Eastern zodiac signs. Origin of the eastern horoscope. Eastern horoscope compatibility by year of birth

It is believed that the eastern horoscope is much more accurate than the astrological one. With its help you can learn about the fate and character of each person. In order to prepare in advance for future events, we suggest that you study the characteristics of your eastern Sign.

This horoscope is popular not only in the East, but also in other parts of the world. According to him, every year passes under the patronage of one animal, and people born during this period have the qualities of a patron. Eastern Signs influence our destiny and character, so the site’s experts suggest you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of your patron animal by year of birth.

Rat (1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

People born under the auspices of the Rat have a bright appearance, which makes them special and attractive. At first glance, they are calm and flexible, although in reality they are prone to sudden actions and aggression. Most Rats are quite straightforward, which often becomes the cause of conflicts with family, friends or colleagues. Rats are very hardworking and know the cost of money and other material assets, so they are careful when handling money. There comes a time in the life of every Rat when you want to give up everything that was obtained with great difficulty and hide in your cozy hole. Sometimes this period drags on for a long time, and then the Rat can fall into severe depression. However, those who manage to pull themselves together easily survive this time and continue to move towards their goals.

Thanks to their sociability and natural charm, Rats easily find mutual language with the opposite sex. However, an alliance with them is not always long and strong. The Rat will easily get along with the Rooster, Pig, Monkey, Ox, Dragon and Rat. Marriage with these Signs eastern horoscope will not only be long lasting, but also happy.

Bull (1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

If we talk about endurance, no one can compete with this Ox. This Sign is ready to endure literally everything that helps him not to give up even in difficult situations. However, if the Ox is pissed off, it will not end well. This Sign has a strong character, confidence and eloquence. Oxen can easily establish contact with any person, which helps them make many friends and useful acquaintances. According to the horoscope, the fate of the Bulls is often happy. But their main enemy- This is innate slowness. They always think about every little thing and do not make a decision without weighing the pros and cons. This often becomes an obstacle in both work and personal life.

Oxen can be alone for a long time, but when they meet their soul mate, they will become her main support and support. This is a very faithful Sign, so betrayal on his part is extremely rare. At the Bulls perfect compatibility with Ox, Monkey, Rooster, Pig.

Tiger (1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

People under the protection of the Tiger are very different. Some of them have predominantly positive qualities, while others have negative ones. If we talk about the first, then these people are distinguished by a positive outlook on life, ardor, personal charm and ambition. The latter personify all the negative character traits of the Tiger. These are vain, proud, harsh, aggressive people. Finding a common language with them is almost impossible, since they manage to see the enemy even in friends. The determination that is characteristic of absolutely all Tigers allows them to achieve their goals. Throughout their lives, they strive for abundance and power and are often successful in getting whatever they want.

Sometimes people have a hard time with the Tiger, but under certain conditions this Sign can become a good spouse and caring parent. Tigers are most compatible with Dragon, Horse, Dog, Pig.

Rabbit, or Cat (1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

When people see these animals, they always have only positive associations. The patron bestows such qualities as kindness, perseverance, responsibility and intelligence. If life gives the Rabbit an unpleasant surprise, he perceives this as a necessary test, thanks to which he can subsequently rise to higher levels. high level. According to the horoscope, situations may arise in the life of Rabbits that literally unsettle them. But they will be able to overcome difficulties, although this will take time.

If we talk about the personal sphere of life, then a marriage with Rabbits can be eternal, but only if the partner can surround him with the necessary care. Rabbits can create a strong marriage with a Cat, Goat, Boar and Dog.

Dragon (1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1975, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Despite the fact that in fairy tales this character often shows only negative qualities, in fact this patron animal has many positive characteristics. People born under the auspices of the Dragon are very energetic and positive. Hard work and determination help them achieve dizzying career success, and natural charm helps them win the hearts of the opposite sex. The dragon has a rich imagination, so he can easily realize himself in the creative field and even become famous.

Monkey and Rat are the most suitable candidates for the Dragon. With these Signs he can easily establish contact and build strong family.

Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1976, 1989, 2001, 2013)

This animal is distinguished by its cunning and cunning, bright and attractive appearance. People who are under the protection of the Snake always strive for power, but sometimes they cannot admit it even to themselves. Snakes cleverly manipulate people, so they often get what they want through the wrong hands. However, they can achieve their goals on their own, and their natural hard work and patience help them in this. Nature has given this Sign good intuition, but if you do not develop it, your inner voice can fail you at any moment.

A person who decides to connect his life with the Snake must have a strong character, and most importantly, be resilient. Sometimes this Sign can suppress even the most strong man, and then even feelings will not be able to save the marriage. However, the Ox and the Dragon can tame the Snake, making it more flexible, which is why relationships with these Signs can last forever.

Horse (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1977, 1990, 2002, 2014)

People born under the Horse Sign are very talented and energetic. They easily decide on the choice of profession and very quickly achieve success in their field. They know how to earn money and know the value of their work. Therefore, Horses very rarely agree to a job that, in their opinion, is not paid enough. If the Horse sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it. According to the eastern horoscope, the life of Horses is eventful and gives a lot of good opportunities, and thanks to their attentiveness, Horses never miss them.

The Horse loves freedom, so creating a strong marriage with this Sign is very difficult. However, Tiger and Dog may try to do this. If everything works out, their relationship will be vibrant and long-term.

Goat or Sheep (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1978, 1991, 2003, 2015)

A goat is a very energetic and cheerful animal. People who are under the protection of this Sign have a good sense of humor and are very sociable. Despite their outward frivolity, these people are very responsible, which contributes to achieving career success. The Goat is good at establishing contact with other people, which is why you can create strong business or friendly relationships with it. As the horoscope shows, a turning point occurs in the lives of these people, during which they need to make a responsible choice. In this case, the Goat should be careful, otherwise the price of a mistake could be a happy future.

Ideal partner for Goat - Horse. If the Goat can win the heart of the windy Sign, their marriage will be happy. In addition, the Goat can create an ideal alliance with the Cat, Dog and Pig.

Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1979, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Monkeys are very dexterous and skillful, but they can be too eccentric. These people can achieve success in literally any field, and all thanks to their strong character and perseverance. The Monkey's head is always full of thoughts and ideas, so people under its patronage very rarely face financial difficulties or are left without work. And if this happens, they easily find a way out of a difficult situation.

This animal can easily find a common language with any Sign, but the Rat and Dragon suit him best. However, it is worth remembering that the Monkey is not serious, which means that relationships with it may not last long.

Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1980, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Most people born in the year of the Rooster do not achieve success in their careers and, as a rule, do not occupy high positions. But this is not due to a lack of the necessary skills or qualities, but simply because they do not need it. Their the main objective- create a strong family, and it is in the personal sphere of life that they can realize themselves much better than other Signs. Fate has prepared many surprises for these people - both good and unpleasant. Fortunately, the Rooster is able to cope with any difficulties.

The Rooster can create an ideal marriage with any Sign of the eastern horoscope, but the Ox and Snake suit him best. These animals have a strong character, which means they can become a good support for the Rooster.

Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1981, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Despite the fact that Dogs have a whole set positive qualities, the life of these people can be very difficult. Sometimes they find it difficult to find a job, because for a long time they cannot determine their true purpose. Usually the Dog realizes his abilities in the area that is associated with helping other people. The fate of Dogs may not turn out as they planned, but sometimes this is not so bad. Such people move very slowly towards their goals, but as a result they still achieve them.

A dog needs a partner who will help it open up and become more self-confident. According to the horoscope, only the Horse can do this. With this Sign, the Dog can become truly happy and create a strong union.

Often, on the eve of the New Year, we are interested in which animal’s year is coming according to the eastern calendar. The tradition of naming the year after an animal came to us from China. The order of the 12 animals of the zodiac Chinese calendar 中国十二生肖 is as follows: rat 鼠, ox 牛, tiger 虎, rabbit 兔, dragon 龙, snake 蛇, horse 马, sheep 羊, monkey 猴, rooster 鸡, dog狗 and pig 猪.

According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 5 main elements: metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Each element has its own color: metal - white, water - blue, wood - green, fire - red, earth - yellow. Accordingly, 2012 blue dragon, and 2013 is the year of the blue snake.

There are many legends dedicated to the origin of the 12 symbols of the Chinese horoscope, the most popular of which is about the Jade Emperor. According to legend, the Jade Emperor sent his servant from heaven to earth to bring 12 of the most beautiful animals from earth. The emperor wanted to reward them. The servant went down to the ground and the first animal he saw was a rat. He gave her an invitation to the emperor at 6 o'clock in the morning, and he gave the same invitations to the bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster and dog. He also wanted to give the invitation to the cat, but he couldn’t find it anywhere, and since he knew that the rat was the cat’s friend, he gave the invitation to her so that she would give it to the cat.

The rat conveyed the invitation. Having learned that he needed to appear before the emperor by 6 am, the cat, fearing that he might oversleep, asked the rat to wake him up. The rat agreed, but considering that she could not compare with the cat’s beauty, and that she would look miserable compared to the cat, she decided not to wake him up in the morning. As a result, the cat slept through. And the rat appeared before everyone else and was the first to receive the honor of being one of the representatives of 12 cyclically repeating years. They came for her: a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster and a dog, who were also awarded to become representatives of the zodiac signs.

But since the cat did not appear, there were only 11 animals. The Jade Emperor again ordered the servant to appear on earth and bring another animal. The first person the servant met was a pig. He brought her in and she became the 12th animal nominated for the award. The cat, waking up, immediately rushed to the emperor, but it was too late. The cat got very angry and attacked the rat. Since then, the cat and the rat have been at odds.

Below is a table with which you can find out which year corresponds to which of the 12 animals, and also order a print on a mug or other item of a picture of an animal with a hieroglyph designating it. To order a print, click on the desired image.

Year of the Animal Picture and print on the item Years and color of the animal

Year of the Rat








Year of the Ox








Year of the Tiger








Year of the Rabbit








Year of the Dragon








Year of the Snake








Year of the Horse








Year of the Sheep








Year of the Monkey








Year of the Rooster

There are many ways to analyze the character and fate of a person - Zodiac horoscope, maps, numerological calculations, palmistry and the like. From this extensive list, we can separately highlight the Eastern horoscope by year, which is also quite reliable and can shed light on a person’s entire life, and will also allow us to understand why he behaves one way and not another in certain situations.

I really like the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope because of its simplicity and information content. Let's look at the features of this system together.

Today, the Eastern calendar is more than two thousand years old. An ancient legend says that once the Great Buddha summoned all living beings to a solemn event. It was understood that the one who was lucky enough to enter the Buddha’s domain first of all would be forever preserved in human memory.

The very last obstacle in the path of the animals was the river flowing near the imperial palace. The Bull was the first to overcome it, but a rat was sitting on his back, and as soon as the bull, once on the shore, began to shake off the water, the rat quickly jumped off his back and was the first to run into the imperial palace.

For this reason, it took 1st position in the Eastern calendar, the Ox is in 2nd position, the Tiger is in 3rd position, the Rabbit (or Cat) is 4th, the Dragon is 5th, the Snake is 6th , Horse - 7th, Goat - 8th, Monkey - 9th, Rooster - 10th, and Dog and Pig (Boar) - 11th and 12th, respectively.

The distribution of living beings in the Chinese calendar occurs in this sequence. At the same time, they move cyclically and again find themselves in the 1st position every 12 years.

Recommendation from an astrology expert. Knowing the characteristics of your personality according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope will allow you to fully demonstrate your potential and contribute to a more effective realization of your abilities and talents.

Table of Zodiac signs by year of birth

Now that you are already familiar with the history of the appearance of zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope, you can begin to understand each individual sign in more detail.

And in order to facilitate the orientation process, I advise you to first study the correspondence table different years animal signs. And only then start analyzing information about each of the signs.

So, in what years do people appear who are patronized by sacred animals, forever immortalized in memory by the Buddha?

  • Rats– they are responsible for the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, as well as 2020;
  • Bulls– born in 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021;
  • Tigers– the years of their birth: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022;
  • Rabbits– act as patrons of the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023;
  • Dragons– born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 and 2024;
  • Snakes– patronize the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025;
  • Horses– their years are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026;
  • Goats– provide their patronage to the years 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 and 2027;
  • Monkey– correspond to the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 and 2028;
  • Roosters– act as leaders in 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 and 2029;
  • Dogs– provide their patronage to the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, as well as 2030;
  • Pigs- take under their care all those born in 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 and 2031.

Characteristics of all signs of the Chinese horoscope

Having dealt with the years, you can begin to describe each of the signs of the Chinese Zodiac.

Characteristics of Rats

Rat people are characterized by a unique powerful charisma and laconic charm. For the most part, they are quite attractive in appearance and are designed to provoke positive reactions from other people.

In addition, Rats are quite practical animals, capable of extracting personal benefit regardless of the situation. They are not prone to ill-considered actions, they are distinguished by cunning, thrift, and know how to earn money and save it.

Rats also find it easy to keep secrets, so they are not afraid to trust any secrets. The actions of Rat people are always very prudent, they are distinguished by their endurance in work and even perform work that is not acceptable for the majority of the Zodiac signs.

Characteristics of the Bulls

It is not very difficult to recognize a typical Ox man - this is facilitated by his power and greatness, which are sure to catch the eye. It is also undeniable that due to their sign, Oxen are incredibly persistent and hardworking, which is why they are located on one of the highest levels of the Chinese horoscope.

Bulls are also distinguished by increased independence, prudence, stability, and a stable life position. The presence of all the characteristics described above allows the Ox to gain respect from other people. It is the Ox that you can always rely on in difficult times; you can expect help from him.

Individuals born in the years of the Ox are distinguished by good nature, due to which they always sincerely help others. Difficulties in relationships with them are most often provoked by their conservatism and traditionalism - Oxen find innovation and change difficult.

Characteristics of Tigers

Main positive sides This sign means that its representatives have enormous courage, amazing inner power and a whole ocean of energy. Tigers are always interested in justice, which plays a very important role in life for these individuals.

The tiger is an incredibly strong living creature; he will always readily attack anyone who dares to stand in his way. People born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by wisdom and excellent intellectual abilities.

In matters of love, the Tiger is always very emotional and hot, but it is important for him to observe the response from his partner, for whom he has feelings.

The only difficulty for such people is the strong desire to achieve power and those life situations in which they still have to obey someone.

Characteristics of Rabbits (Cats)

The Rabbit (or Kitty) is comfortably located in the 4th position of the Eastern calendar. Chinese legend in this situation is very ambiguous: it is believed that it was still a Cat, as a result of which we will further provide an overview of the common characteristics of these living creatures.

Rabbits are not prone to aggression, are not too active, are quite educated, and in some ways even have refined habits. They are excellent family men, caring for their neighbors, and also respecting family traditions.

The main mission of Rabbit people is to create a good, warm and sincere atmosphere, a real family home. Those who are born during these years are maximally concentrated on family values, putting all their energy into realizing this life task.

Characteristics of Dragons

Dragon people can be separately distinguished from the total mass of all signs in the Eastern horoscope for the reason that they are the only ones who represent an invented character. The main symbolic characteristic of Dragons in Chinese folk art is that they act as guardians, protecting people from evil forces.

Those who saw the world in the years of the Dragon have innate incredibly powerful energy, excellent health, as well as great willpower, and are also able to take control of their emotional sphere. For them, honor and dignity are not just empty talk, because under no circumstances will they replace these concepts with their own personal benefit.

One of the weaknesses of the Dragon is increased trust in others, which may appeal to their enemies, so it is important for them to be careful and careful when choosing their social circle.

Characteristics of Snakes

Snakes have excellent intuitive abilities, life wisdom and insight. At first glance, they can create the illusion of danger and threat, but this should not scare you, because this is nothing more than just a mask, which does not in all cases correspond to the inner real Snake - under no circumstances do they attack first.

The snake is easily recognized by its incredible patience and endurance, as well as the ability to quickly recover after serious stress - these are their typical character traits. And due to their ability to tirelessly pursue their goal, without being distracted by anything else, Snakes manage to do what representatives of other zodiac constellations are unable to cope with.

Characteristics of the Horse

The horse is perhaps the most bright representative from the entire Eastern horoscope, which has many advantages, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • the presence of an extraordinary love of life;
  • aspiration to move only forward;
  • unlimited freedom of action.

And thanks to their natural optimism, Horses not only show incredible strength, but are also always filled with great energy potential.

In love and partnership, Horses are characterized by emotionality and sensitivity - if they enter into a relationship, they fall into it, like “into a whirlpool,” and always give themselves as much as possible to the person they love.

Characteristics of Goats (Sheep, Rams)

Representatives of this Eastern zodiac sign are characterized by developed artistry and personal charm. If, by the will of fate, Goat is not destined to prove herself as an artist, then under any circumstances she will still begin to demonstrate her creative abilities to others. In addition, the Goat is easily recognized by its well-developed sense of humor, tact and sociability.

But there are also negative notes: the Goat is often hampered in life by her stubbornness, which sometimes becomes excessive.

Characteristics of the Monkey

The monkey is unusually mischievous, curious and sociable. She's at our first meeting. It may seem that it has a simple appearance, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that this is not the case at all.

Due to his agile mind and innate ingenuity, the Monkey is distinguished by unpredictability in his actions. She is talented, ambitious, and has great physical energy. She is also highly intelligent, loves fun, and you will never get bored with her. Negative aspects include mental instability, instability and sometimes the ability to deceive.

Characteristics of the Rooster

Roosters are innovators and pioneers, and it is not for nothing that the cry of this bird marks the beginning of each day. Similarly, in life, people born in the years of the Rooster get to implement various new ideas; they are most often responsible for completing significant tasks.

They enjoy the role of leader when they are at the head of a mass of people. The Rooster is distinguished by responsibility, ability to work, reliability and determination. Externally, as a rule, it has a bright and attractive appearance. All the characteristics inherent in the Rooster are highly valued by other people, so representatives of this sign are easily given first place.

Characteristics of the Dog

Dog people are quite active, self-possessed, selfless and generous. They are inclined to constantly defend their home to the bitter end - for them this is of increased importance.

Dogs will fight to the last for their position; they always try to defeat injustice and help those who are weaker than them. The dog is characterized by well-developed analytical thinking, the ability to find compromise solutions and take other people’s opinions into account.

Such individuals adore romance and have their own ideals in matters of love, as a result of which they often encounter a discrepancy with reality, which in turn provokes a negative response.

Characteristics of Boar (Pig)

The mumps is the last sign of the Chinese horoscope. Individuals born in the year of the Pig are characterized by openness, a friendly perception of the world around them, sociability, as well as the ability to be a very good friend, friend and companion.

Due to their flexible mind and natural peace-loving nature, Pigs always play the role of the soul of the company. Another one significant characteristic For such people – fertility and the ability to save.

Representatives of this sign have a very promising potential for enrichment, without them special labor You manage to attract resources from the material sphere into your life. You can even note that these people like money, so organizing their own business will be successful for them.

What do all twelve signs of the Eastern horoscope symbolize?

The ancient Chinese gave each of the 12 zodiac living beings a certain symbolic characteristic - that is, a sign. All animals are divided into six pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one of the animals in tandem are the opposite of the characteristics of the second living creature. Thanks to this approach, it became possible to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang.

Moreover, the sequence of living beings is also not random: in China, the most important thing always comes first, and all other signs are placed in descending order. Just as the more powerful, dominant Yang principle always comes first, followed by the calming, harmonizing Yin principle.

Now I suggest you familiarize yourself with the signs intended for each of the animals:

  • Rat – associated with wisdom;
  • Bull - this animal is associated with hard work;
  • The tiger is a symbol of courage;
  • The rabbit is the personification of caution;
  • The dragon is certainly the very manifestation of power;
  • Snake - personifies flexibility;
  • Horse - indicates the desire to move forward;
  • Goat – associated with unity;
  • Monkey - acts as a symbol of variability;
  • Rooster - unlike the previous sign, on the contrary, indicates stability;
  • Dog – associated with fidelity;
  • Pig – is associated with friendliness.

This is how animals are placed in the Eastern horoscope and they have this characteristic. Using knowledge about each patron animal according to the Eastern Zodiac, you can better understand the behavioral characteristics of your loved ones, and also make it easier to find mutual understanding with them.

And for a snack, you should definitely watch this interesting thematic video material:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

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Chapter: (updated, previously also published as a separate article in 1993, 1994, 1998)


There is an assumption about the origin of Chinese astrology, as well as Indian(which is more precisely known)from Babylon, but with a correction for the greater significance of lunar cycles and the lunar calendar. Although we do not consider such a connection a whale. astrology with Babylonian obligatory, rather the opposite, because Empirical observations of the sky and correlation with events on Earth were made by all civilizations completely independently, thereby reflecting man’s natural interest in the connection of phenomena in the world. From this same consideration, it seems natural to take into account whales. astronomers of the largest planetary cycles from the septenary planets in the formation of their model of astrology. It is based on the 60-year joint cycle of Jupiter with Saturn, consisting of 5(correlated with alternating 5 elements)12-year rotations of Jupiter equal in time to 2(correlated with alternating 2nd polarities)30-year revolutions of Saturn.

About the non-randomness of the 12-tiered nature of the world Zodiacs and the archetypal nature of this number in mythology(see article “Natural philosophy of the number 12” in the collection Astrology of the 20th century, 1991), indicates the most ancient cycle in use of 12 lunar months solar year, because The moon was the first and main measure of time among the ancients(which, by the way, is reflected in our word Month, which comes from the verb “to measure”). And a whale. the calendar initially undoubtedly reflected the lunar cycle, as well as the primary Babylonian one, which gave rise to classical astrology in its further development.

In China, 12 cyclic signs were used to indicate time periods, as well as 10(5 x2 polarity)hieroglyphs of the elements. These symbols described both the seasons of one year, of which there were 24 in China, and the now popular sequence of 60 years. It is known, for example, that the year white Goats, as we now call it, or the year of the Goat of the element of metal occurs once every 60 years, and simply the year of the Goat - once every 12 years. However, initially the cyclic signs had nothing to do with the names of animals, and they should not be confused with animal hieroglyphs. Abstract symbols of time were matched by the world of fauna later, when the Chinese calendar began to be used by the Mongols, who were cattle breeders. They replaced strange signs with the names of animals whose habits they knew well. New names have also taken root in China. Thus arose the second heavenly "menagerie" or second Zodiac .

To describe a person’s psychotype and forecasts, we usually use the Western Zodiac, and remember the Eastern Zodiac only on New Year’s Eve. This is understandable: the European horoscope examines in detail the psychology of the months, while the Chinese horoscope primarily determines the character of the whole year.

There is a difference in the orientation of the Western and Eastern Zodiacs, but still both systems distinguish 12 psychological types of people, based on the same logic of the natural cycle. And therefore, the descriptions of human character in the European and Chinese horoscopes echo each other. There are several systems for comparing months and years, but the most natural from a natural point of view should be recognized as the one where the first sign of the astrological year - Aries - corresponds to the beginning of the 12-year cycle of Jupiter, the main one for the classical Chinese horoscope - Rat or Mouse. Western astrology used the same logic until Europe discovered the eastern horoscope: the Chinese year of the Rat coincided with the European year of Aries, the year of the Buffalo with the year of Taurus, etc., similar to the corresponding month.

In addition to the Chinese cyclic signs, the picture also shows synthetic icons (invented by us for convenience) for the signs of the eastern calendar, reminiscent of both the animals of the Chinese Zodiac and the main corresponding sign of the Western Zodiac.

Let's look at this correspondence in more detail. When we attribute to the image of a sign a more comprehensive and global annual characteristic compared to the month, its bright personality traits appear in a more softened and harmonized version. Those qualities that can interfere with social interaction are leveled out, and at the same time the image acquires the features of the opposite sign, which it lacks for harmony with the world around it. Therefore, the types of the Eastern Zodiac can be considered as the characters of the Western Zodiac, in which their ideal social (Jovian) sound is found, although the brightness of individual self-expression (solar characteristic) is muted.

Signs of the beginning of a cycle, Aries And Rat, are similar in their activity, reaching the point of aggression. If we try to imagine Aries in a socialized form, and his behavior as convenient for others, we will approximately get the character of the Rat, in whose image the destructive aspects of Aries’ personality are smoothed out. The Rat is not so straightforward, acts not so much with force as with cunning, being able to adapt to the environment - something that Aries lacks, often harsh and rude, and even more often - too naive. The behavior of the Rat even reveals traits of the sign of Libra, which is opposite to Aries, similar to it in subtle politics, the ability to maneuver and the need to interact with the entire spectrum of life’s pleasures. The basis of the Rat’s character remains an independent, egocentric position, which also forms the image of Aries.

Creative sign Taurus public planet Jupiter turns into an even more powerful buffalo, giving him the opportunity to realize his potential. This is the most powerful sign of the eastern horoscope. In the image of the Buffalo we will not find the softness and laziness, as well as the contemplative approach to life, characteristic of Taurus. The passion inherent in the opposite sign of Scorpio forces the Buffalo to take on social useful work. The Buffalo is an active sign, achieving fruit in that love of work that is also present in Taurus.

Extroverted Twins, open to contacts, acquiring, under the influence of Jupiter, the authority of the opposite sign of Sagittarius, they become frontiers-- Tiger. Their desire to function among the abundance of information in the Tiger extends to politics and leadership in the hustle and bustle of life. If Gemini, a smart sign that aspires to more than it is, often tries to seem like a Leo (imagine the image of an American Superman), then the Tiger almost succeeds (not only in movies, but also in life).

Closed Cancer, who loves privacy, although he also loves guests, in the public version turns into an independent, but completely secular Kota. In my quest" walk myself By to myself"The cat retains something of the mystery of Cancer, but he is more sweet than strange, lacks the inferiority complex that is sometimes characteristic of Cancer and is perceived very positively by everyone around him. In addition, the Cat has a sense of style characteristic of Capricorn - the sign opposite to the amorphous Cancer - which leaves an imprint of salon on him and contributes to the development of good manners in him. Cancer, deep down in his soul, loves popularity - the Cat takes advantage of it.

Those signs whose strengthening would interfere with their social adaptation are weakened by Jupiter, sometimes as if turning their character inside out. Yes, too self-sufficient Leo corresponds The Dragon- only a chimera of the greatness of the king of beasts. The dragon, although very self-confident, does not rely on real strength, which nature has so generously awarded Leo, but only on external brilliance. However, the Dragon is no stranger to extravagance, and in this way, departing from the classical image of Leo, he resembles the opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo is generous with his wealth - the Dragon, like Aquarius, gives away more than it accumulates.

Practical Virgo is analogous to wise Snakes. Both are reputed to be ideal spouses and are almost indistinguishable from each other - except that Virgo is colder and more rationalistic, and the Snake has a slightly softened absolutism of one of the most pragmatic signs of the Western horoscope. This couple is usually not in doubt. (There is an old Chinese system of particular interest, where the zodiacal constellations are designated by cyclic signs against the usual course. Its correspondences are as follows:

Rat - Aquarius, Horse - Leo,

Buffalo - Capricorn, Goat - Cancer,

Tiger - Sagittarius, Monkey - Gemini,

Cat - Scorpio, Rooster - Taurus,

Dragon - Libra, C both - Aries,

Snake - Virgo, C Vigna - Pisces.

But in this system, as can be seen, the Snake is compared with the Virgo. The opposite pair also remains unchanged: Pisces and Pig.) The philosophy of the Snake echoes the contemplation of Pisces: the Snake is deeper and wiser than Virgo.

Lawyers- Libra, a sign with a good sense of proportion and a subtle understanding of morality corresponds to fair Horse. But if Libra, in everything that does not concern the formal side of the matter and social rituals, is characterized by compromise, then in the Horse the tendency towards justice enters the public arena and develops into a manic struggle for the truth. The character of the noble animal is attributed to the human traits of honesty and carrying out one's line, which brings us back to the directness and individualism of Aries.

The passion of the demanding Scorpio realized in capriciousness and artistry Goats(Sheep). Although she, like Scorpio, is rather quarrelsome and does not get along with everyone, her claim is more socially acceptable than the outright claims of that sign, which, as a rule, everyone else unanimously complains about. Scorpios, by the way, can also be good actors. And the feminine tricks, tenderness, sensuality, and, most importantly, the cheerfulness of the Goat, which Scorpio lacks, somewhat liken it to the opposite sign of Taurus, which, although not so playful, can make weakness, softness and passivity the strengths of its nature.

mocking Sagittarius, a sign of satirists, similar to Monkey. True, if Sagittarius often criticizes others, proving his ideas, the Monkey’s authority in his own eyes is so unshakable that he begins to break the comedy, turning him into nothing. This is another example of weakening by Jupiter strong sign, where ambition and the desire for public recognition, reaching their limit, turn into buffoonery. The ability to imitate and “become a monkey” is also inherent in the opposite sign of Gemini, which, however, does not have the experience of Sagittarius and the Monkey and their talent to teach others.

Purposefully harsh behavior Capricorn Jupiter adapts to society as a petty dictatorship Rooster, and the overly serious Capricorn desire for achievement turns into the fanfare of a vain bird. What these signs have in common is pride and individualism, which can make us think about the meaning of life if we imagine Capricorn, and make us smile when we look at the Rooster. The Rooster puts himself in the center of attention with the childish spontaneity of Cancer: they are brought together by a penchant for profanity and a frivolous manner of behavior.

Friendliness and loyalty Aquarius we will find in the image Dogs. Aquarius and Dog are united by devotion to an idea. But if Aquarius serves his own dream, Dogs are good followers of all kinds of teachings, capable of being their guides in society. They, like Aquarius, are close to new trends. The dog is also selfless and able to do without material comfort. Unlike the anarchist Aquarius, the Dog is more loyal, and this makes it similar to the opposite sign of Leo - as is its generosity.

And finally, influenced Fish who go with the flow and are easily persuaded correspond to the gullible Pig. She is just as amorphous and accepts everything as Pisces, but is more stable in her position, which gives her suggestibility and idealism knightly traits. Like the opposite sign of Virgo, she loves purity in the literal and figurative sense, which cannot be said about Pisces, whom often carries into the bottom currents of society, and which are more often engaged in posing ethical problems rather than solving them.

Thus, the eastern horoscope represents a socially harmonized version of the western zodiac sign. We interpreted this harmonization through the acquisition of traits of the opposite sign, but this can be done in another way. In the European system, the beginning of Aries corresponds to the spring equinox. By Chinese tradition The points of the equinoxes and solstices are usually considered not the beginning, but the middle of the signs. Thus, the Rat, which begins the astrological cycle, covers half the sign of Pisces and half of the sign of Aries, the Buffalo - half of Aries and half of Taurus, etc. This shift by half a sign does not break big picture, because neighboring signs also argue with each other, just like opposite ones. The addition of the subsequent sign with the qualities of the previous one, which according to astrological tradition is rejected by it, also expands the characteristics of the sign and at the same time levels it out. And as a result, we get the harmonized images discussed earlier.

Presenting the psychological characteristics of the years through the images of the Western Zodiac in this second way, we will see that the Rat, in addition to the aggressiveness of Aries, is indeed characterized by the maneuvering and adaptability of Pisces, and the Buffalo is more positive than Taurus, and this is where the quality of Aries is manifested. The Tiger is decisive, like Gemini, but at the same time it also has the strength of Taurus, understanding not only tactics, but also strategy. The cat combines the inner silence of Cancer with the contactfulness of Gemini. The Dragon has a more dispersed character than Leo, and this, as well as some mystery of the image, makes the strange beast similar to Cancer. The Snake combines the wide Leo world coverage with the narrow practicality, attention to detail and thriftiness of Virgo. The Horse from Virgo has an absolutist position, in addition to a Libra-like sense of justice. The whimsicality of the Goat comes close to the sophistication of Libra, and not just the exactingness of Scorpio. Scorpio's contempt for external beauty and his harsh judgments are manifested in the Monkey, while she inherits common sense from Sagittarius. Sagittarius's vanity is reflected in the fanfare of the Rooster, in addition to the individualism he inherits from Capricorn. The Dog is a pessimist, like Capricorn, despite the ideology that makes it similar to Aquarius. And from Aquarius they inherited the altruism of the simpleton Pig, akin to the pliable Pisces, and her love of knowledge.

For astrologers, there is another correspondence between the Western and Eastern Zodiacs, associated with the real position of Jupiter in the sky. So, in the year of the Rat, Jupiter is currently time is running according to the astrological constellations of Sagittarius and Capricorn, in the year of the Buffalo - Capricorn and Aquarius, etc. However, since Jupiter's cycle is not exactly 12 years, but slightly less, this ratio changes over time. Therefore, the Zodiac system itself serves as a more reliable criterion for comparing the Western and Eastern horoscopes.

The system of comparisons between the two cycles that we have considered is also confirmed by the fact that the supporting signs of the Western Zodiac - the stable signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - correspond in it to the central signs of the Chinese horoscope, the signs of the earth element: Buffalo, Dragon, Goat and Dog. Among the five Chinese elements, earth is considered the main one: it correlates with the concept of center. Only the signs of this element form the cementing structure of the cross in the cycle system - the signs of the other elements are located in twos around the element of the Center.

Comprehending the concept of time, the East turned to annual cycles, which reflected the measured and unhurried rhythm of his life, his age-old traditions, and made it possible to create a global picture of the social ways of people’s behavior, on which the natural harmony of their interaction rests. And the practical West, based on a shorter cycle - solar astrology, based on individual manifestations of personality, moved to an even more detailed approach. He is successfully developing horary astrology, where the most important characteristic is hours , which allows you to describe the current course of life and the likelihood of events occurring. The Eastern horoscope also uses the values ​​of the month, day and even hour, but does this more formally, only prolonging the system of 12 annual cycles for months, days and years (i.e. the hour of the Rat, the day of the Tree, etc.). Also in the eastern horoscope, more importance is attached to the fixed stars. But this only confirms the idea of ​​the static type of the eastern horoscope compared to the reliance on the dynamics of the planets in the western one.

Our position between East and West, which makes us not such observers as to contemplate the passage of years, but also not so pragmatic as to keep an eye on the clock, orients us primarily to solar astrology itself. To understand natural cycles, we will be closer to the characteristics months - signs of the Western Zodiac, defining 12 special paths of development of the human personality.

Days of the beginning of the years of the eastern horoscope
(from 1912 to 2013):


h. - 18.2.1912 6.2.1913With.- 26.1.1914 14.2.1915

With.-5.2.192424.1.1925To.- 13.2.19262.2.1927

To.-24.1.1936 11.2.1937and.- 31.1.1938 19.2.1939

and.-10.2.194829.1.1949b.- 17.2.19506.2.1951

b.-28.1.1960 15.2.1961h.- 5.2.196225.1.1963

h.-15.2.19723.2.1973With.- 23.1.197411.2.1975

With.-2.2.198420.2.1985To.- 9.2.198629.1.1987

To.-19.2.19967.2.1997and.- 28.1.1998 16.2.1999

and.-7.2.2008 26.1.2009b.- 14.2.20103.2.2011


To.-3.2.191623.1.1917and.- 11.2.1918 1.2.1919

and.-23.1.1928 10.2.1929b.- 30.1.1930 17.2.1931

b.-8.2.194027.1.1941h.- 5.2.1942 5.2.1943

h.-27.2.195214.2.1953With.- 3.2.1954 24.1.1955

With.-13.2.19642.2.1965To.- 21.1.1966 9.2.1967

To.-31.1.197618.2.1977and.- 7.2.1978 28.1.1979

and.- 17.2.19886.2.1989b.- 27.1.1990 15.2.1991

b.-5.2.200024.1.2001h.- 12.2.2002 1.2.2003

h.- 23.1.201210.2.2013


b.-20.2.1920 8.2.1921h.- 28.1.192216.2.1923

h.-6.2.1932 26.1.1933With.- 14.2.19344.2.1935

With.-25.1.194413.2.1945To.- 2.2.194622.1.1947

To.-12.2.195631.1.1957and.- 18.2.19588.2.1959

and.-30.1.196817.2.1969b.- 6.2.1970 27.1.1971

b.-16.2.19805.2.1981h.- 25.1.1982 13.2.1983

h.-4.2.199223.1.1993With.- 10.2.1994 31.1.1995

With.-21.1.20048.2.2005To.- 29.1.2006 15.2.2007


As mentioned above, in the Western horoscope the dynamic aspect of the movement of the planets is more active, while in the Chinese horoscope there is a reliance on static links to the symbolic foundation of the astro-system. Therefore, the developments of both systems have their own achievements in understanding the psycho-image of a person depending on his birth. Analyzing the horoscope only according to the Western model, we somewhat lose the connection of the individual with his generation, considering him in excessive individuality.(It is true that in the Western system it is possible to distinguish between generational aspects of planets, i.e. those that are related to peers, and purely private ones, but usually this is poorly emphasized).

When analyzing a horoscope chart, even serious astrologers usually rarely take into account the characteristics of the client’s eastern year, although images are quite clearly described that combine all possible combinations of both Zodiacs(Rat-Aries, Rat-Taurus, etc.) The “Structural Horoscope” developed by G. Kvasha on this basis is of particular interest.. But more often these characteristics remain in the realm of popular descriptions. Because both models seem to be self-sufficient, but nevertheless, the failure to take into account the eastern year still impoverishes standard astro-analytics.

Many parameters that are omitted or eluded by the astrologer in ordinary practice help to return to an objective view of the refined accents of the horoscope - good aphetics. Yes, this is a rather technical check, but nevertheless, if it is done comprehensively with well-balanced criteria of strength and weight of the maximum constituent elements, then the help from her is quite tangible. Therefore, it is quite possible to introduce the parameter of the eastern year, as a clarifying astro-characteristic, into Western aphetics. horoscope.

RHaving examined the different systems for correlating the images of the Western and Eastern zodiac, we can summarize them in a certain system and introduce such a parameter into the calculation of the aphetics of the horoscope. There will be psychotypes here. Zodiac signs are translated into Western psychotypes. Zodiac, in order to derive, on the basis of one coordinate system, the forces of the zodiac archetypes in the horoscope. We first used such systems in calculating aphetics in the Astraea (1990) and Vesta-Vetus (2008) programs, where we also used the color and gender of the eastern year, based on related elements and the weight of 5 planets, rulers of the Chinese elements(an example of calculating aphetics in the Vetus program - http://www.astrolingua.spb.ru/ANONS/semira.htm).

Now let's present the correlation system in a table. Here 100 % is divided into taking into account the meanings of the image of Western signs with the Eastern archetype according to the degree of coincidence of their characteristics on the basis of all the main systems of comparison of the Zodiacs.

First, a simpler option that takes into account only the main two systems:

Rat = 60% Aries + 40% Aquarius

BUFFALO = 60% Taurus + 40% Capricorn

TIGER = 60% Gemini + 40% Sagittarius

CAT = 60% Cancer + 40% Scorpio

THE DRAGON = 60% Leo + 40% Libra

SNAKE = 100% Virgo

HORSE = 60% Libra + 40% Leo

GOAT = 60% Scorpio + 40% Cancer

MONKEY = 60% Sagittarius + 40% Gemini

ROOSTER = 60% Capricorn + 40% Taurus

DOG = 60% Aquarius + 40% Aries

PIG = 100% Pisces

Now a more sophisticated version, taking into account all systems of correlation with a breakdown of the general amounts of 10 points according to their degree of importance:

Rat = 5 Aries + 3 Aquarius + 1 Libra + 1 Pisces

BUFFALO = 5 Taurus + 3 Capricorn + 1 Scorpio + 1 Aries

TIGER = 5 Gemini + 4 Sagittarius + 1 Taurus

CAT = 5 Cancer + 3 Scorpio + 1 Capricorn + 1 Gemini

THE DRAGON = 5 Leo + 3 Libra + 1 Aquarius +1 Cancer

SNAKE = 9 Virgo + 1 Leo

HORSE = 5 Libra + 3 Leo + 1 Aries + 1 Virgo

GOAT = 5 Scorpio + 3 Cancer + 1 Taurus + 1 Libra

MONKEY = 5 Sagittarius + 4 Gemini + 1 Scorpio

ROOSTER = 5 Capricorn + 3 Taurus + 1 Cancer +1 Sagittarius

DOG = 5 Aquarius + 3 Aries + 1 Leo + 1 Capricorn

PIG = 9 Pisces + 1 Aquarius

To translate the Chinese elements (colors of the years) into the meanings of the class of astrology, as stated above, the connection of the 5 elements with the 5 septenary planets that control them is known, this is one translation parameter. The other, more complex one, is the correlation of the Western 12-digit model of the facets of the elements, where the 4 elements follow 3-step stages in time (cardinal/stable/mutable) and correlate with the 10-digit Chinese model, where the 4 elements. elements in geo-space + fifth, combining all the dynamics of time into the statics of the center connecting heaven with earth and everything multiplied by 2 polarities (yin-yang).
In the aphetics of the horoscope, the weight of the elements is needed to determine temperament, but not only according to the 4 standard types based on the weight of the elemental signs and the strength of the planets, respectively. elements, but also according to the degree of extroversion-introversion (which is determined by its parameters, including the hemispheres of the houses of the map), and here the aspect of yang-yin and color, i.e. elements whale year adds his points. And the last parameter is the psychological parallel. education elements with psychological components of the classic horoscope.
Then the entire accounting system is whale. elements of the year in the West. The horoscope can be represented as follows:
whale. Fire.= +4 Fire, +1 cardinal. cross, +1 Mars(in years yin = Pluto)
---Earth= +3 Earth, +2 stable, +1 Saturn(year yang=Sun)
---Metal= +2 Air, +1 Earth, +1 card, +1 Venus(year yang=Uranus)
---Water= +3 Water, +1 mutab., +1 Mercury(Yin=Moon year)

---Tree= +2 Air, +1 Water, +1 mut., +1 Jupiter(year yin=Neptune)

In the simplified model of converting the color of the whale year into the classification of the zap.athetics - you can add points only to the planets of the septener(fire - Mars, earth - Saturn, Metal - Venus, water - Mercury and wood - Jupiter) , governing elements according to Chinese astrology, plus luminaries(yang year - Sun, yin year - Moon).

2019 is the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar. In 2019, the Year of the Pig will begin on February 5 (Chinese New Year lunar calendar) and will last until January 24, 2020.

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese zodiac ( Eastern zodiac) based on a 12 year old lunar cycle, where each year is represented by a specific animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal influences the character of each person. The traditional order of the zodiac animals is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

What is your zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac (whale, "Sheng xiao") literally translates to "to resemble birth." It is determined by the lunar calendar - with the onset of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year begins.

Every year Chinese New Year occurs on different dates, between January 21 and February 20. That's why, if you were born in January or February, then be especially careful when determining your zodiac animal.

Our special calculator will help you determine who you are based on your Chinese zodiac sign! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Animal Year
Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子) 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑) 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅) 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯) 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰) 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳) 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午) 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未) 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申) 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉) 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌) 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥) 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Sign:

Chinese zodiac compatibility in love

What will bring good luck in the year of your animal?

In China there is the concept of "Benmingnian" - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2018, Benmingnian in people, born in the year of the Dog.

The Chinese are traditionally very sensitive to the Benmingnian offensive. This is a very special year for everyone and its arrival is awaited with joy and impatience.

However, in China they believe that those people whose year has arrived are insulting the great deity of time, Tai-Sui, and may face trials. Therefore, the Year of Destiny is considered a time of unexpected changes and anxieties here.

Find out, How to keep good luck in your year (Benmingnian) and about the traditions of modern China.

Zodiac signs - why these 12 animals?

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely related to everyday life Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck.

Ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog are the six animals traditionally kept in Chinese household. A famous saying in China says: "Six animals in the house means prosperity". This is why these six animals were chosen.

The other six are the rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - animals very beloved in Chinese culture.

Zodiac signs - why in this order?

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac presented in a certain order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.

The Yin and Yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. The animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: "Things are valued by their rarity". Therefore, the Rat comes first among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd Yang and even Yin traits:
4+5=9, where Yang is dominant and therefore the rats are ultimately classified as odd (Yang).

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

IN Ancient China Each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite to those of the other animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang.

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony.

Animal of the Zodiac Sign Proverb
Rat Wisdom Wisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
Bull Hard work Hard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
Tiger Bravery Bravery without caution leads to recklessness.
Rabbit Caution Caution without courage leads to cowardice.
The Dragon Force Strength without flexibility leads to destruction.
Snake Flexibility Flexibility without strength leads to infringement.
Horse Striving forward Striving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
Goat Unity Unity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
Monkey Changeability Changeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
Rooster Constancy Constancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
Dog Loyalty Loyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
Pig Friendliness Friendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.

Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Everyone knows that in the Chinese zodiac every year is associated with a certain animal, but not everyone knows that in Chinese culture there are also 12 zodiac signs used to indicate time.

In ancient times, before the invention of clocks, the earthly branches (the cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle of the Chinese zodiac) were used to indicate time in China. For convenience, we resorted to the names of the 12 animals of the zodiac, allocating 2 hours for each sign.

According to Chinese astrology, a person’s character and life are largely determined not by the year, but by the hour of birth. And these data are widely used in the analysis of personality type and fate.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Legend of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

We'll talk about how Jade Emperor- the lord of heaven - decided to choose 12 animals so that they would guard his peace.