Do the Central Federal District implement the President’s message? A working group is already being created in the State Duma to implement the President’s message to the Federal Assembly. Work on implementing the President’s message

An archaeological museum complex will be built under the 14th building of the Kremlin. It will be created on the basis of the discovered remains of the foundation of the Church of the Miracle of Michael the Archangel. Glavgosexpertiza of Russia has already approved the construction project. total area the complex will be 1508 sq. m, it will become one of the branches of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

During the events, Therr Maitz, Naadya, Anton Lavrentyev, Burrito, Tesla boy, Yulianna Karaulova, Gosha Kutsenko and about ten other musical groups and performers will perform. Guests will enjoy the Maker Faire festival of inventions and creativity and a large program of the “Brighter Together” festival, where you will learn about the importance of saving energy and ways to minimize consumption. On Pushkinskaya Embankment on Saturday, September 7, the whole day will last music Festival. The group Uma2rman, Chemistry, Burrito, singer Yulianna Karaulova, “Surganova and the Orchestra” will perform.

They will appear in the Northern Administrative District and the Central Administrative District. By January 1, 2020 separate collection will be organized at each container site. A two-container system will operate here, when plastic, paper, glass, metal will be placed in a tank labeled “recyclables,” and all other waste (food and non-recyclable) will be placed in the second tank.

To undergo an examination in one of the 46 pavilions, it is enough to have a passport or driver’s license with you. If the patient is not attached to the clinic, then he will additionally be asked for a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy. All examinations take no more than an hour. As a result, the visitor receives a detailed medical report and doctor’s recommendations.

Unique shots were selected from several thousand photographs. The original photographs are stored in the collections of the Main Archive Directorate of Moscow (Glavarchive), and are now available to MES users. Their publication was timed to coincide with City Day, which will be celebrated on September 7 and 8.

You only need to have a passport of a Russian citizen with you. Before vaccination, doctors will take your temperature and ask you to fill out an informed consent form. 31 vaccination points will operate at about 29 metro stations, three at stations of the Moscow Central Circle, one next to the railway platform and two at the flagship My Documents public service centers.

A large walking area and public spaces will appear on the site of the reconstructed HPP-2, said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.
“It is planned to create a pedestrian zone from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to the Yakimanskaya embankment. Documentation has been developed that provides for the development of this territory in several stages and inclusion of the Patriarchal Bridge into a single socio-cultural cluster,” explained Khusnullin.

Three ski slopes, a ski and snowboard jumps will be built on the territory of the Vorobyovy Gory sports cluster by the end of 2020, said Andrei Bochkarev, head of the Moscow Construction Department.

The date of the event was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Development transport infrastructure city ​​of Moscow Maxim Liksutov. He clarified that the event will take place the day before world day without a car, which is celebrated on September 22. According to Liksutov, the route of the cycling festival, whose length will be 24 kilometers, was chosen by the townspeople themselves during a vote.

From 5:30 on September 7 to 1:00 on September 9, the metro and MCC will operate around the clock, without interruption. On the night of September 7-8, trains will run at intervals of 3 to 10 minutes. Ground transportation will work on September 7 according to a weekend schedule, and on September 8 – according to a weekday schedule.

IN special program The 872nd anniversary of Moscow included walking tours, performances, lectures and master classes. For example, a concert awaits guests of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The Vladimir Vysotsky State Museum has prepared an educational walk “On Bolshoi Karetny”. On September 8, a lecture “The Lost Image of Moscow” will be given at the Alexander Shilov Gallery.

Presented by the President of Russia V.V. Putin, the Federal Assembly, and therefore the whole country, has historical meaning. The scale of the assessments that the head of state gave, their depth, the willingness to see the country as strong, confident, dynamic, an equal partner in dialogue with states - world leaders - this is what the country, society, and citizens need today.

It is important to note that the Address defines basic, fundamental concepts that will ensure further development of the economy - support for entrepreneurship, respect for it, and reducing the role of the state in the national economy. These are important conditions that should liberate and unleash the energy of those people who are ready to come into business and open their own business. The President emphasized that macroeconomic stability, the most important achievement of recent years, is a key factor in further socio-economic development. It was very important to hear the instruction of the head of state addressed to the Government and the Central Bank, the implementation of which should provide profitable loans for industry, for medium and small businesses, and individual entrepreneurs.

It is significant that the President sees it necessary to reduce the number of unfounded inspections of enterprises. Excessive, unjustified pressure on business - which must be excluded - can also be interpreted as an “indicator” that the state treats entrepreneurial work without due respect.

Economic life should be determined by logical, understandable, interconnected, professional legislative framework, which federal regulations and industry documents of ministries and departments must comply with. Stakeholders were instructed to conduct an analysis of law enforcement practice in economic sphere. This is very important, as is the fact that the state’s priority is to create a stable business climate, and therefore a new quality of security for everyone involved in economic activity, security for investors, security for entrepreneurs.

The social orientation of the Message evokes special respect. Pain points in education and healthcare are identified, as well as global plans for the development of these most important areas for society. At the same time, it is noted that it is impossible to resolve issues in the social sphere without developing the economy, improving its structure, and without bringing Russia to the level reached by high-tech powers. After all, social transformations will lead to increased spending obligations federal budget- the economy must be ready for this.

Particular emphasis was placed on the need to increase the volume of exports of high-tech products. If in 2017 the volume of non-resource exports reached $133.7 billion, then in six years it should almost double, reaching $250 billion. This is the most important task that can be solved by achieving the mobilization and new quality of work of engineering, design and technology schools, and the renewal of fixed assets. The most important issue for the country today!

As well as the task - to achieve an increase in labor productivity by 5 percent annually. The head of state emphasized that this is the most important condition for achieving the planned growth of the country's GDP. Then the modernization of the social sphere and, most importantly, the global task of saving the people, will be solved consistently and successfully. He also drew attention to the importance of expanding the volume of housing construction. The task has been set - this is 80 million square meters. meters of housing per year, with an output of 120 million. And this is not just a solution to one of the important social issues.

The development of the construction complex is also the development of industry building materials, heat, energy and water supply systems, production of all related products and furniture for households. This is also a step towards economic growth and the creation of new jobs, attracting new “labor hands”.

In my opinion, it was important to hear about the significance of the work on the Spatial Development Strategy. In essence, this is a modern “philosophy” for the development of the country, our home, which is understood by the head of state as one of the priorities. It was indicated that the “drivers” of growth are large cities, but also “medium” and “small” cities, towns and villages should receive support and attention.

The urban environment should make people happy. Any city is not a “sum” of houses, but first of all the conditions for a reliable social life. We often say that Russian capitals are overloaded. And not only because the employment structure in these cities and vacancies in the sphere of urban services and services are not always attractive to “indigenous” residents who are reluctant to go into the service sector and housing and communal services. Many young people leave to “conquer” the capitals because they do not always feel comfortable living in regional centers, in "small" cities.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Spatial Development Strategy - this is also a step towards ensuring that the way of life in the regions provides that guaranteed standard that would not push people to look for a new place of residence, to strive to move somewhere. And he argued that staying in your “small homeland”, investing your strength, soul, and energy here in the development of your city and village is also a path to success, a meaningful and promising path. And here the tasks of locating productive forces, determining the need for specialists when creating new production facilities in the regions, constructing large infrastructure facilities, developing economic development territories and special economic zones are very important.

The special role of fundamental and applied science and achievements in the field of defense industry are noted. In the message, a special section is devoted to ensuring the defense capability of the state, the unique achievements of scientists, engineers, designers, and workers, which allows - as one of the factors - to achieve the proper level of dialogue with foreign partners who have not listened to a “weakened” Russia for a long time.

The “turn of epochs” of the 90s seriously drove out the so-called middle generation of developers from “engineering schools.” The older generation, which had unique experience in the development of high-tech industries, is retiring, and young people who, by the will of fate, at the start of their lives in the 90s had to engage not in professional development, but in business, a momentary matter in order to feed their family, could not put the necessary effort into their professional growth. Today the prestige of engineering professions is rising, the situation is fundamentally changing for the better, young people see themselves “more” in real production, and the unique examples of the successes of national science and industry presented in the Address are the best for that confirmation.

I am convinced that the achievements of the military-industrial complex and the best scientists will be in demand in the civilian sphere of production. The most important task - large-scale, deep, set by the head of state in the message - is the inadmissibility of Russia falling behind, the need to fit into the new technological structure. The Decree of the President of Russia dated May 9, 2017 approved the “Strategy for the Development of the Information Society Russian Federation for 2017-2030". Soon the Russian Government Program "Digital Economy" was approved, which will require the adoption of over 50 new federal laws, a significant number of federal and industry regulations. Most importantly, it will require a deep understanding, first of all, on the part of federal departments and all interested participants in how new technologies should make our lives modern and stable. And the economy must take a truly leading position among the economies of leading countries.

The digital economy is by no means the purchase of new computers and the acquisition of modern software product, these are changes in our social practice, this is the development of new experience in organizing the interaction of industries, business, markets, our work and everyday life. This is an understanding of what is stopping us and of the “new” that can carry risks and threats.

Chairman of the Federation Council V.I. On December 18, 2017, at a meeting of the Council of Legislators (which includes the heads of regional parliaments of all subjects of the Federation), Matvienko addressed the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin and our committee with instructions to work more energetically on an inventory of the federal regulatory framework that is being implemented to additional, not always justified, expenditure obligations of regional budgets. It is important to note that this is a new interaction practice" upper house"Parliament with the industry department. Such successful work is already underway.

We all have to comprehend the instructions that the head of state gave to the country, we have to once again realize and determine what we can and should do for our country. The President again showed that Russia for him is a country that he deeply understands and feels with all his heart, protects, and whose success he consistently achieves. And this position, I am convinced, resonates with the vast majority of Russian citizens. And Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin presented the Address on such an emotional wave, with such conviction, with such enthusiasm and sincerity, that it unites society even more and gives every citizen the right to look more confidently into the future of their country and every family. She expects more work, successful work, and hard efforts from all of us. But without this, we will not be able to fulfill the tasks that have been set; without this, Russia will not be as strong as the current century requires.

Kirill Kleimenov

And this is how everything will happen next. At least 30 laws must be written and approved by the State Duma to fulfill the tasks set by Vladimir Putin. The work schedule will appear until March 22. The first decisions are already being made by the executive branch at all levels.

The goals have been set, but first a plan needs to be developed. Equally ambitious and at the same time realistic, which will allow us to achieve the goals that the president spoke about. The general outlines of this plan will have to be determined by the Russian government; Dmitry Medvedev spoke about this at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was convened immediately after the announcement of the message. And the first concrete instructions were made there.

“Let's start with improving security traffic, I approved a security strategy for 7 years until 2024. Today we will consider a bill that is aimed at strengthening administrative liability for offenses at railway crossings. This is one of the elements of new changes in traffic rules. Another question concerns the development Far East“, we are introducing changes to the legislation that will make it possible to expand the territory of the free port of Vladivostok,” the Prime Minister said.

Investments in infrastructure are just one of the key initiatives voiced in the President's address. In addition, it is necessary to achieve an increase in life expectancy, overcome the threshold of eighty years, and ensure the development of entrepreneurship and competition. Increased labor productivity, development of education and attraction of highly qualified specialists to all sectors of the economy, reduction of poverty. Initiatives that will require significant financial investment. And the task of the ministers of the economic bloc is to provide the necessary resources for the path that the president has outlined.

“The key thing was one word, which he repeated several times, it was “breakthrough.” This is a breakthrough in the economy, a breakthrough in the power component, a breakthrough in approaches in general, to change, and, therefore, priorities, and the achievement of the main goal - new, high rates of economic growth, on the basis of which the well-being of our citizens will increase,” said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

“This story of increasing life expectancy to 80 years is not just healthcare, it is a whole range of measures. And the development of the urban environment, and the reduction of road accidents, and the environment. All these stories, they intertwine and create the basis for reaching a higher level. But countries with such a standard of living have a different quality of life, a different quality of economy,” noted Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin.

But even the most harmonious plans, as experience shows, often encounter many small obstacles. It is no coincidence that in Russia they say: “it was smooth on paper...”. Unexpected ravines can only be avoided by working closely with those who are familiar with the situation on the ground. It is no coincidence that in his message the president separately addressed both regional heads and city mayors. Not a single house or street should escape their attention.

“For Moscow, it is extremely consonant with what the president said in the field of education, healthcare, development of public spaces, and transport infrastructure. Issues of safety, health, childhood, maternity support. We will once again rethink our programs, the city’s development strategy and do so in order to synchronize the goals and objectives that we set for ourselves with the goals and objectives that the president set for us today,” said the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin.

“We set one of the main strategic tasks of the Moscow region - the improvement of cities so that they are safe and cozy. So that everyone, both schoolchildren and adults, can walk both morning and evening without looking back. We are allocating a lot of money for the “Bright City” program, for equipping with security cameras, so that the entire system works efficiently and smoothly,” said Andrei Vorobyov, Governor of the Moscow Region.

While the capital and some large cities are already ready to begin implementing the tasks set by the president - there is money here - then for many regions financial issues remain main problem. And the budget support promised by the head of state will come in handy in order to implement plans that were previously often postponed until better times.

“Of course, it was very gratifying to hear that there will be additional federal money that will go towards the necessary infrastructure, the creation of the necessary comfortable environment and of course this is healthcare, this is education,” said Governor of the Tula Region Alexey Dyumin.

“Many of the questions that bother me today in a new place, I received answers, I was confirmed in what we had talked about before, and when he set me a task before starting work in Dagestan. So this gives us confidence that we will succeed,” said the acting director. Head of the Republic of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev.

Confidence in tomorrow- this is perhaps something that is absolutely important for any person. Workers, military, doctors, teachers. Entrepreneurs are on a par with them today. The president’s demand to protect them from excessive administrative pressure is all the more necessary since the implementation of many of the tasks mentioned in the message depends on private business. For example, an increase in construction volumes to 120 million square meters. And here it is necessary to combine the efforts of both the builders themselves and the banking community.

“Seriously, this is impossible without the support of both supply and demand, and the second task, which is integrally related to the volume of commissioning, is the mortgage rate, the president sets the task of reducing it to 7-8%. And these tasks are ambitious, but quite realistic, and we will work on them,” said Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Mikhail Men.

“The expansion of lending without reducing rates is impossible, so I think that in the coming years we will see this, a trend, it it's already underway, rates are decreasing, the president said this today that the mortgage rate has dropped below 10%, this really happened, and the mortgage itself has grown to a million loans a year, so this trend will definitely be consolidated this year,” said the President-Chairman Board of Directors of VTB Bank Andrey Kostin.

The President has repeatedly returned to the fact that the main hopes for the future are connected, first of all, with people and caring for them. Uneducated and sick people, by definition, are unable to make economic breakthroughs. Domestic medicine, which has received considerable support in last years, already today is able to effectively fight the same oncology. The task set by the president. Methods developed in recent years have proven their effectiveness. Now all that remains is to spread the existing developments throughout the country.

“We already have all the main sprouts. Our task is to speed them up and replicate them so that an unlimited number of people have access to these methods, so that within the framework of cancer screening we can, as it were, foresee this danger for any person, no matter where he lives in our country,” the minister said health care Veronica Skvortsova.

Digital technologies to help doctors. They, according to the president, can and should be used to ensure equal access to education. Based on the results of the message to the agency strategic initiatives announced that they would accelerate the creation of a national university, to which it would be possible to come to classes from any computer from anywhere, even from any locality in the country.

Today, March 1, the President's Address to the Federal Assembly took place. This appeal was the 24th in modern history Russia and 14th personally for Vladimir Putin. It broke the record for duration: the Head of State spoke for 1 hour and 55 minutes. Russian leader outlined the main development paths for the country over the next few years in such areas as demography, income, education, healthcare, ecology, military-industrial complex, infrastructure, housing policy, economics, foreign policy, etc.

The editors of present a selection of opinions of the chairman and members of the MGER Coordination Council, young deputies about the annual Address of the Head of State.

The leader of the Young Guard Denis Davydov noted that today’s Message “for us, young people, is truly the beginning of a new civilizational stage, the formation of a new world, a new world order.”

“In addition, it is important to undoubtably move into the technological plane in all areas, especially economic. Russia is at the forefront in these areas today. “Young people feel and see this movement and in many ways are the spearhead and vanguard of this very development that Vladimir Putin spoke about today,” said the Chairman of the CC MGER.

Co-chairman of the MGER Coordination Council, Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Pechatniki municipal district in MoscowIgor Davidovich:

– This year, Vladimir Putin’s Address touched upon a wide range of important issues – from processes taking place within the state to the foreign policy course of the country’s development. Economy, social policy, medicine, small business, weapons, agriculture - on specially prepared multimedia slides we could clearly see the leap our country has made in all these areas.

I consider the raised topic of development to be an important point youth policy. As the President noted, Russia will always be a country of opportunities for young people, and our state in every possible way helps to consolidate and educate worthy leaders who in the future will work for the benefit of the dynamic development of our Motherland.

Head of the Central Headquarters of MGER, Deputy of Bryansk regional Duma Sergey Perepelov:

– I will note the updates introduced into the traditional format of the Message. This time it was addressed not just to parliamentarians, but also to all residents of the country, representatives of regions, and public organizations. We must have confidence that the tasks set by the President will be completed, and this depends on each of us.

This includes ensuring income growth and increasing healthcare costs, demographic growth, pensions, GDP, and life expectancy. Important point for young families – a reduction in the mortgage rate to 7-8%; we must strive for this rate so that more young families can afford their own housing.

The President identified a new task for the Russian economy, which should strive for growth rates above world ones, “this is not easy, but necessary.”

One of bright quotes The President made a statement about the hero Roman Filipov. As Vladimir Putin said, all countries will sooner or later have modern weapons, but other countries will never have heroes like the officer Roman Filipov who died in Syria.

Most Russians always expect certain messages from the Address. We're like public organization, we also note for ourselves the vectors that are set by the leader of the country, and we use these developments in our work. We focus attention on the stated problems and systematically propose certain solutions.

Head of the Fund for Social Assistance to Students "StudFond" Anna Lapenko:

– The Address to the Federal Assembly is an obligatory part of any citizen who strives for the development of his country and the well-being of the population.

Vladimir Vladimirovich spoke about systemic support and improving the quality of life of older people. Stability and systematic development of human capital from nurseries to retirement age must be accompanied by the support of society and the state. Programs and projects that only strengthen the individual, motivate and increase performance for the benefit of their region and the country as a whole. Hence quality education, and strengthening of career guidance for older schoolchildren. This requires time, a systematic approach and support at all stages by the older generation, assistance in implementation, mentoring.

Modernization of education in the section vocational education has not been delayed for a long time. We need workers, this is decent and paid work.

Serious updates await us, this is normal and exciting at the same time, because social and economic stability depends on teamwork and support.

Head of the Center for Sociology of Students Irina Volodchenko:

– The President’s Address to the Federal Assembly is a key, landmark event in the political life of our country. This is an event that is always awaited, and this is a milestone event: Vladimir Putin’s speech annually confirms rethought priorities and sets new goals for the development of our country.

I consider the key in the 2018 Address not even any specific point, although they are all extremely important and “topical,” but our President’s general strategic vision of the future of Russia. Please note that the Address itself is annual, but the goals that Vladimir Vladimirovich sets are not goals for the year. Systemic transformations in healthcare, agriculture, education, national defense, improving the business climate, technologies of the present and future, supporting young talents, protecting the interests of people in all areas. Everything the President talks about is very important elements a roadmap for future long-term and structural changes that are so necessary for our country in order to be even more successful and comfortable to live in. And our task is to take an active part in the implementation of the program announced by the President. A Russia looking to the future, a Russia that no one will stop in its movement - this is the Russia that we are building together with Vladimir Putin.

Head of the federal project MGER "MediaGuard" Anna Rogacheva:

– I couldn’t help but pay attention to the President’s comment about ensuring almost universal quick access in Internet. This means that the process of transferring information, exchanging ideas and views will accelerate, which will not only solve technical issues, but will also increase the level of mutual understanding among the citizens of the country. It is important that surfing the Internet is carried out safely and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore, with the introduction digital technologies It is also important to conduct educational sessions, which is what MediaGuard also does.

The addition of infographics became a feature of the Message. This change made it possible to attract more young audiences to view the message and topic, who are already posting and discussing videos and broadcasting pictures with infographics on social networks.

Member of the MGER Coordination Council, deputy State Council Republic of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara:

– I think that the Message of this particular year can be regarded as a signal not for the immediate path, but for the future prospect of what our country will be like, as our current President sees it.

For me, a Crimean, it was important to hear about the security of our country, to which Vladimir Putin paid great attention when speaking about the development of the modern military-industrial complex. Our President correctly said that we do not scare anyone, but today Russia really ensures the security of citizens at the highest level.

The implementation of the instructions that were given by Vladimir Vladimirovich is very important, starting from municipalities our country. If our officials fully follow what our President proposes, then our country will cope with all the tasks that face it.

MGER Coordinator for the Central Territorial Group, Deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma Anton Kapralov:

– One of the main addressees of the President’s message was young people. In his speech, Vladimir Putin outlined specific prospects for young people in the next five to six years. We were also talking about those launching pads where young people will combine their knowledge and ambitions with the opportunities for implementation created by the state and business.

I consider the President’s words important that it is necessary to create a modern living environment in our cities and villages, while preserving the historical heritage. We all understand that achieving a decent standard of living for the population is associated with solving a whole range of issues in the field of healthcare, education, ecology, transport, housing and communal services.

In his message, the President set the necessary vector of development. There is a lot of work ahead.

MGER coordinator for the Volga territorial group, deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma Ivan Dzyuban:

– Vladimir Putin’s speech affects the life of every resident of our country. The Message outlined the vector of development for the coming years. Even though I watched the address in front of the screen, I felt that atmosphere of the greatness of our country.

Issues of quality of education, housing affordability, economy (income level) are priority and critical issues that concern young people. And most importantly, these are issues that depend on young people, on you and me.

Russia is the guarantor of stability and peace on earth, everyone knows this from history, and this guarantee is confirmed by the most powerful and modern army.

Head of the “Bank for Student Internships”, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Koptevo Municipal District in MoscowEgor Litvinenko:

– For me, the Address to the Federal Assembly is an assessment of the state of affairs in the state and the determination of its main directions, which are set by our national leader. Of particular importance to me is the reflection of our work, the contribution that young people were able to make. I believe that the key points of this Message were three blocks. The first is improving the quality of life of people in the regions. The President noted that big cities must spread their energy and serve as a support for the balanced, harmonious spatial development of all of Russia. In my opinion, this is a topic that every district head, every mayor and deputy should think about. rural settlement in order to make the life of every citizen better, more comfortable and happier.

The second block concerned the development of human resources, in particular, youth. FSU has repeatedly spoken about the importance this issue, studying and proposing ways to solve it. “Young Guard” has done a lot of work in the area of ​​personnel development and will continue to assist in the implementation of the tasks that Vladimir Putin outlined within the framework of this issue.

The third important block was the issue of the military-industrial complex, which is especially relevant against the backdrop of criticism of the development of rocketry and the defense industry after recent achievements in the space industry of Western colleagues who tried to make another good show from space exploration. I am confident that the speech of the current President of Russia about new achievements in the country’s defense will allow the world community to seriously think about the fact that our country is strong, strong and stable.

MGER Coordinator for the Siberian Territorial Group Daria Kryukova:

– For me, this is one of the key events of the year, since within the framework of it the President names the most important points of growth for our country. A key place in the Address was given to Russian citizens. The President noted the need to strive to increase prosperity and increase the average life expectancy of citizens, indicating specific mechanisms.

It is very symbolic and significant that the current Address was held in an expanded format with the participation of representatives of the public. In my opinion, this is expressed in the demand of society itself for transformations of the political system, in terms of its openness, and the significance of the Message for all spheres of society.

In his Address, the President set quite ambitious goals in healthcare, science, economics, culture, youth policy, and defense. I believe that achieving the set goals will strictly lead to an increase in the well-being of the population.

MGER Coordinator for the Ural Territorial Group Damir Utarbekov:

– The message is a strategy for the development of our country, in which it is important to remember the life of the common man. People who teach children, treat in hospitals, work in factories, bake bread. For every citizen of Russia, from the metropolis to the village, conditions for a comfortable life will be created. This is the key to healthy social well-being of the regions and the progressive movement of the entire country.

The state will do everything to create conditions to support and protect a young family in every sense. This is one of the theses of the Message, which, in my opinion, was addressed to young people. Another thesis concerns strengthening the country’s defense capability; this is important for the sense of security of all citizens. It is important to talk about the specific achievements of our defense complex, that we are leaders and pioneers in this area.

Head of the Moscow regional branch of MGER, member of the CC MGER, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma Linara Samedinova:

– The Message is based not just on summing up the development of our country, but also on setting goals. It is important that it is heard not only by members of the Federal Assembly, but also by all residents: only harmoniously can we develop in all spheres of life. Vladimir Vladimirovich focused on all important areas of life modern Russia, including on the living conditions of the younger generation. It is difficult and rather erroneous to single out the leading and secondary issues of the Address: together they determine the level of our life, the country’s economy, its security and development trends.

But it is important to highlight the issue of professional guidance for schoolchildren. Putin proposed from the new school year launch a career guidance system “Ticket to the Future”, within which children will be able to get acquainted with their future profession in the country’s leading companies. The President emphasized the importance of the mentoring system in schools: “Only in this way, by combining advanced knowledge and moral foundations, ensuring genuine partnership and mutual understanding between generations, we can be strong.”

Member of the SC MGER, head of the Tyumen regional branch of MGER Roman Rzaev:

– The person who is our number one figure gave us an understanding of where we will be moving in the next six years. The most important issue for me was the issue of youth policy. The President noted the high results of Russian schoolchildren at international Olympiads and set the goal of achieving high training among university students.

The presented infographics are important. Our country’s achievements need to be constantly reminded, so this format is understandable, convenient and allows us to reach as many people as possible.

Head of the Rostov regional branch of MGER, deputy of the Rostov-on-Don City DumaAndrey Baev:

– I evaluate this Presidential Address as a balanced document, verified in its logical relationships, which is necessary for our society. Vladimir Putin outlined the vectors of Russia’s future socio-economic and foreign policy development. Among other things, positions on supporting science, youth, and young talents were voiced; the leader of the country said that Russia is a country of opportunity, and that is what it is.

Regarding Russia’s foreign economic policy, the President outlined a peaceful position, however, our modern military technologies will not allow aggressors to cause any damage to our country, this is the President’s enormous dominant merit.

Member of the SC MGER, head of the regional branch of MGER Tatarstan Dinar Bariev:

– For me, the Presidential Address is one of the most important political events of 2018. This is an opportunity to find out the course of development of our country in the coming years and hear the position of our President. The key for me was the development of cities and public spaces, ensuring universal fast access to the Internet and the development of the digital economy. It is pleasant that Vladimir Putin several times noted the capital of our Republic, the city of Kazan, as an exemplary region for the development of certain industries.

Head of International Department of MGER Daria Sharova:

– Vladimir Putin raised the topic of visas and citizenship, which was discussed a lot in 2017 by various educational departments and universities themselves. There are a lot of trends towards liberalization of the regime. More Russian universities fall into the top lists of the best universities in Europe, and in 2017 alone three new universities were added.

The message of the President of Russia is watched by the whole world, so the development of this topic is a signal to the world community that the Russian education system is becoming more and more accessible to foreign students. On this moment The percentage of foreign students from the total number is 5%, obviously this figure will increase. Russia is an open country with high standards of economic development, science, and education. We are ready to show it to the world.

Head of the federal project “School of Parliamentarism”Yulia Peregudova:

– For me personally, it was important that great attention is being devoted to kindergartens, specifically to the problem of nurseries, huge funds have been allocated for this, and this is very pleasing. I think this is very relevant for the regions. And I, as a young mother, know this from experience. The emphasis on children's clinics is also important. Indeed, now in the regions, clinics are in a terrible state, and the fact that in the next six years much attention will be paid to this indicates that our social sphere will be further strengthened.

It’s great that the President once again drew attention to young professionals and specialists and noted that it is important to give the opportunity to develop to children who have found themselves in the field of IT and innovative technologies.

Director of the film "No Time for Heroism" Alana Tskhovrebova:

– This event is always the starting point in the work of parliamentarians, what they should be focused on in their work. It is gratifying that attention has been paid to the issue of early career guidance at the federal level and that schoolchildren will be able to be helped to determine their future profession while still in school.

But what was most impressive was the growth of power Russian army. I believe that as part of the patriotic education of young people, it is necessary to spend more often hours of courage in educational institutions, where young people would get acquainted with what our army is equipped with. After all, as the President himself noted: “No one has such weapons as Russia.” This is a source of great pride, just like our military. Just yesterday, at a meeting with young people, we discussed how selfless our people are, imbued with heroism and, as Vladimir Putin said today, other countries will never have heroes like officer Filipov. This is the spirit of the Fatherland.

Head of the regional branch of MGER Adygea, deputy of the Council of People's Deputies of the Municipal Municipality "City of Maykop"
Aseta Berzegova:

– Vladimir Putin noted in his speech that today Russia is one of the leading powers with powerful foreign economic and defense potential. The message was of a pronounced socio-economic nature, with special emphasis on security issues, in particular, on new types of weapons.

The President said that in the near future it is necessary to do everything possible so that our youth do not want to leave their country, can realize themselves and are confident in their future. I agree with the words of the President that “we must be ready for a technological breakthrough, for dynamic development in all areas” in order for Russia to be a country that is “open to the world, new ideas and initiatives.”

Head of the Pskov regional branch of MGER, deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly Lidia Dragunova:

– I listen to the President’s address to the Federal Assembly for the 14th time and am convinced that civil society is being consolidated and the position of a democratic state is strengthening. The President's message fills us with optimism, pride and confidence in the future. We need to take into account in our work the assigned tasks and directions taken by our President in the new vector of the country’s development.

Vladimir Putin addressed a message to the Federal Assembly. To implement all the president’s proposals, the State Duma must develop more than 30 laws. The most pressing issue now is the sources of financing for the development goals outlined in the message. But in essence, the question is much more serious, we are talking about the implementation of a historical task, historical, if only because once in recent history Russia has already tried to solve it.

Russia. Moscow. March 1, 2018. During the broadcast of the speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin with his annual message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS

“This is a very difficult task”

The presidential message is, by definition (lax), a “supralegal” act. Addressed primarily to deputies and senators, it presupposes a legislative response. But the message that Vladimir Putin addressed to the Federal Assembly in the Moscow Manege Central Exhibition Hall on February 28 will entail more serious changes in legislation than usual. This and tax system, which the Duma did not touch for a long time, and a number of other measures named in the message, and perhaps some still incomprehensible innovative proposals.

In the main, traditional part of the message, which preceded an impressive presentation of the latest military developments, the head of state focused on the country's internal problems, mainly socio-economic development. As State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin noted following the results of the Duma council, the president’s message is of a strategic nature, and the tasks set in it are designed for two, six and even 10 years.”

[First Deputy Speaker] Alexander Dmitrievich [Zhukov] and I, when we listened to the message, already counted more than 30 bills that need to be adopted. And they stopped, because there is practically no question there, legislative support is needed,” TASS reports the words of the head of the lower house of parliament.

Returning to the president’s speech, it can be noted that Vladimir Putin really focused on the internal tasks of the authorities. These include Russia’s technological potential, “which allows us to make a real breakthrough in improving the quality of life of people, in modernizing the economy, infrastructure and government controlled" “It is the lag that is the main threat and our enemy,” stated the head of state.

And yet, he pointed out, the main, key factor in development is the well-being of people, prosperity in Russian families. “We need to seriously update the employment structure, which today is largely ineffective and archaic, to give people Good work, which motivates, brings prosperity, allows you to realize yourself, create modern, decently paid jobs. On this basis, we must solve one of the key tasks for the coming decade - to ensure confident, long-term growth in real incomes of citizens, and in six years to at least halve the poverty level,” Vladimir Putin emphasized.

“Every person is important and valuable to us, so that he feels needed, lives a long life and, most importantly, healthy life, rejoiced at his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, so that the children would grow up and become successful in a strong, dynamic, successful country that is reaching new frontiers of development. Russia must not only firmly gain a foothold in the top five largest economies in the world, but also increase its per capita GDP by one and a half times by the middle of the next decade. This is a very difficult task. I am confident that we are ready to solve this problem,” the president concluded.

Sources of planned growth are needed. Very deep changes may be needed

The economic and social messages of Vladimir Putin’s speech contain long-standing demands that have been discussed in society, notes leading analyst of TeleTrade Group Mark Goikhman. Strong factors inhibiting development are low incomes of the population, limiting domestic demand; poor quality of human capital due to stagnation in healthcare and education. The message talks about the goal of doubling the poverty level, increasing healthcare spending to 4% of GDP in 2019-2024, and directing 3.4 trillion rubles. to solve demographic problems, increase life expectancy to 80 years in 2029.

According to the expert, plans for investment in infrastructure, in particular, in road construction worth 11 trillion rubles, through both budgetary allocations and private investments under government guarantees, are also important.

The main question for the implementation of these and other pressing ideas of the message is the sources of their financing. This specification is not defined. There is a possibility that the methods of additional fundraising may contradict these goals, Mark Goikhman fears.

According to him, economic growth in the coming years, even by 2-2.3% per year, according to the optimistic plan of the Ministry of Economic Development, will not provide the necessary resources. Perhaps the budget will resort to additional borrowing. But this will also increase the state’s expenses for debt servicing, in addition to the stated areas. An increase in taxes on the population is also likely - an increase in personal income tax, an increase in VAT, the abolition of benefits for movable property tax, etc. are being discussed. An increase in the retirement age can also be mentioned here.

However, such a practice will in no way contribute to real incomes of the population, nor to the opportunities for private investment and support for small businesses proclaimed in the message. According to Mark Goikhman, radical institutional reforms of legislation and practice are needed that would stimulate business, weaken the dominance of the public sector, and truly protect the rights of entrepreneurs and the population. That is, we need not just redistributing the budget and searching additional funds, but the opening of the internal capabilities of the economy, which are still completely insufficient for the qualitative breakthrough outlined in the message.

What did the investor hear?

From the point of view of financial markets, indicates, in turn, CEO investment company "Kharitonov Capital" Maxim Kharitonov, it was important for investors to hear in the message that there will be no special changes in the economy, but there will be stability, there will be no crises caused by inept economic policy and simply external factors, such as sanctions.

Numerous military experts are now analyzing the president’s speech into atoms, the impact of his speech on future foreign policy, but this does not make much sense, believes Maxim Kharitonov, because the message was supposed to create a certain mood, and it was aimed primarily at the domestic, Russian listener . What did the investor hear? That most of Putin’s speech was devoted to the economy, and there was unexpectedly warm talk about entrepreneurs: that they need to be protected from regulatory authorities, and in reality, and not in words, the expert notes. That the appearance of controllers at the enterprise should be an “exceptional event.” The president even said the word “startup,” and all the startupers felt flattered, and their work more visible and less risky.

But immediately after this there was talk about the inevitability of criminal punishment, the analyst says, and the mood of entrepreneurs and investors returned to normal again: the law is still very harsh, and small and medium-sized businesses cannot yet count on leniency on economic charges. That is, some positive is felt, but vague, unclear, it seems that they promised something, but since legally the message is of an advisory nature, only the most ardent optimists will hope for improvement in business conditions.

Further, as in an economics textbook, the chapter about “guns” and “butter,” continues Maxim Kharitonov. In life, as in the textbook, there is always a dilemma between producing consumer goods and giving high level life for citizens now, or weapons that will allow, theoretically, to behave more confidently in international negotiations, and due to this, boost the economy, and perhaps later, the production of consumer goods will also increase, but will be more secure, none of the neighbors will be able to “take away” these goods.

It is clear from the message, Maxim Kharitonov points out, that Russia is once again choosing the second path: investing in the military-industrial complex so that “the country is taken into account”, and investing a little in social sphere and peaceful production. The main task of the message was to convince the internal listener that this is correct, and so far it has been successful, which means that the economy will have the same stability that investors want.

The Moscow Exchange index did not seem to notice the message - yesterday there was near-zero growth, and this is good, says Maxim Kharitonov: this means that the message did not stir up society sufficiently, but created a sense of continuity of economic, social and foreign policy. The ruble also hardly noticed the message, and this is also positive, which means that before the elections the country is following the same course and one can hope that the elections will not bring any shocks to the country and that there is no need to fear devaluation.

Fresh start after 30 years

It should be noted once again that the message still provides for major goals of the socio-economic plan and corresponding budget expenditures. This, in particular, increases the health care budget by more than one and a half times, the above-mentioned costs of road construction. The message speaks about the largest program of spatial, territorial development, renovation of cities and modern villages, about the interconnection of Russia with transport routes. It (we hope) puts an end to the discussion about whether to resettle the entire population of a huge country into a dozen megacities. Putin responded to this like this: no, we need to pursue a completely opposite policy, develop the Russian hinterland and maintain its originality.

As for investments in the military-industrial complex, the demonstrated new weapons should not necessarily entail an increase in costs under this item. Development, a very expensive part of the rearmament program, has already taken place or is close to completion. The President did not say that it is necessary to begin the mass construction of unmanned ultra-high-speed deep nuclear submarines, which were mentioned in the message, or the two types of hypersonic missiles and gliding strategic warheads mentioned there, as well as missiles with a nuclear engine. The RS-28 Sarmat is already in service and is part of the long-running Voevod replacement program.

On the contrary, during a series of meetings on the defense industry last fall there was a planned reduction in state defense orders and conversion. With the scientific and production potential of the military-industrial complex demonstrated on Thursday, March 2, the tasks and prospects of conversion can be looked at in a completely new way. In the sense that it promises great returns, although it is known that conversion is not an easy matter.

However, defense spending itself is a stimulus for the economy. It was for the late Soviet national economy that they turned out to be a pure burden. If the production enterprise military equipment receives a profit and is able to invest it in development, including in the production of civilian goods, a multiplier begins to work, making military spending net-effective.

In general, we are talking about the implementation of the set of tasks that the USSR set for itself more than 30 years ago and was unable to solve. Over the past time, the former potential has been recreated, with reservations, and completely new opportunities and experiences have appeared. The president spoke about solving the housing problem in such a way that they tried and promised to solve it more than once, clearly implying promises, including from Mikhail Gorbachev. The food problem, which in the early 80s was shyly and confusedly called a “program” on TV (there was such a thing) was finally solved. Maybe, indeed, it will be possible to solve others? This is not a “return to the USSR”, but a return to fulfilling the tasks that were set before us? This one? Our country.

The message is multifaceted, there are other words there that also refer us to the solution of historical problems: “H In order to move forward and develop dynamically, we must expand the space of freedom, in all spheres, strengthen the institutions of democracy, local self-government, the structures of civil society, courts, to be a country, open to the world, new ideas and initiatives."

From partners

5000 participants
50 speakers
15 thematic sections - at an open conference for
business and IT | ACCELERATE*

On October 16-17, a large-scale free event for representatives of business and the IT community will take place at the Moscow Expocenter. Leaders of Russia's largest organizations will gather to share practical experience in solving current business issues - “How to transform business in conditions of super speed and overcome market challenges?”

On September 21, Luzhniki will host the final of the Mosprom Spartakiad of industrialists - a unique event where different types sports, those whom we are accustomed to seeing at machine tools or conveyors will compete for the title of the most sports factory: engineers, designers, aircraft and instrument makers, power engineers, oil workers and scientists. The Mosprom Spartakiad is being held in the capital for the first time.