Everything about roof insulation from the inside: an overview of the most modern insulation technologies. Warm roof: stages of work and materials How to build a warm roof for a house


The structure of a modern roof is a complex multi-layer structure, and the materials used are made according to the latest technologies based on advanced developments. The roofing “pie” contains insulating and heat-saving layers. From adverse effects weather conditions The interior of buildings is protected primarily by waterproofing and insulation.

A competently designed and professionally constructed multi-layer warm roof helps the residents of the house to survive cold weather and precipitation without problems.

The truss structure shown in the photo, which is the roof frame, must be strong and reliable, otherwise the roof will soon not be able to perform its functions, which will lead to leaks and expensive repairs.

When creating a roof covering, you should also not forget about providing additional ventilation. Freely circulating Fresh air prevents condensation from accumulating between dense layers of roofing pie. Rafter structures and other roof elements made of natural wood provide the necessary level of ventilation and at the same time slightly add weight to the roofing system. Another argument in favor of using these materials is their environmental safety.

When a warm roof is being built, one cannot do without reinforcing layers, which are solid and reliable materials, such as concrete tiles, gravel, etc. They protect less durable roofing products from mechanical damage. True, the materials used for arranging the roof, which have considerable weight, make its structure heavier, so such nuances should certainly be taken into account. The most top layer“pie” is the coating used to create it roofing material. The choice of its texture, color, and aesthetic characteristics depends on the individual preferences of property owners and the design solution; it can be corrugated sheets, metal tiles, slate or more modern products.

Roof insulation materials

How well a warm roof will be made with your own hands largely depends on the materials used. insulating materials. When choosing waterproofing and insulation, the design parameters included in the project are taken into account. For example, in the region where construction is proposed, climatic conditions require that the house be provided with good protection from moisture and precipitation or strong gusts of wind are observed here.

When carrying out calculations, all expected loads on the building, and accordingly on the roof, are certainly taken into account. Therefore, the presence of layers of the roofing “pie” for each house can vary significantly.

Waterproofing layer . It is necessary to create protection against moisture. Frequent and heavy rains, melting snow and fogs can cause great damage to the building and the people in it. The use of waterproofing materials is a reliable barrier to water trying to penetrate inside the roof structure.

Vapor barrier layer . The use of this type of insulation provides high-quality protection against all kinds of fumes and prevents the appearance of condensation on various surfaces.

Thermal insulation layer . Allows you to retain heat inside the building and prevents cold air masses from entering the attic from the street. Range thermal insulation materials today is huge, so choose necessary products for insulation, it is possible to take into account the individual requirements for a particular home.

Soundproofing layer . Materials to suppress loud sounds coming from outside are not used as often as other types of insulation, but they provide a comfortable environment for people to stay indoors.

Types of thermal insulation

A large list of insulation products allows you to choose best option and create a truly warm roof in accordance with the design solution. You can give preference to inexpensive materials or purchase modern products manufactured on the basis of the latest scientific developments. Is it true, last option will cost much more to homeowners, but it will provide them with reliable protection of buildings and a long service life.

Expanded clay . This method Roof insulation has been used for a long time. This is a lightweight building material in the form of oval or oval granules. round shape, which is made from natural baked clay. Thus, the flowability of expanded clay goes well with thermal insulation properties raw materials when creating a warm roof with your own hands.

Styrofoam . Roof insulation using it is considered one of the most popular thermal insulation options, used for both pitched and flat roofs. It extends the life of the roofing structure.

Polyurethane foam . It belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics and is considered a more technologically advanced heat insulator. The work of insulating with polyurethane foam is easier than using expanded clay. This rather soft material is produced in the form of large slabs, and this is related to the features of its installation. During installation, additional reinforcement of polyurethane foam in the roof structure is required.

Penoplex . Using this modern material refers to new solutions in the implementation of thermal insulation. Compact foam boards retain heat excellently, although they are flexible. The layer of thermal insulation created by them is thinner than that of similar materials. Thanks to the characteristics described above, penoplex is becoming increasingly popular.

Hello! To properly insulate the roof, you will need to complete the following steps: installing a vapor barrier layer, laying insulating material, a water-repellent layer, sheathing made of wooden blocks, metal tile covering. It is advisable to change this order only in order to improve the properties of the structure. To obtain a warm roof with your own hands, installing waterproofing is very important - this will help protect the house even when rain moisture seeps through the roofing material.

The waterproofing material must be laid on the rafters; it is advisable to press it with a sheathing of bars. When roofing with metal tiles, it is better to choose a special material, laying it so that the absorbent composition is facing towards the living quarters, that is, down. This will prevent condensation from forming under the roof. For a metal roof, a vapor barrier layer should also be installed. To fix the material, galvanized nails or a construction stapler are used.

It is better to use special membranes as a vapor barrier - they will prevent condensation from accumulating and the insulation will not get wet. This way you can significantly increase the service life of building structures and prevent them from rotting. Wet insulation is much heavier than usual, and it must be borne in mind that, together with rotten rafters, it can cause the roof to collapse.

The vapor barrier material should be attached to the rafters. The optimal distance for this is between rafter legs- no more than 1.5 m. Start fixing the film from the edging, gradually moving up to the ridge. Lay the film overlapping. The sagging of the waterproofing material between the rafters is no more than 20 mm.

Perform lathing for laying metal tiles only after the waterproofing material has been laid and fixed. For it, you can use 50X100 mm bars, which must first be treated with an antiseptic - a composition to protect wood from rotting. It is permissible to use metal profiles with perforations.

Before installing metal tiles on the roof, determine where it is best to start work. If the roof is gable, start installation from one of the ends. If hip roof, start laying at the highest point of the slope, moving little by little in both directions.

You can insulate a metal tile roof with materials such as fiberglass, basalt fiber, polystyrene foam boards, and polystyrene foam. Insulating materials should have the lowest possible thermal conductivity; when choosing, also pay attention to the fire safety and lightness of the material - the rafters should not be loaded.

During storage and installation of insulation, care should be taken to ensure that no moisture gets on it. It must be stored in a dry place specially equipped for this purpose, which must have good ventilation. When wet performance characteristics the insulation will be seriously damaged, and a warm roof is unlikely to be achieved. Be sure to carry out the work in accordance with the instructions attached to the material. Only use tools that are in good working order, e.g. dull knives capable of hopelessly ruining high-quality and expensive material.

As a rule, the roof is insulated in case of operation of the under-roof space, that is, when installing an attic in it. If you are not going to use the attic, then only insulate it ceiling of the last floor. But in most modern private houses, attics are residential. This means that the roof plane must be insulated according to regulatory requirements(V energy efficient houses The heat transfer coefficient must be less than 0.20 W/m²∙°C). In this case, the thickness of the roof should be minimal so as not to limit the space under the slopes that can be used.

One way or another, the insulation will be able to fully function only if moisture does not accumulate in it. In any weather and at any time of the year he must stay dry. With an increase in the moisture content in it by only 5%, its thermal insulation capacity decreases by almost half. WITH inside facing the room, the insulation must be protected from moisture by a vapor barrier, and on the outside - by waterproofing.

Exists a variety of thermal insulation materials: mineral wool based on basalt and fiberglass, expanded polystyrene, foam glass, cellulose, cork agglomerate. For roofing, as a rule, they use materials with a fibrous structure - based on basalt or fiberglass. They are not only characterized by good thermal insulation properties, but also perfectly dampen noise. In addition, they are not flammable. The total thickness of the layers of mineral wool under the roof of an energy-efficient house should be at least 20 cm. At the same time, it is important to secure the insulation well so that it does not slide down over time, especially for soft thermal insulation materials.

In addition to basalt-based mineral wool insulation, you can use fiberglass materials, which consists of many glass fibers with air between them. The thickness of glass wool fibers is less than the thickness of human hair and mineral fibers, therefore their quantity in a nominal volume is greater. Therefore, this insulation has more air gaps, which means its thermal conductivity is lower, although both materials have similar performance characteristics.

Can be used as insulation liquid foam plastic - penoizol, which belongs to a new generation of carbamide foams. This material differs from expanded polystyrene in its vapor permeability and high fire resistance, low density, resistance to microorganisms and affordable price. In addition, penoizol has good thermal insulation properties.

Characteristics for choosing insulation

When choosing heat and sound insulating materials, it is advisable to focus on the following universal criteria:

. specific gravity. The smaller it is (up to a certain level), the better. The standard range is 14-20 kg/m³. Lightweight material saves delivery costs and installation time, reduces the load on the structure and often benefits in terms of heat and soundproofing parameters;

. thermal conductivity. The smaller it is, the lower the cost of heating the room. This value indirectly depends on the air content in the material (specific gravity);

. durability. Term efficient operation must be at least 25 years old;

. high vapor permeability. This is the key to optimal humidity conditions indoors and in roof structures.

. non-flammability. A particularly important indicator for the components of the roofing “pie”, since the roof structure contains ventilated gaps that contribute to the rapid spread of flame when flammable materials are used;

. environmental friendliness. The materials must use natural raw materials and have the appropriate European certificates.

Insulation of roof slopes

At first waterproofing is laid on the counter-lattice. It is placed horizontally, ensuring that the film overlaps by at least 10 cm and has slight sagging in case of thermal expansion of the material. The film joints are sealed. Then Insulation is placed tightly between the rafters, without gaps, which is covered with a vapor barrier film on the side of the under-roof space. It is desirable that this layer is also sealed. Thermal insulation boards or mats must be semi-rigid so that they adhere well to inclined and vertical planes. The number of layers to be laid depends on the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, the value of which is indicated in the certificate of conformity.

Insulation of the ceiling of the last floor

The insulation is laid on the ceiling in two stages. At first mats or slabs are placed between the beams. For ventilation, it is recommended to leave a gap of 3 cm between the insulation layer and the windproof film (regardless of how well it allows air to pass through). add extra wooden grate and lay a layer of mineral wool. Its thickness is individual for each material, and also depends on building codes for the corresponding climatic region. The insulation should be laid tightly, avoiding gaps at the joints, in order to eliminate linear cold bridges. You can prevent the formation of spot cold bridges at the joints of the beams and the covering by nailing another lattice and laying another layer of insulation. Instead of wooden blocks, you can use profiles for plasterboard systems.

Closed loop principle

When starting to insulate a house, remember: in order to achieve the maximum effect of heat conservation, you need to observe the principle of a closed thermal circuit, eliminating the presence of uninsulated areas. That's why Thermal insulation material should be laid tightly, avoiding the formation of cracks and gaps between adjacent slabs. The most unreliable in this regard are the joints of walls with ceilings and roofs, slopes window openings, places under window sills, exits to a balcony or terrace.

In addition to the loose fit of the material cause of the formation of cold bridges the thickness of the thermal insulation layer may be insufficient. A layer of insulation that is too thin will not cope with the resulting loads. It will let in cold air in winter and hot air in summer.

Usage insulation of insufficient rigidity and wrong choice geometric dimensions can lead to slipping and sagging of the material, which results in ruptures of the thermal insulation carpet and the appearance of cold bridges.

Cold bridges can be linear or point-like. Linear causes discontinuity of the thermal insulation layer (for example, along the perimeter window slopes or balcony doors and jumpers in the area structural units), point - various fastening elements (suspensions, anchors, etc.), at points of connection with house structures (for example, at installation points of television antennas, awnings, etc.)

Thermal insulation tandem for roof and walls

Roof insulation is carried out by laying insulation on the ceilings above the top floor(when arranging non-residential attic) or on the attic slopes(when arranging a living space). Insulation of walls in most cases is carried out from the outside - these are plaster and ventilated facades, as well as insulation under the siding. Be sure to ensure that the insulation of the walls and roof creates a continuous thermal circuit. After all, the essence of insulating any structures is precisely the creation of a thermal circuit, the interruption of which leads to heat losses, disruption of the microclimate and even destruction of structures.

If the thermal insulation elements of the roof and walls are in close contact with each other, then it is enough to simply fix them in the desired position by tying them with fishing line or tape. Make sure that no gaps form in these places.

Price linear meter metal tiles start from 300 rubles. This circumstance makes roofing material popular and in demand. Among the advantages of a metal roof are durability, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of installation, a rich range of colors and beautiful appearance.

Metal tiles are the most economical option“expensive-rich” roof for the house

And all the advantages of such a roof can be offset by one drawback - high thermal conductivity: metal tiles and corrugated sheets can heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly. If homeowners want an insulated roof covered with metal tiles, then they will have to worry about the issue of additional thermal insulation. Metal tiles alone will not solve this issue.

The issue of waterproofing and ventilation

The metal has high thermal conductivity. This means that in the warm season it will heat up like a frying pan, and freeze in winter. WITH high temperature In the summer you can somehow come to terms with it. And in winter period a cold roof will consume a lot of heat, which can lead to large bills for heating your home. Due to temperature changes, already in the fall, when it is cold at night and still warm during the day, a huge amount of condensation forms. Smudges form that flow under the coating and threaten the thermal insulation material. Even if the roof is insulated, the thermal insulation material may become wet, causing it to cease to perform its functions over time.

Therefore, the main point in installing a warm roof made of metal tiles is the creation waterproofing barrier, which will protect the heat insulator from smudges on the inside of the metal coating.

The hydrobarrier is a special reinforced membrane that covers the roof slopes. Its function is to protect the thermal insulation material from accidental leakage of water from rain and snow and from condensation, which is an integral companion of a metal roof.

It is not enough to simply protect the thermal insulation layer from leaks. It is necessary to ensure that the roof structure is provided with good forced ventilation, thanks to which all condensation will evaporate outside.

Waterproofing device using polypropylene film

An alternative option for waterproofing a warm roof covered with metal tiles can be a two-layer waterproofing polypropylene membrane. On the one hand, such a coating has a layer of non-woven material that absorbs condensation. On the other hand, there is a hydrobarrier with ventilation pores, through which drops of formed water will come out. Such a membrane is laid with the first layer inside, where the thermal insulation is located, and with a hydrobarrier - to the outer layers of the roof.

Double-layer polypropylene film designed specifically for roof waterproofing

Super diffuse coating

The superdiffuse membrane is one of the latest developments in the field of waterproofing and building materials in general. Its properties resemble leather, and the development of such a coating came from the textile light industry - membrane materials have been used in sportswear since the middle of the last century.

They differ from conventional polypropylene films in the number of layers - in a superdiffuse membrane there are up to four of them! All layers have pores in their structure through which drops of condensate are discharged. Multilayering ensures the membrane's tensile strength. The last outer layer of the coating has an ultraviolet filter.

Superdiffuse membranes - the last word in roof waterproofing

Superdiffuse coatings are available in roll and mastic form. The second type is also called “self-leveling roofing”. It is considered more economical compared to rolls, but loses in vapor barrier properties. And, due to its consistency, its use is allowed only on horizontal surfaces. An additional complexity is created by the surface coating technology - the layer of mastic must be uniform, and this task is difficult for even professionals to cope with. Therefore, in private construction they use more roll modification– you can handle its installation yourself.

The advantage of a super-diffuse coating is that it can be used as temporary roof protection before installing metal tile sheets on an insulated roof. This greatly facilitates the construction of a roof with other coverings, as is the case with soft tiles.

Insulation technology “Roofing pie”

To insulate a metal tile roof, there is a special scheme for arranging roof layers, called the “Roofing Pie”. Refer to the diagram to understand how to properly insulate a metal roof.

Experts recommend insulating a metal roof using the developed “Roofing Pie” technology

Whether the layer will not freeze depends on the consistency of the layers. interior space how much the insulation will be protected from moisture and whether the latter will be discharged outside.

The reliability of the roofing pie is determined by five skates:

  • internal vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • external waterproofing – removes condensation from the insulation to the outside;
  • an air gap of at least 5 cm - provides space for air circulation, which “dries out” the condensate moisture;
  • protective covering of the roof - in our case it is metal tiles.

Roof air space design

The air gap in the roof structure acts as a natural heat insulator: cold metal tiles will not come into contact with the inner layers of the roofing pie. The result is less condensation due to temperature differences.

The assembly of the air space begins with the longitudinal laying of counter-lattice bars along the roof slopes. A layer of transverse lathing is laid on them. The height is chosen based on ventilation and design calculations of the roof. The pitch between the bars is chosen based on the convenience of attaching sheets of metal tiles to them.

Roof sheathing device

Choice of insulation

For an insulated roof covered with metal tiles, fibrous heat insulators are used - mineral wool and glass wool. These materials are reliable, durable, and have good soundproofing characteristics as an additional bonus. For many homeowners, the non-flammability of these materials is key.

Mineral wool

Why is this material called “mineral”? It is produced from silicate rock melts. That is, mineral wool is classified as a natural, environmentally friendly thermal insulation material. It is supplied for sale in the form of a roll or already cut slabs of various thicknesses. The maximum density of the material can reach 200 kg/m3, and this indicator affects the final price of the product.

Installation and laying of a thermal insulation layer made of mineral wool with all layers associated with it (waterproofing, blowing of seams and protective coating) is feasible for the average private master. Therefore, the material is classified as budget options insulation.

Mineral wool - a fiber that retains heat

Glass wool

Glass wool is the main competitor to the mineral wool already described above due to similar performance characteristics.

Glass wool can also be called an environmentally friendly material, since it is the result of recycling waste after glass production. It is supplied to the market in the form of rolls and slabs of different densities and sizes.

The advantage of the material is its absolute non-flammability and relatively higher resistance to moisture.

Compared to its advantages, glass wool has a disadvantage in the form of installation difficulties. When working on roof insulation, it is better to refrain from laying insulation after the roof. If insulation from the inside cannot be avoided, then a special form will be required, protection of hands and face from glass dust and compliance with installation technology.

Glass wool is a non-flammable and durable material

Insulation of an already erected roof

If the installation of the roof was urgent, or the owner of the house decided to equip a warm attic or attic floor, then the roof insulation takes place in a mirror sequence:

  • The air space under the roofing is brought to technical compliance.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid.
  • Insulation is being installed.
  • The thermal insulation is covered with a vapor barrier membrane.
  • Work is underway on finishing roofing (paneling, plastering, etc.)

The use of popular mineral wool and glass wool will already be associated with difficulties, so let’s consider alternative materials For thermal insulation works.


The economical option is to use the simplest and most familiar plastic foaming product. It is produced in slabs that are light in weight, easy to transport, easy to cut and lay by one person.

Along with the lowest price, compared to other options on the heat insulation market, polystyrene foam has another advantage - it practically does not absorb moisture. This becomes a solution for home owners in regions with high humidity.

The only nuance in working with polystyrene foam is its almost zero vapor permeability. Because of this, it is important to consider the ventilation system in the room, otherwise it will be stuffy at any time of the year.

Foam plastic is the most economical heat insulator

Extruded polystyrene foam

"Big brother" of polystyrene foam. It has a much higher density of cells in its structure. Thanks to this, all the advantages embodied in the younger brother increase by at least one and a half times. This affects more high level cover prices.

The differences also relate to installation: if polystyrene foam is laid between the lags of the counter-lattice, then polystyrene foam is laid “on top”. This reduces the risk of gaps that will inevitably appear over time - wooden structures will shrink.

Installation of extruded polystyrene foam - sheets are laid on top of the sheathing, and not between the slats

Products of some brands have stepped joints for ease of installation and minimization of joints between slabs. The result is an increase in the strength of the final thermal insulation.

Important! Both polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene have poor fire resistance. Therefore, installation must be carried out with maximum insulation from ignition sources, including away from electrical wiring.


Relatively new material, modification polyurethane foam, designed specifically for insulating walls, floors and roofs. Penoizol can be used as an additional layer of roof insulation - it is used to blow out the air space under the outer roof.

Penoizol is easy to apply both outside and inside the roof. But it gained its main popularity precisely in the option of insulating already prepared roofs. The material is lightweight and does not require any adjustments to the roof structure. Penoizol is used in insulating even dilapidated roofs due to its light consistency.

An additional advantage of penoizol is its resistance to moisture. The specific water absorption of the material does not exceed 6%.

To insulate with penoizol, a film is mounted to the roof slats, forming “pockets” into which the material is poured and then hardens in them. The film is installed with an overlap of 20-30 cm on the floor and walls.

Roof insulated with foam insulation at the drying stage of the material

Vapor barrier - the final touch

Like waterproofing, a vapor barrier coating is designed to protect the heat insulator from condensation. The vapor barrier coating is attached to the rafters from the inside of the roof with overlaps on the walls and floor, all possible joints with pipes, windows, and beams are glued construction tape. They are secured to the roof using a construction stapler and nails. Sealed plugs made of silicone, film or rubber are placed between the nail or staple and the material.

According to the law of convection, which all gases obey, the heated air in a heated room will rise upward. Therefore, the main heat loss in the house occurs through the roof. Enough big square slope and high thermal conductivity of roofing material lead to an increase in heating costs by 15-20%. To retain heat inside the house, as well as to prevent the roof from being heated by the sun, the roof is insulated. In this article we will tell you how to choose the insulation and thermal insulation of the slope with your own hands.

Types of roofs

To understand how to insulate the slope and calculate the layer of thermal insulation material, you need to determine what type of roof it is. However, in the cold, windy and rainy climate of Russia, it is almost impossible to make a warm house without roof insulation work. In our country with its difficult climate, where heating season In some regions it lasts more than six months, thermal insulation of premises becomes especially important. Thanks to modern high-quality insulation materials, it has become much easier to thermally insulate rooms and reduce heat loss, and this, in turn, helps to save significant money on space heating.

Materials for insulating rooms must have special properties, since they not only serve for thermal insulation, but are also exposed to a variety of weather conditions. In addition, they are usually intended for use in residential areas, so they must have properties such as fire safety and non-toxicity. Moisture-proof and durable thermal insulation materials, among other things, should serve for a long time,

The volume and cost of installing thermal insulation depends on the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation material, which determines the calculation, as well as the nature of the use of the under-roof space. Based on the method of insulation, there are 2 types of roofs:

· Cold roof. A cold roof is a roof under which there is an unheated attic or attic. In the past this view roofing structures was considered the most rational, since the layer of air separating attic floor from the inner surface of the roof serves as a kind of natural insulation. This air cushion prevented heating of the slope from the inside, thanks to which the snow cap was preserved, but ice did not form. In houses with a cold roof, the slope is not insulated; thermal insulation work is carried out from the attic side, on the floors.

· Warm roofs. A warm-type roof is used if the attic of the house is heated. In this case, the roof is deprived of its natural insulation, which is why the snow on the surface of the slope melts, forming ice, which, when sliding, scratches the roofing. To prevent these negative phenomena, calculate the thickness of the material and mount it on the surface of the slope with your own hands. Since the area of ​​the slope is larger than the area of ​​the floors, the cost of insulating a warm roof is more than a cold one.

Important! Thermal insulation of the roof is carried out using polymer or mineral insulation. To ensure that the material does not lose its thermal insulation qualities during operation, it must have low hygroscopicity, low thermal conductivity, and be able to withstand temperature changes and frost well.

Insulation methods

Roof insulation can be installed on the slope yourself different ways, the efficiency of work depends on the installation technology. Thermal insulation is a complex process that takes into account the climatic conditions of the region, roofing material, and type of roof. In order to prevent a mistake that could lead to an increase in humidity and a deterioration in the temperature conditions of the room, a calculation is performed that takes into account all these factors.

Installation of insulation is done with your own hands between the rafters, along the rafters, and also along the attic floor. There are 3 ways to perform thermal insulation work:

1. Between the rafters. This DIY roof insulation method involves fixing thermal insulation material to the rafters in the space between them. For this purpose, materials are used in the form of rolls, mats or slabs. The disadvantage of this technology is that, unlike the method of laying along the rafters, the roof insulation does not fit tightly to the frame elements. Because of this, “cold bridges” are formed, air currents low temperatures penetrating into the room. If the calculation has determined that the thickness of the insulation should be greater than the width of the rafters, this method is not advisable. The effectiveness of thermal insulation work performed using this technology depends on the correct installation and the tightness of the insulation to the rafters.

2. Along the rafters. Installation of thermal insulation along the rafters is carried out in 2 cases: if the thickness of the insulation layer, which was determined by the calculation, is greater than the width of the rafter legs, or if the thermal insulation work is carried out after laying the roof. The efficiency of roof insulation from the inside along the rafters is higher, since it does not form “cold bridges.” To insulate a slope with your own hands using this method, you need to nail a sheathing made of metal profile or wooden blocks, and then attach insulation to it. Polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool, and polyurethane foam are mounted along the rafters.

3. Insulating the attic floor. If the roof is of the cold type, then it is the floor between the living floor and the attic that is insulated, since the efficiency of such thermal insulation work is much higher and the cost is lower. Loose and tile insulation is used to insulate the attic floor. The easiest way to install floors is to fill the space between the floor joists with expanded clay or sawdust mixture, the thickness of which is determined by calculation.

Important! The cost of thermal insulation work depends on the area of ​​the roof slopes, the price of insulation, as well as the thickness of the material, which an engineering calculation helps to calculate. The cheapest way is considered to be insulating the ceiling under the attic with fill-in insulation. However, maximum efficiency can be achieved with integrated approach, using waterproofing and vapor barrier materials during installation.

Types of insulation

The effectiveness of thermal insulation work depends on the correct choice of material. The quality of insulation is determined by the following parameters: thermal conductivity coefficient per 1 m2 of area, density and weight of 1 m2 of material. It must have high resistance to temperature changes, frost, low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. It is important to take into account the service life of the insulation, since dismantling and replacing thermal insulation material with your own hands without removing the roof covering is a costly and time-consuming process. Professional roofers use:

· Mineral wool. For thermal insulation of the slope, you can use glass wool, stone wool or slag wool. The thermal resistance of these materials is 1.19 W/(m2/K), the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.042 W/mK. It is available in the form of rolls, mats or slabs different thicknesses. Among the range of mineral wool, it is easy to select a material of the thickness determined by the calculation. This material is mounted along the rafters or between the rafters, as it is elastic and fits tightly to the frame elements. The mass of 1 m2 of mineral insulation weighs 15-38 kg.

· Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam. These insulation materials based on foamed polystyrene have a thermal resistance of 1.35 W/(m2/K) - 6.35 W/(m2/K). They come in the form of slabs of varying thicknesses with standard dimensions. Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam are more convenient to install on rafters. Since it is a rigid material, gaps remain between it and the rafters during installation. The weight of 1 m2 of thermal insulation materials based on polystyrene foam is only 9-15 kg, which allows installation without reinforcing the frame and sheathing.

· Polyurethane foam. Rigid polyurethane foam in the form of foam is used to insulate slopes. It is applied to the inner surface of the slope using a special installation, foaming liquid mixture with air or carbon dioxide. The thermal resistance of this material is 1.85 W/(m2/K) – 9.26 W/(m2/K), thermal conductivity 0.027 W/mK. The weight of the material is only 11-22 per 1 m2. The density of roof insulation based on polyurethane foam is in the range of 54-55 g/m3.

Professional roofers recommend using a respirator, safety glasses, and gloves when working with thermal insulation materials. Since many insulation materials generate dust, releasing small particles that enter the human respiratory tract, causing harm to health. Expenses are a meager price to pay for the comfort under the roof of your home, optimal level humidity and absence of fungi. An additional plus is the necessary sound insulation, which is so important in houses with a metal roof.

Roof insulation is best done using fiber thermal insulators (usually mineral wool or glass wool). The price of these materials is quite affordable. Also the materials have the same high degree protection from cold and noise.

Mineral wool is the best option in terms of thermal conductivity and durability. This versatile material has been successfully used for many years for facades, roofs and even floors.

Mineral wool, as is known, has the ability to quickly absorb moisture, which is why it significantly loses its beneficial features. Therefore, it is laid between the roof rafters on a layer of vapor barrier film, which can be purchased at any hardware store at a relatively low price. The bottom insulation is covered with plasterboard, clapboard or any other finishing material, and on top - covered with a diffusion or anti-condensation membrane attached to the rafters or roof sheathing. Remember, it is necessary to leave some ventilated space between the insulation and the film. ,Then, excess moisture from the fiber could easily evaporate. Only then can you begin installing the roof covering. It is advisable to maintain the sequence of all layers, otherwise the cost of omission may be too high.

In some cases, for thermal insulation of the roof, you can use extrusion, which is a more expensive “relative” of foam plastic. Its price is indeed still high, although in terms of operational parameters it is somewhat comparable to mineral wool. We recommend using extruded polystyrene foam for the floor.

Insulation tasks

Roof insulation is a mandatory technological procedure, without which it is impossible to operate a residential building in the Russian climate. Without thermal insulation work, 20-30% of heat loss occurs through the roof surface, which increases fuel consumption and heating costs. Installation of insulation solves the following problems:

1. Optimizes temperature regime inside the house. Insulation does not allow heated air to escape into the atmosphere, that is, to maintain optimal temperature Less wood, gas or electricity is required.

2. Protects the roof from overheating. IN summer time roofs made of materials with high thermal conductivity become very hot, making it impossible to stay in the attic. Insulation of the slope slows down this process, protecting the roof from excessive heating from the sun.

3. Prevents the formation of icicles and ice. Installation of insulation does not allow the lower surface of the roof to heat up, thanks to this the snow does not melt and ice does not form. As the ice crust melts, it scratches the roofing material, accelerating the formation of corrosion.

4. Reduces noise levels during rain, hail, and wind. The insulation has a high noise-canceling ability, so it dampens the sounds of falling drops, hail and wind.

Insulation methods

Before starting work on roof insulation, you need to choose the method that will be used. In general, the choice will be influenced by only one point: whether it is planned to use the attic space as an attic or whether it will be non-residential. If in the future you plan to build another room under the roof, you will need to carry out insulation directly from the inside of the roof.

If, due to the area of ​​the attic or other features attic space It is not possible to organize a room there, the issue of insulation must be resolved regarding the ceilings, which are the ceiling for the rooms in the house.

Important! The insulation technology will depend on the type of roof on the house. If the roof is flat, you will need to insulate it both outside and inside. If it is pitched - only from the inside.

Selecting material for roof insulation

So, the roof is prepared, now you need to choose the material for its insulation. There is such a variety of materials on the modern market for roof insulation that at first you can simply get confused.

However, if you figure it out in order, then deciding on the choice of insulation will not be so difficult.

§ Fiberglass. This material is most often used to insulate pitched roofs. It has excellent thermal insulation and good soundproofing, provides vapor barrier and fire resistance, which is again important when choosing a material for roof insulation. Inside this insulation there are fibers filled with air. This explains such good qualities fiberglass. It is worth saying that this is one of the most economical ways roof insulation.

§ Polyurethane foam. It's relative modern way insulate the roof with your own hands. This material, unlike many other materials, is not glued or nailed to the roof surface, but is sprayed onto it. This is very interesting way insulate the roof: polyurethane foam is sprayed over the entire required surface, itself adheres perfectly and reliably to it and forms a continuous structure with absolutely no seams, which does not allow moisture or cold to pass through.

§ Expanded polystyrene. This material has excellent value for money. In addition, insulation has long and reliably proven itself in the building materials market. Expanded polystyrene has excellent thermal insulation and soundproofing; its only drawback is that when performing roof insulation work, you need to perform many, albeit simple, steps to install it.

§ Mineral wool. This has long been a well-known material for insulating floors; mineral wool is inexpensive and easy to work with.

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Roof insulation technology

To insulate the roof you need the following tools:

§ hammer;

§ Bulgarian;

§ plane;

§ hydraulic gun;

§ screwdriver;

§ screwdriver;

§ clamping tool;

§ goniometer;

§ doboynik;

§ level;

§ hacksaw.

When studying the range of building materials for roof insulation, you should take into account that the savings here should be reasonable. For example, if the roof is made of metal corrugated sheets, it is better to choose mineral wool for thermal insulation. When evaluating the available options, we pay attention to the following characteristics:

· thermal conductivity of insulation: this indicator should have the lowest possible value;

· weight of the material - the heavier the insulation, the greater the load on the roof will be;

· degree of resistance to mechanical or climatic influences.

It is best to choose one of these materials:

· mineral wool slabs;

· glass wool;

· expanded polystyrene panels.

Important! The building material chosen for roof insulation must be sufficiently soft and have good elasticity. This will allow them to completely fill the space between the rafters.

According to insulation technology, materials (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam, etc.) must be placed in layers. Their task will be to preserve heat in the home, as well as provide vapor barrier and waterproofing. To install waterproofing from the inside, you can use roofing material or a special film - they will become an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the insulating material.

To perform a vapor barrier on walls, we choose from the following materials:

· glassine;

roofing felt;

· polyethylene film;

· vapor barrier membrane;

· foil materials.

Important! When choosing insulation, you should not take the material that was used to build the house as a guide. It is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

First, let's look at ways to insulate pitched roofs.

Before you begin insulation, you need to decide what purpose the room located directly under this roof will have.

If it is just an attic space where there is no need for heat, then in this case we insulate the attic floor itself, that is, the ceiling between the joists, this is where the insulation should be laid, and not between roofing rafters. In this case, it is best to insulate the roof yourself with mineral wool. To do this, you need to lay the insulation itself along the joists, and cover it with a membrane on top so that steam can escape.

But in the event that it is planned to make living space under the roof mansard type, then the instructions on how to insulate a roof with your own hands will be completely different.

First, you need to make a layer of waterproofing to ensure that the insulation is protected from external influences and from possible getting wet. The insulation must always be dry!

The waterproofing membrane should be laid on top of the sheathing with outside roof and secure it with counter-lattice bars. Here it is possible that the waterproofing membrane will sag slightly - this is acceptable. The main thing is that the sagging is no more than 100 mm.

Then the actual insulation should begin. Plates of material for insulation should be laid between the rafters in such a way that there are no gaps left in any case, and if you plan to insulate the roof in two layers, then the insulation must be laid on top of each other in such a way that the second layer necessarily overlaps the seams between the material in the first layer, that is, lay the insulation in a checkerboard pattern.

At the next stage, it is necessary to lay on top of the insulation vapor barrier film, which will protect the material from condensation and unnecessary moisture. This vapor barrier membrane should be attached to the sheathing bars using a staple gun. In places where there are joints, the film should be laid overlapping with a large gap and additionally secured with tape.

Now we need to consider the insulation of a flat roof.

Here, as well as with a pitched roof, you first need to decide on the purpose of the roof itself and the room that is located under it.

If you plan to use a flat roof as a garden area, sports ground or just terraces, then in this case you need to turn Special attention the fact that the roof must be so strong as to withstand very serious loads.

For such a roof, you first need to do cement screed right along reinforced concrete slab ceilings This is done in order to form a slight slope.

After this, it is necessary to install waterproofing using the technology described above.

Then you need to lay a layer of expanded polystyrene on top with a density of more than 35 kg/sq.m. This layer must be covered with fiberglass in order to obtain good filtration.

A layer of gravel should be poured on top of the fiberglass. After this, you can decorate the flat roof as desired with any tiles, paving or floor.

Another algorithm of actions is possible to insulate a flat roof. To do this, you need to apply foam concrete to the vapor barrier layer so that the layer thickness is at least 270 mm, then lay a foam fiber concrete screed on top. A membrane covering can be made over this entire structure.

If there is an attic space under a flat roof, then the vapor barrier and insulation should be laid in the attic itself, but the waterproofing layer should be laid under the roofing material itself.