Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto wallpaper? How to hang photo wallpaper on a wall with wallpaper. When you can’t glue wallpaper to old ones and what to do in such cases

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Many people invite craftsmen to decorate the walls in their apartments, while some do it on their own. And a reasonable question often arises: is it possible to use wallpaper? In most cases, to decorate walls, the old coating is removed and then a new one is applied. But sometimes it is necessary to simplify the process or save money. And some people don’t even want to waste time on removing old finishes, puttying and sanding the walls. Therefore, people often use a method of pasting walls, in which wallpaper is glued on top of each other.

In some cases, this technique is quite acceptable:

  • If, when pasting old wallpaper, you did not get the desired result.
  • If the old canvas is very thin and tightly glued to the wall.
  • If the walls are already covered with wallpaper paper based.
  • If the type of old wallpaper matches the type of new canvas.
  • If old wallpaper is pasted on walls with oil paint or varnish, it is better not to remove the old coating, but to glue the wallpaper onto the old wallpaper. But the old canvas should hold on well and firmly.
  • If there is no need to level the base.
  • If, when removing old wallpaper, pieces of plaster fall off the wall.
  • If the glued fabric is very bad.

What is important to know

When decorating the walls in an apartment and gluing wallpaper on an old canvas, you should take into account several nuances:

Disadvantages of the “wallpaper on wallpaper” technique:

The answer to the question of whether wallpaper is glued to old wallpaper is obvious. This is possible, but you will have to glue new ones, following all technological rules and instructions. You also need to familiarize yourself with the standards and requirements for the repair process. The most important criteria are the smoothness and strength of the wall covering. Therefore, first you should carefully examine the walls for defects and peeling areas.

  1. Changes in plane visible to the naked eye.
  2. Visible tears in the panel.
  3. Peeled off areas on wallpaper.
  4. Worn areas and tear areas.
  5. Cracks, crevices and voids under the putty, which are diagnosed by tapping the walls.

Obviously, this technique has many disadvantages. Therefore, most experts recommend cleaning the wall before pasting and leveling the wall well. To remove old fabric, use special solvents and a spatula. However, if you decide to hang wallpaper, make sure you have the necessary tools.

Required tools:

  • Glue tray.
  • Roller for applying adhesive solution.
  • Sharp scissors (household or special for wallpaper).
  • Sharp knife.
  • Rubber spatula for leveling the coating.
  • Sponge or rag to wipe off excess glue on the canvas.

In this video we will look in detail at the question of whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto old wallpaper.

Stages of work

For a high-quality result and proper pasting, it is necessary to follow a sequence when performing work. Therefore, we will divide the whole process into several stages.

All work in the premises must be carried out under optimal temperature and without the fan turned on. Windows and doors should also be closed to prevent drafts. You can ventilate the room only after the canvas has completely dried.

The question often arises: is it possible to glue new vinyl wallpaper onto old vinyl sheets? This is almost impossible to do due to the water-repellent properties of the vinyl itself. In addition, such a coating may have a relief surface, which also provides adhesion to the material. Therefore, it is recommended to remove vinyl wallpaper from the wall before applying a new layer of wallpaper.

Before using the wallpaper-on-wallpaper technique, carefully consider your actions and possible consequences. Follow the instructions and study the advice of professionals, so you will achieve the best result.

In some cases, gluing new wallpaper over old ones will be quite justified. There are situations when dismantling wallpaper can take a very long time. The reasons can be completely different: from too strong wallpaper glue to gross mistakes during wallpapering. Naturally, then the need arises to apply a new layer of wallpaper on top of the previous ones. We can immediately say that this is possible, some people practice it: but you need to be prepared for many inconveniences and problems that a person may experience during this process.

Wallpapering old wallpaper: advantages

The good thing about gluing wallpaper on old flooring is that:

  • There is no need to spend money and effort on processing the wall and leveling it.
  • If the old wallpaper was glued to drywall without prior priming, then in order to remove the old wallpaper, you will have to tear it off along with the sheet of drywall itself. Gluing new wallpaper onto old ones will be relevant in this situation and will save a lot of money.

If possible, you should choose new wallpaper that is similar to the old one. That is, if the old wallpaper was cream-colored, then it is advisable to buy wallpaper of the same shade: one of the disadvantages of gluing new wallpaper instead of the old one is that there is a possibility that the old wallpaper will be visible under the new one.

The main advantage of this method is significant time savings.

It is also worth considering that such wallpaper is short-lived and can simply fall off at any time: for wallpaper you need perfect surface. Unfortunately, gluing new wallpaper is only possible on paper wallpaper.

Unfortunately, this cannot be done with non-woven, vinyl or photo wallpapers for several reasons:

  1. The surface of vinyl wallpaper is textured: naturally, such wallpaper is not suitable, since a flat surface is needed.
  2. In addition to the fact that vinyl has water-repellent properties, it has the property of repelling adhesive solutions that are necessary for gluing wallpaper.

It will not be possible to glue a new layer on top of vinyl wallpaper - the textured surface will not provide proper adhesion

This also applies to non-woven wallpaper, since the material of their outer layer is vinyl.

If the wallpaper is coming away from the wall, it would be better to remove it.

How to remove old wallpaper: the quick way (video)

How does the process of gluing new wallpaper onto old ones take place?

The first thing to do is to prime the wall on which we will apply wallpaper. The material for the primer is glue, which we will use later when we hang the wallpaper. The next stage is cutting the wallpaper: when cutting the sheets, you should add about five centimeters to the height of the wall for reserve. The following algorithm of actions is no different from gluing ordinary wallpaper. That is, you need to start gluing from any corner in the room. During the gluing process, you need to level the wallpaper with a spatula. Immediately after gluing the first sheet, you can proceed to the second: it needs to be glued in exactly the same way as the previous one.

As a primer for this method wallpaper pasting protrudes

There is no need to overdo it with applying glue: an excess of adhesive on new wallpaper can soak away the old glue.

You should pay attention to the pattern on the wallpaper: in order for it to look seamless, you need to apply the sheets of wallpaper as carefully as possible. Please note that before the actual process of wallpapering, you need to apply glue to all the joints of the previous wallpaper.

How to properly glue wallpaper (video)

Is it possible to glue wallpaper over old paint without losing the quality of the result?

Before gluing wallpaper on old paint, you should determine what type of paint you are using: some types of paint can be used for wallpaper, but some cannot. For example, on water-based paint You can’t stick wallpaper properly, because the wallpaper layer can fall off almost immediately. If your walls are covered with enamel, then you are very lucky, because you can paste new wallpaper on them without any problems. But before gluing wallpaper onto the enamel, you need to check how strongly the paint adheres to the wall surface: you need to take tape, stick it to the painted surface of the wall, and quickly tear it off: if some of the paint is on the tape, it means that the paint does not adhere well.

It should be remembered that this method can only be used in exceptional cases.

If there is a small amount of paint on the tape or there is none at all, then you can start working:

  • If there are areas on the wall where the paint is coming off or peeling, then you should get rid of it.
  • The wall needs to be treated sandpaper over the entire surface.
  • Be sure to get rid of dust on the wall: this can be done with a rag.
  • The final stage is treating the wall surface with an impregnation intended for walls.

If you have the opportunity, it is still advisable to remove all the paint from the wall: although you will spend some time dismantling the paint, the result will be much better than directly sticking wallpaper onto the paint.

This method of gluing should only be used in exceptional situations.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on painted walls (video)

The risk must always be justified: that is, if a person is simply too lazy to prepare the surface for wallpapering, then if he wants a decent result, he will still have to work hard; nothing comes easy. A lot of people have already had bad experiences when they simply did not want to dismantle the old wallpaper, but simply pasted new wallpaper on it: in most cases, such wallpaper came off very quickly. Funds for wallpaper that didn’t last long were wasted, as was energy: that is, it was all in vain. Such a risk should only be taken when extreme situations: If you have no choice, then you can still use this method of wallpapering. The most important thing is to follow all the recommendations and work hard!

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto old wallpaper (video)

One of the most popular types interior decoration - wallpapering. But in order for the result to please you, you need to know how to glue wallpaper correctly. There are a sufficient number of nuances that affect the quality of the finish.

Preparatory stage

First, everything in the room that can be removed is removed, including door frames and baseboards, if possible. They also remove sockets and switches, closing the boxes with wires with plugs - plastic or wooden.

Turn off electrical outlets

When working with electricity, we de-energize the room and do not turn it on until we are finished. It is advisable to carry out all work, including wallpapering, with the power turned off. The work is “wet”, and water or glue can get on the wires and short out. If the wiring is done according to all the rules and there are protective circuit breakers, this is not a big deal. They'll just turn off the power and that's it.

If the wiring is still done in the old way, it can be dangerous. The worst part is that in this case there is often no way to turn off the power in a separate room. Only in the entire apartment or, at best, in half of it. Then the solution is to remove the power wires from the sockets and switches (with the power off, of course) and carefully insulate the ends, then hiding them under plugs. Then you will have to unwind them and put them back in place, but it will be safe.

Lighting during work is temporary - extension cords are pulled from other rooms and portable lamps are turned on. Once you have dealt with electricity, you can move on.

Sealing irregularities

Here you will first have to assess the condition of the walls. First you need to remove all the nails and screws, remove chips and repair cracks. Then examine the results. If the walls are more or less even, there are only small defects, you can get by with occasional leveling. Only cracks, dents and chips are repaired. They can be covered with finishing putty. Just before leveling, completely clean the wall of dust and pieces of wallpaper, and then cover it with a primer (with a wall roller and a brush in the corners).

If the wall has been “treated” with a hammer drill, you cannot do without full putty of the entire wall. Mostly used today gypsum putty. First, apply a layer of primary or starting. It has a coarser grain and the layer can be up to 3-5 mm. This composition is used to level out the main unevenness, trying to achieve a smooth surface. After drying, they pass through a special mesh, removing any unevenness or sagging that may exist.

After being used finishing putty. It is very plastic and is applied in a thin layer - up to 1-2 mm. After this, the wall becomes smooth (after the irregularities have been smoothed out with a mesh, only with a smaller mesh).

Primer of walls

The second layer of primer is applied after puttying. It forms a film on the surface that reduces the absorption of the glue and also improves adhesion. For wallpapering, you can use a thinner wallpaper glue as a primer. Each pack has a table indicating the amount of water for gluing and priming. We dilute the glue in the required proportion, wait for it to be ready (also on the package) and cover the walls with the composition. The priming technique is the same: first go over the corners with a brush, then with a roller on smooth surfaces.

In the video, for some reason, the use of primary putty is called plaster, but otherwise the sequence of actions is presented correctly.

Rules for gluing

When wallpapering there are several rules that must be followed. The technique varies depending on the type of wallpaper, as does the glue, which is necessary for a quality result. the difference is mainly in when and where to apply the glue. You don't have to guess. Everything is on the insert, which is included on each roll of wallpaper. there in graphically it is depicted, and in some it is written, which part should be coated with glue: only the wall or only the wallpaper, or maybe both at once.

But some things remain the same. For example, applying a starting strip.

Where to start

In reality, the starting location is not that important. It is important that the first strip is glued strictly vertically. Therefore, the choice is yours.

If the room has a perfectly designed corner: smooth and exactly vertical, you can start from there. You can start from a door with a perfectly aligned jamb. If there is nothing like that, draw a guideline for yourself. Take a building level, mark a point on the wall and draw an exact vertical line through it. Inexpensive household-grade building levels, which we usually use for repairs, sometimes give a significant error. And since it is important for us to stick the first strip strictly vertically, check the accuracy of the line using a plumb line. He never lies, pointing straight down. If everything is fine, you will align the edge of the strip along this line.

If you still haven’t decided where to start gluing wallpaper and this is your first experience in this area, start with the wall that is least visible. For example, the one along which there is a closet. The first couple of pages will be difficult for you, but then you will better understand what’s what and there will be fewer flaws.

How to glue wallpaper on a wall

If glue, at the request of the manufacturers, is applied to the cut fragment, the smeared strip is folded so that the coated side is inside. To do this, fold the edges towards the middle, then fold them several more times. The folds are not pressed. Let them remain round. This is necessary so that all layers are saturated and the canvas fits well on the wall and also sticks without bubbles.

If you need to apply glue to the wall, coat an area slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper. The area under the ceiling, in the corner and near the floor is coated with a brush. Then the rules are general.

Take the cut strip and climb up the stepladder. Place the top edge a few centimeters on the ceiling, then align one of the edges along the drawn “start” line. Since wallpaper today is glued end-to-end, it doesn’t matter which edge.

Strictly attaching the side edge to the line, moving from this line to the other edge, glue the wallpaper in the ceiling area. Then, gradually moving down, you go down a little lower.

Extra centimeters on the ceiling are cut off. It is more convenient to do this with a paper knife and a large spatula. Press the paper well against the corner by running your hand. Then apply a spatula. Run a knife blade along its edge.

Trimming under the ceiling and near the baseboard

When gluing the canvases, movements are made from the center of the strip to the side and slightly downward, expelling the trapped air to the edges. Previously, this was done with a rag, but it works better and faster with a roller with an elastic nozzle (it is usually yellow color). There are practically no bubbles when working with it. But if the wallpaper is structural, with an embossed pattern, you can crumple it with a roller. Then take a wallpaper brush. It is wide and flat, with hard pile.

Wallpaper brush for quick pasting

Having reached the place where the strip is not yet glued, unroll the rest tightly and proceed according to the same pattern. First, you expose the edge, then use a roller or rag to expel the air, achieving a flat surface.

The second strip is glued in exactly the same way, with the only difference being that the canvas already on the wall will serve as a guide for gluing the edge. That’s why it’s important to glue it evenly, otherwise everyone else will also be mowed.

Secrets of pasting corners

The most difficult part to glue wallpaper correctly is in the corners. But this is only until you know the secret. You can try to do it simple at first. Wrap one of the parts onto the adjacent wall by 1-2 cm, and cut the second at the corner.

It’s not difficult to do, this method looks good. But on some wallpapers this stripe is very visible. For such a case, there is another way. Glue the canvases on both sides of the corner so that they wrap at least a little on the other side (2-3 cm is enough). Press well so that they fit exactly. to the walls and corner.

Then take a special cutter or large spatula. Press it in the corner, cut the wallpaper along its edge sharp knife. It is necessary to cut both sheets at the same time, so considerable effort may be required. To ensure a continuous cut, do not tear off the knife. Having stopped, move the spatula, which you rest against the blade and then continue the cut.

Having cut everything off, remove both cut strips and join the remaining strips in the corner. If the wallpaper was pressed well before trimming, the match is perfect, without any discrepancies.

How to glue wallpaper on outside corners? Almost in the same ways. In the first case, one of the stripes is wrapped around the corner by one or two centimeters (for thicker wallpapers, 2 cm is better, for thin ones, 1 cm is enough). The second strip is glued strictly along the corner. If this overlap is visible (usually on non-woven wallpaper), you will need to cut along the entire strip. In this case, we wrap more and cut vertically using the same spatula and knife. We remove the cut and glue the joint.

Meter-long wallpaper in the corners is glued in the same way as narrower ones. It happens that a narrow strip is needed in a corner, and the rest is cut off. If the wallpaper is without a pattern, it can be used somewhere, at least in another corner. With patterned canvases, sometimes it is also possible to attach them somewhere, but this is more difficult to do. That’s why they take patterned ones with a decent supply: just for such cases.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on paper, how to remove imperfect corners in this video.

How to glue wallpaper near doors and windows

If the door or window is flush with the plane of the wall, problems usually do not arise. Wallpaper is cut along the door frame or along the edge of the trim. The canvas is cut at an angle of about 45° to the corner of the casing or frame. The cut parts are wrapped along the opening, bent and then cut off with scissors or a knife. It’s smoother and faster using a knife and spatula.

How to glue near the door

The option that causes more difficulties is when it is necessary to cover the slope of a door or window. When using paper wallpaper, the principle is again simple: glue the strip onto the slope, extending it 1 cm onto the wall. We glue a piece on top exactly along the cut of the window opening.

But this method will not work with wallpaper on non-woven fabric: the “overlap” is too visible. In this case, the strip is cut along the window opening with a small margin. Another fragment is glued on top with an overlap, cutting them exactly along the cut of the window opening. The glued piece is wrapped inside, onto the slope. Then they join as before.

It's difficult to explain in words. It’s more accessible in video. By the way, it also contains a story about the design of wallpaper for arched openings.

How to make joints invisible

Care must be taken to ensure that the joints of the canvases are invisible during gluing. You need to connect the canvases so that there is no gap between them, but also so that they do not overlap one another even by a millimeter. A perfect match must be achieved.

Because it's perfect smooth walls Unfortunately, we don’t see them very often; it turns out that the seam either creeps in a little or diverges. Your task is to move the canvas so that it becomes perfect and invisible. You can move the canvases with your hands - they can slightly stretch and contract. Due to this, you achieve the required match. If the resulting defect is too large and nothing can be achieved by shifting, the strip is peeled off to this place and, having corrected it as necessary, is glued again. Sometimes, if the seam is sticking out a little, rolling it with a special tapered roller can help.

With this technique, it turns out that first the edge is glued, which is joined, and then, from it, they begin to smooth out the rest of the surface of the canvas. If you have examined the seam and are satisfied with the result, take a clean rag and wipe it off any excess glue that may have come out during all these actions.

To learn how to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing and how to make the joint invisible, watch the video.

Eliminating shortcomings

If there is a lack of experience, it may happen that bubbles appear on the walls after or during drying. You can remove them with simple steps. Take a large syringe, fill it with glue, pierce the bubble and inject some glue into it. Vinyl wallpapers, acrylic, paper - top part however, it is unimportant. The actions vary depending on the basis. If the wallpaper is paper-based, wait five to seven minutes; if it is non-woven, act immediately.

How to remove bubbles from wallpaper

Seams come apart quite often. Wallpaper may peel along the thread or baseboard. There are two ways to glue them. Use a brush and the remaining glue or buy a special one for seams. It comes in a tube and is applied precisely. And again, the procedure depends on the base. After wetting the paper, wait a while, then glue it, making sure the edges match.

Very often, before starting another renovation, the question arises: is it possible to glue photo wallpaper onto wallpaper? It is possible, just like regular wallpaper, you just need to study some of the nuances. After all, the wallpaper is this moment are one of the most popular types of wall coverings.

There are situations when certain difficulties arise with dismantling old wall coverings. The way out of this situation is to wallpaper the old wallpaper.

Compliance with norms and criteria

Pasting new wallpaper onto old ones can save a lot of time.

At repair work The owners of the premises often receive certain questions, one of which is: is it possible to glue new wallpaper onto old ones? Often the appearance of such questions is dictated by the desire to save time and money. After all, gluing wallpaper over old ones is a quick process. Although, according to all the rules, before gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully level and putty the surface of the wall.

For this purpose it is always removed upper layer wall covering, but if for some specific reason the old wallpaper needs to be left, then the opportunity to stick new ones on the old ones still exists.

When performing the repair process, it is recommended to strictly follow technical rules and standards and comply with certain criteria when gluing wallpaper to wallpaper. Work must begin with a complete check of the wall surface; it must be flat and smooth, without cracks, pieces of torn wallpaper or bumps.

If no visible defects are found, then you can safely proceed. But if there is at least one flaw, then it is better not to risk it and carry out repairs first.

It is better not to apply new wallpaper to non-woven wallpaper, as they do not allow moisture to pass through and have repulsive properties, which completely excludes the possibility of their use.

If the old coating is difficult to remove from the walls, then it is recommended to glue the wallpaper directly onto it

To avoid all sorts of risks, you should pay attention to what kind of wallpaper was originally glued to the walls. All of the following conditions must be met:

  • old wallpaper should adhere well and fit tightly to the wall;
  • it can only be paper wallpaper;
  • the surface should be smooth and not have relief patterns;
  • allowed minimum thickness layer of the previous wallpaper.

Disadvantages of this method

Prepare for the possibility of bubbles

There are certain disadvantages of such a repair when wallpaper is applied to wallpaper. There is a risk of “bubbles” and defects forming. There is also the possibility that the pattern or color of the old wallpaper will bleed onto the new wall covering. The quality of the surface is significantly reduced, and this shortens the life of the new wallpaper.

There is an opinion that harmful bacteria and mold spores can develop in the spaces between the layers of wallpaper, which can negatively affect the health of residents. And in terms of hygiene, this method is not very good, especially if the wallpaper was used in the kitchen. After all, as you know, they absorb various odors and soot very well.

By gluing wallpaper on top of each other, it simply overlaps appearance, but everything that has accumulated in them over the years of use remains in place.

The width of the new wallpaper should match the size of the old ones

It is also important to select new wallpaper according to the width of the canvas; it must match the width of the old coating, otherwise the joints will fall in the middle of the strip and will appear.

Before you make a decision, do a little experiment.

Dilute glue for new wallpaper according to the instructions and coat a small piece of the old covering with it, observe how it behaves.

If, after soaking, the old wallpaper does not come off the wall, you can safely proceed to gluing a new covering, but if, nevertheless, it has come off somewhere or is swollen, then such wallpaper must be removed.

Wallpapering tools

A spatula will help level the canvas

You should immediately prepare everything you need to carry out repairs, so that later you don’t get distracted by trifles and don’t look for the right thing. Always have at hand:

  1. Sharp knife. Used for making cuts at joints and corners.
  2. Scissors. These can be either special wallpaper scissors or ordinary household ones.
  3. A table with a flat surface will help you work with wallpaper and simplify the task of gluing it.
  4. Putty knife. It can be used to smooth out uneven surfaces of wall coverings.
  5. A tray and a paint roller will make applying wallpaper glue more comfortable and quick.
  6. Soft cloths that will need to be used to wipe off glue residue from the wallpaper.

Wallpapering process

Before you start gluing new copies onto old wallpaper, you must thoroughly coat the walls with a primer; for this you can use the same primer that is intended for the selected wall covering. How to hang wallpaper correctly?

Dilute the wallpaper glue to a liquid state, use a roller to apply it to the old wallpaper and let it dry thoroughly. A wallpaper roll allows you to cut the wallpaper into three strips; it is advisable to leave a small allowance to avoid unpleasant situations. Excess wallpaper can always be trimmed with a wallpaper knife.

If there is a pattern, it is better to adjust it in advance and then cut it to the required length.

Perform dilution of the adhesive according to the instructions. It must be applied to the wall surface or to the canvas, depending on the type of wallpaper chosen. The surface is covered with a medium layer of glue, avoiding drips and empty spaces. To learn how to paste wallpaper over old ones, watch this video:

The main rule for wallpapering is to start from the corner of the room.

Wallpapering corners can be a bit of a hassle.

The selected strip of wallpaper should be raised to the ceiling, pressed to the beginning of the wall and straightened from top to bottom. The glued part of the canvas must be smoothed using a spatula, carefully squeezing out air bubbles.

Use a clean, soft cloth to walk from the center to the edges of the wallpaper. Wipe off excess glue. All subsequent strips of wallpaper are glued in the same way: paper types are glued overlapping, the rest - joint to joint.

Difficulties during work can arise only in the case of gluing in the corners of the room. To eliminate them, you need to reduce the width of the strip, leaving only 5 cm for an allowance; there is no need to coat them with glue.

The same strip should be prepared for the other side of the wall. Then you should glue the strips, place the allowances on top of each other, and then cut them with a wallpaper knife. Remove excess pieces, coat the joints with glue and smooth with a spatula. The result is an evenly glued corner of the wall.

Applying a large amount of glue can help soften the previous layer of old wallpaper.

If the old covering has a bright pattern, then it is better to get rid of it, as it can be visible through the new wallpaper. You also need to check whether the paint on the original wallpaper is capable of fading; this nuance can easily ruin the appearance of the new coating.

Pasting over non-woven wallpaper

The old non-woven base must be treated with a special primer

Is it possible to glue new wallpaper onto old non-woven wallpaper? Many people ask themselves this question. Wallpaper of this type is impregnated with a special water-repellent composition, not glue. They also often have a raised pattern that will appear through the layer of new wallpaper. This is exactly the case when such a base needs to be removed.

Another question often arises: is it possible to glue non-woven wallpaper over old ones? Yes, only if the old base is paper. The main thing is to treat the walls with old wallpaper well with a primer made from glue for.

How to remove old wallpaper

Scratch the wallpaper and moisten it with water

If a situation arises that the old wall covering still needs to be removed, you need to know how to do it correctly. Different kinds wallpapers differ in the degree of water resistance. To break this protective layer, you need to make scratches over the entire surface, wet it with water and let it soak.

To speed up peeling, you can add to water detergent. The solution is applied to the walls several times, allowed to stand for about 4 hours, then the old wallpaper begins to be scraped off. They are easily removed with a metal spatula.

When the wallpaper is vinyl, the top ball is first removed from it, and then done in the same way as with paper wallpaper. If there are numerous layers of wall covering, they should be treated with a special compound to soften the wallpaper; it can be found in specialized stores. For more information on how to easily remove wallpaper, watch this video:

Having studied all aspects of the issue and found out whether it is possible to glue new wallpaper onto old ones, it is necessary to draw some conclusions. By following all the recommendations, you can easily hang wallpaper yourself, the main thing is to correctly determine the condition of the old coating. A scrupulous approach to this issue will allow you to avoid many mistakes and achieve excellent results.

If you do not have the relevant experience, then it is not recommended to glue new wallpaper over old ones. It would be nice to carry out the repair quickly, in a short time, and even on a budget. This means that you need to do it on your own. Is this always possible? And won't such savings affect the quality of work? If you do everything correctly, the savings will be significant, and it is better to buy wallpaper that is more expensive and more beautiful than to give extra money to the craftsmen.

Problem: you can glue wallpaper onto old wallpaper

The surface of the walls should always be prepared before pasting - any professional will tell you this. Gluing over old ones is a risky undertaking. And the point is not even that the new wallpaper may come off or will somehow not stick very well. The point, rather, is that the wall is not prepared for new repairs. But sometimes it needs to be leveled and primed.

But sometimes you just really need to put on new wallpaper without removing the old ones. In what situations does this happen? If you have very little time, you need to save energy, money, and time. If the walls are smooth, no preliminary leveling is necessary.

New wallpaper can be glued over old ones if the old ones are small in thickness and there are no serious damages to them

But with this option, these conditions must be met:

  • Old wallpaper must be only paper;
  • Even if old wallpaper is very firmly, “tightly” attached to the wall;
  • The surface of the wallpaper should not be textured or embossed, it should be completely smooth;
  • Old wallpaper should be thin.

That is, as you can see, such wallpapering requires quite serious conditions. And the previous layer is not always paper wallpaper. And if you glue it to vinyl, then you definitely don’t expect a good gluing. It won’t take on well, and then, most likely, it will come off in two layers at once.

Cons: wallpapering old wallpaper

Certain shortcomings, or, as people call them, “jambs,” most likely cannot be avoided. And if you decide to save time, you should be prepared for them. Still, the gluing technology is broken.

If we glue new ones good wallpaper on top of the old ones:

  • The aesthetics of the selected pattern will decrease;
  • The quality of fastening of the new wallpaper will also be insufficient;
  • The risk of gluing defects is more than great - these include numerous “bubbles” and partial peeling;
  • Bacteria and mold can grow under the fibers, which are dangerous to your health.

If you glue new wallpaper over old ones, then after some time defects may form on them

Well, if you glue white, light and/or thin wallpaper over old ones, such a sticker is already doomed to failure. You can’t stick it exactly like this - the previous layer will be too noticeable. There will be a feeling of dirty, sloppy work.

How to hang wallpaper on old wallpaper: subtleties of the process

Let's say that your walls are covered with thin, smooth paper wallpaper, and you are planning to glue new ones on them. However, before work, check that the old canvas does not have any defects, that there are no tears, and that all joints are carefully connected.

One more nuance: it is possible that old wallpaper will suddenly show its coloring properties; this can be activated when it gets wet from the new glue. And then, of course, all the work is down the drain.

So, you are convinced that the old wallpaper is holding up perfectly. And yet, moisten the base, and tear off those pieces that fall off on their own. And then work in progress in the usual way, but only a pasting test is done first. This means you glue one strip and wait for it to dry. Wait at least an hour, if everything is fine, continue gluing.

Preparing walls: how to remove old coating

But let’s say the work didn’t go well. You realized that high-quality gluing would not work, and you decided to clear the wall of the old wallpaper. You should not be afraid of this process, especially since it can be significantly accelerated.

It is convenient to remove old wallpaper using a regular spatula

You can quickly remove old wallpaper from the wall:

  • By causing scratches to the wallpaper;
  • Wetting the wallpaper;
  • Scraping off the old coating.

It is worth remembering that the degree of water permeability different wallpapers different. In order for water to penetrate the material as much as possible, it is necessary to destroy the entire integrity of the coating. This is usually why scratches are made. Scratched in large quantities places, then the surface needs to be thoroughly moistened.

By the way, it is on sale and special composition, a solution for removing old layers of wallpaper. It acts on the glue under the wallpaper, making it easy to remove from the wall. But this is usually necessary if more traditional ways The wallpaper is not removable. If the glue literally holds tightly. But this doesn’t always happen.

The solution itself is applied to the wall, but it should not flow down the surface. After the surface is wetted, it should be left alone for half an hour. And then you can safely remove the old layers. Usually, in such conditions, scraping takes a little time. And, by the way, wallpaper can be removed not with some special spatula, but even with an ordinary ruler.

Expert answer: can wallpaper be glued to old wallpaper (video)

Gluing new wallpaper over old wallpaper is always a risky undertaking. You can ruin the new wallpaper, they may even come off along with the old ones. New wallpaper may become covered with bubbles, and there is almost nothing you can do about it. Is it worth the risk? Only under certain conditions. And this is old paper wallpaper, thin, smooth, and glued evenly and firmly.

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