All diets in the world for weight loss. Diets for fast weight loss

Light weight loss diets are the dream of millions of women. Many people dream of losing weight not only easily, but also very quickly, up to 10 kilograms per week and even more.

This desire is quite understandable, but not entirely logical. After all, a person does not gain weight in a short time. There are many diets for fast weight loss, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular options.

But before you go on an express diet, you should figure out what this or that system is based on. In addition, nutritionists categorically do not recommend using these systems regularly.

Rapid weight loss often refers to a dramatic reduction in weight in a short time. It must be understood that weight changes rapidly due to the following factors:

  1. Violation of the water balance. The body consists of 60 percent water. Weight loss of more than 1 kilogram per week indicates the loss of body water, not fat mass;
  2. Bowel movements. It is obvious that in the intestines there are large amounts of undigested food residues, their weight can reach 10 kilograms. A diet aimed at cleansing the intestines helps to remove toxins, due to which rapid weight loss is achieved.

Fat loss is extremely slow. Therefore, fast diets, as a rule, do not give a tangible result in weight loss. After restoring the water balance and filling the intestines, the weight returns again.

It is important not only to lose weight quickly, but also safely. To do this, you must correctly follow all the rules of fast diets.

  1. Coordination with a specialist. There are no absolutely healthy people, not everyone knows about their health problems. Before you start adhering to a particular nutrition system, you should check with your doctor, consult a nutritionist, and discuss with him the main points of the diet.
  2. In most cases, mono-diets give quick results; if they are observed, experts recommend taking multivitamins. This will allow the body in conditions of limited nutrition to receive all the minerals and useful material.
  3. High efficiency is shown by diets in combination with physical activity. It is not necessary to rush to gyms and fitness clubs, especially since not everyone has such opportunities. It is enough to give up the elevator and go up to the desired floor on foot, and replace public transport trips to work with walking.
  4. An important point is the correct way out of the diet. In order not to harm the body, it is worth returning to normal nutrition gradually. This will not allow the departed kilograms to return. It is advisable to constantly adhere to a balanced diet and follow the rules of eating.

Most fast diets have one thing in common - a significant reduction in calorie intake. This leads to the loss of muscle tissue, since the body takes energy from the muscles.

The lack of salt in many diets causes temporary dehydration. Salt-free diets sin with these problems. To maintain muscle during weight loss, you should consume enough protein. A moderate amount of salt solve the problem of dehydration.

Effective diets for fast weight loss

Two popular diets allow you to quickly and effectively reduce weight in a short time:

  • kefir;
  • buckwheat.

The kefir version shows excellent results, this low-fat fermented milk drink allows you to really lose weight in a week up to 7 kilograms. The result is especially noticeable in people whose weight is significantly higher than the normal rate. At the same time, it is easy to maintain this system at home.

The kefir diet is simple and inexpensive. Its essence is to drink a glass of kefir every 2-3 hours. In total, no more than 1.5 liters of drink will be required per day. In between, plain water will dull the bouts of hunger.

Buckwheat diet shows excellent results, it is one of the most popular mono-diets. This cereal is very healthy and tasty, but it is not prepared as usual for weight loss. A glass of buckwheat is steamed with boiling water, the container is covered with a lid and left overnight.

This cooking option was not chosen by chance, it allows you to save all the useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Porridge can be eaten at any time when hunger appears. Drinks that can be consumed are herbal and green teas without sugar, plain water.

These two fast diets are quite effective in combination. Many reach good results, using buckwheat with kefir. You should not experiment with these diets for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You can not drink a lot of kefir with health problems.

Diet without diets: weight loss without restrictions

The healthiest option was and remains to lose weight without unnatural dietary restrictions and drastic lifestyle changes. In order for the body not to react to weight loss as a stressful situation, it is necessary to remove all excess fat and water in a natural way. The fastest and most effective massage will be R-Sleek.

Such a massage is often recommended to people who, for health reasons or for some other reason, cannot go on a diet. The result after completing the course is the same as after full weight loss. On average, for a course of 6 to 10 procedures, the size of clothes is reduced by 1-2 units.

Er-slick, thanks to the method of rotational thermal compression, removes excess fluid from the body and activates metabolic processes. Thus, there is a natural disposal of unnecessary “ballast” for the body without a detrimental effect on the muscles, which, if the diet is not correct, will disappear along with body fat.

The best diet for fast weight loss

The legendary Hollywood diet still enjoys the great love of women. There is a myth that famous Hollywood artists - Rena Zellweger, Catherine Zeta Jones, Nicole Kidman - built on this system. Like it or not, it is still unknown, but the amazing results obtained by Hollywood stars are dizzying for those who want to lose weight.

The essence of this diet is to significantly reduce the diet to 800 kcal per day and exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet. Naturally, there is no talk of physical activity, such a calorie content is unlikely to be enough just to maintain normal life.

This protein-based diet contains foods rich in protein. Allowed to eat meat, fish and seafood. All spices and alcoholic beverages are completely excluded from the diet. Initially, the menu of this system featured mainly seafood, food familiar to the stars.

Currently, the Hollywood diet has changed significantly, adapted to the realities of the average person. Products in composition and caloric content differ significantly, but at the same time its effectiveness remains quite high. You should not stick to it for more than seven days.

Breakfast is not included in this system. The lunch and dinner menu is rather poor. An example lunch menu is as follows:

  • boiled eggs with tomato salad, coffee;
  • boiled quail eggs, grapefruit;
  • vegetable salad and eggs;
  • fruit salad;
  • boiled breast, citrus, tea.

For dinner you can cook:

  • cottage cheese with tea;
  • boiled beef and cucumber salad;
  • steamed fish with salad;
  • fruit salad.

Fast diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

To reduce volumes, a special fast diet, which has certain principles, is perfect. For the best effect, you should follow the following rules:

  1. To create a negative energy balance, you should severely limit the amount of food consumed.
  2. Increase your calorie intake. In this case, you should calculate the number of calories that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. Diet balance. While maintaining nutrition, you should drink vitamin-mineral complexes.
  4. Meals should be frequent, but in minimal portions. Permissible physical activity is required.

During the maintenance of dietary nutrition, you should abandon the use of confectionery and sweets, white rice and potatoes, alcohol and soda, fast food and canned food, convenience foods and ready-made store-bought sauces and juices. If possible, quit smoking.

Before starting a diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, you should preparatory work, which are as follows:

  • every step and every day must be strictly scheduled. If there is a family, it is worth strictly delimiting nutrition, determining what a losing weight woman will eat;
  • the purchase of products should be dealt with in advance so that there is no temptation to buy too much;
  • you should first start a diary and write down in it the initial data and a detailed menu for the day, as well as the results achieved. You can paste a photo and take all the measurements of interest.

A positive attitude is required! It should be understood that a diet is not a heavy duty, but an opportunity to come to a new one.

Before using any strict system, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Food restrictions on this system are large, so it is not recommended to adhere to it in case of health problems.

An approximate daily diet might be as follows:

  1. Breakfast: orange and yogurt, cottage cheese and an apple.
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup, egg and cheese.
  3. Dinner: boiled beef and beans, seafood and cucumber salad.
  4. Snacks: fruits.

Hard diet for fast weight loss at home

At home, you can quickly lose up to 3 extra pounds in three days with the help of an express diet called the Jockey. Her menu is as follows:

1 day - one chicken baked in foil is divided into several meals. The skin cannot be used.

Day 2 - a piece of boiled veal (300 grams) is eaten in three doses.

Day 3 - drinking. You can only drink coffee without sugar.

The effectiveness of the diet is very high, but on the third day you can feel dizzy and weak.

A similar result can be obtained if you follow a three-day vegetarian diet. First and last days the diet contains only fresh and baked vegetables and vegetable juices, the diet of the second day includes fruits. You can drink teas and herbal infusions, coffee.

Diets for fast weight loss by 10 kg

With a sharp weight loss, there is often a decrease in the volume of the wrong parts of the body that are needed. It begins to remove fat from the face and chest, buttocks, and only then the stomach and legs lose weight.

To get a result of 10 or more kilograms per week, you should Special attention give physical activity and massage problem areas.

Excessively rapid burning of body fat leads to the fact that when switching to a normal diet, they return too quickly. It should take a long time to get out of such diets so that the body has time to get used to the new weight. The most popular diets for quick weight loss by 10 kilograms are as follows:

The bottom line is to drink immediately after waking up and before eating at least a glass of water. You can drink lemon water if there are no stomach problems.

It is better to use purified water, you can use mineral water without gases. You should drink about 3 liters of water per day. The diet lasts a month, but the first results are noticeable after the first week.

  • A common fast-acting diet is the no-carb diet. True, it is not recommended to adhere to it for 10 days. Its essence is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, the basis of the menu is protein products.

This system allows you to lose weight without compromising muscle mass, since the diet contains a large amount of protein foods - meat, eggs, cottage cheese. While maintaining it, you should drink plenty of water so that the proteins are better absorbed.

Easy diet for fast weight loss

It is worth asking the question, are there any easy diets in principle? After all, any diet involves reducing the caloric content of the diet or reducing the amount of food consumed.

Systems that do not severely restrict a person's food are easily followed. They use simple products that can be found in the nearest store.

A person tolerates nutrition easily and does not suffer from it. What diets can be called easy?

Light diets should be aimed at safe weight loss - no more than 3-4 kilograms per month. Such weight loss will be slow, but effective. A sample menu for a light diet for weight loss is as follows:

  1. Morning: oatmeal on the water with chopped fruits (pear, apple), a cup of green tea;
  2. Second breakfast: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt;
  3. Lunch: puree soup with vegetable broth, salad with steamed fish, fruit juice;
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit or a handful of nuts;
  5. Dinner: boiled buckwheat with vegetable salad.

It is important to understand that the portion size should be selected individually, but the amount of meat or side dish should not exceed 250 g. If a person is used to eating a lot, the amount of food should be taken from vegetables, gradually reducing its amount.

This will allow the distended stomach to contract. It is useful to drink water before meals, this will allow you to eat less and get full faster.

An important point - while maintaining strict restrictive diets for weight loss, you should carefully monitor how the intestines work. This will allow for effective cleaning and avoid unnecessary problems.

Fast diets will help prepare your figure for a significant date in a short time. But this is rather an emergency measure and it is often not worth resorting to it, since the disadvantages of restrictive nutrition are significant.

How to choose the right diet for quick weight loss - the following video.

Many nutritionists call the principles of proper nutrition the free diet. This is one of the most popular destinations for weight loss. In the modern world, the concept of proper nutrition (PP) is interpreted in different ways. Some argue that for this it is necessary to completely abandon meat, bread, and sweets. The proposed method does not require such sacrifices. All you need to do is follow some recommendations and make the right diet.

A balanced diet improves metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss.. This mode will be optimal for people who have digestive problems, patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), cardiovascular system, and diabetes. Organic products with a moderate content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates will help increase efficiency and improve mood.

How to eat right to lose weight

Losing excess weight, adhering to a balanced diet, is real, the main thing is to take into account the body's need for calories and your daily activity. The basics of proper nutrition for weight loss are to replace high-calorie, fatty and fried foods with healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid snacking on the go.

Subject to all recommendations and calculation of calories, PP helps to lose weight by an average of 5-7 kg per month, depending on the characteristics of the body. The following tips from experienced nutritionists will help you understand the essence of the diet and master the principles of its construction:

  • The energy value of meals per day should correspond to the costs of the body. For people with obesity, the total caloric content of meals should not exceed 900-1000 kcal. The standard rate of energy value for people with moderate activity is 1200 kcal, for athletes - 1600-1900 kcal.
  • The chemical composition of products must fully meet the needs of the body. Try to eat a variety of foods with magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other essential macro- or micronutrients.
  • Learn to follow a diet. You should eat in small portions, but often, at regular intervals


Proper nutrition when losing weight - this is not a diet, in the classical sense of the word. This is a way of life, so the rules will have to be followed regularly. They are not burdensome, to learn them, you only need the desire to succeed:

  • Drink enough water. You can calculate the required volume of liquid using a special application on your phone or use the standards. The norm is 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day, taking into account tea, compote, water or other drinks.
  • Follow the regime strictly. Do not allow yourself to snack on the go, even if you feel a slight feeling of hunger. Over time, the body will get used to getting the right food at the right time.
  • Choose your products wisely. Not all of them go well with each other. Find, print and hang a compatibility chart on the refrigerator.
  • When buying food, carefully study the composition. The less everything is listed there, the more useful and natural the product will be.
  • Bake, not fry - this is the main rule of PP. During frying, you use a lot of vegetable oil or animal fat, which is invariably deposited in the body. If you want to lose weight, cook meals by steaming, in the oven, or eating food in fresh.
  • Dress salads not with mayonnaise, but with a spoonful of olive, linseed or sesame oil mixed with lemon juice.
  • You should eat in small portions, from small plates. The maximum break between meals (excluding sleep) is 4 hours.
  • Chew your food thoroughly, don't get distracted by reading the newspaper, browsing the web on your smartphone, or watching TV.

Proper diet for weight loss

In order for the body to regularly receive the vitamins and microelements necessary for work, you need to eat often - 5-6 times a day. The regimen should be scheduled so that each meal takes place at approximately equal intervals of time:

  • Start your breakfast at 7-9 am. This is the time to eat carbohydrates. They are digested by the body longer than other components. Eat oatmeal with fruit or an omelet with vegetables for breakfast, drink freshly squeezed juice. If you play sports, go for a workout before eating.
  • Have lunch no later than 12 noon. good time for refreshing first courses. Light vegetarian soups, plain borscht, cabbage soup, mushroom puree soup are suitable.
  • Have lunch from 13:00 to 15:00. At this time, the body can still digest complex foods, so eating pasta, cereals, whole grain bread or potatoes for lunch is acceptable. If you prefer to play sports in the afternoon, then the consumption of complex carbohydrates should be minimized, and the emphasis should be on protein foods.
  • Before dinner, you can have a snack between 16 and 17 hours. If you had a hearty lunch, then you can skip the afternoon snack. Otherwise, eat an apple, pear or other fruit, drink a glass of juice or kefir.
  • The ideal time to finish your meal is 18.00-20.00. For dinner, protein foods are ideal - fish or lean meat with vegetables, as an alternative - fruit salad, cottage cheese casserole or scrambled eggs. If you want to lose weight, be sure to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

How to switch to proper nutrition

After you understand how important it is to properly compose a diet, correctly distribute food throughout the day, it will be pleasant and easy to follow the regimen. Some rules will help you switch to a balanced diet without stress for the body:

  • During the day there will be moments when the appetite has already woken up, and it is still far from lunch or dinner. So that there are no situations when you have to eat fast food when leaving the house, take lunch or an afternoon snack in containers with you.
  • Make a grocery list before you go to the store. Be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs in it.
  • Forget about canned food, smoked meats, fast food. This is the most harmful food, it has a lot of preservatives, additives, flavor enhancers.
  • Avoid refined sugar and sweets. Replace sweets with healthy honey, fresh sweet fruits.
  • Bet healthy foods to a conspicuous place. A plate of fruit in the center of the table or a cereal biscuit in the center of the table is sure to grab your attention.
  • At first, do not give up completely "unnecessary" food. Make the transition smooth - remove fast food from the menu in the first week, sugar in the second week, and so on. If you feel like you're about to break down, have a piece of dark chocolate or another favorite treat.


The result of losing weight directly depends on what kind of food you prefer to eat. The transition to proper nutrition will help not only achieve success, but also consolidate the result. The diet should include nutritious, but low-calorie foods, lots of vegetables, fruits, cereals. For convenience, print out and hang on the refrigerator a list of allowed and prohibited foods:

junk food

Healthy foods

White bread, yeast baking, puff pastry

bread made from whole grain flour, rye or with the addition of bran

soups on a strong rich broth, milk, with legumes

vegetarian soups, soup-puree from vegetables, liquid dishes in lean broth

fatty meat, fish, smoked meats

crumbly cereals - rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, couscous, bulgur

canned food, homemade pickles, long-term fish or meat

stewed, fresh, baked vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin

sausages, frankfurters, semi-finished products

lean meats - skinless poultry fillet, rabbit, beef, veal

fatty cottage cheese, cream, salted cheese

lean fish - bream, pike perch, cod, pollock, carp, flounder

sweet commercial juices, carbonated mineral water, alcohol (excluding natural wine)

steam omelet, hard-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day)

cooking oils, hot sauces, mayonnaise

low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, milk, cheese, yogurt

some types of fruits and berries - raisins, bananas, grapes, dates, figs

fresh berries and fruits

fast food, crackers, chips, other "dry" food

green tea, red tea, natural coffee, rosehip broth

Power scheme

Studying the principles of digestion of certain substances by the body, scientists came to the conclusion that some types of products do not mix well with each other, provoke digestive disorders, heartburn, flatulence, and fermentation in the intestines. In addition, incompatible foods are not completely digested, not only not bringing benefits to the body, but also deposited in the form of fat.

There is a special table that lists product compatibility. So, you can not combine meat with potatoes or pasta. Garnish chicken or veal with baked or grilled vegetables. It is desirable to cook all dishes with a minimum amount of oil or fat. When switching to proper nutrition for weight loss, nutritionists advise to study this plate in detail.

In addition, experts noticed a pattern between the desire to eat "junk" food and the lack of certain substances in the body. In order not to break off the diet, try replacing sweets and other dishes with healthy foods without breaking the diet:

What do you want to eat

What is missing

What to replace

fatty food

dairy products ( natural yogurt, kefir), nuts, sesame seeds

Muffins, pastries, white bread

Amino acids, nitrogen

Nuts, seeds, eggs

Chips, crackers, fried


Beans, lentils, potatoes


Seafood, seaweed, fish


Champignons, turkey, cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage


Almonds, cashews, buckwheat, chickpeas

How to drink water correctly

Nutritionists always advise drinking at least two liters of fluid per day.. It can speed up metabolism, prevent overeating, dehydration. In addition to the fact that you need to drink water, it is important to understand how to do it correctly. There is a certain scheme:

  1. Be sure to drink two glasses of water before breakfast. The liquid will fill a part of the total volume of the stomach, helping to get full faster. You can start eating in 15-20 minutes. If plain water it is difficult to drink in such quantity, add half a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of lemon juice to it.
  2. Drink two glasses of water closer to 12-14 hours, have lunch 20 minutes later. After dinner, you can’t drink anything for 2 hours, it is strictly forbidden to drink any liquid along with meals.
  3. Before dinner, you need to drink 1 glass of water. Drinking food is prohibited. To avoid swelling, do not drink tea, kefir or other liquid drinks 2 hours before bedtime.

It is a well-known fact that the rate of weight gain and loss depends on a person's metabolism. So, some can literally get fat from water, while others eat cakes without the risk of weight gain. Scientists have found that there are drinks that can affect the speed of metabolic processes:

  • Green or Monastic tea. It not only affects the metabolic rate, but also has a diuretic effect, contributing to rapid weight loss.
  • Ginger decoction. Ginger root contains capsacin, a substance that gives the drink a “hot” taste, improves digestion, and has a slight antibacterial effect.
  • The juice. Natural, freshly squeezed juices (especially orange, grapefruit, celery) have been proven to improve metabolism. It is better to use them on an empty stomach, for example, in the morning, replacing 1 glass of water with juice.
  • Sage tea. The drink not only promotes better digestion, but also helps prevent colds.
  • Liquid chestnut. The healing drink energizes, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

How to make the right diet for weight loss

The menu should be planned so that it takes into account all the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. It is important not only to schedule a meal by the hour, but also to take into account its calorie content.. Nutritionists recommend distributing the daily calorie intake:

  • breakfast - 500-600 kcal;
  • snack - 150-200 kcal;
  • lunch - 300-400 kcal;
  • afternoon snack - 150-200 kcal;
  • dinner - 300-400 kcal;
  • drinks - 100-200 kcal.

Menu for the week

When compiling a diet for 7 days, you need to take into account the calorie content of dishes, because proper nutrition for weight loss does not imply a complete rejection of your favorite delicacies. To regulate the amount eaten per day, you will need a food calorie table. Manufacturers indicate the energy value on the label of their products or you can find a table with calories on the Internet. In order to get enough, but not overeat, it is recommended to adhere to the following indicators:

  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle are allowed to eat up to 1200 kcal per day.
  • Activists, athletes, when doing fitness, the diet should be increased to 1800 kcal.

Breakfast (30-40% of energy value)

Lunch (40-50%)

Afternoon snack (10%)

Dinner (up to 20%)


Muesli with fresh fruit (100 g), green tea with honey, cheese bread.

Boiled chicken (70 g), sauerkraut or stew (100-150 g), rosehip broth.

Vegetable casserole with cheese (100 g), chamomile tea.

2 egg steam omelet (200g), apple, unsweetened black tea.

Mushroom puree soup (200-250 ml), meatballs with rice and vegetable garnish (100 g).

Vegetable salad (100 g), 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.

Buckwheat porridge on water (150 g), fruit salad (100 g), rosehip broth.

Pumpkin soup, vegetable salad (250 ml), boiled veal (100 g).


Steamed fish and broccoli (200 g), tea.

Cream cheese toast, vegetable salad with avocado (150 g), fruit juice.

Whole grain pasta (150 g), vegetable salad (150 g).

Dried fruit compote, biscuit biscuits.

Boiled turkey (150 g), grilled vegetables (100 g).

Baked potatoes stuffed with spinach and cottage cheese 2-3 pieces, tea.

Shchi - 1 soup plate, salad with tomatoes and herbs - 100 g.

Cottage cheese 0% fat.

Carrot cutlets (2 pcs.), Rabbit stewed in sour cream (100 g).

Oatmeal with honey (200 g), fruit juice.

Vegetarian cream soup - 1 soup bowl, baked chicken with rice for garnish (100 g).

Stewed cabbage with carrots (150-200 g), turkey (70-100 g).


Omelet with vegetables (150 g), a slice of rye bread with cheese, fruit drink.

Steam veal (100-150 g), baked vegetables (200 g), tea.

Salmon baked with lemon (200 g), tea.

Menu for the month

Based on a weekly diet, you can create a menu for a whole month. The main condition is to make it as diverse as possible. The proposed menu is just an example of how you can combine products. It describes three options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for a snack you can eat any fruit or berries, drink a glass of kefir:

First week

  • Oatmeal with fruits (200 g), tea;
  • 2 whole grain toast with cheese, boiled egg, juice;
  • cottage cheese with honey and fruits (150 g), almonds, rosehip broth.
  • Salad with cherry tomatoes, chicken and bulgur (150 g), 1 hot sandwich;
  • vegetable soup (200 g), rice with steamed fish (150 g);
  • stewed vegetables with veal 300 g).
  • Rice with seafood (100 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • cottage cheese casserole (150 g), fruit salad (100 g);
  • steamed omelet with green beans or asparagus (150 g), unsweetened fruit (100 g).

Second week

  • Protein steam omelet (200 g), cheese (50 g), coffee;
  • baked apple with honey and almonds, 2 toasts, green tea;
  • buckwheat with onions (200 g), natural yogurt (80 g), ginger tea.
  • Soup with chicken and vegetables (200 g), lettuce with tomatoes, seasoned olive oil(100 g);
  • pumpkin soup (200 ml), baked vegetables (100 g), a piece of fish (80-100 g);
  • couscous with vegetables (200 g), apple.
  • Baked fish with green cabbage salad with cucumbers (total weight of dishes - 250-300 g);
  • steamed broccoli (150 g), piece chicken fillet(150 g);
  • stewed rabbit with sour cream and onions (200 g), cottage cheese (100 g).

Third week

  • Cheesecakes with honey - 3-4 pieces, fruit salad (200 g), tea;
  • cottage cheese casserole (200 g), salad (100 g), apple, juice;
  • muesli with warm milk and dried fruits (200 g), hard cheese (50 g).
  • Warm salad with turkey (200 g), kefir;
  • soup with croutons and eggs (200 ml), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • fish steam cutlets with rice (300 g - the total weight of the dish).
  • One pita with chicken and avocado, natural yogurt (150 g);
  • baked pumpkin with cottage cheese (200 g);
  • steak with vegetable garnish (200 g).

Fourth week

  • Lavash sandwich, any fruit (100 g), coffee;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs., an apple, a piece of cheese (50-70 g), a rosehip broth;
  • yogurt with fresh fruit - 100 g, green tea, 2 toasts.
  • Stewed veal with vegetables (200 g);
  • buckwheat with onions (200 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • a bowl of mushroom cream soup, a 100-gram piece of boiled chicken, a tomato salad with mozzarella (100 g).
  • Flounder baked in foil with lime and rosemary (200 g), vegetable salad (100 g);
  • baked vegetables (100 g), steam veal (200 g);
  • pepper stuffed with minced meat from turkey with tomato sauce (2-3 pcs.).

The best diets for effective weight loss

Losing weight quickly with proper nutrition is impossible. This technique involves a long process of losing weight, but it guarantees that those extra pounds will not come back to you. For these reasons, many people who lose weight prefer to try a diet first, and then switch to a balanced diet. Doctors recommend sticking to this menu for no longer than 2-3 weeks, so as not to harm your health.

Buckwheat diet

Belongs to the number of mono-diets, because it is necessary to eat exclusively buckwheat throughout the entire period of weight loss. This cereal is a very satisfying product, it contains a lot of protein and valuable macronutrients, but buckwheat has very few carbohydrates compared to other cereals. With the help of this mono-diet, you can lose 5-7 kg in 7 days, but it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than a week.

The main disadvantage of the buckwheat diet is that you need to eat only one product, which means that the body during weight loss will receive less of those substances that are not present in buckwheat or contained in a minimal amount. Therefore, many doctors recommend diversifying a strict menu with vegetables, fruits and berries. Groats can be boiled, but it is better to pour boiling water over night. To lose weight on a buckwheat diet, you need to eat no more than 1 glass of porridge per day.


This scheme nutrition is unique in that it includes protein products loved by many - cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, eggs. Due to the sharp restriction of fats and carbohydrates, the body will be forced to draw energy from its own fat reserves, thereby burning subcutaneous deposits. With the help of a protein diet, women manage to lose 10-12 kg in 3 weeks.

Standard protein menu designed for two weeks, after which you should smoothly adhere to the basics of proper nutrition when losing weight. The diet has its limitations, for example:

  • It is strictly forbidden to adhere to such a diet for pregnant women, women during lactation and those patients who have problems with the liver or kidneys.
  • With caution, the choice of a protein diet should be approached by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, especially patients with arrhythmias.
  • A doctor's consultation before starting to lose weight on proteins is necessary if you have digestive problems, gastritis or other diseases have been diagnosed.
  • It is not recommended to lose weight on proteins for the elderly, due to an increased risk of thrombosis and changes in the structure of cartilage tissue.

Ducan's diet

The principle of nutrition, developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, is especially popular. The weight loss technique is divided into 4 stages, each of which has its own characteristics when choosing food:

  • Stage 1 - attack. It lasts from 2 to 7 days, during which you can eat only proteins.
  • Stage 2 - alternation. Continues 1-2 weeks. At this time, you need to add fresh vegetables to the menu, alternating the intake of fiber with proteins.
  • Stage 3 - fixing. It lasts until you get the desired weight loss result. It is necessary to adhere to the rules with alternation, gradually introducing new dishes to the menu from the list of allowed ones.
  • Stage 4 - stabilization. You have to stick with it for the rest of your life. The principle of this stage is simple: 6 days a week you can eat whatever you want, but on the 7th day only proteins are allowed.

Losing weight on the Dukan diet is real, and how much to lose will depend on you and your diligence. On average, women manage to get rid of 10-15 kg in 2-3 months. Before starting a diet, it is worth considering its contraindications. The diet is strongly discouraged.

  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • patients with diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, blood vessels;
  • people with impaired metabolism;
  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases or gout;
  • those people whose activities are associated with severe mental or physical activity.


One desire to have a slim figure is not enough, you need to work on this issue, showing incredible efforts. The first step is to follow the rules healthy eating or diet. Give up bad habits and your usual lifestyle in order to become more mobile, to speed up metabolism and burn fat. Do not think that you can lose weight only on expensive and exotic products. There are effective diets designed for the poor on simple and affordable products.

To achieve a positive result, you need to accept three conditions for successful weight loss: a healthy diet, physical activity and good sleep. It is necessary to choose a diet so that it does not bring discomfort, and the person always remains in a good mood. You should not deprive yourself of your favorite foods, starve, but it is better to focus on a balanced diet. The list of products must include: soup, porridge, dried fruits and fresh fruits, stewed and fresh vegetables, lean meat, various nuts, dairy products.

List of popular weight loss diets

It is necessary to provide a list of the most popular and effective diets that will help in eliminating excess weight.

A fast-acting diet based on an increased intake of protein foods. By following all the rules, you can lose up to 20 kg in a month. It does not involve fasting, but in the first few days it is required to exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet and eat only protein foods. It takes a lot of energy to process proteins, so the body takes it from fat reserves. Gradually, carbohydrates and fats are introduced into the diet. The diet is not for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant and lactating mothers should follow a diet to maintain their weight, as well as eliminate extra pounds if they gain. All features and limitations should be consulted with a doctor.

This is a strict diet in any form. But foods are the healthiest. Kefir diets for weight loss are aimed at eliminating 5 kg in 5-8 days, but with persistent use, you can lose 14 kg in 3-4 weeks. You can sit on one yogurt, drinking it in a glass every 3-4 hours, without adding any sugar or syrup to it. But on this diet, you can hold out for no more than three days. There are options for kefir diets in combination with fruits, buckwheat and other products.

This fast express diet involves the use of milk alone or in combination with different foods. The use of one milk can be sustained only for 3 days, while drinking on the first day - a glass of milk every 2 hours, the second day - a glass of the product every 1.5 hours, the third day - a glass of drink every hour. In between, you need to drink clean water, during this period it is necessary to take a vitamin complex so as not to subject the body to exhaustion. There are diets in which milk is combined with sour-milk products, fruits, boiled meat or fish, and vegetables.

Pearl barley contains many useful elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and vitamins E and list B. It helps to lose weight by 6-8 kilograms per month. But it is not suitable for everyone, because it provokes increased gas formation and intestinal disorders. You need to cook porridge in water, soaking the cereal in the evening to swell, and in the morning cook porridge from 200 g of barley. Do not add anything to it, if only pepper for taste. Use the resulting porridge during the day, you can’t eat anything else, just drink water and herbal teas. A strict diet is designed for 5 and 7 days.

If you have 2 positive or negative blood group, then the weight loss diet will resemble the diet of vegetarians. These people have weak organs of the gastrointestinal tract, so plant foods are perceived well. Meat, fish, some cereals, milk and dairy products, some fruits are contraindicated.

A delicious diet that allows you to lose up to 7 extra pounds in a week. Tangerines are a low-calorie product, contain a lot of fiber and help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. You can apply a 7-day mono-diet or do fasting days on tangerines.

A proven and healthy diet, because carrots contain vitamin A, which improves skin condition and accelerates cell regeneration. It also helps strengthen bones and muscles. Carrots can be eaten raw, fried or stewed, but not boiled. There are 3 and 7 day diets.

This diet is not suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. You can lose weight on cottage cheese with the addition of dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, green tea and rosehip broth. If you do everything right, you can lose up to 10 extra pounds.

Quite a popular diet, which sat the stars of French cinema. It involves eliminating carbohydrates from the diet and focusing on protein foods. You can stay on it for a long time. If you really want sweets, then you do not need to restrain yourself.

This is a cool diet, designed for the sweet tooth. Its duration should not exceed 7 days, because the body, except for the minimum amount of chocolate, will not receive anything. You can eat 100 g of dark chocolate per day.

Designed for 7 days, for which it is really possible to lose weight up to 7 kilograms. It is allowed to eat and drink: no more than 1.5 liters of plain water, meat and fish broths, low-fat dairy products, tea, juice, compote and jelly.

Interesting for losing weight and the Kremlin diet. Its essence lies in the use of meat and sausages. You need to count the points of the foods you eat and do not exceed the recommended number. It lasts until the result is obtained, and this can be a month or even a year.

This is not just a diet for a few days, but a lifestyle change forever. The principles of the diet: separate nutrition, the practice of mono-diets, when one product is consumed during the day and compliance with the drinking regime, when 2-3 liters of liquid should be consumed during a 9-day diet.

This is a seasonal diet, you can lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Watermelons, due to their composition, help cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess liquid, improve metabolic processes and reduce the risk of cancer cells.

An effective diet, because after losing weight, kilograms do not return. And this happens due to the improvement of metabolism, the restoration of the intestinal walls and the burning of fat. For a week on cabbage, it’s really possible to lose 5-7 kilograms.

The essence of the diet is the transition to proper nutrition. The diet lasts only 21 days, but after the end, you get so used to it that you no longer want to, eat harmful foods and gain excess weight.

On vegetables for a week, you can reduce weight by 5 kilograms. You need to eat fresh vegetables and sometimes stewed or baked. In addition to vegetables, in order not to lead the body to exhaustion, it is allowed to eat rye bread crackers, fish or meat, sour-milk products.

Really good diet, models often resort to it. In seven days, you can easily lose 4-6 kilograms. The peculiarity of the diet is the consumption of a large amount boiled eggs and vegetables, which gives the body a lot of protein and vitamins.

A large amount of salt in the body leads to obesity, hypertension, constipation and edema. It's not even a diet, it's diet food. Salt should be completely eliminated from the diet or consumed to a minimum.

Judging by the figure of the famous singer, the diet is quite effective. It consists in the use of a large amount of kefir. A cleansed intestine begins to work well and prevents weight gain. The first day you need to drink only kefir, and the second - eat as usual.

For those who cannot eat low-calorie foods, this diet is suitable, the principle of which is to reduce the amount of food to 5 tablespoons. This reduces the daily calorie content by up to 30%. You need to eat often, which allows for good digestion of food and an acceleration of metabolism.

This diet for weight loss allows you to reduce excess weight in the absence of hunger. The duration of the diet can be 3 or 7 days. During the day, you can eat three bananas, drink 3 glasses of low-fat milk or kefir, drink tea, water and herbal decoctions.

The rice diet is the safest, because the cereal contains all the substances that are beneficial to the body. On rice, you can arrange fasting days, conduct 3-day or weekly courses. Boiled rice without salt should be divided into several doses and eaten, sometimes diluted with a piece of boiled fish or vegetables.

Groats in this case are taken raw and poured with kefir to swell for several hours. It removes toxins and toxins, gently cleanses the intestines and normalizes digestion, so it helps to lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Not recommended for those with stomach problems.

This diet exists in different versions: for 1-10 days. But the weekly diet is very popular. You need to start losing weight on apples from one unloading day. It is better to eat green apples, they have less sugar. It is not necessary to use them fresh, you can bake them in the oven or make smoothies with kefir from them, which also contributes to weight loss.

The cucumber diet is pleasant because the vegetable is tasty and light. You can eat just cucumbers or make salads out of them by adding other low-calorie vegetables. Since the diet is strict, there may be breakdowns, so you should not sit down on long courses.

This diet was developed for people who are allergic to gluten. Then they noticed that eating gluten-free meals leads to weight loss. Gluten is a gluten found in baked goods, ice cream, sauces, and other foods. By giving up gluten products, metabolism and the digestive tract improve, which is why kilograms melt.

Oddly enough, but a diet on cereals also has a positive effect on the figure. The seven-day diet is designed to lose 5-10 extra pounds, but you need to eat porridge from different cereals every day. Do not add salt or sugar to them, boil in water, pre-soak the cereal for several hours and then cook for about 5 minutes. There is a lot of fiber and slow carbohydrates in cereals, which contributes to weight loss.

This diet is designed to eat foods that are healthy for the body to keep it healthy and energetic. You can lose weight by 10 kilograms for the entire course, especially in the sides and on the stomach. This is a diet for those who cannot starve because we are talking about proper nutrition. The course can last 4 months, but the result of losing weight is fixed and the weight does not return.

The bottom line is this: for 6 days, various mono-diets alternate. Since nutrition is practiced separately, proteins do not mix with carbohydrates and there is a rapid breakdown of fats. During the day, you can remove excess weight by 500-800 g. It is necessary to divide 6 days of the diet into pairs in which you can eat protein foods, vegetable and, finally, cereals.

Diet on oatmeal suitable for those who are overweight, and at the same time he has health problems. You can sit on oatmeal for a week and burn up to 10 kilograms of excess fat. The cereal contains fiber, which quickly removes toxins and toxins from the body. The intestinal walls are restored and no longer accumulate harmful substances.

This diet was preferred due to the simplicity of preparing the main dish. It can be used with caution, because egg yolks can be harmful to health. The duration of the diet can be from 2 to 7 days. You can only eat boiled yolks.

The diet is based on the proper nutrition of Margaret Thatcher, in which metabolic processes are normalized, which leads to a natural loss of excess weight. The diet includes eggs, cottage cheese and citrus fruits. You can enter food from other protein products. The course is designed for 4 weeks, but you can stick to this diet for life.

High cholesterol levels lead to stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis. It is formed by the use of harmful fats and carcinogens. This diet is aimed at accelerating and normalizing metabolic processes. Fatty foods, fried foods are prohibited, foods containing a lot of fiber are welcome.

This diet is in demand because it is effective and does not require large expenditures. It is used in emergency cases, before any celebration. You can sit on a diet for a short time, it is better to use it as fasting days. Products are low-calorie, not only contribute to weight loss, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

This diet is not designed for quick results, because it is based on the use of foods with a low glycemic index. To do this, it is necessary to rebuild not only the food system, but also life. Eating foods with a high glycemic index requires an increased secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which ultimately leads to increased appetite and, as a rule, to diabetes. You can eat foods with a low glycemic index, which have slow carbohydrates in their composition.

This diet allows you to lose weight by 5 kilograms in 3 days. The diet is designed for 3 and 7 days, but it is quite strict and not everyone can withstand a week. The essence of the diet is the consumption of 1000 kcal per day. The last meal on the diet no later than 15 hours. Eat small meals 5 times a day, drink 2 liters of fluid. Before starting this diet, you should consult your doctor, because a long absence of food can adversely affect your body.

It is aimed at ensuring that the patient not only loses weight, but also improves her health. This diet is prescribed before some abdominal operations. It allows you to get rid of excess weight by 5 kilograms per week. You need to eat raw foods and do not mix, for example, fruits and dairy products. You can use only one of the allowed products at a time.

The diet allows you to get rid of 10 extra pounds in a month. This is achieved by eating foods that speed up metabolic processes. In the body, a change in the hormonal background occurs: a decrease in the production of insulin and estrogen, as well as a subsequent increase in adrenaline and testosterone. Preference is given to protein products and fresh vegetables.

It is based on the use of low-calorie foods so that the food helps to normalize digestion and accelerate fat burning. It is required to change not only the diet, but also the living conditions. You need to practice proper nutrition, go to the gym and perform an exercise to burn excess fat.

The diet on this fruit is developed in different versions. There are many fruits required, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should not go on a diet. It is allowed on a diet to drink freshly squeezed juices and eat the fruit in the form of salads with herbs. The weekly diet involves the inclusion of other foods in the diet.

It is suitable for those who have no time or do not want to engage in physical activity or sports. These courses are designed for obese people who need surgery to avoid complications. You can lose 10 kilograms in a week, but the food is very scarce - only 3 days a week is allowed vegetable salad, boiled meat and cottage cheese, and drink on the rest mineral water or milk.

It is usually used by athletes when drying, when carbohydrate food is replaced by protein. This is a strict diet that must be followed. Proper nutrition should be combined with training with exercises for weight loss, compliance with the drinking regime, you need to drink 2 liters of water per day.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman is obliged to follow a diet for the proper development of the fetus. Proper nutrition allows expectant mother do not gain extra pounds and do not deprive the baby of useful substances. You should remove harmful foods from the diet and eat healthy food in small portions, but often.

This is a comfortable diet that does not require strict food restrictions, but it must be followed for a long time. According to the description, you need to eat dairy products rich in protein and vegetables containing fiber. The body receives proteins for building cells, energy for life, and the intestines are constantly cleansed.

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

This article shows how popular are various diet options for one goal - to lose weight, look more beautiful or healthier. In fact, there are even more diets, but if you look at it from scientific point view, it can be understood that in nutrition, everything is quite the opposite.

For each problem, a special, balanced and verified diet is selected. So, there is a certain type of therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the kidneys, for diseases of the biliary tract, there is a diet for atherosclerosis, and so on. No one claims to increase the number of these diets, because they already work.

But losing weight is a unique reason to create dozens various options diets, although one is enough right type nutrition, in which the usefulness of the diet is maintained, but its energy composition is reduced due to the reduction of fast carbohydrates and refined fats.

You should not simplify the situation and go on mono-diets, since each of them is flawed in its own way. Perhaps the only exception can be made for a salt-free diet, which allows you to expel excess fluid from the body within 3-4 days and ease the work of the heart. So, a banana diet can cause an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, and if a person has a tendency to arrhythmias and the kidneys do not work well, he can end up in the hospital. Grapefruit diet should not be used in patients with erosive and ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, in some cases, unloading-dietary therapy, consisting of short courses of fasting, can be more beneficial than a diet whose goal is the maximum loss of body weight in the minimum amount of time.


The choice of dietary nutrition courses is many, choose for yourself best diets won't be difficult. It is important to look not only at what you can eat and what you can’t, but also at the ability to harm health. You should not get carried away with different diets to eliminate extra pounds, you need to choose the right one and apply it periodically.

In order for the diet to have a positive effect in weight loss, you must follow the rules:

  • Observe the diet. It is necessary to take food at the same time, so that useful substances are better absorbed and metabolic processes are accelerated. Breakfast must be before 9 o'clock, lunch - before 14 o'clock and dinner - no later than 17 o'clock.
  • Healthy food. The signal about saturation in the brain comes only after 20 minutes, after when the stomach is already really full. Therefore, you need to stop eating when you feel a slight feeling of hunger, and not overeating. Food should be chewed well so that large pieces of food do not enter the digestive tract.
  • You can not eat foods with fast carbohydrates for snacks: sweets, cakes or cookies. If you want sweets, then it is better to eat an apple, prunes or dried apricots, in their absence - dark chocolate 1-2 slices.

To lose weight for sure, you need not to neglect hiking, rollerblading or cycling, but in winter period- skating or skiing. You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Among people who are accustomed to watching their figure, there are ardent lovers of various diets. They can follow special diets almost one after another, but they never get a clear result. And everything happens because our body remembers all the fasts and every time, even in the mode of poor nutrition, it gives away all the fat stored for future use less and less willingly. Therefore, it would be rational to choose one, but effective and proven weight loss system that will help you achieve all your goals the first time.

In the ranking of diets for weight loss, the top positions are occupied by express diets. These are methods of rapid weight loss, with the help of which you can achieve the desired result in just a week. Among them, there are often diets in which there is only one or a few low-calorie foods - this is the famous Valley kefir diet, and, and carrot, and cabbage, and many others of the kind.

These nutritional systems have one plus - they really help to reduce weight, and therefore they have won their large audience of fans.

However, all methods based on an extreme reduction in the calorie content of food give only a short-term result. The fact is that in 3-7 days of a hard menu you will lose weight, which will include excess water, muscle tissue and digestive products. One has only to return to the usual diet, and all these kilograms will return to you again, and possibly with an increase. Such diets can be used only in the most extreme cases and only on condition that you do not have any diseases.

The most proven weight loss system is the transition to a healthy diet and the inclusion of physical activity in the daily regimen. By eliminating all products that are unhealthy and unhealthy from the menu, moderating your portions and going in for swimming, fitness or running, you will smoothly but steadily return to your ideal weight. In addition, taking a responsible approach to nutrition as a basis, you can never worry about extra pounds again.

The healthy food menu completely excludes the intake of such products:

Avoiding these foods is the best thing you can do to lose weight. Also, do not forget that portions of food should be small, ideally if you eat food at a time, which in volume will be equal to three of your fists.

However, this rule applies only to three main meals, but lunches and afternoon snacks should be less plentiful, it is best to eat fruits, vegetables or dairy products at this time.

Pros and cons of balanced diets

Proven methods of losing weight, during which there is no feeling of hunger and psychological discomfort, are not very popular. The main disadvantage of such diets is their long-term, because a person tends to want to get everything at once. However, a smooth weight loss is a guarantee of its stability, you will be able to easily maintain the results obtained and never again resort to serious measures to get rid of extra pounds.

Almost all diets of this plan are available to consumers, because they do not contain any special products. However, you will have to cook your own food, because this is the only way to control its quality. For those who do not like to stand by the stove, this can be a serious problem.

You will also have to pull yourself together at various banquets and receptions, choose only those dishes that are most suitable for your diet and refuse high-calorie desserts.

For those who have seriously decided to take care of their figure and health, it will be completely easy to make a menu for a week from the allowed products. Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes are freely available on the Internet, and some even indicate the calorie content, which is very convenient for losing weight.

  • Kefir diet: what products can not be combined with it?
    • Duration: 7 days
    • Result: minus 10 kilograms

    The essence of the kefir diet

    We drink not only kefir, but it is the main product in our diet throughout the entire period of weight loss.

    On the kefir diet, alcoholic beverages are prohibited, as well as salt, flour sweet products, sugar. You can not eat fatty foods - this is a burden on the liver.

    Pros of the kefir diet

    As a result kefir diet the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the reactions of the nervous system become more stable, immunity increases. The blood is cleansed of toxins, cholesterol levels are reduced.

    Menu for kefir diet

    • Jacket potatoes (5 pieces);
    • Boiled chicken meat - 100 g;
    • 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into portions.
    • Lean pork or beef meat - 100 g. The meat should be boiled;
    • 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into portions.
    • Fish cooked without salt - 100 g;
    • 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into portions.
    • Your choice of fresh vegetables or fresh fruits - no restrictions;
    • 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into portions.
    • Kefir - 1.5 liters.
    • 1 liter of still mineral water throughout the day
    • 1.5 liters of kefir, divided into portions.

    Before switching to a kefir diet, consult your attending dietitian-gastroenterologist for contraindications.

    Buckwheat diet for weight loss by 10 kg per week

    • The essence of the diet: buckwheat is the main food
    • The result of the diet - 10 kg in 1 week
    • Duration of the diet - 7 days

    How to lose weight on a buckwheat diet?

    All 7 days you will have to eat only buckwheat with a small addition of other products. Few people can stand it, but the result is excellent - guaranteed weight loss in a short time.

    • Step 1

    Pour into a saucepan as much buckwheat as you want to eat tomorrow. 1 glass is recommended, but maybe you want more buckwheat. Boil water and pour boiling water over buckwheat (water is 2 fingers higher than cereals) and leave to swell overnight under the lid.

    The second option: pour buckwheat not with boiling water, but with yogurt or kefir.

    Attention: buckwheat should be prepared by you without sugar, salt and other spices. Oil is also not allowed.

    • Step 2

    Learn to drink fluids. Namely - herbal teas without added sugar or mineral water without gas.

    • Step 3

    Purchase good habit eat no earlier than 4 hours before bedtime. If you are really tormented by brutal hunger, you can afford to eat 2-3 green unsweetened apples. 1 hour before you go to bed, you can drink 1 glass of fat-free kefir.

    Before practicing a buckwheat diet, consult with your doctor: do you have any contraindications to it. These may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an allergy to buckwheat. Lose weight easily and with pleasure!

    Diet of doctors - lose weight by 10 kg per week

    The diet of physicians is considered one of the most effective among the systems of losing 10 kilos per week. Reviews about her are the most positive: many women have tried this diet on themselves and recommend it to friends and acquaintances. Still - such effective weight loss and in such a short time!