The effect of chemicals on the root system of plants. Growth substances, their influence on the growth and development of plants. The influence of soil humus content on the yield of agricultural plants

The influence of chemicals on plant growth and development. Completed by: Ignatieva Victoria, 6th grade student Supervisor: Putina Yu.K., teacher of biology and chemistry Municipal state educational institution "Nizhnesanarskaya Secondary comprehensive school Troitsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region 2017

Purpose: to study the influence of chemicals on the growth and development of plants. Objectives: Study the available literature on this issue; Get acquainted with available methods for studying the influence of chemicals on the growth and development of plants. Draw a conclusion about the effects of chemicals based on your own research. Develop recommendations for improving conditions for growing cultivated plants. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that chemicals will negatively affect plant growth and development.

Subject of research: Onions, common beans Subject of research: the effect of chemicals on plants.

Chemical Sampling Technique

To study the influence of chemicals, 6 samples were taken: No. 1 - copper sulfate CuSO4 * 5H2O No. 2 - zinc sulfate ZnSO4 * 7H2O No. 3 - - iron sulfate FeSO4 * 7H2O No. 4 - potassium permanganate KMnO4 No. 5 - lead sulfate PbSO4 No. 6 - control sample (without added chemicals)

Results of the study of control samples Control sample No. 6 (onion bulb) development proceeds intensively with the formation of many adventitious roots) Control sample No. 6 (Bean plant) - growth and development proceeds within normal limits

Results of the study of test samples exposed to copper sulfate Sample No. 1 The appearance of a small number of roots, their growth soon stops, they darken. Sample No. 1 of the plant, after adding a solution of copper sulfate, the leaves immediately curled, the plant died by the end of the 1st week of the experiment

Results of the study of test samples exposed to zinc sulfate Sample No. 2 The appearance of a large number of roots, their growth is insignificant. Sample No. 2 In a plant after adding a solution of zinc sulfate, the leaves usually developed during the first week of experiments, then with increasing concentration of the solution the leaves turned yellow and curled

Results of the study of test samples exposed to iron sulfate Sample No. 3 The appearance of a small number of roots, their growth soon stops, they darken. Sample No. 3. The plant developed three leaves, but then they began to curl and turn yellow.

Results of the study of test samples under the influence of potassium permanganate Sample No. 4 The bulb with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate (No. 4) developed weakly, the roots were 1-2 mm, then growth stopped Sample No. 4 The plant lost 3 leaves on the 4th day, then the rest dried out

Results of the study of test samples exposed to lead sulfate Sample No. 5 The onion had a sufficient number of roots, but small in size. The bean plant had large leaves, but pale in color, which also curled slightly at the end of 2 weeks

The control sample (No. 6) had smooth, light cells without signs of any deformation.

Onion cells from the test sample with the addition of iron sulfate (No. 3) had an even structure, but their cytoplasm was darkly colored.

Onion cells from a test sample with the addition of potassium permanganate (No. 4) acquired a blue color. The cells had an even structure.

Conclusions: Excess iron sulfate stains cells in dark color and slows down the growth of the root system. Potassium permanganate has a similar effect. Excess copper sulfate destroys plant cells and stops its growth.

All humic substances are formed as a result of postmortem (post-mortem) transformation of organic residues. The transformation of organic residues into humic substances is called the process of humification. It goes outside living organisms, both with their participation and through purely chemical reactions oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, condensation, etc.

Unlike a living cell, in which the synthesis of biopolymers is carried out in accordance with the genetic code, during the process of humification there is no set program, so any compounds can arise, both simpler and more complex than the original biomolecules. The resulting products are again subjected to synthesis or decomposition reactions, and such the process is underway almost continuously.

Humic substances constitute a specific group of high-molecular dark-colored substances formed during the decomposition of organic residues in the soil by synthesizing dead plant and animal tissues from decay and decay products. The amount of carbon bound in humic acids of soils, peat, and coals is almost four times greater than the amount of carbon bound in the organic matter of all plants and animals on the globe. But humic substances are not just waste products of life processes, they are natural and important products of the joint evolution of mineral substances and flora Earth.

Humic substances can influence plants directly, being a source of mineral nutrition elements (pool of nutrients). Soil organic matter contains a significant amount of nutrients; the plant community consumes them after they are converted into mineral form by soil microorganisms. It is in mineral form that nutrients enter plant biomass.

Humic substances can indirectly affect plants, that is, influence the physical-mechanical, physical-chemical and biological properties of the soil. Having a complex effect on the soil, they improve its physical, chemical and biological properties. Along with this, they perform a protective function, binding heavy metals, radionuclides and organic toxicants, thereby preventing them from entering plants. Thus, influencing the soil, they indirectly influence plants, promoting their more active growth and development.

Recently, new directions for the influence of humic substances on plants have been developed, namely: Plants are heterotrophs that feed directly on humic substances; Humic substances can have a hormonal effect on the plant, thereby stimulating its growth and development.

1. Biosphere functions of humic substances affecting plant development

IN last years Scientists have identified the general biochemical and environmental functions of humic substances and their influence on plant development. Among the most important are the following:

Rechargeable- the ability of humic substances to accumulate long-term reserves of all nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids in various environments;

Transport- formation of complex organomineral compounds with metals and trace elements that actively migrate into plants;

Regulatory- humic substances form the color of the soil and regulate mineral nutrition, cation exchange, buffering and redox processes in the soil;

Protective- by sorption of toxic substances and radionuclides, humic substances prevent their entry into plants.

The combination of all these functions ensures increased yields and the required quality of agricultural products. It is especially important to emphasize the positive effect of humic substances under unfavorable environmental conditions: low and high temperatures, lack of moisture, salinity, accumulation of pesticides and the presence of radionuclides.

The role of humic substances as physiologically active substances is undeniable. They change the permeability of cell membranes, increase the activity of enzymes, stimulate the processes of respiration, synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates. They increase the chlorophyll content and the productivity of photosynthesis, which in turn creates the prerequisites for obtaining environmentally friendly products.

When using land agriculturally, a constant replenishment of humus in the soil is necessary to maintain the required concentration of humic substances.

Until now, this replenishment has been carried out mainly through the application of composts, manure and peat. However, since the content of actual humic substances in them is relatively small, the rates of their application are very high. This increases transport and other production costs, which are many times higher than the cost of the fertilizers themselves. In addition, they contain weed seeds, as well as pathogenic bacteria.

To obtain high and sustainable yields, it is not enough to rely on the biological capabilities of agricultural crops, which, as is known, are used only by 10-20%. Of course, it is necessary to use high-yielding varieties, effective techniques agro- and phytotechnics, fertilizers, but it is no longer possible to do without plant growth regulators, which by the end of the twentieth century play no less important role than pesticides and fertilizers.

2. The influence of soil humus content on the yield of agricultural plants

Highly humus soils have a higher content of physiologically active substances. Humus activates biochemical and physiological processes, increases metabolism and the overall energy level of processes in the plant body, promotes an increased supply of nutrients to it, which is accompanied by an increase in yield and improvement in its quality.

Experimental material has accumulated in the literature showing the close dependence of yield on the level of humus content in soils. The correlation coefficient between the humus content in the soil and the yield is 0.7...0.8 (data from VNIPTIOU, 1989). Thus, in studies of the Belarusian Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry (BelNIIPA), an increase in the amount of humus in soddy-podzolic soils by 1% (within its variation from 1.5 to 2.5...3%) increases the grain yield of winter rye and barley by 10... 15 c/ha. On collective farms and state farms of the Vladimir region, with a humus content in the soil of up to 1%, the grain yield in the period 1976-1980. did not exceed 10 c/ha, at 1.6...2% it was 15 c/ha, 3.5...4% - 35 c/ha. In the Kirov region, a 1% increase in humus pays off by obtaining an additional 3...6 centners of grain, in the Voronezh region - 2 centners, in the Krasnodar Territory - 3...4 centners / ha.

The role of humus in increasing the yield of skillful use of chemical fertilizers is even more significant; its effectiveness increases by 1.5...2 times. However, it must be remembered that chemical fertilizers applied to the soil cause increased decomposition of humus, which leads to a decrease in its content.

The practice of modern agricultural production shows that increasing the humus content in soils is one of the main indicators of their cultivation. At a low level of humus reserves, the application of mineral fertilizers alone does not lead to a stable increase in soil fertility. Moreover, the use of high doses of mineral fertilizers on soils poor in organic matter is often accompanied by an unfavorable effect on soil micro- and macroflora, the accumulation of nitrates and other harmful compounds in plants, and in many cases a decrease in crop yields.

3. Effect of humic substances on plants

Humic acids are a product of the natural biochemical transformation of organic matter in the biosphere. They are the main part of soil organic matter - humus, playing a key role in the cycle of substances in nature and maintaining soil fertility.

Humic acids have a branched molecular structure, including a large number of functional groups and active centers. The formation of these natural compounds occurs under the influence of physicochemical processes occurring in the soil and the activity of soil organisms. Sources for the synthesis of humic acids are plant and animal residues, as well as waste products of soil microflora.

Thus, humic acids are accumulators of soil organic matter - amino acids, carbohydrates, pigments, biologically active substances and lignin. In addition, valuable inorganic soil components are concentrated in humic acids - elements of mineral nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), as well as microelements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum, etc.).

Under the influence of natural processes occurring in the soil, all of the above components are included in a single molecular complex - humic acids. The variety of initial components for the synthesis of this complex determines the complex molecular structure and, as a consequence, a wide range of physical, chemical and biological effects of humic acids on soil and plants.

Humic acids, as a component of humus, are found in almost all types of soils. They are part of solid fossil fuels (hard and soft brown coals), as well as peat and sapropel. However, in their natural state, these compounds are inactive and are almost completely in insoluble form. Only salts formed by humic acids with alkali metals - sodium, potassium (humates) are physiologically active.

3.1 The influence of humates on soil properties

The influence of humates on physical properties soils

The mechanism of this effect varies depending on the type of soil.

On heavy clay soils Humates promote mutual repulsion of clay particles by removing excess salts and destroying the compact three-dimensional structure of clay. As a result, the soil becomes looser, excess moisture evaporates more easily, and air flow improves, making breathing and root movement easier.

When applied to light soils, humates envelop and glue together the mineral particles of the soil, helping to create a very valuable water-resistant lump-grained structure that improves water permeability and water holding capacity soil, its breathability. These features are due to the ability of humic acids to gel.

Moisture retention. The retention of water by humates occurs due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and charged groups of humates, as well as metal ions adsorbed on them. As a result, water evaporation is reduced by an average of 30%, which leads to increased moisture absorption by plants on arid and sandy soils.

Formation of dark color. Humates color the soil dark. This is especially important for areas with cold and temperate climates, since dark coloring improves the absorption and storage of solar energy by soils. As a result, the soil temperature rises.

The influence of humates on the chemical properties of soils and the properties of soil moisture.

By their nature, humic acids are polyelectrolytes. In combination with organic and mineral soil particles, they form a soil absorption complex. Possessing a large number of different functional groups, humic acids are able to adsorb and retain nutrients, macro- and microelements entering the soil. Nutrients retained by humic acids are not bound by soil minerals and are not washed away by water, being in a state accessible to plants.

Increasing the buffer capacity of the soil. The addition of humates increases the buffer capacity of soils, that is, the ability of the soil to maintain a natural pH level even with an excess supply of acidic or alkaline agents. Thus, when applied, humates are able to remove excess soil acidity, which over time makes it possible to sow crops that are sensitive to high acidity in these fields.

The influence of humates on the transport of nutrients and microelements into plants.

Unlike free humic acids, humates are water-soluble mobile compounds. By adsorbing nutrients and microelements, they contribute to their movement from the soil to plants.
When humates are applied, there is a clear tendency to increase the content of available phosphorus (1.5-2 times), exchangeable potassium and assimilable nitrogen (2-2.5 times) in the arable soil layer.

All microelements, being transition metals (except boron and iodine), form mobile chelate complexes with humates that easily penetrate into plants, which ensures their absorption, and iron and manganese, according to scientists, are absorbed exclusively in the form of humates of these metals.

Proposed mechanism this process comes down to the fact that humates, under certain conditions, are capable of absorbing metal ions, releasing them when conditions change. The addition of positively charged metal ions occurs due to the negatively charged functional groups of humic acids (carboxylic, hydroxyl, etc.).

During the process of plant roots absorbing water, soluble metal humates come close to the root cells. The negative charge of the root system exceeds the negative charge of humates, which leads to the detachment of metal ions from humic acid molecules and the absorption of ions by the cell membrane.

Many researchers believe that small molecules of humic acids, along with metal ions and other nutrients attached to them, can be absorbed and assimilated directly by the plant.
Thanks to the described mechanisms, soil nutrition of plants is improved, which contributes to their more efficient growth and development.

The influence of humates on the biological properties of soils.

Humic acids are sources of available phosphates and carbon for microorganisms. Molecules of humic acids are capable of forming large aggregates on which colonies of microorganisms actively develop. Thus, humates significantly intensify the activity of different groups of microorganisms, which are closely related to the mobilization of soil nutrients and the transformation of potential fertility into effective one.
Due to the increase in the number of silicate bacteria, the exchangeable potassium absorbed by plants is constantly replenished.

Humates increase the number of microorganisms in the soil that decompose sparingly soluble mineral and organic compounds phosphorus.

Humates improve the supply of soil with digestible nitrogen reserves: the number of ammonifying bacteria increases three to five times; in some cases, a tenfold increase in ammonifying bacteria was recorded; the number of nitrifying bacteria increases 3-7 times. By improving the living conditions of free-living bacteria, their ability to fix molecular nitrogen from the atmosphere increases almost 10 times.

As a result, the soil is enriched with available nutrients. When organic matter decomposes, a large amount of organic acids and carbon dioxide is formed. Under their influence, hard-to-reach mineral compounds of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium are transformed into forms accessible to the plant.

Protective properties of humates

The complex effect of humates on soil provides their protective properties.
Irreversible binding of heavy metals and radionuclides. This property of humates is especially important under conditions of increased anthropogenic load on soils. Compounds of lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel and cadmium released during combustion coal, the work of metallurgical enterprises and power plants enter the soil from the atmosphere in the form of dust and ash, as well as with vehicle exhaust gases. At the same time, the level of radiation pollution has increased significantly in many regions.
When introduced into the soil, humates irreversibly bind heavy metals and radionuclides. As a result, insoluble, sedentary complexes are formed, which are removed from the cycle of substances in the soil. Thus, humates prevent these compounds from entering plants and, consequently, agricultural products.

Along with this, the activation of microflora by humates leads to additional enrichment of the soil with humic acids. As a result, due to the mechanism described above, the soil becomes more resistant to technogenic pollution.
Acceleration of decomposition of organic ecotoxicants. By activating the activity of soil microorganisms, humates contribute to the accelerated decomposition of toxic organic compounds formed during fuel combustion, as well as toxic chemicals.
The multicomponent composition of humic acids allows them to effectively sorb hard-to-reach organic compounds, reducing their toxicity to plants and humans.

3.2 Effect of humates on the general development of plants, seeds and root system

Intensification of physicochemical and biochemical processes. Humates increase the activity of all plant cells. As a result, the energy of the cell increases and improves physicochemical characteristics protoplasm, metabolism, photosynthesis and respiration of plants are intensified.

As a result, cell division accelerates, which means the overall growth of the plant improves. Improving plant nutrition. As a result of the use of humates, the root system actively develops, root nutrition of plants is enhanced, as well as moisture absorption. The intensification of root nutrition is facilitated by the complex effect of humates on the soil. An increase in plant biomass and activation of metabolism leads to increased photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbohydrates by plants.

Increasing plant resistance. Humates are nonspecific activators of the immune system. As a result of treatment with humates, plant resistance to various diseases significantly increases. Soaking seeds in humate solutions is extremely effective in order to prevent seed infections and especially root rot. Along with this, when treated with humates, plant resistance to adverse factors increases. external environment- extreme temperatures, waterlogging, strong winds.

The effect of humates on seeds

Thanks to treatment with preparations based on humic substances, the resistance of seeds to diseases and traumatic damage increases, and surface infections are relieved.

When treated, seeds increase germination capacity, germination energy, and stimulate the growth and development of seedlings.
Thus, the treatment increases seed germination and prevents the development of fungal diseases, especially root infections.

The influence of humates on root system

The permeability of the root cell membrane increases. As a result, the penetration of nutrients and microelements from the soil solution into the plant improves. As a result, nutrients are supplied mainly in the form of complexes with humates.

The development of the root system improves, the anchoring of plants in the soil increases, that is, the plants become more resistant to strong winds, washout as a result of heavy rainfall and erosion processes.
It is especially effective on crops with underdeveloped root systems: spring wheat, barley, oats, rice, buckwheat.

The development of the root system intensifies the plant's absorption of moisture and oxygen, as well as soil nutrition.
As a result, the synthesis of amino acids, sugars, vitamins and organic acids is enhanced in the root system. The metabolism between roots and soil increases. Organic acids secreted by the roots (carbonic, malic, etc.) actively affect the soil, increasing the availability of nutrients and microelements.

4. Conclusion

Humic substances undoubtedly influence the growth and development of plants. Soil organic matter serves as a source of nutrients for plants. Microorganisms, decomposing humic substances, supply plants with nutrients in mineral form.

Humic substances have a significant impact on the complex properties of the soil, thereby indirectly affecting the development of plants.

Humic substances, improving the physicochemical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, stimulate more intensive growth and development of plants.

Also of great importance, at present, due to the intense increase in anthropogenic influence on the environment in general, and on the soil in particular, is the protective function of humic substances. Humic substances bind toxicants and radionuclides, and as a result contribute to the production of environmentally friendly products.

Humic substances certainly have a beneficial effect on both soil and plants.

List of used literature.

  1. Alexandrova L.N. Soil organic matter and processes of its transformation. L., Nauka, 1980,
  2. Orlov D.S. Humic acids of soils and the general theory of humification. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1990.
  3. Ponomareva V.V., Plotnikova T.A. Humus and soil formation. L., Nauka, 1980,
  4. Tyurin I.V. Soil organic matter and its role in soil formation and fertility. The doctrine of soil humus. Selkhozgiz, 1967.
  5. Tate R., III. Soil organic matter. M.: Mir, 1991..
  6. Khristeva L.A.. Stimulating effect of humic acid on the growth of higher plants and the nature of this phenomenon. 1957.
  7. Humic substances in the biosphere. Ed. D.S. Orlova. M.: Nauka, 1993.

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The effect of treating bean seeds with solutions of chemical substances on the growth and development of plants

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Purpose of the study: to find out the stimulating effect of seed treatment with various chemicals on the development of bean plants. Hypothesis: Seed treatment has a stimulating effect on plant development

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Research objectives: to provide a scientific description of the stimulating effect of various chemicals on plant development; master experimental techniques to identify the stimulating effect of various chemicals on plant development; using the proposed method to study the stimulating effect of six chemical substances on the development of bean plants; draw conclusions based on the results obtained about the stimulating effect of chemicals on the growth and development of plants.

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Relevance of the study: Modern crop production cannot do without special techniques that help increase plant productivity, improve their growth and development, and protect against diseases and pests. Currently, pre-sowing seed treatment is used in practice. However, there is no complete information about which chemicals affect the seeds of certain plants and how seed treatment affects the different phases of the plant. In this regard, the topic of our research is relevant.

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PRACTICAL STUDY 1st sample – 1% solution of table salt 2nd sample – % glucose solution 3rd sample – 1% solution of baking soda 4th sample – 1% solution boric acid 5th sample – 1% solution of potassium permanganate; 6th sample – water.

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The results of the study showed that many chemicals are plant growth regulators; some chemicals have an inhibitory effect. In this case, it is a solution of boric acid; the stimulating effect of chemicals appears at different stages of development of bean plants; table salt affects the speed of fruit ripening; baking soda affects the rate of emergence of the embryonic root and the dynamics of seedlings; potassium permanganate affects plant height; Glucose affects yield.

Mineral elements play an important role in plant metabolism, as well as the colloid-chemical properties of the cytoplasm. Normal development, growth and physiological processes cannot exist without mineral elements. They can play the role of structural components of plant tissues, catalysts of various reactions, regulators of osmotic pressure, components of buffer systems and regulators of membrane permeability.

Some elements, including iron, copper and zinc, are required in very small quantities but are essential because they form part of prosthetic groups or coenzymes of certain enzyme systems.

Other elements, such as manganese and magnesium, function as activators or inhibitors of enzyme systems.

Some elements, such as boron, copper and zinc, which are necessary for enzyme function in small quantities, are very toxic in higher concentrations. Copper is part of the oxidative enzymes polyphenol oxidase and ascorbic oxidase. Iron is part of the cytochromes and enzymes catalase and peroxidase. Manganese - stimulates plant respiration, redox processes, photosynthesis, formation and movement of sugars. Its main function is to activate enzyme systems. In addition, it affects the availability of iron. The average manganese content in plants is 0.001%.

Excess or deficiency of macro or microelements has a negative effect on plants. A high concentration of elements causes coagulation of plasma colloids and its death.

Currently pollution environment, including heavy metals, increases every year, which has a negative impact on soils and plants and poses a threat to human health.

Excessive intake of heavy metals into organisms disrupts metabolic processes, inhibits growth and development, and leads to a decrease in the productivity of agricultural crops.

The greatest danger is represented by those metals that, when normal conditions necessary for plants as microelements. These primarily include zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt and others. Accumulating in plants cause negative effects. With an excess of copper in plants, chlorosis and necrosis of young leaves occurs, the veins remain green, and the growth of the root system and the entire plant stops. The leaves take on a darker shade. If, for some reason, the excess of iron turns out to be very strong, then the leaves begin to die and fall off without any visible changes. Petroleum products disrupt the permeability of membranes, block the action of a number of enzymes, have a negative effect on plants, and reduce the yield and timing of fruit ripening.


Influence various types seed treatment for plant growth and development


The issue of pre-sowing seed treatment, despite numerous studies, remains relevant and open to this day. Interest is caused by the prospect of using various types of seed treatments in agriculture in order to increase plant productivity and obtain higher yields.

During storage, seeds age, the quality and germination of seeds decrease, therefore, in a batch of seeds stored for several years, there are strong seeds, weak ones (alive, but not germinating) and dead. There are known methods of pre-sowing seed treatment that can be used to increase the germination of seeds lost during storage. Ionizing radiation in small doses, sonication, short-term heat and shock wave treatments, exposure to electric and magnetic fields, laser irradiation, pre-sowing soaking in solutions of biologically active substances and others can increase seed germination and yield by 15-25%.

As is known, to increase productivity they use mineral fertilizers, they are convenient to apply to the soil; this process is mechanized. The use of mineral fertilizers causes accelerated plant growth and increased productivity. However, nitrates and nitrites, which are harmless to plants but dangerous to humans, are often formed in parallel. In addition, there are more serious consequences of the use of mineral fertilizers associated with changes in soil structure. As a result, fertilizers are washed out from upper layers soils to the lower ones, where mineral components are no longer available to plants. Then mineral fertilizers enter groundwater and are carried into surface water bodies, significantly polluting the environment. Usage organic fertilizers are more environmentally friendly, but they are clearly not enough to satisfy human needs for increased productivity.

Environmentally friendly physical methods of seed biostimulation are very promising. It has now been experimentally proven that biological objects are capable of sensitively responding to the influence of external electromagnetic fields. This reaction can occur at various structural levels of a living organism - from molecular and cellular to the organism as a whole. When exposed electromagnetic waves The millimeter range in the cells of biological objects activates the processes of biosynthesis and cell division, restores connections and functions disrupted due to diseases, and additionally synthesizes substances that affect the immune status of the body.

To date, a large number of different irradiation installations and methods for activating seeds have been developed. However, they have not become widespread, although compared to by chemical means they are more technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and much cheaper. One of the reasons for this situation is that existing methods of seed treatment with radiation do not provide consistently high results. This is due to the fact that the current methods of pre-sowing treatment do not optimize the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of radiation.

Purpose of the study - study the influence of various types of pre-sowing seed treatment on the growth and development of plants.

In this regard, the following were set tasks :

· study the influence of chemicals on the growth and development of plants;

· study the influence of electromagnetic (biophysical) treatment on growth processes in plants;

· reveal the effect of laser irradiation on the germination rates of barley seeds.

1. Pre-sowing seed treatment and its effect on plant growth and development

1.1 Effect of chemicals on plant growth and development

seed barley irradiation laser

The most important and effective part of the treatment is chemical, or seed dressing.

Even 4 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt and Greece, the seeds were soaked in onion juice or stored with cypress needles.

In the Middle Ages, with the development of alchemy and, thanks to it, chemists began to soak seeds in rock and potassium salts, copper sulfate, and arsenic salts. In Germany, the simplest methods were popular - keeping seeds in hot water or in a solution of manure.

At the beginning of the 16th century, it was noticed that seeds that had been in sea water during a shipwreck produced crops that were less affected by smut. Much later, 300 years ago, the effectiveness of pre-sowing chemical seed treatment was scientifically proven during the experiments of the French scientist Thiele, who studied the effect of treating seeds with salt and lime on the spread of smut through seeds.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the use of preparations with arsenic as dangerous to human life was prohibited, but at the beginning of the 20th century they began to use mercury-containing substances, which were banned for use only in 1982, and only in Western Europe.

It was only in the 60s of the last century that systemic fungicides for pre-treatment of seeds were developed, and industrialized countries began to actively use them. Since the 90s, complexes of modern, highly effective and relatively safe insecticides and fungicides have been used.

Depending on the seed treatment technology, there are three types: simple dressing, panning and encrusting.

Standard etching is the most common and traditional way seed treatment. Most often used in homesteads and farms, as well as in seed production. Increases seed weight by no more than 2%. If the film-forming composition completely covers the seeds, their weight can increase by up to 20%

Encrusting - seeds are coated with sticky substances to ensure that chemicals adhere to their surface. Treated seeds may become 5 times heavier, but the shape does not change.

Pelleting - substances cover the seeds with a thick layer, increasing their weight up to 25 times and changing their shape to spherical or elliptical. The most “powerful” panning (pelletizing) makes seeds up to 100 times heavier.

The most widely used preparations for treating grain seeds are Raxil, Premix, Vincit, Divident, and Colfugo Super Color. These are systemic fungicides that kill spores of stone, dusty and hard smut, nematodes, effectively fighting fusarium, septoria and root rot. They are produced in the form of liquids, powders or concentrated suspensions and are used for processing seeds in special devices at the rate of 0.5-2 kg per 1 ton of seeds.

In private and farm households, the use of potent chemicals not always justified. Relatively small quantities of small vegetable or ornamental crops, such as marigolds, carrots or tomatoes, can be treated with less toxic substances. It is important not only and not so much to initially destroy the entire infection on the seeds, but also to form in the plant, even at the stage of the seed embryo, resistance to diseases, that is, lasting immunity.

At the beginning of germination, the influence of growth stimulants is also useful, which will promote the development of a large number of lateral roots in plants, creating a strong root system. Plant growth stimulants that enter the embryo before germination begin cause active transport of nutrients to the above-ground parts of the plant. Seeds treated with such preparations germinate faster and their germination rate increases. Seedlings become more resistant not only to diseases, but also to temperature changes, lack of moisture and other stressful conditions. More long-term consequences of proper pre-treatment with pre-sowing preparations are considered to be an increase in yield and a reduction in ripening time.

Many preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment are created on a humic basis. They are a concentrated (up to 75%) aqueous solution of humic acids and humates, potassium and sodium, saturated with a complex of mineral substances necessary for the plant, which can also be used as a fertilizer. Such preparations are produced on the basis of peat, being its aqueous extract.

Z.F. Rakhmankulova and co-authors studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds with 0.05 mm salicylic acid (SA) on its endogenous content and the ratio of free and bound forms in the shoots and roots of seedlings. During the two-week growth of seedlings, a gradual decrease in the total SA content in the shoots was observed; no changes were detected in the roots. At the same time, there was a redistribution of SA forms in the shoots - an increase in the level of the conjugated form and a decrease in the free form. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with salicylate led to a decrease in the total content of endogenous SA in both shoots and roots of seedlings. The content of free SA decreased most intensively in the shoots, and slightly less in the roots. It was assumed that this decrease was caused by a violation of SA biosynthesis. This was accompanied by an increase in the mass and length of shoots and especially roots, stimulation of total dark respiration and a change in the ratio of the respiratory tract. An increase in the proportion of the cytochrome respiration pathway was observed in the roots, and an alternative cyanide-resistant one was observed in the shoots. Changes in the antioxidant system of plants are shown. The degree of lipid peroxidation was more pronounced in the shoots. Under the influence of pretreatment with SA, the MDA content in the shoots increased by 2.5 times, while in the roots it decreased by 1.7 times. From the presented data it follows that the nature and intensity of the effect of exogenous SA on the growth, energy balance and antioxidant status of plants may be associated with changes in its content in cells and with redistribution between free and conjugated forms of SA.

E.K. In production experiments, Eskov studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment of corn seeds with iron nanoparticles on the intensification of growth and development, increasing the yield of green mass and grain of this crop. As a result, photosynthetic processes intensified. The content of Fe, Cu, Mn, Cd and Pb in the ontogenesis of corn varied widely, but the adsorption of Fe nanoparticles at the initial stages of plant development influenced the decrease in the content of these chemical elements in the ripening grain, which was accompanied by a change in its bio-chemical properties.

Thus, pre-sowing treatment of seeds with chemicals is associated with high labor costs and low technological efficiency of the process. In addition, the use of pesticides to disinfect seeds causes great harm environment.

1.2 The influence of electromagnetic (biophysical) treatment on growth processes in plants

In the context of a sharp increase in the cost of energy resources and technogenic pollution of agroecosystems, it is necessary to search for environmentally safe and economically profitable material and energy resources as an alternative to expensive and environmentally unsafe means of increasing productivity while simultaneously improving the quality of agricultural crops.

Existing methods and technological techniques for pre-sowing stimulation of seeds, based on the use of highly toxic chemicals, are associated with high labor costs and low technological efficiency of the seed treatment process. In addition, the use of pesticides to disinfect seeds causes great harm to the environment. When seeds treated with fungicides are introduced into the soil, pesticides, under the influence of wind and rain, are carried into water bodies and spread over large areas, which pollutes the environment and harms nature.

Of greatest interest for obtaining environmentally friendly products are the physical factors of exposure to electricity. magnetic field such as gamma radiation, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible optical, infrared, microwave radiation, radio frequency, magnetic and electric field, irradiation with alpha and beta particles, ions of various elements, gravitational influence, etc. The use of gamma and X-ray irradiation is dangerous to human life, and therefore is of little use for use in agriculture. The use of ultraviolet, microwave and radio frequency irradiation causes operational problems. It is relevant to study the impact of electromagnetic fields when growing grains, nightshades, oilseeds, legumes, melons and root crops.

The effect of magnetic fields is associated with their influence on cell membranes. The effect of the dipole stimulates these changes in membranes and enhances the activity of enzymes. In addition, other authors have established that as a result of such treatment, a number of processes occur in the seeds, leading to an increase in the permeability of the seed coats, and the flow of water and oxygen into the seeds is accelerated. As a result, enzymatic activity increases, primarily of hydrolytic and redox enzymes. This ensures a faster and more complete supply of nutrients to the embryo, acceleration of the rate of cell division and activation of growth processes in general. In plants grown from treated seeds, the root system develops more intensively and the transition to photosynthesis is accelerated, i.e. a solid foundation is created for further growth and development of plants.

All this contributes to the vegetative process and accelerates its growth.

New nanotechnologies of microwave pre-sowing seed treatment and disinfestation were carried out as an alternative chemical methods. For disinfestation of grain and seeds, a pulsed microwave treatment mode was used, which, due to the ultra-high intensity of the EMF in the pulse, ensures the death of insect pests. It has been established that for a 100% effect of microwave disinsection, a dose of no more than 75 MJ per 1 ton of seeds is required. But today, these technologies cannot be used directly in the agro-industrial complex, since they are only being developed, and the expected cost of implementation in production is very high. Promising agricultural practices that have a stimulating effect on the growth and development of plants include the use of electric and magnetic fields, which are used both during the pre-sowing preparation of seeds and during the growing season of plants by increasing the resistance of plants to stress factors, increasing the utilization rate of nutrients substances from the soil, which leads to increased crop yields. The positive influence of the electromagnetic field on the sowing and yield qualities of grain seeds has been proven.

Electromagnetic seed treatment, in comparison with a number of other processing methods, is not associated with labor-intensive and expensive operations, does not have a harmful effect on operating personnel (such as chemical or radionuclide treatment) or the use of pesticides, and does not produce lethal effects during processing. seed material doses, is a very technologically advanced and easily automated process, the effect is easily and accurately dosed, and is environmentally friendly clean look processing, easily fits into currently used agricultural practices. It is important that plants grown from treated seeds do not have further pathological changes and induced mutations. It has been shown that exposure to an electromagnetic field increases the number of productive stems, the number of spikelets, the average length of plants and spikes, increases the number of grains in the spike and, accordingly, the weight of the grain. All this leads to an increase in yield by 10-15%.

G.V. Novitskaya studied the effect of a weak constant horizontal magnetic field (HMF) with a strength of 403 A/m on the composition and content of polar and neutral lipids and their constituent FAs in the leaves of the main magnetic orientation types (MOT) of radish (Raphanus sativus L., var. radicula D. C.) varieties Pink-red with a white tip: north-south (NS) and west-east (WE), in which the planes of orientation of the root furrows are located along and across the magnetic meridian, respectively. Under the influence of PMF in the spring general content lipids in the leaves of SY MOT decreased, and in the leaves of ZV MOT - increased; in autumn, on the contrary, the total lipid content in the leaves of SY MOT increased, while in the leaves of W MOT it decreased. In spring, the ratio of phospholipids to sterols, indirectly indicating an increase in the fluidity of the lipid bilayer of membranes, increased in plants of both MOTs, and in the fall - only in SY MOTs. The relative content of unsaturated FAs, including linolenic and linoleic acids, in the control was higher in the GE MOT compared to the SY MOT. Under the influence of PMF, the content of these acids in the lipids of the leaves of SY MOT increased, while in the leaves of ZV MOT remained unchanged. Thus, weak horizontal PMF had different, sometimes opposite, effects on the lipid content of the leaves of SY and SW MOT radishes, which was apparently caused by their different sensitivity to the action of the field, associated with the characteristics of their physiological status.

In addition, G.V. Novitskaya and co-authors studied the effect of a PMF with a tension of 403 A/m on the composition and content of polar (head) and neutral lipids and their constituent FAs isolated from the 3, 4 and 5 leaves of onion plants (Allium sulfur L.) variety Arzamas and determined with using TLC and GLC methods. Plants grown under conditions of the Earth’s natural magnetic field served as control. Under the influence of PMF, the greatest changes in lipid content were found in the fourth leaf of onion: the total content of lipids, in particular, polar lipids (glyco- and phospholipids), increased, and the amount of neutral lipids decreased or remained unchanged. The phospholipid/sterol ratio increased, indicating an increase in the fluidity of the membrane lipid bilayer. Under the influence of PMP, the proportion of linolenic acid increased, and the relative content of the amount of unsaturated FAs also increased. The effect of PMF on the composition and lipid content of the third and fifth onion leaves was less pronounced, indicating different sensitivity of onion leaves of different ages to the action of the field. It is concluded that changes in the weak PMF within the limits of past evolutionary-historical changes in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field can affect the bio chemical composition and physiological processes in plants.

In the course of research to study the influence of an alternating magnetic field (AMF) with a frequency of 50 Hz on the dynamics of the expansion of cotyledon leaves, the composition and content of polar and neutral lipids and their constituent FAs in 5-day-old radish seedlings grown in light and darkness ( Raphanus sativus L. var. radicula D.L.) variety Rose-red with white tip, it was found that PMF weakened the inhibitory effect of light on the dynamics of cotyledon leaf expansion. In the light, in the PMP, the total content of lipids, the content of polar and neutral lipids in the seedlings was higher than in the control. Among polar lipids, the total content of glyco- and phospholipids increased, and among neutral lipids, the content of triacylglycerols increased. The ratio of phospholipids to sterols (PL/ST) increased. In the dark in the PMF, the total content of lipids, as well as neutral lipids in the seedlings, was lower than in the control, and the PL/ST ratio decreased. In the control, no differences were found in the relative total content of unsaturated FAs in the light and in the dark; the content of linolenic acid in the seedlings was higher in the light than in the dark. Under the influence of PMP, the content of linolenic acid decreased in the light, increased in the dark, and decreased in the light of erucic acid. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated FAs decreased in both light and darkness. It is concluded that PMF with a frequency of 50 Hz significantly changed the lipid content in radish seedlings in the light and in the dark, acting as a corrective factor.

Thus, research by many authors has established that under the influence of an electromagnetic field, forces are mobilized and the body’s energy reserves are released, physiological and biochemical processes are activated in the early stages of seed germination, there is an increase in intra-metabolic processes and a steady increase in germination energy, germination, strength, initial growth, spring-summer survival, which have a beneficial effect on the entire subsequent period of plant development.

However, they are not widely used, although compared to chemical methods they are more technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and much cheaper. One of the reasons for this situation is that existing methods of seed treatment with radiation do not provide consistently high results. This is explained by changes in external conditions, heterogeneity of seed material and insufficient knowledge of the essence of the interaction of seed cells with electromagnetic fields and electric charges.

1.3 Effect of laser irradiation on plant growth and development

Since ancient times, improving soil fertility has rightly been considered the most important condition for increasing crop productivity. Huge amounts of money and efforts of scientists are spent all over the world on land reclamation, irrigation and chemicalization of agriculture. However, the sad paradox of progress with chemicalization Agriculture is that after excessive use of nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, synthetic growth regulators, the evil shadow follows the poisoning of crops, food, water, and a threat to human health and life. Hence, as a consequence, there is an intensification of the development of new ways and methods for intensifying crop productivity.

One of these methods is represented by a laser or laser radiation. Since in modern scientific centers began to pay great attention modern technologies growing crops, then in such conditions a number of methods have been developed to influence agricultural crops with various physical factors that have a stimulating effect on the growth and development of plants and, ultimately, on the yield of the crops themselves. Plants or their seeds began to be placed in strong magnetic or electric fields, crops were exposed to ionizing radiation or plasma, as well as irradiating concentrated solar rays - the light of modern artificially created radiation sources - lasers.

The effect of laser processing as a whole can be called specific, since it is a positive factor from the point of view of ecology and safety for the environment, since its influence does not introduce any foreign elements.

The laser exposure method contains a sufficient number of advantages compared to other existing physical and chemical methods of pre-sowing seed preparation, namely:

1) a stable increase in crop yields against the background of various soil and climatic conditions;

2) improving the quality of agricultural products (increasing sugars, vitamins, protein and gluten content);

3) the possibility of reducing the seeding rate by 10-30% by increasing the field germination of seeds and enhancing growth processes (depending on the variety, type of crop, frequency of treatment);

4) increasing plant resistance to damage various diseases;

5) harmlessness of treatment for seeds and operating personnel.

However, the positive effect of laser irradiation of seeds and plants also has its share of disadvantages that also need to be taken into account. Thus, the magnitude of the activation effect and its reproducibility depend on the condition of the seeds, which is influenced by many natural and uncontrolled factors during storage and irradiation. In addition, under certain conditions, irradiation of seeds with optimal doses may not affect plant activity at all and may even have a depressing effect.

F.D. Samuilov studied microviscosity using a spin probe method aquatic environment in the embryos and endosperm of corn seeds (Zea mays L.), irradiated at the Lvov-1 Electronics laser installation. Based on the parameters of the EPR spectra of nitroxyl radicals (probes) absorbed by seeds with water during swelling, the correlation times of rotational diffusion of the C probe in the embryos and endosperm of seeds were determined. A decrease in C probes was detected in the embryos of irradiated seeds compared to non-irradiated ones, and the dependence of the C value on the time of seed swelling was established. It was concluded that in the cells of seed embryos, under the influence of laser irradiation, the microviscosity of the aqueous medium decreases and the mobility of the probes increases. The effect of irradiation on C probes in the endosperm of seeds is manifested to a lesser extent and is also accompanied by an increase in the mobility of the probes.

Thus, the laser processing method has a number of advantages over physical and chemical methods of pre-sowing seed preparation. These include: improving the quality of agricultural products (increasing sugars, vitamins, protein and gluten content); the possibility of reducing the seeding rate by 10-30% by increasing the field germination of seeds and enhancing growth processes; harmlessness of treatment for seeds and operating personnel; short duration of impact. But laser seed treatment is very expensive and therefore is not widely used on the farm. Gamma irradiation makes it possible to accelerate the germination of seeds of some cultivated plants, increases field germination and the number of productive stems and, as a consequence, yield (up to 13%). The disadvantages include the dependence of the effectiveness of pre-sowing irradiation on weather conditions during the growing season, a negative effect on a number of economic traits of plants, a decrease in the intensity of the respiratory regime of plants. The main disadvantage this method stimulation is that increasing the dose of treatment can cause death.

2. Objects and methods of research

The research was carried out at the Department of Botany and Fundamentals of Agriculture of the BSPU named after. M. Tanka and the Faculty of Physics of BSU.

2.1 Object of study

The object of the study is the seeds of barley variety Yakub. This variety of Belarusian selection, obtained by the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture" and included in State Register in 2002.

Morphological characteristicsvarieties. The plant is in the tillering phase of an intermediate type. The stem is up to 100 cm high. The ear is semi-erect. The ear is two-row, cylindrical, up to 10 cm long, with 26-28 spikelets per ear. The awns are of medium length in relation to the ear. The grain is filmy. The ventral groove is not pubescent. The aleurone layer of the grain is slightly colored. Type of development - spring.

Economic and biological characteristicsvarieties. Cereal variety. The grain size is high (weight of 1000 grains is 45-50 g). High-protein variety (average protein content 15.4%, protein yield per hectare up to 6.0 c). Mid-late variety. Average yield - 42.3 c/ha , m The maximum yield of 79.3 c/ha was obtained at the Shchuchinsky GSU in 2001. Moderately resistant to lodging and drought. Wax-resistant to diseases. High demands on growing conditions. High responsiveness to fungicides. Average sensitivity to herbicides.

2.2 Research methods

Research methods - experiment, comparison method.

The experiment was carried out according to the following options:

1) control (seeds without treatment);

2) treatment of seeds with waves of 660 nm for 15 minutes;

3) treatment of seeds with waves of 660 nm for 30 minutes;

4) treatment of seeds with waves of 775 nm for 15 minutes

5) treatment of seeds with waves of 775 nm for 30 minutes.

In options 2-5, the laser power (P) is 100 mW.

Seed processing was carried out using laser systems (Figure 2.2).

The experiment was repeated 3 times. Number of seeds per repetition - 20 pcs.

In a laboratory experiment, the germination and germination energy of seeds was determined. To do this, grain seeds were germinated at a temperature of 23 o C for 7 days.

Definition insimilarities between barley sprouts. Germination was determined in order to determine the number of seeds capable of producing normally developed seedlings. In normally developed seedlings, the embryonic root should be at least half the length of the seed. To calculate the germination of seeds of one sample, sum up the number of normally germinated seeds when taking into account germination and express their total number in%. During this experiment, a quantitative count of seedlings from identical sites was carried out on the 7th day.

Determination of germination energy. Germination energy was determined in one test with germination, but normally germinated seeds were counted on the 3rd day.

In normally developed seedlings, the embryonic root should be at least the length or diameter of the seed and usually with root hairs, and the sprout should be at least half the length of the seed. Those species that germinate with several roots (barley, wheat, rye) must have at least two roots.

3. Effect of laser irradiation on the growth performance of barley seeds

As a result of the study, the selective nature of laser exposure on the growth performance of barley seeds, namely germination energy and germination, was established. As a rule, the condition of the seed determines the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Germination energy characterizes the consistency and speed of seed germination. Germination energy is the percentage of normally germinated seeds in a sample taken for analysis.

The results of our research showed (Figure 3.1) that the germination energy of barley seeds was highest when they were exposed to laser irradiation with a wavelength of 775 nm for 30 minutes. Compared to the control, it increased by 54% and amounted to 54%.

Seeds irradiated with the same wavelength, only for 15 minutes, had a lower germination energy of 27%. This is 1.3 times lower than the control results.

Seeds irradiated at a wavelength of 660 nm had lower germination energy when irradiated for 30 min. Compared to the control, it decreased by 77% and amounted to 8%. When irradiated with the same wavelength, but for 15 minutes, this indicator also decreased compared to the control by 46% and amounted to 19%.

Seed germination is one of the important indicators of their sowing qualities. A decrease in germination even by 10-20% leads to a two- to three-fold reduction in yield.

During the research, the adverse effect of laser treatment on the laboratory germination of barley seeds was established (Figure 3.2).

The most depressing treatment was treatment with waves with a length of 660 nm for 30 minutes. For this option, compared to the control (85%), the germination rate decreased by 75% and amounted to 21%. When seeds are irradiated with the same wavelength, but for 15 minutes, an increase in germination is observed, but it does not exceed the control value. This indicator is 18% lower than the control and amounted to 70%.

Treatment of seeds with waves of 775 nm reduced their germination compared to the control by 33% (15 min exposure) and 25% (30 min exposure).

Thus, laser treatment did not have a positive effect on the germination energy of barley seeds of the Yakub variety, with the exception of the option using beams with a wavelength of 775 nm for 30 minutes, or on their laboratory germination. Treatment with 660 nm rays for 30 minutes had the most depressing effect on seed germination rates.


Thus, having studied the literary sources on this topic, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with chemicals is associated with high labor costs and low technological efficiency of the process. In addition, the use of pesticides to disinfect seeds causes great harm to the environment.

2. Under the influence of the electromagnetic field, forces are mobilized and the body’s energy reserves are released, physiological and biochemical processes are activated in the early stages of seed germination, there is an increase in intra-metabolic processes and a steady increase in germination energy, germination, strength, initial growth, spring-summer survival, which are favorable influence the entire subsequent period of plant development. However, they are not widely used, although compared to chemical methods they are more technologically advanced, environmentally friendly and much cheaper. One of the reasons for this situation is that existing methods of seed treatment with radiation do not provide consistently high results. This is explained by changes in external conditions, heterogeneity of seed material and insufficient knowledge of the essence of the interaction of seed cells with electromagnetic fields and electric charges.

3. The laser processing method has a number of advantages over physical and chemical methods of pre-sowing seed treatment:

· improving the quality of agricultural products (increasing sugars, vitamins, protein and gluten content);

· the possibility of reducing the seeding rate by 10-30% by increasing the field germination of seeds and enhancing growth processes;

· harmlessness of treatment for seeds and operating personnel;

· increasing the resistance of plants to various diseases;

· short duration of impact;

· increased germination of seeds of some cultivated plants, field germination and the number of productive stems and, as a consequence, yield (up to 13%).

The disadvantages of this method include:

· dependence of the effectiveness of pre-sowing irradiation on weather conditions during the growing season;

· negative impact on a number of economic traits of plants, reduction in the intensity of the respiratory regime of plants;

· increasing the dose of treatment can cause death;

· very expensive and therefore not widely used on the farm.

4. Based on the results of our research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Laser treatment did not have a positive effect on the germination energy of barley seeds of the Yakub variety, with the exception of the option using rays with a wavelength of 775 nm for 30 minutes. In this variant, an increase in E pr by 54% was observed compared to the control.

The use of laser treatment with a power of 100 mW, regardless of wavelength and exposure, reduced the germination of barley seeds in laboratory conditions. Treatment with 660 nm rays for 30 minutes had the most depressing effect on seed germination rates.

List of sources used

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3. Danko, S.F. Intensification of the malting process of barley by the action of sound of various frequencies: dis…. Ph.D. those. Sciences: Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. - M., 2001.

4. Eskov, E.K. The effect of treating corn seeds with ultrafine iron powder on the development of plants and the accumulation of chemical elements in them / E.K. Eskov // Agrochemistry, No. 1, 2012. - pp. 74-77.

5. Kazakova, A.S. The influence of pre-sowing treatment of spring barley seeds electromagnetic field variable frequency on their sowing qualities. / A.S. Kazakova, M.G. Fedorishchenko, P.A. Bondarenko // Technology, agrochemistry and protection of agricultural crops. Interuniversity collection scientific works. Zernograd, 2005. Ed. RIO FGOU VPO ACHGAA. - pp. 207-210.

6. Ksenz, N.V. Analysis of electrical and magnetic effects on seeds / N.V. Ksenz, S.V. Kacheishvili // Mechanization and electrification of agriculture. - 2000. - No. 5. - pp. 10-12.

7. Melnikova, A.M. Effect of laser irradiation on seed germination and seedling development / Melnikova A.M., Pastukhova N. // Ecology. Radiation safety. Social and environmental problems. - Donbass State Technical University.

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9. Novitskaya, G.V. Changes in the composition and content of lipids in leaves of magnetically oriented radish types under the influence of a weak constant magnetic field / G.V. Novitskaya, T.V. Feofilaktova, T.K. Kocheshkova, I.U. Yusupova, Yu.I. Novitsky // Plant Physiology, T. 55, No. 4. - pp. 541-551.

10. Novitskaya, G.V. The influence of an alternating magnetic field on the composition and content of lipids in radish sprouts / G.V. Novitskaya, O.A. Tserenova, T.K. Kocheshkova, Yu.I. Novitsky // Plant Physiology, T. 53, No. 1. - pp. 83-93.

11. Novitskaya, G.V. The influence of a weak constant magnetic field on the composition and content of lipids in onion leaves of different ages / G.V. Novitskaya, T.K. Kocheshkova, Yu.I. Novitsky // Plant Physiology, T. 53, No. 3. -
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