Do-it-yourself all-season motorized towing vehicle diagram and drawings. Homemade motorized towing vehicle “motor dog”. Installation of chassis and controls

For lovers of hunting and fishing, a motorized towing vehicle seems to be an indispensable device. Since this kind of device is quite expensive, many are interested in whether they can make a motorized dog with their own hands. Scheme and drawings if available necessary equipment and materials will allow us to produce this non-standard vehicle on one's own.

Before you figure out how to make a motorized dog with your own hands, you need to take a closer look at this type of device. They are compact snowmobiles or swamp vehicles equipped with an engine. The main elements of a motorized dog are a caterpillar-type towing vehicle, as well as a sled attached to it.

Depending on the specific modification, this type of mechanism may have other components, for example, a loading platform placed on a tractor. The power units used in the design of this vehicle are equipped with low-power motors - from 6 to 13 hp, which allows you to move over rough terrain at low speeds, about 30-40 km/h.

The motorized dog has small dimensions

It should be noted that a motorized dog made from a cultivator does not require a braking system; this makes driving at high speed unsafe. The device is in high demand among lovers of fishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation. It is used to perform various household tasks and transport small loads.

It is advisable to include the following features among the characteristic advantages of motorized towing vehicles:

  • simplicity of design, allowing you to assemble such a device yourself;
  • the highest cross-country ability, due to which it is possible to move even in difficult terrain;
  • low cost of operation, maintenance and repair.

In their design, such devices resemble classic snowmobiles, but the driver’s position is located outside the towing vehicle, which can significantly reduce its weight, increasing cross-country ability.

Products are great for hobbyists winter fishing, because, thanks to their small mass, they easily move along the surface of frozen lakes without creating a threat of breaking the ice.

Motorized towing vehicle for difficult terrain

When planning to make homemade motorized towing vehicles, you must take into account that their cost will be similar to the most budget models on sale. However, they are mostly made in China, have poor build quality and often break, unlike homemade unit increased reliability.

A self-made motorized towing vehicle is perfect for moving and transporting goods in the following conditions:

  • marshy areas;
  • snow;
  • dirt roads;
  • uneven terrain, replete with descents and ascents.

The device is small in size and light in weight, which allows it to be transported to the place of operation using standard vehicles without unnecessary inconvenience.

Making an all-terrain vehicle

Homemade motorized dog

Homemade motorized towing vehicle, made from scrap materials, has lower operating costs and more powerful technical characteristics, in comparison with similar purchased models.

Successfully making a motorized dog with your own hands involves several stages at once. Among them:

  1. Selection of basic structural elements with the necessary parameters.
  2. Studying drawings, diagrams and video instructions, which allows you to avoid errors during assembly.
  3. Direct manufacturing followed by testing.

This allows you to make the necessary changes to the design and achieve the desired operating parameters, for example, lower fuel consumption or increased speed. If desired, you can implement additional compartments for various useful tools, gear and other types of equipment.

Manufacturing of basic structural elements

There are several elements that need to be prepared in advance for successful self-assembly a similar mechanism. This is a power unit that has enough power to perform this kind of task. For this purpose, gasoline-type engines equipped with 1 cylinder are used.

Other elements worthy of mention are:

  • caterpillar mechanism;
  • suspension;
  • motorized towing vehicle frame;
  • transmission.

Each of these nodes requires careful attention, and therefore it is advisable to study them in more detail. Models from Japanese manufacturers, for example, Yamaha or Honda, as well as budget Chinese analogues, are widely used as engines. In this case, the use of motors from walk-behind tractors, chainsaws and other improvised devices is allowed.

Motorcycle dog frame drawing

The selection of suitable tracks should also be given due attention, since they are not only specialized, but also universal, designed for snowmobiles and other equipment. It is believed that the best option caterpillars will be at least 50 cm wide, since they will make the device stable and maneuverable.

When planning to implement a transmission, it is necessary to note the possibility of choosing between mechanical, automatic gearbox and variable. Despite the accelerated wear of parts, automatic transmission is considered preferable because it can significantly increase traction force. As budget option It is allowed to use a gearbox, for example, from a VAZ.

Its reliability directly depends on the strength of the unit frame, and therefore it is advisable to make it yourself using welding machine. For this purpose, pipes of at least 3 mm thickness are suitable, which avoids deformation under heavy loads.

“Doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, rolls around the field”... Don’t rack your brains over this strange riddle.

It hides an unusual vehicle designed to transport people and cargo off-road. The association with a dog sled arises due to the separate location of the transport module and the drag sled. Therefore, a motorized towing vehicle is often called a “motorized dog.”

The usual operating environment for this machine is frozen lakes and rivers, snow-covered forests and fields. The vast majority of motorized dog owners are hunters, fishermen and tourists.

The lack of awareness of the majority of city residents about motorized towing vehicles against the backdrop of their growing popularity requires us to tell in detail about their types, capabilities and operating features.

What is a motorized towing vehicle?

Designed for winter off-road driving, the motorized towing vehicle has much in common with a snowmobile. The fundamental difference is the placement of the driver outside the platform with a motor on a towed sled. This is not an empty whim of the designers, but an important layout decision that reduces the weight of the vehicle and increases its maneuverability. Two other advantages in comparison with a snowmobile are simplicity of design and affordable price.

Of particular note is the compactness and light weight of this machine. It can be placed in passenger car with station wagon body.

The best time of year for a motorized towing vehicle is winter, and perfect place for trips - the snow-covered surface of a river or lake. Initially, these machines were specifically designed for ice fishing enthusiasts. The operation of a motorized dog is very simple: it is brought to the shore of a reservoir in a car, unloaded and driven on the ice in search of a good bite. Most cars have a fuel tank that lasts 30-40 km, so at one refueling you can travel 15-20 km from your home base.

A good motorized towing vehicle confidently moves not only on rolled snow, but also on fairly deep snow. It can transport loads through the forest and over rough terrain, replete with ups and downs.

In summer, the transport capabilities of this equipment are reduced, since rocky soil quickly kills the rubber track. But for trips through swampy areas, fields and forest roads, motorized towing vehicles are used quite actively in the warm season.

The good traction characteristics and excellent maneuverability of this machine are in demand in household farming all year round.

In summer, a motorized dog does not rest, but works together with its owner

"Anatomy" of a motorized dog

Here everything needs to be broken down “to the bones.” Any motorized towing vehicle consists of the following parts:

  1. Engine.
  2. Support frame.
  3. Pendants.
  4. Transmissions.
  5. Caterpillars.
  6. Electrical equipment and control systems.

1. Engine most often a single-cylinder four-stroke with a power of 6 to 15 “horses”.

Three types of power units have earned the most popularity: the more expensive Honda, as well as the more budget MTR (the Chinese analogue of the Japanese brand) and Lifan. The price difference between them is quite noticeable and reaches 20,000 rubles. The difference in reliability is not that significant. Therefore, many buyers choose equipment with Chinese engines.

If we talk about traction characteristics, then a 6-horsepower unit is an option for one person traveling fishing or hunting with the necessary equipment (50-70 kg). Motorized dog with a motor of more than 9 hp. will cope with the transportation of two people and deliver two centners of cargo on a drag sleigh to the desired point.

2. Frame you need to pay due attention, since it experiences serious loads when driving off-road. Thin metal is not allowed here. It quickly deforms, making the machine unusable.

Experts say that minimum required thickness steel sheet– 3 mm. Regarding reliability steel profile The frame is best judged by reviews from the owners of this equipment.

The frame is the basis of reliability and durability

3. Suspension of a motorized towing vehicle is an important indicator of its driving capabilities. There are two structural systems suspensions: roller and sliding.

Roller suspension

Slime suspension - the caterpillar slides along the internal “ski”

When driving on uneven terrain, a roller suspension is more comfortable than a skid suspension, but it overcomes deep snow worse (the cavities between the rollers become clogged). In turn, the slick system can only be operated in winter time. It needs snow to cool the caterpillar rubbing against the ski runner - the slick.

Among the modern modifications of roller suspensions, we can distinguish variants in which the rollers are supported not by rigid, but by spring support. Thanks to this solution, the motorized towing vehicle moves more smoothly on the hard surface of a frozen pond and dirt roads.

4. Transmission transmits the rotation of the engine shaft to the track drive sprocket. It comes in two types: automatic gearbox and variable speed drive.

The main advantage of an automatic clutch is its high traction force. Disadvantages include increased wear of friction discs and the need for frequent maintenance.

The variator ensures smooth, stepless transmission of torque from the engine to the track, less wear on parts and fuel economy. It is more reliable, but more expensive than the automatic one. The most weakness CVT transmission - drive belt. It has to be changed frequently after active movement on difficult areas.

Motorcycle dog experts say that the variator is optimal for winter use. Automatic transmission and frame with sprung rollers – The best decision for all-season use.

5. Track designs differ in width, length, height and lug pitch.

Depending on the width, there are two types of tracks:

  1. Snowmobiles (38 cm).
  2. Specially designed for motorized towing vehicles (50-55 cm).

The Buranovskaya snowmobile track does not have high cross-country ability. It is better to operate equipment with such a propulsion system on compacted winter roads or on reservoirs. The narrow track width makes the machine less stable. Most often it is installed on budget models with an automatic transmission and an engine power of no more than 7 l/s. Buying a motorized dog with a narrow track can be recommended for those who travel alone and do not carry heavy loads.

The 50 cm caterpillar is the most popular option. The large width and high lugs make the motorized tug more passable, more stable and more maneuverable.

Standard track (length 2828 mm, width 500 mm, lug height 21 mm)

To increase cross-country ability, motorized towing vehicles are equipped with a so-called aggressive caterpillar. It is distinguished by a larger width (55 cm), a special “tread pattern” and lug height (32 mm versus 21 mm for the standard one).

Aggressive caterpillar

To move along bare ice and dense snow, a split design has been developed. It consists of two narrow tracks connected by metal grouser slats. The narrow specialization of this design makes it unsuitable for movement on deep and loose snow cover.

Split track

6. In addition to standard “electrics” servicing the motor, the motorized dog can, at your request, be equipped with an electric starter (manual start is provided in the basic configuration) and a lighting coil.

The need for the first device can be debated, since manual starting of the engine of a motorized towing vehicle works reliably. But there is no point in discussing the installation of a lighting coil. It supplies electricity to the headlight, without which you won’t get far at night.

The only nuance you should be aware of is the current generated by the coil. 3 amp will not be enough to power a standard 55 Watt light bulb in the headlight. Therefore, it is better if the motorized dog is equipped with a 7 Ampere lighting coil. It will be enough not only for lighting, but also to power the electrically heated control handles - an additional useful option for a motorized towing vehicle.

Control of the engine and transmission, choice of direction of movement - everything in this machine is performed using a two-handed stand, colloquially referred to as “horns”. It is pivotally connected to the power module and resembles the control system of a walk-behind tractor.

The free space on the motorized dog platform is not empty. It transports cargo and camping equipment.

Speaking about the design of the motorized dog, we need to say a few words about a useful addition - the ski module. It turns the car into a kind of light snowmobile, allowing the driver to sit on the cargo platform, comfortably controlling the movement.

Ski module of motorized towing vehicle

Five popular manufacturers

The popularity of motorized dogs today is such that only a lazy manufacturer does not try to offer the market its own version of the machine. It’s not easy to understand the motley variety of names and models. As always, videos posted on the Internet and reviews from owners are a useful guide in this matter.

In this regard, the company’s motorized towing vehicles deserve attention Burlak. The reliability of the design and the absence of problems with spare parts pleases the owners of this equipment. In 2016 the most budget model of this company (6.5 hp) can be purchased for 52,000 rubles, the most equipped (15 hp) for 82,600 rubles.

Tugboat Burlak

All-season cars are no less popular Russian company Koira (KOiRa). They are equipped with two tracks and pneumatic rollers, which increase cross-country ability in marshy areas. Price tags for them start at 82,000 and end at 135,000 rubles.

High-speed motorized towing vehicles do not cause any complaints from owners Chinook Russian-assembled, confidently overcoming loose snow and spring thaw. Approximate prices for these machines are in the range from 74,000 to 105,000 rubles (with ski module included).

Motorcycle dogs deserve positive reviews Pachus for high maneuverability, reliability and maintainability. You can purchase them at prices ranging from 51,000 to 250,000 rubles. in the richest and most complete configuration.

Motor vehicles occupy high positions in the popular ratings Leopard. The most popular models from this manufacturer are the Partisan and the Pathfinder. They are economical, easy to operate and maintain. The cost of cars, depending on engine power and configuration, ranges from 56 to 120 thousand rubles.

Leopard Pathfinder

How to make a motorized dog with your own hands?

Many lovers homemade designs managed to have a hand in creating motorized towing vehicles. This is not a simple matter, requiring good design and metalworking skills.

A homemade motorized dog assembled on the basis of a low-power engine from a chainsaw or moped cannot be considered a serious mechanism. It's more of a fun toy than reliable assistant while hunting or fishing.

It is better to buy the main components of the future towing vehicle - engine, variator, chain, drive sprocket, rollers and caterpillar ready-made, concentrating the main efforts on making a durable frame and high-quality installation purchased units.

Homemade frame - top view

Having welded the frame according to the drawings, supports for the caterpillar, shafts with rollers are attached to it, and the caterpillar is installed.

The next stage is the installation of a platform made of thick plywood or steel sheet and mounting the engine, variator and drive chain on it.

Making a motorized dog with your own hands without fencing the loading platform means spending time every time securing the luggage with ropes or elastic slings. The fence grid is welded from a small tubular profile with a cross-section of 20x20 mm.

After the sale of the snowmobile, it was decided to make a motorized towing vehicle based on a Greenfield 15 hp engine, Ride caterpillar and Buran roller suspension... With a leading Safari variator from Buran and a driven one from the Taiga snowmobile. CVTs and motor are assembled on a separate frame, for quick disassembly on blocks...

Buranovsky bogies have been converted into symmetrical ones + expanded to accommodate a 500 mm track. The guide shaft is an expanded Buranovsky, the driver sharpened it himself, according to his sketches... The rear Kamazovsky is installed as a mudguard,
cut into two parts, long at the back and short at the front...

Photos of the first fishing trip to Morozovo

After which the body kit was made

and the towing vehicle was converted into a pusher

, now, if desired, you can go fishing, both on a pusher and in a towing configuration,
depending on fishing conditions...

To prevent the pusher from lifting his nose in deep snow, a special lock is installed, which prevents the tracked block from making spark plugs, thereby increasing good cross-country ability...

For remote control The choke included in the pusher configuration is a choke cable from a VAZ 2108
, and the choke handle is located on the front wall of the pusher behind the seat...

The disadvantage is that for transportation you need either a trailer or big car like a loaf... Rolling in pusher mode (needs skill)... Well, the pluses are good cross-country ability and power...

P.S In winter, there was a big shortage of old Buranovsk skating rinks
- when water gets into the ice, it gets into the bearings of the rollers, after which it freezes there with all the consequences... To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to install plastic rollers
, they provide for the installation of sealing seals... In the spring I changed the rollers on my axlebox to plastic ones...

A little short photos and video

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

If you are a true fan of winter fishing or riding on heavily snowy surfaces, you will be interested to know how you can make a motorized dog with your own hands without the help of specialists, using diagrams and drawings. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, if you follow all the instructions and purchase the necessary equipment. This type Motorized towing vehicles are quite popular today due to their compactness and good maneuverability, as well as low fuel costs.

Features and types of motorized towing vehicles

A motorized dog is a type of tracked vehicle (with a powered engine) crawler), a mechanical vehicle that allows you to move independently and transport various loads in impassable areas. This unit is very popular among hunters and fishermen, especially among those who prefer this simple and small-sized equipment to modern ATVs.

The author of the very first homemade motorized towing vehicle in 1975 was our compatriot, tourist, huntsman and amateur fisherman Anatoly Vasilyevich Fomichev. The man lived in the Far North and used simple modification motorized dogs instead of a team with live trained ones, which greatly facilitated movement on snow-covered ice while fishing. Eventually homemade apparatus approved by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hunting and Animal Husbandry, and hunters throughout the country began to use it.

Later, equipment appeared for different seasons with different purposes:

  • Assistance in towing heavy loads;
  • Movement in difficult places, through snowdrifts, wetlands, clay and mud;
  • Help in agriculture and large production.

Modern motorized dogs can have a load capacity of up to 350 kg.

The main components and controls of the structure:

  1. The engine (or power unit) is the most important component, the most expensive and structurally complex;
  2. Chassis;
  3. Swivel mechanism;
  4. Frame with fastening elements (holes);
  5. Power type unit frame;
  6. Sub-engine frame or Plate under the motor (responsible for reliable fixation of the engine);
  7. Steering wheel with built-in controls (including gearshift switch, gas and clutch handle);
  8. Ski module;
  9. Transmission (responsible for transferring useful torque from the engine shaft to the caterpillar of the motor towing vehicle itself).

The caterpillar attachment is a module where the driver’s seat and the walk-behind tractor installation area are located.

How to control a motorized dog:

  • Sitting on a trailer;
  • Standing on a sleigh.

You can start and stop a snowmobile tracked vehicle:

  1. Pressing the gas lever;
  2. Pressing the clutch.

It is recommended to purchase the chassis already assembled, but the remaining elements can be made independently. The fact is that the time frame for creating a unit can be greatly extended due to the complexity of the work, as well as the need for certain skills.

Homemade motorized towing vehicle for fishing

The suspension can be of several types:

  1. Combined;
  2. Sklizova;
  3. Katkova.

The smoothness and speed of movement will depend on the type of suspension chosen. The fastest is the slippery type, since the gap during movements becomes clogged with less dirt, snow and other foreign objects. In addition, the power engine itself will operate with less interruptions, without overloads and overheating.

As we have already found out, a motorized dog for a walk-behind tractor is crawler attachment with a fixed seat for a person, which has a caterpillar instead of the standard wheels familiar to everyone. Before self-production you should prepare well: outline a drawing, select bearings for support, grind bushings, prepare everything necessary materials and tools. But first things first.

Self-assembly of a motor dog

The approximate assembly time for a simple mechanism is 15 minutes, especially if you are a master and have already had similar experience. Such equipment is extremely useful for residents of remote settlements, for example, it will be convenient for fishermen to travel through a forest or field from home to the desired location.


  • Tracked mechanism from the motor towing vehicle “Bars Partizan” – 500*1040 mm;
  • Frame – 540*1000 mm;
  • Engine “Lifan” (power 6.5 l/s) made in China.

What you will need for assembly:

  • Profile pipe;
  • Caterpillar;
  • Suspension elements.

What distance should be maintained between the axes:

  • The axis of the front shaft to the axis of the first roller carriage is 180 mm;
  • Front shaft to the top of the frame – 150 mm;
  • The first to the second trolley – 480 mm;
  • The second bogie to the rear shaft – 190 mm;
  • Rear shaft to the end of the frame – 100 mm;
  • The bogie axles to the upper frame part are 200 mm;
  • Rear shaft to top of frame.

How to do:

You can make a motorized dog with your own hands quickly and easily using diagrams and drawings. The unit is also convenient to transport in a passenger car, located in the luggage compartment. You can store equipment in a utility room or garage. The video below shows the process of running in a motorized towing vehicle.

Motorized towing vehicle or motorized dog – necessary thing for the hunter. This type of transport can be purchased at a specialized store, but the prices for such equipment are high. There is a solution: you can assemble the product yourself, then the costs will be small. In order for a do-it-yourself motorized dog to be made with high quality and serve for a long time, you need detailed diagram and drawings, a number of tools and parts.

What is a motorized towing vehicle - description and purpose

A motorized dog is understood to mean a mini snowmobile (mini-all-terrain vehicle) with an engine. This vehicle is a coupling of a caterpillar towing vehicle with a sleigh or drag sleigh. The driver of the motorized dog sits in the sleigh, and any cargo is placed there. Some dog models have a special cargo area on the tractor. Engine power is usually from 6 liters. With. up to 13 l. s., speed is 30-40 km/h. The motorized dog does not have a brake, which the driver must always remember.

Motorized towing vehicles are popular among fishermen and hunters. They can also be used in agriculture and forestry for transporting small loads. Unlike wheeled vehicles, skis on a motorized dog sled allow you to move even on loose snow and winter off-road conditions, which makes the vehicle resemble a snowmobile. The only difference is the driver’s position: he sits outside the platform with the motor, which reduces the weight of the motorized dog and increases cross-country ability. Also advantages in comparison with a snowmobile are the simplicity of the design and lower price.

You can use motorized dogs to move along the frozen surface of a body of water - a lake, a river. They are ideal for ice fishing enthusiasts and have been designed specifically for them. The machine can be easily transported in a car using a cover, unloaded on shore, and then used for its intended purpose. On a motorized dog it is possible to transport cargo over rough terrain, replete with descents and ascents. They use the equipment for traveling in summer, spring, and autumn along swampy meadows and forest paths.

Why is it worth making a motorized dog - reasons

Both purchased equipment and homemade equipment are unpretentious, compact, and do not require much space for transportation and storage. But some hunters prefer to make motorized dogs themselves, using improvised means. The main reason is efficiency: homemade version will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. For no more than the cost of the simplest towing vehicle from China, you can also build a reliable, durable pusher towing vehicle.

Many models of motorized dogs, especially those made in China, have a lot of design flaws. For example, the caterpillar can often become clogged with snow, which is associated with mistakes by the developers. Others possible problems– a motorized dog rearing up, burying itself in too deep snow, throwing snow into a sled. All these troubles can be avoided if you build the vehicle yourself.

With a front-mounted motorized dog engine, which is almost always planned in homemade models, the machine will operate much more efficiently. Here are the obvious advantages:

  • fuel savings and overall reduction in design costs;
  • more high speed movements;
  • the ability to make additional compartments for gear.

Basic elements of a motorized dog

The most important detail technology - engine. Typically, a single-cylinder carburetor gasoline engine is used to create motorized dogs. An equally important part is the rubber-metal track - the propulsion unit with suspension. With the help of a caterpillar you can drive on snow, ice, soft ground in warm weather. It is worth taking a closer look at all the components of a motorized dog.

Car engine

Most often, motorized dogs use engines from Honda, Yamaha (expensive) or Chinese brands (MTR, Lifan and other budget ones). These power units vary greatly in price, although their power is usually equivalent. Lifan engines with a centrifugal (dry) clutch have proven themselves to be excellent. Some people use a motor from a walk-behind tractor to create motorized dogs; they remove the engine from a Ural chainsaw or a Druzhba saw.

The motor from the Sh-58 moped, designed for manual gearbox shifting, is considered popular. Scooter engines can also be used. The main thing is that the product has good traction characteristics, a power of at least 6 hp. With. This is enough to transport one person and a load of 30-50 kg on a motorized dog. For a trip of two people and a load of 150-200 kg, it is better to choose an engine with a power of more than 9 liters. With. A chain tensioner is often used as an engine tuning element.

Motorized dog support frame

The frame must be of excellent quality, because on the road it experiences high loads, especially when driving off-road. This design is made entirely with your own hands, cooked from metal pipes rectangular section. Usually a pipe thickness of 3 millimeters is enough, more thin metal no good, it quickly deforms.

You can see how to make a frame with your own hands in the photo and video. Take two pipes with a cross-section of 20*20 mm, add two more sizes of 20*40 mm, and form a frame. Two 40 mm corners are welded into it, and a protective frame for the engine is welded on top, which will prevent it from being damaged when the equipment rolls over. It is also advisable to attach a galvanized sheet to the frame with rivets to cover the track.

Motorcycle dog suspension

The suspension serves as an important indicator of the performance of the chassis. By design, it can be skating or sliding. The skating rink performs worse in the snow, but is ideal for movement in the warm season. The suspension on skids prevents the tracks from clogging, but is used only in winter: it needs snow to cool the system (ski module).

For homemade For motorized dogs and trips in any season of the year, it is worth choosing a modern roller suspension, but not with a rigid one, but with spring support for the rollers. Such a motorized dog will move more smoothly on a frozen road. When driving, you will have to avoid too loose snow.

Motorized dog transmission

The transmission is responsible for transmitting shaft rotation to the main track sprocket. The gearbox can be CVT, mechanical, automatic gearbox, some have reverse (reverse capability). The advantage of an automatic transmission is a large traction force, the disadvantage is the rapid wear of a number of parts and the need for regular maintenance.

As a mechanical one, you can use a box from a VAZ or other old car. Its advantage is ease of maintenance, no need for frequent repairs, but using such a transmission is less comfortable. The variator ensures smooth transmission of force from the engine to the track, which helps reduce the wear rate of parts and save on gasoline. The downside is a weak drive belt that has to be changed regularly.

Motorized dog caterpillar

Such devices can be snowmobile or specialized, created specifically for motorized dogs. They differ in width, height, length. There are replacement snowmobile tracks on sale that can be used in the manufacture of motorized towing vehicles. The tracks from Buran are popular, but they are not distinguished by high cross-country ability; motorized dogs will only have to be used on a frozen body of water, on a well-trodden road.

You should purchase tracks that are not too narrow. A 50 cm product is considered optimal, since it makes the motorized dog stable, passable, and maneuverable. There are also “aggressive” off-road tracks on sale, their width is from 55 cm, and they have a special tread pattern. The products have an increased lug height - it is 32 mm (the standard is 21 mm). You can also make your own caterpillars from conveyor belts. Tracks are made of birch planks and other materials.

Electrical equipment and machine control systems

To control a motorized dog, they use a steering wheel connected to the gearbox, clutch handle, gas, which should be taken from any suitable old technology. Typically, the basic configurations of towing vehicles are equipped with a manual start, but if desired, it can be changed to an electric starter or a lighting coil can be added. All this can be easily constructed independently, but the cost of manufacturing a motorized dog will increase.

It is quite possible to do without an electric starter; besides, a manual start is considered more reliable in terms of breakdown. But without lighting at night it will definitely be bad for a motorized dog; this system must be provided. The car must be equipped with a 7 ampere coil so that problems with recharging the headlights do not arise.

Homemade motorized dog: technology

Before you start, you need to prepare everything necessary tools and equipment for motorized dogs. You can learn more about the progress of the work by watching the thematic video.

Preparing for work

To avoid problems with using a motorized dog, it is important to immediately determine its main technical parameters:

  • load capacity;
  • engine power;
  • transmission type;
  • engine starting system - manual or electric.

You should also think about additional accessories for the motorized dog - a winch, lighting, protective elements, seats. Then an accurate drawing is drawn up, which will reflect all the nuances. Next, you can order a set of parts for a motorized dog or select them yourself from those available from other equipment.

Required Tools

When working you cannot do without welding inverter, drills and grinders, set wrenches. Also, to install the motorized dog, you will need screwdrivers, a file, and other small tools. The craftsman must have access to lathes and milling machines.

Assembling a motorized dog

First, they make the frame of the motorized dog, which will help secure the engine, gearbox, and chassis. To do this, selected pipes (a beam or channel is also suitable) are welded into a rectangular frame. Then the fastenings for all the important components of the motorized dog are welded. Afterwards you can install the engine.

The running gear must be based on support bearings. On lathe machine the corresponding bushings with a wall thickness of 5 mm. Using bushings, bearings are placed at the corners of the frame. Afterwards, the front and rear axles are made, which will form the shafts along with bushings and bearings. The rear shaft of the motorized dog is made the drive shaft by putting a drive sprocket on it and welding it securely. It must be connected to the gearbox with a chain.

Motorized dog tracks are made independently from a conveyor belt more than 30 cm wide, or they are taken ready-made, but the latter will have to be cut and expanded with inserts. Tracks are made from wood, plastic pipes or removed from an old snowmobile. Pulleys are placed on the box and motor, connected by a belt drive. The motorized dog controls are attached to the steering wheel - the clutch handle is on the left side, the gas handle is on the right. The steering wheel is secured to the frame with two pipes by welding it to the fork. The latter is located on the rear axle and is secured with welded steel washers.

Upon completion of work they are installed additional accessories motorized dogs, the necessary equipment is hung. The design is complemented by seating, cargo compartment, etc. Ready product It will not be inferior in quality to store-bought equipment, but it will be made reliably and can be repaired in case of breakdown by the master himself.