We choose the interior style depending on the room. How to choose an interior style for a future apartment Which home interior style to choose

From this article you will learn:

  • How to choose suitable style apartment renovation
  • What groups can all styles be divided into?
  • Which ones are the most popular?

A wide variety of building materials, finishing devices, furniture and fashion accessories in Moscow allows you to easily repair a house or apartment. Now you don’t need to engage in long searches or rack your brains on how to give your home a comfortable and aesthetic appearance. There is absolutely everything on the modern market, so the only difficulty is to determine the style of apartment renovation.

What style should you use to renovate your apartment?

The main difficulty that arises when choosing an interior is the oversaturation of information. A professional is able to distinguish the features of styles at first glance. There are mixed styles, for example, eclecticism and kitsch. But they also have their own canons and are far from a thoughtless combination of details; everything is based on the principles of aesthetics and artistic perception. That is why people who regard eclecticism and kitsch as an elementary mixture various styles, make a mistake.

To give the interior integrity and harmony, decide which style of apartment renovation suits you best, familiarize yourself with its features. It is not necessary to evaluate each type of interior unambiguously. For example, eco-style does not mean a simple set of wood elements. Minimalism, perceived as a composition of straight lines devoid of decoration, actually represents a philosophy of laconic forms freely located in a bright space.

IN pure form Home decoration styles are almost never found, as a mixture of trends prevails these days. Therefore, take a certain style as a basis and dilute it with elements of other directions. This way you will build a single concept with shades of different motifs. In order not to overdo it, it is enough to introduce a couple of additional touches to the main style. If you decide to create your own interior without turning to specialists, avoid incompatible styles of apartment renovation: Japanese style and Art Deco, hi-tech and Provence, etc.

To create the interior of your home in one key, we recommend several techniques.

  1. Define one fundamental style, as mentioned above.
  2. Select a color palette, for example:
  1. In finishing materials, it is advisable to use compatible textures that are in harmony with the main style and the chosen range of colors.
  2. The style of furniture should also repeat the main concept. Many manufacturers divide their products into two types: modern and classic. Furniture of simple shapes goes well with modern trends (high-tech, minimalism, Japanese and Scandinavian styles). The second option is ideal for classics, Provence, Art Deco and Art Nouveau.
  3. The principle of choosing lighting is similar. Built-in lighting will help create a calm, harmonious interior. This neutral type of lighting can be emphasized with a chandelier or a basic style floor lamp.

Textiles, figurines, vases, souvenirs must obey general idea and take your seats. Take this into account and choose items that match in color, shape and composition.

What groups can all apartment renovation styles be divided into?

From an interior design perspective, apartment renovation styles are divided into three groups. Each of them has a generalized characteristic, however, the directions within its boundaries differ according to several criteria. So, let's list the main groups of styles in the interior.

Classic (historical)

The "classical" style depends on the architecture and art typical of a particular period in history. To create such an interior, it is necessary to thoroughly study the features of the chosen era. Classic is suitable for decorating a large room with an above-average budget for renovation work. The styles included in this group include finishing from natural materials, prestigious furniture and decor. These directions are suitable for conservative citizens who are not inclined to innovation and who prefer time-tested traditions.

The list of classic interior styles is extensive. This includes baroque, rococo, modern, classic, gothic, etc. The design of an apartment renovation in a classic style requires moderate decor, since the main decoration of the interior will be exquisite furniture and finishing, high quality textiles.


Such design options are based on the specifics of housing arrangement characteristic of a particular area. The country that is the birthplace of the style gives it its name. For example, Moroccan, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Ethnic design is rarely used. It is difficult to recreate furniture, decor and fittings in subtleties. Culture, architecture and art of different peoples have always interacted and influenced each other. For example, Scandinavian style has always been influenced by Moorish style. For this reason, it is impossible to create a true ethnic interior. Nevertheless, the interior with ethnic details today looks impressive and original.

Such motives in home decoration are interesting in their small details. Here the decor plays the first fiddle. To give credibility and naturalness to ethnic design, you should have at least a cursory knowledge of the architecture and art of the country the customer is interested in, and know the national traditions.


This direction arose and developed over the past century. Modern views home interior is original design, often with classical and ethnic accents. As a result, the space becomes not just multifunctional, it acquires high aesthetic properties. The purpose of modern interior design is a practical organization of living space, adapted to all the needs of people. These are such trends as minimalism, grunge, high-tech, neoclassicism, etc.

Thus, there are three main style directions in apartment design. However, the list is not limited to this. Designers often like to use mixed styles, which involve a combination of different directions within one space. Mixed types include apartment renovation in fusion, eclectic and kitsch styles.

Are there types of interior design that do not belong to any of the listed groups? Certainly. For example, colonial style, which rightfully occupies a special place. It has absorbed shades of ethnicity and classics, but at the same time has its own specific characteristics. This direction originates in medieval England, where rapid colonization of African countries took place. The British did not like life in huts; they created a comfortable and familiar interior for themselves. However, it was not possible to completely exclude local color.

The fusion of African and European cultures gave rise to the colonial style. Today, its individual elements are no less popular. This includes wicker rattan furniture, elements made of teak, tulip and rubber wood - standard attributes inherent in the images of the era of colonialism. Typical interior decorations are a carpet woven from plant fibers, chests, suitcases, ethnic figurines, metal and ceramic dishes. Exotic design implies the presence of animal skins, horns and stuffed animals.

In such an interior, a natural range of colors is observed, where calm shades of brown and green predominate. Original style refreshes exuberance indoor plants in pots (palm trees, bamboo, ferns), which give it completeness.

The most popular apartment renovation styles

Classic style

The design of a classic interior is characterized by conservatism and restraint, but at the same time a certain pomp. This style is harmonious and noble, it demonstrates ideal taste, borrowed from the ancient style, but expressed in a special way. Apartment renovation in the “classic” style is ideal for large and bright rooms, where there is plenty of space for columns, a fireplace, arches, furniture and large chandeliers. Classic interior indicates the high social status of the owner of the home, emphasizes his prosperity and respectability.

The main features of the classic style:

  • clear lines, symmetry of shapes, thoughtful details;
  • white furniture made of solid wood, finished with gilding, or made of noble wood of a natural shade with bronze details;
  • decorative elements in the form of traditional (semi-) columns, stucco molding, crystal (bronze) chandeliers of elegant shape, mirrors, curtains made of textiles and draperies, antique accessories, artistic canvases;
  • noble deep warm colors or pastels;
  • all kinds of natural fabrics with classic pattern, tapestries, massive brushes;
  • valuable decorative materials (marble, wood and stones);
  • parquet floors with spectacular patterns;
  • the main shapes are circle and oval.

Colors that define the design of an apartment in a classic style:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • gold;
  • chocolate;
  • terracotta;
  • green;
  • beige-brown.


This is one of the complex design styles that is not suitable for every living space. In its grandeur and magnificent decoration, it is somewhat similar to the classics. But despite its moderation, Baroque is distinguished by ornate and fluid forms, an abundance of details and a dynamic rhythm.

Modern renovation of apartments in the Baroque style is not found in its original form. However, with the skillful introduction of several characteristic features based on this style, you can create a luxurious and sophisticated environment in your apartment. And costly materials can be replaced with less expensive analogues.

Typical features for a Baroque interior:

  • pomp, scope, demonstration of chic and wealth;
  • complex decor with an abundance of details;
  • the dominance of noble materials (marble, gold, silver, copper, bone, crystal, porcelain);
  • elegance of lines, the basic pattern is a dynamic oval spiral;
  • colorful paintings, inlay, varnish, carving and gilding, luxurious upholstery of furniture with curved legs;
  • decorative elements in the form of frescoes, sculptures, stucco moldings, wall paintings, paintings and mirrors in rich frames;
  • floors made of tiles and parquet, carpets with ornaments.

Basic colors for renovating apartments in the Baroque style,

  • gold;
  • white marble;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Navy blue;
  • red;
  • violet;
  • emerald;
  • malachite.


Apartment renovation in the Art Nouveau style involves a transition of the interior from regular straight lines to natural, smoothly curved shapes.

Main features of the style:

  • stylization and combination of various types of arts;
  • a combination of familiar materials (stone, wood, textiles) with more modern ones (glass and metal);
  • functional simple furniture;
  • the dominance of natural and plant motifs in decorative elements and finishing;
  • diversity original decor, ornaments, green plants;
  • contrasting colors in the design;
  • asymmetry, plastic and streamlined shapes;
  • lots of light, extensive glass surfaces, mirrors and mosaic lamps;
  • an abundance of wood, filigree forging, frosted glass, panels, reliefs, stained glass.

Leading modern colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • gray pearl;
  • gold;
  • Bordeaux;
  • azure;
  • light brown;
  • lilac;
  • light green.

Art Deco

This style incorporates Art Nouveau, Impressionism and Cubism. The design is distinguished by a combination of clear lines with elements of ethnicity and plant motifs, a combination of simplicity with chic, and exotic with primitive. The art déco (“decorative art”) interior is grandiose and luxurious, but at the same time looks fashionable and relevant.

The renovation of apartments in the Art Deco design style is characterized by:

  • use of prestigious materials (rare wood, silver, leather, ivory);
  • monochromatic walls, the main function of which is to create a background for exclusive decor;
  • variety of shapes: zigzags, triangles, (semi) circles, rectangles;
  • combination of art objects with antiques in the style of impressionism and cubism);
  • possible use of ceramics, glass, marble, bronze, leather, textiles, aluminum, stainless steel, light wood;
  • diversity and splendor of color;
  • chrome parts, draperies, expensive jewelry, luxury accessories.

Central colors of art deco style

  • for walls – pastel shades and restrained shades;
  • for furniture - black or dark colors;
  • for decoration - warm, rich and bright colors.


Apartment renovation in the loft style is designed for large spaces with an open layout. At first it was used for production premises, which were later converted into housing.

Characteristic features of this flow:

  • free spaces in the absence of walls, the role of which is played by transparent glass partitions;
  • zoning through furniture and wall colors;
  • high ceilings with rough whitewash and large windows;
  • brickwork, metal structures, pipes, open communications, exposed concrete;
  • practical, comfortable furniture of various shapes;
  • unusual accessories, posters and graffiti.

Materials used:

  • for finishing - concrete, brick (or its imitation), tiles, roughly processed wood;
  • for furniture - metal, wood, plastic, glass, leather.

Key colors for loft style:

  • the main range is cool shades (metallic, blue, gray);
  • white – for visual expansion of small rooms;
  • bright colors in the details of the situation.


This modern style with its typical simple and clear geometry. There are no useless things in the interior. The range of things is limited, but the interior is far from ascetic. Everything you need for a comfortable life is provided here.

Renovating an apartment in a minimalist style involves:

  • a lot of free space, a minimum of furniture and household items;
  • plenty of daylight, artificial lighting at different levels;
  • absence window curtains, replacing them with blinds and roller shutters;
  • the finishing is glass, metal and plastic, it is possible to use concrete and brick;
  • basic shapes – squares, straight lines, circles;
  • single-color furniture with a shiny, smooth surface has practical shades; options with modular functionality are recommended;
  • lack of decor (abstract paintings, paintings in the style of surrealism and cubism, fashionable practical accessories are possible).

Style Colors:

  • basic – white, black, red, gray, metallic, brick, natural wood;
  • accents - black and red combination, purple and yellow shades, orange.

High tech

The ultra-modern high-tech style is laconicism, comfort, high-tech and maximum functionality of each item. It combines the features of such interior styles as constructivism and minimalism.

Apartment renovation in high-tech style is:

  • impeccable forms;
  • a lot of light in the absence of curtains;
  • free spaces not overloaded with furniture;
  • shiny surfaces made of glass, metal with chrome plating;
  • emphasis on a bright and noticeable piece of furniture;
  • thoughtful lighting due to large quantity spotlights;
  • a few decor in the form of photographs, abstract paintings and graphics;
  • presence of modern technology.

Leading high-tech colors:

  • basic – white, gray, black, sand, silver;
  • accents are all bright colors.


The rustic country style in the interior demonstrates environmental friendliness, harmony with nature and simplicity. ordinary life. It combines excellent taste with naturalness and comfort.

Characteristics of the interior of a rustic style apartment renovation:

  • a variety of natural fabrics (cotton, linen, chintz and wool), furniture covers with floral print, checkered pattern, lace decor;
  • floors made of wooden planks, parquet, artificial stone or tile;
  • decorative plaster on the walls, fragments of stone (brick) masonry, wooden panels, lining or wallpaper with variegated colors;
  • rough wooden (or wicker) furniture of simple shapes, preferably self made;
  • handmade accessories and decorations, napkins, rugs, lampshades, forging, ceramics, green plants, flowers in flowerpots, vintage brass and bronze items, antique items.

Basic country style colors:

  • lactic;
  • delicate green;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • golden;
  • orange.


This style is reminiscent of country in many ways, but at the same time is filled with a unique French flavor. What should you consider when designing an interior in Provence style? First of all, it is a cozy, calm atmosphere, simple elegant forms, muted pastel colors.

Apartment renovation in Provence style has several expressive features:

  • a bunch of wooden items light colors with carvings, ceiling with wood beams;
  • light (white) comfortable furniture of simple shapes, artificially aged or antique, possibly decorated with gilding, painting, forging fragments;
  • painted walls, sometimes decorated with decorative plaster and wood panels, areas look advantageous brickwork, colored in bright hues;
  • natural textiles (striped, checkered or colorful) are very important, all elements of which are in harmony with each other;
  • the predominance of floral motifs in the interior;
  • handmade decor (baskets, vases, flowers, boxes, figurines, dishes, flower pots, watercolor paintings, embroidery, framed photos).

Dominant colors of the style:

  • white;
  • creamy;
  • olive;
  • lavender;
  • pale blue;
  • terracotta;
  • light green;
  • dusty pink.

Scandinavian style

The interior, made in Scandinavian style, reveals nature northern peoples who, despite their external dryness and severity, love the comfort of the hearth and the lively colors of nature.

Apartment renovation in Scandinavian style has the following features:

  • simplicity of rough forms;
  • natural materials(wood, metal, stone, glass, fur, leather, ceramics, cotton and linen);
  • simple, practical furniture made of light-colored wood with upholstery made from natural materials;
  • good daylight through big windows with translucent curtains or without them at all;
  • light wooden floors and door and window openings, white (lightened) plain walls trimmed with wooden panels or simply plastered;
  • minimal decor with bright simple accessories, handmade products are in fashion;
  • In the room there are vases made of ceramics and glass, colorful textiles (rugs, pillows, covers), green plants, photos, marine or floral paintings, mirrors, and spectacular lamps.

Style Colors:

  • central color – white with all shades;
  • an abundance of pastel colors (beige, light brown, turquoise, delicate green, gray, blue);
  • expressive accents – red, blue, yellow amber, green.

Japanese style

The Japanese interior is characterized by originality; it carries within itself the worldview of merging with nature. This image is characterized by strict, artless forms, composure, nobility, grace and a sense of peace.

Features of apartment renovation in this style:

  • minimalism, naturalness and asceticism, a lot of free space;
  • the predominance of natural materials (rough brick, wood, bamboo, straw, rice paper, silk);
  • wall decoration with light wood or fabric, natural floor covering;
  • an abundance of soft lighting, the indispensable presence of akari - classic Japanese lamps with paper lampshades;
  • the presence of the most necessary furniture, simple and mobile;
  • traditional national furnishings: portable chests of drawers and built-in wardrobes, low tables with seat cushions, screens;
  • bamboo and straw mats, bronze figurines, pots with dwarf trees bonsai, bamboo, panels with hieroglyphs, fans, boxes and vases, the walls are painted with characteristic Japanese scenes.

Typical style colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • natural wood;
  • Dark red;
  • accents are the color of greenery and cherry blossoms.

How to choose an apartment renovation style depending on your zodiac sign

IN last years when designing home design It has become fashionable to take into account the zodiac constellations corresponding to the date of birth of the owners. Designers and psychologists unanimously claim that decorating an apartment taking into account the horoscope not only diversifies it appearance, but will also open a person’s soul.

Strictness and conservatism are typical for winter signs. Sagittarians find special comfort in the Art Nouveau style. They are impressed by free structures with multi-level floors, a lot of useful (albeit empty) shelves, light wooden furniture, large arched windows and a minimum of decor.

Capricorns prefer not to stand out, taking all things seriously and reasonably. The strict modern style of apartment renovation suits their character. Despite their weakness for black and white colors in wall decor, they choose classic furniture.

Aquarians, on the contrary, want originality and accents. Art Nouveau style housing matches their spirit. The thing is that these people are fickle. Now they love modernism, tomorrow they will desire a bright contrast in the spirit of eclecticism with its mixture of styles, and an apartment with such a design will delight them.

What suits spring zodiac signs

Romantic Pisces are very hidden natures, prone to secrets. Housing in rustic style country or French Provence. It happens that an overabundance of all sorts of little things that Pisces prefer turns a country-style apartment into a warehouse for unnecessary things.

Aries is characterized by unpretentiousness, relaxedness and restraint. This means that a Scandinavian-style room will be ideal for them. Interior with modest decor, plain wallpaper, simple furniture and light wood floors. Here is a brief description of the Scandinavian style design that suits people of this sign.

Taurus will be pleased with the renovation in the Baroque style, and their bedroom will definitely have a four-poster bed. They prefer a lot of voluminous things in the interior, but they will look elegant. Wall molding, massive natural furniture, bookcases, couches, mosaics, large mirrors - these are the main details that confirm the unusually royal taste of Taurus.

What do “summer” natures have a weakness for?

Gemini's home will more likely resemble a house from the future. They always dream of high-tech. Shiny glass table tops, chairs with chrome legs, glass shelves, mobile coffee tables on roller skates - these are household items loved by Geminis. The inconstancy of these people is expressed in the selection of furniture. The desire for change determines their mood and interior. Therefore, their home needs to be equipped with light furniture, preferably a transformer type.

For Cancers, it is important to build a “shell” around themselves – protection. Therefore, they have a weakness for lace and ruffles, prefer soft, cozy furniture, that is, everything that relates to rustic interiors in country or Provence style. Also important for them are fireplaces, natural and wicker furniture - attributes of real cozy styles.

Large crystal chandeliers, natural furniture, an old piano - this renovation of an apartment in a classic style will bring pleasure to Leos. This design is characterized by impressiveness with elements of antiquity. The demand for this style lies in its mixing with others. Calming colors and neutral shades create an atmosphere pleasant for reserved and pedantic Leos.

Interior design styles for people born in autumn

From the perspective of Virgo, classic housing would be an excellent solution. Their interior should be cozy, sophisticated and functional. Warm colors wallpaper combined with walnut or mahogany furniture, cozy floor carpets, leather upholstered furniture, tapestries - all this distinguishes the decoration in the classic English style.

Libra prefers mixed interiors. Characteristic This design makes for branded household items. These people prefer equipment from well-known brands and good quality expensive furniture, which is not always comfortable. Libras take things seriously, so when decorating an apartment they will choose harmonious natural shades of green, turquoise and light green without sharp contrasts.

Scorpios feel comfortable where the apartment has been renovated in a minimalist style with laconic forms, clear compositions, lack of decor and monochrome. This zodiac sign can completely exclude decorative parts of the interior and be satisfied with the simplest and most practical furniture. But Scorpios pay great attention to lighting. This refers to lighting that is balanced to the smallest detail, enlivening the room where Scorpios will be very comfortable.

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Yes, on the one hand, the person who started the renovation will constantly be faced with the need to choose one or the other. Starting from the color of wallpaper and laminate to the selection of equipment and accessories for the home. It is especially difficult for people who are not used to making decisions at lightning speed, and for those who are afraid of making a mistake. The abundance of articles and advice on the Internet is discouraging. It is not surprising that such a seemingly pleasant activity - creating comfort - can turn into torture! Making renovations will become much easier if you answer the main question at the very beginning: “What style will my apartment be in?”

Surely, you have already heard about all the fashion trends and, without looking anywhere, you will be able to distinguish one popular interior style from another. But how do you know which one is right for you? We present to your attention several simple steps, which will lead you to the answer to this question.

1. Walk around the apartment

What are you dying to get rid of? Old sagging sofa? Shabby wallpaper in the kitchen? Dull curtains in the living room? Make a list - these are the things you will need to eradicate and avoid in the future. And what in the environment, on the contrary, is very dear to you? Perhaps a picture on the wall, kitchen table or a rocking chair - exactly what delights your eyes every day! Then they will become key elements in your future interior.

2. Go through old things

Yes, before you bring in something new, you first need to get rid of the old. Look into the far corners of the closet, go through boxes that have not been opened for a long time. And with the precision and ruthlessness of a surgeon, get rid of unnecessary junk.

Look carefully at every little detail. Photos that will look good on the wall if you place them in frames. Memorable souvenirs that will highlight your individuality if they finally move from the closet to the shelves, etc.

3. Travel back in time

Close your eyes and remember a place where you felt very good. Was it a friends' country house? Villa in Spain, where did you relax during your holiday? House in the village? Try to understand what exactly attracted you there. Smells, sounds, furniture? What created that wonderful atmosphere that you want to return to? Any detail would be helpful.

4. Hobbies are the key to style

Do you love to cook? Are you into photography? Are you dreaming of a home library? Use your hobby as a source of inspiration. For example, close natural products country style can inspire the housewife to create culinary masterpieces. Bright towels, colorful potholders and a smart apron will fit perfectly into it.

The photographer may be close to the atmosphere of a studio, where everything is laconic and orderly, there is a collection of photographs on the wall, all the necessary things are at hand. It is worth taking a closer look at minimalism or hi-tech styles. Evenings alone with a book are associated with a fireplace and a rocking chair, slightly dimmed light and solid wood furniture. Then the classic is especially for you!

5. Go looking for inspiration

Note interesting interior elements in magazines, on websites, or even while visiting. It doesn’t matter if it seems that the detail you have chosen cannot be implemented in your home at first glance. Having collected such a “folder of ideas”, you can always sort it and understand what you ultimately need and what you don’t.

Let's now look at this issue from a technical point of view. Conventionally, all interior styles can be divided into two types:

  1. Related to the historical era (classical, baroque, modern, etc.)
  2. Ethnic (reflecting the life of a particular people).

Choosing one of the second type of styles is quite easy. Just ask yourself, what is closer to you? Perhaps you are a fan of English literature. Or maybe you adore Japanese culture or you like the simplicity and comfort of ordinary rural housing?

But how to choose between historical styles? Here it is important to take into account not only your taste preferences, but also your character traits:

  • If you are conservative by nature, you like everything to be done correctly and thoroughly, your style is classic.
  • If you don't sit still, lead an active lifestyle and don't like being slowed down, take a look at modern.
  • If you like to make decisions quickly, you are used to dividing everything into different categories and love it when only the most necessary things are around – your choice is minimalism.
  • High-tech is rightfully considered the style of youth, prone to experimentation and unusual design solutions in the interior.

In addition, it happens that we do not choose the interior for the apartment, but she chooses it for herself. Let's explain with examples.

  • If the room is small and poorly lit. Let's turn for advice to the peoples of the north - masters of housing design in a difficult climate. Let's take the Scandinavian style. It is distinguished by the use of white and various pastel shades, light and pleasant-to-touch materials, and artificial light sources. Another option is neoclassical. Unlike its “big brother”, many lamps are used here, and all the furniture is distinguished by small sizes and conciseness of forms.
  • If the room has high ceilings and large windows. The owners of such housing are very lucky! It is very difficult to spoil this advantage of an apartment, so your hands are free - choose any style. We just note that you should be careful about using dark colors in the interior and “weighting” the windows with excessively massive curtains. And so, classic, French urban style, loft, vintage - whatever your heart desires!
  • If the apartment is in Khrushchev, then it undoubtedly has the same advantages as the previous option: high ceilings and large windows. But often there is only one window to an apartment. To compensate for this, use mirrors around the perimeter - they will visually expand the space.
  • If the ceilings are low, forget about excessive decoration, even if you have a passion for it. Simplicity and conciseness are not the enemies of beauty. Take a closer look at the styles of minimalism, boho, Provence and the like.
  • If the apartment is a studio. Take a closer look at American style or luxurious art deco. From the situation in the house it is immediately clear what kind of person lives there. The better and more accurately your interior reflects inner world, the more comfortable the apartment will be for you and the more you will want to return to it after a hard day at work.

Anzhelika Bondar

There comes a moment in the life of each of us when much of what surrounds us suddenly ceases to please us, to evoke positive emotions, when, without even getting out of bed, we feel like the burden of problems and daily routine have literally pressed us to the bed and we have no strength. move. And only by an effort of will we force ourselves to get up, perform the usual morning ritual and go to work, so that in the evening we can return and again contemplate our dull home, which has ceased to please.

The sacramental Russian question, “What to do?”, which has already become the talk of the town, comes to mind. Of course, start repairs! And not just repaint the floors or putty the ceiling. It is necessary to change the surrounding space, and then you will no longer feel like you are in a depressing, oppressive environment. Repair is a step, upon which you will change your life, look around you in a new way and feel the freshness and freedom that you have been missing.

Look at your apartment through the eyes of a designer, imagine it not as a place of dull existence, but as a territory of creativity, action, and movement. Throw away standard solutions and expand your horizons. You just have to set a goal and you will be able to complete the renovation, contrary to the well-known aphorism that says that renovation cannot be completed.

Believe me, the square meters you own may well be enough to express your individuality and make the interior interesting and memorable. In order for the repair to truly meet your expectations, you need to understand a few points:

1. An apartment is a place where you can relax. Therefore, determine what colors, details, materials you associate with relaxation.

2. An apartment is a place where you recharge with energy and accumulate strength. Therefore, it should have such an environment and objects that will give pleasure.

3. The apartment is you, which means it should reflect the individuality of your personality.

Considering these rules, you will understand what you want to get as a result of the renovation, how you expect your home to look.

Interior styles. Which to choose?

Have you ever wondered why an art critic, looking at a painting or other work of art, almost immediately names its author? Apparently, there is something that unmistakably points to an artist, sculptor or architect. And it's called style.

Let's formulate a definition of interior style

Style- this is an image, “a commonality of a figurative system, means of artistic expression, creative techniques, due to the unity of ideological content,” as stated in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Style is a proportionate combination of form and content. In the absence of harmony, the created image can produce a repulsive impression.

Style is inherent not only to a movement in art, but also to an individual (remember the famous expression: “Every person is a style”), as well as an apartment or house.

With the help of renovations and design tools, you can transform your home in such a way that it will reflect the character, habits and temperament of a particular person, and therefore most fully fulfill its functions.

However, one should not think that style is only the privilege of rich people. No one is forbidden to make their home special, unique, especially since modern market construction and finishing materials is designed for buyers with different levels prosperity. But where to start?

First of all, you need to choose a style. Of course, you can resort to the services of a professional. But why not try your hand at design? However, this requires some theoretical knowledge.

The main feature of the interior style

So, the main feature of the style is the unity of its constituent structural and decorative elements, as well as the manner, spirit, and idea that permeate the work, be it a painting, sculpture or apartment.

Interior styles are divided into two groups:

1) historical (Gothic, Baroque, classicism, constructivism, minimalism, etc.);

2) ethnic.

Among historical styles those that are reflected not only in architecture, but also in music, interior design, costume, and poetry stand out. They are called big ones. In addition to those listed, these include empire, modern, and high-tech.

In the design of the 21st century, only individual components of large styles are used or, having chosen a style, they interpret it from the perspective modern concepts about beauty, convenience and embodied using latest technologies and materials.

Ethnic styles are filled with elements of the life of a particular people. These include Japanese, Scandinavian, French, English, etc.

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as style and stylization.

If with the first we are in general outline decided, then regarding stylization it should be said that this is an interpretation, our “reading” of the style. This means that in conditions modern apartment style can only be represented as a stylization, which, depending on our knowledge, taste, sense of proportion, may or may not be very successful.

I would like to warn against extremes: you should not reproduce the style in all its details. If, for example, you prefer one of the historical styles, this does not mean at all that the ceiling should be covered with gilding, stucco, or turn the apartment into a log cabin or ranch if you choose one of the ethnic styles. Otherwise, you may not end up with an interior that meets the rhythm, taste and needs of modern life, but outright kitsch (bad taste).

1. Choose a style based on your lifestyle.

2. Define optimal level applying the style in a modern apartment, that is, decide: do you radically change the style and ultimately want to get an absolute copy of the style; introduce any structural detail inherent in the style (build an arch, column, etc.), or just include a stylistic accent in the interior, which can be an object or a composition of certain details.

3. Stylistic reconstruction should affect all premises. At the same time, the entire apartment can be designed in the same style or you can find your own style solution for each room.

Unfortunately, the difficulties do not end there. The task will be easier if one person lives in the apartment. What if it's a family? Ideally, everyone should have a separate room or at least a corner in which they will feel comfortable and cozy.

This means that when starting renovations and deciding to change the design of the apartment, you need to take into account the tastes and needs of each family member. But, if you simply mechanically implement all the wishes of family members, you risk turning the apartment into a pile of elements of different styles, which may not only not fit well, but will also contradict each other.

In this case, you will not get a single, optimally organized space, but chaos and bad taste embodied. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve an organic combination of elements of different styles, because what is good for a teenager is unlikely to suit his older sister or grandmother. And one last point.

What should you consider when choosing a certain interior style?

When choosing one style or another, you should keep in mind what options your apartment has, since not every style will suit your home.

If you are the owner of a one-room apartment, then implement in the interior classic style with its solidity and thoroughness, requiring certain financial investments, it is unlikely to succeed.

As a result, the apartment will not look stylish, but ridiculous, since classics do not like imitations and require genuine materials.

To help you understand which style is most preferable for your home, let's approach the issue from a different angle.

If your credo is order, solidity, traditions that cannot be abandoned, if by nature you are a conservative who has difficulty deciding on changes, then the classics are most suitable for you, which combine perfectly with other styles, leading, perhaps, to unexpected, but original decisions.

If you are a mobile person, constantly on the move, searching, if stopping is like death for you, then your style is modern, which can emphasize your individuality.

If you divide the world into black and white and contradiction is a distinctive feature of your character, then it is quite obvious that minimalism will suit you. Including only the essentials, minimalism nevertheless presupposes the possibility of other solutions, combinations, and proportions. This is a style for a person prone to quick (but not hasty!) decisions.

High-tech is the style of young, fashionable, modern people, as it allows you to realize the most unusual fantasies.

Remember that when acting as a designer, you must first of all direct your efforts towards creating a cozy environment for yourself, and not an object of admiration for others.

Useful tips how to choose an interior style so that you like it and fit into your budget. Useful tips and recommendations from professionals.

Whether such a joyful event as moving to a new apartment is approaching you or you just want to dream - choosing an interior style is one of the most important and most interesting moments in planning your future home. There are so many styles, how can you choose just one?

How to choose an interior style - Broaden your horizons

If you are already reading the Kvartblog, you should not have any problems with this point. We often write about different styles, we analyze their advantages and disadvantages. To make it easier for you to embrace all the variety and choose your favorite, we have released the “Style Guide” series:

Adaptation to the budget is also necessary. Some styles are objectively more expensive because they require natural materials, complex or designer furniture, antique elements. For example, eco-style or classics in their canonical version are not cheap, but strong desire You can create a simple base in the interior, and add a style dear to your heart with accents and details.

Design: Barlow&Barlow Design

Wall decoration should first of all be neat. This can be smooth wallpaper, or coverings with laconic patterns: stripes, monograms and other decorations. The ceiling, as a rule, is decorated, but if you do not like to make it heavier or your home is very heavy, you should treat the stucco molding and decor carefully, it is better to leave it smooth. The floor is usually wooden. Of course, natural parquet looks better, but if you want to save money, you can find a worthy replacement among budget laminate manufacturers.

Choose pastel colors to make the room look grand: beige, ivory and white work well. The latter is often used as the main one, for example, in the color of the walls, and it is also used to highlight details: furniture, textiles, decor. Bright shades will help make the interior complete: you can use red, blue, indigo, violet and other “rich” colors.

The furniture should be massive, with textile or leather upholstery. Preferably made of wood, but this will require a large budget; you can also choose something more affordable made of artificial material.


The “Scandi” style, as fans call it, has come into fashion quite recently, but it seems to be here to stay. always minimalistic and budget-friendly, but at the same time homely and warm. The style is quite universal, there are no specific details, but there are many elements that will create comfort and coziness: light walls, minimalist upholstered furniture, green plants, textiles and useful, but beautiful decor.

Design: Ahre Fastighetsbyrå

It is functionality that is reflected in the Scandinavian style. Suffice it to recall the words of the Finnish designer Alvaro Aalto that an architect should make life more convenient - this is precisely the definition that applies to Scandi interiors.

Another distinctive feature of this direction is naturalness. It is best if the room has furniture made of real wood and textiles made of linen, cotton or silk. Replace lifeless plastic chairs with wooden ones, even ones you put together yourself: rough, unhewn wood can become an interesting detail in your Scandi room.

Despite the minimalism, each interior should be individual; this property is brought by family photographs, hand-made accessories, and posters on the walls. It is important that this is not “decor for decor’s sake”, but useful thing, which reflects the character of the owners.

Despite the fact that in the Scandinavian style, light colors should prevail - white, light gray and soft blue - can add life to the interior.

3 Loft

Distinguishes extraordinary personalities, somewhat ascetics, lovers of freedom and space. It is in this direction that the individual characteristics of the owner can be emphasized, since the characteristic carelessness of the style allows imagination to run wild.

Despite the fact that a loft usually requires space, today it is also created in city apartments. It is advisable that the room is not the smallest and has a fairly high ceiling. Often decorated in loft style duplex apartments in new buildings.

Design: AMR Design

For a loft, the less finishing, the better. Ceilings and walls can be simply plastered, similar to ordinary gray concrete. This style also loves brick - use decorative material, but better for one of the walls. Often the walls in such rooms are decorated with road signs or a basketball hoop - this is done to create a feeling outer wall, raw and careless. Ventilation and pipes are also not hidden, but put on display, turning them into decorative elements.

Such interiors do not need a lot of furniture, because the main decoration is free space. Often furniture is also a subject for zoning. For example, bookcase can become a partition between the bedroom and the kitchen, and a bar counter between the kitchen and living room.

4 Contemporary style

Contemporary is simplicity, restraint and functionality. Due to the fact that in the interiors of such rooms they use artificial materials and simple shapes, it can be created on a small budget.

Correct placement of furniture and the absence of unnecessary details distinguish this style, for example, from country or pompous classics.

Design: Elizabeth Krueger Design

The contemporary style “loves” restrained colors (light beige, milky, gray and white) and modern materials. You can use laminate or plain carpeting to finish the floor.

Furniture is only functional and simple in shape. It should be comfortable and fit into the space, not create a feeling of clutter and not look too massive.

Don't forget about accessories, as they add life to the interior. You can use contrasting shades, but in moderation. Choose beautiful vases for flowers, hang a few paintings - this is all you can do.


Choose one feature that is different and in a different style, such as dining room chairs or a chandelier.

Combine objects by shape. This will make it easier to combine different styles with each other.


It seems ascetic to many, but this does not negate its comfort and originality.

One of the criteria for success Mediterranean style - correct finishing. The simpler the better, style dictates this rule. And it is advisable to choose natural materials. Perhaps the most typical solution The walls will be painted with light decorative plaster. Wood or tiles are usually placed on the floor (if it is a kitchen or hallway). Carpets will not fit into such an interior, unless they are small mats.

The choice of color in a Mediterranean-style room needs to be taken seriously. Pastel shades and clean colors are desirable White color. Designers distinguish several approaches: Greek and Italian. In the first case, they often play on contrasts, diluting the white with bright accessories. Additional colors must be natural: green, brown, blue or light blue, lavender and the like. The Italian approach is characterized by smoothness and monochrome, often using brown as the base and complementing it with olive, gray or soft yellow.

Wood is one of the main materials of the Mediterranean style. Stylish furniture correct forms without elaborate carvings, it is very suitable for such an interior.

Textiles will help add luxury to an ascetic room, especially a bedroom: pillows, sheets, bedspreads, embroidered with shiny threads or beads. The room will look charming and stylish.