All-Russian competition small towns and historical settlements. The winners of the All-Russian competition for projects for a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements have been determined. Winners in the category "Historical Settlements"

The government of the Moscow region hosted an award ceremony for the winners all-Russian competition small towns and historical settlements, organized by the Russian Ministry of Construction on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.

As stated in the press release received by the newspaper VZGLYAD, 80 projects from 44 subjects will receive awards Russian Federation– 60 projects in the “Small Towns” category and 20 projects in the “Historic Settlements” category. The winners of the competition will receive subsidies from federal budget from 30 to 100 million rubles. This is the first architectural competition of this scale in the country, which is designed to fundamentally change the approach to the development of the environment of small towns.

“Small towns and historical settlements were often deprived necessary attention and financing in the implementation of projects for the formation of a comfortable urban environment - as a rule, first of all, parks and embankments are created in the capitals of the constituent entities and industrial and economic centers. And today a project has been launched to restore the architectural appearance and develop small towns,” said Russian Presidential Aide Nikolai Tsukanov.

A list of 80 winning projects was formed based on the results of voting by experts and members of the Interdepartmental working group, members of the Federal competition commission, held as part of the third stage of the competition - in-person public defenses of projects, which took place on May 26-27 at RANEPA. Applications for participation in the competition were published on the website in open access meetings expert groups took place in live from broadcasts on the website, as well as in-person defense of projects.

“Absolutely all projects deserve awards and support. Each of them is unique. As part of the work on the projects, creative, highly professional teams have been formed from municipal leaders, architects and initiative talented citizens - this is worth a lot,” said Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Andrei Chibis.

Only applications that met the requirements of the competition were allowed to participate in the project - the proposed projects had to be discussed with residents and received their support, and it was necessary to think about what cultural events would be held in the developed area. The project must give impetus economic development cities - create new jobs, help develop services.

To participate in the competition, the Russian Ministry of Construction received 455 applications from 82 constituent entities of Russia; 198 competitive applications from 66 constituent entities reached the finals. Of these, in the categories: historical settlements – 46 applications; small towns (up to 10 thousand people) – 31 applications; small towns (from 10 to 20 thousand people) – 34 applications; small towns (from 20 to 50 thousand people) – 49 applications; small towns (from 50 to 100 thousand people) – 38 applications.

In January 2018, during the first forum of small towns and historical settlements, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to allocate support for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements.

KRASNOGORSK, May 29. /TASS/. The Russian Ministry of Construction is in favor of making permanent the All-Russian competition for the best projects for a comfortable urban environment for small towns and historical settlements. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia Andrei Chibis during the ceremony summing up the results of the first competition.

“We will ask the country’s leadership to make the competition permanent,” he said.

The competition was held on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chibis recalled. In February 2018, the President, following a meeting with participants of the Forum of Small Towns and Historical Settlements in Kolomna, instructed the government to allocate at least 5 billion rubles annually to support the best projects starting from 2018 public spaces in such settlements, TASS previously reported.

In total, 455 cities with up to 100 thousand inhabitants and historical settlements took part in the competition, Chibis noted. Cities presented their projects for improvement of public spaces (park, square, embankment, square). 198 projects for the improvement of public areas reached the finals, 80 of them became winners, the deputy minister continued. All winners will receive grants for the improvement of a park, square, square or street, according to the winning project, in the amount of 30 to 100 million rubles; historical settlements can receive up to 50 million rubles.

How the winners were chosen

"The topic of economics has become one of the key criteria project assessments," the deputy minister continued. According to him, the jury proceeded from the fact that the winning project should become attractive to tourists and local residents. Also, during the assessment of projects, the transparency of the project selection procedure at the local level was taken into account, he indicated. “The condition was that the mayor of the city would personally come to defend the project and we made an online broadcast,” said the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction.

It is important that reporting for small and historical cities it is necessary not until the end of 2018, but in 2019, which will avoid unnecessary haste in the implementation of projects, Chibis emphasized. The Russian Ministry of Construction also expects that the winning improvement projects will receive regional co-financing, the deputy minister emphasized. And based on the implementation of the competition projects, the Ministry of Construction will prepare training course for city managers, indicated the deputy head of the Ministry of Construction.

The competition also showed that even small settlements are interested in a comfortable urban environment, the deputy head of the ministry indicated. “Projects in cities with a population of up to 10 thousand people are projects that we can be proud of. But for now we are often only proud major cities. We will ask and look for opportunities to reward those who made it to the finals but did not become winners,” Chibis said.

Who has won

The winners were announced during solemn ceremony at the House of Government of the Moscow Region in Krasnogorsk near Moscow. A total of five nominations were announced, with 20 winners in the first nomination and 15 in subsequent ones.

In the first nomination “Historical Settlements”, the highest number of points was scored by projectors presented by the cities of Elabuga and Bilyarsk (Tatarstan), as well as the Dagestan Derbent. In the nomination “Small cities with a population of 50 to 100 thousand people”, the highest jury scores were given to improvement projects presented by Tatarstan Bugulma, the city of Sarov in the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Georgievsky urban district of Stavropol. Among cities with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people, the projects of the cities of Gusev and Sovetsky in the Kaliningrad region and the city of Pavly (Tatarstan) were recognized as the best. Among cities with a population of 10 to 20 thousand people, the jury noted the projects of Menzelinsk (Tatarstan), Guryev (Kaliningrad region) and Khvalynsk (Saratov region). And the most powerful projects among small towns with a population of up to 10 thousand people were presented by Tarusa, Kaluga region, Myshkin Yaroslavl region and Yurevets, Ivanovo region.

80 winning projects of the All-Russian competition of small towns and historical settlements, which was held by decision of the President of the country, have been named. These are representatives of 44 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 60 winners were identified in the “Small Towns” category and 20 in the “Historic Settlements” category. The winners of the competition will receive subsidies from the federal budget from 30 to 100 million rubles.

The All-Russian competition of small towns and historical settlements was held in pursuance of the decisions of the Forum of Small Towns and Historical Settlements in Kolomna, Moscow Region in January of this year, this decision was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin following the results of a working meeting. The final of the competition took place on May 29 at the Government of the Moscow Region. Out of almost 450 applications, the competition commission selected 198 works, and today the best 80 of them received well-deserved awards and subsidies for the implementation of projects.

The list was formed based on the results of voting by experts and members of the Interdepartmental Working Group, members of the Federal Competition Commission, held as part of the third stage of the competition - in-person public defense of projects, which took place on May 26-27 at the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation.

“This is the first competition that directly allows us to launch important processes of transformation and development of small towns and historical settlements, while preserving their authenticity. These cities are Russia itself, its face and spirit. The Russian Ministry of Construction will support municipalities and their initiatives and always pay attention to how the opinions of residents are taken into account when implementing projects. Historical cities have great cultural and tourism potential. I hope that the works of the competitors will help to reveal it,” noted the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Vladimir Yakushev, commenting on the completion of the first competition.

The first projects of the winners should be implemented this year. For 2018, financial rewards are provided for the winning cities from 30 to 100 million rubles, depending on the population.

“As part of the work on projects, creative, highly professional teams have formed from municipal leaders, architects and initiative talented citizens - this is worth a lot,” noted Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Andrei Chibis.

For reference:

198 competitive applications from 66 constituent entities of the Russian Federation reached the finals of the All-Russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements. Of these in categories:

​Historical settlements – 46 applications.

​Small cities (up to 10 thousand people) – 31 applications.

​Small cities (from 10 to 20 thousand people) – 34 applications.

​Small cities (from 20 to 50 thousand people) – 49 applications.

​Small cities (from 50 to 100 thousand people) – 38 applications.

To participate in the competition, the Russian Ministry of Construction received 455 applications from 82 out of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 434 of them passed the technical selection, 21 applications were rejected from participation in the competition. Of these in categories:

​Historical settlements: passed technical examination - 53 applications; rejected – 2 applications.

​Small cities (up to 10 thousand people): passed technical examination - 53 applications; rejected – 2 applications.

​Small towns (from 10 to 20 thousand people): passed technical examination - 95 applications; rejected – 5 applications.

​Small cities (from 20 to 50 thousand people): passed technical examination - 152 applications; rejected – 11 applications.

​Small cities (from 50 to 100 thousand people) - passed technical examination - 86 applications; rejected – 1 application.

The competition was organized by the Russian Ministry of Construction. Strategic partner of the competition – Agency strategic development CENTER.

Let us remind you that every year from 2018 to 2021 it is planned to allocate at least 5 billion rubles from the federal budget to support the best improvement projects in small towns and historical settlements of the country. This decision was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin following a working meeting held on January 17 as part of the Forum of Small Towns and Historical Settlements in Kolomna, Moscow Region.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia received about 450 applications to participate in the competition. As a result, 80 best winning projects were selected. "We great attention We pay attention to the openness of this competition. Improvement projects underwent public discussions and received approval from citizens.”, - emphasized Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

“We saw projects for the development of specific public areas, all work was carried out high level. The authors took into account the cultural and historical heritage of a particular city and tried to emphasize its identity. This was one of the main criteria for evaluating received applications,”- noted Sergei Kuznetsov, a member of the competition jury, the chief architect of Moscow.

The success of new public spaces, concluded Sergei Kuznetsov, largely lies in attention to the real needs of citizens and the rejection of official show-off pomp.

In addition, as part of the event, on May 29, the final of the competition for the most landscaped yard “Relay Race for Development, Harmony and Community” took place. According to the terms of the competition, the winner will receive a grant for landscaping the yard in the amount of 1 million rubles. The competition was held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Construction.

According to the terms of the competition, the winner will receive a grant for landscaping the yard in the amount of 1 million rubles. For second place, the prize will be 500 thousand rubles; 6 competitors who took third place and became the best in special nominations will receive 100 thousand rubles each.

The competition started in December 2017 and brought together 265 projects from 148 cities of Russia, presenting the best implemented ideas for improvement adjacent areas in the categories " Cozy courtyard", "Safe yard", "Sports yard".

“The competition supported by the Russian Ministry of Construction will allow us to implement ideas for improving several courtyards apartment buildings. Their residents have already started improving their local areas and will be able to receive financial support to continue this work. This is a great example of how implementation priority project to create a comfortable urban environment helps to attract private investment in improvement,”- Andrey Chibis emphasized.

The lists of winners of the All-Russian competition of historical settlements and small towns have been announced. The authors of 80 projects, representing 44 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, will receive from the federal budget from 30 to 100 million rubles. Subsidies will be used directly for the implementation of improvement projects, conservation historical memory, development of settlement infrastructure.

As a member of the federal competition commission, the first deputy leader of the faction, noted, “ United Russia" V State Duma Victor Kidyaev, the event turned out to be grandiose and very difficult; the Ministry of Construction of Russia did an excellent job with its organization. The organizers accepted 455 applications from 82 regions, conducted an initial technical selection, then selected best projects. They assessed the work of professional architects, the literacy of municipal heads, and creativity teams of ordinary proactive citizens who love their cities and villages and want to make them more comfortable.

“Let me remind you that the competition for small towns and historical settlements was held by the decision of our President Vladimir Putin. And initially the topic was raised back in August last year in Kirov, at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Local Self-Government under the President of the Russian Federation. In particular, on behalf of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, a report was presented on the state of affairs in local government Russian Federation, including in historical settlements,” said Kidyaev.

The head of state then supported the idea of ​​providing additional assistance to historical settlements and those municipalities, in the territories of which objects of special historical and cultural value are located. Based on the results of the council, he instructed to develop specific proposals for additional development mechanisms. Already in January of this year, at a forum in Kolomna, experts discussed details on each of the current areas of development of small and historical cities: the creation comfortable environment for living, the condition and modernization of housing and communal services, the development of cultural and tourism potential, the involvement of residents and businesses in development projects, and so on.

“The result of all this work deserves high praise. I really hope that winning the competition will bring great benefits to the settlements, give impetus to development, and inspire local residents to new social useful projects. I would especially like to congratulate the city of Elabuga and the village of Bilyarsk in Tatarstan, the Dagestan urban district of Derbent and the city of Suzdal in the Vladimir region - they scored the highest final points in the “Historical Settlements” nomination. The bonus to municipalities that took the first 20 places in this nomination is 50 million rubles,” the deputy noted.

In the category of small cities with a population of up to 100 thousand people, congratulations are addressed to Bugulma, Sarov and the Georgievsky urban district of the Stavropol Territory. In total, 15 cities in this category will receive subsidies of 100 million rubles. In the category of cities with a population of up to 50 thousand people, first places were awarded to the Kaliningrad Gusevsky and Sovetsky urban districts and the city of Bavly. Prizes for winning in this category are 75 million.

In the category of up to 20 thousand residents, the leaders were the Tatarstan city of Menzelinsk, Kaliningrad Guryev and Saratov Khvalynsk. And all the winners will receive 55 million rubles. Finally, settlements with a population of up to 10 thousand were best represented by the Kaluga city of Tarusa, Yaroslavl Myshkin and Ivanovo Yuryevets. The prize fund for this category is 30 million rubles.

Full lists of winners are posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services.