Choosing an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis - what to look for? Why do doctors recommend sleeping on an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis? Specifics of orthopedic pillows

Osteochondrosis is easier to prevent than to treat. Incorrect posture, working at a computer, and a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors in the development of osteochondrosis. In addition, the position of the spine during sleep also plays a role important role. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

How should you sleep with osteochondrosis?

To reduce pressure on the spine during sleep, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Healthy and sound sleep. Long lasting and restful sleepnecessary condition healthy body. Pain in the back and neck will gradually disappear only if the rest is complete. Then this will have a beneficial effect on the spine: the body muscles will relax, clamps and blocks will go away, and the nervous system will be restored.
  2. Comfortable position while sleeping. It is important to know which position for night rest is most correct to reduce the load on the spine. It is believed that lying on your back with half-bent legs, it is possible to achieve a natural position of the vertebrae and completely relax the body. But it is worth remembering that the load on the lumbar region increases if the legs are left straight. Sleeping on your side with your legs tucked under (fetal position), allows you to minimize the pressure on the spine. But the therapeutic effect is achieved only if the pillow is low. For convenience, you can put a bolster under your upper leg.
  3. Rest on your stomach is considered the least useful position for sleeping, since when you turn your head, the muscles of the cervical region remain tense. If you place an additional pillow under your chest, it is possible to achieve an average position - half to one side. This technique can be used if it is difficult to fall asleep in another position. With cervical osteochondrosis, it is undesirable to sleep on your stomach; it is better to sleep on your back and side. The same applies to diseases of the thoracic region.
  4. The resting surface is of medium hardness. When sleeping on an overly soft or hard bed, the spinal column bends. An uneven position contributes to tension in certain areas of the back, which negatively affects the treatment of osteochondrosis. Due to an uncomfortable posture in the morning, you may feel a headache, stiffness of movement, and fatigue. The resting surface should be of medium hardness and flat. The best option is considered orthopedic. If it is chosen correctly, it will ensure optimal position of the spine. Which will help you get rid of back problems in the future.
  5. The right pillow. Few people know that a sleeping pillow must have certain characteristics: small size and height 5-9 cm (width depends on the size of the shoulders), shape - rectangle or square, medium hardness, high-quality filler that follows the anatomical curve. A special orthopedic pillow has qualities that fully satisfy all parameters. Its main functions are to ensure proper rest of the spine and prevent the development of back diseases.

Advice: the choice of sleeping position should be based on the type of osteochondrosis. For example, lumbar osteochondrosis requires avoiding sleeping on your back.

Choosing a pillow for osteochondrosis: size, height, shape

If osteochondrosis or other problems with the spine have already appeared, an orthopedic pillow under the head is simply a must.

When choosing a product, you should take into account the build of the person who will use the pillow:

  • Women of average build will lie comfortably on a support measuring 60*40 cm;
  • For men– 50*70 cm and more.
  • For small children usually choose pillows of small sizes: 20*30 cm or 40*50 cm.

The size of the shoulders should be equal to the width of the pillow with a small margin. The height of the orthopedic product varies from 6 to 20 cm and above. A person’s favorite sleeping position influences the choice for this parameter. People who prefer to sleep on their sides should pay attention to pillows from 12 cm. The head in this position is high, it needs higher support. For those who prefer to sleep lying on their back and stomach, pillows with a height of 6-12 cm are perfect.

Form anatomical pillows can be different, for example, square, rectangular or in the form of a crescent (roller).

Types of orthopedic pillows

Anatomical pillows are divided according to the filler material. Not only the level of rigidity of the pillow, but also its durability depends on what its internal space is filled with.

Kinds orthopedic pillows:

  • Buckwheat husk pillow– repeats the anatomical shape of the body, has a slight massage effect. Heavy pillow, moderately hard.
  • Polyester pillow inexpensive and effective. It is very light in weight and very comfortable for sleeping. They produce both soft and harder models.
  • Latex pillow, which is produced based on rubber wood, expensive in price. Its advantages are: long service life (more than 15 years), hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, ability to keep its shape.
  • Synthetic latex pillow cheaper in cost, but not much inferior in quality to its analogue made from natural material. Its service life reaches more than 10 years. Orthopedic properties, hypoallergenic, ability to withstand prolonged loads, elasticity.
  • Polyurethane foam (foam) pillow has the ability to “remember” the contours of the body and is durable. Medium hardness.
  • Gel filled pillow, a newcomer to the orthopedic market. Has a slight cooling effect and adapts to anatomical features. The ability to perform micromassage ensures long and sound sleep.

Where can I buy an orthopedic pillow?

If you want to purchase a quality product, purchase orthopedic pillows from famous manufacturers. The choice should not be spontaneous; carefully study all the reviews. Having decided to buy, pay attention to the websites of official representatives, pharmacies or stores specializing in orthopedic products.

Very often you can find suitable offers on popular sites that sell various categories of goods. Buying in a store or pharmacy, you have the opportunity to carefully consider and try the convenience of the model. But remember, orthopedic pillows may feel uncomfortable at first and will take some getting used to.

Read about it here.

A person spends a third of his life in sleep. And your well-being throughout the day depends on its quality. To avoid headaches and stiff neck muscles in the morning, you need to choose the right sleeping accessories. An orthopedic pillow is especially important for cervical osteochondrosis. Reviews from those who have used this product indicate effective reduction pain and seizure prevention. does not cure osteochondrosis, but is necessary auxiliary. The main thing is to choose it correctly.

Features of cervical osteochondrosis

Spinal disease in this region is very dangerous, as it can cause disruptions in the functioning of many body systems and even disruptions in the functioning of the brain.

This happens because the vertebrae in the neck are very close together and the muscles are quite weak. And even a slight load can lead to displacement and compression of nerves and blood vessels. This is why an orthopedic pillow for the cervical spine is so important. After all, it is precisely when the body is in the wrong position during sleep that this can happen. And in a set of measures aimed at treating this disease, it is very important to ensure maximum muscle relaxation during rest.

How to sleep properly

When resting, the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back must be relaxed. It is necessary to provide the spine with high-quality support during sleep, especially for the cervical spine. Incorrect head position during rest contributes to the curvature of the vertebrae, deterioration of sleep quality and exacerbation of osteochondrosis. What rules need to be followed so as not to feel overwhelmed and tired in the morning?

The bed should be hard and level; you should not sleep on folding beds or armored nets.

It is better to choose a mattress that is elastic, but not soft, and will follow the anatomical curves of the body. It is not recommended to use down feather beds for sleeping.

A pillow with an orthopedic effect is best for relaxation.

Relaxing pose for osteochondrosis

It is also very important in what position a person sleeps. All doctors recommend that patients with osteochondrosis only sit on their side or back. Moreover, these provisions also contain special recommendations. For example, when a person lies on his back with his legs stretched out, he cannot relax completely. And when lying on your side, you need to choose the right pillow. Best pose for normal rest, the shoulder rests against the mattress, and a small pillow must be placed under the head.

Doctors do not recommend sleeping on the stomach, especially for those who have problems with the neck. In this position, the neck is tense, and there is a high risk of vertebral displacement. Therefore, it is best to sleep on your back or side, and a special orthopedic pillow will help you relax normally. With cervical osteochondrosis, reviews from doctors and patients note the disappearance of pain and improved quality of sleep.

What should a pillow be like?

Not only healthy rest, but also well-being and mood during the day depend on the quality of this sleep accessory. And people who already have problems with the spine need an orthopedic pillow. Cervical osteochondrosis is an ailment that affects an increasing number of people and prevents them from getting a good night's sleep. But the right pillow, according to doctors, improves the quality of sleep. When choosing this accessory, you need to pay attention to the following features:

It should be small and the width should correspond to the size of your shoulders.

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should have at least one hard cushion. Reviews from doctors note that it is best for it to be rectangular, with two rollers on the edges and a recess in the middle for the head. Although some prefer to advise their patients to use a crescent-shaped pillow.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to individual characteristics. If the pillow causes discomfort and is uncomfortable on it, it is better to refuse it.

What types of orthopedic pillows are there?

The crescent-shaped pillow will gently support your neck when sleeping on your back. It should not be very hard, but should hold its shape well. This is a fairly common orthopedic pillow. The photo on the packaging shows how you can use it while sleeping, on a long trip, or while sitting in a chair for a long time. This shape effectively helps the neck muscles relax.

But most often, patients with cervical osteochondrosis choose a rectangular pillow. You can sleep on it both on your back and on your side. Such a pillow should have a depression in the middle for the head and hard bolsters along the edges. You just need to choose the right height. To do this, measure the shoulder width. For an ordinary person it is 10-12 centimeters.

How to understand that the pillow is chosen correctly

Doctors recommend trying to lie on it before buying. But this is not always possible. And it often happens that people complain that the pillow did not help them, it is uncomfortable to sleep on it, the pain has not gone away, it has only gotten worse. Indeed, this happens, and in order to choose a pillow that is truly suitable for a particular person, you need to try many options. Some people even buy several and change them as needed. For example, it is advisable to have one pillow for sleeping on your back and another for sleeping on your side. In this case, the shoulders should remain on the mattress, and the bolster should support only the neck, facilitating its complete relaxation. How do you know that the pillow has been chosen correctly?

During sleep, a person does not put his hand under the pillow.

After resting on such a pillow, you don’t want to use a regular one, you sleep soundly, and after waking up you feel rested.

If your neck and stomach hurt after sleep, it means the pillow is low and the mattress is too hard.

Headaches in the morning or at night indicate that this sleep accessory is too high.

Fillers for orthopedic pillows

1. Buckwheat husk - natural product. A pillow with such filling will not only perfectly follow the shape of the head, but will also produce a massaging effect.

2. Latex is a hypoallergenic material with antiseptic properties. Such orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are the most common, as they are elastic and hold their shape well.

3. Another material popular for orthopedic pillows is polyurethane. It allows air to pass through well and easily takes on the shape of the body, quickly recovering afterwards.

4. Memory foam pillows can be made from expensive long-lasting foam or cheaper viscolatex. They remember the shape of the body, which allows you to support your head well and relax your neck. This is the most comfortable orthopedic pillow. The photo on the packaging shows how it takes the shape of the body, and after a while it straightens out.

5. Pillows with cooling gel are still less popular. Not everyone can get used to this effect. Although they not only support the head, but also contribute to skin rejuvenation and more comfortable sleep.

Which pillow to choose

There are many different models in stores. Besides the fact that you need to choose a pillow based on the individual characteristics of your body, most consumers know nothing about them. And they differ in shape, material and price. Many who have already used such a sleep accessory believe that buying a pillow cheaper than three thousand is throwing away money. Really high-quality products cost from 3,500 to 10,000 rubles and more. Moreover, Russian pillows are cheaper, but no less effective. Many doctors recommend using Aksona products or those produced according to Valentin Dikul’s method. Pillows of different shapes and fillings from any manufacturer can be roughly classified as follows:

- “Mediflex” is a convex elastic pillow filled with small latex springs that perfectly adapts to the shape of the body.

- "Sissel" - pillows with memory effect. They have different shapes, but mostly with one or two rollers.

TOP pillows are especially popular among doctors and patients. They can be with memory effect or with a ribbed surface, straight or with two rollers and a recess for the head. This is the best orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis.

A calm and healthy sleep is what our body requires to restore strength. Especially, a comfortable night's sleep is required for those people who have ailments associated with the spine.

Osteochondrosis in the cervical region is a serious disease with unpleasant pain and consequences if left untreated.

To control this disease, prevention is as important as therapy. First of all, you need to figure out what and how you rest on at night.

Does an orthopedic pillow help with cervical osteochondrosis?

Research has confirmed that a pillow with orthopedic properties helps get rid of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and its progression.

It ensures not only the correct position of the head, but also, most importantly, the cervical vertebrae.

The pillow helps reduce tension in the cervical spine

Thanks to this feature of the orthopedic cushion, the neck muscles are in a relaxed state throughout the entire duration of sleep, and this helps to fully relax.

The effect of the pillow on the disease

The positive effect of an orthopedic pillow is achieved due to its shape, filling and upholstery.

A product with orthopedic properties ensures the correct and comfortable position of the cervical vertebrae, as a result of which both the muscles and the spine rest.

The orthopedic pillow has several positive characteristics, which directly affect the prevention and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Moreover, thanks to them the overall feeling of comfort improves:

  • High level of convenience. In the manufacture of pillows with orthopedic properties, we use quality materials. They provide free air circulation, which eliminates sweating of the face and scalp. Having rested on such a product, a person will be accompanied by a feeling of cheerfulness all day long.
  • Hypoallergenic. If the product is from a reputable manufacturer, then the materials will be exclusively natural and free from harmful microorganisms.
  • Ergonomics, that is, the ability to correctly place the vertebrae.

Video on the topic:

What kind of pillow is needed for cervical osteochondrosis?

Some people believe that with cervical osteochondrosis it is better to do without any pillow at all, but no, this is not so.

If you don't worry about the correct position for the neck, it is mostly incorrect and uncomfortable. The muscles will be overstrained all the time, and excessive stress will be placed on the vertebrae.

Orthopedic roller

The best option is an orthopedic roller. It has the desired rigidity, height and shape. Its use helps the spine to be in a perfectly straight position during sleep, which allows you to rest well and stock up on energy.

Proper sleep for osteochondrosis

Not only the type of pillow affects good dream. A huge role is assigned to the position during the night's rest, because some people simply turn around and say that they are comfortable.

There are several sleep rules that provide maximum relaxation and benefits in the fight against osteochondrosis

No.Rules for comfortable sleep
1 It is better to be placed on the side or on the back. In this case, the orthopedic roller should be either flat or horseshoe-shaped.
2 An orthopedic product should be one that easily molds to the shape of the head and neck, one of which is a pillow that is made of memory foam.
3 Forget about high and too hard pillows. They can cause pain and stiffness.
4 When traveling, use a horseshoe-shaped orthopedic roller.
5 Avoid sleeping on your stomach as this puts stress on your spine.
6 When sleeping on your side, your shoulders should be in a natural position relative to the mattress.

Also for quality sleep it is necessary sleeping area with hard and flat base. The mattress should not be too hard or soft; for osteochondrosis, medium density is needed.

A pillow with orthopedic properties is no less important. The best option is a rectangular shape and a size not exceeding the width of a person’s shoulders.

Types of orthopedic pillows

There are a large number of products with orthopedic properties, but only a few are truly suitable for osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae:

  • Rectangular with a recess in the middle. It has gained great popularity due to its comfort and brevity. Its advantage is that over time it does not begin to deform. When choosing it, the main thing is to guess your size.
  • In the form of a roller, resembling a horseshoe in shape. It is ideal for use at home and while traveling. This orthopedic pillow is characterized by softness, good fixation and shape retention. It is recommended for back pain.
  • Oval with a relief surface. This pillow with orthopedic properties will appeal to those who sleep on their side. It supports the head well and follows the shape of the neck.

Photo gallery:


Rectangular with a recess in the middle

Oval with embossed surface

In the form of a roller

In the form of a roller

Rectangular with a recess in the middle

Video about types of pillows:

Material and fillings for pillows

Since orthopedic pillows have a special purpose, the filling must match. Sleep products are filled with:

  • Foam (its density should be medium);
  • Memory foam (adapts to body shape, but may produce a chemical odor);
  • Latex (the hardest material, but bacteria, mold and dust mites do not grow in it; promotes alignment of the spine and neck;
  • Wool/cotton (moderately tough, dust mites and mold do not develop in them);
  • Down/feather (the best for comfort, but may cause allergic reaction).

Photos of fillers:

An orthopedic pillow made of buckwheat husk is also effective for cervical osteochondrosis. It does not provoke an allergic reaction and does not allow pests to infest. But when turning it makes a rustling noise.

From buckwheat husk

Choosing a suitable pillow

You should choose an orthopedic roller carefully.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the shape. It should be either rectangular or horseshoe-shaped. The second option is more useful mainly for sleeping at lunchtime and then only on the back.

Its size should also be within reason and correspond to the width of the shoulders, maybe a little wider.

Rigidity is also in moderation. There is a possibility that your doctor will advise you of a more stringent option.

Useful video:

The price of the pillow and where is the best place to buy it?

You can purchase a roller with orthopedic properties in any online store with the appropriate specialization. They are also on sale in regular furniture stores.

Their prices vary and depend on the filler and size. The minimum cost for children is from 300 rubles, and for adults - from 1250 to 5500 rubles and above.

Video from an expert

The doctor should decide which pillow you should sleep on if you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The sleeping pillow should be chosen from natural materials, since synthetic pillows become electrified and have a bad effect not only on the cervical region, but also on the heart. Choose a pillowcase made from cotton materials; it should be made in several layers.​

​To do this, measure the length from the beginning of the shoulder to the base of the neck. Then add 2 centimeters to the resulting number. The result will be the required height. Please allow about 1 cm error. People with wide shoulders need a roller large sizes. If the tallest one is not suitable, then you can put a terry towel on it, folded in several layers.​

​Latex mini-springs (keeps their shape well, provides excellent and natural support to the entire spine, hypoallergenic, breathable).​

​If patients refer to the appearance of a morning headache or fainting state, such manifestations should be taken seriously. This is direct evidence of impaired blood circulation. On frequently asked question about which pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis, you can give the following series of necessary characteristics:

What do you need to know to avoid osteochondrosis?

​If you are buying a product with artificial filler, choose latex, polyester, or viscoelastic.​

​In addition to pathologies, healthy people also experience blocked ears. This happens if a person is overtired, after listening to loud music for a long time, when pressure changes, after bad sleep. The doctor will determine why the ears are clogged. And so that tinnitus with osteochondrosis does not arise from overwork, it is necessary to choose the right orthopedic pillow.​

​The first product has the shape of a roller or crescent. It contains a soft filler that does not lose its shape when pressed from above. Some patients say that this product is bad for sleeping on the side, as it fixes the neck on both sides.​

A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis must contain a special orthopedic filler inside. As a rule, it costs much more than usual. In addition, a high-quality filler should restore the shape of the product after pressing on it. This effect is called the “shape memory” effect. Nowadays you can find pillows made from the following fillings:

Basic rules for proper rest and sleep

​According to the static data provided by experts, the worsening of the disease is most often caused by incorrect positioning of the body, in particular the head, during sleep. Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis help alleviate a person’s condition during sleep: the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced, not only in the neck area, but also in the head.​

​Take the filler and compact it tightly inside. Don't forget that the filling density will depend on the height and comfort of the pillow. Therefore, before thoroughly sewing up the last side, try lying on a pillow. You will get five parts that need to be sewn together. The ridges are the largest at the top and bottom, the sides are medium sized, and the middle is the smallest. Thus, you will get an orthopedic pillow, sewn with your own hands. If the filler becomes wrinkled over time, you can rip the seam and renew the contents.​

It is also necessary to take into account the position in which a person sleeps:

What should an orthopedic pillow be like for healthy sleep?

​Independent mini springs (restores shape well, there is a reaction to the applied loads in the form of adjustment to movements during sleep, suitable for all poses).​

​Shape of a rectangle or square. As for the cushion, horseshoe-shaped or log-shaped pillow - they are only suitable for nap for a few hours.​

​The orthopedic “assistant” will not relieve osteochondrosis, but it will prevent the exacerbation of the disease and will serve as a good prophylactic against osteochondrosis. After all, if in a dream a patient diagnosed with “cervical osteochondrosis” or a healthy person’s head is in the correct position, curvature of the spinal column is prevented, and the disease will not progress.​

​The second product is more practical. Its shape is classic - rectangular. Along the edges of the model there are rollers with a recess in the central part. The height of the product is selected according to the height and width of the shoulder girdle.​

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis does not help get rid of the disease, but prevents its exacerbation. If a person with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine maintains the correct position of the head during sleep, curvature of the spinal column is prevented.

​It is advisable not to stop using the pillow, even after complete recovery. After all, sound, healthy sleep, with relaxation of all the muscles in the body, is needed not only for the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, but also for the whole body.​

​If you decide to purchase an orthopedic pillow for sleeping, then you need to familiarize yourself with its contents. Nowadays a large number of people choose latex. It has its advantages. For example, it has a long shelf life - more than ten years, and it ensures a good fit of the pillow to the required size.​

​For people suffering from a disease such as cervical osteochondrosis, you need to know the following: to avoid exacerbations, you need to position your head correctly while sleeping. The fact is that then, then the person rests, the neck muscles completely relax, and the security of the spinal column decreases.

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​lying on your back: the pillow should be firm, no more than 9 cm in height;​

What therapeutic pillows should be used for osteochondrosis of the neck?

​A special type of cooling gel (this gel orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis promotes proper distribution of loads and has a micro massage effect).​

​The height of the pillow is from 5 to 9 cm, as the safest value. It is the one that is best suited for the correct placement of the entire body, slightly raising the neck above the level of the head.​

Every person needs proper rest for normal recovery. This is possible during sleep, especially at night. It is he who has the longest duration. This not only allows you to relax all muscle groups of the body, but also acts as a guarantee of future activity.​

​This is the standard look, made in the shape of a crescent. The product is filled with all kinds of materials of varying quality. When choosing a roller, pay attention to how it retains its shape. If, after pressing, the product does not restore its original shape, do not take the item.​

Video - Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis

There are varieties with one roller, which is located in the central part. The number of rollers does not significantly affect the functionality of the model, but it should be understood that the product must have at least one solid filler.​

The benefits of an orthopedic pillow

​The muscular corset of the back has great importance while maintaining the spinal axis in the correct position. To prevent contraction of the neck muscles, you need to properly organize your sleeping area.​

​If you decide to purchase a pillow, you can contact a specialist for advice, or go to a store where consultants work who can inform you competently. You should not buy them on the market. After all, the right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis must meet the requirements and strict standards, and have the appropriate certificates. Otherwise, a pseudo pillow, sewn by unknown persons, at an unknown factory, can only worsen your well-being.​

Quite often, orthopedists recommend using a pillow filled with viscoelastic foam. This substance copes well with the task of remembering the location of the body and the shape of the head. Returning to the original position occurs very slowly. In addition to the above advantages, a pillow with such filling will be hypoallergenic.​

In addition, if you are in an uncomfortable position during sleep or rest and remain in this position for a long time, then the muscles will be forced to tense during this period. Therefore, in the morning painful symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis will appear.

How to choose a pillow

​Improper body position during sleep causes muscle tension, resulting in headaches and dizziness.​

​lying on your stomach: choose a softer one with a low height.​

​Bamboo fiber (has a deodorizing effect, does not attract dust, promotes air circulation, can be used even by children).​

​The width of the dimensions should be equal to the width of the patient’s shoulders or slightly exceed them.​

​Two bolsters on the pillow and a height of no more than 9 cm guarantee the correct position of the spine.​

​The classic rectangular version, made with a special recess for the head. Take note: in a “rectangle” the head should not fall into the recess and if the material from which it is made is deformed, it is not recommended to take a pillow, it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.​

Types of pillows

​There are several important principles for using orthopedic products for the cervical spine. What properties should models have for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the neck:​

​If the neck muscles completely relax during rest, pain in the neck area will disappear. Prolonged uncomfortable posture provokes complications of the disease. Protective tension in the muscular system without complete relaxation will persist for a long time and progress.​

Pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

​Such an important attribute should, first of all, be non-rigid and small in size. Some patients mistakenly believe that with osteochondrosis of the neck it is more useful to sleep without a pillow at all. This is a big misconception, since it is thanks to the pillow that you can position your head most optimally. That is, in such a way that the adopted pose is as relaxing as possible for the muscles of the head and neck.​

What kind of pillow should there be for cervical osteochondrosis?

​Another pillow filling is also offered - polyester balls. Unfortunately, this material can pill if the product is not handled correctly. And this will negatively affect healthy sleep.

​When a person sleeps in the wrong position, he may begin to develop osteochondrosis. Using an orthopedic pillow while sleeping leads to:​

Types of orthopedic pillows

​IMPORTANT! If you put your hand under the cushion while sleeping, it means you have chosen the wrong height of the pillow.​

The role of the pillow in diseases of the cervical spine is not at all to completely get rid of this disease. It should only become the key to the normal rest that the spine needs, as well as a factor in preventing the possible progression of the disease.​

Orthopedic pillow filling

​Medium type of hardness (not soft, but not too hard).​

Selecting a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

​Diseases of the cervical area can bring a certain feeling of discomfort and pain. Among the most common manifestations, the leading ones are feelings of muscle weakness and chronic fatigue. The reason for such phenomena is the incorrect selection of bedding, in particular, pillows for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and mattresses.​

​Manufacturers produce anatomical “helpers” in the fight against osteochondrosis in two sizes: 50 cm by 40 cm and 60 cm by 70 cm.​

​the shape is maintained throughout sleep;​

​An orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine helps prevent further curvature of the spinal axis and eliminate pinching of the nerve roots.​

What you need to know

​The optimal pillow size should be equal to the width of a person’s shoulders. There are also patients who are too broad-shouldered, then it is advisable to choose an orthopedic attribute maximum size. In this case, the height and width will be optimal and quite sufficient for convenient location during sleep or rest.​

​There are other orthopedic pillows. For example, from memoryx - a hypoallergenic material. This substance is a polyurethane foam that has a porous structure, has a memory effect and is thermally sensitive. When pressure occurs with body weight, such an orthopedist. pillows and exposure to heat, then it bends according to the shape of the head and cervical region. In this case, the spinal column is relaxed, and the vessels of the head and neck are in normal condition.​

​If you use a special orthopedic pillow, then, according to doctors’ observations, the patient’s condition improves significantly. And further, if you sleep on such a pillow, the symptoms practically go away. To choose the right orthopedic pillow, you need to use the recommendations of a medical specialist.​

​Increased blood flow. Brain cells must receive sufficient nutrition to proper operation. When a person sleeps incorrectly, nerves and blood vessels are pinched, which leads to insufficient nutrition of the brain. A person feels exhausted in the morning and feels pain when moving his neck or torso sharply. There may be noise and dizziness in the head.​

  • ​If after waking up a person feels pain and numbness in the shoulders, the pillow needs to be replaced.​
  • ​Many people suffer from osteochondrosis. Orthopedic pillows for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine help reduce pain and achieve a comfortable position for comfortable sleep.​
  • ​The attending physician can answer the question of which pillow is best for cervical osteochondrosis. This choice will be individual for each patient.​
  • ​As a rule, not all sleep positions that initially seem comfortable can provide a normal degree of relaxation for the back muscles and provide reliable support to the spine. The approximate requirements for sleeping positions are as follows:​

​Experts recommend! Before buying a product, first try it on yourself, if it is a bolster pillow. If you buy a rectangular one, apply it to your head. Do you feel any discomfort? Do not buy products, because sleeping on them will be uncomfortable. The height must be appropriate for the patient and his size.​

​the density of the pillow should be moderate;​

Types of orthopedic products

​If you have cervical osteochondrosis, you should sleep on an orthopedic pillow that ideally fits the curves of the cervical spine. This product is recommended by a vertebrologist for patients with pain in the spinal column.​

The correct pillow for osteochondrosis is the most important component of normal sleep. When purchasing it, carefully inspect the model offered to you. There should be a cushion inside it, and it should not have a tendency to bunch up or change its standard shape.​

​The filler has excellent orthopedic properties buckwheat husk. In addition, a pillow filled with this component provides acupressure of the collar area. This helps eliminate pain in the cervical region, back and shoulders. At the same time, insomnia and headaches disappear. Orthopedic pillows made from buckwheat husks are also recommended for scoliosis.​

​Healthy and normal sleep is an important condition well-being of all people. This is not always possible to achieve. This can be hampered by incorrect bedding or chosen uncomfortable sleeping positions. After waking up, pain or even cramps in the cervical region may occur.

Basic principles of application

​Muscle relaxation. During the day, a person uses all muscle groups. During sleep, muscles relax and rest. But if the posture is incorrect, the neck muscles remain tense throughout the night. This is especially noticeable when a person is very tired and practically sleeps in one position, not allowing his muscles to rest. This causes pain in the cervical spine to intensify in the morning, and the muscles become stiff. It is recommended to grind them.​

  1. ​To get a positive effect from orthopedic pillows, you should follow the following rules:​
  2. ​Orthopedic pillows can be purchased on the recommendation of a doctor or for preventive purposes to avoid spinal deformation. It must be remembered that the pillow does not heal, but only relaxes the spine and prevents the development of diseases.​
  3. ​For those who prefer all the newfangled trends classic version in the form of a small pillow with feather or down filling, it is important to monitor its condition. The pillow should not bunch up or take the shape of a wedge.​
  4. ​Lie with your back down, with your legs half bent. This serves as a guarantee of the correct, from an anatomical point of view, position.
  5. ​Selection of products at modern market- huge. Before purchasing, understand the filler:​

​the width of the model perfectly matches the size of the shoulders;​

​Patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine should be careful when choosing a bed.​

​There are models with two rollers. It is not difficult to adopt the correct posture using them for sleeping. Before going to bed, you should place your head and neck on the pillow and make sure that your shoulders are placed on the mattress.​

Orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis (photo)

  • ​It can be noted that almost thirty percent of people over the age of forty complain that they feel back or neck pain in the morning, as well as malaise. Such unpleasant symptoms indicate that neck osteochondrosis is developing. Not only are such sensations very unpleasant and painful, but they also make you feel bad, and a person’s performance deteriorates.

Orthopedic pillows: advantages

​Reduce the pain syndrome of osteochondrosis. With the right pillow, the cervical spine relaxes and pain goes away.​

​Pillows for osteochondrosis are distinguished by shape and content. The form could be:​

Types of anatomical pillows

​However, the best option would be special pillows for cervical osteochondrosis, which are called orthopedic.​

Cushion cushion

​Lying on one of the sides. At the same time, patients immediately receive an answer to the question: what pillow to sleep on with cervical osteochondrosis - only a small one.

Rectangle pillow

Latex is very popular as a filler. It has a long shelf life - more than 10 years, and significantly simplifies the process of adjusting the product to the required dimensions;​

​sleep on a pillow only on your back or side;​

The term orthopedic pillow should be understood not only as a name. For each patient, such a product is selected individually. You can't just go to the store and buy the perfect model. You should try several products to find the best one for you.​

Pillow fillings

  • ​Orthopedic pillows are also produced for the smallest - newborns or children. They support babies in a natural position, which has a beneficial effect on breathing and digestion. The orthopedic pillows produced for older children have a stabilizing and massage effect on the cervical area, and allow them to get a healthy and sound sleep.​
  • ​You need to sleep with this pillow on your back or side. If a person is completely cured, he is still recommended to continue sleeping on an orthopedic pillow. Proper and healthy sleep not only contributes to the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, but also helps maintain health.​
  • ​Secondly, the mattress must be flat. It is better to use an orthopedic one. Such mattresses provide complete and restful sleep, taking on the natural curves of the human body.​

How to choose an orthopedic pillow?

  1. ​in the form of a cushion: the pillow is soft and designed for sleeping on the back;​
  2. ​Today, the production of specialized pillows is so huge that a person ignorant of the intricacies of their choice can easily get confused. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis can be of the following forms:​
  3. The embryonic position is recognized as the best. With it, the legs, in a bent state, are pulled towards the chest part of the body.​
  4. ​Many experts recommend pillows filled with viscoelastic foam. This filler takes the form human head and remembers its location. The pillow returns very slowly to its original position. A product filled with visco-elastic foam is hypoallergenic;​
  5. ​If the product causes discomfort, it should be replaced.​
  6. ​To choose the right model for osteochondrosis, you should use the following principles:​

​An orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis can be not only the usual rectangular size. For the treatment and prevention of the disease, only two main types of orthopedic attributes are mainly used. These are rectangular and crescent shaped pillows.​

The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis - selection secrets

​To avoid exacerbation of neck disease, place your head comfortably on a pillow while resting so that all muscles (shoulders, back, neck) are fully rested.​

Some tips for healthy rest and sleep

Quite often, this disease can occur due to an incorrectly selected sleeping pillow. This can be defined as follows. If you feel numbness or pain in the cervical spine or a headache after sleep, pay attention to your pillow and mattress. In this case, they require urgent replacement with orthopedic items.​

​It is a mistaken belief that only elderly people suffer from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Increasingly, young people are developing osteochondrosis due to improper sitting at work, excess weight, metabolic disorders, spinal injuries, infectious diseases, and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to use a special pillow for sleep and rest, which will allow you to be cheerful and rested in the morning.​

​Thirdly, it is important to choose right size pillows, otherwise the neck muscles will not be able to relax completely, which will lead to pain.​

  • ​rectangular: with a recess for the head in the middle of the pillow.​
  • ​In the shape of a crescent (its ends serve for good cervical fixation).​
  • ​Resting while sleeping with your stomach down or face down on the pillow seems like a great way for some to avoid pressure from others. internal organs. However, this position is fraught with tension in the joints due to the turned head, compression of blood vessels and even a stroke.​

​produce products filled with specific polyester balls. Their significant disadvantage is that they roll off over time;

In conclusion, it should be said that osteochondrosis is a disease that progresses over the years. It often develops in older people, but according to statistics, its frequency in young people is also constantly increasing.​

  • The pillow should be small in size;
  • ​The crescent shape will not appeal to all patients, as it limits possible postures during rest. Using it, you will have to sleep only on your back, and this sometimes causes great inconvenience, especially for those who are not used to resting in this position. Its loose ends tightly wrap around the neck, thanks to which it takes the correct position.​
  • ​Those who are affected by the above disease need to choose a medium-sized pillow that is soft enough. As a rule, such bedding is selected depending on the size of the shoulders. It is worth considering that it should be smaller in width than the mattress. You only need to choose such a product with a rectangular shape.​

In order not to be exposed to diseases of the cervical spine or the entire spine, you need to follow some rules of proper rest. It is important to do the following:

Requirements for choosing the right pillow for sleeping

​Don’t forget that you need to buy an orthopedic pillow in specialized stores. It must meet quality standards and have the necessary certificates.​

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  • ​You also need to pay attention to the fact that any orthopedic pillow should not be deformed.​
  • ​With a roller (for a pose with your back down).​
  • ​The requirements for the bed and mattress are as follows:​
  • ​Pillows with natural fillings – buckwheat hulls and flax seeds – are in great demand. The main advantage is that the products are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.​

​Clinical experiments have established that a significant role among the causes of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine is played by improper organization of the rest area and prolonged stay in a sedentary position.​

​it is selected according to the size of the shoulder girdle;​

​The human body needs full, healthy sleep. Body position during sleep affects how a person will feel throughout the working day. Therefore, it is important that the body takes the correct posture so that every muscle and bone can relax and rest properly. This is especially true for those who are faced with the problem of osteochondrosis. The right pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is the key to good health. Using an orthopedic product, the cervical spine and head are in a comfortable position, the spine is aligned, its sections have natural curves, and the muscular frame of the entire back is relaxed. When a person sleeps in the wrong position, there is a high risk of exacerbation of spinal osteochondrosis, and all sorts of complications can arise.

Types of pillows by shape

  • ​Choose a bed that has a flat and rigid base.​
  • ​Lake fish​
  • ​Not all patients with osteochondrosis have the opportunity to purchase an orthopedic pillow because of its high cost. Therefore, many make this much-needed attribute on their own.​
  • ​It is not recommended to take feather pillow, as it often causes an allergic reaction. It is better to choose one with artificial filler, in the form of foamed latex, or Cassia seeds. There is also an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis with magnetic applicators.​

​A rectangle with two bolsters on the sides and a depression in the middle (for a pose on the back or side).​

​No bends on the surface.​

Types of modern fillers

​Choose a “product” of moderate density. The shape should not change throughout the night or become deformed.​

  • Of course, there are many provoking factors for the disease and it is difficult to take each of them into account. However, orthotics play a significant role in preventing the progression of the disease.​
  • ​the structure of the product must be equipped with a dense roller;​
  • ​Firstly, a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis must have small sizes, rectangular in shape, not high, allowing you to completely place your head on it, but not your shoulders. The head should not roll or fall through. If you don't have a special pillow, you can take a regular one and fold it in half. The main condition is that it should not be high, otherwise the cervical vertebrae will feel discomfort during sleep, possibly displacement and, as a result, impaired blood circulation to the brain. Doctors do not recommend sleeping simply on a mattress or using a pillow that is too small, since in this case the muscles do not relax.​
  • The orthopedic pillow should have a thickening in the form of a cushion. Sometimes it can be several rollers with a cervical indentation. Then the head will be in the depression and the shoulders will be on the bed. Such a pillow cannot change its shape or bunch up. An important point is a pillowcase product.​
  • ​A properly chosen mattress gives the spine the opportunity to remain in a natural position during sleep, that is, maintain all its curves. A soft mattress does not provide pelvic support. Therefore, opt for an elastic, semi-rigid and flat product. Here you can use special orthopedic mattresses.​

​The pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should first of all be soft and small. Some experts argue that it is better to sleep without a pillow at all, but they are wrong, because it is the pillow that ensures relaxation of the entire body during sleep by supporting the cervical spine.​

​First you need to measure the person’s shoulders and sew a rectangular pillow or in the form of a cushion.​

​There are models with mini springs. They are completely restored when a person tosses and turns in his sleep.​

Types of pillows with healing properties

​Rectangle with one central ridge.​

  • ​Its sufficiently rigid (avoid cots, hammocks, feather beds and sleeping on a flat floor).​
  • ​We select a product that matches the width of the shoulders or a little more.​

​Pillows, corsets, reclinators, and correctors are manufactured taking into account the possible anatomical features of the spinal axis of patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases. To select them individually, you need to consult a doctor who will study all the anatomical features of the patient’s spine.​

​The filler should not wrinkle.​

Nowadays manufacturers produce a huge range of orthopedic pillows. They are recommended for use by people who suffer from spinal diseases. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis ensures that all cervical vertebrae have strong support. This allows you to relax the neck muscles as much as possible, reduce irritation of damaged nerves, which, in turn, will help avoid headaches, insomnia, and pain in the upper body.​

​The material for production should be selected from natural fabrics, preferably cotton, and placed in several layers. This is necessary because synthetic materials are electrified. And this has a bad effect on both the neck and the heart center.​

How to choose the right pillow?

​The pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be the size of your shoulders; If you have wide shoulders, then the pillow should also be high. The width of the pillow should not be greater than the width of the mattress on which you sleep.​

​You can use a thick pillowcase for the base so that the filling does not prick the body or break through the fabric. Then fill the pillowcase with herbs, fine straw or buckwheat (it has high elasticity and a massage effect). It is very important not to forget to stitch the pillow from the inside so that you get cushions on the sides and a recess inside.​

​Helium pillows have both pros and cons. They have a cooling effect and a micro-massage effect for quick relaxation. The disadvantages are that not everyone likes the feeling of coolness in the face and neck.​

​Cervical osteochondrosis requires careful selection of pillows.​

  • ​The mattress is flat type and has medium elasticity.​
  • ​Shoulders should not be on the pillow while sleeping.​

​How to choose an orthopedic pillow?​

If you have frequent neck pain, you should sleep on a soft product. It will prevent pain, since during sleep the hard surface will not put pressure on the vertebral processes.​

The use of an orthopedic pillow is indicated not only for osteochondrosis of the neck. So, for example, with osteochondrosis lumbar region it is placed under the knees.​

  1. ​Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease most often accompanied by acute pain, during which it is not only impossible to turn your head, but often it is simply impossible to fall asleep. Prevention of the disease is very important. That is why you should pay attention to such an additional attribute as a pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It will be especially useful for those who have already experienced the manifestations of the disease in an acute form more than once.​
  2. ​An important component that will ensure complete relaxation of the neck muscles is the pillow. It should be placed at the same level with the shoulders and head. Here the head should lie on the pillow and the shoulders should lie on the mattress. If the pillow is too small, then the muscles will be tense. Sick people need to use orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis. This pillow can also be used healthy people, in order to prevent the disease.​
  3. Regular pillow It is not suitable for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, since during sleep the neck will be almost equal to the head, the vertebrae will be mixed, and the blood supply to the brain will be disrupted. Therefore, in the morning, patients with osteochondrosis wake up with severe pain in the neck, back, and a numb larynx and tongue.​
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DIY pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

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​The number of lifting zones that orthopedic pillows have for cervical osteochondrosis will not have a significant impact on their functionality, the main thing is comfort. When purchasing, only a practical test of the pillow, that is, an attempt to place your head on it, will help you determine the appropriate option.​

​As for the placement of the head, the correct pillow for cervical osteochondrosis will most likely be orthopedic.​

​It is preferable to sleep on an anatomical product on your side or back.​

An original method of sewing a pillow for osteochondrosis

​To prevent spasms and contractions of the neck muscles, it is necessary to properly organize the sleeping area. If the cervical muscles are completely relaxed during sleep, pain in the neck area will disappear, whereas a prolonged uncomfortable position can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. The orthopedic pillow prevents further curvature of the spinal axis and eliminates pinching of the nerve roots.​

​We recommend sleeping on a model that is slightly elevated relative to the shoulders. In this position, the neck is raised above the head, which prevents curvature of the cervical kyphosis. It is for this effect that manufacturers equip models with special elastic rollers.​

​Among huge amount It's easy to get confused by the number of pillows on the market. But only two types are really recommended for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is roll or crescent shaped and rectangular with convex edges.​

​Let's figure out what happens to the neck muscles during sleep and why a pillow for osteochondrosis is effective means prevention of this disease. During rest in the body, the muscles completely relax. But often a person sleeps in the wrong position, when the position of the body, which, in principle, should only help relax the muscles, on the contrary, causes them to tense.

​Statistics indicate that the percentage of people suffering from the above disease increases with age. For example, people over fifty years of age are at risk of contracting this disease in fifty out of a hundred cases. And people who are over seventy years old suffer from this disease in seventy percent of the total population of this age category. In order to protect yourself from such a fate, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing an orthopedic pillow for sleeping.​

The benefits of orthopedic pillows

An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis should be rectangular in shape and contain a dense cushion. The size of the roller should match the size of your shoulders. Shoulders should not rest on the edge of the pillow.​

​After measuring the patient’s shoulders, we take dense fabric and cut it into pieces. Let's assume that the size of the product will be 76x54 cm. We cut two rectangles measuring 29 by 54 cm and 2 more with dimensions of 20 by 18 cm, and 1 rectangle - 14 by 18 cm. Then we stitch each part on both sides.​

  1. ​Before buying a pillow, you need to put your head on it and understand whether it is comfortable to lie down or not, whether all the muscles are relaxed. In this case, the head should be at the same level as the body.​
  2. ​The inside of an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis can be stuffed with specialized fillers. The main requirements for them should be a good “shape memory” effect. The most common include:
  3. ​Latex with a layer of memory foam - the best option for osteochondrosis.​

​Made from anatomical pillows filled with natural material, give preference to those filled with buckwheat husk, since it is this filler that repeats the shape of the head and body, while simultaneously providing a massage.​

​Often with osteochondrosis, the ears become blocked; this and other symptoms are caused by impaired blood supply to the brain. How does this happen? The growing intervertebral cartilage is replaced by bone tissue, compressing the vertebral arteries - main source oxygen. That is why, when the neck is affected by osteochondrosis, the ears become blocked, dizziness appears and flies appear before the eyes. If the cause of blocked ears is not identified in time, the consequences can be very serious, including hearing loss.​

​There are many types of orthopedic pillows, but among all the models it is worth highlighting 2 varieties that reduce the number of exacerbations of the disease.​

What is the best therapeutic pillow for cervical chondrosis?

​The half-moon pillow allows only sleeping on the back; its free edges wrap around the neck and secure it in one position. They are usually of medium softness and do not lose shape under body pressure. Not every person will like to sleep only on their back. Therefore, many people choose the second option for a pillow with convex edges and a small depression in the center. The rectangular one is more practical; you can sleep on it both on your back and on your side. It should be the right height for you, so try lying on it before purchasing. In addition, it is not acceptable for the pillow to become deformed and not recover.​

​When this happens often enough, on one far from perfect morning, long-dormant osteochondrosis can make itself known, and this can be accompanied by significant pain.​
​First of all, it is necessary that the pillow is well filled. This will help her not to sink under the weight of her body. At the same time, it must necessarily perform the functions convenient device for sleep. A wide range of orthopedic pillows are offered in the markets. There are models that support the anatomical features of the body, filled with silicone or latex. Such a pillow will help relieve the cervical spine during rest and support the spinal column in a comfortable position.​
​On an orthopedic pillow, the neck will be in the correct position, the spinal muscles will be unloaded, and the blood vessels leading to the brain will not be compressed. Orthopedic pillows come with one cushion or two half cushions, with special recesses for the neck.​
The material from which the pillow is made must be dense so that the seams do not separate and the product does not stretch. Sizes also play an important role. Usually the height ranges from 8 to 14 cm. In order to choose the right height, you can make a calculation.​
​Latex (good for back sleepers, has high degree elasticity).​

Neck pain that begins to bother you, problems with head tilt, numbness in your hands, unpleasant feeling burning, tingling in the limbs, pain when sneezing or coughing - all this can be signs of incipient cervical osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis, both physiologically and psychologically, can lead to partial impotence.

Some causes of neck pain, such as age-related changes, are beyond our control. On the other hand, there are many things that can be done to minimize the risk of their occurrence or “mitigate” the consequences of existing osteochondrosis. First of all, pay attention to your sleeping area and how you sleep.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis?

  • It is best to sleep on your side or back. If you sleep on your back, choose a bolster pillow to support the natural curve of your neck and a flatter pillow to cushion your head.
  • Try using a feather or down pillow that easily molds to the shape of your neck. Down pillows lose their ability to regain their shape over time and need to be replaced every year.
  • Another option is a "memory foam" pillow that conforms to the contours of the head and neck. Manufacturers of these pillows claim that these products promote gradual spinal alignment.
  • Avoid using a pillow that is too high or too hard to keep your neck flexed at night. This can lead to morning pain and stiffness.
  • If you sleep on your side, keep your spine straight. To do this, use a pillow that is placed under your neck. This way it will be higher than your head.
  • When you're traveling on a plane, train, car, or even just lying down and watching TV, use a horseshoe-shaped pillow. It will support your neck and prevent your head from falling to the right or left if you doze off.
  • Sleeping on your stomach puts stress on your spine because your back is arched and your neck turns to the side. Many people choose their preferred sleeping position early in childhood, and it can be difficult for them to change this habit. Not to mention, we don't often wake up in the same position we fell asleep in. However, if you have symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, it is worth trying to start sleeping on your back or side.
  • The shoulders should not be placed at a 90-degree angle to the mattress as this can cause spasms in the trapezius muscles. The trapezius muscles perform a variety of functions, including acting as a platform for elevating the skull, so it is important that they are completely relaxed during sleep.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis? Strong!

Research suggests that not only sleep position, but also sleep quality may play a role in musculoskeletal pain. In one 2008 study, researchers compared musculoskeletal pain in 4,140 healthy men and women, some of whom had sleep problems.

Sleep problems included:

  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • interrupted sleep;
  • early awakening;
  • feeling of fatigue that does not disappear after sleep.

The researchers found that people who reported moderate to severe difficulty falling asleep were significantly more likely to develop chronic musculoskeletal pain after one year than those who reported little or no sleep problems.

Which pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis? Orthopedic is best

Many patients complain to their doctors about back and neck pain. All this should be considered in combination: massage, gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis, physical exercise.

But The best way prevent such pain - buy good mattress and an orthopedic pillow filled with latex foam, memory foam or buckwheat husk.

This way your body will be in the correct position while sleeping.

Why does an orthopedic pillow make sleep comfortable? A regular pillow does not allow the cervical vertebrae to align with the spine, which leads to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels. Lack of proper blood supply to the brain can lead to headaches and poor health.

  • Orthopedic pillows have been proven to have a positive effect on sleep quality, allowing neck muscles to relax, relieving pain, and even preventing snoring.
  • Scientific studies have proven that using an orthopedic pillow helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck.

Limitations for osteochondrosis

Many people experiencing neck pain have a question: which pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis?

  • The pillow should be hard enough not to “drown” under the weight of the head and neck, and at the same time comfortable and ergonomic.
  • An orthopedic pillow designed for side sleepers may have a notch to comfortably accommodate the shoulder.
  • Back sleeper pillows often have a soft "hump" at their base that is designed to support the natural curve of the neck.
  • Stomach sleeper pillows tend to be quite thin and soft to prevent the neck from tilting back when the person sleeps.

It’s up to you to decide which pillow to choose for cervical osteochondrosis, based on your preferred sleeping position.

Pillows for cervical osteochondrosis: materials for filling

Orthopedic pillows have the following fillings:

  • Foam: The higher the density, the more support the pillow offers without becoming too soft.
  • Memory foam: Such a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis reduces pain points, continuously adapting to the shape of the human body. Pillows filled with “smart foam” come in various forms, including the popular S-shape, which is designed to support the neck. The disadvantage of this material is that it sometimes emits an unpleasant chemical odor.
  • Latex: This is the firmest type of pillow filling. It does not harbor dust mites and does not cause mold. Latex pillows can help promote back and neck alignment.
  • Buckwheat husk (husk): quite tough, hypoallergenic. It does not harbor dust mites. The disadvantage can be considered the “noise” that the pillow filling creates when a person tosses and turns.
  • Wool or cotton: These pillows are hypoallergenic and resist mold and dust mites. They are also quite tough.
  • Down or feather: one of best pillows in order to have a good night's rest. The down-filled pillow is soft but still provides good neck support. A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis containing 50% feather and 50% down “works” especially well to support the neck and head, because the feathers act like springs. However, such pillows are not suitable for people with asthma or allergies to down or feathers.