Everything about domed houses: useful information on construction, planning, finishing. Spherical houses in the photo. Domed house: construction technologies and planning features Scheme of a domed house

The dome house is quite complex technologically. Construction domed house requires skill, and you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. And of course, we need a project. Is it possible to build domed house with your own hands?

And what to build from? Most often they are built from wood. It is technologically possible to build dome walls from bricks and blocks, from panels and monolithic reinforced concrete. This unique house, shaped like a hemisphere or cone, will not require much due to its design. building materials.

This is understandable, because the sphere, or egg, with a minimum thickness of the shell can withstand the greatest loads compared to other configurations, because this “structure” by its nature distributes the applied loads in the best possible way. This is not a plane that fights with the whole world, exposing itself to wind and fire... but it’s difficult to set fire to a sphere from the outside. And there is nothing new, remember a tent, hut, yaranga or church dome. So, enough philosophy! The science of eniology is certainly interesting, and in the world dome structures are built and people live in them, this is a fact, for example, the Japanese.

A practical question - how to build a domed house for yourself? Get the maximum amount of living space on a minimum plot area, save on building materials and foundations, and get a durable, sustainable and energy-saving house?

Pros of a domed house

  1. Unconditional originality and complete freedom in the layout of the interior space. Externally, the house is modern and aesthetically pleasing, as natural as nature itself. (And the desire to live in peace with her is clearly expressed. Finally.)
  2. Good speed of construction and not the highest financial costs compared to a stone or concrete rectangular house.
  3. Due to the light weight of the house, the foundation can be minimized and taken over the ground. If foundation soils and behavior underground water allow, then a basic foundation is suitable - a non-buried strip. Technologically, the dome is a self-supporting structure, and therefore requires minimal building materials.
  4. You can build in both the south and the north, if properly equipped, the thermal efficiency will exceed all expectations. An energy-saving house in the full sense. The area of ​​the “walls” and “roof” is minimal - so is heat loss. One interesting point, which often has to be ignored, since it is difficult to deal with it, is that the powerful cold bridge of the house is at the junction of its facade and roof, which the dome simply does not have.
  5. The aerodynamics of the dome reduces wind resistance to a minimum - there will be no draft and no heat loss. There is no windage - there is resistance to wind loads. All loads are distributed evenly throughout the house - a hemisphere, and ground movements, as well as seismic events, are less dangerous. A hemisphere, even if it is pierced at one or several points, does not lose stability and does not fold up like a house of cards. For instant complete destruction of the hemisphere, at a minimum, the soil underneath it needs to open up.
  6. Plus to the design - the harmony of the form provides excellent acoustics and favorable distribution of light. It is always lighter under the dome, since the spherical shape scatters light, while the cubic shape absorbs it. Heat, light and sound are distributed evenly. As a result, passive lighting and solar heating can be actively used, which leads to savings during operation.

You can continue for a long time. So what are the specific requirements for domed house designs?

Foundation of a domed house

According to the foundations. As already said, due to the light weight of the house, the foundation is taken as simple as a shallow foundation, although any foundation is possible, pile or columnar. In the coldest areas, it is worth considering a Swedish insulated board.

Basic materials for building a domed house

Let's take a closer look at the wood - dry or laminated timber, the cross-section is calculated depending on the size of the dome, snow and wind loads in the construction area. If the house will be sheathed on both the inside and outside, then the cross-section of the timber will need to be increased further.

The main problem is the connectors. If the house has a large area, you cannot do without them. Wooden structures, assembled using factory-made five- and six-beam connectors, are assembled like a construction set; you only need to supply the scaffolding and sliding staircase, no mechanization or special equipment is required. A great variety of connectors have been invented, from different materials. But homemade production metal connectors in a garage, followed by anti-corrosion treatment with primer or paint, is unlikely to create conditions for long-term operation. A reliable connector must withstand high loads with low weight and high corrosion resistance; this requires factory casting or stamping.

There is a modern assembly technology in which panels are made with precision grooves and edges, allowing them to be connected into one whole with a minimum number of joints and without gaps. And for a small domed house, we can use a connectorless installation method.

To protect against precipitation, roofing materials will be required - flexible tiles or roll materials, as well as sheets on an aluminum base.

The technology for constructing a dome is complex, but if compared with an ordinary house, calculations show a reduction in costs, both financial and time. This is due to the savings in building materials and the ability to do without special equipment.

Materials and tools for installing a domed house

  1. for the frame - wooden beam, cross-section according to the design, but minimum 50*50 mm. Fasteners - screws, nails, self-tapping screws, and so on. Insulation. Cink Steel. Polyurethane foam.
  2. for finishing exterior finishing - roofing materials, preferably flexible, tiles or roofing felt, depending on the construction budget.
  3. tape measure, level or laser level, corners, rulers.
  4. electric drill, jigsaw, hacksaw, grinder. A woodworking machine will save a lot of time when good quality processing of parts.
  5. screwdrivers, hammer, brushes, metal scissors - all construction set necessary. As well as consumables and protective equipment - glasses, gloves. Everything is as usual, and each builder is guided by the situation.

A project for a dome house is necessary to prepare the main elements of the building.

Calculations are carried out using triangulation methods, directly related to the height of the dome. The dimensions of the edge elements, the number of their standard sizes and the number of connectors can be varied, “increasing” the triangulation. The lengths of the elements must be chosen so that dried boards or timber can be purchased for them good grade, and then work with them safely and technologically.

The project can be ordered, but many builders, having knowledge of basic technology and design, create it themselves, using open sources of diagrams and designs and technical literature. At the design stage, the type of foundation, dimensions of the dome, required amount connectors, sizes and shapes of all cells and the number of frame and fence elements.

Construction of a domed house

Let's give sample list work on the installation of the dome of the connector assembly

  • Marking on the ground and preparation of the foundation are carried out using conventional technologies. The plant layer of soil is cut off, replaced with a layer of compacted crushed stone, and then with a layer of sand. If a strip foundation is chosen, reinforcement and pouring are carried out using standard technology. All communications are completed at this stage. As a foundation option, a decagonal support structure made of piles is possible. Supporting elements in the form of trapezoids and foundation piping are assembled with screws according to the drawings.

  • for the installation of “walls” they use timber elements prepared according to the drawings, joints with tongues and grooves, reinforced with screws. Door and window frames are also pre-prepared and installed on site with additional strapping and fastening.

  • the ribs forming the main frame must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant compound. Then the house is sheathed from the inside. You can use regular plywood. For exterior finishing The easiest way to work with roofing felt is by cutting it into triangles and fixing them to the dome with a melt of ordinary resin or glue. This layer will be waterproofing; it must be done with overlapping parts.

  • A sheathing of bars is laid over the waterproofing layer, with a gap height based on the calculation of the required thickness of the insulation, then the outer cladding, the finishing “roof”, and finishing are made. Insulating the dome from the inside is a more practical option. Sometimes they install backfill thermal insulation for the dome - from sawdust. Waterproofing of such a design must be done very carefully.

  • flooring, installation of windows and doors, connection of communications.

The conversation was about geodesic domes. The type of dome, called stratodesic, differs from the geodesic principle, more simple installation and the fit of windows and doors, the absence of connectors and cold bridges that they inevitably give to the house, as well as much more high flow rate material, in particular, expensive laminated veneer lumber or rolled metal. But their strength is still lower than that of surveyors.

The question of the future of the widespread construction of domes - comfortable and cheap - is not only a question of technology. Perhaps this is a question of ideology and new construction systems?

The features of such a greenhouse lie not only in the original appearance, but also in some functional characteristics, which will be discussed below.

Features of a dome greenhouse

One of the distinctive properties A spherical greenhouse is the ability to maintain positive indoor temperatures for a long time in the absence of auxiliary heating.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that in the dome structure the air heated during the day rises, and at night it is displaced by cold air masses, as a result of which the heat falls down to the plants. In this way, air circulates, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is formed inside the structure.

Another feature greenhouses is that, having a streamlined shape and a wide base, this structure is able to withstand strong winds.

The wind resistance of the structure makes this structure indispensable for use in steppe and coastal areas.

TO benefits dome greenhouses include:

  • high-quality load-bearing capacities, which are achieved due to the uniform distribution of the mass of the structure. This allows the structure to withstand greater loads, unlike other types of buildings;
  • the stability of the structure ensures the possibility of constructing a greenhouse in earthquake-prone areas;
  • The minimum surface area of ​​the side walls contributes to a significant reduction in the consumption of building materials.

The spherical building also has some minuses:

  • the flat walls of the structure do not allow placement indoors a large number of beds;
  • due to the presence of many joints, the structure requires careful sealing and insulation;
  • preparatory measures related to the calculation of materials and components are accompanied by some difficulties, which is caused by the need to use parts of a strictly defined configuration.

Frame materials

The following options are possible here:

  1. Wood slats. The advantages of this material are environmental friendliness and simple installation.
  2. Wood parts should be treated antiseptics, which will increase the service life of the material and provide it with protection from moisture and insects.

  3. Metal. Such structures are strong and durable, but are susceptible to corrosion, so metal structures also need to be treated.
  4. Plastic. A strong, flexible and airtight material, but more expensive and less durable than metal.

Suitable as covering materials the same options as in cases with other types of greenhouses, namely:

  • glass;
  • polyethylene film;
  • polycarbonate

Polyethylene does not have the heat-insulating properties inherent in polycarbonate, but is in no way inferior to it in terms of transparency and ease of installation.

Polycarbonate less transparent than glass, but at the same time retains heat well, and assembling a spherical (round, dome) greenhouse made of polycarbonate does not cause any particular difficulties.

Glass It is distinguished by its transparency and durability, but is heavy and expensive.

Preparatory activities

Before starting to build a greenhouse, need to prepare the place for construction. It is desirable that it be an open sunny space.

The selected area should be cleared of unnecessary objects and vegetation, after which the area should be carefully leveled.

The nature of further actions is determined by the fact that will the foundation be built? for a greenhouse or not. In the case of a dome greenhouse, the construction of a foundation base is not a mandatory measure due to the lightness of the structure.

But if, nevertheless, the decision is made in favor of a more solid support, then here you can use both a strip foundation and a pile foundation.

When arranging a strip foundation as follows: preparatory stage will involve digging a trench, whereas when choosing a pile model, this procedure will not be necessary.

If the construction of a foundation is not provided, then the area should be covered with protective non-woven material - this will prevent the growth of weeds. Then you need to lay a layer of gravel on top of the material and level it well.

  • dome diameter – 4 meters;
  • height – 2 meters;
  • the number of equilateral triangles with such dimensions is 35 pieces, the length of each side is 1.23 meters.

The greenhouse dome is calculated using the formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle: S=π*r2. But since the structure has a hemispherical shape, in this case the formula is used for calculation: S=2 π*r2.

Base assembly

The base is a small wall with a perimeter has the shape of a polygon.

Don't be limited too few corners, since in this case it will be necessary to make large triangular parts, as a result of which the structure will be less like a dome.

The most suitable option- a polygon with 10-12 angles. As for the height of the base, there are also certain criteria here. Too low a height will cause inconvenience in processing planted plants. Best options in this case – 60-80 cm.


Dome greenhouses: photo examples.

Round greenhouse-dome.

Do-it-yourself domed greenhouse: drawing.

Frame construction

How to make a geodome greenhouse (sphere, hemisphere) with your own hands? After calculation this procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The bars are being prepared for assembling the frame. To do this, they should be cut into parts of the same length.
  2. In accordance with the dimensions provided in the drawing, bars for the door and window are cut (if the presence of such is assumed in the structure being built).
  3. Next, based on the size of the triangles, fragments of the future coating should be cut.
  4. When using film as a covering material, it is not necessary to cut it.

  5. The triangles are being assembled.
  6. The assembled parts are connected to each other using self-tapping screws. Each element should be attached at a slight angle to create a dome shape.
  7. The door is being assembled. If it is made of metal, it is better to weld it, since the bolted structure may become loose over time.
  8. The next step is to attach the hinges to the door and opening.
  9. The door is hung on hinges.
  10. The finished structure is installed on the base.
  11. The final stage– installation of the covering. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten polycarbonate, and glazing beads are used for glass. The film is attached using wooden clamping strips, which are nailed to the frame.

Thanks to your design features year-round domed greenhouse will become a real decoration for any garden plot, while maintaining almost all the properties of standard greenhouse structures.

And here you can watch a video about domed greenhouses.

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Spherical houses at the construction stage are characterized by economical consumption of building materials. You can save 25-40% on laying the foundation.

A dome-type house can have up to 5 extensions that will be added to the first floor. They can be located in any of the 5 openings of the dome. This will not lead to a loss of rigidity of the system as a whole. Openings are used to connect verandas, domes, greenhouses, bathhouses, etc. Thus, you can significantly expand the required area.

The final stage of construction is At this stage, no planning is required, so you can independently choose any architectural delights (attics, lofts, rooms). This will not affect the strength of the structure in any way.

Material for construction

The main material for the construction of domed houses are wooden beams filled with polystyrene foam or fiberglass panels. These materials are characterized by minimal weight and high reliability. They are used as a thermal insulation material. The thickness of 15 cm of insulating material is ideal for the climate of the middle zone. Such panels are very easy to install with normal wall thickness. Relatively recently, expanding foam mass began to be used for the same purposes.

It is a traditional roofing material. It has an attractive appearance, and its cost is not too high. This material is characterized by a large assortment, which makes it easy and simple to choose the appropriate texture and shade.

A special design distinguishes all domed houses. Photos of various configurations, color shades, and the use of various materials can be viewed in this article. In addition, the owner can choose the shape of the windows in the house. They can be rectangular, round, triangular or hexagonal. A window can be a decoration of an extraordinary facade. Thanks to clever placement window openings you can save on lighting and even heating costs in the future. After all, even on winter days the house can receive additional solar heat.

Equipment and materials for interior finishing

The materials used for the interior decoration of a domed house are varied:

  • Drywall.
  • Lining.
  • Plastic.
  • Decorative plaster.

You can choose suitable materials to combine, which will make the overall interior spectacular and elegant. Some people try to build dome houses on their own. Reviews from owners of self-built houses allow others to correctly assess their abilities and make a choice in favor of specialists or a company of close friends.

Installing a ventilation and heating system in such a house is also simple. To fully heat the building, it is necessary to purchase and install heating devices. They should be the same as for a regular house, but with 30% less power.

A turnkey dome house will allow you not to control all stages of construction. You can immediately move into your new country home.

Advantages of domed houses

Not much time has passed since 2008, but many families have already experienced all the benefits of living in domed houses. The main positive aspects of this structure are:

  • An ideal even shape that can withstand gusts of wind and snow accumulation. Domed houses are characterized by unusual aerodynamics, which ensures ideal wind bending. This is confirmed by the unsurpassed stability of dome houses on the US coast during tornadoes and hurricanes.
  • A domed house can have any number of windows. If you wish, you can even glaze the entire dome, and this will have almost no effect on the strength of the entire structure.

  • This frame house has a solid construction. It does not have a separate roof, heavy ceilings, or rafter system. Thanks to this, the house is characterized by high earthquake resistance. In addition, the destruction of 35% of the elements of the entire structure will not lead to the complete collapse of the building.
  • Small houses do not have load-bearing walls. In large structures, walls can be installed in any order. This allows you to independently plan the interior space in the house.
  • Soundproofing. Thanks to the minimal surface area, significantly less sound penetrates. This makes life in the house more comfortable and cozy.

Spherical houses allow you to save money

  • Minimum basis. The structure of the structure is very light. Thanks to this, the load on the ground is minimized. Therefore, you can use a more economical type of foundation, which allows you to build domed houses on it. Feedback from the owners showed that more often they made a strip foundation, the depth of which does not exceed 90 cm. This eliminates the possibility of the building skewing and the formation of cracks in the foundation.
  • Construction at any time. Construction of a domed house can take place at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. This will not affect the cost of work and the quality of the structure being built.
  • Possibility of using minimal area and obtaining maximum volume. The usable area is maximum, the external area is minimum. Thanks to this, compared to the usual rectangular rooms, heat dissipates less in winter. Therefore, heating and air conditioning costs are reduced by up to 30%.
  • Energy savings regardless of climate. For example, in a cold climate, an ordinary stone house needs to consume about 230 kWh/m2 for hot water supply and heating, and a wooden house - 100 kWh/m2. A domed polystyrene foam house (200 mm wall) often exceeds the requirements of modern standards. Even in severe frosts, if the heating is turned off, the temperature in the house drops to 2 0 C per day. If you compare the cost of maintaining a brick and domed house for 50 years, then with the difference (not in favor of a brick building), you can purchase another frame one.

  • Maximum use of solar panels. Thanks to the symmetrical shape of the house, solar modules and batteries can be more efficiently oriented in space. Using this equipment you can save a significant amount of money. After all, it is known that solar panels can generate energy even on a cloudy day.
  • Affordable prices. It has been proven that the construction of a high-quality, reliable frame house is much cheaper than the construction of an ordinary brick one.


Unfortunately, nothing in our world is perfect. Domed houses in Russia also have their disadvantages.

  1. Difficulties in calculations. A spherical house cannot be drawn and calculated using two planes. It is imperative to use modern 3D graphics programs.
  2. Since building a domed house is still exotic for our citizens, it is best to seek help from specialist builders who know how to properly build domed houses. Reviews from owners advise against conducting independent experiments, as this can lead to serious costs.
  3. Large amount of waste. Often building materials are supplied in a rectangular shape, and the main shape for the construction of this type of building is a triangle. Large losses can be avoided with careful calculations at the design stage.
  4. The need to use non-standard shapes of windows, doors, furniture, stairs.


Structures in the form of domes have been known since time immemorial. They are highly durable. The peculiarity of such a house is that its load-bearing capacity increases as the size of the dome itself increases. Don’t forget that this building will allow the owners to save a tidy sum from the family budget every year.

The frame of a dome house is a very large construction set. A team of specialists will complete the construction of this house in a matter of weeks. Each owner can control the entire process. And in just a few weeks, your family will be able to relax outside the city and enjoy clean, fresh air.

The beginning of the new year for builders, architects and everyone who plans to start a renovation or construction project means the beginning of preparations for the new construction season. And although mass construction starts in the spring, if you decide to build a house this year, you have only a few months to choose a project or company and, most importantly, technology. And this is a very limited time, because there will be a lot of options to explore. The cost of construction itself and interior decoration, as well as future costs of maintaining the building, depend on your choice. And in some cases, construction technology completely determines the future interior.

Today's article is devoted to the interiors of domed houses. Spherical, or domed, houses are a relatively new energy-efficient technology, and at the same time causing the greatest amount of controversy. Supporters of dome construction argue that such houses are cheap to construct and economical to operate; opponents argue that the technology is complex and irrational. We will look at the main pros and cons of such structures, as well as their capabilities in terms of using internal space and creating an interior.

What is a domed house

The first associations that arise when thinking about such technology are Eskimo igloos or temple construction. Both are true. But a modern version of a domed house was invented by designer Buckminster Fuller. His geodesic dome (geo house) is considered one of the strongest technologies in the world because the interconnected triangular sectors allow the creation of a strong outer shell without the use of internal load-bearing walls.

Do you remember when children’s playgrounds used to have metal hemispheres made of pipes welded together that formed triangles? In essence, this is the same thing, but made of wood.

Advantages of a domed (geodesic) house

Saving materials

A domed house has much less total area surface than in a similar building of a traditional form. This means that construction will require 40-50% less materials.

Energy efficiency

The cost of heating a domed house is also significantly lower, because the sun warms up the spherical shape more efficiently, and more light and, accordingly, heat enters the windows located at an angle.

Durable and self-buildable

To build a dome house, you do not need special equipment or a crane.

Aerodynamic shape

The aerodynamic shape of the dome withstands wind loads much better, so it is suitable for northern regions and those places where they often visit strong winds and hurricanes.

Cons of a domed house

New unproven technology

So far, not many companies offer well-established technology for the construction of domed houses and there are practically no reviews about their long-term operation.

Need for a larger area

For example, you decide to build a house with an area of ​​about 200 sq. m. This means that the diameter of the base must be at least 7 m. The base area of ​​such a house will be 150-180 sq. m, depending on whether you need a second light or not. In the case of a traditionally shaped house, the base area will be from 100 to 130 square meters.

Radius walls and triangular windows

This can hardly be called a definite disadvantage, but any radius surfaces usually increase the cost and complicate the finishing and purchase of furniture. Unconventional shaped windows will also cost more than standard ones.


If you have chosen a domed house for yourself, then the main question will arise during the design of the interior space. On the one hand, the floor sphere allows you to create large areas without any additional internal supports, on the other hand, difficulties may arise when planning the internal space. After all, now this large and bright hemisphere needs to fit a standard set of rooms and functional areas. Let's see how this can be done.


If you look at most interiors of domed houses, then in the case of large buildings the owners have to partially return to the traditional shape of the plan, that is, create rectangular shapes inside the dome, otherwise it is very difficult for the furniture to fit into the house. You will also need to create a supporting structure to make the upper level floors, which means the idea itself large space with an open plan, where light and air are not limited by anything, does not always work.

We can conclude that domed houses are an interesting and economical solution if you are planning to build a relatively small one-story house. A studio house with a minimum set of premises, where you do not have to create additional load-bearing structures inside the hemisphere. Or if your budget is not strictly limited.

If you are planning to build a spacious house with a large number of rooms on a relatively small plot, you need to at least calculate everything in detail. Suppliers of structures and development companies claim that installing a domed house costs on average 40% less than constructing a traditional one. And operation is 60%, that is, it fully pays off in about 10 years. It sounds impressive, but the additional costs for interior design are not standard windows and the fittings also need to be taken into account.

Nevertheless, many experts believe that domed houses are the future, primarily due to their cost-effectiveness. Here is one such example.

This dome-shaped house rotates around its axis using a built-in mechanism, which allows the owners of the house to follow the sun all day long.

A dome house is a unique residential building in the shape of a hemisphere (cone). To make the walls of such a house, you can use a variety of materials. Wood is most often used, but there are also technologies that allow you to build walls from concrete and stone.

The main feature of a domed house is the ability to obtain the maximum amount of usable space with a minimum occupied space.

Relatively few materials are used to construct the structure, making the weight of the finished building relatively light. This allows you to further save on the construction of the foundation.

The technology for constructing a dome building is quite complex, however, if you wish, you can handle such an event yourself, spending a minimum of time, building materials and money.

  1. Original appearance.
  2. High speed of construction and arrangement.
  3. Possibility of free internal layout.
  4. Lack of strict requirements for the foundation. The finished structure, as already noted, is lightweight, which allows it to be built even on the most basic and shallow foundations.
  5. Possibility of arrangement in different climatic regions. Despite its apparent simplicity, with proper arrangement, a domed house has high thermal insulation properties.
  6. There is no need for significant financial investments in the construction and improvement of the house.
  7. High resistance to wind loads.
  8. Resistant to ground movements and earthquakes. The design features are such that incoming loads are evenly distributed throughout the house.
  9. Modern and aesthetically attractive appearance.
  10. High energy efficiency indicators.
  11. Good sound insulation performance.

What do you need to know before starting work?

Before you begin arranging your dome home, please read the following important information.

There are no specific requirements for the base of a domed house. The finished structure is lightweight, so it can be placed on almost any foundation. The best option is a shallow strip foundation.

Construction material

The structure is built from wooden beams. The section of the beam is selected individually, taking into account the expected loads on the dome of the building.

If it is planned to simultaneously use external and internal cladding, it is necessary to use timber with an increased cross-section.


Connectors are used to connect wooden structural elements. There are five-beam and six-beam connectors.

These elements are used in the manufacture of large domed buildings. In the case of arranging a small domed house, you can resort to a connectorless assembly method.

Professional builders often abandon the use of connectors in favor of modern technology, according to which the ribs are made exactly to match each other, which allows them to be connected with a minimum of seams.


To arrange the roof of such a house, you can use the following materials:

  • flexible tiles;
  • roofing felt;
  • aluminum-based sheet roofing materials.


The technology for arranging the structure in question is quite complex. However, when compared with the construction of an ordinary house, it takes much more to build a dome structure. less money and building materials. Time costs are also noticeably reduced.

Guide to building a house

Start arranging your dome house. Start by preparing the necessary tools and materials. It’s better to collect all the required elements in advance so as not to waste time searching for missing devices in the future.

Construction kit

  1. Wooden beam. Traditionally, material with a cross section of 50x50 mm is used. For the rest, focus on the specifics of your specific situation. If necessary, the cross-section of the beam can be increased.
  2. Screws.
  3. Sheet steel. Use galvanized material
  4. Fastening elements (nails, screws, etc.).
  5. Polyurethane foam.
  6. Finishing material for roofing. The most preferred materials in the case of the house in question are the more budget-friendly roofing felt.
  7. Tape measure for measurements.
  8. Corner.
  9. Building level.
  10. Electric jigsaw.
  11. Electric drill.
  12. Hacksaw.
  13. Woodworking Machine. If you don’t have access to this unit, you can do without it, but you’ll have to spend more time.
  14. Bulgarian.
  15. Screwdrivers.
  16. Hammer.
  17. Protective gloves.
  18. Roofing shears.
  19. Brushes.

The construction set can be reduced and expanded depending on the characteristics of a particular situation. At this point you will be able to navigate on your own.

Preparatory stage

Having collected all the necessary equipment, proceed with the preparatory activities. At this stage, you have to manufacture the main elements of the future structure, process them and prepare them accordingly for further use.

Before starting work, draw up, order, or find in an open source a diagram of a domed house. Drawings will help you better navigate the process of construction activities.

First step. Choose a location to place your dome house. Mark the construction site in accordance with the dimensions of the future structure.

Second step. Decide on the model of the dome structure. To do this, select the appropriate shape and dimensions of the cells, the number of rafter elements, the number of connectors, etc. All these points should also be reflected in the drawings.

Third step. Make plywood and rafter elements for the future house. At the same stage, make the connectors. In the process of manufacturing the mentioned products, be guided by the drawings you have.

Be sure to treat metal connectors with a special anti-corrosion agent.

Construction of the structure

Proceed directly to the construction of the structure.

First step. Clear the radius of the future building from the fertile soil layer and fill the depression with a layer of crushed stone. Compact the backfill. Place a layer of sand on top of the crushed stone and compact it thoroughly.

Second step. Pour the foundation. Instead of a foundation, you can use a decagonal support structure. Use boards to assemble it. Select the section of the boards individually, taking into account the upcoming loads.

Third step. Armed with an electric saw or jigsaw, make trapezoidal elements from the boards.

Fourth step. Place roofing material on a previously prepared base of crushed stone and sand, and on top of it - prepared trapezoids. Make sure that the elements are laid evenly and connect the trapezoidal products with screws. At this stage, be guided by the drawings you have; it is impossible to describe this item solely in words.

Fifth step. Proceed with the construction of internal vertical walls. To assemble these elements, use a wooden beam. Connect structural elements using screws. Focus, again, on your drawings.

Sixth step. Make a door frame of the desired dimensions. For assembly, use a pair of horizontal and the same number of vertical bars (boards). It is best to connect the elements using tongues and grooves, additionally strengthened with screws or other suitable fasteners.

At the same stage, make boxes for installing windows.

Seventh step. Hem the finished ones vertical walls wooden boards. Nail the boards so that rainwater and snow cannot penetrate the house.

Eighth step. Make ribs for the construction of the main frame. To do this, use a wooden beam. To complete this activity you will need an electric plane.

Before installing the frame ribs, treat all wooden elements with an antiseptic.

Ninth step. Make connectors. For this you will need metal plates. Cut the sheet metal plates according to the drawings you have.

Use a grinder for cutting. Connectors must have a pentagonal or hexagonal shape. Select the shape of the products individually, taking into account the type of structure being built.

Tenth step. Proceed to pouring the finished connectors. To do this, use polyurethane foam or bakelite resin. Foam is preferable because... it contains no components harmful to others.

Eleventh step. Connect all elements of the outer dome in accordance with the project. Use screws to fasten parts together. To create an external dome, triangular elements made of timber or boards are traditionally used. Leave openings in the dome for doors and double-glazed windows.

Twelfth step. Complete the interior cladding of the house. Ordinary sheets of plywood are suitable for this. This material is absolutely environmentally friendly and helps create an optimal indoor microclimate.

Thirteenth step. Finish the exterior of the dome. For finishing, use roofing felt, tiles or other suitable roofing material. The easiest way is to use roofing felt - just carefully cut out triangular elements from it and sequentially fix them on the dome using special glue or ordinary melted resin.

Dome skin

In conclusion, all you have to do is complete the necessary measures for the final arrangement of the domed house, namely:

  • lay the floor;
  • arrange water supply;
  • install windows and doors;
  • install a ventilation system;
  • insulate the structure.

If you plan to connect water supply and wastewater systems to your domed house, consider the order of their arrangement at the initial stages of construction. To connect the pipes you will have to dig a couple of additional trenches.

If your domed house will be used for permanent residence, be sure to install double-glazed windows with opening doors.

To thermally insulate the structure, use any materials that are easy to install and safe for others. For example, it is very convenient to use sawdust to insulate a structure of this shape.

The most preferred material for the construction of a dome building is white acacia wood. This wood is characterized by high strength, long service life and ease of processing.

If necessary, install electrical wiring to the dome house. If you do not have the skills to install such communications, invite a professional electrician. Plan in advance the placement of lighting fixtures, sockets and other elements.

The dome house is a very original and ergonomic building. Such a structure can be either completely independent or serve as a convenient extension, for example, to a country house. Determine the purpose and design of the house yourself.

Now that you are aware of the sequence of work, no problems will arise with arranging a domed house - you just need to follow the instructions, at the same time focusing on the drawings and diagrams, and the construction will definitely be crowned with success.

Good luck!

Most private houses are constructed using standard and typical technologies, which are represented by a variety of cubic forum buildings. But not everyone wants to build typical structures. One of the most beautiful and practical options is to build a spherical house according to.

Domed houses are distinguished by their unusual, attractive exterior, non-standard form and allow you to practically and competently build all the necessary systems that ensure a comfortable life. Dome type houses have many advantages and design features.


The first thing that distinguishes dome structures is their high level of strength. Their main feature is that the level of load-bearing capacity of a structure increases with increasing its diameter. It is also important that the strength characteristics of the structure do not change depending on what materials are used for its construction.

A dome house is a kind of constructor. Its constituent elements are typical and are calculated independently. To calculate the parameters of the frame base, there is a special calculator for a domed house. For convenience when creating the basis of a structure, there is a dome house calculator in Russian. Assembling such a constructor is quite simple and quick. Wooden domed houses are built using this technology.

Assembling the base frame of a domed house is easy to do manually. All elements necessary for construction are characterized by small dimensions and weight. Due to the fact that a geodesic house has ideal aerodynamic properties, it can be built in unstable climates. For example, in areas with frequent hurricanes or earthquakes.


The essence of a spherical design is to divide space using vectors. Based on the type of dome, the following types of domed houses can be distinguished:

  • dome-type houses, the elements of which are based on a tetrahedral polyhedron;
  • the base is an icosahedron. The design is considered the most optimal. The greater the frequency of vectors used to divide space, the higher the strength of the entire structure.

Depending on the shape of the house, there are:

  • waist;
  • convex;
  • oval;
  • consisting of several polyhedra;
  • semicircular.

You can build a domed house from various materials. The construction technology of the structure depends on this. The simplest is the frame structure, in which the main material for construction is wood. There are other construction options.

From foam plastic

For the manufacture of domed houses according to Japanese technology use expanded polystyrene. Foam panels are manufactured in such a way that they are firmly bonded to each other during assembly. During production, concrete is applied to the surface of the foam, which gives the material increased strength properties.

It is quite simple to build dome houses using Japanese technology; you just need to order the required number of panels, build a foundation and assemble the house. A domed house made of polystyrene foam is very light, so it does not need a strong and massive foundation. The price for a domed house made of foam plastic has been set at $300-400 per 1 m2.

Reference: Despite the fact that foam plastic is used to build the house, Japanese dome houses are strong and reliable, as well as safe for living.

Made of brick

Brick domed house erected without a frame. Carrying out styling brick material depending on the chosen geodesic dome shape.

Made from concrete

One of modern technologies, used for the construction of a domed house, is “inflatable” or using a pneumatic frame. Material for construction – concrete. Thanks to this technology, monolithic domed houses are obtained.

The walls of the building are erected using a special inflatable balloon, which is first laid out on the foundation. The inflatable ball is made of a durable membrane. A wooden formwork equipped with steel reinforcement is installed on its surface. The concrete mixture is evenly distributed over it.

After waiting for the moment when the concrete “sets”, but has not yet completely hardened, the membrane is inflated. Together with the ball, the concrete rises and takes on the desired shape. After this, we can assume that the domed concrete house is ready. When the concrete has completely hardened, the membrane is blown off. It is subsequently reused.

From straw

Dome construction is also quite simple. The building will require a strip or column foundation on which to attach the frame. Any dome shape is allowed. Straw bales are used as wall material, but they are broken in half during installation. The sheaves are laid in a horizontal plane, after which they are tied together using a strong cord.

A domed thatched house requires mandatory plastering. To do this, the surface of the bales is covered with a mesh, onto which a plaster solution is applied. Clay or lime plasters are used for exterior and interior decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The properties inherent in the spherical structure determine the positive characteristics that a domed house has. The advantages are as follows:

  • The volume inside the house is significantly larger than when constructing a “rectangular” building with the same usable area. It is not too expensive to build a domed house; its price is reduced by 30% compared to a regular one;
  • Considering that the outer surface of the building is smaller, this allows for a reduction in consumption. IN winter period the house does not release thermal energy to the outside, and does not heat up in the summer;
  • due to the light weight of the entire house structure, there is no need to build a powerful foundation;
  • the presence of windows and doors in a house does not affect its strength characteristics. Windows can be placed in any quantity and in any place;
  • characterized by a high level of seismic resistance;
  • a domed house can withstand heavy snow loads in winter;
  • ideal aerodynamic properties allow the construction of dome structures in regions with frequent hurricanes;
  • due to the fact that the domed house is round, it can be placed on the site in any way you like;
  • domed house is a warm floor. There is no need to install any other heating systems, since the heat emanating from the floor surface spreads throughout the house;
  • The layout of the domed house is absolutely free. The design of the house does not imply the presence of load-bearing walls, and therefore it is possible to install room partitions in any convenient location. This also allows you to make the design of a domed house exactly according to the wishes of the residents;
  • Comfortable living in the house also ensures less noise that comes from the street. This happens due to the smaller surface area of ​​the structure;
  • The interior of a domed house is as easy to organize as in a conventional cubic structure. Ordinary furniture with sharp corners fits perfectly into the premises;
  • The appearance of the domed house is unusual and attractive.

Despite the large number of advantages of the structure, for those who want to build a domed house, the disadvantages also play an important role. A domed house has the following disadvantages:

  • It is difficult to carry out calculations for constructing the foundation of a house. It is impossible to make a drawing in two planes. It is necessary not only to have good spatial imagination, but also to be able to use 3D programs designed to create a layout. This point can be ignored if it is possible to order a ready-made project;
  • specificity of technology. Such a house cannot be built by an ordinary builder, since the technology for constructing domed houses does not apply to classical house building. It is necessary to find professionals specifically in dome construction;
  • a geodesic dome house requires the use of specialized elements. For example, standard windows for a home are not suitable; it is necessary to install triangular-shaped windows.


The construction of domed houses can be ordered from the following companies:

  • Dome-Dom. If there is no desire to build a domed house with your own hands, then the company will build a domed frame house Full construction. If there is an opportunity to start construction without anyone’s help, but there is no desire to calculate the domed house, then the company will provide a kit for assembling the frame of the house.
  • Skydom. Produces high-strength frames for self-assembly. It builds domed houses on a turnkey basis; the cost of the smallest constructor in terms of area (Sky7.7) is 1,790,000 Russian rubles.
  • Dobosphere. Will produce and deliver a house kit. Will provide everyone necessary information necessary for assembly, and will also accompany you during the process. The price of a minimum radius house kit (Z4) is 32,000 rubles.

How to build

Calculations and design are the first things needed for those who want to build a domed house with their own hands. A calculator is simply necessary for this. When the project is ready, the construction of the domed house begins with preparatory work.

To build a domed house with your own hands You must first prepare the site, clear the soil and level it. After this, the soil surface is covered with crushed stone and sand. You can build a stradodesic domed house using the following technology:

  • Initially, instead of a foundation, a decagon is built, on which the entire structure will rest. Depending on the load expected on a given base, a specific section of boards for the polygon is selected.
  • Purchased boards are cut using an electric saw. You need to get a trapezoidal shape at the output.
  • The sand cushion is covered with roofing felt and trapezoidal boards are laid on top, fastening them with screws.
  • Further work is carried out in a vertical plane. For the first row of the wall you will need boards fastened together into squares.
  • Further construction of the walls consists of assembling triangular-shaped elements. If you purchased a ready-made frame constructor, this greatly simplifies the task. You just need to assemble it according to the instructions.

Important: Every wooden element requires pre-treatment with special antiseptic drugs.

  • After erecting the frame, they begin to cover it with OSB panels on the inside. The elements are pre-cut in accordance with the design parameters.
  • To finish the structure externally, you will need to cover its surface with roofing felt and sheathe it using, for example, flexible tiles.
  • It is recommended to carry out the entire process one by one, moving from one triangle to another. Having cut out the roofing material of the desired shape, attach it to the frame and install the tiles.
  • It is better to fix the roofing material using resin or glue.
  • When all work is completed, proceed to interior decoration. Using the selected materials, the floors are constructed, all communications are carried out and the walls are insulated, after which they are pre-finished.

  • recommended before starting construction work construct a sewerage system and provide alternative methods;
  • the house allows the use of sawdust as an insulating material;
  • if you plan to make the frame yourself, then it is better to use white acacia. It is highly durable.

Useful video

It is recommended for everyone who decides to build a domed house to study and understand the essence of construction. The video will help you visualize all the features of the structure.

Despite the fact that the construction of a domed house is not familiar and widespread, the design has a large number of advantages over typical structures. Especially positive quality is the engro-efficiency of domed houses. Comfort, coziness and savings on heating are guaranteed for the residents of such a house.

A type of building erected according to frame-panel technology, is a geodesic dome - an incredibly practical object that can perform more than one function. A similar design can be used as a basis country house, greenhouses, gazebos or play areas for children.

  • This form has great load-bearing capacity. The weight is distributed perfectly evenly - this allows you to withstand heavy loads and save on the foundation.
  • Remarkable aerodynamic properties. The “streamlined” shape of the geodome increases resistance to even the most powerful air flows - in the form of destructive tornadoes and hurricanes.
  • The undoubted resistance of the spherical frame to shocks and tremors allows us to recommend this type of construction for the most earthquake-prone areas.
  • The cost-effectiveness of this method of creating multifunctional houses-shelters-greenhouses-sports grounds is indisputable: the surface area of ​​the side parts is extremely minimized.
  • A geodome structure is the best option for organizing a perfect system for maintaining a microclimate: hemispherical walls facilitate the circulation of an air stream.
  • A dome-like object of rare beauty easily fits into an area designed according to any design criteria and is “raised” quickly even by non-professional builders.

About the disadvantages

  • The flatness of the walls complicates the alignment of shelves and racks in a geodome greenhouse. In a situation with a domed roof of a home, the division of living space becomes difficult.
  • During construction work, there are an abundance of joints that must be sealed and insulated separately. This is a complex process that requires certain skills and patience.
  • Design calculations are not an easy task– as well as the desire for jewelry precision and beauty of the bars and triangles used in “laying out” the coating.

Preparation for construction and calculation of the geodome

If this is a greenhouse-type structure, look for an area flooded with sunlight. If you are planning to build a gazebo or an indoor sports ground, choose the shady side of the territory. If you dream of an original, unusual little house, a semi-shaded option with a closely adjacent garden would be quite appropriate.

The construction site must be cleared of hills, uneven areas, remnants of stumps and roots. In the case of a large dome, a solid base may be needed - then marking the strip foundation will become one of the preliminary stages of construction. Having outlined the boundaries of the circle, you will dig a trench and install the formwork. It is permissible to begin construction without concreting the base - if the required number of metal piles is available. Note: weak soil is an unfortunate prerequisite for such an idea.

If you are planning to use the “umbrella” being built under a transparent greenhouse, you will most likely act differently. The first phase will be the removal of soil in a circular area inside the structure. It makes sense to move the soil mass somewhere - in order to subsequently use it for planting plants in a fertile environment. The base circle is lined with non-woven material (for example, agrofibre) - this measure will not allow weeds to germinate. The flooring is covered with a thick layer of gravel.

Geometry: general and specific aspects

Another series of actions is related to precise calculation the size of both the dome itself and each of its constituent fragments. The most common ratio is 1:2, that is, the height of the dome structure is half the diameter of its base. The result is a regular hemisphere. The area of ​​the bottom is calculated using the well-known formula: S = π * r 2, where r means the radius of the circle, and the stable value π is 3.14. The area of ​​the dome itself will be 2 π * r 2.

Note: in reality, the curved part will be slightly smaller, since the frame also contains connecting beams and slats. As for determining the length of the faces of the triangles from which the hemispherical “mosaic” will be assembled, it is best to turn to Internet sites that specialize in such complex calculations. They will help to calculate both the area of ​​a dome-hemisphere and a dome structure extended upward by ¾ of a sphere (there are also such ones: they are incredibly beautiful).

Here we present the result of the finished calculations. Definitely, the complete set of “roofing” parts of the dome with a total diameter of 4 m will include 35 large triangular tiles-plates with edge A (side length 1.23 m) and 30 smaller triangles with edge B (length 1.09 m). Remember: the number of triangle planes increases as the domed “roof” grows larger. If your gazebo house looks like a ball cut into a quarter, you will need more than 90 triangular panels. The size of the base will noticeably decrease.

Necessary elements and stages of construction

Since most often a hemispherical structure is created for “agricultural” purposes, it is advisable to consider the stages of translating into reality an idea with a greenhouse bias. We are building a dome as a room for early vegetables, fruits, flowers and other ornamental crops. This goal setting will be reflected in the choice of tools and building materials. Their range is extensive, and several design options are allowed - depending on what is already in stock and what can be purchased beyond this stock.

The frame of the greenhouse can be made of wood

Basic materials and tools:

Assembly procedure and technological nuances

  • About types of coverage

Highlighting the features of the “cladding” construction group, we point out: each type of coating is good in its own way, but not without negative qualities. Polycarbonate is not perfectly transparent and overheats in hot weather, but it demonstrates excellent heat-saving properties and is convenient for installation. The film is also not super transparent, but it makes the installation process even easier. Glass does not block the way sun rays, very durable. Nevertheless, it’s a bit heavy, and it’s not cheap. The best option– double glazing. Definitely expensive.

  • Installation recommendations

The greenhouse “house” is mounted on a pre-installed base-floor – from bottom to top, in “rings”. The partitions are fastened with special fasteners - connectors. They can be screwed both from the outside and from the inside. From the point of view of technical skills, the process is simple, but requires accuracy. The closer the sections fit to each other, the smaller the gaps at the joints, the easier it will be to ensure the integrity of the shell in the future. WITH north side this “network” is complemented from the inside with a reflective shiny strip.

The use of metal tube rods is permissible when constructing a geodome

At the penultimate stage of work, when the skeleton is already covered with “skin,” you will have to devote time to sealing and insulation. The ventilation system (for the hot summer period - forced) should also be thought out in advance. Several movable sections will serve as vents. It is also possible to use a door device for ventilation - sometimes it is made transformable. Since the bottom of the greenhouse “clothing” is not involved in lighting, here you can “build up” the heat-insulating side by using a series of bricks, a mound of wood chips, and sawdust.

  • Interior garden problems

The design and arrangement of a greenhouse are entirely subordinated to the desire to optimize the living conditions of plants and give the room a cozy, pleasing appearance to the eye. The winner will be the one who correctly arranges the shelves with herbs and does not forget about the needs of the main “inhabitants” of the garden. It would be wise to allocate space for garden beds south side: there is more warmth and light there. It is advisable to “power” the fan from solar battery, fixed above the “ceiling” part of the dome. It would be nice to provide the fences of the beds with benches - “for relaxation.”

Model of the greenhouse of the future: a reasonable plan for arranging planting rows is visible inside

Domed greenhouse at the dacha: ventilating edges are visible

All that remains is to plant seedlings, bushes and flowers - and begin to enjoy contemplating the all-season riot of greenery. We hope that the dream of a home tropical park under a fabulous dome has come true, and now you have years and years of positive things ahead that give us unity with beautiful nature...