep; the heart with leaves should be above the soil.

You can use the option when the seeds are sown in peat tablets, but it is better to plant sprouted seeds in them. In order for them to germinate, after you take the seeds out of the refrigerator, put them in a warm place and wait until the sprouts appear.

The tablets are placed in a tray with water to absorb it, and then the sprouted seeds are placed in small depressions. Now everything is covered with film and placed in a damp and warm place.

Regardless of the method of growing seedlings, after germination they do not need to be immediately exposed to light; it is necessary to open the lid gradually so that they get used to the new conditions.

If you plan to plant seedlings in open ground, then in April you need to start hardening them, for this they are taken out to open air. IN open ground You can plant seedlings only in late May early June, when there is no longer any danger of night frosts.

To taste sweet and aromatic strawberries, you don’t have to wait for the season and look for them at the market - these berries can be grown at home. There are many ways to do this, outlined in this article.

Amateur and professional summer residents who cannot live a day without working on their summer cottages or home garden, be sure to find a place in the garden for growing strawberries.

Frequent weeding, formation of correct bushes and timely harvesting are only a small amount of care required to get a good harvest. But if you know certain secrets, then growing strawberries will seem like a pleasant experience, bearing excellent fruits.

How to properly grow strawberries in open ground at home?

First you need to know what to plant strawberries only in lowlands, preferably on a sunny, windless side - ideal southwestern side of the plot.

For a rich harvest of strawberries, you must follow the rules for growing them.

Do not think that strawberries are planted once and for all in the same place - it is advisable that they grow in one area no more than three years. If you do not periodically change the place where strawberries are grown, then the fertile qualities of the soil will dry up, and the berries will become small and not sweet.

It is better to plant strawberry seedlings in open ground at the beginning of June in evening time . This way the seedlings will strengthen a little overnight and will be better able to withstand the hot summer sun. When you first plant strawberries, first clean the soil well - remove all weeds and dig up the area you have chosen for planting berries.

Strawberry bushes are important plant not very close– determine a distance of about half a meter between the bushes, so it will be convenient for you to collect fruits and strawberries it will be big and tasty.

Choose healthy sockets, carefully place them in the ground and plant at medium depth. The main thing is to dig holes for seedlings correctly - if you plant very deeply, the roots may rot; If you dig small holes, the soil will quickly dry out and the roots will dry out.

Watering is very important for strawberries.

After you have planted all the seedlings - water the seedlings well and after a couple of days add fertilizer to the watering. When strawberries begin to bloom, place straw under the bushes - this way you will protect future fruits from rotting. So that the berries are large - trim the plant's tendrils that are too long. After following all the tips, strawberries in open ground will delight you with tasty and sweet fruits.

How to grow strawberries vertically?

Modern innovations in gardening have invented an excellent alternative classic options growing strawberries - vertical beds. Summer residents who do not own large land plantations should be interested in this idea.

This type of beds very convenient for harvesting. Also, the possibility of rotting fruits, which, thanks to vertical beds, no longer lie on the ground, is practically eliminated.

A good solution for a vertical bed would be to use flower pots. You can either stack them on top of each other or secure the pots to a metal or wood stake driven deep into the ground. Fill the pots with soil, plant strawberries in each rosette and that’s it, the vertical bed is ready.

Vertical growing of strawberries in pots

Can come up with different options: use small boxes, barrels, or buy special construction kits for vertical beds in the store - it’s up to your imagination. There are positive and negative sides to everything.

Disadvantages of vertical planting:

  • Limited food– due to the small amount of soil, seedlings need more frequent feeding
  • Dryness– Strawberries in pots dry quickly in the sun. Therefore, you have to water much more often. If you come to the dacha only on weekends, arrange drip irrigation for the seedlings
  • Freezing– in a pot that is too shallow and not covered with snow in frosty winters, strawberries can quickly freeze. Therefore, it is better to bring the seedlings indoors for the winter.

Vertical planting allows you to get a larger harvest

But there is also positive sides such planting:

  • Save time– to harvest, you no longer need to bend your back and look for berries
  • Easy to care for - You won't need to weed
  • Space saving— A vertical nursery takes up much less space than a traditional one
  • Absence of diseases– the fungus does not often attack strawberries when planted vertically

Having considered all the pros and cons of the vertical method of planting strawberries, each gardener has the right to choose the most convenient method for him. But it is important to note that this method not only effective, but also very aesthetically pleasing - a beautifully decorated nursery with white blooms and red berries will look very unusual and bright.

Video: Vertical method of growing strawberries

How to grow strawberries in bags?

Technology growing strawberries in bags almost the same as the traditional growing method. But let's look at this method in more detail. First, choose a room where you will grow strawberries. In such a room it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature all year round - 20-24 °C.

In order to grow strawberries you will need large plastic bags. You can buy them or make them yourself. The length of the bags should be not less than 2 m, diameter approx. 20 cm. After you have decided where you will plant the strawberries, fill this bag with soil and fertilizer.

Growing strawberries in bags is more productive than in pots

Make cuts along the vertical line of the bag in a checkerboard pattern in four rows for planting, about 8 centimeters in size and at a distance at 25 cm. Bags must be placed on the floor. Place them not next to each other, but at a distance of approximately 30-40 cm from each other.

Use for watering and fertilizing dropper tubes(they will need to be attached to the bag). You will need three tubes per bag, which are inserted the entire length of the bag into one hole.

Connect the upper ends of the tubes to the main pipeline, which must be laid over the bags. To water each bag you will need about 2 liters of water per day.

Planting and harvesting strawberries in a bag

The positive aspects of such cultivation are:

  • preservation of the genetics of the variety
  • high yield
  • fruits that can be obtained throughout the year, because cultivation takes place indoors with a comfortable temperature.

With this method of growing strawberries, you will always have delicious berries without chemicals, grown with your own hands.

Video: Growing strawberries all year round in bags

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?

Many gardeners are accustomed to the fact that such a tasty berry as strawberry produces a harvest only once - in early June. Some varieties of strawberries bear fruit for up to three months- These are remontant varieties, but they can only grow in certain conditions. And if you create a certain temperature in the greenhouse, you can achieve the fact that tasty and sweet fruits will be on your table all year round.

In order to have a harvest all year round, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Install correct lighting
  2. Create a specific temperature regime
  3. Ensure timely watering and fertilizing

For growing strawberries in greenhouses You can use several methods:

  • Growing in soil
  • Planting in small containers
  • Landing using Dutch technology
In greenhouse conditions, strawberries can bear fruit all year round

The main method for many gardeners is precisely planting strawberries in the ground. For those who want to get a good harvest indoors, you should take note of the other two methods.

Planting in a container is similar to vertical way growing strawberries - planting seedlings also produced in pots filled with soil.

Also used in greenhouses Dutch technology- This is an already well-known method of growing strawberries in bags, which uses a drip irrigation system.

Strawberries in a greenhouse

The greenhouse in which you plan to grow berries all year round should be well heated and lit. Because seedlings need to be well moistened– water should be within easy reach. If you create the right conditions in a greenhouse, then planting by any method will bring good results.

How to grow strawberries in pipes?

If you have a small summer cottage or you want to please your children with delicious strawberries, this would be an excellent option. grow strawberries in pipes. Creating such a nursery is a simple and inexpensive activity. To do this you will need a regular sewage pipe . You can create a nursery in horizontal or vertical form.

If you choose horizontal version– cut the pipe into two halves and the nursery is ready. With the vertical method, it is worth cutting holes for future seedlings with a drill at a distance about 30 cm.

Growing strawberries in a pipe

You can place pipes even in greenhouses - this will significantly save space. The main thing is to ensure proper lighting - no less 15 hours in a day. Otherwise, you won’t see tasty and sweet fruits.

To plant, select young, strong seedlings, which need to be planted at medium depth and well watered. Mandatory two days after landing use complex fertilizer.

If you are beautiful paint the pipes bright colors , then this method will not only save space, but will become beautiful decor Your plot or apartment.

How to grow strawberries under film?

One of known methods growing strawberries is landing under black film. Growing berries this way is great option receive an excellent harvest every year. In this case, you won’t have to fight weeds or worry about rotting berries.

Growing strawberries under film

To prepare such a “dark” greenhouse you need take the film and hose, the length of which will be equal to the length of the beds - from it you will make a kind of drip irrigation system.

First, dig up the soil, clear it of weeds. The width of one bed will be about a meter, the row spacing will be no more than 50 cm. The soil must settle down - after digging, it is worth planting the seedlings only after a week.

Make small ones between the rows, no more 10 cm recesses and lay the hose in them. Make small holes in the laid hose - at a distance 7-10 cm from each other - this will be the drip irrigation system.

Film covering on beds with strawberries

In a checkerboard pattern, you will need to cut holes of the same size - approx. 15*15 cm– places for seedlings are ready. Plant the seedlings by first moistening the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For this method, the ideal landing time is the beginning of June, preferably in the evening. A positive aspect of this method is the absence of weeds and good impregnation water, thanks to drip irrigation.

Using this method, already at the beginning of August You can enjoy large and sweet strawberries from your own plot.

How to grow strawberries from a mustache?

It's hard to imagine summer without delicious strawberries. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, vitamin C– one of the main vitamins that this red berry is rich in. The process of growing strawberries is very labor-intensive and purchased seedlings are not always accepted on summer cottage. Therefore, gardeners try to grow seedlings on their own.

Good harvest Strawberries can also be collected by growing them from whiskers

Get good seedlings strawberries possible from her own mustache. Healthy tendrils should be cut from the bush and placed in a peat tablet. After this, place them in a tray with water and cover the top in the form of a cap. It will take about a week to antennae have sprouted.

To do not damage young fragile roots, transplant the seedlings into the ground also in a tablet. So plant the resulting tendrils in the garden bed. seedlings in peat tablet so as not to injure the young plant.

After this you should regularly water the seedlings and use complex feeding.

It is best to plant strawberries there where there were previously radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, peas or dill. Under no circumstances should you plant seedlings in the area where there were potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers last year - this can only be done after three years.

It is advisable to cover the ground under the strawberries with straw or sawdust - this will protect against weeds

Seedlings obtained from strawberry tendrils will bear fruit only next year, when it is already well strengthened. It is advisable to cover it for the winter pine sawdust, to protect from the frosty winter.

This method of reproduction quite troublesome, but a year after planting, strawberries will definitely delight you with sweet fruits.

How to grow remontant strawberries?

Very often, many gardeners grow such strawberries, but not everyone distinguishes them from regular strawberries. Main difference remontant strawberries is the frequency of fruiting. Such strawberries bear fruit 2 or more times per season.

More often periods for harvesting remontant strawberries is:

  • For early period- July
  • Second, later period – end of August – beginning of September

Remontant strawberry fruits

The fruits of such strawberries can weigh about 100 g. These are especially large berries. The average weight of such strawberries is about 60 g, which is also quite a lot compared to regular strawberries.

For growing remontant strawberries It is worth considering certain nuances:

  • The fruiting period of such strawberries is short - no more than 3 years
  • The second harvest is usually more abundant, but it is worth removing spring bloom. To grow large remontant strawberries, you will have to sacrifice part of the future harvest by removing flower stalks

These strawberries can be grown from seeds or seedlings. With the help of seeds, the purity of the variety is maintained. The container with the seeds should be covered with film and placed in a warm, sunny place. When the seedlings have already grown enough, you can plant it in holes. The soil around the holes should be constantly loosened to ensure that the strawberries are saturated with oxygen.

Remontant strawberries can be grown in a greenhouse all year round

To prevent weeds from clogging the beds - spread straw between rows. During flowering and ripening remontant strawberries It is worth watering abundantly with water and potassium fertilizers.

This variety of berries is already quite common due to harvest frequency and large fruits. Try planting remontant strawberries on your plot and enjoy a delicious harvest twice a year.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Strawberries can be grown not only by seedlings or propagation by mustaches, but also using seeds. This has the following advantages:

  • seeds keep for a long time
  • there is no transmission of fungi and viruses

You can buy seeds or prepare your own. To do this, select bushes on the site that produce good fruits and take seeds from ripe berries. Let dry a little and store in a glass container until next year.

Strawberry seeds can be purchased, or you can collect them yourself from your own harvest.

Three months before planting, place the seeds in the refrigerator, constantly making sure that the seeds are moist - place them on damp gauze.

Sow strawberries in early January this way:

  • pour into the bottom of the box drainage layer 2 cm
  • layer of earth on top
  • make rows in it about half a centimeter
  • fill with water
  • sow the seeds and sprinkle a little soil

After this, make sure that the soil was always moist. You will see the first shoots within a month. The main thing is that the box should be in a warm and well-lit place. After the first leaves, the seedlings should be replanted in a new big box to provide space. Seedlings can be planted in the ground at the end of April.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or pots and then transplanted into the ground

If you have room to grow seedlings in boxes in winter, then you can get excellent strawberry rosettes grown from seeds.

As you can see, there is great amount options for growing strawberries. Choose the best one for yourself, taking into account the climate of your region and your site. After all, you can please yourself with delicious fruits that are grown at home, even without having a summer cottage.

Video: Secrets of growing strawberries