Sweet pastries made from French yeast dough. French dough: recipe and preparation features. Biscuit dough: step by step recipe

Its name “foreign” is not at all accidental. The nature of the products turns out to be very different from Russian pies. French and Viennese dough produces ultra-rich, almost fragile products that do not require fermentation, proofing, or even brushing with egg before baking. Very tasty, a real delicacy, but this is the polar opposite of classic Russian pies, the dough for which is carefully nurtured and nurtured, kneaded for a long time, fermented for a long time and left for a long time.
.Post-war recipes

500g flour

45-75g sugar
200g margarine

250g milk

Immediately after kneading, the dough can be placed in the refrigerator. It can be stored in the cold for several days.

500g flour
50g pressed yeast (domestic production)

125g sugar
200g margarine

2 yolks
200g milk
lemon zest

The dough is prepared in the same way as French dough.

Modern recipes

"KULEBYACHNY" DOUGH (V. Pokhlebkin, National cuisines of our peoples)

500-600g flour

1 tsp salt

200g butter

3 yolks
1 glass of milk


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Actually, I’m not very good with yeast dough)), I prefer to buy bread from the bakery. But so be it, I’ll risk it for you!

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The main thing is that the water in the tap does not run out, will you pour some tea?!

Thank you very much

Original message Samazna
French and Viennese pie dough

Original taken from French and Viennese pie dough

While searching for recipes for baking bread, I came across some wonderful baking recipes. Maybe my friends will be interested. I’m happy to share my find.

I tried the dough recipe. The baking is excellent, and most importantly it’s not messy! I made it with jam (assorted) and cottage cheese. And from the remaining dough I made buns. I’m waiting for the girls for tea! The household is happy and well-fed!

This legendary dough first appeared in the USSR after the war. My grandmother and her sisters baked delicious pies and pies from it all their lives, and Anna Dyshkant took it with her from Kyiv to Moscow and there she made pies from it for Khrushchev, Pelsha, Gromyko and other members of the Politburo, in whose families she worked as a cook. Later, under the pen of William Pokhlebkin, the recipe turned into “kulebyak dough”, even later - into “ageless dough” as presented by Larisa Isarova and, already in our time, in the hands of the modern generation of owners and housewives, into “Khrushchev’s” dough and “correct” dough for pies.

But it’s still good that the dough recipe is alive and everyone continues to like it. So today I made this dough for pies. We have guests all week.

There are two variations of this dough: French dough and Viennese dough. French dough is universal, for any pies and pies, while Viennese dough is richer and is used for products with a sweet filling: small sweet pies, baskets, open and half-open pies with a mesh, filled with jam, etc.

Its name “foreign” is not at all accidental. The nature of the products turns out to be very different from Russian pies. French and Viennese dough produces ultra-rich, almost fragile products that do not require fermentation, proofing, or even brushing with egg before baking. Very tasty, a real delicacy, but this is the polar opposite of classic Russian pies, the dough for which is carefully nurtured and nurtured, kneaded for a long time, fermented for a long time and left for a long time.
.Post-war recipes

500g flour
50g pressed yeast (domestic production)

45-75g sugar
200g margarine

250g milk

Knead a soft dough, cover with film and leave to rest for 20 minutes. After this, cut the pies into pies, let them proof and bake for 20 minutes at 355F/180C.

Immediately after kneading, the dough can be placed in the refrigerator. It can be stored in the cold for several days.

500g flour
50g pressed yeast (domestic production)

125g sugar
200g margarine

2 yolks
200g milk
lemon zest

The dough is prepared in the same way as French dough.

Modern recipes

"KULEBYACHNY" DOUGH (V. Pokhlebkin, National cuisines our peoples)

500-600g flour
25g yeast (domestic production)
1 tsp salt

200g butter

3 yolks
1 glass of milk

Mix 300g of flour with milk and yeast and knead the dough. Let him come up (30 min). Next, mix in the butter, yolks, salt and flour until a soft dough is obtained. Let the dough rise (1 hour) and cut into pies.


And here is shown a straight version of the same French-Pokhlebkin “kulebyak” dough using the example of a pie with cabbage, only instead of three yolks, 3 tbsp are taken into the dough. sour cream.

500g flour
25g fresh yeast or 10g dry
0.5 tsp salt (1 tsp if unsalted butter)

200g butter

3 tbsp. sour cream
1 glass of milk

If the yeast is dry, then soak it in a glass of warm milk with 2 tsp. Sahara. Knead the dough, place in a pan with greased tbsp. vegetable oil and let rise. Knead, divide into two parts (for the bottom and top of the pie) and put them in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

Roll out a layer for the bottom of the pie and fill. Roll out a layer for the top of the pie, cover, pinch.
Let the cake rise for 20-40 minutes.

While the pie is rising, mix flour into the scraps of dough to make a stiffer dough and cut out or mold decorations from it for the top of the pie. Brush the surface of the pie with water, egg or yolk and attach decorations.

Bake for 40 minutes at 390F.

"AGELESS" DOUGH (Larisa Isarova, Quick Dishes)
500g flour
25g pressed yeast (domestic production)
1/2 tsp. salt

200g margarine
1 glass of milk

Knead a soft dough, roll into a ball and put in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for several days (or even weeks, says Isarova). If necessary, cut off pieces of dough, roll out thinly, place in a rimmed pan, fill and bake the pie for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

500g flour
50g yeast ( Russian production)
1/2 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. sugar (50g)
200g margarine

250g milk

Knead a soft dough and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Roll out thinly into a layer and make a pie out of it or cut out circles and stick on pies.

NOTE: All these recipes are designed for domestic (Russian-made) compressed yeast. If you are working with Western-made pressed yeast, then it is taken at 2 times less weight.


If this dough is made in advance, for example in the evening, then you don’t even need to knead it particularly. But if the dough is kneaded early in order to bake pies or pies from it in 20 minutes, then the dough is kneaded properly, until good development gluten In my mixer I kneaded for 12 minutes on medium speed.

This is what the gluten of a well-kneaded French pie dough looks like: it does not tear and stretches into a transparent film.

After kneading, let the dough rest for 20 minutes on the table or, if longer, in the refrigerator. Place the dough in a bag, squeeze out the air and tie.

This dough contains a lot of yeast, so it will immediately begin to puff up. It took me 30-40 minutes to prepare the fillings, wash the dishes and prepare the oven. Meanwhile, the dough bubbled beautifully in the refrigerator

From a large piece of dough, I separated three small ones and hid the rest back in the refrigerator until tomorrow. I prepared open-faced pies with fresh apples and portioned pies with green onions. I let it rise for 20 minutes in a warm place and put it in the oven without lubricating it with anything.

Filling: two fresh apples, 2 tbsp. apricot jam, 1 spoon of starch.

Filling: 3 apples, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of starch.

Filling: a bunch of green onions, 2 hard-boiled eggs, salt, a spoon of butter.

I baked pies with apples for 20 minutes at 375F, and pies for 10 minutes at 400F.

The crumb is fluffy, fibrous, the crust is fragile, like a shortbread. Despite the fact that there is no salt in the dough, the taste is not bland, but on the contrary, amazingly balanced, because the salt in the dough comes from margarine. 200g of margarine contains approximately 4-5g of salt, depending on the brand of margarine.

Anna Grigorievna Dyshkant brought the recipe for French dough to the present day, publishing it in numerous Russian newspapers and magazines of our time.

newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets, 16/4/2008
newspaper Trud, 22/2/2002
newspaper Pravda, 2/9/2003
newspaper "Technopolis", 11/9/2003
V.V. Pokhlebkin, National cuisines of our peoples.
Larisa Isarova, Skorospelka's Dishes.
forum "Ageless dough"

French pie dough is a butter dough prepared using “cold” technology. In our country, such dough is also known as “Khrushchev’s”. The dough does not require a warm environment to rise, but on the contrary, the dough rises at a low temperature. No additional kneading required. That is, this is the dough instant cooking, you just need to combine all the components, place the dough in the refrigerator or cold water and wait 20 minutes for it to rise.
But buns and pies prepared according to this recipe can only be baked in the oven. Then they turn out very lush and airy.


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 200 g margarine
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 30 g yeast


  • Soften the margarine. Mix with sugar. Add eggs and mix everything well, add a little salt.
  • Dissolve raw yeast in warm milk. If the yeast is dry, mix it with flour.
  • Add milk to margarine and stir. Add flour and knead the dough thoroughly.
  • Place the finished dough in a plastic bag, tie it and put it in the refrigerator. Leave for 15-20 minutes to rise.
  • Afterwards you can bake pies with different fillings.

If you want to bake golden brown pies or buns, but don’t really like (or simply don’t know how) to mess with yeast dough, use the “ageless” or “French” dough recipe. “Ageless” dough is a godsend for all housewives! The dough is prepared simply, is not afraid of the notorious drafts and, surprisingly, loves the cold very much. You can prepare this dough in advance, because it stores well in the refrigerator. Some housewives claim that the “ageless” dough (by the way, it is also called “Khrushchev dough”) does not spoil for several weeks. I haven’t yet decided to experiment with storing dough for such long periods of time, but I can say that after 2-3 days spent in the refrigerator, the dough will definitely not spoil. Just add a teaspoon of soda and knead the dough again to finished products no sourness appeared.

From "ageless" yeast dough You can cook almost any type of pies, pies, and so on. It is suitable for both sweet and savory products. This dough is my favorite among all the recipes I have ever tried.
Ruddy pig buns are one of the options for baking from this type of dough. I used curd mass as filling. The buns turned out very soft and fluffy.


for test:

  • milk – 1 glass
  • fresh yeast – 30 g
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp.
  • butter (or margarine) – 160 g
  • flour - 4 cups

For filling:

  • cottage cheese – 200 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.


Combine milk with fresh yeast. By the way, it is not at all necessary to heat the milk; you can take it straight from the refrigerator. Add sugar and stir. Add chopped or grated margarine (or butter).

Gradually add flour and knead the dough.

Soft, very plastic dough, when kneading, very quickly stops sticking to your palms. We collect it into a bun and stir it back into the bowl.

Cover the bowl with cling film and place the dough in the refrigerator for 4 hours. In the cold it begins to grow in volume very quickly.

In 4 hours the dough increases approximately 3 times.

After time has passed, you can begin to form the buns. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces, leaving a little dough for sculpting the ears and tails of the piglets.

Prepare the curd filling by combining cottage cheese, sugar and egg in a blender.

Roll out the cakes and wrap 2 tsp in them. curd filling. Form round buns.

From the remaining part of the dough we sculpt ears and heels. Using a toothpick we “make” the eyes. We also form ponytails.

Brush the prepared piglets with egg. Place them in the oven for 16-18 minutes (at 180 degrees).

Ruddy, soft and very fragrant buns with cottage cheese are ready. Bon appetit!!!

French cold-cooked butter dough is also known as “Khrushchev’s”. It differs from ordinary rich yeast dough in that all the processes of fermentation and rising of the dough take place not in the heat, but in the cold, namely in the refrigerator. It is also called overnight, and can be stored for a week.

The dough is absolutely not troublesome, the products are soft and fluffy, but is only suitable for baking in the oven. Ideal for complex braided pies or buns, because... It rolls out very easily into a thin layer and is very obedient. And it also makes very delicious pies with various fillings!

1. So, necessary products: flour, sugar, salt, yeast, milk, butter (or margarine) and eggs.

2. Sift the flour and mix with the yeast. Start by mixing 2 cups of flour. Because Flour is different and I don’t always need 2.5 cups, this recipe required 2.

3. Mix 1 whole egg and 1 yolk with salt and sugar.

4. Add warm milk and stir again.

5. Add butter (butter or margarine should be room temperature). Beat the mixture with a mixer or whisk.

6. Add flour and yeast in small portions, mixing well. Knead the dough. The dough may be a little sticky, but you don't need to add more flour.

7. If the dough with 2 cups of flour looks more like thick sour cream, then add another 0.5 cup of flour. Knead the dough well. But it should not be steep; slight stickiness is allowed.

8. Place the dough in a bag (you can leave it in the container where you kneaded it). Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Just remember to let the air out of the bag.

9. Overnight the dough will rise and increase 2.5-3 times.

10. Let the dough rest and warm up under a napkin for 30-40 minutes and start cutting into pies, buns or pie.

11. I used this dough to bake potato pies. It turned out simply amazing!

Bon appetit!

French cuisine has always been an example of excellence in the art of cooking, and the French consider famous chefs to be a kind of poets. The French are discerning connoisseurs and lovers of fine cuisine; they are picky and meticulous in selecting the range and quality of food products.
In its traditional form french cuisine- the cuisine is rich and diverse, which is due to the wide range of products used and different ways their preparations.
Based on French tradition, the great French culinary specialist Antoine Carême believed that economy is the enemy of good cuisine.

Breese dough

Basically, this dough can be used to make cakes, pies, savory and sweet pies. To make the dough work well, you need to prepare butter of good consistency - not too thick and not too soft.
Thus, it must be removed from the refrigerator a few minutes before use.


200 g flour;
120 g butter;
3 tbsp. l. water;
5 g salt.

How to prepare Brize dough:

Sift the flour onto a board, make a well in the center, pour water into it, put butter and salt, mix everything thoroughly and knead until the dough comes away from your hands.
Then form a ball on a board sprinkled with flour and leave for 1 hour, and more if necessary.

Brize dough No. 2


250 g flour;
125 g butter;
5 g salt;
25 g granulated sugar;
3/4 cup water;

How to prepare Brize dough:

In a bowl or on cutting board pour flour in a heap, make a funnel, put butter, salt, sugar, cold water, soda in it on the tip of a knife.
Mix everything quickly with your hands until the lumps disappear; if you mix the dough for a long time, the cakes will turn out tough.
Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a damp cloth so that the dough does not dry out, and place in a cool place for 1-2 hours.

Shortbread dough


300 g flour;
125 g butter;
50 g granulated sugar;
1 raw egg;

How to make shortbread dough:

Heat the butter in a saucepan over moderate heat, add granulated sugar, stirring constantly wooden spoon until thick.
Pour flour onto a board, make a well in the center, pour in the egg, add a pinch of salt and sweet butter. Knead thoroughly, roll out carefully (as it crumbles easily) and as thinly as possible, having previously floured both the dough rolling board and the rolling pin.
Puff pastry
Puff pastry is the basis for the preparation of flour confectionery products; It is easy to prepare, but you need to have time: while the brise dough takes 5 minutes to prepare, puff pastry requires more than an hour.
The main concern is the butter, as if it is too soft and the rolling board and rolling pin are not floured enough, the dough will stick and break during the kneading process. This does not create serious difficulties, but will interfere with increasing the desired thickness.

Puff pastry


500 g flour;
500 g butter;
1 tbsp. water;

How to make puff pastry:

First of all, sift the flour in a heap, slowly pour a glass of water into the well in the center, stirring constantly, and put a pinch of salt. Add water until the dough sticks to your fingers, then form into a ball and leave for 5 minutes.
Sprinkle the dough board and rolling pin with flour and roll out the dough.
Place butter in the center (soften in your hands), fold in four, very carefully roll out lengthwise, then fold in thirds; Sprinkle the board with flour again; turn the dough so that the fold is in front of you, roll out the dough as before and fold in the same way, sprinkle lightly with flour and place for 20 minutes. to a cool place.
Then start again as before: roll out the dough 2 times and leave for another 20 minutes.
Finally, after 5-6 such operations, the dough is ready.

Classic Beignet Dough No. 1


250 g flour;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
2 raw eggs;
1/2 coffee spoon of salt;
1/4 liter of water or milk.

How to make classic beignet dough:

Pour flour and salt into a saucepan, make a well in the center, crack 1 whole egg into it, and mix gently with a wooden spoon.
When the first egg is completely softened, add the second one, then vegetable oil, milk or water, mix thoroughly to form fresh cream, leave to rest for 1 hour before use.
For sweet dough, add 1 tbsp to flour. l. granulated sugar.

Bignet dough No. 2


250 g flour;
160 g butter;
6 raw eggs;
1/2 liter of water;
5 g salt.

How to make beignet dough:

Into the pan average size pour water, put butter, salt, put on moderate heat; As soon as the water boils, remove from the heat, immediately add all the flour, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon, put it back on the fire and continue stirring until the water has almost completely evaporated. The dough is ready when it remains dry at the bottom of the pan, which can be determined by simply stirring; then remove the pan from the heat and cool the dough, then add one egg at a time, beating with a wooden spoon.
Remove the baking sheet from the oven, check that it is clean, and lightly grease it with butter.
Place small portions of dough on a baking sheet with a spoon at a certain distance from each other, since the dough swells when frying. Preheat the oven to moderate temperature, place a baking sheet in it for 20 minutes.
Once the dough portions are fried, you can fill them with: pastry cream, thick bechamel sauce mixed with grated cheese, minced chicken, eggs poured into boiling water, etc.
If you need a sweet dough, add 30 g of granulated sugar diluted in water.

Beignet dough with beer No. 3

Prepared like classic beignet dough No. 1, but instead of milk or water, beer is added.

Bignet dough airy No. 4

The same proportions as in the classic beignet dough No. 2, only first the flour is mixed with egg yolks, then with vegetable oil and finally beaten egg whites are added.

Biscuit dough


200 g granulated sugar;
50 g sifted flour;
50 g potato starch;
4 raw eggs;
1 packet of vanilla sugar;
1 pinch of salt.

How to make biscuit dough:

Place granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, egg yolks, salt in a bowl, mix thoroughly until it becomes a white mass. If lumps form, continue stirring, adding flour and starch little by little.
Beat the egg whites, carefully add to the mixture, and mix thoroughly again.
Place in a mold well greased with butter and place in the oven.

Bon appetit!

Like all doughs, pancake dough requires at least 2 hours of rest before working with it. You can prepare the dough in the evening to use it the next day; dough left to rest has better adhesion to food and fermentation occurs more easily.
The need to rest the dough is even more pronounced when one of the ingredients is beer.
Of course, if the dough calls for beaten egg whites, they are added at the last moment.
It is difficult to give an exact proportion of liquid - water, beer or milk, since the quality of flour is different: one absorbs more liquid, the other less. In any case, the dough should be liquid, but of a thicker consistency than for pancake dough; it should be smooth and without lumps. The batter liquid should never be too cold; if it is warm, the dough will ferment better and faster.
Flour should always be sifted. Pour a heaping amount of flour into a bowl, make a well in the center where you put all the ingredients indicated in the recipe; Using a wooden spoon, slowly and thoroughly stirring, pour in the liquid carefully and gradually, avoiding whipping or stirring too vigorously.
When the dough is ready, cover the bowl and leave to rest for at least 2 hours, but not in the refrigerator.

Dough for making pancakes No. 1

(filling: meat, brains, vegetables)


100 g flour;
1 raw egg;
1/2 tsp. dry yeast;

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a hole in the center with a wooden spoon, where to put the egg, salt, yeast, constantly stirring with the flour, add beer little by little in such an amount that the dough is thicker than pancake dough.
When the dough is ready, cover the bowl and leave to rest (but not in the refrigerator) for at least 2 hours.

Dough for making pancakes No. 2

(mainly for vegetable filling)


125 g sifted flour;
1 tsp. vegetable oil;
1/3 tbsp. beer;
2 beaten egg whites;
1/2 tbsp. warm water;
3 g salt (1 pinch).

How to prepare pancake dough:

Pour flour into a bowl, make a well in the center, pour in vegetable oil, add salt, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, add beer and water little by little, leave for 2 hours without placing in the refrigerator.

Dough for making pancakes No. 3

(for fruit filling)


100 g sifted flour;
2 egg whites;

How to prepare pancake dough:

Put flour, salt in a bowl, pour in water, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, bring to a thick cream; Close the bowl and leave the dough to rest for 2 hours without placing it in the refrigerator.
Before using, add beaten egg whites to the dough.