I owe everything good in me. “I owe everything good in me to books”…. M. V. Dryakhlova conducted a master class “Floral Motifs”, where children, with great pleasure, using colored paper, glue and scissors, were able to make bright and original flowers with their own hands.

SLIDE Literary hour

“I owe everything good in me to books.”

The life of Maxim Gorky was unusually bright and seems truly legendary. Coming from the depths of the people, the writer was already perceived by his contemporaries during his lifetime as major figure Russian culture, as a worthy successor to the traditions of great Russian literature.

SLIDE“His appearance was very noticeable - tall, lean, slightly stooped, long flat hair thrown back, almost to his shoulders, a small light mustache and shaved chin, intelligent, deep, gray eyes and occasionally, in moments of special affection, a charming smile, a little noticeable. He usually dressed in a black cloth shirt, belted with a narrow strap, and wore high boots.”

SLIDE Video “M. Gorky" (0:17)

SLIDE Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) was born on March 28, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. He lost his parents early. Alexey hardly remembered his kind, inexhaustible and cheerful father: his father died after contracting cholera while caring for Alyosha. The future writer spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather, Vasily Kashirin, the owner of a dyeing workshop.

SLIDE Video “Childhood of Alyosha Peshkov” (0:58)

SLIDE A family of 16 people lived in a four-room house. Alyosha and his mother Varvara Vasilyevna settled in the basement (the lower non-residential floor of a wooden or stone house, intended for economic needs). In Nizhny Novgorod, in Gorky’s childhood home, a house was created - a museum with authentic furnishings of the Kashirin family.

When the boy was eleven years old, his mother died of pulmonary tuberculosis. The only bright figure in Gorky's early childhood was his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna, a person of rare spiritual kindness and cordiality. She warmed him with her affection. She introduced Alyosha to the wonderful creations of folk poetry.

SLIDE Grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, maintained spiritual purity in the house and forever remained for him “amazingly kind and selfless,” a close and dear person. Gorky wrote that his grandmother would be “remembered with a feeling of love and respect” all her life.

Truthfully and vividly, Gorky paints the image of this wonderful woman in the stories “Childhood” and “In People.”

SLIDE At that time, the city of Nizhny Novgorod was one of the largest large commercial and industrial cities in Russia. Alyosha with early years I observed the hard life of workers, loaders, and tramps on the embankment of the Volga River.

SLIDE His grandfather taught Alyosha to read and write from church books - the Psalter and the Book of Hours, and soon the boy had “an invincible desire to alter, distort verses, and choose other words for them.” At the age of seven, Alyosha went to school, but studied for only a month: he fell ill with smallpox and almost died.

SLIDE Alyosha didn’t like school, but he studied well and when he entered the third grade, he was awarded books and given a “Certificate of Commendation,” on which he made several mischievous signatures. The grandfather, without noticing them, hid the certificate of commendation.

After the death of his mother, the grandfather said: “Well, Lexey, you are not a medal, there is no place for you on my neck, but go away - let’s become a people...”, he sent his grandson “to the people” in a shoe store, then as an apprentice to a draftsman. It was not easy with the “people”.

SLIDE Alexey was everything in the following years: a student in an icon-painting workshop, an extra in the theater, a baker, a loader, and a gardener!

One day the owners went to church, Alyosha put the samovar on and went off to clean the rooms. Playing around, the owner's child pulled the tap out of the samovar. The water flowed out, the samovar broke open and Alyosha was beaten with a bunch of splinters. He had a lot of splinters under his skin, his back became swollen and he had to be sent to the hospital.

SLIDE In the spring, Alyosha ran away from his owners “due to very difficult living conditions” and became a junior “wareman” on the Dobry steamship, which sailed between Nizhny and Perm. Here from six o'clock in the morning until midnight he washed dishes, cleaned knives and forks.

SLIDE The cook of the Dobry ship, Mikhail Akimovich Smury, was a big fan of reading and forced Alyosha to read aloud. Smury had a whole chest of books. Cook Smury aroused the boy's interest in books and managed to convey to him a deep respect for the word.

He constantly inspired me: “Read books, they should contain everything you need. This is no small matter!” - said Gorky.

After working on the steamship, Alyosha Peshkov again lived with a draftsman, caught birds for sale, then got a job in an icon-painting workshop, and worked in a fair theater.

SLIDE Alexei passionately wanted to study. In 1884, he came to Kazan, hoping to enter the university, but life itself became the university for the young man. He had to work as a loader at the pier, a baker, and a bread delivery man. And yet, the future writer fulfilled his dream - to become a highly educated person. Reading a lot and constantly, Gorky subsequently amazed those around him with his encyclopedic knowledge. To the surprised questions: “How do you know all this?” Gorky answered jokingly: “How can you not know! What pride! There are so many wonderful things in the world, and suddenly I, Alexey Maksimov, won’t know anything. You can’t do that!”

SLIDE The desire to better know people's lives forced Gorky to go on a journey. At the end of the 1880s, he traveled on foot to the Lower Volga region, Ukraine, Bessarabia, Crimea, Kuban, and the Caucasus. During his travels he visited and southern regions Oryol province. He worked as a fisherman, cooked, mined salt, served as a night watchman and weighmaster at railway stations. Traveling gave the writer a rich supply of life experiences, which were later reflected in his work.

SLIDE He ended his wanderings in 1892 in Tiflis. Here he entered the railway workshops and wrote his first story, “Makar Chudra”.

Gorky's first printed work - the story "Makar Chudra" - appeared in the Caucasus in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus". It was signed with a pseudonym - Maxim Gorky.

SLIDE In 1896 he married Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina. They had a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Katya.

SLIDE His ten-room house was called the “Gorky Academy.” He had many famous people, and the famous Fyodor Chaliapin had his own room.

SLIDE Video “Gorky’s apartment in Nizhny Novgorod” (1:47)

SLIDE At the beginning of his writing career, Gorky wrote a lot of poetry. He skillfully composed poems for his literary heroes (there are about 100 such poems).

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

But I eat midges myself.

SLIDE In 1906, due to deteriorating health, Gorky settled for a long time in Italy, on Capri, a small island, where he lived for seven years. All year round Roses bloom here, lemon groves, cypresses and palm trees grow. The writer was very homesick. Thanks to letters, newspapers, and books, Gorky felt “approximately as if he were in a provincial Russian town.”

SLIDE In Italy he worked a lot and fruitfully. He finished the story “Mother”, wrote the autobiographical story “Childhood”, “Tales of Italy”, the plays “Weirds”, “The Last”, the novel “The Artamonov Case”. Famous writers, artists, and actors came from Russia to Capri to visit Gorky.

SLIDE Gorky's faithful assistant and often his secretary was his son, Maxim. Gorky had Foster-son Zinovy, who later occupied high post in French army.

SLIDE On June 18, 1936, the life of a brilliant writer, the greatest literary artist of the 20th century, who had a tremendous influence on the development of all world literature, was cut short.

A metro station, a park, a film studio in Moscow, a steamship, and streets in different cities bear his name.

Gorky's work is near and dear to us living in the 21st century, as it is imbued with a passionate love for man.

SLIDE A warm friendship connected the great writer with children all his life.

Gorky did a lot of good for children. He founded the first children's magazine- "Northern lights". He taught the children to live together, study hard, and work cheerfully. He organized skating rinks and Christmas trees for children with colored light bulbs (at that time it seemed like a miracle) and gifts: a bag with a pound of gifts, boots, a shirt.

Once, in a distant town, a little reader borrowed the story “Childhood” from the library. And, as it happened, I lost her. Losing a library book is unpleasant and embarrassing. The boy was very upset. Well, I'm just desperate. He didn't know what to do. And, in the end, he wrote a letter to Moscow, the author of the book, Gorky himself. And he told everything as it is. And he began to wait to see what would happen. And after some time a parcel arrived from Moscow. The boy had no acquaintances in Moscow, and he immediately understood that this package was from Gorky. The parcel contained two copies of “Childhood”. One - to the library, the other - to the boy.

A simple and touching incident shows how sympathetic person was Alexey Maksimovich Gorky. And how tenderly he treated the guys.

SLIDE He wrote kind letters to his son Maxim. He loved to joke with his granddaughters - Marfa and Daria. Grandfather called them either girls, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies. Those are cheerful old ladies. That's kids. That is by highly respected learned girls.

The history of Gorky's stories and fairy tales for children begins unusually, with an earthquake.

SLIDE Thousands of people died in the city of Messina, in southern Italy. Gorky at that time lived nearby, on the island of Capri. “What can I do for the victims?” - thought the writer. The writer's fame was already worldwide; his books were sold all over the world. Readers in different countries listened to his word. They knew that he loved people and wished them well. And Gorky appealed to the whole world: come to the aid of Italy. People responded to his call. Money and things began to be sent to Messina.

One day, a writer received a letter from Russia written in a child’s handwriting. Little kids unknown to him from the outskirts of Baku wrote: “Please give our money...to the writer Maxim Gorky for the Messinians.” The letter was signed “School of Naughty People.” Where did these naughty people get fifteen rubles from? They earned it themselves. The play was staged and tickets were sold to adults. The envelope contained a photograph of twelve participants in the performance.

Gorky responded to the “naughty people”:

“Dear children!

I received the money you collected for the Messinians and I sincerely thank you for everyone you helped. I sincerely wish for you, good little people, that throughout your life you will be as sensitive and responsive to the grief of others as you were in this case. Be healthy, love each other and do more pranks...

I press your paws tightly, may they be honest and strong all the days of your life!..”

Then the children from the “School of Naughty People” - Borya, Vitya, Gynt, Dima, Fedya, Jeffrey, Zhenya, Irena, Lena, Lisa, Mema, Mary, Nora. Pavel and Elsa each sent Gorky a letter.

He thanked the good little people the way only he could thank them: with stories, fairy tales, poems.

At the request of a child, Gorky wrote a fairy tale about a sparrow and another fairy tale, “Morning.”

SLIDE Gorky usually worked in the morning. And after a noisy breakfast, Gorky went down to the garden. Beloved by children and teenagers, he started all kinds of games for them. They played Cossacks - robbers, lapta. Gorky loved costumed entertainment even more. He dressed up now as a sorcerer, now as a pirate, now as a goblin, now as a redskin. He would turn his jacket inside out and attach colorful stripes to his suit. wooden spoons, fir branches, covered his face with an Aztec tattoo. He stuck a bunch of lingonberries or a bouquet of strawberries into his pipe. He invented funny faces. He infected not only children, but also adults with childishness. And all together, in single file, they chased along the rooms and corridors. When the heat subsided in the evening, Gorky began his favorite game - gorodki. He almost always came out victorious.

Gorky began every morning with poetry, sometimes humorous. Some poems were addressed to children. He sent witty poems about the Italian winter to his son.

Every day there are rains and storms!

The whole bay is covered in white foam,

Flocks of evil furies howl.

Salting the mountains with snow.

I'm dying from chills

I'm ready to board Vesuvius!

And I dream: it would be nice

Tomorrow morning, eat the sun!

But - then by nature

Mouth and teeth are given to me,

So that I deprive all nations

Sun, light and spring?

He supplemented his stories and fairy tales with poetry.

Cancer lives under the stones

The fishtail is chewed by the crayfish,

The tail is very dry,

Cancer does not know the taste of flies.

SLIDE Gorky soulfully portrayed children in his work: the works “Foma Gordeev”, “Three”, “Childhood”, “Tales of Italy”, “Passion - Faces”, “Grandfather Arkhip and Lyonka”, “Misha”, “Samovar”, “ About Ivanushka - a fool", "The Case of Evseyka", "Sparrow".

SLIDE Video “Gorky's Tales” (1:55)

SLIDE But loving children dearly, the writer was demanding of them and did not forgive laziness or illiteracy. Having published an illiterate letter from Penza schoolchildren that he had received in the newspaper, he wrote: “It’s a shame for 4th grade students to write so poorly, very shamefully! And it is necessary that you, as well as lively slobs and careless people like you, should be ashamed of your inability to clearly express your thoughts and your ignorance of grammar. You are no longer little, and it’s time for you to understand that your fathers and mothers are not working heroically so that their children grow up ignorant...” At the same time, the writer spared the children’s pride: “Guys, I publish your letter in the newspapers, but I don’t name your names because I don’t want your comrades to cruelly ridicule you for your illiteracy.”

SLIDE Clip “Samovar” (2:26)

SLIDE You guys, those who today read Gorky’s stories, fairy tales, poems written for children, should think about his words: “Live together …” and know that these are his gifts for his sensitivity and responsiveness.


The principle of self-education through reading the “right” books is always relevant. This proves the vital and creative path writer A.M. Gorky. At all times, the book remains the main “self-teaching tool” for a person who wants to be “reasonable” and successful.

  • To uncover ample opportunities, opening up to a person reading the “correct” books.
  • Motivate interest in reading through the example of the life and work of the writer M. Gorky.
  • 1. “A harsh fairy tale” from childhood.
  • 2. Teachers: people and characters.
  • 3. Portrait likeness or double.

“For me, a book is a miracle, it contains the soul of the person who wrote it; by opening the book, I free this soul, and it mysteriously speaks to me.”

M. Gorky.

“Books showed me a different life - a life of great feelings and desires. I saw that the people around me lived away from everything that books were written about. What's interesting in their life? I don’t want to live such a life... It’s clear to me, I don’t want to.”

M. Gorky.

“Read books - this is the best! If you don’t understand the book, read it seven times, if you don’t understand it seven times, read it twelve...”

M. Smury.

“Are you self-taught? In your stories you are an artist, and a truly intelligent one. You are smart and feel subtly and gracefully, like an artist who has gone through a very good school.”

A.P. Chekhov.

“More and more expanding the boundaries of the world in front of me, the books told me how great and beautiful man was in striving for the best, how much he had done on earth and what incredible suffering it had cost him.”

M. Gorky

“In Nizhny... I met V.G. Korolenko, to whom I owe the fact that I got into great literature.”

M. Gorky

“Although I’m not very young, I’m not a boring guy and I know how to show quite well what happens to a samovar in which they put burning coals and forgot to pour water...”

M. Gorky

Eh, wingless man,
You have two legs
Even though you are very great.
The midges are eating you!
And I'm very small
But I myself eat midges.

M. Gorky “Sparrow”




  • A samovar with a quote from Gorky, Smury's chest, a burnt candle.
  • Quotes in the form of a silhouette of a sparrow, an open book, an inkwell with a feather.

Interactive tasks:

Decipher the phrase said by the hero of M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom.”

(on a piece of paper, as if burnt around the edges)

Anna Leonidovna Komleva,
chief librarian of the fiction book department

In days spring break children's week was held at the Ognev-Maidan Librarybook entitled “I owe everything good in me to books.”

The opening of Children's Book Week at the Mir Children's Palace was a real holiday for our children. Yulia Kukushkina, Irina Perekhodtseva, Elena Shelina were awarded certificates for their active participation in the regional poster competition and book trailers “Let's read Gorky!” .

A literary hour was held for young readers dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer A. M. Gorky. The children got acquainted with the work and biography of our fellow Nizhny Novgorod resident A. M. Gorky, learned about his childhood, and about his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina. Guys p We got acquainted with kind, instructive and funny fairy tales: “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, The Case of Yevseyka”, “About Ivanushka the Fool”.

For children from kindergarten“Snowflake” literary game was held"Poet from the Land of Childhood", dedicated to the anniversary of the Russian writer and poet S. Mikhalkov. Young readers got acquainted with the biography, with the cheerful and kind poems of S. Mikhalkov, remembered the familiar poems: “What do you have”, “Mimosa”, etc. They listened to the familiar fairy tale for children “Bunny - Smarty”.

Connoisseurs of children's books made a “Journey in the Ocean of Wonderful Books,” where they demonstrated a good knowledge of the works of K. I. Chukovsky, N. Nosov, S. Mikhalkov and other writers. We collected portraits of characters from familiar and favorite books and solved sea riddles. Remembered their favorite works, took part in a quiz, and guessed fairy tale riddles. We got acquainted with the books presented at the book exhibition “Scattering of Book Treasures”.

How great it is to make something interesting, useful or beautiful with your own hands! And you don’t have to be a Master to do this - there are simple and accessible technologies. Librarian
M. V. Dryakhlova conducted a master class “Floral Motifs”, where children had great pleasure Using colored paper, glue and scissors, they were able to make bright and original flower cards with their own hands.

Librarian of the Ognev-Maidan Rural Library

M. V. Dryakhlova

With great interest I read Lyubov Rzhevskaya’s correspondence “To read the classics, you have to work hard with your soul,” published in the Vedomosti newspaper on December 5, 2003. The topic, in my opinion, is really important and relevant. In fact, why don’t even high school students read much classical literature today?

I won't make a big discovery if I say that adults are all less attention devoted to classic works of fiction.

Once after the end of the book fair, which runs on Saturdays at the Chkalov House of Culture in Novosibirsk, I saw Yuri Olesha’s book “Favorites” lying on the lawn, which contains his wonderful works: the novel for children “Three Fat Men”, several stories and unique notes "Not a day without a line." People walked by, dozens of people.

What is happening to us? The easiest way to explain everything is laziness, loss of interest in the moral principles that the classics contain.

I remember when I was studying at the university, I heard from a teacher, they say, give you only detective stories. But now I understand that detectives are different. It’s one thing to write works by Agatha Christie and Georges Simenon, where characters and psychology are vividly depicted characters, and quite another thing are books that are baked at the speed of flat cakes in a frying pan and fill the shelves. Naked facts, gleaned from court documents or invented by lawyers. Lack of spirituality, horror stories, vulgarity. Why read this, maybe it’s better not to read at all? Next to such literature I would place so-called romance novels, the authors of which set as their goal to tickle the nerves of readers.

Answering the question: why people began to read less, the outstanding writer Chingiz Aitmatov recently said in a radio conversation that this is the spirit of the era. Globalization penetrates into all aspects of life. People sit for a long time in front of TV and computer screens. Of course, in doing so they receive a certain emotional charge. But the book must never be forgotten, because it is the foundation of culture. A book, especially a good one, has been and should remain a constant and reliable companion of a person.

You need to get used to reading books early age, as soon as kids comprehend the alphabet. Everyone loves cartoons. But there is also Chekhov’s Kashtanka, Leo Tolstoy’s Phillipok, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen Hans Christian Andersen.

When I saw the publication about which we're talking about in the article - “All the works of the school curriculum in a summary”, I remembered how we studied Russian and foreign literature at the university. The works were read throughout the semester. But on the eve of the exams it turned out that only a third had passed. After all, one “Life of Klim Samgin” by Maxim Gorky has several volumes, or the epic “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy! If there had been such a book then, during my student years, I probably could have used it. But only to pass an exam or test. It’s completely different to read for yourself, for the soul.

Over the past few years, I have re-read the collected works of L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, A. Kuprin, V. Hugo, N. Gogol and others. Now on my desk is “Ordinary History” by I. Goncharov, and before that I finished reading his “Oblomov”. Next up is Goncharov's "Cliff". I appreciate in classical works high morality, the struggle of true feelings, answers to many questions that concern me, beautifully written dialogues, monologues and landscape details. Each of these works enriches, makes you think about what is happening in society, who surrounds you, what is the meaning of life. After all, classical works are often more modern than current ones. Let me also remind you of Gorky’s statement: “I owe everything good that is in me to books...”.

May 23 at the lending department of the National Library of the Chechen Republic named after. A.A. Aidamirov hosted a literary hour “I owe everything good in me to books,” dedicated to the great master of words Maxim Gorky.

For the meeting, a book exhibition “Gorky in the Mirror of the Era” was prepared, introducing his rich creative heritage. The exhibition presented works by the master of words, as well as studies of famous literary critics, introducing the biography of the writer.

“I owe everything good in me to books: even in my youth I already realized that art is more generous than people. I love books: each of them seems to me a miracle, and the writer - a magician. I cannot talk about books except with the deepest excitement, with joyful enthusiasm. Maybe it's funny, but it's true. It will probably be said that this is the enthusiasm of a savage; let them say that I am incurable,” writes Maxim Gorky.

Guests were invited to watch documentary about the work of Gorky. During the literary hour they heard famous works M. Gorky “Song of the Petrel”, as well as the poems “Farewell”, “Liza’s Poems” (“The Eagle Rises into the Sky”) and “Don’t Scold My Muse”.